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Transcription factors mediate condensin recruitment and global chromosomal organization in fission yeast

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It is becoming clear that structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes (SMC) complexes such as condensin and cohesin are involved in three-dimensional genome organization, yet their exact roles in functional organization remain unclear. We used chromatin interaction analysis by paired-end tag sequencing (ChIA-PET) to comprehensively identify genome-wide associations mediated by condensin and cohesin in fission yeast. We found that although cohesin and condensin often bind to the same loci, they direct different association networks and generate small and larger chromatin domains, respectively. Cohesin mediates associations between loci positioned within 100 kb of each other; condensin can drive longer-range associations. Moreover, condensin, but not cohesin, connects cell cycle–regulated genes bound by mitotic transcription factors. This study describes the different functions of condensin and cohesin in genome organization and how specific transcription factors function in condensin loading, cell cycle–dependent genome organization and mitotic chromosome organization to support faithful chromosome segregation.

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Figure 1: Condensin binds to cell cycle–regulated Pol II genes.
Figure 2: Different sizes of chromatin domains are formed by condensin and cohesin.
Figure 3: Condensin and cohesin mediate different gene associations.
Figure 4: Condensin-dependent associations of Ace2 target genes.
Figure 5: Ace2 target sites form domain boundaries.
Figure 6: Condensin recruited by Ace2 and Ams2 associates a gene locus with centromeres.
Figure 7: Mitotic defects caused by the ace2Δ and the boundary deletions.

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We would like to thank the Wistar Institute genomics and bioinformatics facilities for high-throughput sequencing and genomic data analyses; the Wistar imaging facility for microscopic analysis; and the Yeast Genetic Resource Center (YGRC) for fission yeast strains. We also thank L. Showe, P. Lieberman and R. Locke for critically reading the manuscript, and S. Shaffer for editorial assistance. This work was supported by the G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation and the NIH Director's New Innovator Award Program of the National Institutes of Health under award number (DP2-OD004348 to K.N.). Support for shared resources used in this study was provided by Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) P30CA010815 to the Wistar Institute.

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H.T. performed the bioinformatics analyses. O.I. performed the tethering assays. K.-D.K. performed ChIA-PET and other experiments. K.N. conceived and designed the study. All authors contributed to analyzing the data and writing the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Ken-ichi Noma.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Integrated supplementary information

Supplementary Figure 1 Genome-wide distributions of condensin (Cut14) and cohesin (Rad21) estimated from ChIA-PET data

(a) Distribution profiles of Cut14-Pk and Rad21-Myc throughout the fission yeast genome. Positions of tRNA and 5S rRNA genes and LTRs are shown at the bottom.

(b) Venn diagram showing the overlap between Cut14 and Rad21 binding sites. Significant peaks located within same windows (100 bp) were counted as co-localization.

(c) Average binding patterns of Cut14-Pk and Rad21-Myc at tRNA and 5S rRNA genes.

(d) Average binding patterns of Rad21-Myc (top) and Cut14-Pk (bottom) at the indicated gene contexts. Convergent gene contexts were classified into two groups as depicted to the left. Arrows indicate genes. Every other combination including a divergent context was included in the ‘other’ context.

(e) ChIP results showing enrichment of Ace2-Myc at the indicated loci. The leu1 gene serves as a negative control.

(f) List of Ace2 target genes bound by condensin. Locations of Ace2 motif, CCAGCC(A/T), relative to transcriptional start sites are shown. Two potential Ace2 target genes (red) were newly identified by this study based on Ace2 binding, presence of the Ace2 motifs, and cell cycle-specific gene expression.

Supplementary Figure 2 Condensin- and cohesin-mediated chromatin domains

(a) Condensin-mediated intra-chromosomal associations between 20 kb genomic sections. Boundary indexes were calculated as described in Supplementary Methods. Boundary index, Cut14-Pk binding score, and gene annotations are shown below the association maps. Dotted lines indicate positions of predicted domain boundaries.

(b) Relation between contact probability and distances between genomic loci. Association frequencies between 100 bp genomic sections separated by same distances were used to calculate contact probabilities.

(c) Overlaps of domain boundaries estimated from Rad21 ChIA-PET and Hi-C data25.

(d) Average binding pattern of Rad21-Myc at predicted cohesin boundaries.

(e) Average boundary index score at convergent gene loci. The classes 1 and 2 and others are explained in Supplementary Fig. 1d.

