
Semaphorins are a large family of secreted or membrane-associated signalling proteins and plexins serve as signal-transducing semaphorin receptors8,9,10. Semaphorin–plexin signalling was initially described as mediating growth cone collapse8,9. But, semaphorin–plexin signalling is far more diverse10,11. Notably, semaphorins and plexins continue to be expressed in the mature brain, where their function remains mostly unknown12,13,14,15,16. Semaphorins have been shown to be synaptic signalling proteins, but the activity of semaphorins has been limited to the control of neuroanatomical synapse formation and elimination15,16,17. Here we demonstrate that semaphorin–plexin signalling achieves retrograde, trans-synaptic control of presynaptic neurotransmitter release and homeostatic plasticity.

We use a well-documented assay to induce presynaptic homeostatic plasticity (PHP), applying a sub-blocking concentration of the glutamate-receptor antagonist philanthotoxin-433 (PhTx; 15 μM) to significantly decrease the amplitude of average miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials (mEPSPs; 0.3 mM [Ca2+]e) or miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs; 1.5 mM [Ca2+]e). This postsynaptic perturbation induces a significant increase in presynaptic neurotransmitter release (the quantal content) that offsets the postsynaptic perturbation and restores normal muscle excitation (Fig. 1a–c; raw values and sample sizes for all normalized data are shown in Supplementary Table 1). This offsetting increase in presynaptic neurotransmitter release is characteristic of PHP1. When we repeated this assay in larvae containing a null mutation in either the sema2b gene (sema2bC4) or the PlexB gene (PlexBKG00878), PHP was blocked (Fig. 1a–c; see also Extended Data Fig. 1 for a further description of the gene mutations used in this study). Consistent with this being a loss-of-function phenotype, heterozygous mutations (either sema2b/+ or PlexB/+) have normal PHP (Fig. 1d, e). Remarkably, a double-heterozygous mutant combination of sema2b/+ and PlexB/+ blocks PHP, consistent with both genes acting in concert to drive the expression of PHP (Fig. 1 d, e).

Figure 1: sema2b and PlexB are necessary for PHP.
figure 1

a, Representative traces (left, 0.3 mM [Ca2+]e; right, 1.5 mM [Ca2+]e) recorded from the indicated genotypes. b, Average mEPSPs and quantal content (QC) for each genotype expressed as the percentage change in the presence of PhTx compared to the baseline (absence of PhTx). c, Data as in b at 1.5 mM [Ca2+]e. d, Representative traces as in a. e, Average mEPSPs and quantal content as in b. f, Representative traces as in a for indicated genotypes alone (GluRIIA+/+) or for indicated genotypes combined as double mutants with the GluRIIA mutation (GluRIIA−/−). g, Average data for each genotype compared to the genotype control in the absence of the GluRIIA mutation. **P < 0.01; NS, not significant; two-tailed Student’s t-test, pairwise comparison to genotype control. Data are mean ± s.e.m. and individual data points are shown.

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We subsequently investigated the long-term maintenance of PHP and the involvement of other semaphorin or Plexin gene family members. Deletion of a non-essential glutamate-receptor subunit (GluRIIA) induces a long-lasting form of PHP1. We find that long-term PHP is blocked in a sema2b;GluRIIA double mutant as well as in GluRIIA larvae expressing transgenic RNA interference (RNAi) to knockdown PlexB selectively in motor neurons (Fig. 1f, g; see also below). Next, we separately tested the effect of mutations in all of the remaining semaphorin and Plexin genes encoded in the Drosophila genome (Extended Data Fig. 1b). The sema2b and PlexB mutants are the only mutants that show disruption of PHP.

