1 Introduction

In recent years, the Internet has evolved substantially, and intelligent terminals are becoming increasingly widespread. In this setting, online social networks (OSN) stand out as an essential channel for people to learn, share knowledge, make friends and have fun (Sepideh Bazzaz Abkenar 2021). The OSN’s adoption by users, content development, group interactions and information distribution has a significant impact on people's everyday lives, organizational management methods and social stability (Heidemann et al. 2012). This is because of the intricate structure of the OSN, the size of the group and the huge, quick and challenging creation of information that can be tracked (Zhang et al. 2020). The ML models are employed for a variety of purposes across numerous industries. Many people use messages to transfer information, either personal or professional, from one person to another. To spread the spam messages, the spam message link is attached to the original message and sends to the receiver (Janez-Martino et al. 2023). When a spam message link is clicked, the security system of the user is breached by accessing the messaging data and gaining unauthorized access to the user's devices (Vijayaraj et al. 2022).

Many businesses provide SD technology and methods. By using those technology and methods, there were several spam messages filtered. Several companies, including Google, Outlook and Hey, have shown significant success in the detection of spam communications (Mateen 2017). A variety of filtering techniques are used to prevent the identification of spam communications because ML models can be trained to independently detect spam and legitimate messages and test them with new messages. Hence, ML-based detection is an easiest way to detect the spams (Chakraborty et al. 2016). A variety of performance metrics need to be utilized to classify the communications as spam or ham. Different performance metrics lead to various best-suited ML models. In addition to ML models, there are other methods that can be used to identify spam communications. To improve the understanding of the outcomes, integrated ML models are required (Madisetty and Desarkar 2018). As a result, the website and many ML classifiers to identify spam and ham messages have been developed in this work. The spam and ham models have been identified as the most appropriate models after comparing the findings and evaluating their performance metrics. An efficient method is provided for testing our findings with user input utilizing a few tools (Stringhini et al. 2010).

The merits of ML algorithms in spam detection are that the unsupervised ML algorithm is particularly beneficial for real-time unlabeled data. The best model has been found after comparing the accuracy ratings of various ML classifiers (Govil et al. 2020b). The findings had been compared by using a variety of performance criteria, and each one’s analysis yields a different optimal technique. Instead of utilizing a random approach to identify the spam, the ML algorithms help to classify the spam in the best way (Zheng et al. 2016). The ML algorithms demonstrate the optimal model for the dataset in ETC and VC. It may also indicate the amount of time needed to train and test various ML algorithms. The split sets are used to show how results change as the ratio of training to testing sets changes. Appropriate performance measures are used to assess the effectiveness of the various ML classifiers (Choi and Jeon 2021).

Every technique has some demerits also. The demerits of the ML algorithms is, hard to find if it the values are “over-fitted.” The performance measures that are derived for a suitable model need to be more specific. Initializing the settings is a laborious process. There has to be further fine-tuning (Swathi 2018). The ML algorithms take longer to achieve optimal performance since more datasets are needed for training to produce results that are more accurate (Hu et al. 2014). Even though they do not always produce the best results, some classifiers, like SVM, require more time for training and validating the data. It does not provide the most accurate results when allowing real-time user inputs. The model selection process would become arbitrary, and factories revealed that this was frequently unsatisfactory (Sharma and Kaur 2016). Unsupervised ML algorithms typically fail due to the large number of subjective judgments required to even get them to work, resulting in poor quality, difficult-to-understand models that cannot be argued. It requires more talent, human adjustment and feedback when compared to supervised learning projects to create value from subject matter experts (Ahmed and MAbulaish 2013).

To overcome the aforementioned demerits, the major contribution of the proposed work is as follows:

  • To analyze the existing works related to ML-based SD in a detailed manner.

  • To collect the spam dataset for performing classification of both spam and ham.

  • To provide the user information regarding relevant and false messages.

  • To determine whether or not the communication is spam.

The remaining part of this article is organized as follows: In the literature review section, the merits and demerits of the existing works related to SD by using ML techniques are discussed in detail. In the proposed methodology, the proposed voting classification technique is discussed with system architecture and necessary algorithms. In the experimental results section, the proposed technique result is compared to existing spam detection techniques. Finally, the proposed system is concluded with future enhancements.

