1 Introduction

The Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) a.k.a. fourth generation (4G) technology is the recent advancement of third generation (3G) in the mobile communication network. With the development of the mobile application and advanced innovation in the wireless communication, the LTE technology has achieved a phenomenal growth in the wireless telecommunication network. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most promising technology where billions of devices are connected by forthcoming wired and wireless telecommunication network to control and manage various applications in the environment [1,2,3]. It has a number of applications in various fields such as personal health care monitoring system, smart transportation, smart cities, smart electricity grids, intelligent tracing, and tracking system [4,5,6]. In an IoT, a unique identifier is assigned to each object to execute certain applications. To support these applications, the objective of the telecommunication network is to provide ubiquitous connectivity among the people as well as the objects/devices [7]. The LTE-advanced (LTE-A) is designed by third generation partnership project (3GPP) with several objectives that enable 4G network with high resource capacity, low latency, flexible bandwidth, higher data rate and good quality of services [8, 9]. Recently, Device to Device (D2D) communication has been evolved in the LTE/LTE-A network [10,11,12]. Hence, LTE/LTE-A can serve as the best suitable platform for the IoT enabled communication network.

Recently, 3GPP community has started to research the characteristics of IoT objects during communication in the LTE/LTE-A network. There are certain security issues with the existing LTE-AKA protocol. Some of the vulnerabilities of the 4G network have been addressed and identified in the [13] and [14]. To establish the secure communication and privacy preservation between objects and server are the main research challenges in an IoT enabled network as there are numerous devices communicate across the networks. To achieve authentication, objects follow the evolved packet system based authentication and key agreement (EPS-AKA) protocol for the LTE/LTE-A network. But, the protocol fails to fulfill the necessary security demands such as user privacy preservation and key forward/backward secrecy (KFS/KBS). Moreover, the protocol suffers from the single key exposure problem and fails to avoid the Denial of Service (DoS), redirection and Man in the Middle (MitM) attack [15]. In addition, the protocol generates the high computation overhead and bandwidth consumption among the communication entities. However, in IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network the mobile phone and smart meters are the embedded devices that have limited computing resources. Hence, there is need to revisit the EPS-AKA protocol to support the IoT devices for maintaining the information security.

1.1 Existing AKA protocol for LTE/LTE-A network

The LTE/LTE-A network architecture consists of two evolved subsystems: Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and Evolved UTRAN (E-UTRAN) as shown in the Fig. 1. The E-UTRAN has set of base-stations, known as eNodeB, connected to the user equipment/mobile nodes via radio interfaces. These base-stations forward the traffic to EPC with radio resources. The EPC contains the following network entities:

  • Mobility Management Entity (MME): This the main control node in the LTE/LTE-A network architecture that manages various security functionalities. Mainly, the MME communicates with the HSS for the authentication of the user equipment/ mobile nodes.

  • Serving Gateway (S-GW): The S-GW manages the mobility of users between the P-GW and eNodeB.

  • Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW): It is the entity of the EPC that handles the packets of outer networks in order to transfer the traffic of user equipment/mobile nodes.

  • Home Subscriber Server (HSS): The database that has information about location and subscription of the user equipment. In addition, it consists of the authentication parameters for the user equipment/ mobile nodes.

Fig. 1
figure 1

LTE/LTE-A network architecture

To overcome the problem of key secrecy and security attacks in the cellular network, 3GPP proposed the EPS-AKA protocol for the LTE/LTE-A network [16,17,18,19]. The authentication is achieved through the challenge-response scheme between the User Equipment (UE) and Mobile Management Entity (MME) in the EPS-AKA protocol as shown in the Fig. 2. The EPS-AKA protocol executes the authentication steps as i) UE requests for the authentication through MME and HSS (Home Subscriber Server) transmits the authentication vectors (AVs) to the MME. ii) Further, the MME selects one of the AV for mutual authentication with MS and both generate the key for access security management entity (KASME). iii) Once the mutual authentication is achieved, the shared secret keys are generated between the MME and MS for signalling data protection. The EPS-AKA protocol provides the mutual authentication similar to the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) AKA but, the key derivation is different in the protocol. The protocol generates the KASME instead of cipher key (CK) and integrity key (IK) for secure data transmission.

Fig. 2
figure 2

EPS-AKA protocol for LTE/LTE-A network

1.2 Drawbacks of the existing AKA protocol for LTE/LTE-A network

The EPS-AKA protocol fulfils most of the security requirements and protects the communication interface against possible attacks on the network. However, the protocol is still vulnerable to various security attacks and faces critical challenges for IoT enabled services over the communication network.

  • In the LTE network, the identity of the user (device) and the key set identifier of access security management entity (KSIASME) are transmitted in a clear text over the communication channel. An adversary can misuse these parameters to violate the privacy of user identity and keys in the communication network.

  • The security of the EPS-AKA protocol depends on the preshared secret key between MS and HSS. Once this key is compromised, all the keys can be retrieved and there is a possibility that an adversary can be authenticated by the network. Moreover, the protocol fails to maintain the KFS/KBS.

  • In the EPS-AKA protocol, the UE and HSS maintain the sequence number (SQN) between them. Hence, the protocol suffers from the synchronization conflict.

  • The computational complexity of the HSS is very high as all the authentication vectors are generated by the HSS and transmitted to the MME. It incurs the high bandwidth consumption between HSS and MME in the network.

  • The protocol doesn’t suit to the IoT based services as it violates the privacy of user identity and the KSIASME over the communication network.

1.3 Security analysis of existing EPS-AKA protocol

In LTE/LTE-A network, there is a possibility of various internal and external attacks from the mobile nodes. The internal attacks can be executed by two sources such as: core network and access network, whereas the external attacks can be performed by adversaries. The EPS-AKA protocol is vulnerable to various security attacks such as redirection, impersonation, MitM, and DoS attack.

  1. 1.

    Internal Attacks:

    • The base-stations in LTE/LTE-A network may generate the security vulnerabilities as various eNBs are managed by the same MME. An adversary builds its false base-station and impersonates a legitimate base-station by making the network susceptible to security weaknesses.

    • The IP-based architecture of LTE/LTE-A network has made it vulnerable to security risks such as eavesdropping attacks as compared to the UMTS networks. In addition, the LTE/LTE-A network suffers from the malicious attacks such as internet worms, spams, etc.

  2. 2.

    External Attacks:

    • Privacy preservations and Protection: The EPS-AKA protocol fails to provide privacy preservation and protection. Whenever the user registers to the network, MME sends the request of the IMSI to the user and the user sends the IMSI over the communication channel without any encryption. Once the users identity is disclosed, it may suffer from several security attacks.