We subsequently performed tissue-specific RNAi and transgenic rescue experiments. Expression of UAS-Sema2b-RNAi in motor neurons (OK371-Gal4) had no effect on PHP, whereas expression in muscle (BG57-Gal4) blocked PHP (Fig. 2a). In addition, expression of UAS-sema2b in muscle rescues PHP in the sema2b-mutant background (Fig. 2a; see Supplementary Table 1 for additional controls). Consistent with these data, we find that sema2b is expressed in muscle and that Sema2b protein, expressed under endogenous promoter sequences, concentrates at postsynaptic membranes (Extended Data Fig. 2). Next, we show that motor neuron-specific expression of UAS-PlexB-RNAi blocks PHP, whereas muscle-specific expression does not (Fig. 2b). We also show that motor neuron-specific expression of a previously characterized UAS-PlexBDN dominant-negative transgene, lacking the intracellular signalling domain, blocks PHP (Fig. 2b). RNA-sequencing analysis of purified motor neurons demonstrates PlexB expression in motor neurons (data not shown). Finally, motor neuron-specific expression of a PlexB-myc transgene shows that PlexB traffics to the presynaptic nerve terminal (Fig. 2d). Taken together, our data indicate that Sema2b is a ligand originating in the muscle that acts via presynaptic PlexB to drive expression of PHP.

Figure 2: Sema2b and PlexB function as a retrograde trans-synaptic signal.
figure 2

a, Representative traces recorded from the indicated genotypes (0.3 mM [Ca2+]e). Quantification of mEPSP and quantal content (QC) as in Fig. 1b. Muscle Gal4 indicates muscle-specific BG57-Gal4/+. MN-Gal4 indicates motor neuron-specific OK371-Gal4/+. MN sema2b RNAi is Ok371-Gal4/+;UAS-sema2b-RNAi/+. Muscle sema2b RNAi is BG57-Gal4/+;UAS-sema2b-RNAi/+. Muscle sema2b rescue is sema2b;BG57-Gal4/UAS-sema2b. b, Traces, data are shown as in a. MN PlexB RNAi is OK371-Gal4/+;UAS-PlexB-RNAi/+. MN DN PlexB is Ok371-Gal4/+ expressing UAS-PlexB-DN. Muscle PlexB RNAi is BG57-Gal4/+,UAS-PlexB-RNAi/+. c, Muscle-specific expression (BG57-Gal4/+) of a UAS-Sema2b-CD8-GFP. Anti-HRP (blue) labels the neuronal membrane. Anti-Dlg (pink) labels postsynaptic membranes. d, UAS-PlexB-myc (green) expressed in motor neurons (OK371-Gal4/+). e, Traces for a sema2b mutant in the absence (baseline) and presence of PhTx. Sham incubation is saline without Sema2b. +Sema2b indicates addition of Sema2b protein (100 nM). f, Traces as in e for the PlexB mutant. g, Quantification of the data shown in e. h, Quantification of data shown in f. **P < 0.01; two-tailed Student’s t-test, pairwise to genotype control (a, b) or to wild type (g, h). Data are mean ± s.e.m. and individual data points are shown. Scale bars, 5 μm.

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If Sema2b is a retrograde signal that acts upon the presynaptic PlexB receptor, then it should be possible to reconstitute this retrograde signalling by acute application of Sema2b protein. Purified Sema2b protein was acutely applied to the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of sema2b mutants following PhTx treatment to induce PHP. We found that Sema2b protein (100 nM) completely restores PHP in the sema2b mutant, but fails to restore PHP in the PlexB mutant (Fig. 2e–h; see Extended Data Fig. 3 for additional controls). In addition, application of Sema2b protein is sufficient to potentiate baseline release, and this effect is also dependent upon PlexB (Extended Data Fig. 3). Finally, a membrane-tethered UAS-sema2b transgene, expressed in muscle, fails to rescue PHP (Extended Data Fig. 4), even though it is concentrated on the postsynaptic membranes (Fig. 2c). Together, these results indicate that Sema2b is a secreted, postsynaptic ligand that acts upon presynaptic PlexB to enable the expression of PHP. We acknowledge the possibility that PlexB could require a presynaptic co-receptor of, as yet, unknown identity.