2 Literature review

Nikhil Govil et al. proposed the ML-based SD mechanism for preventing various phishing attacks through dictionary generation. After generating the dictionary, the features had generated by using ML algorithms. Afterward, the generated features have been tested thoroughly and passed to the NB algorithm. The NB algorithm calculated the probability rate of the e-mails and classified them as spam or ham. Compared to other ML algorithms, the NB gave low performance and had worked well for e-mail-based SD (Govil et al. 2020a). Gupta et al. studied SD in short message services (SMS) by using ML algorithms. The deep learning-based convolutional neural network (CNN) works better than the SVM and NB algorithms. Likewise, the image-based SD has been done through the CNN technique. This technique worked well for some smaller datasets and not for large datasets (Gupta et al. 2018). Masood et al. detect spam and fake users on the social network. The malware alerting system and regression prediction models were used for the fake content prediction. The Twitter content was analyzed to identify fake content and users, spam in the URL’s and trending topics. This work analyzed in detail the prevention of fake accounts and the spread of fake news. Fake news and user predictions were extremely difficult to process when dealing with large amounts of media data (Masood et al. 2019).

Jbara et al. proposed SD in Twitter using an URL-based detection technique. Nowadays, spammers are the major platform to demand social networks and spread irrelevant data to users. In particular, Twitter is the most prominent network to spread spam among the social networks. To avoid this spread, the author used URL- and ML-based detection techniques. Compared to other ML algorithms, the RF-based classification technique provided a higher accuracy rate of 99.2%. In this work, 70% data were used as training data and 30% data were used for testing purposes (Jbara and Mohamed 2020). Asif Karim et al. surveyed the state of intelligent SD in e-mail. Both artificial intelligence and ML methods were used for intelligent SD. This combined approach protected e-mails from phishing attacks. Apart from content filtering, the other methods have been covered in lesser percentage in this analysis (Karim et al. 2019). Huang et al. proposed the regression and multi-class classification-based extreme learning techniques for SD. It is shown that both the learning framework of SVM and extreme learning machines (ELM) can be implemented. It has provided better scalability and faster learning speed. But it has provided very low performance rate (Huang et al. 2012).

Zhao et al. discussed the ensemble learning-based SD with imbalanced data in social networks. The heterogeneous-based ensemble technique had been used in the imbalance class to detect spam in OSN. The base and combine modules were integrated for finding spam in an OSN. In the base module, the basic ML algorithms were used to find the spam, and in the combine module, the deep learning-based neural network was used for SD with dynamic adjustment of weight values. This technique works well for Twitter-based real spam datasets but not for hidden features (Zhao et al. 2020). Gauri Jain et al. proposed the convolutional and long short-term memory-based neural network (LSTM) technique for SD. The CNN and LSTM were combined to detect spam on the Twitter network. The knowledge-based technique was used to improve the prediction accuracy of SD. This technique had been works well on short messages like Twitter messages instead of lengthy e-mail messages (Jain et al. 2019). Barushka et al. discussed the cost-sensitive and ensemble-based deep neural networks for SD on OSN. Traditional ML algorithms, such as SVM and NB techniques, are unsuitable for high-dimensional data on OSN. To reduce the misclassification cost and the number of attributes in the spam filtering process, the multi-objective evolutionary feature selection process was used in this work. The deep neural network and cost-sensitive learners were used to regularize the learning process (Barushka and Hajek 2020).

Pirozmand et al. used the force-based heuristic algorithm for OSN SD. The ML- and deep learning-based integrated technique was used for spam filtering in OSN. The SVM, genetic algorithm (GA) and gravitational emulation local search (GELS) algorithm were integrated to filter spam in OSN. This integrated technique selects the highly effective features of the spam filter. The enhanced GA helped to select the feature based on exploration, and GELS helped to improve exploration and local search. To improve the detection accuracy, several levels of modifications were made in the algorithm (Pirozmand and Sadeghilalimi 2021). Zheng et al. discussed the SD on social networks. The dataset was constructed with more than 16 million labeled messages. Afterward, a manual classification was performed to classify the spam and ham data. Then the user’s behavior and message content were extracted from the social network for applying the SVM algorithm. This technique provided more than 99.9% accuracy than the other algorithms. In this technique, the computational complexity of manual processes is very high (Zheng et al. 2015). Alom et al. proposed the deep learning model to SD on Twitter. Generally, ML algorithms are used for SD in most of the applications. But the ML algorithms have not been work well on OSN. Hence, the deep learning algorithm was proposed by the author to filter the spam. The tweet text and user meta-data were analyzed to detect the spam. Compared to basic ML algorithms, the deep learning algorithms provided better results (Alom et al. 2020). Table 1 shows the ML-based SD.

Table 1 Works related to ML-based SD

3 Summary of the existing work

Based on the above literature review, the following challenges are identified in the conventional SD techniques.

  • The conventional ML algorithms are works well for lesser sized data not effective to larger sized data.

  • Fake news and user predictions were extremely difficult to process when dealing with large amounts of media data.

