
For more than a century, it has been known that angiosperm roots display interspersed passage cells in their suberized endodermis4. In monocots, these cells remain thin-walled and unsuberized for many months4, which suggests that passage cells represent a stable cell fate. In Arabidopsis, passage cells have only sporadically been mentioned and the scarce experiments that have addressed the function of these cells have mostly been correlative3,5. Although the molecular basis of passage cell development is as yet unknown, suberization in Arabidopsis follows a stereotypic pattern2 that has recently been shown to be highly responsive to many stress conditions, mediated by abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene2. In the zone of continuous suberization, we found individual cells that lacked suberin deposition (Fig. 1a), which was reliably paralleled by a live marker for suberization2 (Extended Data Fig. 1a–c). Using a marker for the xylem-pole pericycle (Extended Data Fig. 1d), we demonstrate a close association between these suberin-lacking cells and the xylem pole (Extended Data Fig. 1f); this close association is a second defining feature of passage cells3. Similar to other angiosperms, suberization in Arabidopsis begins above the phloem pole, approximately four cells closer to the root tip than above the xylem pole3 (Extended Data Fig. 1g, h). Although passage cells appear randomly along the longitudinal axis and are not correlated with sites of lateral root emergence, they are sometimes clustered and have a tendency to decrease towards the hypocotyl (Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 1e). To understand the mechanism that determines the association between passage cells and the xylem pole, we investigated mutants of genes involved in xylem patterning. Two cytokinin-related mutants, ahp6-1 (also known as hp6-1) and log4, showed reduced numbers of passage cells without affecting overall suberization (Fig. 1c, d). AHP6 attenuates cytokinin responses6, and LOG4 is involved in cytokinin biosynthesis7,8. Auxin–cytokinin interactions are essential to establish the bisymmetric pattern of phloem and xylem poles9,10. The preferential accumulation of auxin in xylem precursors is thought to lead to the expression of AHP6 and LOG4, turning these cells into a cytokinin-refractory cytokinin source. Higher levels of cytokinin signalling in neighbouring cells then induces procambium and/or phloem pole cells8, which in turn usher more auxin towards xylem precursors and thereby establish complementary domains of auxin and cytokinin perception10. We hypothesized that these bisymmetric signalling domains also cause the association of passage cells with the xylem pole.

Figure 1: Presence and distribution of passage cells in Arabidopsis.
figure 1

a, Representative suberized endodermis and xylem-pole pericycle visualized by a suberin (GPAT5) and xylem-pole pericycle (XPP) reporter, using plasma-membrane-localized mCitrine–SYP122 or 3mCherry–SYP122 reporters, respectively. Asterisk, passage cell. b, Top, scoring of lateral root primordia (white squares) and passage cells (black circles) from the start of the fully suberized zone (0%) to the hypocotyl junction (100%). Bottom, 5% binning of data from top panel (grey bars), and trend of passage-cell density along the suberized zone (red line) c, Passage-cell occurrence in Col-0 plants, and ahp6-1 and log4 mutants. d, Suberization in Col-0 plants, and ahp6-1 and log4 mutants. En, endodermis; PP, phloem pole. Bar graphs represent mean ± s.d. and boxplot centres show median. In all graphs, dots represent individual data points. For all stacked graphs, there are three measurements per root: unsuberized zone, white; patchy zone, grey; and suberized zone, yellow. Individual letters show significantly different groups according to a post hoc Bonferroni-adjusted paired two-sided t-test. The prime symbols indicate that t-tests were performed on measurements within identical zones, that is two primes for suberized, one prime for patchy and none for unsuberised. For more information on data plots, see Methods. The image in a is representative of five independent lines. n, independent biological samples. For individual P values, see Supplementary Table 2. Scale bars, 25 μm.