Given that acute application of Sema2b protein rescues PHP in the sema2b mutant, the failure of PHP in sema2b-mutant larvae cannot be a secondary consequence of altered NMJ development. Nonetheless, Sema2b–PlexB signalling is required for normal NMJ growth. Axon-targeting errors are rare at muscles 6/7, analysed at the third instar larval stage (Extended Data Table 1). We demonstrate that the NMJs in sema2b and PlexB mutants are composed of fewer, larger synaptic boutons (Fig. 3a–d) with no change in total NMJ area (Fig. 3b). The abundance of the active-zone-associated protein Bruchpilot (Brp) is unaltered in the sema2b mutant and the sema2b/+;;PlexB/+ double-heterozygous larvae (Fig. 3e, ‘trans-het’), both of which block PHP (Fig. 1a, d, e). There is a significant decrease in total Brp staining in the PlexB mutant, an effect of unknown consequence (Fig. 3e; see also below). Qualitatively, the ring-like organization of Brp staining was similar across all genotypes, indicative of normal active-zone organization (Fig. 3a, inset, arrows). Finally, there is no consistent difference in synapse ultrastructure across genotypes (Fig. 3f–i). Therefore, the Sema2b–PlexB-dependent control of bouton size may be a separate function of Sema2b–PlexB signalling, analogous to anatomical regulation by semaphorins in mammalian systems10,11,12,15,18.

Figure 3: Altered NMJ growth with normal active-zone number and integrity.
figure 3

a, Structured illumination microscopy images of NMJ. Inset, single confocal sections; arrows indicate Brp rings. Scale bars, 5 μm and 0.5 μm (inset). be, Quantification of morphology; n = 12, except micalKG n = 10. f, Representative active zones. Scale bar, 70 nm. gi, Quantification of the ultrastructure. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; two-tailed Student’s t-test, pairwise comparison to wild type larvae. Two larvae per genotype; wild-type, n = 16 active zones; sema2b, n = 29 active zones; PlexB, n = 30 active zones; mical, n = 13 active zones. Data are mean ± s.e.m. and individual data points are shown.

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PHP occurs through the potentiation of the readily releasable pool (RRP) of synaptic vesicles1 (see Methods). Application of PhTx induces a doubling of the apparent RRP in wild-type larvae, an effect that is disrupted in both sema2b and PlexB mutants (Fig. 4). Failure to potentiate the RRP is also shown as a failure to maintain the cumulative EPSC amplitude after PhTx application (Fig. 4c–e). We subsequently show a strong genetic interaction with a mutation in the presynaptic scaffolding gene rab3-interacting molecule (rim), a PHP gene1. Heterozygous mutations in rim, or in sema2b or PlexB have no effect on PHP (Fig. 4h, i). However, double-heterozygous combinations of rim/+ with either sema2b/+ or PlexB/+ strongly impaired the expression of PHP (sema2b/+,rim/+) or abolished PHP (rim/+;;PlexB/+) (Fig. 4h, i). These data do not, however, reflect direct signalling between PlexB and Rim (Extended Data Fig. 3e).

Figure 4: Sema2b, PlexB and Mical control the homeostatic potentiation of the RRP.
figure 4

a, The mical mutants (green) in 0.3 mM [Ca2+]e (left) and 1.5 mM [Ca2+]e (right) and larvae overexpressing a Mical-resistant UAS-Act5C transgene (red) show blocked PHP. Df, deficiency. b, Expression of UAS-mical in motor neurons (MN mical rescue) rescues PHP. mical RNAi in motor neurons blocks PHP. mical RNAi in muscle has no effect (right). c, Representative traces from wild-type (black) and PlexB-mutant (blue) larvae (1.5 mM [Ca2+]e) with or without PhTx (stimulation frequency 60 Hz, 30 stimuli). Cumulative EPSCs and back extrapolation from steady state (red line) is shown below each trace. d, Quantification of the percentage change in RRP (open) and mEPSPs (filled) for each genotype in the presence of PhTx compared to the genotypic baseline in the absence of PhTx. Sample size: wild-type, −PhTx, n = 14; wild-type, +PhTx, n = 9; sema2b mutant, −PhTx, n = 9; sema2b mutant, +PhTx, n = 9; PlexB mutant, −PhTx, n = 10; PlexB mutant, +PhTx, n= 11. e, Quantification of cumulative EPSCs for recordings in d. f, Quantification as in e for wild type −PhTx, n = 6; wild type, +PhTx, n = 6; mical mutant, −PhTx, n = 12; mical mutant, +PhTx, n = 11; and in larvae overexpressing dominant-negative Act5C −PhTx, n = 8 and +PhTx, n = 8. g, Quantification of cumulative EPSCs. h, Representative traces. i, Genetic interactions of sema2b/+ or PlexB/+ with the rim/+. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. Data are mean ± s.e.m. and individual data points are shown.