  • Some ML algorithms support high scalability but lower in performance rate.

  • Deep neural networks work well in explicit data not for hidden features.

  • Ensemble technique works fine for shorter message and to lengthy messages like e-mails.

  • Compared to ML algorithms, the deep learning algorithms are working well to detect spam. But, the computational complexity of deep learning is higher than ML algorithms.

3.1 Contribution of the proposed work

Based on the above analysis, ML algorithms identify the spam in lesser complexity, but the accuracy depends on the dataset and type of ML algorithm used for SD. In most of the analysis, RF, SVM, NB and CNN outperform than the other classification techniques. To improve the prediction accuracy, the alternate technique is required in current scenario. Thus, the ML-based voting classifier is proposed in this work for classifying spam and ham. Two different imbalanced datasets are used in the proposed work. One dataset collected from Kaggle dataset and another from nsclab resources.

4 Proposed methodology

In this section, the proposed voting classification-based SD technique is discussed with the necessary architecture and algorithms.

  1. 1.

    Dataset (D): A dataset is a group of connected pieces of information or data that are put together for a specific element. The dataset is obtained from Kaggle (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mohitgupta-omg/Kaggle-SMS-Spam-Collection-Dataset-/master/spam.csv), which provides the dataset for training the models with 5500 + data messages. In the present work, two attributes named “target” and “text” are used for processing. The target column tells whether the text corresponding to it is ham or spam. The text column contains text which includes both ham and spam messages. The Twitter spam dataset is used for imbalanced data processing (Zhao et al. 2020). The Twitter4J library and Twitter API are used for Tweets collection process which contains 600 million tweets and 6.5 million malicious tweets. Another imbalanced dataset collected from http://nsclab.org/nsclab/resources/. This dataset contains 5 k random and continuous data, and 95 k random and continuous data. Twelve attributes are involved in this dataset such as age, lists, following, number of follower, tweets, user favorites, retweets, URL’s, number of digits, user mention and hashtag.

  2. 2.

    Data cleaning and preprocessing: In data cleaning, the removal of unnamed columns, renaming the columns, finding the missing values, checking for duplicate values and removing the duplicate values have been carried out. Label encoding is used to encode the text to binary values 1 and 0, which represents spam as 0 and ham as 1. In data preprocessing, conversion to lowercase, tokenization and removal of special characters, commas, punctuation and stop words are carried out. After that, stemming process has applied on it. After that, all alphanumeric words are processed into another column. These numerical values act as an input data.

  3. 3.

    Data splitting: Data splitting is the process of dividing data into training and testing sets. The imported function train_test_split is used to divide the data collection into training and testing data. Four arrays, i.e., Y Train, Y Test, X Test and X Train, are utilized to do the splitting of data. 80% of the data from the original dataset is used for training, and the remaining 20% is used for testing.

  4. 4.

    Model building: DT, SVM, RF, KNN, LR, XGB and voting classifier are tested, and metrics such as accuracy and precision are calculated. Accuracy comparison and cross-validating the results have been carried out in the existing and proposed algorithm.

  5. 5.

    Support vector machine: In SVM, the cluster of data is divided into its appropriate groups by a hyperplane using a classification strategy, which shows every node in a dimensional plane that comes from a dataset. This approach optimizes the linear algorithm by iterating over sample data using the learning rate. The major advantages of SVM over other ML algorithms are: run faster and performs well on a minimal dataset. When a dataset size is larger, SVM processes the data at lower level, and afterward converts it to a higher level. SVM works well for SD in the minimal dataset.

  6. 6.

    Decision tree classifier: The DT model is constructed using the predictive approach. The algorithm continues until either the user exits or the software reaches its end decision. By using the training data, this model learns to predict the value of the data. The accuracy rate of the DT depends on the extensiveness and deeper of the tree and the more complex the set of rules are followed in the classification. In DT, features are represented in internal nodes, decision rules are represented in braches, and the results are produced in leaf nodes. The decision node helps to make a decision through branches and leaf node produces the outcome of each decision. Equation 1 is used to find the decision in DT.

    $$H\left( s \right) = ( - {\rm Prob}\left( {\log_{2} \left( {p + } \right))} \right) - ( - {\rm Prob}(\log_{2} \left( {p - } \right)))$$

where (p+) is the percentage of the positive class and (p−) is the negative class. Figure 1 shows the working flow of the proposed system.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flow diagram of SD

4.1 Extra tree classifier (ETC)

The ETC algorithm is quite similar to the DT and RF techniques for selecting the victim attributes. By combining the output of numerous DT, a forest is created to print the outcome. The initial training dataset produced the additional tree. For each test case, the ETC selects the optimally best attribute by a Gini Index. Equation 2 is used to find the Gini index value of an attribute.

$${\text{Gini}}_{{\left\{ {{\text{index}}} \right\}}} = 1 - \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{C} \left( {p_{i} } \right)^{2}$$

where “c” represents the total number of unique classes. Algorithm 1 is used for performing the ETC process for splitting the data features.

figure a

Compared to the ensemble technique, the ETC method minimizes the bias through the original sampling process. To reduce processing complexity, the ETC method uses a smaller size constant factor instead of a larger one. Thus, the ETC technique produces better data splitting than DT and RF techniques.

