
The cloud computing has become an inseparable part of day-to-day business life. Around the world, most organizations are using cloud-based services in the form of either platform-as-a-service (PaaS), software-as-a-service (SaaS), or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) [1]. The main benefits gained by these organizations are that they can expand their business with less expenditure in infrastructure, pay as per use payment models and less investment for skills that are generally required for updation of any new technology [2]. But generally in view of benefits and cost-effective solutions, many organizations, small as well as big, do not pay much attention towards the security threats and different challenges of cloud environment. Sometimes, these challenges become so dangerous that these can result in great loss in terms of data hacking, privacy of customers, integrity of information, etc. [3, 4]. Security is always a key component whenever we talk about any technology based on open network, i.e., Internet. Same with cloud computing also, because it is also based on Internet. However, the difference lies in cloud security and other technologies when we talk about the different components responsibility towards managing security. The cloud service provider (CSP) is one of the stake holders who should be responsible for handling security of applications, operating System (OS), network traffic, and infrastructure [1, 4]. Similarity cloud user (CU) is another stakeholder who is responsible for handling security for user access, data, and applications to the some extent. Table 1 shows the usual distribution of responsibilities for different security components for different types of cloud services [5].

Table 1 Distribution of responsibilities for different security components

Table 1 represents only the ideal scenario for distribution of responsibilities. Sometimes, CSP can define these responsibilities in different manner outlined by the service-level agreement (SLA) [6]. The CU should be well aware about all the concerns before signing on the legal agreement.

The remaining paper is organized as follows: Sect. "Related Work" will present the detailed literature review; Sect. "Conclusion" will cover the security challenges for different stake holder levels also. At the end, Section 4 will draw the conclusion.

Related Work

Security Challenges

Researchers have covered various aspects of security in cloud in their works, such as cloud security issues and related challenges, attack vectors associated with architectural components [3, 7, 8]. If we talk about the business organization, then biggest challenge for them is that they need to be aware always with different type of risks at different level. Because, as the popularity of the technology increases new challenges comes in the scenario. Table 2 presents a list of some security challenges in cloud and possible solutions for organizations.

Table 2 Common challenges with cloud-based services

Morsy et al. 2010 present the detailed analysis of security aspects in cloud environment. They have taken various perspectives for survey such as architecture of cloud, characteristics of cloud, stake holders and delivery models, etc. All the services in cloud bind with high dependency stack. The PaaS delivery model is built over IaaS; similarly, SaaS is built over PaaS, which means that the security complicacy of one layer makes compilations is another layer as well [14]. Takabi et al. 2010 explored various distinctive issues with cloud computing environment that creates security and privacy challenges. The authors discussed various issues in various levels such as authentication, virtualization, access control, etc. [15]. The article also elaborates some approaches that user can follow when moving towards cloud-based services. Vulnerabilities play the most important role in any open access system. It always shows the risk of attacks. The vulnerabilities possible in cloud environment are discussed by Grobauer et al. 2011, which can be defined in areas such as—it can be due to core technologies such as web, virtualization, etc., possible due to essential characteristics defined in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) model [1, 4]. There are five categories of cloud security defined by Khalil et al. 2014, security standards are defined protocols that should be defined by the company for providing cloud services, network security involves various types of attacks such as DoS, DDoS etc., access control deals with the data privacy issues of the user, cloud infrastructure is a security category which covers all the attacks target in the delivery models, and last category defined by author is data, which covers security issues related with migration of data, confidentiality of data, integrity of data, etc. [3]. Cloud service models’ major security issues are discussed by Anjana et al. 2018, the major responsibilities of CSP and CU decided by the cloud service models, as shown in Table 1. Apart from these security issues on delivery models, authors discussed about various threats such as weak API, covert channels by virtual machines (VMs), intruder can modify data, etc. Some counter measures suggest by authors with reference to the defined attacks such as identity management, dynamic credentials, digital signatures, etc. [5]. Table 3 shows the comparative analysis of the different related works [5,6,7,8,9,10, 14, 16,17,18,19], etc.

Table 3 Comparative analysis of the related work

Security Concerns of Stakeholders

According to NIST reference architecture, there are five major stakeholders to perform task in cloud computing [1]: cloud service provider (CSP), cloud user or consumer (CU), cloud broker, cloud auditor, and cloud carrier.

Cloud User (CU)

The major stakeholders for cloud computing are cloud user or consumer (CU), cloud service providers (CSP), cloud auditor, and cloud broker [20]. The CU is the most affected stakeholder if any kind of breach happens over cloud. According to the recommendation ITU-T X.160, the major threats and challenges for CU are [20]:

  • Secure access to the services—the main concern of CU is to access the services in a secure way and will share services only to the trusted entities. Any kind of loop hole can create major loss for CU.

