1 Introduction, background, and motivation

Over the past two decades, mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) has emerged as a powerful modeling paradigm that arises in a broad range of scientific, engineering, and financial applications; see, e.g., [7, 28, 41, 57, 66, 71]. MINLP combines the combinatorial complexity of discrete decision variables with the challenges of nonlinear expressions, resulting in a class of difficult nonconvex optimization problems. The nonconvexities can arise from both the integrality restrictions and nonlinear expressions. MINLP problems can be generically expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle \mathop {\hbox {minimize}}\limits _{x} &{} f(x), \\ \hbox {subject to }&{} c(x) \le 0, \\ &{} x \in {\mathcal {X}}, \; x_i \in \mathbb {Z}, \; \forall i \in {\mathcal {I}}, \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^n \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) and \(c:{\mathbb {R}}^n \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}^m\) are given functions, \({\mathcal {X}} \subset {\mathbb {R}}^n\) is a bounded polyhedral set, and \({\mathcal {I}} \subseteq \{1,\ldots ,n\}\) is the index set of the integer variables. Equality and range constraints can be readily included in (1.1).

MINLP problems are at least NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems because they include mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) as a special case [50]. In addition, general nonconvex MINLP problems can be undecidable [49]. In the remainder of this paper, we consider only MINLP problems (1.1) that are decidable by assuming that either \({\mathcal {X}}\) is compact or the problem functions, f and c, are convex. In reality, the distinction between hard and easy problems in MINLP is far more subtle, and instances of NP-hard problems are routinely solved by state-of-the-art solvers.

Fig. 1
figure 1

MINLP problem class tree (color figure online)

Figure 1 provides an overview of the problem classes within the generic MINLP formulation in (1.1). At the top level, we divide MINLP problems into convex and nonconvex problems (green arrows), where convex refers to problems in which the function defined in the nonlinear constraints and objective are convex. Next, we further divide the problem classes depending on whether they contain discrete variables or not (red arrows). Then we subdivide the problems further by the class of functions that are present. Figure 1 illustrates the broad structural diversity of MINLP. In addition to the standard problem classes of nonlinear programming (NLP), quadratic programming (QP), linear programming (LP), and their mixed-integer (MI) versions, our tree includes second-order cone programming (SOCP) and polynomial optimization, which have received much interest [52,53,54]. This tree motivates the development of a flexible software framework for specifying and solving MINLP problems that can be extended to tackle different classes of constraints.

Existing solvers for convex MINLP problems include \(\alpha \)-ECP [77], BONMIN [9], DICOPT [75], FilMINT [1], GuRoBi [46] (for convex MIQP problems with quadratic constraints), KNITRO [14, 79], MILANO [8], MINLPBB [55], and SBB [12]. These solvers require only first and second derivatives of the objective function and constraints. The user can either provide routines that evaluate the functions and their derivatives at given points or use modeling tools such as AMPL [30], GAMS [11], or Pyomo [47] to provide them automatically. These solvers are not designed to exploit the structure of nonlinear functions. While the solvers can be applied to nonconvex MINLP problems, they are not guaranteed to find an optimal solution.

On the other hand, existing solvers for nonconvex MINLP include \(\alpha \)-BB [4], ANTIGONE [62], BARON [67], COCONUT [63, 69], Couenne [6], CPLEX [48] (for MIQP problems with a nonconvex objective function), GloMIQO [61], and SCIP [2, 74]. These solvers require the user to explicitly provide the definition of the objective function and constraints. While linear and quadratic functions can be represented by using data stored in vectors and matrices, other nonlinear functions are usually represented by means of computational graphs. A computational graph is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). A node in the DAG represents either a variable, a constant, or an operation (e.g., \(+,-, \times , /, \exp , \log \)). An arc connects an operator to its operands. An example of a DAG is shown in Fig. 2. Functions that can be represented by using DAGs are referred to as “factorable functions.” Modeling languages allow the user to define nonlinear functions in a natural algebraic form, convert these expressions into DAGs, and provide interfaces to read and copy the DAGs.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A directed acyclic graph representing the nonlinear function \(x_1(x_1+x_2) + (x_1+x_2)^2\)

Algorithmic advances over the past decade have often exploited special problem structure. To exploit these advances, MINLP solvers must be tailored to special problem classes and nonconvex structures. In particular, a solver must be able to evaluate, examine, and possibly modify the nonlinear functions. In addition, a single MINLP solver may require several classes of relaxations or approximations to be solved as subproblems, including LP, QP, NLP, or MILP problems. For example, our QP-diving approach [58] solves QP approximations and NLP relaxations. Different nonconvex structures benefit from tailored branching, bound tightening, cut-generation, and separation routines. In general, nonconvex forms are more challenging and diverse than integer variables, thus motivating a more tailored approach. Moreover, the emergence of new classes of MINLP problems such as MILP problems with second-order cone constraints [20, 21] and MINLP problems with partial-differential equation constraints [56] necessitates novel approaches.

These challenges and opportunities motivate the development of our Minotaur software framework for MINLP. Minotaur stands for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Toolkit: Algorithms, Underestimators, and Relaxations. Our vision is to enable researchers to implement new algorithms that take advantage of problem structure by providing a general framework that is agnostic of problem type or solvers. Therefore, the goals of Minotaur are to (1) provide reliable, efficient, and usable MINLP solvers; (2) implement a range of algorithms in a common framework; (3) provide flexibility for developing new algorithms that can exploit special problem structure; and (4) reduce the burden of developing new algorithms by providing a common software infrastructure.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we briefly review some fundamental algorithms for MINLP and highlight the main computational and algorithmic components that motivate the design of Minotaur. In Sect. 3, we describe Minotaur ’s class structure and introduce the basic building blocks of Minotaur. In Sect. 4, we show how we can use this class structure to implement the basic algorithms described in Sect. 2. Section 5 presents some extensions to these basic algorithms that exploit additional problem structure, including a nonlinear presolve and perspective reformulations. This section illustrates how one can take advantage of our software infrastructure to build more complex solvers. Section 6 summarizes our conclusions. Throughout, we demonstrate the impact of our techniques on sets of benchmark test problems and show that we do not observe decreased performance for increased generality.

2 General algorithmic framework

Minotaur is designed to implement a broad range of relaxation-based tree-search algorithms for solving MINLP problems. In this section, we describe the general algorithmic framework and demonstrate how several algorithms for solving MINLP problems fit into this framework. We concentrate on describing single-tree methods for convex MINLP problems (i.e., MINLP problems for which the nonlinear functions f and c are convex), such as nonlinear branch-and-bound [18, 45, 51] and LP/NLP-based branch-and-bound [65]. We also describe how nonconvex MINLP problems fit into our framework. We do not discuss multitree methods such as Benders decomposition [38, 72], outer approximation [9, 22, 25], or the extended cutting plane method [70, 78], although these methods can be implemented by extending some of the source code of Minotaur.