4.2 Voting classifier (VC)

The VC is an ensemble method that integrates predictions from several models to forecast an output class depending on which predictions have the highest probability. The voting classifier method just adds up the results of each classifier that were fed into the model and predicts the output class depending on which class received the most votes, such that multiple class results are aggregated and forecast for the majority voted class. Algorithm 2 shows the VC process in the proposed work. Based on algorithm 2, the testing data are classified as spam or ham.

figure b

4.3 Website development

Using the developed website, a random text is predicted whether it will be “spam” or “ham.” Visual Studio code is used to execute this website. An open-source Python toolkit called Streamlet makes it simple to develop and distribute stunning, personalized web apps for data science and machine learning.

4.4 Calculating the performance measures

The values of false positives (FP) and negatives (FN), as well as true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN), are provided by the matrix. The accuracy, precision and recall scores are calculated using these matrix values. The F1-score can be calculated using precision and recall values. The following equations are used for finding the accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score values of the proposed system (Sepideh Bazzaz Abkenar 2021). Table 2 shows the performance measures of the proposed system.

$${\text{Accuracy}} = \frac{{\left( {{\text{TN}} + {\text{TP}}} \right)}}{{\left( {{\text{TP}} + {\text{FN}} + {\text{FP}} + {\text{TN}}} \right)}}$$
$${\text{Precision}} = \frac{{{\text{TP}}}}{{\left( {{\text{TP}} + {\text{FP}}} \right)}}$$
$${\text{Recall}} = \frac{{{\text{TP}}}}{{\left( {{\text{TP}} + {\text{FN}}} \right)}}$$
$$F1 = 2*\frac{{\left( {{\text{Precision}}*{\text{Recall}}} \right)}}{{\left( {{\text{Precision}} + {\text{Recall}}} \right)}}$$

where TP = true positive, which is a spam message anticipated to be spam, and TN = true negative, which is a ham message predicted to be ham. Ham messages were mistakenly identified as spam (FP), and spam messages were mistakenly identified as ham (FN).

Table 2 Performance measures

5 Experimental results and discussion

The proposed system is implemented on the Windows 10 operating system with the Python language, 8 GB of RAM and a 2.40 GHz CPU. The Jypyter Notebook and Visual Studio Code are used for website development. In a proposed system, 5500 + data messages are analyzed for spam and ham detection. The training and testing datasets are split into 80:20 ratios for balanced dataset. The randomly selected 50% samples are used for training, and the remaining 50% is used for testing of imbalanced dataset.

5.1 Dataset description

Figure 2 shows the initial dataset of the proposed system. The dataset contains 5 columns, such as number of records, type of data (spam or ham), testing message and three unlabeled attributes. The dataset was evaluated by different ML algorithms like KN, NB, ETC, RF, SVC, LR, XGB and DT. These algorithm performances are compared to the proposed VC algorithm performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall and F1-measures. Accuracy of the proposed system is measured by the correctly identified spam from the total dataset. Figure 3 shows the spam and ham ratio of input dataset with 5500 + messages with 87.37% ham and 12.63% spam.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Initial dataset

Fig. 3
figure 3

Spam and ham ratio in initial dataset

Table 3 shows the data frame details of the dataset, such as the number of values in each attribute and its data type. Both V1 and V2 have the associated values for the further process. These data values are applied to different ML algorithms to find the accuracy rate of each algorithm. Now preprocessing is applied to the dataset to identify the required attributes for spam detection.

Table 3 Data frame information

After preprocessing, the dataset contains the actual information, which is required for SD. Figure 4 shows the dataset after preprocessing consists of data with spam and ham messages.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Dataset after preprocessing

In exploratory data analysis (EDA), the duplicated instances, nulls and missing instances are eliminated. In a proposed dataset, after eliminating 403 duplicated messages, 5159 messages are identified as non-duplicated messages. Following that, 653 messages are classified as spam, while the remaining messages are classified as ham. The dataset message also specifies the number of characters, sentences and words. Figure 5a–d shows the number of characters, words and sentences in the total messages, spam messages and ham messages.

