1 Introduction

Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to the infected computer system. This is a form of technological blackmail that exploits software and hardware vulnerabilities, sometimes, via drive-by attacks on maliciously crafted web pages. It comes in the form of Cryptolocker, CryptoWall, CryptoDefense or Manamecrypt [62]. They employed strong encryption to scramble nearly every files they targeted, mostly in document storage formats such as office, PDF, CSV, making them impossible to recover without the unique, private key used to encrypt them. The cracker then puts up a display note on the computer screen explaining the processes to follow to recover the decrypted files after payment which will mark the end of the cryptovirology [23, 37, 43].

On the side of ransomware producers, one of the most important issues is to prolong the lifetime of the malware in the wild, as much as possible. It is achievable if the ransomware is able to abscond from the antivirus scanner engines well. Consequently, the camouflage of the malware code is a significant factor to make it successful in the wild. Malware’s main weakness is its source code. If the source code is revealed through decompiling or disassembling, anything about the malware is laid bare. The ransomware attacks have a serious negative impact on information technology infrastructure. The impacts of these attacks include system shutdown of most organization, data or information loss as a result of file encryption, financial cost to the companies for incident response and other security-related issues and loss of life due to unexpected shutdown of some important medical equipment [7, 21, 22].

The negative impact of the ransomware prompted researchers to deploy efforts in a bit to find a lasting solution to these attacks being perpetrated by the ransomware [24, 27, 53]. In turn, the proposed solutions are expected to drastically reduce its negative impact, prevent the attack or if possible eliminate it from existence. As a result of finding solution to ransomware, analysis on ransomware activities including its attack model, encryption types, Bitcoin usage, mode of operation, prevention and protection mechanism flooded the literature. However, lasting solution to ransomware is yet to become a reality despite that the massive efforts have been deployed by researchers [12, 15, 36].

There are previous systematic reviews on ransomware in the literature. However, the major issue with those previous reviews is that they mainly concentrated on ransomware in healthcare sectors and some other specific areas, whereas it is well known that ransomware has no domain boundary.

In this paper, we propose to conduct a comprehensive systematic review of all analysis carried out on ransomware activities which include its attack model, encryption types, Bitcoin usage, mode of operation, prevention and protection of users, facilities, infrastructure and environment as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Stages of ransomware attacks

The purpose for this review work is to have a clear view on the mode of attack, structure, composition, makeup and the behaviour of various ransomwares, to understand the factors that made ransomwares to grow in both complexity and multiplicity, and to see what the experts researchers are saying and doing to curtail the excesses of ransomware. The major contributions of the paper are as follows:

  • We create taxonomy of ransomware attack techniques.

  • We analysed the parameters used for the evaluation of ransomware attack, defence and detection mechanisms.

  • We summarized and tabulate all available research datasets for future analysis of ransomware anatomy.

  • We present a systematic literature review of ransomware attacks and detection mechanisms.

The remaining parts of the paper are organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents a detailed analysis of previous related surveys. Section 3 details the research methodology, whereas Sect. 4 presents the taxonomy of ransomware attacks. In Sect. 5, the analysis of datasets used for ransomware evaluation was done. Further discussion was done in Sect. 6 before concluding the paper in Sect. 7.

Table 1 shows a list of abbreviations and their meanings used in the paper.

Table 1 Abbreviations and meanings

2 Previous related surveys

This section presents previous related surveys in the area of ransomware research as shown in Table 2 and Fig. 2. Gupta and Tripathi [23] created awareness among the unskilled computer users on the dangers of ransomware activities to organizations. The authors listed the potential threat posed by the malware which includes system shutdown due to infection, data or information loss, financial cost and sometimes loss of life. It proposed several mitigating techniques and controls among its safeguard knowledge which should include email security, intrusion prevention, download insight, browser protection, exploit protection and adoption of best practice. However, Hernandez-Castro et al. [25] in his submission analysed the economic analysis of Cryptolocker, CryptoWall, TeslaCrypt and other major strands on their price discrimination and strategy considering the value and volume of data available at their disposal. This encourages the criminal to demand more but with proper and constant data backup, it will dissuade the attacker from their illicit act. Mercaldo et al. [39, 40] dwelled on the analysis of android environment because of its ease of attack by ransomware and other malwares and proposed a method of model checking that will automatically dissect malware samples through the adoption of manual scrutiny of their behaviour by applying some set of logic rules to identify some set of ransomware samples.

