
It is widely accepted that a contaminated healthcare environment plays a role in transmission of high-consequence pathogens in healthcare settings. The hospital physical environment is becoming increasingly recognized as a reservoir for multi-drug-resistant organisms (MDRO) and as an independent risk factor for acquisition of drug-resistant organisms and subsequent infections [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Important bacteria implicated in nosocomial infections such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, drug-resistant Acinetobacter, Clostridium difficile, and carbapenem-resistant Enterobactericiae as well as many pathogenic viruses have all been found in patient rooms [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]. Additionally, studies have demonstrated transmission of these organisms from the environment to the patient [16,17,18]. However, the role of the environment in transmission of pathogens is complex, how “clean” high touch surfaces need to be to prevent transmission of bacteria, and the relative importance of environmental cleaning to other aspects of a bundled infection prevention approach had not been elucidated [19••].

Hospitals in the USA are increasingly accountable for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), measures that plays a significant role in hospital reimbursement and reputation [20,21]. When addressing interventions to prevent transmission of pathogens in the healthcare setting, more attention is being given to the role of the environment and environmental cleaning and disinfection. An increasing number of environmental strategies including disinfectants and no touch technologies are on the market for healthcare organizations to choose.

The purpose of this paper is to review newer developments in hospital disinfection and cleaning including no touch technologies such as UV-C, hydrogen peroxide vapor, ozone, and chlorine, and antimicrobial surfaces, and human factors and systems engineering approaches to improving manual room cleaning.

Current status

Adequate environmental cleaning is a vital component to prevent transmission of pathogens in the healthcare environment. Unfortunately, the efficacy of environmental cleaning has not met this important goal [14, 22,23,24,25,26]. Studies have shown that in research settings, adequate microbiologic disinfection with appropriate cleaning can be achieved; however, the translation of these practices into real-world settings has been disappointing. There is considerable variability in cleaning practice and outcomes by EVS staff [27,28,29,30]. Several interventions, including use of invisible markers and chemicals detecting organic substances coupled with feedback interventions, have been attempted with varying degrees of success [31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42].

Human factors and systems engineering approaches

The suboptimal cleaning of patient environment is commonly attributed to the environmental care (EVC) associate’s insufficient knowledge or skills, or inappropriate attitude. To date, performance improvement efforts have focused on monitoring the performance of EVC associates and with feedback and training [43,44]. While these studies have demonstrated improvements, the application of a human factors-based model such as the SEIPS (Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety) to the process of patient room cleaning may offer benefits by incorporating the work system [37,40,45]. The SEIPS model explores the work system factors associated with patient room cleaning. This includes people (e.g., EVC associates, patients and families, healthcare providers), tools and technologies used (e.g., cleaning tools and supplies, documentation system), tasks performed (e.g., preparing carts, cleaning high-touch surfaces), and physical (e.g., size and layout of the patient room, design of the patient bed, and other environmental surfaces) and organizational (e.g., unit culture, work schedule, incentive structure) environments in which EVC associates work [46,47]. Ongoing work to address these issues may result in more sustainable improvement in patient room cleaning, thus negating the incremental benefit of additional no touch or other technologies.

No touch technologies

“No touch technologies,” the most well known being ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide vapor, are increasingly being used as an adjunct to manual disinfection in the hospital environment [48,49,50]. Published studies most commonly use these approaches as an adjunct to discharge cleaning and disinfection, targeted at rooms where the prior occupant is known to have harbored C. difficile or MDROs and have demonstrated improvements [51,52,53, 54••]. Much of the published literature on this topic, however, are not planned epidemiologically robust studies, but rather outbreak scenarios where a no touch technology is employed as part of a bundled infection prevention approach. One recent cluster-randomized, crossover trial at nine hospitals in the southeastern USA (the Benefits of Enhanced Terminal Room Disinfection study) by Anderson et al. was a targeted vertical approach examining the use of UV-C disinfection for discharge of patients known to harbor C. difficile or a MDRO: three different strategies of disinfection were compared with a standard strategy of quaternary ammonium for all except for C. difficile rooms where bleach was used. Intervention 1 was the standard strategy plus UV-C on discharge; intervention 2 was bleach for all rooms on discharge; intervention 3 was bleach plus UV-C for all rooms on discharge. Clinical outcomes were newly acquired positive culture of a patient who was in a room where the previous occupant was known to harbor that MDRO. Patients admitted to rooms previously occupied by patients harboring a MDRO or C. difficile were 10–30% less likely to acquire the same organism if the room was terminally disinfected using an enhanced strategy. Interestingly, similar risk reduction was found with bleach alone as with bleach and UV-C [54••].

