1 Introduction

For the terminology and notation not introduced in this paper, we refer the reader to either one of the following sources [2, 3, 8, 13, 21]. By a (pq)-graph, we mean a graph of order p and size q. Let \(m\le n\) be integers, to denote the set \(\{m,m+1,\ldots ,n\}\) we use [mn]. The Kronecker product of two (di)graphs \(G_1=(V_1,E_1)\) and \(G_2=(V_2,E_2)\) is the (di)graph \(G_1\otimes G_2\) with vertex set \(V_1\times V_2\) and with an (arc) edge ((ab), (cd)) whenever \((a,c)\in E_1\) and \((b,d)\in E_2\). The crown product of two graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) is the graph \(G=G_1\odot G_2\) obtained by placing a copy of \(G_1\) and \(|V(G_1)|\) copies of \(G_2\) and then joining each vertex of \(G_1\) with all vertices in one copy of \(G_2\) in such a way that all vertices in the same copy of \(G_2\) are joined with exactly one vertex of \(G_1\). Kotzig and Rosa introduced in [12] the concepts of edge-magic graphs and edge-magic labelings as follows: Let G be a (pq)-graph. Then, G is called edge-magic if there is a bijective function \(f:V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow [1,p+q]\) such that the sum \(f(x)+f(xy)+f(y)=k\) for any \(xy\in E(G)\). Such a function is called an edge-magic labeling of G, and k is called the valence [12] or the magic sum [21] of the labeling f. We write \(\hbox {val}(f)\) to denote the valence of f.

Inspirated by the notion of edge-magic labelings, Enomoto et al. introduced in [4] the concepts of super edge-magic graphs and super edge-magic labelings as follows: Let \(f:V(G)\cup E(G) \rightarrow [1,p+q]\) be an edge-magic labeling of a (pq)-graph G with the extra property that \(f(V(G))=[1,p]\). Then, G is called super edge-magic and f is a super edge-magic labeling of G. Notice that although the definitions of (super) edge-magic graphs and labelings were originally provided for simple graphs (that is, graphs with no loops nor multiple edges), along this paper, we extend these definitions for any graph. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, the graphs considered in this paper are not necessarily simple. Figueroa-Centeno et al. provided in [5] the following useful characterization of super edge-magic simple graphs that works in exactly the same way for non-necessarily simple graphs.

Lemma 1

[5] Let G be a (pq)-graph. Then, G is super edge-magic if and only if there is a bijective function \(g:V(G)\rightarrow [1,p]\) such that the set \(S=\{g(u)+g(v):uv\in E(G)\}\) is a set of q consecutive integers. In this case, g can be extended to a super edge-magic labeling f with valence \(p+q+\min S\).

Unless otherwise specified, whenever we refer to a function as a super edge-magic labeling, we will assume that it is a function f as in Lemma 1. Before moving on, it is worthwhile mentioning that Acharya and Hegde had already defined in 1991 [1] the concept of strongly indexable graphs. This concept turns out to be equivalent to the concept of super edge-magic graphs. However, in this paper we will use the names super edge-magic graphs and super edge-magic labelings. Figueroa et al. introduced in [7] the concept of super edge-magic digraph as follows: a digraph \(D=(V,E)\) is super edge-magic if its underlying graph is super edge-magic. In general, we say that a digraph D admits a labeling f if its underlying graph, which we denote as \(\hbox {und}(D)\), admits the labeling f. The following product was introduced in [7]: let D be a digraph and let \(\varGamma \) be a family of digraphs with the same set V of vertices. Assume that \(h: E(D) \rightarrow \varGamma \) is any function that assigns elements of \(\varGamma \) to the arcs of D. Then, the digraph \(D \otimes _{h} \varGamma \) is defined by (i) \(V(D \otimes _{h} \varGamma )= V(D) \times V\) and (ii) \(((a,i),(b,j)) \in E(D \otimes _{h} \varGamma ) \Leftrightarrow (a,b) \in E(D)\) and \((i,j) \in E(h(a,b))\). Note that when h is constant, \(D \otimes _{h} \varGamma \) is the Kronecker product, that is, \(D \otimes _{h} \varGamma \cong D\otimes h(a,b)\), for any \((a,b)\in E(D)\). Many relations among labelings have been established using the \(\otimes _h\)-product and some particular families of graphs, namely \(\mathcal {S}_p\) and \(\mathcal {S}_p^k\) (see, for instance, [11, 16, 18, 20]). The family \(\mathcal {S}_p\) contains all super edge-magic 1-regular labeled digraphs of order p where each vertex takes the name of the label that has been assigned to it. A super edge-magic digraph F is in \(\mathcal {S}_p^k\) if \(|V(F)|= |E(F)|=p\), and the minimum sum of the labels of adjacent vertices is equal to k (see Lemma 1). Notice that, since each 1-regular digraph has minimum induced sum equal to \((p+3)/2\), \( \mathcal {S}_p \subset \mathcal {S}_p^{(p+3)/2}\). The following result was introduced in [18], generalizing a previous result found in [7]:

Theorem 1

[18] Let D be a (super) edge-magic digraph and let \(h: E(D) \rightarrow \mathcal {S}_p^k\) be any function. Then, und(\(D\otimes _{h} \mathcal {S}_p^k\)) is (super) edge-magic.

Remark 1

The key point in the proof of Theorem 1 is to rename the vertices of D and each element of \(\mathcal {S}_p^k\) after the labels of their corresponding (super) edge-magic labeling f and their super edge-magic labelings, respectively. Then, the labels of the product are defined as follows: (i) the vertex \((a,i) \in V(D\otimes _{h} \mathcal {S}_p^k)\) receives the label: \(p(a-1)+i\) and (ii) the arc \(((a,i),(b,j)) \in E(D\otimes _{h} \mathcal {S}_p^k)\) receives the label: \(p(e-1)+(k+p)-(i+j)\), where e is the label of (ab) in D. Thus, for each arc \(((a,i),(b,j)) \in E(D\otimes _{h} \mathcal {S}_p^k)\), coming from an arc \( e = (a,b) \in E(D)\) and an arc \( (i,j) \in E(h(a,b))\), the sum of labels is constant and equal to \(p(a+b+e-3)+(k+p)\). That is, \(p( \hbox {val}(f)-3)+k+p\). Thus, the next result is obtained.

Lemma 2

[18] Let \(\widehat{f}\) be the (super) edge-magic labeling of the graph \(D \otimes _h\mathcal {S}_p^k\) induced by a (super) edge-magic labeling f of D (see Remark 1). Then, the valence of \(\widehat{f}\) is given by the formula

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {val}\left( \widehat{f}\right)= & {} p\left( \hbox {val}(f)-3\right) + k + p. \end{aligned}$$

All the results in the literature involving the \(\otimes _h\)-product had super edge-magic labeled digraphs in the second factor of the product. However, in [14] it was shown that other labeled (di)graphs can be used in order to enlarge the results obtained, showing that the \(\otimes _h\)-product is a very powerful tool. Next, we introduce the family \(\mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \) of edge-magic labeled digraphs. An edge-magic labeled digraph F is in \(\mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \) if \(V(F)=V\), \(|E(F)|=q\) and the magic sum of the edge-magic labeling is equal to \(\sigma \).

Theorem 2

[14] Let \(D\in \mathcal {S}_n^k\) and let h be any function \(h:E(D)\rightarrow \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \). Then, \(D\otimes _h \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \) admits an edge-magic labeling with valence \((p+q)(k+n-3)+\sigma \), where \(p=|V|, \ |E(F)|=q\) and \(F \in \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \).

Remark 2

Let \(p=|V|\). The keypoint in the proof of Theorem 2 is to identify the vertices of D and each element of \(\mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \) after the labels of their corresponding super edge-magic labeling and edge-magic labeling, respectively. Then the labels of \(D\otimes _h \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \) are defined as follows: (i) if \((i,a)\in V(D\otimes _h \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma )\), we assign to the vertex the label: \((p+q)(i-1)+a\), and (ii) if \(((i,a),(j,b))\in E (D\otimes _h \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma )\), we assign to the arc the label: \((p+q)(k+n-(i+j)-1)+(\sigma -(a+b)).\) Notice that, since \(D\in \mathcal {S}_n^k\) is labeled with a super edge-magic labeling with minimum sum of the adjacent vertices equal to k, we have \(\{(k+n)-(i+j): \ (i,j)\in E(D )\}=[1, n].\) Moreover, since each element \(F\in \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \), it follows that \(\{\sigma -(a+b): \ (a,b)\in E(F )\}=[1, p+q]{\setminus } V\). Thus, the set of labels in \(D\otimes _h \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma \) covers all elements in \([1, n(p+q)]\). Moreover, for each arc \(((i,a)(j,b))\in E (D\otimes _h \mathcal {T}^q_\sigma )\) the sum of the labels is constant and is equal to: \((p+q)(k+n-3)+\sigma .\)