Table 2 Related surveys on ransomware attack
Fig. 2
figure 2

Number of ransomware covered per survey articles

Upadhyaya and Jain [57] discussed the anatomy and nature of the ransomware family that usually blocks the task manager, commands prompt and other executable files and renders the potential system unusable. The paper streamlines its focus on CTB Locker, analyses its mode of attack and how it creates its Bitcoin wallet per victim and mode of payment using the Tor gateway. Some physicist proposed the design of quantum cryptography systems that would be devoid of loopholes which look like a mirage, while others recommend prior protection of digital asset before attack and regular backup as the best solution. Furthermore, Gagneja [21] presents various ways that ransomware exploits system security vulnerabilities to spread infections through some running outdated application on victims computer. It subsequently removes the backup files and directories to prevent system restored and finally encrypt the system files. It suggested regular training of personnel on system security issues, update of patches, installation of firewall, email scanning and the use of licensed operating system for prevention against ransomware attack. Bhardwaj et al. [9] throw light on how cyber criminals utilized traffic redirection, infected email attachment, Botnets, social engineering and rendering of ransomware services in cloud computing to hold ransom on user systems. It described the digital age activities around three critical aspects which include: the use of digital data and files, the computer systems and unsecure internet. Ransomware leveraged on the vulnerabilities available on the systems to attack vital information and records to extort threat to home and organization.

Saiyed [47] talked about a new malware called crypto ransomware and analysed how it works and the way its encrypt data at rest using public key structures; it recommended the right combination of understanding the fundamentals of CryptoLocker security measure coupled with prescriptive guidance for basic prevention, detection, mitigation, and recovery controls that are beyond the normal IDS/IPS mechanism. While Richardson and North [46] bring to bear the history and evolution of the first ransomware virus called the AIDS Trojan in 1989 (also known as PC Cyborg) to the present CryptoLocker family, it also touched on the ranking of the country that is most affected (USA–Turkey) and discussed the discrepancy for or against the payment of ransom which largely depends on the importance of the files and the level of backup. Similarly, Formby et al. [20] directed their research on the emerging trend in high profile attacks on hospitals by ransomware. It indicated that the perceived absence of threat on the industrial control system (ICS) over a long period of time and lack of regular update of their network systems contributed to the exposure of confidential information to the hackers. It is on this basis that a novel system of defence against ransomware that targets programmable logic controllers in hospitals was designed coupled with strong policies that will mitigate against future attack.

Deloitte [17] reviewed the history of ransomware and categorized them into two, namely: locker which lock the systems after infection and Crypto which encrypt system files and they both demand ransom to unlock and decryption code. It described common infection vectors and ransomware types and proposed strategies for detection, remediation, and recovery. Furthermore, Securities and Commission [50] examined ransomware attack known as WannaCry or Wanna Decryptor whose findings show how it compromised the enterprise servers through Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)3 and the exploitation of some critical Windows Server Message Block to carry out its nefarious activities. Sometimes it deployed phishing and pharming techniques on emails and malicious websites. Protection against the WannaCry ransomware would require the review of the alert published by the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Computer Emergency Readiness. Also, it requires evaluation of applicable Microsoft patches for Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems for effective protection. Wyke and Ajjan [59] focus on the insight into the current state of ransomware and present a detailed analysis of the four most prevalent variants—CryptoWall, TorrentLocker, CTB Locker and TeslaCrypt which have their roots traced back to the early days of FakeAV and Locker. It described various aspects of their operation, their infection mechanisms and the geographic distribution of each variant across the globe, as well as exploring Sophos HIPS Technology proactively blocks against crypto ransomware attack.

Kruse et al. [34] conducted a systematic review with three separate searches: CINAHL and PubMed (MEDLINE) and the Nursing and Allied Health Source via ProQuest databases. The result shows that healthcare industry lags behind in dealing with the fundamental information security and cyber threat issues. It is noted that technological advancements and federal policy initiatives have dramatically expanded the healthcare industry’s exposure to cyber. It recommended to clearly define cyber security duties, clear procedure for the upgrade of software and handling of data breaches and the use of VLANs and DE authentication and cloud computing as a mitigating factor to be taken to minimize the risk of cyber attack to the healthcare sector. Furthermore, Savage et al. [48] analysed ransomware from the technological and psychological point of view; it shows the progressive nature of ransomware from less persuasive forms through direct revenue generation using misleading applications to a more aggressive level using PC performance tools. The cybercriminals behind Ransomware target more affluent or populous countries in the hope of finding rich pickings; as a result, 11 of the top 12 countries impacted by ransomware are members of the G20 organization, representing industrialized and developing economies that make up roughly 85% of the world’s global domestic product (GDP) [38]. It suggested that updating of system, application and regular training of employee on the new trends and behaviour of ransomware will help in reducing the impact of ransomware attack on organizations. Demuro [18] looked at the importance and power of law in the negotiation context, adopting clear legal principles tailored to negotiations in specific contexts will help willing and unwilling negotiators reach their desired outcome, it suggested some alternative methods such as taxing ransom payments, imposing stricter cyber testing requirements, and requiring inspections by experts in the cyber security field can be helpful legal tools to curb the ransomware problem. Laszka et al. [35] developed the first game-theoretic model of the ransomware ecosystem which captures a multi-stage scenario involving hospitals and universities facing a sophisticated ransomware attack. The model focused on key aspects of the adversarial interaction between organizations and ransomware attackers and derived under what condition a victim organization will pay the requested ransom after looking at the effort the organization put into mitigation techniques, policies, security features and level of backup will help in preventing the danger of ransomware attack. Finally, Coccaro [14] analysed the ransomware threat on law enforcement agencies because of the belief that their reputation will scare off any potential attacker against their infrastructures and unit. The research revealed several important findings in 2016, such as the number of ransomware attack, most targeted organization, available securities breaches and law enforcement agencies among the targeted organization due to lack of incident response capability. Understanding of organization structure, drafting of incident response plan, creation of a Dual-Purpose on digital forensic unit to response to lunching of internal security program agenda, combination of expert in information technology and other similar units for internal security among others will protect, prevent and mitigate against any form of cyber security breaches.