    • Key Forward/Backward Secrecy: The LTE key mechanism follows the chaining architecture in which the eNB computes the new keys from the current key with other parameters. Once the current eNB is tempered, then the successive keys can be compromised very easily. Hence the KFS/KBS is not achieved in the EPS-AKA protocol.

    • Redirection Attack: In the EPS-AKA protocol, the mutual authentication among the communication entities is not carried out. Hence, an adversary may place the bogus eNB that performs as a legitimate one and broadcasts the authentication messages to the MS/UE.

    • Impersonation Attack: In this attack, an adversary eavesdrops the signalling messages of the target users. The EPS-AKA protocol fails to preserve the privacy of communication entities. Therefore, the protocol suffers from the impersonation attack as an adversary impersonates as a legitimate entity and transfers the signalling messages to the network in order to believe that it emerges from the authentic user.

    • MitM Attack: In the EPS-AKA protocol, authentication among the communication entities is carried out in only one direction. So, there is possibility that an intruder may place in between the authentic entities and impersonate as the legitimate entity. Also, there is possibility of the eavesdropping of the signalling messages.

    • DoS Attack: In the protocol, an adversary sends several bogus request messages to the MS and keep the network busy. Also, the protocol follows SQN to authenticate HSS/MS. If an adversary makes a false registration attempt by replying to the UE (message M4 Fig. 1), the SQN becomes inconsistent as the value of SQN increased by one. If the legitimate MS attempts to build the connection, it will never succeed due to MAC failure. Therefore, the MS suffers from the DoS attack.

In future, it is expected that efficient and secure services will be provided by the LTE/LTE-A network to the IoT objects. Moreover, there is a possibility that the IoT devices may increase the network overhead by transferring bogus traffic over the communication channel. This problem will occur when the victim object fails to authenticate the legitimate object connected to the network. Therefore, it is important to revisit the EPS-AKA protocol to provide mutual authentication in the IoT enabled network. The proposed protocol must eliminate all the identified attacks from the communication network. In addition, the protocol should be efficient in terms of communication and computation overhead as compared to the existing LTE/LTE-A protocols.

1.4 Core technical contribution

To avoid all the above mentioned issues, we propose the performance and security enhanced (PSE-AKA) protocol for an IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network. The main contributions are as follows:

  1. 1.

    The protocol follows the basic architecture of the LTE/LTE-A network recommended by the 3GPP and accommodates all the security requirements of the IoT enabled communication network.

  2. 2.

    The proposed protocol preserves the privacy of object/device identity during the AKA process. Also, the protocol secures the KSIASME without transmitting it over the communication network.

  3. 3.

    In the proposed protocol, we resolve the single key exposure problem by securing the preshared secret key between the UE and HSS. It maintains the key secrecy and the freshness of the keys used in the authentication process.

  4. 4.

    The protocol follows the cocktail therapy to generate the authentication vectors that reduces the computational overhead and the bandwidth consumption between the communication entities in the network.

  5. 5.

    The formal verification of the proposed protocol is carried out by BAN logic and simulated using Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocol Application (AVISPA) tool for the correctness.

  6. 6.

    The security analysis shows that the protocol accomplishes all the security requirements and eliminates the identified security attacks from the LTE/LTE-A network.

  7. 7.

    The performance analysis of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol has significant improvement in the bandwidth consumption between HSS and MME. In addition, the protocol incurs the competitive overheads compared to the existing AKA protocols.

1.5 Organization of the paper

The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows. In Section 3, we review the existing AKA protocols of the LTE/LTE-A network. The proposed PSE-AKA protocol for IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network is illustrated in Section 3. Section 4 illustrates the formal verification of proposed protocol using BAN logic model and the AVISPA tool. The security analysis of the proposed protocol in terms of the security goals, key privacy properties and resistance against various attacks is carried out in Section 5. The performance analysis of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol with respect to existing AKA protocol is illustrated in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.

2 Review of authentication protocols in LTE/LTE-A network

There are various AKA protocols proposed by the researchers to improve the authentication efficiency, security, and performance of the LTE/LTE-A networks. The privacy preservation and security against various attacks in the network are the major concerns of the LTE/LTE-A network. Many symmetric and asymmetric key based AKA protocols were proposed to avoid these problems in the LTE/LTE-A network [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. The IoT application based on LTE/LTE-A network is the current focus of the research as it provides the best communication channel for these applications. [4, 28, 29].

A novel 3GPP system architecture evolution (SAE) AKA protocol was proposed by Deng et al. to overcome the problems of existing EPS-AKA protocol [20]. The author analysed the protocol adopted by the 3GPP system and pointed out the security issues in the network. The protocol suffers from lack of mutual authentication that leads to the possibility of traffic redirection from one network to another. Moreover, an adversary may intercept the AVs due to their unsecured transmission. To solve these problems, public key cryptosystem based an improved SAE-AKA protocol was proposed. But, the protocol suffers from the various security issues such as violation of user identity and authentication vectors. Also, the protocol incurs the high computation overhead because of the public key cryptosystem. To overcome the above problems, Vintila et al. introduced the J-PAKE (Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling) algorithm that maintains the KFS/KBS [18, 30]. However, the scheme fails to preserve the privacy and suffers from the impersonation and DoS attack. Koien proposed an enhanced EPS-AKA (EAKA) protocol to establish the mutual authentication between the communication entities [25]. The protocol follows the conventional challenge-response scheme but, modifies the authentication token in the AVs. However, the protocol does not preserve the privacy of communication entities and suffers from the MitM attack. To reduce the computational consumption from the network, an improved AKA (I-AKA) protocol was proposed by Gu and Gregory [21]. The protocol meets the security requirements defined by the 3GPP and provides security against DoS attack. However, the protocol fails to protect the user identity and susceptible to MitM attack.

Li and Wang proposed the security enhanced AKA protocol based on public key framework [26]. The protocol preserves the user identity and avoids the various known attacks from the network. Due to public key cryptosystem modular exponentiation, the protocol generates the high network overhead during the authentication process. To improve the efficiency of the EPS-AKA protocol in terms of bandwidth consumption and computation overhead, an enhanced AKA protocol is proposed by Purkhiabani and Salahi [17]. The protocol avoids the redirection attack but, is susceptible to identity catching and MitM attack. Further, Choudhury et al. proposed the protocol to resolve the problem of privacy preservation in the LTE/LTE-A network [31]. In the protocol, a dynamic mobile subscriber identity (DMSI) is sent by the UE in place of the IMSI. The DMSI updates its value based on the recently received random number by UE during successful AKA process. However, the protocol incurs high computation overhead to encrypt and decrypt the user identity on the sender and receiver side respectively and vulnerable to various attacks. Prasad and Manoharan proposed digital signature based AKA protocol for LTE/LTE-A network [32]. The protocol incurs low computation as it follows the digital signature based approach. Moreover, there is less delay because of only two message exchanged during the authentications. However, the trusted third party is involved to establish the trust among the communication entities. Hence, if the third party is compromised then the whole communication network will be vulnerable to various known attacks.