2.1 Relaxation-based tree-search framework

The pseudocode in Algorithm 1 describes a basic tree-search algorithm. In the algorithm, P, \(P^{\prime }\), and Q represent subproblems of the form (1.1), which may be obtained by reformulating a problem or by adding restrictions introduced in the branching phase. The set \({\mathcal {O}}\) maintains a list of open subproblems that need to be processed. When this list is empty, the algorithm terminates. Otherwise, a node is selected from the list and “processed.” The results from processing a node are used to (1) determine whether a new feasible solution is found and, if it is better than an existing solution, to update the incumbent solution and (2) determine whether the subproblem can be pruned. If the subproblem cannot be pruned, then the subproblem is branched to obtain additional subproblems that are added to \({\mathcal {O}}\).

figure a

The standard mechanism in Minotaur for node processing is described in Algorithm 2, which constructs relaxations of the subproblem Q. A relaxation of Q is a problem R such that the optimal value of R (when minimizing) is guaranteed to be a lower bound on the optimal value of Q. After the relaxation is constructed, the relaxation problem is solved to obtain its optimal value. If the relaxation problem is infeasible or if its optimal value matches or exceeds the value of a known upper bound, then the subproblem can be pruned. Otherwise, the relaxation may be updated (this step might be skipped in some algorithms); and, if the relaxation solution \(x^R\) is no longer feasible, then the updated relaxation is solved.

The relaxation used is a key characteristic of a tree-search algorithm. The basic requirements for a relaxation are that it provides a lower bound on the optimal value of a subproblem and can be solved by an available solver. Tighter relaxations are preferred because they typically result in smaller branch-and-bound search trees. Creating and updating (refining) relaxations from the description of subproblem Q are critical computational tasks.

figure b

Minotaur provides a basic infrastructure for managing and storing the open nodes in the tree-search algorithm (the tree), for interfacing to modeling languages and subproblems solvers, and for performing basic housekeeping tasks, such as timing and statistics. Section 3 shows how these computational components are implemented in Minotaur ’s class structure. The remaining subsections illustrate how these components are used to build standard solvers and to develop more advanced MINLP solvers.

2.2 Nonlinear branch and bound for convex MINLPs

In nonlinear branch and bound (NLPBB) for convex MINLP problems, a relaxation R of a subproblem Q is obtained by relaxing the constraints \(x_j \in \mathbb {Z}\) to \(x_j \in {\mathbb {R}}\) for all \(j \in I\). The resulting problem is a continuous NLP problem; and when all functions defining the (reformulated) MINLP \(P^{\prime }\) are smooth and convex, Q can be solved to global optimality with standard NLP solvers.

If the solution of the relaxation \(x^R\) is integer feasible (i.e., \(x^R_j \in \mathbb {Z}\) for all \(j \in I\)), then the relaxation solution is feasible and the node processor sets variable FeasSolutionFound to TRUE. If the relaxation is infeasible or its optimal value is at least as large as the incumbent optimal value, then the subproblem can be pruned. Otherwise, branching must be performed. In this case, branching is performed by choosing a variable \(x_j\) with \(j \in I\) such that \(x^R_j \notin \mathbb {Z}\). Then, two new subproblems are created by adding new bounds \(x_j \le \lfloor x^R_j \rfloor \) and \(x_j \ge \lceil x^R_j \rceil \), respectively, and these subproblems are added to \({\mathcal {O}}\).

2.3 LP/NLP-based branch-and-bound algorithms for convex MINLPs

Modern implementations of the LP/NLP-based branch-and-bound method [65] are among the most powerful solvers [1, 9] for convex MINLP problems. The basic idea is to replace the NLP relaxation used in NLPBB with an LP relaxation. This LP relaxation is constructed by relaxing the constraints \(x_j \in \mathbb {Z}\) to \(x_j \in {\mathbb {R}}\) for all \(j \in I\) and by replacing the nonlinear functions f and c with piecewise-linear lower bounds obtained from first-order Taylor-series approximations about a set of points \(x^{(l)}\) for \(l \in {\mathcal {L}}\). The convexity of the problem functions ensures that this linearization provides an outer approximation. As usual, if this relaxation is infeasible or its objective value is at least as large as the incumbent objective value, then the subproblem can be pruned.

Feasibility of the relaxation solution \(x^R\) is checked with respect to both the integrality constraints and the relaxed nonlinear constraints.

  1. 1.

    If \(x^R\) is feasible for both, then the incumbent is updated, and the node is pruned.

  2. 2.

    If \(x^R\) is integer feasible, but violates a nonlinear constraint, then the relaxation is updated by fixing the integer variables \(x_j = x_j^R\) for all \(j \in I\) and solving the resulting continuous NLP subproblem. If the NLP subproblem is feasible and improves upon the best-known solution, then the incumbent is updated. Whether the NLP subproblem is feasible or not, the set of linearization points \(x^{(l)}\) for \(l \in {\mathcal {L}}\) is updated so that the LP relaxation is refined.

  3. 3.

    If \(x^R\) is not integer feasible, then either the LP relaxation can be refined (e.g., by updating the set of linearization points so that the relaxation solution \(x^R\) is no longer feasible), or we can choose to exit the node processing.

If the node processing terminates with a relaxed solution that is not integer feasible, then, as in NLPBB, the subproblem is subdivided by choosing an integer variable j with \(x_j^R \notin \mathbb {Z}\) and updating the bounds in the two subproblems.

2.4 Branch and bound for nonconvex MINLPs

If the problem functions f or c are nonconvex, then standard NLP solvers are not guaranteed to solve the continuous relaxation of (1.1) to global optimality. In order to ensure that the relaxations remain solvable, convex relaxations of the nonconvex feasible set must be created. In such relaxations, the quality of the outer approximation depends on the tightness of the variable bounds. The details of such a relaxation scheme for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programs are described in Sect. 4. A key difference is that in addition to branching on integer variables, this algorithm requires branching on continuous variables that appear in nonconvex expressions in (1.1). Thus, in the branching step, subproblems may be created by subdividing the domain of a continuous variable. The updated lower and upper bounds are then used when these subproblems are processed to obtain tighter convex outer approximations of the nonconvex feasible region.

3 Software classes in Minotaur

The Minotaur framework is written in C++ by using a class structure that allows developers to easily implement new functionality and exploit structure. By following a modular approach, the components remain interoperable and compatible if the functions they implement are compatible. Thus, developers can customize only a few selected components and use the other remaining components to produce new solvers. In particular, a developer can override the default implementation of only a few specific functions of a class by creating a “derived C++ class” that implements these functions using methods or algorithms different from the base class. This approach also facilitates easy development of extensions to solvers, such as MINLP solvers with nonconvex nonlinear expressions.

Our framework has three main parts: (1) core, (2) engine, and (3) interface. The core includes all methods and data structures used while solving a problem, for example, those to store, modify, analyze, and presolve problems, create relaxations and add cuts, and implement the tree search and heuristic searches. The engine includes routines that call various external solvers for LP, QP, or NLP relaxations or approximations. The interface contains routines that read input files in different formats and construct an instance. We first describe the most commonly used classes in these three parts and then demonstrate how some can be overridden.