López et al. introduced in [17] the following definitions. Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a (pq)-graph. Then, the set \(S_{G}\) is defined as \(S_{G}= \{ 1/q( \varSigma _{u \in V} \hbox {deg}(u)g(u)+ \varSigma _{i=p+1}^{p+q} i ):\) the function \(g:V \rightarrow [1,p]\) is bijective}. If \(\lceil \min S_G\rceil \le \lfloor \max S_G\rfloor \), then the super edge-magic interval of G, denoted by \(I_G\), is defined to be the set \(I_G=\left[ \lceil \min S_G\rceil , \lfloor \max S_G\rfloor \right] \) and the super edge-magic set of G, denoted by \(\sigma _G\), is the set formed by all integers \(k\in I_G\) such that k is the valence of some super edge-magic labeling of G. A graph G is called perfect super edge-magic if \(\sigma _G=I_G\). In order to conduct our study in this paper, the following lemma will be useful tool.

Lemma 3

[14] The graph formed by a star \(K_{1,n}\) and a loop attached to its central vertex, denoted by \(K_{1,n}^{l}\), is perfect super edge-magic for all positive integers n. Furthermore, \(|I_{K_{1,n}^{l}}|=|\sigma _{K_{1,n}^{l}}|=n+1\).

In [19], the same authors generalized the previous definitions to edge-magic graphs and labelings as follows: Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a (pq)-graph, and denote by \(T_G\) the set

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \frac{\sum _{u\in V}\text{ deg }(u)g(u)+\sum _{e\in E}g(e)}{q}:\ g:V\cup E \rightarrow [1,p+q] \ \text{ is } \text{ a } \text{ bijective } \text{ function }\right\} . \end{aligned}$$

If \(\lceil \min T_G\rceil \le \lfloor \max T_G\rfloor \), then the magic interval of G, denoted by \(J_G\), is defined to be the set \(J_G=\left[ \lceil \min T_G\rceil , \lfloor \max T_G\rfloor \right] \) and the magic set of G, denoted by \(\tau _G\), is the set \(\tau _G=\{n\in J_G:\ n \ \text{ is } \text{ the } \text{ valence } \text{ of } \text{ some } \text{ edge-magic } \text{ labeling } \text{ of }\ G\}.\) It is clear that \(\tau _G\subseteq J_G\). A graph G is called perfect edge-magic if \(\tau _G=J_G\). In the next lemma, we provide a well-known result that gives a lower bound and an upper bound for edge-magic valences. We add the proof as a matter of completeness. Recall that the complementary labeling of an edge-magic labeling f is the labeling \(\overline{f}(x)=p+q+1-f(x)\), for all \(x \in V(G) \cup E(G)\), and that val\((\overline{f})=3(p+q+1)-\hbox {val}(f)\).

Lemma 4

Let G be a (pq)-graph with an edge-magic labeling f. Then, \(p+q+3 \le \hbox {val}(f) \le 2(p+q).\)


Let \(f:V(G) \cup E(G) \rightarrow [1,p+q]\) be an edge-magic labeling of G. The two lowest possible integers in \([1,p+q-1]\) that can be added to \(p+q\) are 1 and 2. Thus, \(\hbox {val}(f) \ge p+q+3.\) By using the complementary labeling, the maximum possible valence has the form \(3(p+q+1)-\hbox {val}(g)\) where \(\hbox {val}(g)\) is the minimum possible valence. Thus, \(\hbox {val}(f) \le 3(p+q+1)-\hbox {val}(g)\le 2(p+q).\) \(\square \)