Hamandi et al. proposed the hybrid key cryptosystem based privacy enhanced AKA protocol to preserve the privacy of UE in LTE/LTE-A network [23, 33]. The protocol improves the security and preserves the privacy of the communication entities. However, the communication entities use the sequence numbers during the message transmission and suffer from the synchronization problem. Moreover, the protocol generates the high computation overhead as it follows the hybrid key cryptosystem. Ramadan et al. proposed the secure LTE-AKA protocol to avoid the problem of false base station and IMSI catching attack [34]. The protocol generates the high computation overhead due to asymmetric key operations. Baza et al. proposed an efficient distributed approach for key management in micro grids [35]. This is the distributed key management scheme with authentication capability to avoid the single-point failure problem by removing the need for using a meter data management system in the smart grid technology. However, there is single group key shared with all the smart meters and they have not taken care the security of single shared symmetric key among the devices. To preserve the privacy and protect the shared secret key, Degefa et al. proposed the performance and security enhanced AKA protocol [36]. Moreover, Saxena et al. proposed the AKA for an IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network [37]. These protocols overcome the issues of the EPS-AKA protocol and achieve the efficient communication among the various IoT devices. However, there is high bandwidth consumption between the communication entities (from HSS to MME) in the network to transmit the authentication vectors. Mohammadali et al. proposed a novel identity-based key establishment method for advanced metering infrastructure in smart grid [38]. This is one of the application of the key management in the IoT based infrastructure in the smart grid technology. The protocol employs elliptic curves at its core and has the lowest computational overhead among current secure protocols, especially at the meter side. However, the protocol fails to preserve the privacy of the user identity as well as single shared secret key between the communication entities.

From the literature survey of AKA protocols, it can be observed that most of the existing protocols are vulnerable to various attacks and suffers from high network overhead. In addition, the protocols do not preserve the user identity and KSIASME over the communication network. Moreover, the symmetric key cryptosystem based protocols suffer from key exposure problem. Once this key is tampered, each key can be negotiated by the adversary. However, it is possible to achieve the secure mutual authentication in LTE/LTE-A network using the public key cryptosystem. The extensive research on AKA protocols in LTE/LTE-A network exploits the problems of public key cryptosystem such as high bandwidth consumption and overhead. In addition, these protocols perform the extensive and time consuming key operations such as bilinear pairing, modular exponentiation and point multiplication that doesn’t suit for the resource constrained devices in IoT based applications. Hence, to overcome the above mentioned issues, we propose the symmetric key based PSE-AKA protocol for IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network. The protocol accomplishes all the security requirements as privacy preservation, data integrity, confidentiality and key secrecy. Moreover, the proposed protocol preserves the privacy of the communication entities and protects the KSIASME that maintains KFS/KBS. The proposed protocol reduces the computational overhead, avoids the signaling congestion from the network and known attacks during the AKA process.

3 The proposed PSE-AKA protocol

There are several protocols were proposed in the literature to overcome the problems of the EPS-AKA protocol for the LTE/LTE-A networks. The existing protocols follows the symmetric/ asymmetric key cryptosystem. The asymmetric key based protocol generates the high computation overhead so they are not suitable for the resource constrained devices in the IoT enabled communication network [39]. Saxena et al. proposed the symmetric key based AKA protocol for an IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network [37]. The protocol overcomes the issues of the EPS-AKA and achieves the efficient communication among the IoT enabled devices. However, there is possibility of attack on the symmetric key shared among the communication entities. Once this key is tampered, each key can be negotiated by the adversary. Moreover, there is high bandwidth consumption between the communication entities (from HSS to MME) in the network to transmit the authentication vectors. Hence, the protocols in the literature needs to revise to make them suitable for the IoT enabled devices. In the proposed protocol we have overcomes the mentioned issues and design a symmetric key based PSE-AKA protocol.

This section illustrates the proposed PSE-AKA protocol for the IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network, which avoids the identified attacks from the existing EPS-AKA protocol. The proposed protocol adopts the cocktail therapy [40] to generate the AV’s that reduces the computation overhead of the HSS and minimizes the bandwidth utilization between the communication entities. The proposed protocol strictly follows the framework of the LTE/LTE-A network and avoids the single key exposure problem by protecting the pre-shared secret key. The protocol avoids the various security attacks from the communication network. Additionally, the protocol preserves the privacy of communication entities. The standardized notations and symbols of the proposed protocol are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Symbols/Abbreviations and definitions

3.1 Basic assumption/Pre-shared parameters:

In the proposed protocol, the following assumptions are made as in conventional cellular networks:

  • The secret key K is defined by 3GPP stored at AuC of HSS. The session key SK, generated by K, is used at both ends.

  • The AuC at the HSS is a trusted server that does not transmit the messages encrypted by the SK of one UE to the other. Also, it is assumed that the path between MME and HSS is secure on the basis of diameter protocol [41, 42].

  • KID is introduced as a unique key identifier that points to the K. The KID is changed or reallocated after each successful AKA process.

  • E/D are newly introduced functions based on the ciphering algorithm that supports the UE and HSS to encrypt/decrypt transmitted messages over the network.

  • The proposed protocol uses the various functions to generate authentication parameters. Table 2 defines the role of various cryptographic functions that generate the respective authentication parameters.

Table 2 Cryptographic functions with their roles

3.2 Phase-1: authentication vector distribution phase

This phase is performed when an UE moves into the location area of another MME for the first time. In this phase, the UE requests to access the LTE/LTE-A network by the HSS through MME. The main purpose of the registration phase is to issue the prescriptive AV (PAV) from the HSS to the local MME. Therefore, the MME and UE authenticate to each other (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Proposed PSE-AKA protocol for LTE/LTE-A networks

To preserve an identity of the objects (IMSI), we introduce a new key identifier KID which will be uniquely assigned to K of MS and HSS. The KID is used to generate a new secret dynamic key (SDK) as follows:

$$ SDK = {f}_{1}^{\prime} (KID)_{K} $$

Step-1: The MS transmits an attach request to the MME with its IMSI, newly generated accumulator ACCMS, KID and message authentication code (MACMS). The parameters IMSI and ACCMS are encrypted using secret dynamic key (SDK). The MACMS is computed as MACMS = f2(IMSI||ACCMS||LAI)K.

