1 Introduction

1.1 The UX/UI as a product of HCI

The User Experience and User Interface industry has helped the developers tailor sophisticated, accessible designs that comply with users’ usability. Simplicity, accessibility, navigability, and emotional connectivity are crucial when designing an interface while checking off all the boxes from the clients’ requirement list since the industry is all about producing designs per the client’s needs [1] is grounded in empiricism, employs the best of psychology, and depicts the relationship between humans and new-age technology. The User Experience Design is a crucial process involving surveying, design researching, and problem-solving to create products that contribute towards creating meaningful and relevant experiences for the users whereas, the User Interface Design is the designing of visual interfaces for a particular software which deals with the crucial aesthetics of a product. This paper drifts through a series of studies and observations that help us understand the significance of UX/UI design in computing systems.

1.2 Aesthetics intertwined with UX/UI design

We are usually asked not to judge a book by its cover. Psychology Today avers that the visual area at the back of our brains comprises almost 30% of our cortex which undertones that aesthetically pleasing products can convince us that they can produce exceptional work. The look and feel of a product feed our preconceived notions about it and the consequence of cognitive work in our brains. Judgment under uncertainty and bias projects our beliefs that we form as products of what is perceived by us [2]. Distance, clarity, and representativeness collectively influence these beliefs or judgments that we fabricate of a product. As [2] suggest, distance, clarity, and representativeness are all wedges of visuals, and visuals are what predominantly determine our conception of a product. The aesthetics industry is all about the look and feel of a product. If a product is optimum in its usability but has weak aesthetics, there is an excellent chance that it will not work wonders in the commercial market. [3] Studied the design elements as a crucial design inclusive UX research section. They depicted how the focus has histrionically shifted from systematic usability requirements towards guidance on designing for experiences. Considering our lifestyles in this technological era, we tend to care a lot about the aesthetic appeal of our appliances or even graphics or interfaces. The look and feel are pivotal while designing a product since they essentially determine the overall user experience. The advancements in technology have engendered expectations that a product or software should be simplistic in its design and efficient in its accessibility and usability. The User Experience and User Interface Design are intertwined in bettering the aesthetics of a product. This paper explores how the aesthetics industry has reached new heights and saunters through different sectors of computing systems that UX/UI design has aided.

1.2.1 Gamification influenced by UX

Gamification has become a significant part of the corporate industry. Gamification is a significant sector influenced by UX design, as shown in Fig. 1. We integrate literature from psychology, human–computer interaction, and other fields to define gameful design, systems, and experiences. We argue that gameful experience is the core focal construct and define it as an interactive state where the person, while interacting with a system, perceives small and achievable goals created externally and is motivated to pursue these goals in an environment of predefined behavioral rules [4]. The idea of getting the motivation to achieve real-life goals with the help of point-scoring, team play, and boosting competitive behavior has become a widespread phenomenon in many corporate industries. The essence of the gameplay lies within the UX design and the aesthetics of a particular game. The UX design helps determine the emotions the player shall experience after playing the game. The UI design seeks to assemble a visually appealing interface, fun and accessibly coherent, and simplistic. This paper discusses various gamification projects that highlight the significance of UX in the gamification industry.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Representation of three different sectors influenced by UX/UI design

1.2.2 UX in hardware computing systems

The computing systems can be bisected into hardware and software under the influence of UX design, as depicted in Fig. 1. Both the industries themselves serve as prominent sectors of the computing systems as a whole. The look of a product is sculpted by the exterior, supported by user experience and designed by creating effortless hardware systems resulting in a solid products. Utility, usability, social value, and enjoyment [5] are the topmost desirable UX elements in any corporate that elevate the efficiency in evaluation, benchmark maintenance, and monitoring trends. Hardware as a part of computing systems bisected into hardware and software is molded by user experience by promoting simplistic designs as a product of design language or a set of consistent visual elements that can be reused.

1.2.3 UX in software computing systems

The feel of a product or software incorporated with human psychology is a derivative of software design wherein the aesthetics, usability, and accessibility of software is taken into account. Study that the hardware and software, when amalgamated, form a consummate product ready to hit the commercial markets due to the advancements, growth and the adaption of the practice [6]. Therefore, we see a need to put together a comprehensive article covering the aspects of UI/UX consisting of the latest technology, progress and novel studies done by the enthusiasts in this field. The research studies were selected based on prior expertise regarding this field and using keywords search in publicly available databases like Google Scholar, arXiv, Researchgate, ScienceOpen, PubMed, CiteSeerX, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library and more. And more than 80 studies were used for meticulously discussing the significance of UI/UX in gamification and computing & anatomized the facts that can further help researchers, designers, enthusiasts and designing firms with this article. This paper analyzes different computing systems, scilicet, hardware, and software sectors and how UX/UI design is essential in bolstering these sectors in the industry.