(f) Relation between contact probabilities of Rad21 ChIA-PET and Hi-C data. Association frequencies between 100 bp genomic sections separated by same distances were used to calculate contact probabilities.

Supplementary Figure 3 Condensin- and cohesin-mediated significant gene associations.

(a,b) Classification of condensin (Cut14-Pk, a)- and cohesin (Rad21-Myc, b)-mediated associations. Numbers immediately beneath the respective genetic elements indicate numbers of condensin and cohesin association spots assigned to the indicated genetic elements. Every association was classified to the indicated combinations, and numbers in parentheses indicate observed association numbers. As a randomized simulation, every combination of association spots was categorized based on their distances, whereby each category comprises more than 400 combinations with similar distances. Every association observed in ChIA-PET data was randomly re-assigned to combinations with similar distances. This distance-conserved randomization was repeated 1000 times, and average numbers of association frequencies for respective genetic combinations were calculated. These average numbers were compared to frequencies of observed significant associations that belong to the respective genetic combinations, and their ratios are shown. There were 905 and 805 significant associations mediated by condensin and cohesin, respectively. Highly active genes are among the top 10% highest transcribed Pol II genes, and cell-cycle genes represent Ace2 and Ams2 target genes. Convergent genes indicate class 1 convergent genes.

(c) Condensin-mediated significant associations between association spots across the genome are shown at the bottom. Orange boxes represent the centromere-proximal regions (~600 kb). Heat maps of condensin-mediated associations at a 20 kb resolution and boundaries (purple lines) are shown on top.

(d) Enlarged view of condensin-mediated significant associations within the genomic region indicated by the open box in panel c.

(e) Cohesin-mediated significant associations at the indicated genomic region.

Supplementary Figure 4 Condensin-mediated associations of Ams2 target histone genes.

(a) ChIP result showing Cut14-Pk condensin enrichment at the Ams2 target genes (hta2, hht1, and hht2) during the cell cycle. The cell cycle was synchronized as described in Fig. 4a.

(b) FISH analysis co-visualizing the Ams2 target gene locus (hta1) and centromeres during the cell cycle. Representative FISH images of mitotic/M (T40) and G2 (T100) cells are shown above the graph. Nuclei were stained by DAPI (blue). The distance between two FISH foci was measured in more than 100 cells at the respective time points and binned into one of the three categories (top right).

(c) FISH analysis visualizing the indicated loci and centromeres in WT and cut14-208 condensin mutant cells during mitosis. Hydroxyurea (HU) block/release experiments were performed for the cell-cycle synchronization as diagramed at top. Exponentially growing cells were arrested in S phase by culturing in YEA medium containing 11 mM HU at 30°C for 4 hours, released by further culturing without HU for 80 minutes at the elevated temperature (36°C), because the cut14-208 mutation is temperature-sensitive6. The distance between the paired loci was summarized as described in panel b. Typical FISH images were shown below the graphs.

(d) ChIP result showing enrichment of Cut14-Pk at the Ams2 targets (hht1, hta2, and hhf1) and the leu1 gene (negative control) in WT and ams2∆ cells.

(e) FISH-IF analysis visualizing the Ace2 target (eng1) and Ams2 target genes (hht2 and hta1) with centromeres in WT and pcs1∆ mitotic cells. The c110 negative control locus is not bound by condensin. Mitotic cells were prepared by the same HU block/release procedure described in panel c. FISH analysis was accompanied by IF staining, which visualizes spindle microtubules. Mitotic cells were defined by spindle staining, and the distance between two FISH foci was measured in more than 50 mitotic cells and binned into one of the three categories.

In panels a and d, data are represented as mean ± SD.

Supplementary Figure 5 Condensin-mediated associations in mitotic cells.

(a) Summary of Cut14-Pk (condensin) binding sites in cells from asynchronous and synchronous cultures (mitotic/M and G2). Active genes are among the top 10% highest transcribed Pol II genes.

(b) Average binding patterns of Cut14-Pk at tRNA and 5S rRNA genes in the indicated cell types.

(c) Binding patterns of Cut14-Pk at the Ace2 target (mid2) and Ams2 target histone gene (hta2). Red bars indicate Ace2 and Ams2 binding motifs.

(d) IF visualization of cohesin (Rad21-Myc) and condensin (Cut14-Pk) during the cell cycle. The cell cycle was synchronized using the cdc25-22 mutation.