Step-2: Before offering the services to the MS, a set of MAVs are computed by the MME in advance as follows:

  • Total ‘u’ sets of temporary key TK[i] (for i = 1 to u) are randomly generated bythe MME and ‘v’ sets of MAV [i,j] (for j = 1 to v) are generated as MAV [u,v] = RAND[u,v]||CK[u,v]||IK[u,v]||AK[u,v] for each TK[u]. Here RAND[u,v] is a random number. Overall, (uv) vectors are generated from {TK[u],MAV [u,v]}.

    $$ CK[u,v] = f_{4}(RAND[u,v])_{TK[u]} $$
    $$ IK[u,v] = f_{5}(RAND[u,v])_{TK[u]} $$
    $$ AK[u,v] = f_{6}(RAND[u,v])_{TK[u]} $$
  • The MME also computes the session key KASME (Key for Access Security Management Entity) as KASME[u,v] = KDF(CK[u,v]||IK[u,v]||AK[u,v])TK[u]

  • These computations at MME are carried out in advance and can be reused in future. To defeat the replay attack in phase-2, the condition RAND[i,k] > RAND[i,k − 1] (for k = 1 to n) must be true.

Step-3: After receiving (IMSI||ACCMS)SDK||KID||MACMS) from the MS, the MME randomly picks one tuple, called ith tuple from computed MAVs and selects TK in that tuple. Finally, TK is transferred with the LAI to the HSS.

Step-4: After receiving the authentication parameters relayed from MME, HSS executes the following:

  • Using the KID, the HSS retrieves the respective key (K) and computes the SDK as shown in Eq 1.

  • Then, HSS decrypts the E(IMSI||ACCMS)SDK that provides access to the IMSI and ACCMS.

  • HSS compares the ACCMS and ACCHSS counted by the HSS. The HSS considers it as a replay attack if ACCMS < ACCHSS.

  • HSS compares the received value of IMSI with the stored one at the HSS. If it holds, the IMSI is validated. Otherwise, an authentication failure message is transmitted to the MS.

  • After retrieving the IMSI and K, HSS computes the \({MAC}_{MS}^{\prime }\) using K and verifies whether computed \({MAC}_{MS}^{\prime }\) matches with the received MACMS or not. If it holds, the MS is authenticated by the HSS otherwise; an authentication failure message is transmitted to the MS.

  • HSS verifies the LAI received from the MME and matches with the MS’s LAI. If they match, HSS authenticates the LAI. Otherwise, HSS declines the authentication request of the MME.

Step-5 After successful verification of MACMS and LAI, HSS generates the authentication response message as

  • HSS generates the MACHSS = f2(ACCHSS||TK||AMF)K.

  • Finally, the HSS generates the prescriptive authentication vector (PAV ) as PAV = (MACHSS||ACCHSS||AMF).

  • For the initial session, a unique KID is assigned to the K by the operator. For subsequent sessions, the HSS assigns a new (KIDnew) to the K and transmits the (KIDnew||SDK||PAV) to the MME.

3.3 Phase-2: authentication and key agreement phase

If the MS has registered at phase-1, MS can execute phase-2 for ‘n’ connections. In phase-2, the MS and MME authenticate to each other and generate several encryption keys. A short description of phase-2 is as follows.

Step-6: After acquiring (KIDnew||SDK||PAV) from the HSS, MME stores the IMSI (by decrypting the message from MS using SDK) and retrieves the MACHSS from PAV.

Step-7: The next unused MAV’s for TK[i] in ith tuple, called MAV [i,j] is selected by the MME. RAND[i,j] is retrieved from MAV [i,j] by the MME, further called as RANDMME. The MME also selects the respective KASME[i,j], further it is consider as KASME.

Step-8: MME generates the XKSIASME and computes the \(MAC_{MME} = f_{2}(MAC_{HSS} || RAND_{MME} || XK SI_{ASME} || AMF)_{K_{ASME}}\) and generates its authentication token as AUTHMME = (MACMME||RANDMME||TK||MACHSS||ACCHSS||


Step-9: After computing the authentication token, MME transmits AUTHMME to the MS concatenating with XKSIASME and newly generated KIDnew encrypted under SDK by encryption function E i.e. (AUTHMME||XKSIASME||E(KIDnew)SDK).

Step-10: After acquiring AUTHMME from the MME, the MS performs the following steps:

  • The MS computes the CK, IK and AK as shown in Eqs. 23 and 4 respectively. The MS generates the KASME = KDF(CK||IK||AK)TK.

  • The MS computes the XMACHSS = f2(ACCHSS||TK||AMF)K and compares it with the received MACHSS. If they match, the HSS is authenticated by the MS. Otherwise, MS terminates the authentication process.

  • The MS computes the XMACMME = f2(XMACHSS||RANDMME||XKSIASME|| \( AMF)_{K_{ASME}}\) and verifies with the MACMME. If they match, the MME and HSS are authenticated by the MS. Otherwise, MS terminates the connection.

  • MS generates the \({XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\) and computes the KSIASME by using received XKSIASME and generated \({XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\) as inputs to a predefined f() function shared between the MME and the MS.

  • Then, the MS computes the signed response value RES as \(RES = f_{3}(RAND_{MME} || {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{K_{ASME}}\) and transmits to the MME along with \( {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\).

Step-11: After receiving RES from the MS, MME computes the \(XRES = f_{3}(RAND_{MME} || {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{K_{ASME}}\) and compares it with the received RES. If both are equal, the MS is verified by the MME and the MME generates a new KSIASME by putting XKSIASME and \({XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\) to the f().

Hence, the MS and MME have the same KSIASME without transmitting it over the network.

Step-12: The MS and MME store KASME and KSIASME in their database. After completing the authentication process, the MME sends an encrypted message to the MS, and finally, MS acknowledges the receipt of message to the MME.

