
Progenitor cells that fulfil all the criteria defining the neural crest have not been observed outside vertebrates. These criteria include an embryonic origin at the lateral borders of the neural plate, epithelium-to-mesenchyme transition (EMT), migratory behaviour and the potential to differentiate into diverse cell types such as neurons, bone, cartilage and pigment cells.

In cephalochordates (amphioxus) and the tunicates Halocynthia and Ciona, a subset of neural plate border cells deploy a conserved melanocyte-specific gene network but do not migrate away from the neural tube2,3,4. Instead, they contribute locally to pigmented photoreceptor organs. In Ciona, the pigment cell precursors undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and remain inside the neural tube lumen, but can be induced to exit the neural tube through targeted mis-expression of the mesenchyme-specific transcription factor Twist-related4. Migratory pigment cell precursors have also been reported in larvae of the tunicate Ecteinascidia turbinata8.

In contrast, invertebrate homologues of neural-crest-derived neurons have so far proved elusive. In tunicates, various neurons arise from the neural plate borders, but these remain in the dorsal neural tube or in the epidermis9,10, instead of delaminating and migrating as would be expected for homologues of vertebrate neural-crest-derived neurons. Migratory sensory neurons have been described in cephalochordate embryos, but these arise from ventral epidermis, not the neural plate borders, and reinsert into the epidermis after migrating11.

The recently identified bipolar tail neurons (BTNs)12 of Ciona larvae form axon fascicles that extend along the length of the tail on either side of the neural tube (Fig. 1a). These neurons express the proneural basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor Neurogenin (Neurog, Fig. 1b) and the LIM-homeodomain factor Islet (Fig. 1a). Vertebrate Neurogenin and Islet orthologues are involved in specifying various neuronal subtypes including neural-crest-derived dorsal root ganglia neurons (DRGNs), which also have a bipolar or pseudo-unipolar morphology and transmit peripheral mechanosensory inputs to the central nervous system13. Ciona BTNs also express Asic, the orthologue of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs)14 that modulate touch sensitivity in vertebrate DRGNs. These parallels prompted us to investigate the embryological origins of the BTNs.

Figure 1: Bipolar tail neurons come from the borders of the neural plate.
figure 1

a, Larva with a BTN labelled by Islet BTN>unc-76::eGFP (green). Bottom, enlarged view of BTN above. Scale bars, 75 μm (top); 25 μm (bottom). b, Migrating BTN precursors (arrowheads) labelled by the b-line-specific Neurog b-line>unc-76::Venus reporter construct (green). Scale bar, 25 μm. c, In situ hybridization for Neurog (magenta) in an embryo electroporated with Msx>nls::lacZ plasmid (immunolabelling of β-galactosidase in green). White arrowhead, Msx+/Neurog+ BTN progenitor. Dashed arrowhead, transient Neurog expression in BTN progenitor’s sister cell (epidermal progenitor). Dashed line, midline. Scale bar, 25 μm. d, In situ hybridization for Neurog (red) and Snail (green). Scale bar, 25 μm. Inset is enlarged box showing low levels of Snail expression in BTN progenitor. e, Pax3/7 in situ hybridization (green). Scale bar, 25 μm. Enlarged box inset showing Pax3/7 expression in BTN progenitor. f, Adapted illustration17 of embryos showing position of pigment cell and BTN progenitors (and their descendants) in the neural plate borders. Lateral views in a, b, dorsal views in c–f. Anterior to the left throughout; st., stage.

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We detected the earliest expression of Neurog at neurulation, in the caudal-most neural/epidermal boundary cells, which express the conserved neural plate border specification genes Msx15, Pax3/7 (ref. 3) and Snail16 (Fig. 1c–f and Extended Data Fig. 1). During neurulation, these cells drive neural tube closure and their progeny eventually form the neural tube roof plate and dorsal epidermis midline17,18 (Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 2). BTN progenitors are thus born from the caudal extensions of the lateral borders of the neural plate (Fig. 1f).

We isolated a Neurog cis-regulatory element that drives reporter gene expression in this caudal neural plate border region (Extended Data Fig. 3). Using this reporter, we determined that Neurog expression is progressively restricted and maintained in only two cells on each side of the bilaterally symmetric embryo, born during neural tube closure (Extended Data Figs 2 and 4). We have named these the anterior (aBTN) and posterior (pBTN) BTN precursors. Shortly after the completion of neural tube closure, BTN precursors delaminate and migrate anteriorly along the paraxial mesoderm on either side of the neural tube19 (Fig. 2a–f and Supplementary Videos 1, 2, 3). This is evocative of vertebrate DRGN progenitors, which migrate through paraxial mesoderm situated lateral to the neural tube.