(e) Condensin-mediated associations between 20 kb genomic sections across the chromosome I were estimated for mitotic cells. Boundary index is shown beneath the association map. Dotted lines indicate positions of predicted domain boundaries. For comparison, the asynchronous data are also shown below.

(f) Overlaps of condensin boundaries in asynchronous and mitotic cells.

(g) Relation between contact probability and distances between genomic loci. Association frequencies between 100 bp genomic sections separated by same distances were used to calculate contact probabilities.

(h) To evaluate a similarity of the asynchronous and mitotic ChIA-PET data, the genome was divided into 20 kb bins, and association frequencies between bins were compared.

(i) Condensin-mediated significant associations between association spots across the mitotic chromosomes. Yellow indicates centromeres.

(j) Frequencies of condensin- and cohesin-mediated significant associations were plotted against distance. Associations were divided into 100 kb bins. Note that the condensin ChIA-PET data from asynchronous and mitotic cells mainly consisted of significant associations between two loci positioned more than 100 kb apart, and that the distance decays were very similar.

Supplementary Figure 6 Ace2 and Ams2 recruit condensin without involving Sep1 and Tbp1.

(a) A schematic of the tethering assay. The recruitment of Tbp1-Myc and Sep1-Myc was tested when TF (transcription factor, Ace2 or Ams2) fused to LacI-3Flag was tethered to lacO repeats at the c887 locus.

(b,c) Cells expressing Ace2 or Ams2 fused to LacI-3Flag were subjected to ChIP experiments to detect LacI-3Flag fusion proteins (blue bars), Sep1-Myc (red bars in panel b), and Tbp1-Myc (red bars in panel c) at the lacO repeats-flanking region. As a negative control (N.C.), cells carrying an empty vector were used for the same analysis. The same samples were used to detect Sep1-Myc and Tbp1-Myc at their endogenous targets, psy1 and hht2, respectively (green bars)2,3. Data are represented as mean ± SD.

Supplementary Figure 7 Stabilization of Ace2 and Ams2 proteins in the condensin mutant.

(a-c) Expression of the indicted genes in WT and cut14-208 condensin mutant cells. The WT and cut14-208 mutant were cultured at the restrictive temperature (36°C) for 2 hours. Relative expression of the Ace2 target genes (eng1 and adg2; panel a), Ams2 target genes (hht1, hhf1, hht3, hhf3, and hta2; panel b), and other cell cycle-regulated genes (ace2, ams2, slp1, and rph1; panel c) was estimated by qRT-PCR. Expression level of the leu1 gene was used as an internal control. * and ** indicate p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively.

(d) WT and cut14-208 cells were cultured at 36°C for 2 hours, and cell extracts were subjected to immunoblot analysis to detect Ace2-Myc and Ams2-Myc proteins. Tubulin serves as a loading control.

(e,f) IF visualization of Ace2-Myc or Ams2-Myc proteins in WT and cut14-208 cells. Ace2-Myc and Ams2-Myc were expressed from their endogenous gene loci with their own promoters. Cells were cultured at 36°C for 2 hours and subjected to IF analysis.

(g,h) Stability of Ace2 and Ams2 proteins in WT and cut14-208 cells. Experimental procedures are depicted on top. After cycloheximide (CHX) was added to culture medium (final concentration of 100 µg/ml), Ace2-Myc (g) and Ams2-Myc (h) proteins were monitored at the indicated time points26.

(i) Schematic of the experimental procedures employed in panels j-l. The cell cycle was arrested by the HU treatment at S phase and released by further culturing without HU.

(j) Cell cycle progression was monitored in WT and cut14-208 cells by following the septation index and the percentage of dead cells caused by mitotic defects.

(k) Western blot analysis detecting Ams2-Myc proteins at the indicated time points after HU release. Equal sample loading was confirmed by Ponceau-S staining.

(l) qRT-PCR analysis estimating transcript levels of the Ams2 target genes (hht1, hhf1, and hta2) and the ams2 gene in the WT (left) and cut14-208 mutant (right).

In panels a-c and l, data are represented as mean ± SD.

Supplementary information

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Supplementary Figures 1–7, Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Note (PDF 2323 kb)

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Kim, KD., Tanizawa, H., Iwasaki, O. et al. Transcription factors mediate condensin recruitment and global chromosomal organization in fission yeast. Nat Genet 48, 1242–1252 (2016).

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