The study of the (super) edge-magic properties of the graph \(C_m\odot \overline{K}_n\) as a particular subfamily of \(S_n^k\) has been of interest recently. See, for instance, [15, 17, 19]. Due to this, many things are known on the (super) edge-magic properties of the graphs \(C_{p^k} \otimes \overline{K}_n\) [19] and \(C_{pq} \otimes \overline{K}_n\) [15], where p and q are coprime. However, many other things remain a mystery, and we believe that it is worth while to work in this direction. In fact, a big hole in the literature appears when considering graphs of the form \(C_m\odot \overline{K}_n\) for m even. In this paper, we will devote Section 2 to this type of graphs. This study leads us to consider other classes of graphs and to study the relation existing between the valences of edge-magic and super edge-magic labelings and the well-known problem of graph decompositions.

A decomposition of a simple graph G is a collection \(\{H_i: i \in [1,m] \}\) of subgraphs of G such that \(\cup _{i \in [1,m]}E(H_i)\) is a partition of the edge set of G. If the set \(\{H_i: i \in [1,m] \}\) is a decomposition of G, then we denote it by \(G \cong H_1 \oplus H_2 \oplus \cdots \oplus H_m = \oplus _{i=1}^{m}H_i\).

We want to bring this introduction to its end by saying that the interested reader can also find excellent sources of information about the topic of graph labeling in [2, 8, 10, 13, 21].

2 More Valences

As we have already mentioned in the introduction, not too much is known about the valences of (super) edge-magic labelings for the graph \(C_m\odot \overline{K}_n\) when m is even. In fact, as far as we know, the only papers that deal with (super) edge-magic labelings of \(C_m\odot \overline{K}_n\) for m even are [6, 15]. Hence, almost all such results involve only odd cycles. Next, we study the edge-magic valences of \(C_m\odot \overline{K}_n\) when m is even. Unless otherwise specified, \(\overrightarrow{G}\) denotes any orientation of G. The next lemma is an generalization of Lemma 12 in [15].

Lemma 5

Let g be a (super) edge-magic labeling of a graph G, and let \(f_r\) be the super edge-magic labeling of \(K_{1,n}^l\) that assigns label r to the central vertex, \(1 \le r \le n+1\). Then,

  1. (i)

    the induced (super) edge-magic labeling \(\widehat{g}_r\) of \(\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) has valence \((n+1)(\hbox {val}(g)-2)+r+1\).

  2. (ii)

    Let \(g'\) be a different (super) edge-magic labeling of G with \(\hbox {val}(g) < \hbox {val}(g')\), then \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{n+1}) < \hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{1}')\), where \(\widehat{g}_r'\) is the induced (super) edge-magic labeling of \(\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) when \(K_{1,n}^l\) is labeled with \(f_r\) and G with \(g'.\)


The labeling \(f_r\) of \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) has minimum induced sum \(r+1.\) Thus, \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l \in \mathcal {S}_{n+1}^{r+1}.\) By Lemma 2, \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{r})=(n+1)[\hbox {val}(g)-3]+r+1+n+1\), that is, \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{r}){=}(n{+}1)[\hbox {val}(g)-2]+r+1\). Let \(g'\) be a different (super) edge-magic labeling of G with \(\hbox {val}(g) < \hbox {val}(g')\), then \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{n+1})= (n+1)[\hbox {val}(g)-2]+n+2 \le (n+1)[\hbox {val}(g')-1-2]+n+2\). That is, \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{n+1}) \le (n+1) [\hbox {val}(g')-2]+1 < \hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{1}').\) Hence, the result follows. \(\square \)

Theorem 3

Let G be an edge-magic (pq)-graph. Then, \( |\tau _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n+1)|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G}}|+2\).