  • Data security—the user is always interested in the updation of its own data, but this concern is also subject to the unauthorized access also.

  • Confidentiality and privacy—the data confidentiality is also one of the major concerns on cloud. The threat is there, because the data of CU are handled by third party and it has full control on data. If while processing any type of attack for example man in middle attack happens, then the confidentiality will be breach.

  • Data control—certain level of control on data in cloud.

  • Service availability—the cloud-based services taken by the user should be available all the time and at all places.

  • Interoperability—if the CU has any problem or dissatisfaction with vendor, then there should be a flexibility to migrate from one vendor to another. But generally, they face vendor lock-in problem

  • Trust between CU and CSP—the CU should have trust on CSP that he is giving secure services with all security measures. However, it is really difficult to make this kind of trust between CU and CSP and for CSP to provide 100% secure services.

Apart from these challenges, some major challenges according to the delivery model level are listed in Table 1.

Cloud Provider

CSP is responsible to deliver cloud services to the CU. According to the delivery services, these CSP can be IaaS providers, PaaS providers, and SaaS providers [18]. According to the recommendation ITU-T X.160, the major threats and challenges for CSP are [20]:

  • Eliminate internal threats—there can be a threat of hacking internal servers, leaking data either by intension, or un-intentional by internal employees.

  • Secure administrator access rights—CSP is responsible to define access of administrator rights to the trusted employees only.

  • Sharing environment security—many user access same services. There should be proper maintenance of confidentiality, integrity, and authentication (CIA) norms.

  • Continuity in services—CSP needs to aware with the different type of attacks such as DoS, DDoS, which can disrupt services of the CSP to CU.

  • Independence in software components—CSP has to make sure that if there is any security problem found in one software component, it should not affect to another.

Cloud Auditor

The main function of cloud auditor (CA) to evaluate services provided by the CSP on the basis of performance, privacy and control, etc. CA has three major roles—privacy audit, security audit, and performance audit. The main challenges faced by CA with respect to security are:

  • Transparency—because the data and security both are managed by third party, the main challenge is to audit the proper documents prepared by the CSP in the form of SLA with clear CSP policies and security assurance [21].

  • New technology certifications—CA is responsible to audit the CSP certifications whenever he applies for scaling and changing technology, so that it should not affect any kind of services and security provided to the CU.

  • Encryption Technology—CA has to ensure that the proper encryption technology should be used by the CSP, so that the plain text should not flow around the channels [21].

Cloud Broker

Cloud brokers (CB) are the organizations that behave as an interface between CSP and CU. They generally offer some value-added services to CU such as an interface with various integrated services at one place. Services provided by the brokers are commonly—intermediation, aggregation, and arbitrage [22]. The main benefit of CB to the CU is sometime the CB provides some extra services to the CU on demand. The main security concerns for CB are the CSP needs to verify what kind of role and position he is giving to CB in the chain of data processing and accessing from cloud. CB serves various types of clients on the same platform; assurance is required from data leakage and privacy.

Cloud Carrier

The main role of cloud carrier (CC) is to provide the connectivity and channel between CSP and CU [23]. Generally, the carriers are Internet network, telecommunication, and different devices for providing the services of cloud. The SLA is required to be prepared between CSP and CC before providing services. The channels used by CC are commonly encrypted channels, because the security of the data while transporting is the major responsibility of CC [23]. Because while transporting sensitive data if the data get stolen or leaked, then there can be major loss to the CU which can result in the business and image loss to the CSP, as well.

Suggestions for Cloud Security

There are various public cloud service providers that provide real secure environment for protecting data on cloud such as Amazon, Google, etc. However, the real challenge starts when cloud user access that data and data leaves the cloud environment [1, 24]. The major challenges can be stolen login credentials, unprotected channel, etc. The cloud cyber security can be one of the solutions for secure data transfer from cloud to cloud user. There are various techniques used and suggested by researchers to provide the security of data, such as multi-factor authentication, multi-level authentication, creation of different back solutions, creation of logs, encryption for end to end data transfer, permissions log for access management, etc. [1, 4, 25].


The various types of challenges and security issues are explored in the paper. There are six major challenges which can be faced to the business organizations if they decide to use the cloud-based services. The paper has also explore the possible solutions against the challenges. There are five major stake holders in the cloud computing and the paper discusses the security concern and responsibility of each stake holder whether it is CSP, CU, CB, CA, or CC. A comparison of survey is done in the paper on the basis of issues discussed by the different researchers in Table 3. This paper can help the researchers to start and choose their area of research, and also provides the major security concerns at one place.