Imran et al. [28] present ransomware attacks and security concerns in internet of Things (IoT) despite its associated advantages to human activities. The research exposes the likely vulnerabilities and threat associated with the IoT devices and recommends several measures to thwart against such threat. The proposed measures include: data integrity, lightweight security mechanisms, improve software security, upgradability and patchability features, physical protection of trillions of devices, privacy, and trust among others. Brewer [10] analysed ransomware attacks on business organizations and recommend the understanding of five distinct phases of ransomware attacks which include: exploitation and infection, delivery and execution, backup spoliation, file encryption and user notification to know the indicator of compromise (IOC) to guide in building a defence or mitigating its effect. Meanwhile, Sgandurra et al. [51] presented a framework tagged EldeRan, an accurate dynamic learning machine design to compliment antivirus. It consists of feature selection and classification phases that help in analysing and classifying both new and old variant of ransomware attacks and quick in arriving at result.

The previous survey articles revealed several recommendations that could help in tackling the spread of ransomware. Nevertheless, the articles also contain some shortcomings which could be as a result of priorities. The following are the summary of gaps found in most of the survey articles.

  • Some paper focuses on the victims that are willing or unwilling to pay the ransom. However, it did not consider those who found themselves in state of dilemma who may prefer an incremental payment format as against incremental release of encrypted files. This is to avoid double jeopardy of losing out the important documents and money if they are unable to decrypt the files for use.

  • Some overview papers carry out experiments which utilize manual inspection of few samples of ransomware for the preventive experiment, which cannot be used as a preventive technique.

  • Other analysis of ransomware could detect and deactivate ransomware attack but could not guarantee the restoration of the infected files.

  • Few other analyses can only work against a signature-based ransomware or those whose signatures have been added into the intrusion detection systems or the detection network device indicator.

  • Some suggested that the use of cloud-based sandbox for malware detection could prove dangerous to the entire network systems if the sandbox is compromised by the malware; the infections could spread easily to other location of the network.

  • While others have the limitation of focussing geographically on the American healthcare system.

3 Research methodology

The research methodology section presents the research steps followed to review the existing works in the area of ransomware attacks and detection systems. We also explain the selection of the existing studies which was done through a set inclusion and exclusion criteria.

3.1 Search/data sources

Several databases were queried to gather appropriate literature related to ransomware attack, defence and mitigation techniques. The articles were properly scrutinized using identification of primary studies with other different techniques. The research procedure adopted in this article spanned through relevant papers from a variety of academic databases including ACM Digital Library, IEEE Explore, EBSCOHOST, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Web of Science and Wiley Online Library as shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Search database sources

3.2 Search keywords

Kitchenham et al. [32] ’s literature search strategy was adopted in this review. The primary search terms were carefully selected to ascertain the most appropriate search terms. Using the review set goals, the following terms were applied to search the relevant literature in some reputable academic archives: ‘Ransomware’, ‘Malware’, ‘Malware + ransom’, ‘Ransomware + defense’, ‘Wannacry, Cyber-attack’, ‘Cyber threats + Malware’.

3.3 Explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria

In order to have direct focus on the subject matter and to avoid biases of any kind in the review of articles, we adopted various principles in the selection of the articles which are enumerated in the Table 4.

Table 4 Inclusion/exclusion criteria

3.4 Data collection and synthesis of results

The articles reviewed are in consonant with the reality of the day, acknowledging the growing threat of ransomware attacks in modern digital world. The devastating effect of the malware on information and information systems of most reputable companies and organizations has led to huge losses. Dealing with the threats has become a mirage of nightmare to the information security experts. The two strong drivers that led to the growth of this malwares include the ever-changing technological landscape where new information technology systems are fast implemented as compared to the security components which are meant to protect them, and lack of policy initiative, proper understanding and training of the end users on the use and application of information technology facilities.

