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Cage connectivity and frontier π orbitals govern the relative stability of charged fullerene isomers

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Fullerene anions and cations have unique structural, electronic, magnetic and chemical properties that make them substantially different from neutral fullerenes. Although much theoretical effort has been devoted to characterizing and predicting their properties, this has been limited to a fraction of isomeric forms, mostly for fullerene anions, and has practically ignored fullerene cations. Here we show that the concepts of cage connectivity and frontier π orbitals allow one to understand the relative stability of charged fullerene isomers without performing elaborate quantum chemistry calculations. The latter is not a trivial matter, as the number of possible isomers for a medium-sized fullerene is many more than 100,000. The model correctly predicts the structures observed experimentally and explains why the isolated pentagon rule is often violated for fullerene anions, but the opposite is found for fullerene cations. These predictions are relevant in fields as diverse as astrophysics, electrochemistry and supramolecular chemistry.

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Figure 1: Relative energies of three isomers of C70 containing, respectively, 0, 2 and 3 adjacent pentagon pairs.
Figure 2: Relationship between isomer structure and cage connectivity, and between the latter and the properties of the π molecular orbitals, for two isomers of C90.
Figure 3: Correlation between the charge stabilization energy CSEiq, resulting from SCC-DFTB calculations, and the variation of π energy Xiq, predicted by the HMO model, due to addition or removal of |q| electrons to (from) the corresponding neutral isomer i.
Figure 4: Relative values of the charge stabilization index ΔCSI for the charged fullerene isomers.
Figure 5: Changes in bond orders (in units of –2β) resulting from charging the C76, C80 and C92 fullerenes.

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The authors acknowledge the allocation of computer time at the Centro de Computación Científica at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCC-UAM). This work was supported by MINECO projects FIS2013-42002-R, FIS2013-40667-P and CTQ2013-43698-P, CAM project NANOFRONTMAG-CM (ref. S2013/MIT-2850) and the European COST Action CM1204 XLIC. S.D.-T. acknowledges support from the ‘Ramón y Cajal’ programme.

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Y.W., S.D.-T., M.A. and F.M. conceived and designed the calculations. Y.W. performed the calculations. Y.W., S.D.-T., M.A. and F.M. analysed the data. Y.W. contributed materials/analysis tools. F.M. wrote the paper.

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Correspondence to Fernando Martín.

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Wang, Y., Díaz-Tendero, S., Alcamí, M. et al. Cage connectivity and frontier π orbitals govern the relative stability of charged fullerene isomers. Nature Chem 7, 927–934 (2015).

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