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Using a cytokinin-response marker11, we observed responses in the suberized root zone. Although cytokinin response markers were observed most frequently in the pericycle, they were also observed in the suberized endodermis (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 2b) but not in passage cells, which indicates an absent or attenuated cytokinin response in the latter cells (Fig. 2a). By observing the transcriptional expression patterns of most genes of the Arabidopsis response regulator (ARR) family, which contains negative (A-type) and positive (B-type) transcriptional regulators of cytokinin signalling12,13,14, we found that repressive A-type ARR3 and ARR6, as well as the B-type ARR14, were expressed in passage cells; suberized endodermal cells, however, showed no expression of A-type ARRs (Extended Data Fig. 2c, d). This demonstrates that passage cells have a distinct set of cytokinin-response regulators and possibly explains their attenuated cytokinin response. Our inability to detect ARRs in suberized endodermis might be due to their low abundance in these cells or the fact that not all ARRs were represented in our marker set. Using the standard DR5 reporter, we detected auxin signalling only in vasculature and tissues surrounding lateral root primordia (Fig. 2b and Extended Data Fig. 2a). Using an improved version of the auxin reporter15, however, we observed additional signals that were restricted to xylem-pole endodermal cells but were not exclusive to passage cells (Fig. 2b). Passage cells are therefore associated with differential auxin and cytokinin responses within the circumference of the late endodermis.

Figure 2: Cytokinin and auxin regulate endodermal patterning and passage cell formation.
figure 2

a, Representative image depicting expression of the cytokinin response marker TCSn (ER–GFP, green; ER, endoplasmic reticulum) or the suberin reporter GPAT5 (NLS–3mCherry, red; NLS, nuclear localization signal) in fully suberized endodermis. b, Expression of auxin signalling reporter DR5v2 (NLS–tdTomato, blue), or DR5 (NLS–3mVenus, yellow) and suberin marker GPAT5 (3mCherry–SYP122, red) in fully suberized endodermis. Red dots, individual data points. c, d, Occurrence of passage cells in seedlings germinated on indicated hormones (c) or after 24-h hormone incubation (d). Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), mock treatment. Black dots, individual data points. e, Optical sections through suberized endodermis. Suberin and xylem-pole pericycle highlighted as in Fig. 1a. Blue lines, length of a single cell in xylem or phloem pole. f, Distribution of suberized endodermal cell length in xylem or phloem pole of plants germinated on mock (DMSO) or cytokinin plates. Numbers depict average lengths of xylem-pole (red) or phloem-pole (grey) endodermal cells. Asterisks indicate passage cells and arrowheads indicate passage-cell nuclei. BA, benzyl adenine; NAA, naphthalene acetic acid; Max, maximum projection; St, stele. Boxplot centres show median. Statistically significant differences between groups were tested using a post hoc Bonferroni-adjusted paired two-sided t-test. In a, b and e, image is representative of eight independent lines. n, independent biological samples. In c, **P < 0.01, two-tailed t-test. Dots represent mean, error bars are s.d. and n = 25 independent biological replicas for each treatment. For more information regarding data plots, see Methods. For individual P values, see Supplementary Table 2. Scale bars, 25 μm.

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Germinating seedlings on auxin increased the number of passage cells, but only at concentrations that also affected root growth (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 3). By contrast, cytokinin decreased passage-cell numbers even at concentrations that did not affect root growth (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 3). ABA strongly promotes endodermal suberization, and caused enhanced and precocious deposition of suberin2. As both ABA and cytokinin decreased the number of passage cells (Fig. 2c), we investigated how the two hormones might be connected. Seedling transfer to ABA-containing, but not to cytokinin-containing, plates for 24 h led to passage-cell closure (Fig. 2d), which was already observable after 9 h (Extended Data Fig. 4). This indicates that ABA can act during the late stages of endodermal development, whereas cytokinin affects meristematic patterning events. We observed that xylem-pole endodermal cell length is about half that of phloem-pole cells (Fig. 2e, f). Similar dimorphisms have previously been described for other species4 and could arise from a cytokinin-dependent delay of exit from the division zone in xylem-pole-associated cells16,17.

Increasing concentrations of cytokinin increased the average length of xylem-pole-associated endodermal cells, which then approached the length of phloem-pole cells (Fig. 2f and Extended Data Fig. 5f). Consistent with its antagonistic action, auxin decreased the length of xylem-pole cells (Extended Data Fig. 5e); ABA did not affect endodermal cell length (Extended Data Fig. 5d). These data indicate that cytokinin causes a difference between xylem- and phloem-pole-associated endodermis in the transition zone; we use this difference as an early read-out of bisymmetric patterning within the endodermis (Extended Data Fig. 5g).