3.5 Study selections

The procedure followed in the review of the articles starts with the definition of common terms related to cybersecurity or information security issues using search keywords in Sect. 3.2. It helps to eliminate unaligned articles with the subject matter of the proposed research work. The focus was based on research and survey articles whose subject matters related to ransomware and were writing in English Language text. The selections and the elimination criteria process are shown in Fig. 3. The entire review process went smoothly as articles were screened out based on: unrelated titles from 419 to 321; based on abstract, 321–98 and the final evaluation based on the contents and directions of the full text from 98 to 41 (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Literature search process

Fig. 4
figure 4

Number of articles per journal database

Figure 5 shows the database sources of all the articles considered for the systematic review.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Database sources of ransomware articles

4 Proposed taxonomy of ransomware attacks

This is the taxonomy of ransomware attacks based on the techniques proposed in the literature presented in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Taxonomy of ransomware attacks

4.1 Synthesis of crypto-based techniques

Al-rimy and Maarof [5] and Al-rimy et al. [6] put forward a well-organized outline for structuring operative framework and incorporating an adaptive anomaly detection that can handle the dynamicity style of building crypto ransomware early detection models that shield users and organization of becoming a victim of such attack. While Cabaj et al. [11] talked about a new detection method called “Software-Defined Networking” (SDN) which analysed the HTTP messages’ classifications and their respective content sizes to detect threats The approach exploits feature of ransomware interaction which was based on observation from network communication of two crypto ransomware families (Cryptowall and Locky). Meanwhile, Song et al. [55] highlighted in his submission an efficient approach that can prevent the attacks of modified ransomware on Android platform. The proposed technique specifies and intensively monitors processes and specific file directories using statistical methods based on processor usage, memory usage, and I/O rates so that the process with abnormal behaviours can be detected, stop and confirm for deletion. The method is reliable and fast and does not require signatures of ransomwares to be stored in the database before it could be detected.

Yang et al. [61] described the rudimentary Android components that made it vulnerable to attack; the components include: activities, services, content providers and broadcast receivers which are all activated by an asynchronous message termed intent. An automated performance protection system with high ideal security tools which has the ability to detect active and passive malicious activities was incorporated into the system, unfortunately technical details were not comprehensively spelt out. Moore [42] worked and used Honeypot as a trap at the boundary of a setup network system to monitor the activities of several malwares including Ransomware. Honeypot is like other computer system deployed by network administrator as additional system to collect information about any potential attack; it contains a lot of attractive resources that will lure any potential malware attack to the scene; the resources and the environment are closely monitored against any changes to call for an action. Wecksten et al. [58] focussed on the four most common Crypto ransomwares (Crypto-Wall, Testa Crypt, CTB Locker and Locky) whose infections rely on tools available on the targeted system to stop a simple recovery after attack has been noticed. The article recommended renaming of the system tool “vssadmin.exe” that controls shadow copies and system restore points created before the infection took place, and will allow infected files and folders to be recovered after the system has been restored and scanned with antivirus. The paper suggested some proactive steps such as antivirus update, a well-configured firewall, updated operating system and software, and a proper backup scheme.

ShieldFS was proposed as an add-on driver that makes the windows instinctive filesystem resistant to ransomware attacks. For every action, ShieldFS vigorously toggles a protection layer that acts as copy-on-write mechanisms, which monitor the system activities at runtime against any form of violation and triggered an action which will roll back the malicious activities and transparently recover all the original files [16]. Patyal et al. [44] study the functionality of various ransomware attacks and lifecycle and proposed a four multi-layered defense architecture which comprises policies, recursive folder, process monitoring and backup and recovery. The mechanism does not rely on attack signatures and was able to combat ransomware by protecting the system against ransomware infiltration, file encryption, system processes activities, and data backings, and Ray et al. [45] describe how to use an ILP system ALEPH to interactively assist human experts in learning rules to better understand the conduct of cyberattacks. The algorithm was developed alongside a network log that obtained a sandbox computer which was deliberately infected with the CryptoWall-4 malware and showed how ALEPH can be used to interactively learn simple rules comparable to those hand-crafted by a human expert. Table 5 presents summary of major research findings on crypto-based ransomware attacks and defense.

Table 5 Synthesis of crypto-based techniques

Kolodenker et al. [33] paper described how to deploy and implement a prototype defense mechanism called PAYBREAK. This is a proactive defense system that relies on hybrid encryption mechanism to unlock any system with symmetric session keys using key escrow mechanism that stores session keys in a key vault. The system relies on low overhead dynamic hooking methods and asymmetric encryption to realize the key escrow mechanism which allows victims to restore encrypted files by ransomware.