1.2.4 Perks and pitfalls of UX design in the corporate world

Many companies today are attempting to win a design battle to remain relevant. Furthermore, recent trends show that an increasing number of midsize and large product companies are gaining traction. However, as with any corporate environment, being a part of a large organization comes with benefits and drawbacks.

Perks of UX design

Pitfalls of UX design

Skill specialization in a particular sector among vast areas of knowledge

Narrow skillset focusing on a unanimous mission instead of a variety of skillsets

Structured workflow and established processes

Inflexibility in corporate environment with rigid guidelines

Wide variety of projects in the field

Lack of long-term influence

Creative diversity in a corporate environment with a plethora of designers

Short-term deadline driven culture with time constraints deterring reciprocations

2 UX as a significant factor of gamification

In this section, we analyze the significance of UX design and aesthetics in the virtual universe of game-play and how the different elements of utility, usability, social value, and enjoyment [5] influence the gamification industry. There have been sufficient studies that analyze the gamification industry in the corporate world. However, this paper discusses the significance of UX design in the industry and how it influences the market value and the usability and accessibility of games. Defining gameful experience as borrowed from [4] as a product of psychology, human–computer interaction, voluntary motivation, and aesthetic appeal (Fig. 2) shines a light on the criticality of UX design in the game design industry.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The construction of a game through various elements including UX design, psychology, voluntary motivation and aesthetic appeal

2.1 Gamification used as a motivation rostrum through UX

The popularity of gamification has reached the highest of highs in the twenty-first century. Statista under media and advertising avers that the value of the video game market in the United States was estimated at 17.69 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, while the entire global video games market was valued at 75 billion U.S. dollars that same year [7, 8] Game design is one of the most promising careers of this era since gamification has made it possible to use gameplay as voluntary motivation in sectors of corporate industries, educational domains [9], and recreational purposes. The crucial pillar that bolsters the game design industry is UX design. The human–computer interaction, cognitive engineering, development of visually appealing interfaces (Fig. 3) which also serve to be efficient in usability and accessibility while focusing on an utterly user-centered design (UCD), is all served under one unified domain-UX design [10]. From data logs with BrainQuest, a cognitive training game, and emotional behavior codes, the reviews stated that the game tends to be motivational and enjoyable, taking into consideration its fantasy enhancing sounds and outstanding graphics, which are a product of user experience design and human–computer interaction skillsets [11]. The users were motivated and thrilled by their achievements and winning trophies, badges and performing well on the leader board [12]. This adds to the preconceived notion that games can be used as a motivational platform for the users to experience dominion in realistic environments as well.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Essential elements in the fabrication of a game

Gamification as a whole can be perceived as the use of gameplay in non-recreational systems or “the use of game design elements in non-game contexts” [13]. Exemplars of gamification in business are US Army (1), Engine Yard (2), Keas (3), ChoreWars (4), etc. Various studies suggest that gamification can be used as a motivational tool [11, 14,15,16].

Self-determination theory, which means voluntary motivation, can prove advantageous considering psychological needs as a theoretical framework [14]. For a game to be efficient and motivational, it must undergo various processes of User Experience. The flow of any User Experience Design is described as a product of efficient research, analyzing human psychology in terms of user-centered output of the product, designing an interactive, usable, accessible, and appealing interface, and lastly, testing the final product. Attitude change requires human psychology or persona knowledge which is a quintessential sector among the vast field of UX design. Game elements such as badges, scoreboards, leaderboards [12], etc., are what make a game engaging and influential. The art behind engendering these interfaces points to developing an interactive interface through a series of surveys, card sorts, and many other intensive programs curated to gather valuable information from the users [15], discuss the psychological effects of a game that employs arcade game elements against the traditional attitude change in aviation safety. The game proves to be more engaging and efficient against the traditional safety card approach [15]. The safety card approach refers to the safety laminated cards with instructions provided by the airline to be referred to in cases of turbulence or any hazards. These safety cards are generally dull and unengaging, and compared to this approach, the introduction of arcade games for attitude change regarding aviation safety could be revolutionary. This phenomenon occurs due to the structured visual appeal and interactive interface designed so that the user experience, cognitive abilities, and human psychology are efficiently taken into utmost consideration.

