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Single-cell topological RNA-seq analysis reveals insights into cellular differentiation and development

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Transcriptional programs control cellular lineage commitment and differentiation during development. Understanding of cell fate has been advanced by studying single-cell RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) but is limited by the assumptions of current analytic methods regarding the structure of data. We present single-cell topological data analysis (scTDA), an algorithm for topology-based computational analyses to study temporal, unbiased transcriptional regulation. Unlike other methods, scTDA is a nonlinear, model-independent, unsupervised statistical framework that can characterize transient cellular states. We applied scTDA to the analysis of murine embryonic stem cell (mESC) differentiation in vitro in response to inducers of motor neuron differentiation. scTDA resolved asynchrony and continuity in cellular identity over time and identified four transient states (pluripotent, precursor, progenitor, and fully differentiated cells) based on changes in stage-dependent combinations of transcription factors, RNA-binding proteins, and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). scTDA can be applied to study asynchronous cellular responses to either developmental cues or environmental perturbations.

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Figure 1: Topological analysis of longitudinal single-cell RNA-seq data.
Figure 2: Comparison of algorithms for ordering cellular states.
Figure 3: Differentiation of pluripotent mESCs into motor neurons (MN).
Figure 4: Cellular populations during motor neuron differentiation.
Figure 5: Differential gene expression in neurogenesis.
Figure 6: scTDA analysis of mouse and human developmental data sets.

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We thank T. Jessell, N. Francis, and H. Phatnani for critical reading of the manuscript. A.H.R. and T.M. thank the New York Genome Center and D. Goldstein for sequencing support, S. Morton for providing Engrailed antibody, and P. Sims for experimental discussions. P.G.C. and R.R. thank A.J. Levine, G. Carlsson, F. Abate, I. Filip, S. Zairis, U. Rubin, and P. van Nieuwenhuizen for useful comments and discussions, O.T. Elliott for technical support with the online database, and Ayasdi Inc. for technical support. The work of P.G.C. and R.R. is supported by the NIH grants U54-CA193313-01 and R01GM117591. The work of A.H.R., E.K.K., T.J.R. and T.M. is supported by ALS Therapy Alliance grant ATA-2013-F-056 and NIH grant NS088992.

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Authors and Affiliations



P.G.C. and R.R. developed the topology-based computational approach (scTDA) and applied it to single cell RNA sequencing data. A.H.R., E.K.K., and T.M. designed all experiments. A.H.R., E.K.K., and T.J.R. conducted experiments. I.S. conducted all flow cytometry. A.H.R., P.G.C., E.K.K., T.M., and R.R. analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Tom Maniatis or Raul Rabadan.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Text and Figures

Supplementary Figures 1–20, Supplementary Table 1, and Supplementary Notes 1 and 2 (PDF 9143 kb)

Supplementary Tables 2–4

All genes; Ontology; lncRNAs. (XLSX 3377 kb)

Supplementary Table 5

All genes characterization of the expression profile in the topological representation of 80 embryonic (E18.5) mouse lung 35 epithelial cells. (XLSX 542 kb)

Supplementary Table 6

Characterization of the expression profile in the topological representation of 1,529 individual cells from 88 human preimplantation embryos. (XLSX 1929 kb)

Supplementary Table 7

All genes characterization of the expression profile in the topological representation of 272 newborn neurons from the mouse neocortex. (XLSX 1660 kb)

Supplementary Table 8

Barcoded reverse transcription primers utilized in motor neuron differentiation experiment 2. (XLSX 5 kb)

Supplementary Code

Python code for single-cell topological data analysis (scTDA). Also available at (TXT 94 kb)

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Rizvi, A., Camara, P., Kandror, E. et al. Single-cell topological RNA-seq analysis reveals insights into cellular differentiation and development. Nat Biotechnol 35, 551–560 (2017).

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