Aziz [8] carried out full analysis of ransomware types, and how it progressed from the malware and Trojan codes and also explained the common encryption scheme (AES & RSA) used to infect systems. The article explained an alternative approach for data encryption using python programming language to display the effectiveness of those algorithms in real attacks by implementing this section on Ubuntu virtual machine to recognize the system vulnerability, which can be very useful to prevent the ransomware. As per the practical approach, this paper runs a crypto-type ransomware which is designed by Sen and it is entirely written in C sharp programming. It also utilized combined algorithms of AES and RSA in making the encryption more sophisticated and harder to decrypt until ransom is paid. It compares the various encryption algorithms to see which is more complicated to decrypt and suggests certain steps to be taken such as regular backup, patching software and other outstanding techniques to stop ransomware attack. Kiraz et al. [31] introduced a new enhanced detection and analysing approach called ExpMonitor, which observed encryption algorithm running on CPU. It has the capability to detect large integer arithmetic operation which constituted the backbone of public key encryption on victim’s computer, unlike the existing detection mechanisms which target specific cryptographic functions. One of its shortcomings has been described as the inability to detect and prevent new attacks.

Sgandurra et al. [51] presented a framework-tagged EldeRan, an accurate dynamic learning machine design to detect ransomware attacks. It consists of feature selection and classification phases which help to select the most discriminating features in analysing and classifying both new and old variant of ransomware family and quick in arriving at result. Meanwhile, Shaukat and Ribeiro [52] present a hybrid of layered defense mechanism monitoring capabilities for the protection and detection of cryptographic ransomware in real time. The designed system combined static, dynamic and trap layers analysis to generate a novel compact set of features as input into the system, and deployed different machine learning engines to classify the executables as ransomware or benign software. It employs four supervised machine learning engine of logistic regression, support vector machines (Gaussian kernel), artificial neural networks, random forests and gradient tree boosting for the offline training exercise on ransomware and benign application datasets for the unearthing zero-day intrusion detection. The performance of each machine learned algorithm was evaluated and showed that Gradient Tree Boosting is the most effective against cryptographic ransomware because it obtained the highest false-positive and zero false-negative results.

Furthermore, Ferrante et al. [19] proposed a hybrid detection system by combining static and dynamic approach on Android platform for the detection of ransomware. In implementing the two mechanisms, the static approach uses the frequency of the opcode, while the dynamic relies on runtime observation of CPU usage, memory usage, network usage and system call statistics. The execution traces containing this information were collected after effecting the applications one at a time on the android emulator in a controlled environment at two second interval. Log files for CPU, memory, and network are later unified using timestamps recorded at execution time. The research work intends to complement the coverage of static detection with the one of dynamic detection with the introduction of pre-processing, learning, and classification schemes. The performances of the static, dynamic and hybrid system stand-alone methods using precision, recall, F-measure, and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve were compared and evaluated, and the results show that the hybrid method performs best, being able to detect ransomware with 100% precision and having a false-positive rate of less than 4%.

4.2 Synthesis of Locker-based techniques

Team and Ringers [56] setup a LAMP and WAMP server in an artificial environment to study and analysed the behaviour and characteristics of ransomwares. The approach could not yield the required result because older versions of ransomwares whose activities were already curtailed were deployed for the experiment; the experimental environment did not allow effective and efficient results to be obtained, while Scaife et al. [49] designed a CryptoDrop, an early warning detection system that signals a user of any suspicious file activity. It analysed some set of behaviour indicators that appear to be interfering with a huge amount of the user’s data. The analysis includes the ability of the system to inspect, capture, and alert user of ransomware attack with low false-positive results. Similarly, [4] introduced a novel framework called 2entFOX, which has the ability to detect high survivable ransomware (HSR) unlike other detection tools which worked on some extractive features; its architecture is supported with another detection system with the help of Bayesian belief network which was used to extract features and their statistical possibilities. The feature set can be decreased or increased based on the security countermeasures, but Monika Zavarsky and Lindskog [41] research paper focuses on analysing the activities of ransomware on Android and Windows environment from inception till March 2016. The article revealed that ransomware behaved in similar patterns using variant payload and it also discloses how a ransomware interacts with the file system, registry activities, and network operations when a machine is under a ransomware attack. It suggested the deployment of appropriate defense mechanism and continuous monitoring of the activities of file system and registry in Windows environment, while a closer attention should be paid to permission request by android applications.