Figure 2: Bipolar tail neuron precursors delaminate and migrate.
figure 2

a, Embryos electroporated with Neurog b-line>unc-76::eGFP. Top, BTN precursor (arrowhead) extending a lamellipodium. Bottom, BTN precursors (anterior (aBTN) and posterior (pBTN)) delaminating. Scale bar, 25 μm. b, Enlarged view of aBTN in lower panel of a. Top, UNC-76::eGFP; middle, phalloidin; bottom, merged; arrowhead, part of aBTN still in the epithelium. Scale bar, 10 μm. c, Embryo with paraxial mesoderm labelled by Mrf>unc-76::eGFP (green), BTN labelled by Neurog b-line>unc-76::mCherry (magenta) and phalloidin counterstain. Scale bar, 25 μm. Right, cross-sectioned 3D image of same embryo. Only the right side of the embryo was transfected. d, 3D slice of embryo showing BTNs (arrowheads) outside neural tube (dotted outline). Only the right side of the embryo was transfected. e, Diagram of d showing BTNs relative to other tail tissues: neural tube (NT), notochord (NC), myoblasts (M) and endoderm (EN). f, Time series of different embryos co-electroporated with Neurog b-line>unc-76::VenusYFP (green) and Nodal b8.18>H2B::mCherry (magenta). Right panels are enlarged views of the images on the left. Dashed lines indicate displacement from clonally related epidermal cells (indicated by colour-coded brackets). Scale bars, 25 μm.

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Double-labelling with a Nodal reporter revealed that BTNs arise from two adjacent but clonally distinct cell lineages (Fig. 2g and Extended Data Fig. 2). The pBTN arises from the tail tip (b8.21 lineage)10 and migrates to meet the b8.18-derived aBTN as it delaminates (Fig. 2a, f). Together, they continue their migration as a chain of two cells.

Neurog expression distinguishes the BTNs from the caudal epidermal sensory neurons (CESNs), which remain at the dorsal midline and are specified instead by an atonal homologue (Atoh)-dependent regulatory program10,20. We found that the onset of Neurog expression requires MAPK/ERK signalling (Fig. 3a, b). However, later inhibition of MAPK/ERK resulted in the upregulation of Neurog in non-neural cells of the lineage, converting these into supernumerary BTNs (Fig. 3c–e and Extended Data Fig. 4). In contrast, perturbing Delta/Notch signalling did not alter BTN specification or differentiation (Extended Data Fig. 5). Overexpression of Neurog also induced ectopic migratory Asic+ BTN precursors (Fig. 3f, g), while BTNs were abolished through expression of a dominant repressor form of Neurog (Neurog::WRPW, Fig. 3h). In all cases, induced supernumerary BTN precursors migrated as an expanded chain of cells (Fig. 3e, g). These data indicate that sustained Neurog expression in caudal neural plate border cells is controlled by MAPK/ERK signalling and is necessary and sufficient for BTN specification, migration and differentiation.

Figure 3: Bipolar tail neuron specification and differentiation.
figure 3

a, Wild-type Neurog b-line>unc-76::VenusYFP expression (green) in embryos treated with DMSO vehicle, counterstained with DAPI (blue). b, Neurog expression was abolished in 43 of 50 embryos treated with 10 μM MEK inhibitor U0126 at 5.5 hours post-fertilization (h.p.f.). c, Supernumerary BTNs were specified in 28 of 50 embryos treated with 10 μM U0126 at 7 h.p.f. d, Two BTN precursors, labelled by Neurog b-line>unc-76::VenusYFP (green) and Neurog b-line>H2B::mCherry (magenta), migrating on one side of a DMSO-treated embryo. e, Expanded chain of four BTNs resulting from treatment with U0126 at 7 h.p.f. f, BTN expressing Asic>unc-76::eGFP reporter in embryo electroporated with Neurog b-line>nls::lacZ as a control. g, Overexpression of Neurog induces specification of ectopic Asic+ BTNs in 53 of 100 embryos. h, Overexpression of a dominant repressor form of Neurog (Neurog::WRPW) abolishes BTNs in 97 of 100 embryos. i, j, In situ hybridization reveals expression of Cadherin.b (green) in the neural tube but not migrating BTN precursors (i) and expression of Protocadherin.c (green) in dorsal epidermis midline but not BTNs (j). Embryos in i, j electroporated with Neurog b-line>unc-76::mCherry (immunolabelling of mCherry in magenta). k, Forced overexpression of protocadherin.c in the BTN lineage using the Neurog b-line driver inhibits delamination and migration of BTNs in 7 of 14 embryos. l, Normal BTNs as seen in 9 of 12 control embryos (overexpression of β-galactosidase instead). Embryos in k, l electroporated with Neurog b-line>unc-76::VenusYFP and Neurog b-line>H2B::VenusYFP (green) and counterstained with phalloidin (magenta). All scale bars 25 μm. Embryos in ae, i, j fixed at stage 22. Embryos in fh, k, l at stage 23.