3.1 Core

The C++ classes in the core can be classified into four types based on their use.

3.1.1 Classes used to represent and modify a problem

A MINLP problem is represented by means of the Problem class. This class stores pointers to all the variables and constraints and the objective and provides methods to query and modify them. Each variable is an object of the Variable class. Similarly, constraints and the objective function are objects of the Constraint and the Objective classes, respectively. A separate SOS class is provided for storing special ordered sets (e.g., SOS-1 and SOS-2). This scheme provides a natural and intuitive representation of the problem that is easy to modify. Table 1 lists the main classes used in defining a MINLP problem in Minotaur and their brief description.

Table 1 Base classes used in defining a MINLP problem

Since the objective and constraints of the MINLP problem may have general nonlinear functions, we require specialized data structures for these functions. The Constraint and Objective classes store a pointer to an object of the Function class. The Function class in turn has pointers to objects of the LinearFunction, QuadraticFunction, and NonlinearFunction classes and provides other operations. Thus, we store the mathematical function of a constraint or objective as a sum of a linear component, a quadratic component, and a general nonlinear component. A linear constraint, for example, is represented by a Constraint object whose Function class has a pointer to only a LinearFunction; the pointers to QuadraticFunction and NonlinearFunction are null. The Nonlinear-Function class has several derived classes that we describe next.

The CGraph Class is a derived class of the NonlinearFunction class used to store any factorable function. As described in Sect. 1, it stores a nonlinear function in the form of a directed acyclic graph. Each node of DAG is assumed to be scalar valued. The DAG is stored as a vector of objects of class CNode. Each CNode object represents either an operator (\(+,-,|.|\),etc), a constant number or a variable of the Problem. Each CNode except the one corresponding to the output (topmost node) of the DAG has at least one parent and also contains pointers to its child and parent CNode-objects. Table 2 lists the operators supported by CGraph.

Table 2 List of operators supported by CGraph class

CGraph class has DAG-specific methods, such as adding or deleting a node or changing a variable or a constant. These methods can be used to create and modify any factorable function by using a given set of operators. For instance, Fig. 3 shows an excerpt of code that can be used to create an object of CGraph class corresponding to the example DAG from Fig. 2. A more complicated example is shown in Fig. 4 that constructs the function needed for an approximation of the perspective formulation of a given nonlinear expression; see Sect. 5.

Being a derived class of NonlinearFunction, the CGraph class also contains routines for evaluating the gradient and Hessian of the function it stores. We have implemented automatic differentiation techniques [15, 36, 40] for these purposes. In particular, the gradient is evaluated by using reverse mode. The Hessian evaluation of a function \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^n\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) uses at most n evaluations, one for each column of the Hessian matrix. In each iteration, say i, we first evaluate \(\nabla f(x)^Te_i\) in a forward-mode traversal and then perform a reverse-mode traversal to compute the ith column of the Hessian (see, e.g., [64, Ch. 7]). Exploiting sparsity for faster evaluation of Hessian [37] is currently not implemented, but will be tried in the future. The call to the derivative evaluation returns an error if the CGraph object has an operator that does not permit differentiation (like OpAbs) or if the derivative is not defined at the given point (e.g. \(\sqrt{x}\) at \(x=0\)).

Besides computing the derivatives, the CGraph class is used for finding bounds on the values that the nonlinear function can assume over the given ranges of variables. Conversely, it can deduce bounds on the values that a variable can assume from given lower or upper bounds on the nonlinear function and other variables. These techniques are called feasibility-based bound tightening [6].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Excerpt of code used to create and display the nonlinear function in two variables \(x_1(x_1+x_2)+(x_1+x_2)^2\)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Excerpt of code used to obtain a CGraph of \(p(x,y) = (y(1-\epsilon )+\epsilon )f \left( \frac{x}{y(1-\epsilon )+\epsilon }\right) \) from a given CGraph of f(x) by recursively traversing it

The MonomialFunction Class is a derived class of the NonlinearFunction class used for representing monomial functions of the form \(a\prod _{i\in J}x_i^{p_i}\), where \(a \in {\mathbb {R}}, p_i \in {\mathbb {Z}}_+, i\in J\), and the set J are given. This class stores the pointer to the variables and the powers in a C++ map data structure.

The PolynomialFunction Class is a derived class of the NonlinearFunction class used for representing polynomial functions. It keeps a vector of objects of the MonomialFunction class to represent the polynomial.

3.1.2 Classes used in branch-and-bound algorithms

To keep the design of branch-and-bound algorithms modular and flexible, a base class is defined for every step of the algorithm described in Sect. 2. Table 3 lists some of the main classes and their functionality. The user can derive a new class for any of these steps without modifying the others.

Table 3 Base classes used in implementing branch-and-bound algorithms for solving MINLP problems

We illustrate the design principle by means of the NodeProcessor class. The class implements the methods processRootNode() and process(), and other helper functions. Figure 5 depicts two ways of processing a node. In a simple NLPBB solver for convex MINLP problems, we may only need to solve an NLP relaxation of the problem at the current node. This procedure is implemented in the BndProcessor class derived from the NodeProcessor class. Based on the solution of this NLP, we may either prune the node or branch. For other algorithms, we may need a more sophisticated node processor that can call a cut-generator to add cuts or invoke presolve. The PCBProcessor (Presolve, Cut and Bound Processor) derived class implements this scheme. The right hand side picture in Fig. 5 represents the scheme implemented in PCBProcessor.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Two ways of implementing a NodeProcessor class in the branch-and-bound method. Left: standard NLPBB; right: LP/NLP-based branch and bound

Modularity enables us to select at runtime the implementation of each component of the branch-and-bound algorithm. For instance, depending on the we are solving, we can select at runtime one of five branchers: ReliabilityBrancher, for implementing reliability branching [3]; MaxVioBrancher, for selecting the maximum violation of the nonconvex constraint; LexicoBrancher, for selecting the variable with the smallest index; MaxFreqBrancher, for selecting a variable that appears as a candidate most often; and RandomBrancher, for selecting a random variable. Minotaur also has branchers for global optimization that select continuous variables in order to refine the convex relaxations.

3.1.3 Classes used to exploit problem structure

The classes mentioned in the preceeding sections implement general methods of a branch-and-bound algorithm and do not explicitly exploit the “structure” or “specific difficulties” of a problem. By structure, we mean those special properties of the constraints and variables that can be exploited (and, sometimes, must be exploited) to solve the problem. For instance, if we have integer decision variables and linear constraints, then we can generate valid inequalities to make the relaxation tighter by using the techniques developed by the MILP community. Similarly, if some constraints of the problem are nonlinear but convex, then we can create their linear relaxation by deriving linear underestimators from a first-order Taylor approximation.