Hong and Chen [26] focus on protecting external storage device on smart phones by introducing an application called Sdguard. This is a permission-based Linux-based mechanism which has the ability to detect crypto ransomware malwares that can attack external storage device or sometimes lock system screen. Installing Sdguard requires the smartphones to be rooted and the use of FUSE filesystem on the external storage device, sdcard daemon of android (i.e. FUSE daemon) to be swapped with a modified sdcard daemon which after system reboot, the modified daemon is loaded, and each component of Sdguard begins to run against any crypto ransomware attack. Choi et al.’s [13] article uses a theoretical approach to unravel why ransomware has become a viral phenomenon. It collated data from recent reported cases of attack by ransomware from police departments in US to build a victim profile for analysis. The research shows that online lifestyle and digital-capable guardianship (cybersecurity), lack of awareness of their vocational online activities, download attachments or digital faxes as well as click hyperlinks in emails sent to them without adequate scrutiny are one of the noticeable factors that contribute to the ransomware victimization. The article finally recommended the establishment of pro-social views of promoting adequate vocational activities and utilizing efficient computer security will help in reducing the effect of ransomware attack. Summary of major research findings on Locker-ransomware attacks and defense is shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Synthesis of Locker-based techniques

A novel defense approach that focussed on Redemption was proposed. This method is saddled with the responsibility of making the operating system immune to ransomware attacks. Though, the approach may require some modification of the transparent buffer for all storage I/O requests to make it more sensitive in detecting abnormal activities and automatically terminate the process by restoring the original data. The entire Redemption system approach does not require additional application support or any other prerequisite to protect users against ransomware and can guarantee zero data loss against current ransomware families without detracting from the user experience or inducing false alarm [30].

Kharraz et al. [29] research paper applied a novel dynamic analysis system called UNVEIL. It was designed to use the out-put of filesystem monitor to specifically detect crypto and locker ransomwares on a generated artificial environment. UNVEIL filesystem monitor has the ability to directly access data buffer used in I/O request, full visibility into all file system alterations, timestamp operation type, file system path and pointer to the data buffer. All these activities make the system to outperform all existing AV scanners and the modern industrial sandboxing technology in detecting sophisticated and new ransomware attacks. The assessment of UNVEIL shows that the approach was able to correctly detect 13,637 ransomware samples from multiple families in a real-world data feed with zero false positives (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Crypto-based and Locker-based ransomware techniques

4.3 Synthesis of parameter

In this section, we present the metrics used in assessing the effectiveness of the methods proposed in the literature.

  1. 1.

    Central Processing Unit (CPU) utilization which is expected to rise during file encryption was actually used for the analysis. The performance distance square was initially at 25 minimally, while the maximum distance was 893. For the purpose of arriving at accurate result, the limit distance was taken to 1050 to determine the true-positive rate and the false-positive rate. TPR and FPR were calculated as the ratio of flagged traces of ransomware or flagged traces of benign activities sampled as against the total number of samples in the dataset. The new set out threshold for the CPU was able to obtain 100% detection accuracy according to Cabaj et al. [11], Kiraz et al. [31] and Song et al. [55].

  2. 2.

    Signature-based approach using information on ransomware activities which was stored in the META-INF directory that is used to ensure the integrity of APK packages. The permission management mechanism in android OS makes use of the information stored in APK file to detect malicious applications [4, 16, 26, 33, 41, 42, 49, 58, 61].

  3. 3.

    Content and behavioural-based using ROI which is part of the computing environment where file encryption takes place. It applied an extracting algorithm which dynamically samples the trace files into smaller part called sliding window and continuously monitors the file and the frequency of interaction with the environment against the set out threshold for malware detection [5, 29, 30].

  4. 4.

    DeepFreeze Software (reboot-to-restore); this is a software that is designed to keep computer configurations intact. So if it noticed any changes to the original configuration or suspect malicious activities on the stored files; the system immediately reboots and restores back to default or desired configurations [56].

Figure 8 depicts the evaluation metrics used in the literature for assessing the effectiveness and efficacy of the ransomware detection methods. The signature-based parameter has the longest bar. This signifies that the signature-based parameter received the highest number of attention in the literature compared to other evaluation parameter. On the other hand, the DeepFreeze Software has the shortest bar compared to the bars of the other evaluation parameters, signifying that it has the lowest patronage from researchers. Evidence indicated that most literature relied on the signature-based parameter for the evaluation of ransomware detection method.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Parameters used for the evaluation of ransomware

In evaluating the performance analysis of the experiment, most researchers adopt various parameters in arriving at their decisions. Some of the metrics used include: Region of Convergence (ROC) against file encryption, CPU utilizations, true-positive rate (TPR), false-positive rate (FPR), accuracy, precision and recall as tabulated in the Table 7.

Table 7 Parameters for performance evaluation in the reviewed literatures

5 Ransomware attacks to operating system

These research papers reviewed aid in the understanding of ransomware, its evolution, method of attacks and different mitigating techniques adopted. Most of research papers focused on windows and android operating system because it is the breeding ground for ransomware activities.

In defending against ransomware attack on windows; Wecksten et al. [58] proposed a solution which makes use of the windows native functions, shadow copies and tweaks it by running the suggested script to constitute a safety net for systems attacked by Crypto ransomware, while Continella et al. [16] equipped the window operating systems with practical self-healing capabilities called ShieldFS. The add-on driver that has a protective layer which monitors low-level file activities makes the windows native filesystem immune to ransomware attacks. Kharraz and Kirda [30] introduced another defense mechanism called Redemption which makes the windows more resilient to ransomware attack, by just little modifications of the operating system by maintaining the transparent buffer, and monitor input/output request patterns of all applications on a per-process basis to identify ransomware behaviour.