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In vertebrates, neural crest EMT is effected in part through differential cell adhesion, mediated by various mechanisms regulating cadherin function21. We found that expression of Cadherin.b, the predominant cadherin gene expressed in the neural tube of Ciona embryos, is absent in BTN precursors (Fig. 3i). Moreover, BTN precursors do not express Protocadherin.c, a cadherin superfamily gene expressed in CESNs and epidermis midline (Fig. 3j). Overexpression of protocadherin.c protein inhibited delamination and migration of BTNs (Fig. 3k, l), suggesting that Ciona BTNs and vertebrate neural crest share regulatory strategies for EMT via differential cell–cell adhesion.

We observed that each BTN precursor initially migrates anteriorly with a prominent leading edge that becomes the cell’s anterior neurite (or ‘proximal process’), while its Golgi apparatus is located posterior to the cell nucleus. At around 12 h post-fertilization, each BTN precursor undergoes a 180° polarity inversion, with the Golgi repositioning itself anterior to the nucleus immediately before the cell begins to elaborate the posterior segment of its neurite (the ‘distal process’), resulting in a bipolar morphology (Extended Data Fig. 6, Supplementary Video 4 and Supplementary Table 1). These observations suggest that a precisely timed re-orientation of cell polarity underlies the characteristic bipolar morphology of the BTNs.

At hatching, BTN cell bodies are situated in the middle of the tail along the anterior–posterior axis, with their distal processes extending towards the tail tip and proximal processes projecting towards the motor ganglion and brain (Fig. 4a–c)12. Electron microscopy confirmed that the BTN somata lie outside the neural tube and are invariably overlain by epidermal cells (Fig. 4d). BTNs lack junctions with epidermal cells and also lack cilia, thus failing to penetrate the tunic to contact the exterior. These characteristics suggest that while distal BTN neurites may be sensory, their cell bodies lack epidermal sensory receptors found in CESNs22. Along the tail, the BTNs contact overlying CESNs, the short processes of which do not reach the motor ganglion12 (Fig. 4a–c). At these contacts, synapses form from the CESN to the BTNs (Fig. 4d). Unlike the CESNs, the proximal processes of the BTNs form synaptic contacts with the motor neurons that innervate and control the tail muscles (Fig. 4b, c, e). Each BTN establishes many such contacts upon the two most anterior pairs of motor neurons, MN1 and MN2, on both the left and right sides (Fig. 4e and Extended Data Table 1). These synaptic connections are similar to those of mammalian slowly adapting type I DRGNs that, in addition to being mechanosensitive themselves, relay distinct inputs from mechanosensory Merkel cells of the epidermis23. Both tunicate CESNs and vertebrate Merkel cells arise from non-migratory epidermal cells, require Atoh factors for their specification and are glutamatergic in their neurotransmitter phenotype10,20,24,25. These data suggest that tunicate BTNs may thus be equivalent to vertebrate DRGNs within a homologous ascending sensory pathway (Fig. 4c).

Figure 4: Synaptic connections of bipolar tail neurons.
figure 4

a, BTN labelled by Gad>unc-76::eGFP (green) contacting a CESN labelled by Slc17a6/7/8(Vglut)>unc-76::mCherry (blue). b, Proximal process of BTN labelled by Islet BTN>unc-76::mCherry (green) contacting motor neurons (MNs) labelled by Fgf8/17/18> unc-76::eGFP (magenta). c, Diagram of Ciona larva showing synaptic connections between CESNs in tail epidermis, BTNs and MNs. d, Two synaptic inputs (red boxes, insets) from the sheet-like profile of a CESN to a left-side BTN; transmission electron micrograph from wide-area montage. The profile of a second BTN axon lies out of view. Axon profiles from two right-side BTN axons (r.s. BTNs) are visible. BTNs overlie the neural tube (NT) with neural canal (marked with an asterisk) and cross-sectioned cilia (arrow). An epidermal cell (Ep) overlies the BTN. Each synapse enlarged in inset has ~52 nm diameter presynaptic vesicles (white arrowhead), and the left synapse has a postsynaptic density (red arrowhead). Scale bars, 1 μm (inset scale bars, 0.5 μm). Not., notochord. e, Synaptic input (arrow) from a BTN to the axon of a member of the most anterior pair (A11.118) of motor neurons (MN1), identified by a cumulus of ~60-nm presynaptic vesicles and a shallow postsynaptic density (arrowhead). A second input nearby originates from the axon of an eminens neuron12 (arrow). Inset, synaptic input from BTN to the axon of a second pair of motor neurons (MN2). Scale bars, 1 μm.