We use a Handler class to enable implementation of routines that exploit specific problem structures. This idea is inspired from the “Constraint Handlers” used in SCIP [2] that ensure that a solution satisfies all the constraints of a problem. Since special properties or structures can be exploited in a branch-and-bound algorithm at many different steps, Handler instances are invoked at all these steps: creating a relaxation, presolving, finding valid inequalities, checking whether a given point is feasible, shortlisting candidates for branching, and creating branches. Table 4 lists some of the important functions of a Handler.

Table 4 Main functions of a Handler

The Handler base class in Minotaur is abstract; it declares only the functions that every Handler instance must have and leaves the implementation of structure-specific methods to the developer. We describe a few commonly used Handler types implemented for our solvers.

IntVarHandler is one of the simplest handlers. It ensures that a candidate accepted as a solution satisfies all integer constraints at a given point. It implements only three of the functions listed in Table 4: branch, isFeasible, and getBranc-hingCandidates. The first function checks whether the value of each integer-constrained variable is integer within a specified tolerance. The second function returns a list of all the integer variables that do not satisfy their integer constraints. The last function creates two branches of a node if the Brancher selects an integer variable for branching.

SOS2Handler is used when the MINLP problem contains SOS-2 variables [5]. Its isFeasible routine checks whether at most two consecutive variables in the set are nonzero. The getBranchingCandidates routine returns two subsets, one for each branch. In the first branch all variables of the first subset are fixed to zero, and in the second all variables of the second subset are fixed to zero.

QGHandler is a more complicated handler used when solving convex MINLP problems with the LP/NLP-based algorithm of Quesada and Grossmann [65] (QG stands Quesada-Grossmann.) This handler does not implement any branch or getBranchingCandidates routines. The isFeasible routine checks whether the nonlinear constraints are satisfied by the candidate solution. If the problem is not feasible, then the separate routine solves a continuous NLP relaxation and obtains linear inequalities that cut off the given candidate. These valid inequalities are added to the LP relaxation, which is then solved by the NodeProcessor.

NlPresHandler is for applying presolving techniques to nonlinear functions in the constraints and objective. Therefore, it implements only the presolve and presolveNode functions. This handler tries to compute tighter bounds on the variables in nonlinear constraints by performing feasibility-based bound tightening on one constraint at a time. It also checks whether a nonlinear constraint is redundant or infeasible.

QuadHandler is for constraints of the form

$$\begin{aligned} x_i^2&= x_k, \quad \hbox {or} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} x_ix_j&= x_k \end{aligned}$$

for some \(i,j,k \in \{1,\ldots ,n\}\), with bounds on all variables given by \(l_i \le x_i \le u_i\) for all \(i \in \{1,\ldots ,n\}\). This handler ensures that a solution satisfies all constraints of type (3.1) and (3.2) of a MINLP problem. It implements all the functions in Table 4. The RelaxNodeFull and RelaxNodeInc functions create linear relaxations of these constraints by means of the McCormick inequalities [60],

$$\begin{aligned} (l_i+u_i)x_i - x_k \ge l_iu_i \end{aligned}$$

for constraint (3.1) and

$$\begin{aligned} l_jx_i + l_ix_j - x_k&\le l_il_j \nonumber \\ u_jx_i + u_ix_j - x_k&\le u_iu_j \nonumber \\ l_jx_i + u_ix_j - x_k&\ge u_il_j \nonumber \\ u_jx_i + l_ix_j - x_k&\ge l_iu_j \end{aligned}$$

for the bilinear constraint (3.2). The presolve and nodePresolve routines find tighter bounds, \(l_i \le u_i\), on the variables based on the bounds of the other two variables. A lower bound on \(x_k\), for example, is \(\min \{l_il_j, u_il_j, l_iu_j, u_iu_j\}\). The isFeasible routine checks whether a given candidate solution satisfies all the constraints of the form (3.1) and (3.2). If the given point \({\hat{x}}\) has \({\hat{x}}_i^2>{\hat{x}}_k\), then the separate routine generates a valid inequality

$$\begin{aligned} 2{\hat{x}}_ix_i - x_k \le {\hat{x}}_i^2. \end{aligned}$$

If \({\hat{x}}_i^2<{\hat{x}}_k\) for constraint (3.1) or \({\hat{x}}_i{\hat{x}}_j \not = {\hat{x}}_k\) for constraint (3.2), then the getBranchingCandidates routine returns \(x_i\) and \(x_j\) as candidates for branching. If one of these is selected for branching by the Brancher, then the branch routine creates two branches by modifying the bounds on the branching variable.

3.1.4 Transformer

It is frequently the case that the specific structure a handler supports, such as the quadratic constraints (3.1) and (3.2), may occur in more complicated functions of a given problem formulation. To enable application of handlers for those structures, we first need to transform a problem into a form that is equivalent to the original problem, but exposes these simpler structures. The Transformer class performs this task. The default implementation of the Transformer traverses the DAG of a nonlinear function in a depth-first search and adds new variables to create simple constraints of the desired form. The process can be better explained with an example. Consider the constraint

$$\begin{aligned} x_1(x_1+x_2) + (x_1+x_2)^2 \le 1. \end{aligned}$$

Its computational graph was earlier shown in Fig. 2. The Transformer reformulates it as

$$\begin{aligned}&x_3 = x_1+x_2, \\&x_4 = x_1x_3, \\&x_5 = x_3^2, \\&x_4+x_6 \le 1, \end{aligned}$$

where we have used unary and binary operations for simplicity. The Transformer also maintains a list of new variables it introduces and the corresponding expression they represent. These variables are then reused if the same expression is observed in other constraints or the objective function. In this example, if the expression \(x_1+x_2\) is observed in some other computational graph, then \(x_3\) will be reused. Similarly, \(x_4\) and \(x_5\) will be reused. The code uses a simple hashing function to detect these common subexpressions. In addition to applying the transformations, the Transformer assigns every nonlinear constraint to a specific Handler. Since there are often many alternative reformulations of a problem, a different implementation of the Transformer class may lead to a different reformulation and can have significant impact on algorithm performance.

3.1.5 Utility classes

Utility classes provide commonly required functions such as measuring the CPU time (Timer class), writing logs (Logger), parsing and storing user-supplied options (Options), and commonly used operations on vectors, matrices, and intervals (Operations).

3.2 Engine

The Minotaur framework calls external libraries for solving relaxations or simpler problems. A user can choose to link the Minotaur libraries with several external libraries. Minotaur libraries and executables can also be compiled without any of these external libraries.

The Open-Solver Interface (OSI) library provided by COIN-OR [17] is used to link to the CLP [29], GuRoBi [46], and CPLEX [48] solvers for LP problems. The BQPD [24] and qpOASES [23] solvers can be used to solve QP problems. FilterSQP [26, 27] and IPOPT [76] can be used to solve NLP problems using active-set and interior-point methods, respectively.