Studies to date have looked at using UV-C light as a vertical approach, where it is used for those rooms where the occupant is known to harbor a MDRO or C. difficile. A single site cluster randomized controlled study is currently underway in cancer and transplant units of an academic hospital where UV-C is attempted to be used every day in every patient room and bathroom, regardless of MDRO or C. difficile status [55].

However, these technologies are costly, both in the purchase of the machines and for the personnel to implement it. The cost-effectiveness of these technologies compared with enhanced manual cleaning has not been fully elucidated. Other limitations include the need for manual cleaning before UV-C (as with most other no touch technologies including hydrogen peroxide vapor), specific trained personnel to use the device, and implementation challenges including delay in room turn over and timely coordination.

Hydrogen peroxide vapor

Hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV) has been shown to be effective against multiple bacteria (including spore-forming) and viruses [56,57]. HPV-generating devices are marketed for patient room cleaning and decontamination. The device holds HP liquid (typically 30–35% weight/weight) which comes into contact with a hot plate and is vaporized, evaporated, and dispersed into the air of the patient room. When HPV concentration is higher than that of the surrounding air, a thin layer of HPV condensate settles on the surrounding surfaces. The remaining HPV in the air is broken down to water vapor and oxygen over time. As HPV is potentially harmful to humans (can cause irritation to eyes and oral mucosa), the room should not be entered until the occupational exposure limits (OEL) are less than 1 part per million [58].

There are multiple studies demonstrating effectiveness of HPV at reducing bacterial load in the patient environment [59]. A study using clinical outcomes demonstrated 64% reduction in any MDRO acquisition of subsequent room occupants when HPV was used post-discharge of known MDRO patients; the biggest impact was seen with VRE acquisition (adjusted incidence risk ratio, 0.20; 95% CI, 0.08–0.52) [60]. While this study did not find a statistically significant decrease on C. difficile acquisition, other studies have demonstrated reduced C. difficile acquisition [56,61,62]. A study in a 650-bed hospital in North Mississippi found C. difficile rate reduction from 1 case/1000 patient days to 0.4 cases/1000 patient days after implementing HPV disinfection throughout the center [50,57,61,62,63,64].

Cost-effectiveness analysis has been performed comparing resources and cost of eight different types of disinfection method: 1000 ppm chlorine-releasing agent (current practice of the study team), hydrogen peroxide vapor, dry ozone, microfiber cloths (Vermop) used in combination with and without a chlorine-releasing agent, and high temperature over heated dry atomized steam cleaning, steam cleaning, and peracetic acid wipes. Hospital rooms were disinfected and then contaminated with C. difficile spores, after which they were disinfected with one of the methods. Pre- and post-disinfection colony counts for each method were noted. The three most effective methods were hydrogen peroxide, 1000 ppm chlorine-releasing agent, and peracetic acid wipes. The total costs of each method per use and per month were calculated by summing the staff, equipment, or resources. For HPV, steam, and ozone, each machine was assumed to have a 3-year lifespan; dividing the capital cost by 36 gave a monthly depreciation cost. Each was compared to the 1000 ppm chlorine-releasing agent to assess incremental benefit. HPV had extra incremental cost of 138 lb above 1000 ppm chlorine. The authors recognize that there are newer devices such as chlorine dioxide that were not studied.

One of the disadvantages of HPV is that it requires the room to be left unoccupied until the OEL returns to safe levels. Although a lower concentration of HP would have practical benefits as the room would not need to be unoccupied post-usage for as long for air to reach the OEL, 10% HPV while nonpathogenic bacteria such as Geobacillus stearothermophilus (commonly used in bio-indicator cards to assess efficacy) are significantly reduced, it did not adequately disinfect MRSA. When studying the safest time to re-enter the room after hydrogen peroxide disinfection, Murdoch et al. found that even at 5%, there was still a concentration of 9.0 ppm after letting the gas naturally break down for over 3 h; above the safe OEL limit of 1.0 ppm, they suggest using forced aeration to shorten the time needed to ensure the safety of all who enter the room after cleaning [64].


Bactericidal properties of ozone, an oxidizing agent, have been known for many years. In 1985, it was found to have extremely potent effects on vegetative bacteria, but was much less effective against fungi and bacterial spores [65,66]. However, its capability to damage materials and surfaces has limited its utilization in the clinical setting.

