
The vitamin B12 (B12) status of infants depends largely on maternal B12 status during pregnancy, and during lactation if exclusively breastfed. Haemodilution, altered concentrations of B12 binding proteins, hormonal changes and active transportation of B12 across the placenta make the assessment of B12 status during pregnancy challenging. The evaluation of B12 status in infants is also challenging. Moreover, biochemical evidence of impaired B12 status has been reported in up to two-thirds of exclusively breastfed infants aged 6 weeks to 4 months.1, 2, 3 We present the case of an infant with severe B12 deficiency, whose mother was also deficient.


A 9-month-old girl was admitted to the metabolic unit for assessment of developmental delay, abnormal movements (head dropping forward and arms moving up; 6–10 episodes per day) and pancytopenia with massive excretion of urinary methylmalonic acid (MMA).

She has been exclusively breastfed from birth. Parents attempted introducing solids at 5 months, but were unsuccessful. She previously smiled and was rolling front to back and back to front, however she had lost these skills. She was unable to sit unaided at the time of presentation. On admission the infant was anaemic, had brief myoclonic jerks but no epileptiform activity was seen on the electroencephalography and the electromyography was normal. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed a generalised lack of white matter bulk with evidence of delayed myelination.

Blood investigations after admission confirmed pancytopenia, and revealed macrocytic anaemia, undetectable serum B12 and holotranscobalamin, low methionine, low iron, highly elevated serum MMA and total plasma homocysteine (Table 1). Urinary MMA was also elevated. Mild immunoglobulin M deficiency was present but no generalised hypogammaglobulinaemia or proteinuria.

Table 1 Selected results from the infant: samples taken at initial presentation and +3 days and +2 months post intramuscular hydroxocobalamin 1 mg per day, and 40 mg elemental iron daily

A panel of genes related to disorders of B12 metabolism and transport was screened by next-generation sequencing. A heterozygous likely pathogenic mutation in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene c.155G>A, p.(Arg52Gln) was identified (paternally inherited) but no second pathogenic variant detected. A heterozygous cubilin gene variant c.3604G>A, p.(Ala1202Thr), which is very poorly conserved across orthologous proteins was also detected (maternally inherited). However in silico analysis predicted this variant to be benign.

MMA and homocysteine normalised after 3 days of intramuscular hydroxocobalamin (B12) 1 mg per day and 40 mg elemental iron daily. Parents reported a remarkable improvement in the infant’s health. The infant was able to sit well unsupported, roll from both directions and had begun communicating her needs well. The infant continued to receive B12 injections and oral iron for 3 months.

Family history

Investigations of the parents showed the father as B12 replete and the mother as B12 and iron deficient (Table 2). Her intrinsic factor antibody was negative, parietal cell antibodies positive.

Table 2 Selected results of the infant’s mother before and during pregnancy (performed at the local hospital) on presentation and post intramuscular hydroxocobalamin (initially 1 mg every alternate day for 2 weeks and then monthly), and oral iron (200 mg of ferrous sulphate per day)

The mother was 33 yrs and ostensibly fit, well and physically active. There is no history of neuropathy and the mother is not a vegan/vegetarian. However, she had a history of anaemia since childhood. She has two sons, aged 4 and 9 yrs. Her older son was diagnosed as anaemic age 7 yrs. Both the boys take multivitamins with iron. Both achieved normal developmental milestones. She also had three first trimester miscarriages prior to her pregnancy with this infant. She had been severely anaemic 8 months prior to becoming pregnant with this infant (Table 2). At this time her B12 was 98 pmol/l and ferritin 2 μg/l. B12 status was considered normal at that time and her iron deficiency treated with ferrous fumarate, 210 mg three times a day. At conception, all full blood count (FBC) indices were normal except a slightly elevated red cell distribution width (RDW) 15.6% (Table 2). She was on intermittent ferrous fumarate supplementation with Pregnacare (a multivitamin containing 6 μg of B12 and 17 mg iron) during the first trimester. FBC markers, performed at ~2.5 and ~7 months of pregnancy were normal, except for RDW: 16% and 14.8%, respectively (Table 2). Serum B12 and ferritin were not measured during the pregnancy or post delivery.

Upon diagnosis of B12 deficiency, the mother received intramuscular hydroxocobalamin (B12), 1 mg every alternate day for 2 weeks and oral iron. The mother continues to receive monthly B12 injections and 200 mg of ferrous sulphate daily, and her B12 and iron status are being regularly monitored.


Humans source their vitamin B12 from animal-derived foods, predominantly as hydroxocobalamin. The B12-intrinsic factor complex is absorbed by the cubulin/amnionless receptors in the terminal ileum. The transcobalamin II carrier protein transports B12 to cells. Cells convert hydroxocobalamin into the two metabolically active forms: adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. In the mitochondria, adenosylcobalamin is a co-factor for methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (mut), which converts methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA. Genetic mutations affecting mut or adenosylcobalamin synthesis lead to high levels of MMA. In the cytosol, methylcobalamin and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate enable remethylation of homocysteine to methionine. Mutations affecting various stages in methylcobalamin synthesis (known as Cbl F, J, C, D, E and G) result in raised homocysteine and macrocytic anaemia.4

Mutations of the ileal receptors (Imerslund–Gräsbeck syndrome) or nutritional B12 deficiency reduce B12 overall, and manifest with high MMA as well as high homocysteine and macrocytic anaemia. In this infant, the combination of high MMA, high homocysteine, macrocytic anaemia and absence of pathogenic mutations of the ileal receptors made a nutritional B12 deficiency most likely. Vitamin B12 status of infants is largely dependent on the B12 status of mother. Studies have shown that breast milk alone is not sufficient to support the daily requirements of B12 intake, even from mothers with normal B12 status and especially if exclusive breastfeeding is continued beyond 6 months of age.5, 6 The investigations of the infant’s mother revealed severe B12 deficiency. Her holotranscobalamin was undetectable. Other B12 markers were also consistent. Therefore, maternal deficiency was the most likely cause of B12 deficiency in the infant.

To the best of our knowledge, the mother received standard antenatal care as recommended by NICE guidelines.7 In keeping with NICE guidelines, a screening for anaemia was performed using FBC at 2.5 and 7 months of pregnancy. The guidelines, however, do not advise investigations for B12 deficiency anaemia. They only state that if the haemoglobin level falls below 110 and 105 g/l (at 10 and 28 weeks, respectively), an iron supplementation is indicated. In keeping with these recommendations, B12 and iron status were not checked, despite abnormal RDW values reported as part of FBC screening. It is known that an elevated RDW is a marker for early iron, B12, folate or combined nutrient deficiency anaemia.

Furthermore, 8 months prior to becoming pregnant, the mother’s serum B12 was only 98 pmol/l. Of note, the cutoff of 96 pmol/l for B12 deficiency used by the laboratory is low in comparison with the most commonly used cutoff of 148 pmol/l.8

The assessment of B12 status during pregnancy continues to be challenging.9 Pregnancy-related reference ranges are not used by most laboratories and no correction for hemodilution is made. In addition, the mothers of breastfed children who develop B12 deficiency are often asymptomatic.10

Maternal B12 deficiency, most likely masked by iron deficiency and a normal haemoglobin count on antenatal screening, led to severe B12 deficiency in the infant. Exclusive breastfeeding and a subsequent failure to wean exacerbated the B12 deficiency. This case highlights the need for development of guidelines for assessment of B12 status during pregnancy as well as public awareness of the risks of exclusive breastfeeding beyond 6 months of age.