The interface to each solver is implemented in a separate class derived from the Engine abstract base class. For instance, the BQPDEngine class implements an interface with the BQPD solver. The two main functions of an Engine class are to (1) convert a problem represented by the Problem class to a form required by the particular solver and (2) convert and convey the solution and solution status to the Minotaur routines. The conversion of LP and QP problems is straightforward. The engine sets up the matrices and vectors in the format required by the solver before passing them. More general NLP solvers such as FilterSQP and IPOPT require routines to evaluate derivatives. These engine classes implement callback functions. For instance, the FilterSQPEngine class implements the functions objfun, confun, gradient, and hessian that the FilterSQP solver requires, and the IpoptEngine class implements the eval_f, eval_grad_f, and eval_h functions required by the IpoptFunInterface class.

In a branch-and-bound algorithm, these engines are called repeatedly with only minor changes to the problem. Therefore, one can use the solution information from the previous invocation to warm-start the next. The BQPDEngine, FilterSQPEngine, and IpoptEngine classes implement methods to save and use the warm-starting information from previous calls. The OSI interface for LP solvers already provides routines to save and load warm-starting information. The LP engines of Minotaur merely use these features and do not implement any routines for saving the information about the basis associated with the last solution.

3.3 Interface

The Interface consists of classes that convert MINLP problems written in a modeling language or a software environment to Minotaur ’s Problem class and other associated classes. In the current version of the Minotaur framework, we have an interface only to AMPL. This interface can be used in two modes.

In the first mode, the AMPLInterface class reconstructs the full computational graph of each nonlinear function in the problem. The class uses AMPL library functions to parse each graph and then converts it into the form required by the CGraph class. Derivatives are provided by the CGraph class. Once the problem instance is created, the AMPLInterface is no longer required to solve the instance.

In the second mode, we do not store the computational graph of the nonlinear functions. Rather, the AMPLProblem class is derived from the Problem class and stores linear constraints and objective using the default implementation. Nonlinear constraints are not stored by using the CGraph class. Instead, pointers to the nonlinear functions stored by the AMPL library are placed in the AMPLNonlinearFunction class derived from the NonlinearFunction class. This class calls methods provided by the AMPL solver library to evaluate the function or its gradient at a given point. In this mode, the AMPLInterface class provides an object of class AMPLJacobian to evaluate the Jacobian of the constraint set and AMPLHessian to evaluate the Hessian of the Lagrangian of the continuous relaxation. This mode is useful when implementing an algorithm that only requires evaluating the values and derivatives of nonlinear functions in the problem.

Computational evaluation of the speed of the two modes is presented later in Sect. 4.4 (see Automatic Differentiation). The interface also implements routines to write solution files so that the user can query the solution and solver status within AMPL.

4 Implementing basic solvers in Minotaur

We now describe how the three algorithms presented in Sect. 2 can be implemented by combining different classes of the Minotaur framework. Our goal here is not to develop the fastest possible solver, but rather to demonstrate that our flexible implementation does not introduce additional computational overhead. These demonstrations are implemented as examples in our source code and are only simplistic versions of the more sophisticated solvers available.

The general approach for implementing a solver is to first read the problem instance by using an Interface. The next step is to initialize the appropriate objects of the base or derived classes of NodeRelaxer, NodeProcessor, Brancher, Engine, and Handler. Then an object of the BranchAndBound class is set using these components, and the solve method of the BranchAndBound object is called to solve the instance. The code for these steps can be written in a C++ main() function that can be compiled and linked with the Minotaur libraries to obtain an executable.

4.1 Nonlinear branch-and-bound

The NLPBB algorithms for convex MINLPs (Sect. 2.2) is the simplest to implement. It needs only one handler: IntVarHandler to check whether the solution of a relaxation satisfies integer constraints and to return a branching candidate if it does not satisfy the constraints. The BndProcessor described in Sect. 3.1.2 can be used as the node processor, since we need only compare the lower bound of the relaxation with the upper bound at each node. It needs a pointer to an Engine to solve the relaxation. We use FilterSQP in this example. Since only the bounds on variables of the relaxation change during the tree search, NodeIncRelaxer is used to update the relaxation at every node by changing the bounds on appropriate variables. We need not create any relaxation since the variables, constraints, and objective are the same as in the original problem. We use ReliabilityBrancher as the brancher, which implements a nonlinear version of reliability branching [3, 10]. The pointer to the Engine used for BndProcessor can be used for this brancher as well. Figure 6 contains the main() function used to implement this solver. Additional lines containing directives to include header files are omitted for brevity. We refer to our NLPBB solver as simple-bnb.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Excerpt of code for implementing our NLPBB algorithm, simple-bnb, using the Minotaur framework and the AMPL function, gradient, and Hessian evaluation routines

4.2 LP/NLP-based branch-and-bound

Implementing the LP/NLP-based branch-and-bound method [65] requires us to solve a LP relaxation that is different from that of the original problem. The QGHandler described in Sect. 3.1.3 solves the required NLP to find the point around which linearization constraints are added to the relaxation. LinearHandler is used to copy the linear constraints from the original problem to the relaxation. The NodeProcessor is required to solve several relaxations at each node if cuts are added. Thus we use the PCBProcessor described in Sect. 3.1.2. The remaining setup is similar to that of the NLPBB algorithm. Figure 7 shows the main portion of the code for implementing this solver. We refer to our LP/NLP-based solver as simple-qg.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Excerpt of code for implementing our LP/NLP-based algorithm, simple-qg, using the Minotaur framework

Fig. 8
figure 8

Excerpt of code for implementing our simple global optimization algorithm, simple-glob, for QCQP problems using the Minotaur framework

4.3 Global optimization of quadratically constrained problems

A simple implementation of the branch-and-bound method for solving nonconvex quadratically-constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) problems demonstrates how the Minotaur framework can be used for global optimization. A Transformer first converts a given QCQP problem to a form where each quadratic term is assigned to a new variable by means of constraints of the form (3.1) and (3.2). The QuadHandler creates the linear relaxations of each of these constraints. Other components of the solver are similar to those described earlier: the LinearHandler copies all the linear constraints in the problem, the IntVarHandler is used to check integrality constraints, the NodeIncRelaxer is used to update the relaxation at each node, and the PCBProcessor is used for processing each node. Any of the branchers available in the toolkit can be used for branching. Figure 8 shows the implementation of this solver. We refer to our simple global optimization solver as simple-glob.

The QuadHandler requires bounds on variables in the quadratic constraints to create a linear relaxation. A Presolver is used to obtain bounds on all variables before the relaxation is created. The Presolver class, in turn, calls the presolve function of each Handler. When QuadHandler sees infinite bounds on a variable that requires a McCormick approximation (3.4), the handler returns an error and the solver stops with an error message.

4.4 Performance of Minotaur

We now present experimental results of the performance of the algorithms presented in this section. We have divided the results into three parts: (1) using automatic differentiation, (2) solving convex MINLPs and (3) solving nonconvex MINLPs. Before describing the experiments we first describe the limits and tolerances used in them. Since many of the comparisons make use of performance profiles, they are also briefly explained.

