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Global dynamic topography observations reveal limited influence of large-scale mantle flow

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Convective circulation of the Earth’s mantle maintains some fraction of surface topography that varies with space and time. Most predictive models show that this dynamic topography has peak amplitudes of about ±2 km, dominated by wavelengths of 104 km. Here, we test these models against our comprehensive observational database of 2,120 spot measurements of dynamic topography that were determined by analysing oceanic seismic surveys. These accurate measurements have typical peak amplitudes of ±1 km and wavelengths of approximately 103 km, and are combined with limited continental constraints to generate a global spherical harmonic model, the robustness of which has been carefully tested and benchmarked. Our power spectral analysis reveals significant discrepancies between observed and predicted dynamic topography. At longer wavelengths (such as 104 km), observed dynamic topography has peak amplitudes of about ±500 m. At shorter wavelengths (such as 103 km), significant dynamic topography is still observed. We show that these discrepancies can be explained if short-wavelength dynamic topography is generated by temperature-driven density anomalies within a sub-plate asthenospheric channel. Stratigraphic observations from adjacent continental margins show that these dynamic topographic signals evolve quickly with time. More rapid temporal and spatial changes in vertical displacement of the Earth’s surface have direct consequences for fields as diverse as mantle flow, oceanic circulation and long-term climate change.

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Figure 1: Maps of seismic and residual topographic databases.
Figure 2: Images of oceanic crust.
Figure 3: Transects along oldest oceanic crust of South Atlantic margins.
Figure 4: Observed dynamic topography.
Figure 5: Residual misfit and power spectra.
Figure 6: Viscosity, velocity and density structure of mantle.

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  • 13 May 2016

    In the version of the Article originally published, the link in the 'Data and code sources' section of the Methods was incorrect and should have been ''. This has been corrected in all versions of the Article.

  • 09 June 2016

    In the version of the Article corrected on 13 May 2016, the location of the data accessed via the link provided in the 'Data and code sources' section of the Methods proved unsuitable. The link has now been removed and the isostatic and spherical harmonic inversion codes are available on request from the corresponding authors. This information has been corrected in the online versions of the Article.


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This research was supported by a BP-Cambridge collaboration. We are grateful to ION for permission to publish partial seismic reflection profiles shown in Fig. 2 from their IndiaSPAN and Greater BrasilSPAN data sets. We thank J. Austermann, P. Bellingham, J. Braun, R. Buck, A. Bump, H.-P. Bunge, R. Corfield, A. Crosby, K. Czarnota, M. Falder, A. Forte, I. Frame, S. Ghelichkhan, D. Glassey, T. Heyn, B. Horn, S. Kisin, D. Lyness, L. Mackay, K. McDermott, D. McKenzie, R. Parnell-Turner, F. Richards, G. Roberts, B. Schuberth, B. Steinberger, E. Stirling, M. Thompson, J. Weismüller, J. Wilson and J. Winterbourne for their help. Figures were prepared using Generic Mapping Tools and routines from the SHTOOLS package were used in the spherical harmonic analysis. Earth Sciences contribution esc.3605.

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This project was conceived and managed by N.W.; M.J.H. processed, interpreted and modelled the databases with guidance from N.W. and D.A.-A. The paper was written by all three authors.

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Correspondence to M. J. Hoggard or N. White.

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Hoggard, M., White, N. & Al-Attar, D. Global dynamic topography observations reveal limited influence of large-scale mantle flow. Nature Geosci 9, 456–463 (2016).

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