The objective of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol is to resolve the security issues of the existing protocols, including the problem of high computational overhead and bandwidth utilization in the communication network. In the existing protocols, all the AV’s are generated by the HSS and transmitted to the MME that generates the problem of high computation and bandwidth utilization in the network. In the proposed PSE-AKA protocol, the HSS needs to generate only one set of AVs in place of n set of AVs. The result is improved than the existing protocols and minimizes the inherent problem of high computation overhead at the HSS. However, the computational overhead increases at MME in the proposed protocol. Although, these computations can be reused in the authentication process. Therefore, it will not increase the computational delay during the authentication process. In the proposed protocol, once the registered MME receives the authorization from the HSS, the validity period of this legitimate connection is set by the HSS. Whenever the network is busy, the HSS can authorize the MME to extend authentication time. Hence, the DoS attack can be avoided from the network.

4 Formal verification and simulation of the proposed protocol

The authenticity of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol is analyzed using the BAN logic model and AVISPA tool. The BAN logic formally verifies the correctness of the cryptographic protocols. Moreover, the protocol is simulated by the AVISPA tool and illustrates the security against various known attacks. The analysis shows that the protocol fulfills all the security goals and is free from the malicious attacks.

4.1 Formal verification of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol

In this section, we formally demonstrate the authentication process of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol using the BAN-Logic. The BAN logic is defined by Burrows, Abadi and Needham to formalize the description and analysis of the authentication protocols [43]. The BAN logic is a methodology of logical verification of authentication protocol which formally states the knowledge of information. It formally verifies the information exchanged and the trust among communication entities at each step in the AKA protocols [43,44,45,46]. For the formal analysis of the proposed protocol, following assumptions can be considered such as P and Q are the principals; K is the encryption key; Kp and Kq are the public keys, \({K_{p^{-1}}}\), and \({K_{q^{-1}}}\) are the corresponding secret keys; X and Y are the statements; Kab, Kas, Kbs are the shared secret keys and Na, Nb are the specific statements. The basic symbols and notations of the BAN logic model with their definitions are shown in the Table 3.

Table 3 BAN logic notations and their definition

The conventional/formal messages in the proposed protocol





  • M5: MSMME:RES, \({XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\)

4.1.1 Transform messages into idealized logical form

  • M1: MSMME:\((Na)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}\), f2(Na,LAI)k, MSHSS, MSHSS

  • M2: MMEHSS:\((Na)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}\), f2(Na,LAI)k, LAI, MMEHSS


  • M4: MMEMS:\((KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}\), Nc, TK, f2(MAC2,Nc,XKSIASME,AMF)X, f2(Nb,TK,LAI)k, Nb where, X = KDF(f4(Nc)TK,f5(Nc)TKf6(Nc)TK)TK

  • M5: MSMME:\(f_{3}(Nc, {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{X}\), \({XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\)where X = KDF(f4(Nc)TK, f5(Nc)TK,f6(Nc)TK)TK

4.1.2 Security assumptions

The following assumptions are considered to analyze the protocol.

  • A1: It is considered that the key K is shared between MS and HSS.

    1. 1.
    2. 2.
  • A2: It is considered that the channel between MME and HSS is safe.

    1. 1.
    2. 2.

      where; S is the conveyance message between MME and HSS.

  • A3: It is considered that the MME trusts the HSS.

    1. 1.

      , MME believes that HSS has a control over shared secret key K between MS and HSS.

    2. 2.

      \(\frac {MME |\sim P, HSS \triangleleft P}{HSS |\equiv MME |\equiv P}\), MME once said principle P, as MME sent P it is known that the MME believes P also HSS sees P, implies that HSS believes MME believes P.

    3. 3.

      \(\frac {HSS |\sim P, MME \triangleleft P}{MME |\equiv HSS |\equiv P}\), HSS once said principle P, as HSS sent P it is known that the HSS believes P also MME sees P, implies that MME believes HSS believes P.

  • A4: It is considered that the KID is shared secret between MS and HSS.

    1. 1.
    2. 2.
  • A5: It is considered that the SDK is shared secret key between MS and HSS.

    1. 1.
    2. 2.

4.1.3 Annotated statement of protocol analysis

  • M1: MSMME : MS ∣ ≡ #(Na) ∧ MME∣ ≡ #(Na); MME\(\triangleleft (Na)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}\), f2(Na,LAI)k

  • M2: MMEHSS: HSS ∣ ≡ #(Na) ∧ HSS ∣ ≡ #(Nb), HSS\(\triangleleft (Na)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}\), f2(Na,LAI)k after receiving verify f2(Na,LAI)k

  • M3: HSSMME: HSS ∣ ≡ #(Nb) ∧ MME ∣ ≡ #(Nc), MME\(\triangleleft {f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}, Nb, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}\)

  • M4: MMEMS: MME ∣ ≡ #(Nc) ∧ MS∣ ≡ #(Na), MS\(\triangleleft (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, Nc, TK, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nb,f_{2}{(MAC_{2}, Nc,XKSI_{ASME}, AMF)}_{X}\) where, X = KDF(f4(Nc)TK,f5(Nc)TK,f6(Nc)TK)TK

  • M5: MSMME: MS ∣ ≡ #(Na) ∧ MME ∣ ≡ #(Nc), MME\(\triangleleft f_{3}(Nc, {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{X}\), \({XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime }\)where, X = KDF(f4(Nc)TK, f5(Nc)TK, f6(Nc)TK)TK

4.1.4 Inference rules of BAN logic

The inference rules of BAN logic are as follows.

  • (R1) Message meaning rule:

    1. 1.

      \(\frac {MS\mid \equiv (MS \overset {K}\longleftrightarrow HSS)\wedge (MS\overset {SDK}\longleftrightarrow HSS), HSS\triangleleft {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}}{HSS\mid \equiv MS\mid \sim {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}}\)

    2. 2.

      \(\frac {MME\mid \equiv {KDF({f_{4}(Nc)}_{TK}, {f_{5}(Nc)}_{TK},{f_{6}(Nc)}_{TK})} \wedge (MME \overset {K_{ASME}} \longleftrightarrow MS)\wedge (MME\overset {SDK}\longleftrightarrow MS), MS\triangleleft (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, X, Nc, TK, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nb}{MS\mid \equiv MME\mid \sim (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, X, Nc, TK, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nb}\) Where, \(X= f_{2}{({f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nc,XKSI_{ASME}, AMF)}_{K_{ASME}}\)

  • (R2) Jurisdiction rule:

    1. 1.

      \(\frac {HSS\mid \equiv MS\mid \Rightarrow {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}, HSS\mid \equiv MS\mid \equiv {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}}{HSS\mid \equiv {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}}\)

    2. 2.

      \(\frac {MME\mid \equiv HSS\mid \Rightarrow {f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}, Nb, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, MME\mid \equiv HSS\mid \equiv {f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}, Nb, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}}{MME\mid \equiv {f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}, Nb, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}}\)

    3. 3.