Let \(f_r\) be the super edge-magic labeling of \(K_{1,n}^l\) that assigns the label r to the central vertex, \(1\le r \le n+1\). Let \(g:V(G) \cup E(G) \rightarrow [1,p+q]\) be an edge-magic labeling of G. By Lemma 5, \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_r)=(n+1)[\hbox {val}(g)-2]+r+1\), and if \(\hbox {val}(g) < \hbox {val}(g')\), then \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{n+1}) < \hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_{1}')\) where \(\widehat{g}_r\) is the induced edge-magic labeling of \(\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\). Therefore, \( |\tau _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n+1)|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G}}|.\)

Consider \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l \otimes \overrightarrow{G}.\) By Theorem 2, \(\hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_r)=(p+q)[n+r-1]+\hbox {val}(g), 1\le r \le n+1\) where \(\tilde{g}_r\) is the induced labeling of \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l \otimes \overrightarrow{G}\) when \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) is labeled with \(f_r\) and \(\overrightarrow{G}\) with \(g'.\) We claim that \(\hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_1) < \hbox {val}(\hat{g}_1)\) and \(\hbox {val}(\hat{g}_{n+1}) < \hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_{n+1})\). Assume to the contrary that \(\hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_1) \ge \hbox {val}(\hat{g}_1)\), we get \(\hbox {val}(g) \le p+q+2\) which is a contradiction to Lemma 4. Similarly, if \(\hbox {val}(\hat{g}_{n+1}) \ge \hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_{n+1})\), we get \(\hbox {val}(g) \ge 2(p+q)+1\) which again is a contradiction to Lemma 4. Hence, \(|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n+1)|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G}}|+2\). \(\square \)

By adding an extra condition on the smallest and the biggest valence, we can improve the lower bound given in the previous result.

Theorem 4

Let G be an edge-magic (pq)-graph. If \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are the smallest and the biggest valences of G, respectively, and \(\beta -\alpha <(\alpha -(p+q+2))n\), then \( |\tau _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n+3)|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G}}|\).


The previous proof guarantees that, using Lemma 5, we get \( |\tau _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n{+}1)|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G}}|\). Next we will use Theorem 2 to complete the remaining valences. Consider now the reverse order \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l \otimes \overrightarrow{G}.\) By Theorem 2, \(\hbox {val}(\widetilde{g}_r)=(p+q)[n+r-1]+\hbox {val}(g), 1\le r \le n+1\) where \(\widetilde{g}_r\) is the induced labeling of \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l \otimes \overrightarrow{G}\) when \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) is labeled with \(f_r\) and \(\overrightarrow{G}\) with g. Let g be an edge-magic labeling of G with valence \(\alpha \) and \(g'\) an edge-magic labeling with valence \(\beta \). We claim that \(\hbox {val}(\widetilde{g'}_1) < \hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_1)\) and \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g'}_{n+1}) < \hbox {val}(\widetilde{g}_{n+1})\).

Assume to the contrary that \(\hbox {val}(\widetilde{g'}_1) \ge \hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_1)\), then we get \(\beta -\alpha \ge (\alpha -(p+q+2))n\) which is a contradiction to the statement. Similarly, if \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g'}_{n+1}) \ge \hbox {val}(\widetilde{g}_{n+1})\), we get \(\beta -\alpha \ge (1+2(p+q)-\beta )n\). Notice that, since \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) correspond to the valences of two complementary labelings of G, \(\beta =3(p+q+1)-\alpha \) and this inequality is equivalent to \(\beta -\alpha \ge (\alpha -(p+q+2))n\) which is again a contradiction. Since by construction of the induced labeling, if \(\hbox {val}(g)< \hbox {val} (g')\), then \(\hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_r)< \hbox {val} (\tilde{g}'_r)\), we obtain \(\hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_1)< \cdots< \hbox {val} (\tilde{g}'_1)<\hbox {val}(\hat{g}_1)<\cdots<\hbox {val}(\hat{g}'_{n+1})<\hbox {val}(\tilde{g}_{n+1})< \cdots < \hbox {val} (\tilde{g}'_{n+1}).\) Hence, \(|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n+3)|\tau _{\overrightarrow{G}}|\). \(\square \)

Fig. 1
figure 1

All theoretical valences are realizable for \(C_4 \odot \overline{K}_2\)

Corollary 1

Let G be any edge-magic (bipartite) 2-regular graph. Then, \(|\tau _{G\odot \overline{K}_n}| \ge (n+1)|\tau _G|+2\).