To test whether cytokinin and auxin act directly in the endodermis, we specifically overexpressed cytokinin- or auxin-signalling suppressors in all differentiating endodermal cells. Cytokinin inhibition caused an almost complete absence of suberization, as if all endodermal cells had acquired a passage-cell identity (Extended Data Fig. 5a–c and Extended Data Fig. 6a–d). This suppression of suberization could not be antagonized by ABA, supporting a model in which cytokinin signalling determines the responsiveness of endodermal cells to ABA (Extended Data Fig. 6e). Suberization persisted around lateral root emergence sites, which suggests that in these areas suberization is independent of cytokinin (Extended Data Fig. 5a). When inhibiting endodermal auxin signalling, we observed decreased passage-cell numbers (Extended Data Fig. 5b, c). We added a temporal control to these manipulations by using an oestradiol-inducible expression system18. A 29-h oestradiol induction of AHP6–GFP did not affect suberization that was already established, or established passage cells, thereby confirming cytokinin application experiments (Extended Data Fig. 7). By contrast, auxin-repressor induction for 29 h reduced passage-cell numbers (Extended Data Fig. 7), which suggests that auxin signalling is also required to maintain passage-cell fate. Repressing ABA for 29 h led to an almost complete disappearance of suberin (Extended Data Fig. 7), which suggests that the strong suppression of ABA signalling interferes with maintenance of suberization, possibly by de-repressing ethylene signalling2. Having established the direct endodermal action of cytokinin, auxin and ABA in passage-cell formation, we sought to understand how spatial differences in cytokinin presence or perception might arise.

One regulator of cytokinin perception in the xylem pole is AHP6, the presence of which interferes with phospho-transfer reactions from receptors towards transcriptional regulators6. Although its transcription is confined to the stele, we found that a complementing AHP6–mVenus fusion diffuses into endodermal cells above the xylem pole (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig. 8a) where it may attenuate cytokinin signalling. To establish the relevance of this observation, we used a functional, non-mobile triple-mVenus AHP6 fusion19. Only the mobile single-mVenus fusion rescued passage-cell number and xylem-pole length of endodermal cells in ahp6-1 mutants (Fig. 3c, d and Extended Data Fig. 8b). This was not due to the lower activity of the triple-mVenus fusion, as the xylem patterning defects of ahp6-1 were rescued to an even higher extent when a triple- rather than single-mVenus fusion was used (Fig. 3e). Thus, circumferential endodermal patterning and passage-cell differentiation relies on the movement of AHP6 from the stele into the endodermis.

Figure 3: Spatially restricted cytokinin repression and production underlie passage cell formation.
figure 3

a, Expression of pAHP6::AHP6-mVenus or pAHP6::AHP6-3mVenus from a previously published line19 in the root meristem. Figures represent longitudinal and transverse optical sections through the xylem pole of the root meristematic zone. b, pLOG3 and pLOG4 reporter activity (NLS–3GFP, green) in the root meristem. The lines that we used have previously been published8. c, Occurrence of passage cells in ahp6-1 and lines complemented with AHP6 fused to a single or triple mVenus protein, driven from AHP6 promoter. Dots, individual data points. d, Length of xylem-pole endodermal cells in the suberized zone of ahp6-1 and in lines complemented with AHP6 fusions. Dots, outliers. e, Quantification of xylem defects in ahp6 mutant lines (for details, see Methods). Co, cortex; Ep, epidermis; ND, not detected. Red arrowheads, xylem-pole endodermal cells. Boxplot centres show the median. Statistically significant differences between groups were tested using a post hoc Bonferroni-adjusted paired two-sided t-test. For more information on data plots, see Methods. In a and b, images are representative of previously published lines8,19. n, independent biological samples. In d, n represents individual measurements across 16 independent biological samples. For individual P values, see Supplementary Table 2. Scale bars, 25 μm.