Fig. 5
figure 5

a to d Exploratory data analysis

5.2 Correlation of the columns

Figure 6 shows the correlation relationship between columns present in the dataset. The number of characters–words relationship has the highest frequency value of 0.38. This shows that the number of characters and their related words play a vital role in identifying spam messages. The remaining factor-based correlations like number of characters–sentences, word–character, sentence–character and sentence–word are somewhat lower frequency values like 0.26 and 0.27. In such cases, the words and sentences are also helpful in identifying the spam messages. Thus, SD is mainly focused on character–word frequency analysis.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Correlation between columns

5.3 Pair plot between the columns

The objective of the proposed work is to identify the spam messages from the dataset. The pair plot is used to determine the relationship between columns such as character count, words and sentences. Based on these relationships, the spam message range is easily identified in the dataset. The number of sentences beyond 10, the number of words beyond 50 and the number of characters beyond 200 all contain more spam messages. Figure 7 shows the pair plot representation of the attributes present in the dataset.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Pair plot representation of the attributes

5.4 Performance comparison of ML algorithms

Different ML algorithms like KN, NB, ETC, RF, SVC, LR, XGB, DT and VC are executed in the preprocessed dataset and measured for accuracy, precision, recall and F1-measure. Table 4 shows the accuracy, precision, recall and F1-measures of each algorithm. Based on the accuracy analysis, VC has produced a higher accuracy rate of 97.96%, 97.56% for precision, 86.95% for recall and 91.96% for F1-measure. Afterward, ETC provides the next level of accuracy as 97.77%, 98.31% of precision, 84.78% of recall and 91.05% of F1-measures. Compared to conventional ML algorithms, VC and ETC provide higher accuracy, precision, recall and F1-measures. Thus, ETC and VC are preferable for SD.

Table 4 Performance comparison of ML algorithms

5.5 Imbalanced dataset classification analysis

The Twitter dataset is considered for the imbalanced dataset classification process. Various proportion rates like 50:50 are considered for analysis. The precision, recall, accuracy and F1-measures are considered for the ML algorithms processing. Figure 8 shows the comparison of different ML algorithms with different ratio. The performance of SVM, NB, KN, RF, LR, XGB, DT, stacking-based ensemble learning (SEL) and ETC is compared to the proposed VC technique. The proposed VC technique provides better detection rate than the other algorithms on the imbalanced dataset has been proven in the results.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Imbalance dataset comparison with different ML algorithms

The imbalanced dataset contains 1:19 ratio of spam and non-spam data. Two different types of data are considered for the analysis such as randomly gathered data and continuous data. The proposed work is compared to Sepideh Bazzaz Abkenar (2021) and Zhao et al. (2020). Both approaches used the same dataset for the classification of spam and non-spam. Figure 9 shows the comparison of proposed work, basic classifiers (Sepideh Bazzaz Abkenar 2021; Zhao et al. 2020).

Fig. 9
figure 9

Imbalance dataset comparison to other algorithms

When compared to SDE_RF technique, the proposed VC technique result is improved in 0.05%. It has been shown in the above-mentioned graph.

6 Conclusion

The proposed spam detection technique classifies the spam and ham messages by using ETC and VC algorithms. The ETC algorithms split the data in an accurate manner by combining the output of numerous DT. The ETC is created to print the outcome and initial training dataset produced the additional tree. In VC, to produce higher probability prediction results, several methods are integrated into single model. The VC technique adds the results of each classifier and predicts the output class depending on which class received the most votes. VC has produced a higher accuracy rate of 97.96%, 97.56% for precision, 86.95% for recall and 91.96% for F1-measure. Afterward, ETC provides the next level of accuracy as 97.77%, 98.31% of precision, 84.78% of recall and 91.05% of F1-measures. Compared to conventional ML algorithms, VC and ETC provide higher accuracy, precision, recall and F1-measures. Thus, ETC and VC are preferable for SD. The training and testing datasets are created from the source dataset based on the examination of the experiential results. Finally, the accuracy, precision, recall and F1-Score are predicted using classification-based machine learning algorithms. Because of the great results, the VC algorithm efficiently classified the messages as spam and ham. Then, the ETC model's almost perfect specificity successfully identified the ham signals. ETC also demonstrates that spam messaging capabilities are good. To obtain even greater performance in the future, it may be conceivable to add modifications or enhancements to the suggested system and classification algorithms. Future developments will see the stacking ensemble architecture and apply our methodology to other real-world applications. To improve accuracy, the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) will be proposed in future work.