
Whereas fully pearlitic lamellar graphite cast irons (LGI) are usually hypo-eutectic to improve their mechanical properties,1,2 spheroidal graphite cast irons (SGI) can have pearlitic, ferritic and mixed microstructures and are commonly eutectic alloys (heavy sections) or slightly hyper-eutectic ones (small-to-medium sections) to minimize porosity3 and eutectic carbides.4

The term "eutectic" first refers to equilibrium phase diagrams, and it is common to locate cast irons in the Fe–C section of the relevant equilibrium phase diagram when dealing with their solidification. However, the precipitation of austenite and graphite and their eutectic depends on nucleation and growth kinetics of these phases which can affect the solidification process. A practical rule states that an alloy is said to be eutectic if the cooling curve by thermal analysis shows a single arrest corresponding to the eutectic reaction.5 However, it has long been pointed out that such a rule can be confusing in the case of mildly hypereutectic irons.6, 7

By reanalysing a number of thermal records, it was shown that the solidification of mildly hypereutectic alloys can be better understood by referring to the appropriate equilibrium phase diagram.8 This previous work has focused on alloys with different carbon equivalent (CE) values, while the present report analyzes the results obtained with a given melt during production.

Experimental Details

The experiments were carried out during production in a foundry in the Basque Country, Spain. The melt was prepared for casting SGI parts with the nodularization treatment carried out using the sandwich method in a 2000 kg ladle. For this purpose, a commercial FeSiMg alloy (5.5 wt% Mg, 2.28 wt% rare earths, 43.4 wt% Si, 2.10 wt% Ca, 0.32 wt% Al, balance Fe) was added to the reaction chamber of the ladle at an amount of 1% of the total weight of the treated melt, and was then properly covered with steel scrap. The metal was sequentially transferred to the pouring unit according to production requirements and then held in a pressure pour furnace.

Two thermal cups and a medal sample were cast at the end of each ladle, one of the cups having no inoculant, while the other one contained a commercial inoculant (73–78 wt% Si, 2.0–2.5 wt% Ca, 1.0–1.5 wt% Al, 1.3–1.8 wt% Zr, balance Fe) at an amount of 0.15% of the weight of metal poured in the cup. The samples are referenced with the time of casting, from 9:42 to 12:05. There was a one hour break during the production process which appears between 10:40 and 11:42 in Table 1 listing the casting series.

Table 1 Reference and composition of the samples (wt%)

During the experiment, the composition of each medal was analysed in the foundry and was then checked by a certified laboratory for the first, middle and last medal. The alloy contained some Mn, low levels of Cr, Cu and Ni, while all other elements were in trace amounts. Table 1 lists the C, Si, Mn and Mg contents measured in the foundry and in the certified laboratory. Note that these compositions do not take into account the 0.1 wt% of silicon added by inoculation. In Table 1, it can be seen that the certified analyses are 0.1 wt% higher in carbon content and about 0.09 wt% lower in silicon content than the foundry values. It was considered interesting to verify the CE value for this cast iron, and this was done using the following formula described previously9 which, however, was established for silicon contents below 3.0 wt%:

$$ CE_{99} = \, w_{C} + \, 0.28 \cdot w_{Si} + \, 0.007 \cdot w_{Mn} + \, 0.092 \cdot w_{Cu} + \, 0.054 \cdot w_{Ni} + \, 0.303 \cdot w_{P} $$

where wi is the content in element i of the alloy (wt%).

The average carbon equivalent is therefore 4.48 wt% and 4.56 wt% for foundry and certified analysis, respectively. In both cases, the composition is thus expected to be significantly hypereutectic. To avoid any bias due to the use of CE out of the validity range of equation (1), the results will be presented in a Fe–C isopleth section calculated using a thermodynamic software and an appropriate thermodynamic database, see below. The thermal curves were recorded using a data logger and were later analysed as described in the following section dealing with results.