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In the stele, the cytokinin biosynthetic enzymes LOG3 and LOG4 turn xylem precursors into a source of cytokinin, which enhances signalling in neighbouring cells8. Interestingly, log4, but not log3, mutants showed lower passage-cell numbers (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 8g). log4 ahp6-1 double mutants did not display a further reduction in passage cells (Extended Data Fig. 8g), which suggests that AHP6 and LOG4 act in a single pathway. The specificity of LOG4 can be explained by LOG3 transcription being restricted to the stele, whereas LOG4 is mainly expressed in xylem-pole-associated endodermal cells8 (Fig. 3b). LOG4–GFP expression in differentiating, but not meristematic, endodermal cells rescued passage-cell numbers (Extended Data Fig. 8f), suggesting that LOG4 maintains passage-cell differentiation rather than being required for specification. Additionally, in log4 mutants the length of xylem-pole endodermis is not affected (Extended Data Fig. 8b). Both AHP6 and LOG4 expression are reduced by cytokinin application6 (Extended Data Fig. 8a, c) and this effect could explain the high sensitivity of passage-cell differentiation towards cytokinin. Combining ahp6-1 with late endodermis-specific inhibition of auxin signalling further reduced passage-cell differentiation (Extended Data Fig. 8e, h), which suggests that—in the absence of cytokinin repression—local auxin perception can partially maintain passage cells. None of the investigated mutants showed severe root developmental defects, although ahp6-1 showed a slight reduction in lateral root emergence (Extended Data Fig. 3b).

The absence of suberization in passage cells could generate privileged sites for transport and communication. Despite the relatively small surfaces of passage cells, the uptake of some nutrients has previously been found to correlate with passage-cell numbers20,21,22 and passage cells might include transporters that would be absent in suberized cells. Indeed, the phosphate efflux protein PHO1 was reported to be expressed in both stele and xylem-pole-associated endodermal cells22. To expand on this finding, we generated sensitive, triple-mVenus-based transcriptional reporter lines for the entire PHO1 family. Besides their expression in the stele, we found PHO1 and some homologues to be specifically expressed in passage cells (Fig. 4a and Extended Data Figs 9a–c). We additionally observed clusters of cortical and epidermal expression for many of these transport-mediating genes (Fig. 4a and Extended Data Fig. 9c). Counting cluster occurrence revealed their clear spatial association with passage-cell presence in the endodermis (Extended Data Fig. 9a). The association of cortical and/or epidermal expression of PHO1 family members with underlying passage cells could arise from stele-derived signals that exit through passage cells (Fig. 4a), and possibly funnel nutrients or biotic signals from epidermis towards xylem (Fig. 5). A similar role in communication has previously been proposed for hypodermal passage cells23.

Figure 4: Passage cell-associated expression of PHO1;H3.
figure 4

a, PHO1;H3 reporter activity (NLS–3mVenus) in the suberized and unsuberized zones of differentiated endodermis. Cell walls (grey) visualized by calcofluor white and suberin (red) using Nile red. b, PHO1;H3 expression in suberized zone of seedlings germinated on standard medium (1/2 Murashige and Skoog medium, 1/2 MS) or 10 μM inorganic phosphate (low Pi). Suberized endodermis cells highlighted by GPAT5 expression. Yellow arrowheads, passage-cell nuclei. c, Endodermal suberization in Col-0, ahp6-1 and lines with repressed auxin signalling (through expression of shy2-2) in differentiated endodermis grown on standard medium, low Pi, or zinc- (–Zn) or iron-deficient (–Fe) medium. Red dots, individual data points. For all stacked graphs, there are three measurements per root: unsuberized zone, white; patchy zone, grey; and suberized zone, yellow. PA, phloem axis. Bar graphs represent mean ± s.d. Statistically significant differences between groups were tested using a post hoc Bonferroni-adjusted paired two-sided t-test. For more information regarding data plots, see Methods. In a and b, images are representative of 12 independent lines. n, independent biological samples. For individual P values, see Supplementary Table 2. Scale bars, 25 μm.

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Figure 5: Overview of endodermis circumferential patterning and passage cell formation.
figure 5

In the meristem zone, endodermal cells above the incipient xylem pole are exposed to AHP6 produced in the stele, which inhibits cytokinin signalling. This leads to prolonged division and thus shorter endodermal cells than in the phloem pole. Another output should be an overall lower response to ABA, through an as-yet unknown mechanism. In the differentiation zone, we hypothesize that the lower ABA response in xylem-pole endodermis stochastically causes some cells to be below the threshold for suberization. The unsuberized cells maintain low cytokinin signalling by expression of A-type ARR elements and also serve as—possibly auxin-dependent—cytokinin producers through the expression of LOG4. The status of ABA signalling is modulated by nutrient status, and thus passage cells can be closed given sufficiently high levels of ABA. In the fully suberized zone, the unsuberized xylem-pole-associated endodermal cells (passage cells) express specific genes with a domain that can spread to the cortex and/or epidermis, and serve to increase the area for uptake and/or to exchange signals with the environment (such as signals for biotic interactions). Nutrient stresses (zinc, iron or phosphate deficiencies) would increase the resistance of xylem-pole-associated endodermis cells towards ABA and lead to an increase in unsuberized cells, enabling increased transport-related gene expression. CK, cytokinin; PC, passage cell.