Limits, tolerances and errors Given a constraint of the form \(lb \le h(x) \le ub\), where h is the constraint function and lbub are the given lower and upper bounds. We say a point \({\hat{x}} \in {\mathbb {R}}^n\) is feasible to the constraint if

$$\begin{aligned} \min \{lb - e_a, lb - e_r\left| lb\right| \} \le {\tilde{h}}({\hat{x}}) \le \max \{ub + e_a, ub + e_r\left| ub\right| \}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(e_a\) and \(e_r\) are the absolute and relative tolerance parameters for checking feasibility, and \({\tilde{h}}({\hat{x}})\) is the value of the function h at \({\hat{x}}\) evaluated on the computer. In general h and \({\tilde{h}}\) are different because of the imprecise numerical computing observed when using floating point numbers. For the solvers we describe in this paper, both these tolerance parameters are fixed to \(10^{-6}\). The same tolerances are used for checking whether a variable value lies between the given bounds. The absolute tolerance for deciding whether a floating point number is an integer value is also \(10^{-6}\). These tolerance values can be overridden by a user through command line options feasAbs_tol, feasRel_tol and int_tol.

We say a point \({\hat{x}}\in {\mathbb {R}}^n\) is feasible to a given MINLP if it satisifies all constraints and integer constraints within the above tolerances. If \({\hat{x}}\) is feasible to a MINLP within given tolerances, it may still violate some constraints if the MINLP is transformed to another equivalent form. We check candidate solutions of optimization problems for feasibility on the reformulated problem (i.e. the problem obtained after presolving and transforming) before accepting them as feasible. Numerical tolerances are also used when a branch-and-bound node is checked for pruning. A node is pruned if

$$\begin{aligned} lb \ge \min \{ ub-e_a, ub-e_r\left| ub\right| \}, \end{aligned}$$

where lb is the lower bound computed for the node, ub is the best known upper bound on the optimal value, \(e_a\) is the absolute tolerance and \(e_r\) the relative tolerance for pruning nodes on the basis of objective value. Both tolerance parameters are set to \(10^{-5}\) by default and can be overridden by using command line options solAbs_tol and solRel_tol.

When a bound on a constraint is not finite, we use the INFINITY and -INFINITY macros provided by cmath header in C++ to represent these bounds. Solvers used to solve relaxations have their own definitions of infinity. Filter-SQP, for instance, considers \(10^{20}\) as infinity. We translate the bounds suitably in the respective Engine class.

Other numerical issues also arise while implementing the branch-and-bound based algorithm. The subsolvers or the engines (LP or NLP) used to solve relaxations at a node (Algorithm 2) may fail to converge. If the engine is able to return a feasible point in such cases, we continue branch-and-bound by branching on a candidate if one can be found. Otherwise, a warning is issued and the node is pruned. It is also possible, especially in global optimization, that the optimal solution of the relaxation at a node is not feasible for the MINLP, but neither branching nor cutting planes are able to cut it off because of numerical issues. In this case also, a warning is issued and the node is pruned. Detailed analysis of such errors and numerical issues is a subject of a different study that can be pursued in the future.

Extended performance profile Extended performance profiles [59] plot the relative performance of a set of solvers (say, S) on a given set of problem instances (say, P). Suppose that the performance measure of interest is the time taken to solve an instance. Let \(t_{p,s}\) be the time taken by solver \(s \in S\) to solve problem instance p. The ‘performance ratio’ is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{r}}_{p,s} = \frac{t_{p,s}}{\min \{t_{p,i} \mid i \in S, i\not =s\}}. \end{aligned}$$

The performance ratio is thus the factor by which solver s is slow in solving instance p as compared to the best amongst S, except s, for instance p. The smaller the ratio, the faster the solver s is for p. A ratio higher than one indicates that solver s is slower than the fastest solver for p by this factor. On the other hand a ratio value of, say, 0.2 indicates that s is faster than all others by a factor of at least five. A distribution function \({\hat{\rho }}_s\) is defined as follows to depict performance ratios of a solver over all instances:

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{\rho }}_{s}(\tau ) = \frac{\left| \{p \in P \mid {\hat{r}}_{p,s}\le \tau \}\right| }{\left| P\right| }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\tau \ge 0\). Thus \({\hat{\rho }}_s(2)\) is the fraction of instances on which solver s is slow by a factor of 2 or less as compared to best of all other solvers put together. Similarly, \({\hat{\rho }}_s(0.5)\) is the fraction of instances on which solver s is faster than all other solvers by a factor of two or more. An extended performance profile plots \({\hat{\rho }}_s(\tau )\) for all solvers, one curve for each solver, as a function of \(\tau \).

As the name suggests, extended performance profile is an extension of the performance profile [19]. The performance ratio (4.2) differs slightly in the two, but the two profiles are the same for \(\tau \ge 1\). Extended performance profiles provide addtional information on how fast the solver is (\(0\le \tau < 1\)) while the performance profile only shows how slow it is (\(1 \le \tau \)) as compared to the fastest possible. While a higher curve in the performance profile and extended performance profile denotes a faster solver, generally speaking, the relative positions of solver profiles may change when the set of solvers changes [39]. Hence, conclusions should be drawn carefully: when more than two solvers are profiled, a pairwise comparison is not feasible.

Experimental setup All experiments were done on a computer with a 2.9MHz Intel Xeon CPU E5-2670 processor and 128GB RAM. Hyperthreading was switched off. A single compute core was used to solve each problem instance within a specified time limit of one hour. Debian-8 Linux was the operating system. Minotaur version 0.2 (git revision b944ef6), is used in all experiments along with IPOPT version 3.12.3, Mumps version 4.10.0, and Clp version 0.107.4. The Minotaur, IPOPT, AMPL Solver Library, and OSI-CLP code was compiled with the Gnu “g++” version 4.9.2, while “gfortran” version 4.9.2 was used for the fortran code including FilterSQP, BQPD, and MUMPS (used by IPOPT). The optimization flag was set to ‘-O3’ for both compilers.

Automatic differentiation We first compare the effect of using our own implementation of automatic differentiation on the performance of NLP engines. We set up an experiment in which an NLP engine solves a sequence of NLPs that differ only in bounds on variables. This setup closely mimics the use of NLP engines in a MINLP solver while ensuring that other MINLP routines such as heuristics, presolving, and valid inequalities do not affect the observations.

To benchmark the derivatives produced with our native CGraph class, we compare its computation time with that of the AMPL interface derivatives. In particular, we modified simple-bnb to replace the Reliability Brancher with LexicoBrancher. LexicoBrancher simply selects the candidate for branching with the smallest index from the list of branching candidates. This solver thus spends almost the entire time solving the NLP relaxations. Table 5 reports the time taken to process 100 nodes of branch and bound (i.e., 100 NLPs) with derivatives from both CGraph and AMPLInterface on selected instances. We observe no significant difference between the two for nearly 80% of the instances. CGraph is slower by a factor of 8 or less for QCQP problems that have a dense Hessian of the Lagrangian as in the case of the smallinvDAXrx and smallinvSNPrx instances. The times for these problems could be significantly reduced by extracting and storing the vectors and matrices for the quadratic forms. While speed is important, the main goal of CGraph is to enable a user to easily and reliably manipulate nonlinear functions. CGraph never failed in evaluating derivatives in all runs, thus demonstrating its reliability in solving MINLPs.