2.2 Sectors of gameful user experience

A gameful experience can be defined by integrating extant literature from human–computer interaction, human psychology, cognitive sciences, and other fields to define gameful design, systems, and experiences [4]. The term gamefulness was itself defined by [17] a designer and researcher. They delineated a new dimension of “Alternate Reality Games.” In contrast, the term User Experience was coined by the prominent user experience architect, the ex-Vice President of the Advanced Technology Group at Apple, Donald Norman. When these two terminologies are coalesced to define a particular cognitive assignment that encompasses challenges, emotional outreach, and reward (as depicted in Fig. 4), a consummate idea of user experience with gamefulness is introduced.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The obligatory sectors under the province of game user experience

In 2017, according to a survey by Toptal, video games donned a hundred billion dollar market, and about 65% of ménages proved to be home to at least one person who plays more than three hours of video games every week. With promising outcomes, the gaming industry enjoys great influence by various games, viz., hand gesture gaming and motion vs. surface gestures [18, 19] Hand gestures thus impact the enjoyment of games and gamefulness in the arena of mobile marketing with two major game elements bifurcated into object visual presentation and reward setting to enhance user experience [18]. Considering game designing, intrinsic studies on games with a purpose and using game interfaces and controllers in other contexts have been undertaken [13]. The different sectors which influence a game muscularly under user experience are challenges, emotional outreach, and rewards.

2.2.1 “Challenges” as a sector of gameful user experience

Challenges motivate players or users to work coherently [20]. As the author suggests, the challenges of a game must keep up with the learner’s growth and cognitive abilities, and that is where the UX comes into the picture. The critical elements of a successful game are its gameplay, game-story outline, its art style or the user interface, and the challenges thrown at the users to be dealt with. The UI designers shape the user interface to create a visually appealing, pleasurable interface that is efficient in usability and accessibility. However, the challenges are a product of exclusive UX design developed by designers apprehending human psychology and systems by walking a mile in the user’s shoes.

According to [21], the survey of 20 best videogames of 2017 by [21], senior contributor, games, the top five games were established to be The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Nintendo, Persona 5 by Altus, Super Mario Odyssey by Nintendo, Horizon Zero Dawn by Guerrilla Games and Cuphead by Studio MDHR. The influential interfaces with the optimal visual appeal are depicted in Fig. 5, delineating posters of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Nintendo and Persona 5 by Altus. These games are a concoction of magnificent gameplay, splendid storyline, breath-taking graphics, and exigent challenges.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The premier games of 2017, The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo) and Persona 5 (Altus) a survey by Forbes

2.2.2 Emotional outreach as a sector of gameful user experience

Creating meaningful choices viz. role-playing games (RPGs) helps the user emotionally connect to the character and other human beings. A sense of social and moral dilemma between players can be sought out through research and analysis through UX methods like persona identification and sought out wireframes/storyboarding. These create a natural environment for the users to produce realistic results. By considering the player’s point of view, [12] aimed to look for new elements in the video game world that could motivate users in online environments, engage them in the use of interactive systems, and drive their behaviors toward healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. According to an article in the September 13th issue of [22] in 2010, playing fast-action games helps decision-making. A team of cognitive scientists from The University of Rochester researched and claimed that video gamers make faster and more accurate decisions. The work is published in Current Biology. Considering the sector of the massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPGs) as a source of inspiration, an ethnographic study in World of Warcraft was orchestrated by [12]. He primarily discusses interactive systems that aim to change user behaviors through intrinsic motivation practices and proposes new and varied game elements by examining system design strategies. Since human–computer interaction is a conceptual design rooted in human factors and ergonomics, it focuses intensely on humans, machines, and interfaces that knit them together. The User Experience is of paramount importance in any game-play, and emotional outreach is a major sector of game UX that can be collectively achieved by creating meaningful choices.