Sharma et al. tested the bactericidal capacity of ozone against 15 unique bacteria commonly found in hospital settings on plastic surfaces and both wet and dry fabric samples, to simulate a hospital room environment. The resulting data showed that at 25 ppm, relative humidity 90%, and 20-min exposure time, ozone was bactericidal, displaying a 3log10 reduction in bacterial CFU/ml. Additionally, they found the gas removal expedient and once removed posed no toxicity to the patient entering the room [67]. Another group found that ozone has distinct advantages over other disinfection methods—the disinfection time was 25 min shorter than that of hydrogen peroxide disinfection because of the shorter time it takes to get back to safe levels [68]. Recently, ozone has also been tested against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It has been shown that at a dose of 3 mg/L decreased both the antibiotic-resistant bacteria and associated antibiotic-resistant genes by more than 90%; however, this reduction in the antibiotic resistance genes was stated to be incomplete and relatively ineffective [69].

However in 2012, a study using ozone for disinfection of C. difficile-contaminated rooms found only a 1.303log10 median reduction in colony count [68]. A more recent study by Martinelli et al. showed that using airborne ozone caused a moderate reduction in C. difficile colony count at 36 °C and no reduction at 22 °C [70]. Ozone was found to be ineffective at disinfection of hepatitis B virus, even when used for up to 90 min [71]. As with HPV, ozone also requires trained personnel to operate, and surfaces must be cleaned manually before ozone disinfection, extending the total disinfection time [68].

In recent years, ozone has been tested as a possible decontamination agent for specific hospital equipment such as corrugated tubing for ventilation machines and for decontaminating wastewater from the hospital, which normally carries with it highly concentrated cleaners, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and discarded medications [72,73]. Additionally, some groups are beginning to look at the use of ozone combined with hydrogen peroxide for newer forms of combination cleaning for high-level disinfection of medical equipment, to our knowledge, there is no patient room cleaning combination product [74].


Steam disinfection is a new technology that has become portable and more easily used in recent years. The technology works by transforming water into a superheated, low-moisture steam which can then disrupt the cell membrane, thereby making bacteria more susceptible to high temperatures [75].

A number of groups have looked at the effects of steam disinfection on various bacteria and different surfaces that would be in the hospital room environment [76,77•]. Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri, VRE, MRSA, Salmonella enterica, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, MS2 coliphage (a surrogate for nonenveloped viruses), Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, and the endospores of C. difficile have been inoculated on six porous surfaces and then treated with steam disinfection. After only 5 s, all pathogens were completely inactivated [78]. Furthermore, when testing steam disinfection against extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumonia, MRSA, high-level aminoglycoside-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, Candida parapsilosis, and Aspergillus fumigatus on glass surfaces, Bagattini et al. found that they could achieve complete bacterial reduction from 109 CFU/ml with 5–7 min at 180 °C of steam contact time [79]. Some groups are recommending microfiber cloths and steam disinfection for use in discharge cleansing and in times of pathogen outbreaks, stating that the results are the same or better than traditional cleaning methods with less labor, fewer chemicals, less water consumed, and mass approval from the cleaning staff [76,77•].

Steam disinfection technology may have impact on biofilm formation and removal in the hospital room and on equipment. Song et al. tested the efficacy of steam on disrupting biofilms (composed of E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, or A. baumannii) on polycarbonate surfaces. They found that even a 3-s steam treatment could kill each biofilm with 99.5% efficacy. They compared the efficacy of 1 s of steam disinfection to 10–20 min of contact time with sodium hypochlorite and found the steam more effective [75].

Steam disinfection methods do have some disadvantages. Like HPV, ozone, and UV-C cleaning methods, manual cleaning must be done before steam disinfection. There may also be condensate water on the floor after the steam disinfection has completed, which may act as a nidus for infection or lead to patient falls [68]. Steam disinfection uses a large amount of water and energy when used in the clinical setting. However, water and electricity usage can be reduced significantly when the steam sterilizer is turned to offsetting while not in use [80].

In recent years, there are emerging uses for steam disinfection. It has been demonstrated to be an effective method for cleaning nebulizers used for patients with cystic fibrosis; however, they should be left damp after cleaning because drying the devices after cleaning may be a source of recontamination [81].

Antimicrobial surfaces

There is increasing interest in materials used to make surfaces of hospital products, and novel approaches to prevention of bacteria from adhering onto items in the patient room.