Kolodenker et al. [33] developed a prototype mechanism called PayBreak which relies on hybrid encryption that can decrypt an encrypted file that uses symmetric session key. Kharraz et al. [29] developed a dynamic system called UNVEIL which automatically generates an artificial desktop environment to track changes to the file systems as a result of ransomware interactions with the user data. Al-rimy and Maarof [5] framework against crypto ransomware attack consists of three modules: pre-processing module, features engineering module, and detection module to cope with the dynamicity nature of Crypto ransomware attacks, while Kiraz et al. [31] proposed a detection mechanism called ExpMonitor which monitors any public key encryption scheme running on the central processing unit. ExpMonitor only deals with detection and analyses rather than prevention.

In analysing cryptographic ransomware on windows, Cabaj et al. [11] present a novel software-defined networking (SDN) that provides rapid reaction in analysing HTTP messages’ sequences and their respective content sizes which can detect threats from two Crypto ransomware families (Crypto and Locky ransomware). The drawback of this approach is its inability to detect other cryptographic ransomware families, but Team and Ringers [56] set up an experiment using LAMP and WAMP server to study and analysed how different type of ransomware is deployed to infect the system; the analysis shows a clear understanding on how attack is organized which serves as a guide for the cyber security expert on how to develop a mitigating technique to defend against ransomware attack. Scaife et al. [49], in his work, present CryptoDrop technique which is an early warning detection system that monitors the real-time change of user data and other behavioural indicator once the set out threshold is reached, the process is stopped and user is alerts on the impending ransomware attack. Moore, [42] set up a Honeypots which are bogus computer resources deployed by network administrators to act as decoy computers to detect any illicit activities. The approach adopted two options: The File Screening service of the Microsoft File Server Resource Manager feature and EventSentry to manipulate the Windows Security logs. Attack was staged on the system which triggered an alarm that informs the user of ongoing attack. This limitation is that, if the honeypot is free from attack, it is not an indication that other areas are not being targeted.

In analysing ransomware activities with the aid of some detective algorithm, Ahmadian and Shahriari [4] proposed a detection framework called 2entFOX1 based on Bayesian architecture with some notable extractive features of ransomware; this framework is meant to target high survivable ransomwares (HSR) in window environment. The major shortcoming is its inability to detect low survivable ransomware, because the writer does not consider the threat to be significant. Patyal et al. [44] propose four multi-layered defense architectural techniques that are made up of policies, recursive folder, process monitoring, and backup and recovery to combat ransomware infiltration in the front line and prevent file encryption. While Ray et al. [45] proposed a practical machine learning tools using the ILP system ALEPH to interactively assist human experts in learning rules to better understand the behaviour of ransomware and other cyberattacks. The major limitation of the proposed mechanism is its inability to detect an attack. Aziz [8] demonstrated practical approach to analyse programming languages used to build cryptographic ransomware, using python programming language to show the efficiency of those algorithms in real attacks by executing it on Ubuntu virtual machine. The experiment revealed the anatomy of ransomware, how it distributes it files and established connection with the attackers’ server in order to infect the system and send back the decrypted information. The drawback was that the algorithm could not encrypt file extensions.

In the study of Android operating system against ransomware attack, Song et al. [55] proposed an intensive monitoring technique which is based on three modules: Configuration, Monitoring, and Processing. The technique is added to the open source of Android source file on some specific file directories using statistical methods based on processor usage, memory usage, and I/O rates so that the process with abnormal behaviours can be isolated or detected, stopped and possible deletion. Yang et al. [61] dwelled more on analysing the basic Android component and manifest that makes it vulnerable to ransomware attack. It revealed the permissibility of android operating to several applications exposed it to attack; it then proposed an automatic immune detection system that can detect a new pattern ransomware and also distinguish between a benign activity, but could not explain further on the way to implement the automatic tools. Hong and Chen [26] proposed a permission control application software called Sdguard, which is customised to replace the default sdcard daemon, when properly installed, it can implement fine-grain permission control which is based on Linux DAC mechanism, that can detect crypto ransomware that usually encrypts content of file stored in external storage device and also lock user screen.

In developing a hybridized techniques against ransomware attacks on windows and android environment; Monika Zavarsky and Lindskog [41] setup an experiment that comprehensively analyses samples of ransomware that attacks window and android operating system. It revealed that, for Windows, ransomware can be detected through checking of MD5 checksum values for each analysed sample and monitoring of abnormal file system and registry activities. While in Android environment, closer attention be paid to permissions requested by the Android applications. Furthermore, Choi et al. [13] present comprehensive report from police department, whose authenticity is based on social media network sites, which revealed that online lifestyle and other salient factors contributed to the ransomware victimization. It recommended the creation of awareness campaign program on the use of social medial among the populace to guide against ransomware attack.