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In anamniote vertebrates, evidence for a common progenitor of intramedullary Rohon–Beard neurons (RBNs) and neural crest, in addition to other similarities between RBNs and DRGNs, indicates a deep homology between these cell types26. Fritzsch and Northcutt proposed that a key step in the evolution of neural crest was the elaboration of extramedullary sensory neurons from intramedullary RBN-like neurons27. Following the Fritzsch–Northcutt model, the BTNs may be derived from an ‘intermediate’ extramedullary neuron that evolved in the last common ancestor of Olfactores (vertebrates and tunicates) before the appearance of bona fide neural crest in the vertebrates. The migration of BTN precursors along the paraxial mesoderm, similar to later phases of DRGN migration, suggests that some of the diverse EMT and migratory behaviours displayed by vertebrate neural crest cells may pre-date the emergence of vertebrates.

Although the embryological origin (neural plate borders) and molecular signature (Neurog+/Islet+) of the BTNs of Ciona also support homology with RBNs, the two do in fact differ in several key aspects. First, BTNs are extramedullary neurons derived from progenitor cells that migrate along paraxial mesoderm lateral to the neural tube. Second, expression of ASICs is shared between BTNs and DRGNs, but appears absent from RBNs28. Finally, RBNs are multipolar with extensively branching peripheral neurites that innervate the overlying epidermis29, while we have not observed any peripheral neurites projecting from the bipolar/pseudounipolar BTNs.

We have revealed the developmental history of migratory neuronal progenitors that arise from the neural plate borders of tunicate embryos. Based on their embryological origin, gene expression, cell behaviour, morphology and synaptic connections, we propose that the BTNs are homologous to neural-crest-derived DRGNs. This would imply that the neural plate borders of the olfactorean ancestor gave rise to at least two types of neural crest derivatives: pigment cells and peripheral neurons (Extended Data Fig. 7).

In the invariantly developing Ciona embryo, the pigment cell and BTN lineages become separated early in development, but converge at a neural plate border cell identity before parting again towards distinct differentiated fates. This separation between the two lineages may represent the ancestral condition of the neural plate borders before the evolution of the neural crest in vertebrates. This would support models that propose an evolutionary origin for vertebrate neural crest through a heterochronic shift or ‘intercalation’ of a multipotent progenitor state downstream of neural plate border specification but upstream of cell differentiation, based on shared regulatory programs between neural crest and pluripotent cells of the early embryo1,30.


Molecular cloning

Reporter constructs were designed based on information of cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) from previously published studies on the following genes: Islet31, Msx32, Neurog33, Nodal34, Asic14, glutamate decarboxylase (Gad)35, Slc17a6/7/8 (Vglut)25 and Fgf8/17/18 (ref. 36). The Neurog b-line CRM (Ciinte.REG.KhC6.1500090-1502346) was cloned using the following primers: Neurog −3,010 forward (5′-GTCTGTTTCCGCATACATGC-3′) and Neurog −773 reverse (5′-CTTATACGCCGAACCTCATG-3′). The Neurog b-line minimal CRM (Ciinte.REG.KhC6.1500090-1500501) was found to be contained within this region and cloned using Neurog −3,010 forward and Neurog −2,599 reverse (5′-GCAAAACGTTTCCCGATTCG-3′) primers. Neurog CRMs were cloned upstream of the basal promoter of Neurog (Ciinte.REG.KhC6.1502506-1503107), cloned using the primers Neurog −594 forward (5′-GGTCATGCTTTGTTACGTCC-3′) and Neurog +9 reverse (5′-ATCCAACATTTTGTAGCAAGAGC-3′), or the basal promoter of the Zfpm gene (also known as friend of GATA, or Fog)37. The full-length Mrf CRM (Ciinte.REG.KhC14.4311719-4314636) was cloned using the primers (5′-GCAAGCTCCTTTGGGGTTTGG-3′) and (5′-CGTATAAATATGTCAAACTACCGGC-3′). Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-76 tags were fused to fluorescent proteins to ensure even labelling of axons38. Probes used for in situ hybridization were transcribed in vitro from templates obtained from previously published gene collection clones39,40 for Neurog (R1CiGC29n04), Pax3/7 (R1CiGC42e20), Ebf (R1CiGC02i14) and Cadherin.b (VES104_F13) or cloned de novo from coding sequences for Snail (KH.C3.751.v1.C.SL1-1) and Protocadherin.c (KH.C9.32.v1.A.SL1-1). Golgi-targeting sequence was cloned from KH.C14.396.v1.B.ND1-1 cDNA (N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 7, or Galnt7) using the primers Galnt7 amino acid 1 forward (5′-ATGAGATTTAAAATCGCATCAGTTTTG-3′) and Galnt7 amino acid 157 reverse (5′-AAGTGATATCTTGTCGCTGTTCAC-3′) and fused in-frame to fluorescent proteins. Neurog coding sequence and Neurog::WRPW have been previously cloned and published41. dnFGFR has been previously published42, as has Su(H)-DBM43.