Figures 1, 2 and 3 compare the thermal records of the non-inoculated (dotted curves) and inoculated (solid curves) samples cast with the first ladle (9:42), the last ladle before the break (10:40) and the first ladle after the break (11:42). The cooling curves of all the inoculated samples essentially show one single eutectic plateau which can be characterized by the minimum temperature before recalescence, Te,min, and the maximum temperature along the plateau, Te,max. However, some of the curves show a slope change (Figure 1) and others show a marked arrest (Figure 3) before the eutectic plateau which was located at a significantly higher temperature than Te,min. As mentioned previously,8 and in accordance with the description of cooling curves by Chaudhari et al.,6,7 this arrest cannot be confused with the arrest associated with austenite. Consequently, this arrest is denoted TLG, thus referring to the primary precipitation of graphite. The data for the inoculated samples are listed in Table 2 where the Tpeak values corresponding to the maximum recorded temperature have also been added. All Tpeak values are within ± 10 °C, which indicates a good reproducibility of the experimental procedure, and thus ensures that similar cooling conditions were obtained for all castings. This is also demonstrated by the time for complete solidification, as illustrated by the curves in Figures 1, 2 and 3.

Figure 1
figure 1

Thermal records of the non-inoculated (dotted curve) and inoculated (solid curve) samples cast at 9:42. The characteristic temperatures are indicated.

Figure 2
figure 2

Thermal records of the non-inoculated (dotted curve) and inoculated (solid curve) samples cast at 10:40. The characteristic temperatures are indicated.

Figure 3
figure 3

Thermal records of the non-inoculated (dotted curve) and inoculated (solid curve) samples cast at 11:42. The characteristic temperatures are indicated.

Table 2 Characteristic temperatures (°C) of the inoculated samples

For non-inoculated samples cast before the break, all records showed three arrests shown in Figures 1 and 2, namely a first arrest associated with formation of austenite, TLA, soon followed by a similar arrest sometimes slightly recalescent and thought to be due to the initiation of the eutectic reaction, TEN, and finally a eutectic plateau characterized again with Te,min and Te,max. The temperatures TLA and TEN were determined using the cooling rate curves, dT/dt, either as an evident slope change or as a local maximum of the cooling rate in case of recalescence. After the break, the cooling curve in Figure 3 shows a long minimum followed by a large recalescence. In the last two records (11:49 and 12:05), the lengthy minimum has evolved in one prolonged arrest followed by a temperature drop to Te,min and then the same kind of recalescence as in Figure 3. These last three records were characterized by TLA, Te,min and Te,max, and TEN also for the 12:05 record. Data for non-inoculated samples are listed in Table 3, where are also given the Tpeak values.

Table 3 Characteristic temperatures (°C) of the non-inoculated samples

The effect of the break is clearly seen with the change in the records of the non-inoculated samples, while no change appears for the inoculated ones. In usual foundry terms, the quality of the melt is said to have decreased during the long holding. A possible phenomenon to explain this is that particles acting as graphite nuclei, such as oxides, sulphides or nitrides resulting from melt processing or compounds resulting from the spheroidization treatment, may have coalesced and settled in the press-pour unit during the holding.

The characteristic temperatures of the inoculated samples are shown in Figure 4 in the Fe–C isopleth section calculated with the 1998 SSOL solution database of the scientific group thermodata Europe (SGTE)10 which contains the assessment of the Fe–C–Si system carried out to be very accurate in the range of composition of cast irons.11 The calculation was carried out using the Thermocalc software12 for 3.87 wt% Si, 0.20 wt% Mn and also taking into account other low-level alloying elements, although this has little effect on the isopleth section. The same isopleth section was used for inoculated and non-inoculated alloys, i.e. without taking into account the 0.1 wt% of Si added by the inoculation which results in a negligible increase of 0.4 °C in the eutectic temperature. Similarly, the effect of 0.025 wt% of free Mg dissolved in the melt was evaluated with the TCFE8 databank and changes the liquidus temperatures of the austenite and graphite of quasi-eutectic Fe–C–Si alloys by less than 0.5 °C, which is also considered negligible.

Figure 4
figure 4

Isopleth Fe–C section at 3.87 wt% Si and 0.20 wt% Mn. The interrupted line represents the metastable extrapolation of the austenite liquidus. The characteristic temperatures for the inoculated samples are plotted with symbols indicated in the insert.