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To define how PlexB could modulate the RRP, we tested known downstream signalling elements. We discovered that mical is necessary for PHP (Fig. 4). In Drosophila a single mical gene encodes a highly conserved multi-domain cytoplasmic protein that mediates actin depolymerization, achieved through redox modification of a specific methionine residue (Met44) in actin7,19. Notably, prior genetic evidence has placed Mical downstream of both PlexA and PlexB signalling during axon guidance20.

An analysis of multiple mical mutations in larvae as well as transgenic rescue animals demonstrates that mical is necessary presynaptically for PHP (Fig. 4a, b, f, g). Mical protein is present presynaptically (Extended Data Fig. 5) and presynaptic expression of a Mical-resistant UAS-Actin5C transgene7, which interferes with Mical-mediated actin depolymerization, blocks PHP (Fig. 4a, b). This transgenic protein also concentrates within presynaptic boutons (Extended Data Fig. 5). Additional experiments reveal that the homeostatic expansion of RRP is blocked in mical mutants and when Mical-resistant UAS-Act5 is expressed presynaptically (Fig. 4f, g and Extended Data Fig. 6). We find strong genetic interactions between mical and both the PlexB and rim mutants (Extended Data Fig. 4b–d). Finally, anatomical experiments demonstrate that active zones are normal in the mical mutant, including in both light and electron microscopy experiments (Fig. 3). We propose that Mical enables PlexB-mediated control of the RRP through the regulation of presynaptic actin.

For half a century, evidence has underscored the importance of target-derived, retrograde signalling that controls presynaptic neurotransmitter release16. Gene discovery, based on forward genetics, indicates that PHP is controlled by the coordinated action of at least three parallel signalling systems (see Extended Data Fig. 7). If our data regarding Sema2b, PlexB and Mical can be generalized, then semaphorin–plexin signalling could represent a platform for retrograde, trans-synaptic, homeostatic control of presynaptic release, thereby stabilizing synaptic transmission and information transfer throughout the nervous systems of organisms ranging from Drosophila to humans.


Fly stocks and genetics

For all experiments, the w1118 strain of Drosophila melanogaster was used as the wild-type control. Male and female larvae were used. Larvae were maintained at 22 °C. When performing rescue, RNAi or overexpression experiments with the Gal4/UAS expression system, progeny were raised at 25 °C. The following Drosophila stocks were used: sema2bC4 (ref. 21), UAS-sema2b-RNAi (Bloomington stock 28932), UAS-sema2b-TM-GFP (ref. 21), UAS-sema2b flies were a gift from A. Kolodkin (Johns Hopkins University), P{GawB}Sema2bNP0592 (Kyoto stock 112237), Sema2bT:Ivir\HA1 (Bloomington stock 65752), P{SUPor-P}PlexBKG00878 (ref. 20), UAS-Myc-PlexBEcTM (ref. 21), UAS-Myc-PlexB (ref. 20), PlexAEY16548 (Bloomington stock 23097), UAS-PlexB-RNAi (ref. 18), PlexADf(4)C3 (Bloomington stock 7083), GluRIIA (ref. 22), OK371-Gal4 (ref. 23), rim103 (ref. 24), micalK584 (ref. 6), Df(3R)swp2mical mical deficiency19, micalKG06518 (ref. 6), UAS-mical-RNAi (Bloomington stock 31148), UAS-MicalmCherry (ref. 25), Mical-GFP Protein Trap (Bloomington stock number 60203), UAS-Act5CGFP M44L (ref.7).