Let \(G=C_{m_1}\oplus C_{m_2}\oplus \cdots \oplus C_{m_k}\), and let \(\overrightarrow{G}=C_{m_1}^+\oplus C_{m_2}^+\oplus \cdots \oplus C_{m_k}^+\) be an orientation of G in which each cycle is strongly oriented. Then, \(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l=(C_{m_1}^+\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l) \oplus (C_{m_2}^+\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l) \oplus \cdots \oplus (C_{m_k}^+\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)\). Note that since G is bipartite, all cycles should be of even length and by definition of \(\otimes \)-product, \(G \odot \overline{K}_{n} \cong \hbox {und}(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)\). Thus, by Theorem 3, \(|\tau _{G\odot \overline{K}_n}| \ge (n+1)|\tau _G|+2\). \(\square \)

Example 1

Let g be an edge-magic labeling of \(\overrightarrow{C_4}\) and \(f_r\) be the super edge-magic labeling of \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,2}^l\) that assigns the label r to the central vertex, \(1 \le r \le 3.\) Then, the valence of the induced labeling \(\widehat{g}_r\) is \(\hbox {val}(\widehat{g}_r)=3(\hbox {val}(g)-2)+r+1 \in [3(\hbox {val}(g)-2)+2,3(\hbox {val}(g)-2)+4]\). Let \(\alpha : 1\bar{5}6\bar{4}2\bar{7}3\bar{8}1\), \(\beta =1\bar{7}5\bar{6}2\bar{3}8\bar{4}1\), \(\gamma = 1\bar{5}8\bar{2}4\bar{3}7\bar{6}1\) and \(\delta = 8\bar{4}3\bar{5}7\bar{2}6\bar{1}8\), where \(i\bar{m}j\) indicates that m is the label assigned to the edge ij. Since \(\tau _{C_4}=[12,15]=[\hbox {val}(\alpha ),\hbox {val}(\beta )]\) we get different 12 edge-magic valences [32, 43] for the induced labeling of \(C_4 \odot \overline{K}_2 \cong \hbox {und}(\overrightarrow{C_4} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,2}).\) Moreover, since the condition \(\hbox {val}(\beta )-\hbox {val}(\alpha )<(\hbox {val}(\alpha )-(p+q+2))n\), is satisfied for \(n\ge 2\), by using Theorem 2, \(\hbox {val}(\widetilde{g}_r)=8(1+r)+\hbox {val}(g)\) which gives, associated with a labeling g two new valences, namely \(\hbox {val}(\widetilde{g_1})\) and \(\hbox {val}(\widetilde{g_3})\) which gives in total 20 valences. The induced labelings are shown in Fig. 1, according to the notation introduced above (for clarity reasons, only the labels of the vertices are shown). Notice that, by using the missing labels, there is only one way to complete the edge-magic labelings obtained in Fig. 1. The minimum induced sum together with the maximum unused label provides the valence of the labeling.

Remark 3

For a given even m, the magic interval for crowns of the form \(C_m\odot \overline{K}_n\) is \([mn+2+5m/2,2mn+ 1+7m/2]\) (see Section 2, in [19]). Thus, for \(m=4\), the magic interval is [28, 47]. Hence, the crown \(C_4\odot \overline{K}_2\) is perfect edge-magic.

It is well known that all cycles are edge-magic [9]. Thus, the following corollary follows:

Corollary 2

Fix \(m \in \mathcal {N}\). Then \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } |\tau _{C_m\odot \overline{K}_n}|=\infty \).

A similar argument to that of the first part in Theorem 3 can be used to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 5

Let G be a super edge-magic graph. Then \( |\sigma _{\overrightarrow{G} \otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l}| \ge (n+1)|\sigma _{\overrightarrow{G}}|\).

3 A Relation Between (Super) Edge-Magic Labelings and Graph Decompositions

Let G be a bipartite graph with stable sets \(X=\{x_i\}_{i=1}^s\) and \(Y=\{y_j\}_{j=1}^t\). Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, we denote by \(S_2(G;H_1,H_2)\) the graph with vertex and edge sets defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} V\left( S_2\left( G;H_1,H_2\right) \right)= & {} X\cup Y\cup X'\cup Y', \\ E\left( S_2\left( G;H_1,H_2\right) \right)= & {} E(G)\cup \left\{ x_iy_j': x_iy_j\in E\left( H_1\right) \right\} \cup \left\{ x_i'y_j: x_iy_j\in E\left( H_2\right) \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(X'=\{x_i'\}_{i=1}^s\) and \(Y'=\{y_j'\}_{j=1}^t\).