      \(\frac {MS\mid \equiv MME\mid \Rightarrow (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, f_{2}{({f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nc,XKSI_{ASME}, AMF)}_{K_{ASME}}, MS\mid \equiv MME\mid \equiv (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, X}{MS\mid \equiv (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, X}\)Where, \(X= f_{2}{({f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nc,XKSI_{ASME}, AMF)}_{K_{ASME}}\)

  • (R3) Nonce Verification Rule:

    1. 1.

      \(\frac {MS\mid \equiv \#(Na)\wedge \#(Nb), MS\mid \equiv HSS \mid \sim {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}}{MS\mid \equiv HSS \mid \equiv {f_{2}(Na,LAI)}_{k}}\)

    2. 2.

      \(\frac {MME\mid \equiv \#(Nb)\wedge \#(Nc), MME\mid \equiv HSS \mid \sim {f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}, Nb, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}}{MME\mid \equiv HSS \mid \equiv {f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}, Nb, {f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}}\)

    3. 3.

      \(\frac {HSS\mid \equiv \#(Nb)\wedge \#(Nc), HSS\mid \equiv MME \mid \sim (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, f_{2}{({f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nc,XKSI_{ASME}, AMF)}_{K_{ASME}},Nc,TK,{f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k},Nb}{HSS\mid \equiv MME \mid \equiv (KID)_{{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)_{k}}, f_{2}{({f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k}, Nc,XKSI_{ASME}, AMF)}{K_{ASME}},Nc,TK,{f_{2}(Nb,TK,LAI)}_{k},Nb}\)

4.1.5 Protocol goal analysis

  • G1: MS and MME maintains the mutual authentication :

    From, Message M1,M2,M3MS|≡ #(Na) ∧ MME|≡ #(Na) ∧ HSS|≡ #(Na). The mutual authentication between MS and MME/HSS is ensured in the proposed protocol as MS|≡ HSS|≡ MMEMME|≡ HSS|≡ MSMS|≡ MMEMME|≡ MS.

  • G2: Key compliance achieved among communication entities:

    There is KASME between the MME and MS to provide the key agreement. MS|≡ #(Na); and MS|≡ KASME#(Nc). MS|≡ k, MS|≡ CK = f4(Nc)TKIK = f5(Nc)TKAK = f6(Nc) Since, KASME = KDF(f4(Nc)TK,f5(Nc)TK,f6(Nc)TK).

    In addition, MS|≡ HSS|≡ #(Na) ∧ #(Nb); and MS|≡ HSS|≡ SDK. MS|≡ HSS|≡ K Since, \(MS|\equiv SDK = {{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)}_{K} \wedge HSS|\equiv SDK = {{f}_{1}^{\prime }(KID)}_{K}\).

  • G3: Key freshness between the MS and MME:

    The key freshness between MS and MME holds as MS|≡ MME|≡ #(Na) ∧ #(Nc) ∧ TK and MS|≡ HSS|≡ #(Na) ∧ #(Nb) and MME|≡ HSS|≡ #(Nb) ∧ #(Nc) ∧ TK Since, CK = f4(Nc)TKIK = f5(Nc)TKAK = f6(Nc) and KASME = KDF(f4(Nc)TK,f5(Nc)TK,f6(Nc)TK).

  • G4: Confidentiality between the MS and the MME: \({\frac {MS \mid \equiv (MS\overset {K_{ASME}}\longleftrightarrow MME), MS\triangleleft f_{2}{(P)}_{K_{ASME}}}{MS \mid \equiv MME \mid \sim f_{2}{(P)}_{K_{ASME}}}\wedge } \frac {MME \mid \equiv (MME \overset {K_{ASME}}\longleftrightarrow MS), MME \triangleleft f_{3}(Nc, {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{K_{ASME}}}{MME \mid \equiv MS \mid \sim f_{3}(Nc, {XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{K_{ASME}}}\)Where, P = MACHSS,Nc,XKSIASME,AMF

The formal analysis verifies that the proposed PSE-AKA protocol achieves the mutual authentication among communication entities and protects the confidential information over the communication networks. The protocol resolves various security issues incurred by leakage of IMSI, LAI, and KSIASME that increases the security of session key. Furthermore, the detailed security analysis of the proposed protocol is illustrated in Section 5.

4.2 Proposed protocol simulation using AVISPA tool

In this subsection, simulation of the proposed protocol is carried out using AVISPA tool. The simulation result proves the correctness of the protocol and validates the data integrity, confidentiality, and key secrecy properties. AVISPA supports various security analysis and verification models such as SATMC (SAT-based Model-Checker), OFMC (On-the-Fly-Model-checker) and Cl-AtSe (Constraint Logic-Based Attack Searcher) [47,48,49]. The main objectives of the protocol are to provide the mutual authentication and achieve the secrecy of pre-shared symmetric keys between the communication entities. The goals of the protocol are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Goals of the proposed protocol

In the proposed protocol, there are three participants such as MS, MME, and HSS. The protocol is coded in High Level Protocol Specifications Language (HLPSL) to verify security properties of the protocol [50, 51]. The basic role of these participants is described in HLPSL code. We verify the proposed protocol using using OFMC and CL-AtSe model checker and the results are shown in the Figs. 5 and 6. The SAFE keyword in Figs. 5 and 6 prove that the protocol achieves the specified goals and avoids all the identified attacks.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Simulation result of OFMC backend

Fig. 6
figure 6

Simulation result of CL-AtSe backend

5 Security analysis of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol

The proposed protocol follows the architecture of EPS-AKA protocol designed by the 3GPP. Hence, the protocol suffers from similar security issues as EPS-AKA protocol. In this section, we analyze the security of the proposed protocol in terms of the security goals, security properties and resistance against various attacks.

  • Mutual authentication and key compliance: The Goal G1 and G2 (in Section 4.1) of the proposed protocol proves that the MS and MME establish the mutual authentication. In addition, HSS transfers the PAV = (MACHSS||ACCHSS||AMF) to the MME. MME also transfers the AUTHMME to the MS that contains the MACHSS and MACMME. Then, MS generates the XMACHSS and XMACMME and MS authenticates the MME and HSS. After this, MS sends the response message \(RES=f_{3} (RAND_{MME}||{XKSI}_{ASME}^{\prime })_{K_{ASME}}\) to the MME. MME computes the XRES and verifies the MS. HSS also verifies the MS on behalf of the MME. Hence, the protocol maintains the mutual authentication between the communication entities.