Embryo handling, in situ hybridization and immunolabelling

For purposes other than for electron microscopy (see below), eggs and embryos from wild-caught Ciona intestinalis (species type A, ‘robusta’) purchased from M-REP (San Diego, California) were handled according to established protocols44. Double in situ hybridization/immunolabelling was performed as described in previous publications45,46. Monoclonal anti-β-galactosidase (Promega catalogue number Z3781), rabbit polyclonal anti-mCherry (BioVision, accession number ACY24904), and Alexa Fluor-conjugated secondary antibodies (Life Technologies) were all used at 1:500 working dilution. Alexa Fluor-conjugated phalloidin (Life Technologies) was used at 1:50 working dilution. MEK inhibitor U0126 (Cell Signaling Technology) was resuspended as stock solution in DMSO at 10 mM concentration, and diluted to 10 μM in artificial sea water for embryo treatments. Sample sizes equal the total number of embryos present per microscope slide, unless these exceeded arbitrarily set limits of 50 or 100 embryos. No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size and no replicates were used. The experiments were not randomized and the investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment.

Fluorescence/confocal microscopy and photoconversion

Images were captured on a Leica inverted TCS SP8 X confocal or DM2500 epifluorescence microscope. For time-lapse image capture, embryos were imaged as they developed in sea water-filled chambers on coverslip-bottom Petri dishes (MatTek). Confocal image stacks were processed in Leica Application Suite or ImageJ. Video annotations were made using Camtasia software (TechSmith). 3D slices and projections were generated using Imaris (Bitplane) or Volocity (PerkinElmer) software. Kaede::nls47 was photoconverted as previously described48. Neurite lengths and Golgi apparatus positioning were measured using ImageJ. Not all cells, neurites and/or Golgi were visible in every embryo. Golgi positioning relative to BTN nuclei was measured in degrees of angle formed between a line traced anteriorly from the nucleus and another line traced through the middle of the Golgi complex. Thus, when the Golgi complex is perfectly aligned anterior to the nucleus, the angle is 0°, whereas if the Golgi complex is perfectly posterior to the nucleus, the angle is 180°. Rose plots (angle histograms) were generated in Matlab (

Electron microscopy

Adult animals, Ciona intestinalis (L.), were collected by P. Darnell from Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Two-hour larvae reared at 18 °C in the dark were fixed at 4 °C for 1 h in 1% OsO4 in 1.25% NaHCO3 adjusted to pH 7.2 with HCl, followed by 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. After fixation they were embedded in Epon, and a single larva cross sectioned at 60 nm in the motor ganglion and later at 100 nm down the length of the tail, and the sections post-stained for 5–6 min in freshly prepared aqueous uranyl acetate followed by 2–3 min in lead citrate. Sections were viewed using an FEI Tecnai 12 electron microscope operated at 80 kV and images captured using either a Kodak Megaview II camera using software (AnalySIS: SIS GmbH), or a Gatan 832 Orius SC1000 CCD camera using Gatan DigitalMicrograph software to compile multi-panel montages from each section. Comprehensive electron micrograph series identified the cell bodies and axons of BTNs, motor neurons and CESNs from their positions and shapes, and these in turn enabled identification of their connections (K.R. and I.A.M., manuscript in preparation).