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Expression of PHO1 family members provides a positive definition of passage cells. PHO1;H3, the most easily visualized member of the family, shows expression in individual endodermal cells before the onset of suberization, which suggests that the specification of passage cells precedes suberization (Fig. 4a). We therefore used PHO1;H3 to assess whether the suppression of suberization by cytokinin correlates with expansion of the expression pattern of this gene. We found that endodermal cytokinin suppression leads to the general expression of PHO1;H3 in the endodermis, supporting the proposition that endodermal cells acquire passage-cell features on cytokinin repression (Extended Data Fig. 10b). Suppression of ABA signalling only expanded PHO1;H3 expression within xylem-pole endodermis, despite an equally strong suppression of suberization in all endodermal cells (Extended Data Figs 7, 10c), which again supports the notion that ABA acts at a later stage of endodermal development.

Finally, we investigated changes in PHO1;H3 expression under physiological stress conditions. Consistent with its putative role in phosphate transport, we found that phosphate deficiency suppressed suberization specifically in xylem-pole endodermis, and expanded PHO1;H3 expression into these cells (Fig. 4b). This response was abrogated in lines with enhanced cytokinin or suppressed auxin signalling (Fig. 4c). Expansion of PHO1;H3 expression in xylem-pole endodermis was similarly observed under conditions of zinc and iron deficiency, which have previously been shown to decrease suberization2 and to enhance PHO1;H3 expression24 (Fig. 4c and Extended Data Fig. 10d). This suggests that PHO1;H3 expansion is the result of an expansion of passage-cell occurrence, rather than a specific response to phosphate deficiency. qPCR analysis of PHO1;H3 expression corroborated our PHO1;H3 promoter fusion results (Extended Data Fig. 10e).

Our findings—that two endodermal cell types co-exist within roots, and possess distinct responsiveness to nutrients and hormones as well as different uptake and sensing potentials—have notable implications for current models of nutrient uptake in plants. Furthermore, the influence of isolated passage cells on neighbouring cells might explain how the small surfaces of these evolutionarily conserved cells could have important roles in nutrient transport or sensing (Fig. 5).


No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. The experiments were not randomized and investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment.

Plant material and growth conditions

For all experiments, seeds were surface-sterilized in 70% EtOH containing 0.05% Triton-X100, washed twice in 96% EtOH, plated on 1/2 MS (Murashige and Skoog medium) containing 0.8% agar (Duchefa) plates and vernalized at 4 °C for 2 days. Seedlings were grown vertically at 22 °C, under long-day conditions (18 h, 100 μE). Unless stated otherwise, all microscopic analyses were performed on roots of 5-day-old seedlings. For hormone and oestradiol (Sigma) treatments, 4-day-old seedlings were transferred to 1/2 MS plates supplemented with hormones or DMSO (mock) for 1 day unless otherwise indicated. Zinc- and iron-deficiency studies were done as previously described2. For low phosphate studies, micro-agar containing 10 μM phosphate (Duchefa Biochemie) and MS without phosphate (Caisson) was used. Plants were grown under 24 h light.


The following published mutants and transgenic lines were used in this study: pCASP1::CDEF125; ahp6-16, pAHP6::AHP6-mVenus and pAHP6::AHP6-3mVenus19; log3, log4 and log34, pLOG3::NLS3-GFP and pLOG4::NLS3-GFP8; pGPAT5::mCitrine-SYP1222; and pDonor221 containing ARR10EAR26. Reporter constructs for ARR3–10, ARR14–17 and ARR21 were generated using LIC cloning27. pARR::NLS-2YFP plasmids were constructed for the other ARRs, using Gateway technology28 (Life Sciences). The NLS-3mScarlet construct was obtained by DNA synthesis (Thermo Fisher Scientific) into a pDonor221 entry vector. To generate the oestradiol-inducible version of the ELTP promoter, we followed a previously published procedure based on a Gateway-compatible XVE system18. In brief, 464 bp of the 5′-UTR region of the ELTP (also known as EDA4) gene was cloned into XVE using a KpnI site using Infusion technology (Clonetech). A list of primers and promoters can be found in Supplementary Table 1. Corresponding gene numbers listed in supplementary Table 1 or are as follows: ABI1, At4g26080; AHP6, At1g80100; CASP1, At2g36100; CDEF1, At4g30140; ELTP (also known as EDA4), At2g48140; GPAT5, At3g11430; LOG3, At2g37210; LOG4, At3g53450; and SYP122, At3g52400.