The carbon content which was considered for Figure 4 is that measured in the foundry plus 0.05 wt%, such that the value used differs by ± 0.05 wt% from both the foundry and the certified values. This interval of ± 0.05 wt% corresponds to the confidence interval of carbon analyses. Of the six primary arrests that were recorded, five are well-aligned along the dashed line which appears almost parallel to the graphite liquidus and crosses the metastable extrapolation of the austenite liquidus at wC,1. This suggests that for inoculated alloys, the same undercooling of about 85 °C relative to the graphite liquidus (see the dotted vertical line) is necessary for the primary growth of graphite to become sufficiently large to cause a thermal effect. It should be noted that this value is intermediate between the previously evaluated values of about 100 °C for SGI with 0.042–0.067% by weight of Mg and about 60 °C for LGI.8 As the current alloy contains 0.03–0.04 wt% Mg, it is quite tempting to see here a clear effect of the magnesium content: the higher the Mg content, the slower the graphite growth kinetics and the higher the undercooling required for graphite growth.

Figure 4 also shows that all nine inoculated samples showed a Te,min temperature at 1155 ± 1 °C, regardless of their nominal carbon content. It is finally noticed that this temperature corresponds to a carbon content along the austenite liquidus that is slightly lower than wC,1, see the red arrow pointing to the left. These observations have been rationalized previously by calculating the solidification path during primary precipitation of graphite.8 Provided that the nominal carbon content of the alloy is greater than wC,1, primary precipitation of graphite takes place at an undercooling relative to the graphite liquidus which is almost constant, evaluated here to 85 °C. This means that the solidification path practically follows the dashed line once this undercooling is reached. Finally, when the solidification path reaches the austenite liquidus at a temperature close to that corresponding to the composition wC,1, austenite appears and the bulk eutectic reaction proceeds immediately because there were sufficient graphite particles for these inoculated samples.

The TLA and Te,min temperatures for the non-inoculated samples are shown in Figure 5. The TEN temperatures were not reported as they are between TLA and Te,min which are very close to each other. The dashed line and the red arrow pointing to the left are exactly the same as in Figure 4. There is a clear difference between the values before and after the break, the latter indicating much lower TLA and Te,min temperatures. The TLA temperatures of the samples prior to the break are more scattered than for the inoculated alloys but on average they point to almost the same composition along the austenite liquidus (red arrow to the left) as already noticed.8 This suggests that there were sufficient graphite particles for the primary solidification path to follow the same locus as for inoculated alloys. However, their number was too small for bulk eutectic solidification to take place as soon as austenite appeared, and further undercooling was required which shifted the liquid composition to wC,2, see Figure 5. Finally, for the samples cast after the break, it is seen that TLA appears with an undercooling of 15 °C on average compared to the extrapolation of the austenite liquidus. Growth of austenite is then very rapid and Te,min is only slightly lower than TLA, but corresponds to a liquid composition significantly shifted towards a higher carbon content at wC,3 (red arrow pointing to the right).

Figure 5
figure 5

Isopleth Fe–C section as in Figure 4. The characteristic temperatures for the non-inoculated samples are plotted with symbols indicated in the insert. The dashed bold line and the red arrow pointing to the left are the same as in Figure 4.

The microstructure of the TA cups has been checked and is illustrated in Figure 6 for both inoculated (a) and non-inoculated (b) first samples (9:42). It can be seen that the graphite is mainly spherical but with some degenerated precipitates associated with the last to solidify zones. Quantitative analysis showed the fraction of degenerated graphite to be 17% by area (19% by count) for the inoculated sample and 21% by area (29% by count) for the non-inoculated sample. The most important observation for the present study was the confirmation that large primary spheroids did indeed precipitate in both types of samples.

Figure 6
figure 6

Light optical micrograph of the first sample when inoculated (a) or not inoculated (b).


We can summarize the above results and discuss them to predict what should be the composition of an alloy showing only a eutectic plateau during solidification in a TA cup. Figure 7 reproduces the same isopleth Fe–C section as before. Inoculated alloys with a carbon content higher than wC,1 will undergo primary precipitation of graphite corresponding to a primary solidification path nearly following the dashed arrow until reaching the austenite liquidus. When austenite appears the bulk eutectic starts instantly. The possibility of primary precipitation of graphite increases as the alloy's carbon content rises above wC,1. Conversely, for an inoculated alloy with a carbon content of wC,1, primary deposition of graphite will be such that the undercooling required for effective growth of the spheroids will be reached exactly when austenite can appear. This alloy will exhibit eutectic behaviour on the basis of the TA-cup record.