Table 5 Time taken to solve 100 NLP relaxations

Convex MINLP We now benchmark the performance of our simple-bnb solver described in Sect. 4.1. We compare its performance in two settings: one using CGraph and the other using AMPLInterface. We also compare the results with Bonmin’s implementation of the branch and bound method. In all three settings, we use the IPOPT solver (with MUMPS and ATLAS-BLAS). We set a limit of one hour for each solver. Of the 356 convex MINLPs available in the MINLPLib-2 collection [13, 73], we consider only the 333 instances that have integer variables.

The time taken to solve the instances is compared by using the extended performance profiles shown in Fig. 9. The figure shows that our simple-bnb method is able to solve almost the same number of instances as is Bonmin (nearly 73% of all instances) within the time limit. On 10% of instances Bonmin is faster than the Minotaur solvers by a factor of 2 or more. This can be seen in the profile by looking at the value for Bonmin at (\(2^{-1}\)). The simple implementation with the AMPLInterface is slower by a factor of 2 or more as compared with the fastest solver for about 12% of the instances (as Minotaur-ASL value is about 0.6 at 2 and the best possible is 0.73). The same is true for 24% of the instances for CGraph and 8% for Bonmin.

Figure 10 compares the performance of our simple-qg method described in Sect. 4.2. In this experiment, Bonmin’s QG algorithm is selected for solving the problems. The Minotaur solvers use IPOPT for solving NLP problems and OSI-CLP for solving LP problems. The impact of using CGraph in this algorithm is much smaller when compared with that of our NLPBB algorithm since fewer NLP relaxations are solved. The performance of the simple implementation is comparable to that of Bonmin even though a gap is discernible in the left half of the graph. This gap is expected because the two examples of Minotaur are nearly identical in behavior and hence only in a few instances is one of them is faster than all other solvers by a large factor.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Extended performance profile based on CPU time for simple NLPBB solvers on 333 convex MINLP problems

Fig. 10
figure 10

Extended performance profile based on CPU time of LP/NLP-based solvers on 333 convex MINLP problems

Global optimization We compare the performance of our simple-glob method described in Sect. 4.3 with that of three other solvers: BARON-15.2 (with AMPL interface), Couenne-0.5.6 (with AMPL interface, CLP as the LP solver, IPOPT as the NLP solver, and Cbc as the MILP solver), and SCIP-3.2.0 (with pip interface, SoPlex as the LP solver, and IPOPT as the NLP solver). All solvers were run using default settings. A time limit of one hour was set on each instance. Tests were performed on 266 continuous QP and QCQP problems taken from the MINLPLib-2 collection [13, 73]. Figure 11 plots the extended performance profiles. Our simple-glob method was able to solve over 50% of the problems in the time limit without using any heuristics, convexity-detection routines, cutting planes, or advanced presolving. Other solvers that use these techniques were able to solve nearly 70% of the instances.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Extended performance profile based on CPU time of global optimization solvers on 266 QCQP problems

5 Extensions of Minotaur

In this section, we provide a small set of examples that illustrate how Minotaur can be used and extended to exploit problem specific structures. In each case, we present the main algorithmic idea, show how it is implemented in Minotaur, and give numerical results from our experiments. The experimental setup used for this section is same as that described in Sect. 4.4.

5.1 Nonlinear presolve

Our first example illustrates how the availability of a native computational graph (see Sect. 3) allows us to discover nonlinear structure and to perform certain nonlinear reformulations that are simple but have a dramatic effect on the solution of an important class of MINLP problems.

We consider a chemical engineering problem from the IBM/CMU collection [16], namely, syn20M04M. This problem has 160 integer variables, 260 continuous variables, 56 convex nonlinear constraints, and 996 linear constraints. The NLP relaxation can be solved in a fraction of a second. However, standard NLPBB and LP/NLP-based solvers fail to solve this MINLP problem in a two-hour time limit.

Analysis of these models reveals that these problems contain big-M constraints of the form

$$\begin{aligned}&c(x_0,x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_k) \le M_0(1-x_0), \nonumber \\&0 \le x_i \le M_ix_0, \; \; i=1,\ldots ,k, \nonumber \\&x_0 \in \{0, 1\}, \; x_i \in {\mathbb {R}}, \; i=1,\ldots ,k. \end{aligned}$$

This structure is common in MINLP. The binary variable \(x_0\) acts as a “switch”, such that, when \(x_0=1\) the continuous variables \(x_1, \ldots , x_k\) can take nonzero values and the nonlinear constraint is enforced, and when \(x_0=0\) the continuous variables are forced to zero, and \(M_0\) is large enough so that the nonlinear constraint is redundant. The difficulty for MINLP solvers arises because the upper bound \(M_0\) is not always “tight” when the nonlinear constraint is switched off. In particular, if \(M_0\) is chosen to be too large, the continuous relaxation allows more noninteger solutions, thus making the relaxation weak.

To compute a tighter upper bound \(M_0\), we exploit the implication constraints \(0 \le x_i \le M_ix_0, i=1,\ldots ,k\). If \(x_0=0\), then each \(x_i=0\) and we can replace the coefficient \(M_0\) by

$$\begin{aligned} c^u = c(0,\ldots ,0) \end{aligned}$$

if \(c^u \le M_0\). If \(c^u>M_0\), we can fix \(x_0=1\) since (5.1) is infeasible if \(x_0=0\). The bound \(c^u\) obtained by exploiting the above structure is the tightest possible. The effect of improving the coefficient is dramatic. As shown in Table 6, the solution time for syn20M04M is reduced to about 66 seconds. To compute the tightest upper bound in the general case, we need to solve the following nonconvex optimization problem:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathop {\hbox {maximize}}\limits _x \; c(x_0,x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_k) \quad \hbox {subject to }\; x_0=0, x \in X, \end{aligned}$$

where X is a feasible region of the MINLP problem obtained by removing constraint (5.1). This maximization problem can be efficiently solved in some cases (e.g., by exploiting the structure of the constraints).