  • Privacy preservation: To maintain the privacy of the MS/object in the proposed protocol, MS generates the SDK. The SDK is computed by the KID and pre-shared cryptographic function \({f}_{1}^{\prime }\). The identity of the MS is encrypted by respective SDK and MS transfers (E(IMSI||ACCMS)SDK||KID||MACMS) in a secure network. Moreover, a unique SDK and KID is used at each connection of MS. Hence, an adversary can’t achieve the legitimate identity of the MS.

  • Protection from single key exposure problem: To protect the shared secret key, the proposed protocol uses the one-way shared secret crypto function (\({f}_{1}^{\prime }\)). The dynamic key SDK is derived from the K (as shown in Eq. 1) using the function \({f}_{1}^{\prime }\). An adversary never computes the SDK as one has to know \({f}_{1}^{\prime }\) and the KID. Moreover, the \({f}_{1}^{\prime }\) is irreversible one-way function so even if the adversary finds out the SDK and \({f}_{1}^{\prime }\), he/she cannot retrieve the K. Hence, the proposed protocol avoids the single key exposure problem during the authentication process.

  • Key forward/backward secrecy: In the proposed protocol, for each fresh authentication request, the MS and MME generate a fresh SDK, KASME, and the other derived keys. Hence, it is merely impossible for an adversary to retrieve any information based on the link-ability among the various requests. Moreover, an adversary cannot use the keys in the previous session as the communication entities compute the new session keys and derived keys in each session.

  • Key theft/Key identity theft attack: In the proposed protocol, the KASME is computed using CK and IK at the MME and UE. The SDK and KASME are never sent over the communication network but are rather generated at the communication entities. Hence, an adversary can never retrieve these keys. Moreover, the KSIASME identity of the KASME is transmitted over the network with integrity protection. However, the actual KSIASME is never transmitted over the communication network, that protects the LTE/LTE-A network from the key id theft attack.

  • Redirection attack: In the proposed protocol, the adversary installs a bogus base station to gain the knowledge of the user information. If he/she fails to achieve the user identity, it is impossible for him/her to execute the redirection attack on the communication network. Moreover, an identity of the MS is preserved by SDK. Hence, the adversary will never get the identity of the MS and fails to impersonate them. In addition, the LAI is embedded into MACMS and sends to the HSS. The HSS compares the embedded LAI with the received one from the MME. The authentication request is discarded if HSS fails to verify the LAI. The proposed protocol protects the user identity and the LAI transmitted over the communication network. Hence, the proposed protocol is free from the redirection attack.

  • MitM attack: The privacy preservation of the MS and temporary key (TK) protect the communication network from the MitM attack. In addition, the KASME is generated between communication entities to prevent the eavesdropping of transmitted messages in the authentication process. MME generates the XKSIASME and sends the message with it. If adversary tampers the transmitted message and generates the XKSIASME, he/she will never compute the KASME. Therefore, it is merely impossible for an adversary to generate the legitimate response messages in the communication network.

  • Replay attack: In the proposed protocol, the MS computes the MACMS by using ACCMS and sends to the HSS. HSS also uses the accumulator at its own end (ACCHSS) and sends the verification failure message to the MS if ACCMS < ACCHSS. In addition, at each connection request, the unique RANDHSS and RANDMME are used in the authentication process of the protocol. Hence, an adversary can never compute the valid session and temporary keys to perform the replay attack in the proposed protocol.

  • Impersonation attack: Suppose, an adversary computes the \({MAC}_{MS}^{\prime }\) by masquerading the identity of MS and sends to the HSS. Also, the HSS computes the MACMS and compares with received \({MAC}_{MS}^{\prime }\). If the verification fails, a malicious MS is identified by the HSS. In addition, the bogus MS will never generate KASME and communication between the entities remains secure. Therefore, it is not possible to launch the impersonation attack in the communication network.

  • DoS attack: To launch the DoS attack, the adversary can impersonate as the legitimate MS and constantly send the false authentication requests to gain the access of network. In the proposed protocol, MS computes the MACMS and sends to the HSS. Then, HSS computes the MACMS and compares it with received one. If the verification fails, HSS identifies the malicious MS in the network and transfers the authentication declined message to the MS. Similarly, MS verifies the authenticity of the HSS by verifying the MACHSS. If the verification fails, an authentication failure message is transmitted to the MME and HSS. Hence, the proposed protocol resists from the DoS attack during the key operations of the protocol.

The comparative analysis of the different security properties identified for IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network is shown in Table 4. It can be observed that some of the existing protocols follow the public key cryptosystem to establish vigorous secrecy and confidentiality between the communication entities that lead to high computation overhead. Also, these protocols do not follow the basic architecture of the LTE network defined by 3GPP committee. It is observed that the existing AKA protocols fail to fulfill all the security goals and suffers from the single key problem during the AKA process. Different from existing AKA protocols, the proposed protocol follows the symmetric key cryptography to generate the authentication vectors in the AKA process. Also, the protocol follows the standards of the 3GPP committee and mandates the privacy preservation of each device in the communication network. In addition, the proposed protocol solves the single key exposure problem from the communication network. Moreover, the protocol defeats all the identified attacks and realizes the KFS/KBS efficiently. Hence, the proposed PSE-AKA protocol is comparatively superior to the existing AKA protocols in the LTE/LTE-A networks.

Table 4 Comparative analysis AKA protocols on the basis of different security properties

6 Performance evaluation of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed PSE-AKA protocol in terms of communication overhead, computation overhead, storage overhead, and network bandwidth utilization. To evaluate the performance on the basis of computation overhead of the AKA protocols, the standard elapsed time of the cryptographic functions is tested in multi-precision integer and rational arithmetic library (MIRACL) C/C++ library and adopted the simulation environment at Pentium Core 2 Duo processor which consists of 4 GB RAM and 3 GHz speed [52, 53]. We assumed that both the mobile user and HSS have same computing power despite the difference between two computing machines. We consider each function as a unit value and on the basis of the number of function executed by the protocol, the computation overhead is computed. The analysis shows that the proposed protocol achieves the desired goals of the IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network efficiently.

6.1 Communication overhead

To achieve the mutual authentication among communication entities, various messages are transmitted over the communication network. We compute the transmitted message size to evaluate the communication overhead of the proposed PSE-AKA and existing protocols in LTE/LTE-A network. All the protocols are assumed to be of standard sizes with respect to various parameters as shown in the Table 1. To compute the communication overhead, we consider the single authentication vector is being transmitted from the HSS to MME. The total number of bits in the messages transmitted by the AKA protocols of LTE/LTE-A network are shown in Table 5. Table 5 shows that the communication overhead of the proposed protocol is less compared to the existing AKA protocols. However, the EPS-AKA protocol generates the minimum overhead compared to PSE-AKA but, it suffers from the privacy preservation problem and several network attacks. Also, the Wang’s and Hamandi’s protocol has the minimum communication overhead but, these protocols follow the public key cryptosystem that leads to high computation overhead. Moreover, the communication overhead generated by the Saxena et al. is less compared to proposed protocol but, the protocol does not consider the single key exposure problem and generates the high computation at HSS.