6 Synthesis of ransomware datasets

The major challenges faced in the analysis of ransomware activities are accessibility to essential datasets. Most of the research papers could not make available the sources of their dataset while some complained about lack of recent dataset to test their proposed model. However, recent dataset is very critical in evaluating newly proposed intrusion detection system because of the advancement of technology which renders old datasets irrelevant; detailed discussion can be found in Abubakar et al. [1]. In this review exercise, we have summarized some of the ransomware datasets used in Table 8. This can help researchers interested in proposing alternative algorithm for detecting the behaviour of ransomware attacks to easily have access to ransomware datasets for evaluating the efficacy of a proposed algorithm for detecting ransomware.

Table 8 Ransomware dataset sources

7 Unresolved problems and future research directions

Ransomware technology is fast evolving and many unresolved research problems are yet to be attended to. The research and survey articles analysed above show that there are currently few researches on ransomware prediction models, as most researches are based on either prevention or detection. This is because most ransomware preventive and detective techniques depend on data or information extracted during the execution of the attacks which rendered them ineffective due to the nature of this new attack. In addition, pre-encryption data acquisition from within the malicious codes of the ransomware is also done at runtime data. These types of pre-encryption are also not effective for ransomware attacks. One of the most effective cyber security strategies against ransomware going forward is to provide smarter prediction techniques capable of predicting new ransomware. This should be in conjunction with a layered security model. Therefore, ransomware attack prediction models are more effective in these scenarios. Furthermore, as a future research, we recommend proactive computational intelligent prediction models. Intelligent techniques proposed by Abdulhamid et al. [2] and Abdullahi and Ngadi [3] can be used to predict a ransomware attack even before it was triggered.

Ransomware attacks are very dynamic in nature. Therefore, to handle the dynamicity of crypto ransomware attack approaches, early detection systems with ensemble classification principles with incremental learning to yield active and efficient crypto ransomware detection and prevention systems are needed. For effective ransomware attack detection, more unique and specific features of the ransomware need to be engineered. This is important in training the current detection systems to achieve high degree of accuracy and precision. This is also closely related to another relatively unresolved problem of the availability of ransomware research datasets. Lack of readily researchable ransomware datasets is also hindering the speedy developments of detection and prevention solutions. In this paper, we made an effort to compile some sources of available datasets for research purpose. The list is non-conclusive but we still need more comprehensive list with robust extracted features.

Current ransomware payment methods utilize the cryptocurrency online transaction platforms like the Bitcoin. These platforms allow for anonymous transaction which made it very difficult to trace the movement of the ransom paid. To track and identify the identity of the attackers, new methods of cyber profiling need to be developed and cryptanalytic transaction tracing schemes must be improved. This way, ransomware attacks will be made unattractive to cybercriminals. These new improved cryptanalysis schemes will also increase the chances of ransom recovery and data recovery after a ransomware attack.

An effective ransomware prediction, detection and prevention schemes are the ones that have predictive abilities to make clever threat inferences of anonymous processes. This is possible when all executing processes are treated as unknowns and the threat level is constantly updated using how the executing process is working. This type of detection technique should utilizes a method of dynamic and robust behaviour forecasting analysis together with intelligent machine learning to deliver predictive capabilities of zero-day ransomware detection.

8 Conclusions

In this paper, we present a systematic review on ransomware attack and defense mechanism. The reviewed articles explained some basic features and symptoms of ransomware. It is an open fact that ransomware or any other kind of malware extortion models have come to stay with a stable growth both in complexity, adversity and multiplicity, offering a lot of ready-to-go solutions to the unskilled activist with resources and time to enable them to improve their efficiency. The players are moving from a chaotic environment to a more stable one just to have a grip and control of their activities.

The reviewed articles dwelled much on the environment, both windows and android platform which happen to be the breeding ground for ransomware activities because of its prevalent vulnerabilities. The success stories of ransomware attack have provided an encouragement to other activist to join in perpetrating their illicit acts. Most of the papers proposed several defensive techniques ranging from PayBreak, Redemption, UNVEIL, CryptoDrop and others in defending against the attack, but the challenge is its inability to cope with the obfuscation techniques. The research papers show some tremendous improvement on the security upgrade of the OS; it incorporated self-defense mechanism that allows the system handpicked any sign of CryptoLocker ransomware activities. Finally, the reviewed papers show that the most reliable defense mechanism against ransomware attack is the regular file backup. Further research work could be directed towards improving the security features of the operating systems with more emphasis in developing an algorithm that could distinguish malicious attacks from benign system activities.