Table 6 Effects of presolve on the size of instance syn20M04M and its solution time

We also compared the effect of this simple presolve technique on all 96 instances of RSyn-* and Syn-*. The results are shown in the performance profile in Fig. 12. This presolve clearly has a dramatic effect on the solution times for almost all of these instances, increasing the robustness by nearly 20% compared with that of Bonmin and our simple-bnb without presolve.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Performance profile comparing presolve on RSyn-X and Syn-X instances

We have implemented these and other more standard presolve techniques, well known from MILP [68], into the core Minotaur library. The Presolver class implements the main routine of calling various handlers for exploiting specific structures. In its simplest form, it calls the Handler::presolve() function of each of the handlers one by one repeatedly. It stops when no changes are made in the last k calls to handlers, where k is the number of handlers, or when a certain overall iteration limit is reached (see Fig. 13 for pseudocode). The handlers used in presolving may be specifically designed for presolving alone and need not implement every function in the Handler class (e.g., checking feasibility of a given point or separating a given point). For example, NlPresHandler class does not implement any other Handler functions besides presolving techniques for general nonlinear constraints and the objective function.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Code snippet illustrating Presolver:solve function from base classes

NlPresHandler applies four presolve methods to the problem: bound-improvement, identifying redundant constraints, coefficient improvement, and linearization of bilinear expressions on binary variables. In bound improvement, we consider all nonlinear constraints of the type \(l_i \le c_i(x) \le u_i\). Using available bounds on the variables x, we find lower and upper bounds (\(L_i, U_i\)) of the nonlinear function by propagating the bounds in the forward-mode transversal of the computational graph. We then traverse in reverse mode to update bounds on each node of the graph based on the constraint bounds \(l_i\) and \(u_i\). The bounds on variables are thus tightened. Additionally, if \(l_i \le L_i\) and \(u_i\ge U_i\), then the constraint is identified as redundant and may be dropped. Similarly, if \(L_i>u_i\) or \(U_i<l_i\) for some i, then no point can satisfy this constraint, and the problem is infeasible.

When we are unable to find implications to fix all variables of the function c in (5.1), we find upper bounds on \(c^u\) by traversing the computational graph of c as in the bound-improvement technique. If we have a quadratic function of the form \(\sum _{i,j}q_{ij}x_ix_j\) in which all variables have finite bounds and every term of the sum contains at least one binary variable, then NlPresHandler replaces this expression by an equivalent set of linear constraints. For example, the constraint \(y_{1,2} = x_1x_2,\) where \(x_1\in \{0,1\}\) and \(x_2 \in [l_2,u_2]\), is reformulated as

$$\begin{aligned}&y_{1,2} \le u_2x_1, \\&y_{1,2} \ge l_2x_1, \\&x_2 - y_{1,2} \le u_2(1-x_1), \\&x_2 - y_{1,2} \ge l_2(1-x_1). \end{aligned}$$

Coefficient improvement, bound tightening, and identification of redundancy are also applied to linear constraints by the LinearHandler. In addition to these functions, the LinearHandler class implements dual fixing and identification of duplicate columns (variables) and constraints.

Figure 14 shows the effect of presolving on simple-bnb when applied to the 333 convex MINLP instances from MINLPLib-2. In this example, we call the presolver routines only once before the root node is solved in the branch-and-bound portion. Our simple-bnb solver with initial presolving was able to solve approximately 10% more instances than did the solver without presolve in the one-hour time limit. Similarly our simple-qg solver was able to solve 5% more instances with initial presolving (see Fig. 15).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Performance profile showing the impact of presolving on NLPBB solvers

Fig. 15
figure 15

Performance profile showing the impact of presolving on LP/NLP-based solvers

5.2 Nonlinear perspective formulations

Consider the mixed binary set \({\mathcal {S}} = \{(x,z) \in {\mathbb {R}}^n\times \{0,1\} : c(x) \le 0, lz \le x \le uz\}\), where c is a convex function. Setting the single binary variable z to zero forces all the other continuous variables x to zero. Moreover, the continous relaxation of \({\mathcal {S}}\) is a convex set. The convex hull of \({\mathcal {S}}\) can be obtained by taking a perspective reformulation of the nonlinear constraint [32]. More precisely, \(conv({\mathcal {S}}) = \{(x,z) \in {\mathbb {R}}^n\times [0,1]: zc(\frac{x}{z}) \le 0, lz \le x \le uz\}\). Perspective cuts using this reformulation can be derived and were shown to be effective in structured problem instances [32]. Perspective reformulations, cuts derived from these reformulations, and their applications have been studied extensively (see, e.g., [31, 33, 34, 42,43,44]).

Fig. 16
figure 16

Performance profile showing the impact of using perspective reformulations with NLPBB algorithms

Fig. 17
figure 17

Performance profile showing the impact of using perspective reformulations with LP/NLP-based methods

Replacing the original constraint \(c(x) \le 0\) with \(zc(\frac{x}{z}) \le 0\) creates difficulties for convex NLP solvers since the new function and its gradient need to be specially defined at \(z=0\) and constraint qualifications fail. The following approximation [35] overcomes these difficulties:

$$\begin{aligned} \left( z(1-\epsilon ) + \epsilon \right) c\left( \frac{x}{z(1-\epsilon ) + \epsilon }\right) \le 0. \end{aligned}$$

The function in (5.2) has the same value as that of c when \(z = 0\) and \(z=1\). Moreover, this function is convex, and its gradient is well defined at \(z=0\). For small values of \(\epsilon \), this reformulation provides a good approximation to the convex hull while being amenable to solution by standard convex NLP solvers.

We implemented a function in the NlPresHandler class of Minotaur to identify this structure automatically. For each nonlinear constraint in the problem, Algorithm 3 is used to identify a binary variable for applying the reformulation. A set \({\mathcal {C}}\) of candidates is initially populated with all binary variables in the problems. For each variable \(x_i\) of this nonlinear constraint, we try to find those binary variables that turn \(x_i\) off by visiting all linear constraints that reference \(x_i\). All other binary variables are removed from \({\mathcal {C}}\), and the procedure is repeated for the remaining variables in the nonlinear constraint. If a required binary variable is found, the original function is replaced by its approximate perspective reformulation (5.2) by updating the CGraph using a procedure similar to that in Fig. 4. This routine is applied only during the initial presolve phase.

Figures 16 and 17 show the effect of using the perspective reformulation with simple-bnb and simple-qg, respectively, on the convex problems in the MINLPLib-2 collection. Six instances that were not solved in the one-hour time limit with presolve using the simple-bnb code were solved after perspective reformulation. As one might expect from a tighter formulation, there was generally a reduction in the number of nodes. However, the reduction in time to solve the problems was less than the reduction in the number of nodes, as the average time spent for solving the NLP relaxations generally increased. Table 7 reports the time spent per NLP solve, the total number of nodes, and the total time to solve such instances. The reported time spent per NLP problem is not equal to the total time divided by the number of nodes because more than one NLP problem is solved at some nodes to find branching candidates.

figure c
Table 7 Effect of using perspective reformulation on three measures: the total time taken (s) to solve an instance, the number of nodes processed in branch and bound, and the average time taken per NLP problem (ms)

6 Conclusions

Identifying and exploiting structure in MINLP problems are essential when solving difficult problems. A flexible and extensible framework for developing MINLP solvers is necessary in order to rapidly adopt new ideas and techniques and to specialize the methods. The modular class structure of our Minotaur framework provides such capabilities to developers and is the vehicle by which we deliver the resulting numerical methods to users. This flexibility does not come at the cost of speed and efficiency. As demonstrated by our nonlinear presolve and perspective formulation extensions, exploiting the problem structure in Minotaur can result in more reliable and efficient solvers. The source code for Minotaur is available from https://github.com/minotaur-solver/minotaur. Because of its availability and extensibility, Minotaur opens the door for future research to further advance the state of the art in algorithms and software for MINLP.