Figure 7
figure 7

Isopleth Fe–C section as in Figures 4 and 5. The dashed bold arrow is the same as the dashed bold line in Figures 4 and 5. The boundary between mildly and highly hypereutectic alloys defines the composition wC,1 of inoculated alloys that will show a eutectic behaviour upon solidification in a TA cup.

If the alloys with carbon content higher than wC,1 are not inoculated but that graphite nuclei are present, we have seen that the conditions for bulk eutectic solidification are satisfied when the carbon content of the liquid is increased to wC,2, see Figure 5. However, the primary precipitation of graphite leads the solidification path to cross the austenite liquidus at a carbon content close to wC,1 with precipitation of pre-eutectic austenite. Such alloys do not show a eutectic behaviour upon solidification in a TA cup.

It is certainly worth giving some estimate of the confidence interval for the undercoolings discussed here. According to the manufacturers of the thermal cups and connecting wires, the total possible error of temperature reading is 2 °C at 1000 °C and may be estimated as 3 °C at 1200 °C. Accepting that thermodynamic assessments give liquidus values at ± 10 °C, the uncertainty on the undercoolings with respect to the graphite liquidus would be ± 13 °C, far below the discussed values. As noticed above, the assessment of the Fe–C–Si phase diagram was intended to reproduce accurately the eutectic trough so that the uncertainty on the calculated eutectic temperature is estimated to be at most ± 2 °C, i.e. the accuracy of the laboratory experiments carried out to determine the eutectic temperature as function of the silicon content. Accounting for the temperature reading, the uncertainty on the eutectic undercooling that could be observed in Figures 4 and 5 should thus be lower than ± 5 °C. Please note that the eutectic undercooling is more than 4 times smaller than the undercooling with respect to the graphite liquidus.

The shaded area to the left of wC,1 in Figure 7 defines mildly hypereutectic inoculated alloys. As previously described,8 they are characterized by the fact that primary graphite spheroids will nucleate during cooling under the graphite liquidus, but the undercooling necessary for their effective growth will not be attained before the austenite liquidus is reached. Once it has appeared, growth of austenite will then rapidly drive the liquid composition to wC,1 where bulk eutectic takes place. This schematic suggests that all mildly hypereutectic inoculated alloys exhibit a eutectic reaction starting at the same temperature. This finding was in fact one of the outputs of the previous analysis of thermal records.8 It was however noticed that the eutectic temperature of mildly hypereutectic alloys is slightly lower than that of strongly hypereutectic alloys, hence the positioning of the red arrow pointing to the right in Figure 7.

We have seen that the primary precipitation of graphite depends on the Mg content of the alloy, and apparently to a lesser extent on the inoculation rate. It certainly also depends on the cooling rate: a slower cooling rate would decrease wC,1, while a higher cooling rate would increase it. Thus, an alloy that seems eutectic when solidified in a thermal cup will certainly not be eutectic everywhere in a real casting with different cross-section sizes. In other words, an inoculated SGI may present a eutectic microstructure in some places in a complex casting provided it is highly hypereutectic, but it will hardly present it everywhere.


Focusing on primary precipitation of graphite in hypereutectic SGI, it was explained why alloys must be hypereutectic in nature (with reference to the appropriate equilibrium phase diagram) to exhibit eutectic behaviour on thermal analysis records. Furthermore, the present experiments show that this applies to inoculated alloys, whereas non-inoculated ones do not exhibit eutectic behaviour. There is therefore a critical value of carbon equivalent, which depends on the cooling conditions, below which alloys are said to be slightly hypereutectic, while above which alloys are strongly hypereutectic. An alloy with this critical CE will show a eutectic behavior for the related cooling conditions. The present results are in line with the finding of the previous analysis8 which showed that eutectic growth can only take place when a high enough undercooling with respect to the graphite liquidus has been reached. It is found here that it is about 85 °C, whereas it was previously estimated to be about 100 °C for alloys with higher magnesium content. Owing to the change in cooling rates, even an inoculated alloy will not everywhere have a purely eutectic microstructure in complex castings.