We are ready to state and prove the next theorem.

Theorem 6

Let G be a bipartite (super) edge-magic simple graph with stable sets X and Y. Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, the graph \(S_2(G;H_1,H_2)\) is (super) edge-magic.


Let f be a (super) edge-magic labeling of G, and assume that the edges of \(H_1\) are directed from X to Y and the edges of \(H_2\) are directed from Y to X in G, obtaining the digraph \(\overrightarrow{G}\). Let \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,1}^l\) be the super edge-magic labeled digraph with \(V(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,1}^l)=\{1,2\}\) and \(E(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,1}^l)=\{(1,1),(1,2)\}\). By Theorem 1, we have that the graph und\((\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,1}^l)\) is (super) edge-magic. Moreover, an easy check shows that the bijective function \(\phi : V(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,1}^l)\rightarrow V(S_2(G;H_1,H_2))\) defined by \(\phi (v,1)=v\) and \(\phi (v,2)=v'\) is an isomorphism between und\((\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,1}^l)\) and \(S_2(G;H_1,H_2)\). Therefore, the graph \(S_2(G;H_1,H_2)\) is (super) edge-magic. \(\square \)

Next, we show an example.

Example 2

Consider the edge-magic labeling of \(K_{3,3}\) shown in Fig. 2. The same figure (left) shows a partition of the edges, \(K_{3,3}\cong H_1\oplus H_2\), \(H_2\) with dotted edges, and a possible orientation of them (right) when \(X=\{1,2,3\}\) and \(Y=\{4,8,12\}\). The construction given in the proof of Theorem 6 when each vertex (ai) is labeled \(2(a-1)+i\) and each edge (ai)(bj) is labeled \(2(e-1)+4-(i+j)\) (where e is the label of (ab) in D) results into the graph in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A decomposition of \(K_{3,3}\) and the induced orientation

Fig. 3
figure 3

An edge-magic labeling of \(S_2(K_{3,3};H_1,H_2)\)

Kotzig and Rosa [12] proved that every complete bipartite graph is edge-magic. It is clear that Theorem 6 works very nicely when the graph G under consideration is a complete bipartite graph and many new edge-magic graphs can be obtained. Theorem 6 can be easily extended. Let us do so next.

Let G be a bipartite graph with stable sets \(X=\{x_i\}_{i=1}^s\) and \(Y=\{y_j\}_{j=1}^t\). Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, we define \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)\) to be the graph with vertex and edge sets as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} V\left( S_{2n}\left( G;H_1,H_2\right) \right)= & {} X\cup Y\cup (\cup _{k=1}^nX_k)\cup \left( \cup _{k=1}^nY_k\right) , \\ E\left( S_{2n}\left( G;H_1,H_2\right) \right)= & {} E(G)\cup \left\{ x_iy_j^k: x_iy_j\in E\left( H_1\right) \right\} \cup \left\{ x_i^ky_j: x_iy_j\in E\left( H_2\right) \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(X_k=\{x_i^k\}_{i=1}^s\) and \(Y_k=\{y_j^k\}_{j=1}^t\).

Lemma 6

Let G be a bipartite simple graph with stable sets X and Y. Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, there exists an orientation of G and \(K_{1,n}^l\), namely \(\overrightarrow{G}\) and \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\), respectively, such that \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2) \cong \hbox {und}(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l).\)


Assume that the digraph \(\overrightarrow{G}\) is obtained from G by orienting the edges of \(H_1\) from X to Y and the edges of \(H_2\) from Y to X in G. Let \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) be the digraph with \(V(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)=[1,n+1]\) and \(E(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)=\{(1,k):k \in [1,n+1]\}\). An easy check shows that the bijective function \(\phi : V(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)\rightarrow V(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2))\) defined by \(\phi (v,1)=v\) and \(\phi (v,k+1)=v^{k}, \ k \in [1,n]\) is an isomorphism between und\((\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)\) and \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)\). \(\square \)

We are ready to state and prove the next theorem.

Theorem 7

Let G be a bipartite (super) edge-magic simple graph with stable sets X and Y. Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, the graph \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)\) is (super) edge-magic.