2.2.3 Rewards as a sector of gameful user experience

In our daily lives, we deal with a plethora of challenges. The only motivation to get through all of those challenges is the thought of savoring the rewards. The rewards play a crucial part in the development of a successful game. Studying human psychology and intrinsic motivation, researched that various end goals are distinct sources of motivation [23]. Hedonists distinguished two global categories of goals associated with pleasure enhancement and pain reduction- drives and intrinsic motives [23]. A theory of motivation by [23] discusses fundamental needs, values, and drives that motivate a person [24]. Rewards like coins, badges, weapons, tools, and upgrades hit a note in the minds of players associated with Reiss’s 16 basic desires [25]. The prevalence of futile effects is related to the user’s consideration of the reward system and punishment system as inappropriate [26]. 1980’s scholars in human–computer interaction suggested that designers extract and test specific techniques used in games to influence player motivation [27]. Rewards make gameplay emotionally tenable. The human–computer interaction community has widely acknowledged the criticality of enjoyment. The variance between pleasurable pursuits and fun is described to depict an array of forms of enjoyment highly influenced by the factors of UX [28]. With the rise of UX as a profession, more researchers sought to study hedonistic attributes or motivational affordances of pleasurable products have given rise to “funology.” The rewards in gameplay are directly proportional to trigger a dose of dopamine and endorphins in our cognitive minds only to motivate us to an extent to do better in realistic environments [29].

3 UX as a significant catalyst in computing systems: hardware

User experience collectively is a product of the merger of interaction design, visual design, information architecture, and user research, as illustrated in Fig. 6. All of these segments of UX combine to form a system that is principally user-centric and appealing to the viewer’s eye while also being user-friendly and efficient in findability and accessibility. As a component of hardware systems, UX design is predominantly required to engender products that are not only aesthetically pleasing by also accessibly appealing while following a simplistic approach.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Various segments of User Experience Design to form an interactive system

3.1 Hardware interaction design (HID)

The hardware dealing with interactive systems to abridge the mile between physical forms and digital graphics is essentially known as hardware interaction design (HID). The UX has been shifting its focus from being haptic and tactile to being digitally graphical. When an industrial design is met with UX design and usability engineering, this concord of material design is given birth. Today, visual interfaces are top-notch, but the descriptive, intuitive design has shifted its kingpin to natural interface strategies. Hardware interaction design takes physical forms and connects them with digital information for the user to control virtual data flow through voluntary tactile motions of pressing, grasping, or moving the physical forms. Exemplars of products constructed through well sought out HID are the digital crown in Apple Watches digital crown of Apple Watch Series-4 illustrated in Fig. 7) and joysticks for XBOX.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Digital Crown as a product of Hardware Interaction Design (Apple Watch Series: 4)

The hardware in any computing system is concerned with two of these segments: visual design and user research. However, the visual design can also be used in a distinct nuance, i.e., under software design. The visual design refers to the look of the product, the aesthetics, or informally, the “cover of a book.” User Research pertains to the background storyline to bestow the ultimate product in their best interests upon the users. User experience is a field that principally depends on the user. The user’s demands, expectations, propositions should revolve around the users and should be satisfactorily met. User experience deals with the knowledge or human cognition and impact of technology and behavior [1], an unalienable chunk of hardware-influenced computing systems. Building technology and developing sophisticated interactive systems is a painstaking but solvable task.