Confocal laser scanning microscopy experiments were performed on a Zeiss LSM 880 or a Leica SP8X microscope. All combinatorial fluorescence analyses were run as sequential scans. For fluorescence analysis of marker expression, a Clearsee-based29 protocol was established. Cell walls were stained with calcofluor white (Polysciences) and suberin was stained with Nile red (Sigma). The following settings were used to obtain specific fluorescence signals: EGFP, excitation wavelength (ex): 470 nm, emission wavelength (em): 490–515 nm; mCitrine (with EGFP), ex: 525 nm, em: 530–550 nm; mCitrine (alone), YFP or mVenus, ex: 514 nm, em: 520–550 nm; dsTomato, ex: 561 nm, em: 565–595 nm; mCherry, ex: 594 nm, em: 600–650 nm; Nile red, ex: 561 nm, em: 600–650 nm; and calcofluor white, ex: 405 nm, em: 430–460 nm. fluorol yellow (Sigma) and xylem analysis was done on a Leica DM5000s fluorescence microscope using a GFP filter (ex: 470/40 nm dichroic 500 nm; em: BP 525/50 nm) for fluorol yellow, and a TX2 filter (ex: 560/40 nm dichroic 595 nm; em: 645/75 nm) in combination with differential interference contrast for xylem analysis.

Transcriptional analysis

Total RNA was extracted from 100 mg plant tissue using a Trizol-based PureLink RNA Mini Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific), then DNase-treated and purified using RNeasy MinElute Cleanup Kit (Qiagen). Reverse transcription was done using a Superscript IV first strand synthesis system (Thermo Fisher Scientific). All steps were performed according to the manufacturers’ protocols. The PCR reaction was done on a Stratagene Mx3005P thermocycler using a MESA Blue Sybr Green kit. All transcripts are normalized to UBQ10 expression (see Supplementary Table 1).

Tissue staining and analysis

Unless otherwise noted, suberin lamellae were observed after fluorol-yellow staining as previously described2,25,30,31. Suberin patterns were observed and counted from the hypocotyl junction to the onset of endodermal cell elongation. Three distinct patterns were considered: (1) continuous suberin lamellae; (2) patchy suberin lamellae (corresponding to the area in which individual cells are suberized); and (3) unsuberized cells (corresponding to the youngest part of the root). Passage cells were determined only in the zone containing continuous suberin lamellae. Passage-cell occurrence was obtained by counting the total number of passage cells in both xylem poles, divided by the length (in cells) of the zone. For quantifying the severity of ahp6-1 xylem defects, the number of xylem-pole-associated endodermal cells above the defective xylem strand were counted, and related to total number of endodermal cells above each strand. Five-day-old roots were cleared using Clearsee29 and stained with basic Fuchsin (Sigma) overnight, as previously reported32.

Statistics and reproducibility

All statistical analyses were done in the R environment33. For multiple comparisons between genotypes, a one-way ANOVA was performed with a Bonferroni-adjusted ad hoc pairwise two-sided t-test. Groups in which differences gave a P value lower than 0.05 were considered significantly different. Binary comparisons were performed using a two-tailed Student’s t-test in Microsoft Excel; P values below 0.01 were considered significantly different. All bar graphs represent mean ± s.d. For all boxplots, the centre depicts the median and the lower and upper box limits depict the 25th and 75th percentile, respectively. Whiskers represent minima and maxima. Closed dots depict individual samples. In cases in which n >10, open dots depict outliers. In all cases, individual biological samples are stated as n. All experiments, as well as representative images, were repeated independently at least three times. Individual P values for all statistical analyses can be found in Supplementary Table 2.

Data availability

All lines and data generated in this study are available from the corresponding authors upon request.