Recordings were made from muscle 6 in abdominal segments 2 and 3 of male and female third-instar larvae in current-clamp (0.3 mM [Ca2+]e) or voltage-clamp (1.5 mM [Ca2+]e) mode as indicated, without randomization24,26,27. Haemolymph-like (HL3) saline was used (70 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl2, 10 mM NaHCO3, 115 mM sucrose, 4.2 mM trehalose, 5 mM HEPES). Quantal content was calculated by dividing the average EPSP amplitude by the average mEPSP amplitude for each muscle recording (EPSP/mEPSP) and averages were made across muscles for a given genotype. For acute pharmacological induction of PHP, larvae were incubated in philanthotoxin-433 (PhTx; 10–20 μM; Sigma-Aldrich) for 10 min according to previously published methods24,26. Two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings were done as previously described in 1.5 mM [Ca2+]e HL3 saline24. EPSC analyses were conducted using custom-written routines for Igor Pro 5.0 (Wavemetrics) available as published28, and mEPSPs were analysed using Mini Analysis v. (Synaptosoft). Recordings were excluded if the resting membrane potential was more depolarized than −60 mV. Each experiment was repeated for at least two independent crosses. Key experiments demonstrating the blockade of synaptic homeostasis were performed by an independent investigator who was blinded to the genotype. All controls and experimental genotypes were independently replicated for each experiment in each figure. Experimental sample sizes equal to or greater than seven were considered sufficiently powered to detect a blockade in homeostatic plasticity, an effect size of ~80–120% compared to controls.

Anatomical analyses

Third-instar larval preparations (muscles 6/7) were filleted and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, washed and incubated overnight at 4 °C with primary antibodies. Secondary antibodies were applied at room temperature for 2 h. The following primary antibodies were used: anti-Myc (1:500, mouse; 9E10 Santa Cruz), anti-GFP 3E6 (1:500, mouse; Life Technologies), anti-NC82 (1:100, mouse; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank), anti-HA antibody (1:1,000; rabbit; Cell Signaling Technology) and anti-Dlg (1:10,000, rabbit; ref. 28). Alexa-conjugated secondary (488, 555) antibodies and Cy5-conjugated goat ant-HRP were used at 1:500 (Life Technologies; Molecular Probes). Larval preparations were mounted in Vectashield (Vector) and imaged with an Axiovert 200 (Zeiss) inverted microscope, a 100× Plan Apochromat objective (1.4 NA) and a cooled charge-coupled device camera (Coolsnap HQ, Roper). Slidebook 5.0 Intelligent Imaging Innovations (3I) software was used to capture, process and analyse images. Structured illumination microscopy imaging was performed using the N-SIM Nikon system, consisting of a Nikon Ti-E microscope equipped with a Apo TIRF 100×/1.49 oil objective and an Andor DU897 camera.

Sema2b ligand generation and application

We used the Drosophila S2 expression system to express the Sema2b-AP ligand21 for the bath application of Sema2b ligand to the Drosophila NMJ for in vivo electrophysiological recordings. Drosophila S2 cells (obtained from the Vale laboratory, UCSF for additional source information, see Cells are mycoplasma negative, tested by MycoAlert (2017). We co-transfected UAS-sema2B-AP and actin-Gal4 plasmids in S2 cells using Effectene (QIAGEN) and incubated the cells at 27 °C for four days in serum-free Schneider’s medium. We then collected the medium and diluted the Sema2b-AP ligand in HL3 (0.3 mM Ca2+) to a concentration of 100 nM. To record from the NMJ in the presence of bath-applied Sema2b-AP ligand, we prepared the larval fillet as described above and incubated the preparation in Sema2b-AP HL3 for 10 min. To assess Sema2b-AP ligand rescue, we bath-applied HL3 (0.3 mM Ca2+) containing both PhTx (15 μM) and Sema2b-AP ligand (100 nM) to the preparation for a 10-min incubation. Next, we removed the PhTx/Sema2b-AP ligand HL3 saline and replaced it with HL3 containing only the 100 nM Sema2b-AP ligand to record in the presence of Sema2b.

Transmission electron microscopy

Transmission electron microscopy samples for all third-instar larvae were prepared and imaged according to methods that have been previously published29.

Data availability

The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.