3.2 UX in hardware computing systems

The world is home to a firm, but false belief- humans are impervious to the impact of technology [1]. Relationships between Homo sapiens as an intelligent race and systems as a product of this intelligence are what a complete user experience comprises [30]. We form cognitive Biases [2] based on products that we perceive as carriers of our preconceived notions. As long as humans are the nucleus of human–computer interaction, beauty must be a vital sector endeavor [31]. Beauty, in many studies, is known to be a good predictor of a product’s impression. We largely assume that what is beautiful to our eyes must be good enough. This stereotype has lived through centuries and will ceaselessly thrive through many more. In Don Norman’s book, Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, Norman describes a study in which he discovered, the degree of a system’s aesthetics affected the post-use perceptions of both aesthetics and usability, whereas the degree of actual usability had no such effect. In other words, visual design has as much of an effect on overall experience as actual usability. Hence, it can be believed that UX design is what makes a product aesthetically pleasing, hedonistic to human eyes, and visually joyful. UX manifests as quality in design and interactions with the system through varied methods and instruments [6]. The crucial elements are users’ perceived hedonic and pragmatic quality while balancing with the beauty and goodness [31]. Hedonic quality positively affects the beauty and determines the user’s perception of beauty [6]. Working with systematic analysis of human behavior through thorough research and disciplined experiments to accomplish clear conclusions through psychology and cognitive sciences is what constructs a behavioral computer science system [32]. Behavioral Science is related to Hardware Interaction Design in a way a petal is related to a flower. The basic definition of behavioral computer science is the study of the influence of specific computer technology (hardware or software) on a human mind. Interactions are relationships between entities and establish cognitive schemas that transfer as patterns to feed and influence outcomes and stakeholders [33]. Design is an essential part of UX research. A structured palette consisting of research elements vital to set up new design-inclusive UX projects was developed by a set of researchers [3]. One of the elements of this palette was knowledge about real-world designing. It plays a significant role in building a monumental product, be it industrially constructed or digitally graphical. Haptics relates to the sense of touch and physical forms, collectively, physicality and interaction between humans and digital systems through tactile motions viz. grasping and moving physical forms like knobs of the radio instead of virtual interaction. The hedonic significance of using such forms when intertwined with aesthetics is significant. Pragmatic and aesthetic UX elements are the ones behind the visual appeal and are considered crucial in determining the fate of a product. The UX elements triggering emotional outreach are the tough nuts hard to look for [5]. Studying a humongous tag like Nokia, a plethora of UX elements are required to deliver the users with crème de la crème. [5] Selected four elements for Nokia as a whole: utility, usability, social value, and enjoyment.

4 UX as a buttress in computing systems: software

User experience in computing systems under software is referred to as user interface designing, and this is where pictorial representations, colors, typography, and visual identities come together as one. User experience for software relies on two of the most prestigious factors: usability and accessibility. The research, analysis, design, and testing are all grouped into one single primary process to devise an end product that is completely user-centered and keeps up with the users’ expectations.

4.1 User interface design (UI design)

User interface designing is a medium of connecting humans and systems so that there is optimum usability and minimum complexity. The assembly of pictorial representations, visual appeal, typography, colors, and visual identity works to engender an interface that is visually appealing and efficient in usability and accessibility. The process of user interface design significantly comprises of five critical elements (delineated in Fig. 8: Persona Map (archetypal user), Wireframes (storyboards to engender creative representations of the creation of the interface viz. storyboarding), Prototypes (drafts to predict the feasibility and outcome of the end-product), Use-case and user-flow diagrams(to represent all the factors impacting the project pictorially) and Sitemaps (High fidelity visual mock-ups to document the journey throughout the creation)). The product of this amalgamation is radically user-centered. A user has to be the nucleus of a project involving UX. An essential part of user-centrism is considering users in their scopes and expanding it to the user’s community participation quintessence [34]. Contemporary writings are full of hopeful terminologies like online communities, design communities, virtual communities, and HCI communities [27] Community computing supports HCI among neighbors to aid discussions on community issues [35]. Algorithms and systems have to have a deeper understanding of their users and goals to do their job with the expected efficacy, i.e., they have to be user-centric [34]. The goal of user interface design is to fashion a visual software interface. It boasts the majestic air of urbane sophistication while keeping it minimalistic, sailing usability, and convenient accessibility while shaping the design’s aesthetic appeal. Human factors such as cognitive behaviors, sensory abilities, and motor actions are always considered while designing interactive systems [36]. Affective interaction has two main stages: firstly, the affective state of the user is recognized, and secondly, the user’s affective state is complemented or changed, and during these stages, body movements and gestures play a significant role in communication [36]. Shah S. proposed an empirically derived linear model to predict the affective state of users into three classes-positive, negative and neutral [36]. User interface design is substantially used to create interfaces that aid individuals with physical or cognitive impairments. Such software interfaces assist individuals with physical impairments like blindness or partial sight or cognitive impairments like dementia to maximize their comfort to lead a more convenient and comfortable life without their disabilities acting as a hindrance. In today’s digital epoch, user interface design has reached the highest of highs creating sublime interfaces for commercial aircraft or cars involving human-system Interaction to maximize usability while focusing on minimalistic designs channeling aesthetic appeal to produce an utterly user-centered design (UCD).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Various elements of the design phase of User Interface Design