In 2008, Weaver et al. described copper alloys with copper content > 70% having significant reduction in survival of C. difficile vegetative and spores compared with lower content copper or stainless steel surfaces [82]. Copper alloys are recognized by Environmental Protection Agency for continual antimicrobial effectiveness and may also have a role in decreasing surface biofilm formation [83]. More recent studies have translated those findings into the clinical setting [84,85,86, 87•, 88]. An ICU in Greece, endemic with multi-drug-resistant organisms, performed an interventional comparative cross over trial, introducing copper-coated beds and accessories into patient rooms. Environmental sampling found decreased percentage of surfaces colonized by MDR gram-negative and enterococci on the copper surfaces [84]. Most of the studies to date are looking at the effect of copper in adult ICUs; however, there are now studies looking at medical-surgical adult units and pediatric ICUs with similar type findings. On a medical-surgical unit, half the rooms on were outfitted with copper alloy materials, and compared with control rooms (traditional surfaces such as plastic, metal), and a decreased bacterial bioburden on copper alloy surfaces was found (median 0 vs 364 CFU/100 cm2). A 16-room pediatric ICU in Chile found a nonstatistically significant decrease in hospital-associated infections when copper surfaces were installed in 8 rooms, from 10.6 vs 13.0 per 1000 patient days for copper and noncopper-exposed patients [87•]. A study with patient-level randomization to available rooms with or without copper in ICUs of three hospitals found an overall lower proportion of patients developing any HAI, defined as a composite of bloodstream infection, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, Clostridium difficile infection (0.071 vs 0.128 p = 0.013), although there were questions regarding the definition of outcome data, and biological plausibility of the study findings [85,89,90].

The role of copper alloy in decreasing HAIs shows promise; however, sound epidemiologically designed trials, such as adequately powered cluster randomized trials, are needed to definitively answer the question of effectiveness of copper alloy surfaces on clinical outcomes. Patient-level randomization to examine this issue has significant limitations: due to potential decreases in colonization pressure, there is potential benefit to “control” patients on the unit, and operational difficulty in randomization in real world and not have spill over from intervention to control when patients are transferred to different room on the unit.


There is investigation into the effectiveness of silver in the hospital environment, as surfaces coated with agents containing silver ions appear to decrease adherence of microorganisms [91]. It is likely that the antimicrobial properties are due to its ability to bind with thiol on organism proteins and enzymes thereby rendering them inactive [92]. In two similar UK outpatient units, surfaces in one unit were treated with silver (BioCote®), and compared with the control unit, environmental sampling found decreased bacterial CFU from the surfaces in the silver-treated unit. There were also decreased bacterial counts on the untreated products in the same unit as silver-treated products, indicating possible benefit on the wider environment by decreasing bacterial load on some surfaces [93]. A more recent study, using a different silver ion containing product (BactiBlock®) did not find the same level of consistent efficacy [94]. In this quasi-experimental study conducted in two post-operative recovery units, weekly environmental sampling of surfaces was carried out pre- and post-application of silver coating of surfaces in the patient room. An antimicrobial acrylic coating with zinc pyrithione was sprayed on bedside table, wall, and bed rails. These surfaces had an increased mean CFU of bacteria in the post-intervention period (bedside table OR 2.59, 95% CI 1.22, 5.52). The floors and sinks were treated with a polyurethane silver coating, which was applied with a roller, had lower mean CFU in the post-period (sink OR 0.42, 95% CI 0.19–0.92). The authors hypothesize that more contamination was possibly due to the spray application, the different composition of the silver product used, and the difference in surface type.

Studies to date have been small; larger, more epidemiologically robust studies may help elucidate the true additional benefit of silver coating, and optimal method of application.


Despite the progress in strategies for disinfection of the hospital environment, there are still remaining unresolved issues and challenges. The benefit of sporicidal agent universal use, including in patient rooms not known to harbor clostridium difficile, and the role of Clostridium difficile carriers in transmission are not fully elucidated. The true additional benefit of “no touch” technology if manual cleaning is at a maximum is not understood, nor is the cost comparison of no touch technology vs. investment in optimizing manual cleaning infrastructure and systems (such as with use of human factors engineering approaches). The role of regulatory bodies, such as the Joint Commission or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in mandating monitoring and reporting of environmental cleaning is not fully explored, and could serve to be an impetus for hospitals to conduct performance improvement in this area. Difficulty in the establishment of industry standards, in order for new technologies to reach the market, and also for the hospital infection preventionist to easily be able to compare different technologies remains elusive. The increasing amount of equipment in the patient room, such as tablets and other handheld devices, will require infection prevention oversight. From future development perspective, HAIs remain rare outcomes which present challenges for research examining different disinfection approaches and implementation strategies with clinical outcomes. Mathematical modeling approaches may help with this, and use of surrogate outcomes. In addition, funding opportunities and philanthropy in this area are not plentiful. However, we remain optimistic that future studies will continue to inform and guide best practices and reduce the risk of HAI acquisition due to the hospital environment.