Table 5 Communication overhead of the AKA protocols in LTE/LTE-A networks

The total communication overhead generated by the proposed PSE-AKA protocol during authentication is ((1854/1734)*100 = 106.90%), 89.00%, 98.61%, 103.28%, 87.53%, 98.09%, 109.31%, 91.24% and 112.50% of the EPS-AKA, Deng et al., Koien’s et al., Wang et al., Purkhiabani et al., Choudhury et al., Hamandi et al., Degefa et al. and Saxena et al. protocols respectively. Hence, the proposed protocol reduces the total communication overhead during authentication process by 11%, 1.39% , 12.47%, 1.91%, 8.76% compared to Deng et al., Koien’s et al., Purkhiabani et al., Choudhury et al., and Degefa et al. respectively. However, the protocol utilizes the -6.90%, -3.28%, -9.31% and -12.50% more overhead compared to the EPS-AKA, Wang et al., Hamandi et al. and Saxena et al. protocols respectively. Different from these protocols, the proposed protocol fulfills all the security requirements of the IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network with competitive communication overhead.

6.2 Computation overhead

In this section, the proposed PSE-AKA protocol is compared with existing protocols in terms of computation overhead. The variety of functions shown in Table 2 are used to generate the different parameters in the authentication process. The computation overhead of each protocol is evaluated on the basis of these functions. To maintain the consistency while evaluating the computation overhead, all the computation functions are considered unit value. We evaluate the total computation overhead of each protocol as shown in Table 6. Koien’s protocol generates the minimum computation overhead because the KASME is not generated using standard keys and an adversary can easily compromise the security of KASME. In addition, Fig. 7 illustrates the comparative study of the computation overhead incurs in the several AKA protocols of the LTE/LTE-A network. It is observed that the computational consumption of the existing AKA protocol is very much competitive with the proposed PSE-AKA protocol. But, the existing protocols do not preserve the privacy of user identity and are susceptible to various attacks over the network. Different from existing AKA protocols, the keys are never transmitted over the communication network in the proposed protocol. Also, the proposed protocol achieves the key secrecy and maintains the KFS/KBS. Moreover, the protocol resolves the single key exposure problem, preserves the privacy of user identity, protects the KSIASME and avoids all the possible attacks from the communication network.

Table 6 Computation overhead of the AKA protocols in LTE/LTE-A networks
Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparative analysis of the computation overhead

6.3 Bandwidth utilization

The proposed PSE-AKA protocol follows the cocktail therapy to generate the authentication vectors in the authentication process. The proposed scheme shares the vector generation load among the communication entities. In the PSE-AKA protocol, HSS generates a PAV and sends to the MME. When the authentication process is initiated, the MME dispenses the MAV and PAV to generate the effective AVs for mutual authentication. The proposed PSE-AKA protocol reduces the bandwidth utilization between the communication entities and computational overhead from the HSS. From Table 7, it is observed that the protocol minimizes the bandwidth utilization by (100-(880/963)*100 =) 8.62%, 29.49%, 26.92%, 19.12%, 18.14%, 19.71%, 29.41%, 19.12% and 7.37% compared to the EPS-AKA, Deng et al., Koien’s et al., Wang et al., Purkhiabani et al., Choudhury et al., Hamandi et al., Degefa et al. and Saxena et al. protocols respectively. In addition, the comparative analysis of the bandwidth utilization of the proposed PSE-AKA and the existing AKA protocols is graphically shown in the Fig. 8. The bandwidth utilization between the UE and MME is slightly higher as compared to the existing protocols for a single authentication. However, different from these protocols, the proposed protocol overcomes the problem of single key exposure, privacy preservation and avoids the attacks from the LTE/LTE-A network.

Table 7 Bandwidth consumption of the AKA protocols in LTE/LTE-A networks
Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparative analysis of the bandwidth utilization

6.4 Storage overhead

In this subsection, we analyze the storage overhead of different AKA protocols at MME of the communication networks. All the AKA protocols need to store authentication vector generated by the HSS on MME for further authentication process. In the proposed PSE-AKA protocol, the MME combines its MAV with the PAV produced by the HSS to compute the adequate AVs used for mutual authentication. In the proposed scheme, the MME retains MAVs to generate the AVs. However, these MAVs can be reused without increasing the overhead at the MME. So, different from the existing AKA protocols, the MME needs to store only one PAV instead of n-sets of AVs during the authentication process. The comparative study of the storage overhead with respect to various AKA protocols is shown in Table 8. It clearly shows that the proposed PSE-AKA protocol reduces the storage overhead of the MME compared to the existing AKA protocols of the LTE/LTE-A network.

Table 8 Comparison of storage overhead at MME

7 Conclusion

In this paper, the performance and security enhanced cocktail-AKA protocol is proposed for IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A networks. The cocktail therapy is used to generate the authentication parameters that reduces the computation overhead and bandwidth utilization between the HSS and MME. The protocol improves the authentication process and provides an environment that enables secure communications among IoT objects in the networks. Moreover, the protocol avoids the single key exposure problem, preserves the privacy of user identity, protects the KSIASME and avoids all the possible attacks from the communication network. The correctness of the proposed protocol is formally verified using BAN logic. The protocol is also simulated using AVISPA tool that shows the protocol achieves all the security goals. The security analysis shows that the proposed protocol avoids the security attacks from the communication networks. Further, the performance analysis shows that the proposed PSE-AKA protocol generates the minimum communication overhead, computation overhead and storage overhead compared to the existing AKA protocols. In addition, the protocol has significant improvement in the bandwidth utilization between HSS and MME. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first attempt to preserve the privacy of communication entities and avoid the single key exposure problem from the communication network. Therefore, it is expected that the proposed protocol will strengthen the performance and security of the IoT enabled LTE/LTE-A network.

In the group based AKA protocols, a long delay and high overhead will be generated whenever the mass devices/objects simultaneously request for the authentication. In addition, the AKA process suffers from the signaling congestion and various security attacks. Therefore, the proposed protocol can be explored for group-based communication in the LTE/LTE-A network.