4.1.1 Usability as a characteristic of UI

Usability is the key element of user interface design. While designing a visually pleasing interface, it is of utmost importance to consider its usability, or the aesthetics of the software render it futile. Our world is replete with devices promoting interaction between humans and systems, and it is evident that we are ever-ready to invent and optimize [1]. Usability is an essential aspect of human–computer interaction, and it employs the best experimental methodology and human psychology by studying cognitive sciences parallel to the devices that need to be equipped with traits of usability and accessibility [1]. Four key concepts can guide the design, execution, and analysis of user experience studies to maximize usability while focusing on user-centered designs: understanding locations, perceptions about performance, reactions from users, and recalling past experiences [37]. Usability is often measured in effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction [38]. Others introduced the People at the Centre of Mobile Application Development (PACMAD) usability model, which delineates a comprehensive model as a combination of several usability key elements [38]. Introduced five attributes of usability: efficiency, satisfaction, learnability, memorability, and errors [39]. Three factors should be considered while evaluating usability: user, goal, and context of use [38]. User and goal are two fundamental elements of usability since the design perspective revolves around the user, and the goal is perceived by the designer as proclaimed by the user. Ontology is one of the key factors in interface design. Ontology can be defined as two variant perspectives-knowledge that users use to interpret an interface sign or the knowledge presupposed by an interface sign [40]. Ontology is a predominant sector of human–computer interaction, and it tends to make interfaces more intuitive for the end-users. When creating an interface, it is critical to keep the usability and breezy navigation through the page. Navigation within a website is a significant factor of usability, and faster and effective web navigation leads to a convenient design that alleviates the burden of cognitive decision-making on the users. Cognitive models can mimic user’s navigation through web pages and identify relevant pages to revise usability problems such as poor navigation and shabby website architecture [41].

4.2 Accessibility software

Individuals with physical or cognitive impairments face plenty of difficulties throughout their lifetimes. Accessibility software is created to aid such individuals and help them live their lives conveniently. Many interfaces have been developed to aid individuals with physical or cognitive impairments to make their lives more comfortable without their disabilities acting as a deterrent. Understanding and predicting what works for individual humans and how it impacts each one of us seems to be an unalienable problem due to an exponential number of outcomes [1]. A particular category of software employees by the users with physical or cognitive impairments is referred to as Accessibility Software [42]. These tools aim at changing how a user interacts with a system to minimize barriers to interaction. Physical or cognitive impairments like blindness, partial sight, deafness, physical hindrances, dementia, etc., obstruct the users from using devices and interfaces efficiently [42]. Most operating systems come with a suite of accessibility tools like sliders and toggles that can be set to improve the user experience for the less fortunate, whose impairments can be easily identified [42]. There have been two popular approaches among the researchers to delineate issues related to speech-based web access for blind users: the first approach employs an assistive tool like a screen reader to speak out the content and the second approach makes use of online text to speech service by plugging into the browser [43] Public website users, utility section, should feel a greater sense of responsibility of providing the impaired users with a feasible, optimized, and accessible interface that incorporates usability in its best form [43]. The increased older population has instigated research into developing assisted living systems that aim to provide practical assistance to support older members of our society in their own homes [44]. McNaull Introduced an ambient assisted living flexible interface (AALFI) to provide interventions adapted based on time, events, activities, and changes of context in the environment. A multi-agent system (MAS) controls and updates an interface that determines the appropriate intervention to feedback message to issue as texts or auditory interactions [44]. AALFI complements the nighttime intervention assistance offered by NOCTURNAL.

5 Conclusion

This paper distills an intrinsic study of the significance of user experience design in heterogeneous sectors of gamification and computing systems: hardware and software. The prestige of user experience design in the segments of gamification employing intense gameplay with portions of voluntary motivation, challenges, emotional outreach, and rewards is paramount. UX shapes these intricately developed games through a series of processes involving research, analysis, designing, and testing. The cognitive sciences behind these games are brought into action by undergoing these processes and accessing varied elements belonging to the UX sector. Computing systems are primarily established on the foundation grounds of UX. The dichotomy of computing systems: hardware and software primarily rely on user experience since corporate industries revolve around the users. Hardware interaction design deals with the hardware section of computing systems to deploy user-centric products with optimum usability, aesthetic appeal, and accessibility. The HID focuses on tactile motions while connecting the user to the digitally graphical interfaces, which is crucial in today’s digital era. User interface design deals with the software section of computing systems and connects humans and systems through interfaces that don optimal usability and minimum complexity. The consequences of user experience design in a variety of digitally acclaimed sectors are manifold.