Let f be a (super) edge-magic labeling of G, and assume that the edges of \(H_1\) are directed from X to Y and the edges of \(H_2\) are directed from Y to X in G, obtaining the digraph \(\overrightarrow{G}\). Let \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) be the super edge-magic labeled digraph with \(V(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)=[1,n+1]\) and \(E(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)=\{(1,k):k \in [1,n+1]\}\). By Theorem 1, we have that the graph und\((\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)\) is (super) edge-magic. By Lemma 6, \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2) \cong \hbox {und}(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l).\) Therefore, the graph \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)\) is (super) edge-magic. \(\square \)

With the help of Lemma 3, we can generalize Theorem 7 very easily. We do it in the following two results.

Theorem 8

Let G be a bipartite super edge-magic simple graph with stable sets X and Y. Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, \(|\sigma _{S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)}| \ge (n+1)|\sigma _G|\).


Let h be a super edge-magic labeling of G, and assume that the edges of \(H_1\) are directed from X to Y and the edges of \(H_2\) are directed from Y to X in G, obtaining the digraph \(\overrightarrow{G}\). Let \(f_r\) be the super edge-magic labeling of \(\overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l\) that assigns the label r to the central vertex with \(\hbox {val}(f_r)=2n+3+r, \ 1 \le r \le n+1\). Then, by Lemma 6, \(S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2) \cong \hbox {und}(\overrightarrow{G}\otimes \overrightarrow{K}_{1,n}^l)\) and by Theorem 7, it is super edge-magic. By Theorem 5, \(|\sigma _{S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)}| \ge (n+1)|\sigma _G|\). \(\square \)

A similar argument to the one of Theorem 8, but now using Theorem 3, allows us to prove the following theorem.

Theorem 9

Let G be a bipartite edge-magic simple graph with stable sets X and Y. Assume that G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\). Then, \(|\tau _{S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)}| \ge (n+1)|\tau _G|+2\).

Once again, we have the following two easy corollaries.

Corollary 3

Let G be a bipartite super edge-magic simple graph with stable sets X and Y. If G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\), then \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }|\sigma _{S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)}|=\infty \).

Corollary 4

Let G be a bipartite edge-magic simple graph with stable sets X and Y. If G admits a decomposition \(G\cong H_1\oplus H_2\), then \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }|\tau _{S_{2n}(G;H_1,H_2)}|=\infty \).

At this point, consider any graph \(G^*\) whose vertex set admits a partition of the form \(V(G^*)=X\cup Y\cup _{k=1}^n X_k \cup _{k=1}^n Y_k\) and that decomposes as a union of three bipartite graphs \(G^*\cong G\oplus H_1\oplus H_2\), where \(G^*[X\cup Y]\cong G\), \(G^*[X\cup Y_k]\cong H_1\) and \(G^*[X_k\cup Y]\cong H_2\) for all \(k\in [1,n]\). By Theorem 6, we have the following remarks.

Remark 4

If G is a (super) edge-magic graph and \(G^*\) is not, then \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) do not decompose G.

Remark 5

If \(|\sigma _{G^*}| < (n+1)|\sigma _G|\) provided that G is a bipartite super edge-magic graph, then \(G\not \cong H_1\oplus H_2 \).

Remark 6

If \(|\tau _{G^*}| < (n+1)|\tau _G|+2\) provided that G is a bipartite edge-magic graph, then \(G\not \cong H_1\oplus H_2 \).

We will bring this section to its end, by mentioning that, although some labelings involving differences as, for instance, graceful labelings and \(\alpha \)-valuations have a strong relationship with graph decompositions, the results mentioned in this section are the only ones known relating the subject of decompositions with addition type labelings. This is why we consider these results interesting.

4 Conclusions

The goal of this paper is to show a new application of labeled super edge-magic (di)graphs to graph decompositions. The relation among labelings and decompositions of graphs is not new. In fact, one of the first motivations in order to study graph labelings was the relationship existing between graceful labelings of trees and decompositions of complete graphs into isomorphic trees. What we believe that it is new and surprising about the relation established in this paper is that, as far as we know, there are no relations between labelings involving sums and graph decompositions. In fact, we believe that this is the first relation found in this direction and we believe that to explore this relationship is a very interesting line for future research.