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A learning-based approach to artificial sensory feedback leads to optimal integration

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Proprioception—the sense of the body's position in space—is important to natural movement planning and execution and will likewise be necessary for successful motor prostheses and brain–machine interfaces (BMIs). Here we demonstrate that monkeys were able to learn to use an initially unfamiliar multichannel intracortical microstimulation signal, which provided continuous information about hand position relative to an unseen target, to complete accurate reaches. Furthermore, monkeys combined this artificial signal with vision to form an optimal, minimum-variance estimate of relative hand position. These results demonstrate that a learning-based approach can be used to provide a rich artificial sensory feedback signal, suggesting a new strategy for restoring proprioception to patients using BMIs, as well as a powerful new tool for studying the adaptive mechanisms of sensory integration.

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Figure 1: Behavioral task and sensory feedback.
Figure 2: Comparison of task performance across sensory feedback conditions.
Figure 3: Evolution of performance over training (monkey F).
Figure 4: Monkeys estimate both target distance and direction from sensory feedback.
Figure 5: Directed error correction.
Figure 6: Integration of vision and ICMS minimizes reach variance.

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We thank M.R. Fellows for initial behavioral training; R.R. Torres for suggesting the 2AFC task for ICMS detection; A. Leggitt for help with data analysis; K.B. Andrews and K. MacLeod for animal-related support; and J.G. Makin, A. Yazdan-Shahmorad and T.L. Hanson for discussion and comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Reorganization and Plasticity to Accelerate Injury Recovery (REPAIR; N66001-10-C-2010) and the US National Institutes of Health NEI (EY015679, EY007120).

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



M.C.D. and P.N.S. designed the experiments; M.C.D. and J.E.O. developed and tested multielectrode stimulation capabilities, including behavioral validation; M.C.D. performed the experiments; M.C.D. and P.N.S. analyzed the data; M.C.D., P.N.S. and J.E.O. wrote the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Philip N Sabes.

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Competing interests

The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Integrated supplementary information

Supplementary Figure 1 Virtual reality environment.

Animals sit in a virtual reality environment without direct view of the arm. A mirror reflects images on rear–project screen and is adjusted so that visual cues appear in the horizontal plane of the reaching hand. Hand position was tracked electromagnetically (Polhemus Liberty, Colchester, VT), and feedback about the position of the hand, relative to the target, was delivered via a random–dot visual flow field (inset) or via patterned ICMS.

Supplementary Figure 2 Physiological properties of stimulated somatosensory cortex.

Location of electrode arrays within S1 (right) and example neuronal receptive fields (left) for Monkey D (top) and Monkey F (bottom). Colored circles (right) indicate array locations corresponding to the matching colored receptive fields (left). Neurons responded mainly to light touch; circles with dark borders correspond to cells that responded to limb movements (active and passive).

Supplementary Figure 3 Evolution of performance over training.

Behavioral performance measures are shown as a function of the cumulative number of VIS+ICMS trials performed (training and testing) for Monkey D. The data, collected during testing sessions, were smoothed for clarity (Gaussian window with standard deviation of 2.8 training sessions, translating to approximately 2,500 training trials for Monkey D). The visual coherence on training trials was decreased across training sessions (indicated by gray bars at the bottom of the figure and vertical gray lines at the transitions). The left, thin green line denotes the onset of ICMS–only trials, where target sizes were temporarily larger than in the other trial conditions; the right, thick green line denotes the beginning of ICMS-trials with targets of standard size. (a) percent correct trials; (b) number of movement segments measured online error corrections; (c) movement time for the trial is normalized by the initial distance to the reach target; (d) path length, normalized as in c. See Supplementary Table 1 for additional details on the training and testing schedule.

Supplementary Figure 4 Sample movement paths.

Sample movement paths from randomly selected successful trials for Monkeys D (a) and F (b) for seven feedback conditions. Each reach begins at the fixed central starting point and ends within the unseen reach target (here depicted in gray for clarity).

Supplementary Figure 5 Additional analyses of initial angle.

(a), Standard deviation of initial angle (relative to target angle) for the different trial types and visual coherences. Plots follow the same conventions as Figure 6a in the main text. This figure demonstrates that the qualitative results of the main text—in particular the good correspondence with the minimum variance model of sensory integration—are not an artifact of the subtracting the smoothed estimates of mean initial angle used there. Error bars denote standard error of the mean. (b) Smoothed mean initial angle for Monkey F, relative to the target angle. Monkey F did not exhibit the marked differences in mean initial angle across feedback types that were observed for Monkey D (Figure 6b, main text). (c) Visual cue weighting for Monkey F in the VIS+ICMS trials, as a function of dot–field coherence. The results are consistent with the minimum variance model, however the analysis has poor statistical power due to the similarity in mean initial angle across feedback types. Blue filled circles: visual cue weighting estimated from data; black unfilled circles: minimum variance model prediction; error–bars: bootstrapped estimates of standard error.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Text and Figures

Supplementary Figures 1–5 and Supplementary Tables 1–4 (PDF 1044 kb)

Supplementary Methods Checklist (PDF 347 kb)

Sample trial of monkey F reaching with VIS+ICMS feedback.

This video is generated from behavioral data collected on 29 Dec., 2013. The left panel shows a simulated version of a portion of the virtual reality environment that the monkey viewed during the trial: position of the fingertip (filled white circle), dot field (here displayed at 100% coherence for clarity; the coherence presented to the monkey for this trial was 50%), and start target (open green circle, radius 10 mm). The right panel shows the patterns of ICMS delivered during the trial, where each vertical line denotes a pulse of stimulation from an electrode with a preferred direction indicated by the corresponding red arrow at left. Stimulation rasters shown have been subsampled for clarity. In the video, the monkey is shown first acquiring the start target. After an instructed delay interval, during which VIS+ICMS information about the instructed movement vector become available, a go cue sounds (noted by text), and the monkey completes the reach to the unseen, 12 mm radius reach target (illustrated here with dashed white circle). (MP4 872 kb)

Sample trial of monkey F reaching with only ICMS feedback.

This video is generated from behavioral data collected on 29 Dec., 2013. The left panel shows a simulated version of a portion of the virtual reality environment that the monkey viewed during the trial: position of the fingertip (filled white circle), dot field (here displayed at 100% coherence for clarity; the coherence presented to the monkey for this trial was 50%), and start target (open green circle, radius 10 mm). The right panel shows the patterns of ICMS delivered during the trial, where each vertical line denotes a pulse of stimulation from an electrode with a preferred direction indicated by the corresponding red arrow at left. Stimulation rasters shown have been subsampled for clarity. In the video, the monkey is shown first acquiring the start target. After an instructed delay interval, during which ICMS information about the instructed movement vector become available, a go cue sounds (noted by text), and the monkey completes the reach to the unseen, 12 mm radius reach target (illustrated here with dashed white circle). (MP4 121 kb)

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Dadarlat, M., O'Doherty, J. & Sabes, P. A learning-based approach to artificial sensory feedback leads to optimal integration. Nat Neurosci 18, 138–144 (2015).

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