
Zinc (Zn2+) is an essential element crucial for growth and development, and also plays a role in cell signaling for cellular processes like cell division and apoptosis. In the mammalian pancreas, where the total Zn2+ content is among the highest in the body, Zn2+ is essential for the correct processing, storage, secretion, and action of insulin in beta (β)-cells [1]. Insulin is stored inside secretory vesicles or granules where two Zn2+ ions coordinate six insulin monomers to form the hexameric structure on which maturated insulin crystals are based. The relationship between co-stored Zn2+ and insulin undoubtedly is, therefore, important to normal β-cell function. A link between Zn2+ and diabetes has also been proposed [24]. Hyperglycemia in diabetes is usually associated with increased urinary loss of Zn2+, which is responsible for decreases in total body Zn2+ [57]. Zn2+ deficiency combined with over-secretion of insulin can affect the ability of the islet cells to respond appropriately, and might then compound the problem, particularly in type II diabetes (T2D).

Recent studies reveal that Zn2+ acts as an intracellular and extracellular signaling molecule, and is involved in intra- and inter-cellular communications [812]. Zn2+ appears to exhibit profound modulatory effects on a variety of ligand- and voltage-gated mammalian ion channels, including attenuation of current through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs), NMDA and GABA receptor-gated channels [1316]. Among VGCCs, Zn2+ has particularly high affinity for T-type channels [17], which are also expressed in human β-cells [18]. The insulin secretion is initiated by the influx of glucose, a prominent physiological insulin secretagogue, into β-cells, which consequently increases the ATP/ADP ratio [19, 20]. As a result, ATP-regulated KATP channels are inhibited, leading to membrane depolarization that facilitates Ca2+ entry, which triggers insulin secretion [21, 22]. Studies indicate that Zn2+ directly inhibits Ca2+ channels, or may do so indirectly through its action in KATP conductance [23] (also see [24, 25] and [26] ). There is evidence for a role of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)-39 in the regulation of insulin secretion [27]. Several groups have suggested that this Zn2+-sensitive receptor (GPR39) is important for pancreatic function [28]. However, there is no study that has shown the direct action of Zn2+ on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in pancreatic islets.

A better understanding of insulin exocytosis in β-cells is of intense interest because of the possible role of defective insulin secretion or reduced insulin production in T2D [4, 2933]. Many studies have shown that Zn2+ is secreted from pancreatic β-cells in response to elevated glucose concentration [29, 3438], as Zn2+/insulin complex. Our previous study showed that Zn2+ was secreted in the same manner as the secretion of insulin [39]. Once in the extracellular microenvironment, the Zn2+/insulin complex begins the process of rapid dissociation in an almost exact reverse order of its synthesis. After all, insulin must dissociate from Zn2+ because the extracellular milieu favors the dissociation and, essentially, the insulin monomer is the biologically active form [1, 38, 40, 41], yielding a substantial amount of free Zn2+ in the interstitial space surrounding a β-cell. The present study was to examine the direct effects of secreted or extracellular Zn2+ on GSIS in the mouse pancreatic β-cells. We observed a robust glucose-stimulated Zn2+ secretion (GSZS) in pancreatic islets. Overall action of the secreted Zn2+ appeared to be inhibitory to GSIS. We also investigated the mechanism by which Zn2+ inhibited GSIS. Our study suggests that there may be a feedback mechanism regulating insulin secretion, which involves co-secreted Zn2+.

Materials and methods

Mouse pancreatic islet preparation

Pancreatic islets were isolated by collagenase digestion of pancreas from adult female mice C57BL/6. Briefly, 3 ml of ice cold collagenase Liberase TL (Roche Diagnostics) at 1.3 U/ml was injected into common bile duct and pancreas was removed following the injection. Digestion was carried out at 37 °C for 10–12 min. Islets were removed from the collagenase solution by pipetting. Islets were washed three times with RPMI medium with additional 10 % fetal bovine serum (v/v) (complete medium). Following isolation, islets to be tested for GSIS were transferred to an ultra-low attachment Petri dish containing complete medium (see Insulin Collection and Measurements with Islets). Islets intended for visualization and fluorescence experiments were plated onto glass bottom dishes (see Fluorescence Experiments). All islets were incubated for 48 h prior to the experiments, to allow recovery from the isolation.

Cell culture

Clonal HIT-T15 cells (number CRL-1777) were purchased from ATCC (Manassa, VA). HIT-T15 cells were established by transforming Syrian hamster primary culture cells with SV40. The HIT-T15 cell has been widely used in the study of insulin secretion [42]. It secretes insulin in response to glucose and other cell secretagogues. Among insulin-producing cell lines, HIT-T15 cells contain modest numbers of membrane-bound secretory granules and have the ability to release insulin following glucose stimulation, i.e., GSIS, similar to that of isolated pancreatic islets [4345]. Cells were used between passages 64–78. In the constraint of these passages, cells maintained normal insulin secretion and glucose sensitivity. They were maintained in Ham’s F12K medium supplemented with 2.5 % fetal bovine serum and 10 % dialyzed horse serum in 5 % CO2–95 % humidified air at 37 °C (as suggested by ATCC).

Fluorescence experiments

The experiments with islets were performed similarly to the experiments using cultured cells described previously [46, 47]. Isolated islets were placed into 35 mm glass bottom Petri dishes (P35G-4.5-14-C. MatTek Corp, Ashland, MA) with 2 ml of RPMI culture medium supplemented with 10 % fetal bovine serum in 5 % CO2–95 % humidified air at 37 °C for about 48 h prior to the experiments to allow attachment to the dish and recovery from the isolation process. Attached islets were washed three times with 1 mL of basal HEPES buffer (in mM) 25 HEPES, 125 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.28 CaCl2, 1.1 MgCl2, 0.8 glucose, and loaded for 30 min with membrane-permeable fluorescent Zn2+ indicator Zinpyr-1 (5 µM) then incubated in 5 % CO2–95 % humidified air at 37 °C. The experiments with cells were performed as described previously [39, 46]. Briefly, cells were detached with trypsin and plated into 35 mm glass bottom Petri dishes (MatTek Corp, Ashland, MA). Similar to islets, cells were washed three times with 1 mL of basal HEPES buffer before loading with Zinpyr-1.

Zinpyr-1 is a chelating agent, a di-2-picolylamine or DPA-derivatized fluorescein, and has a high affinity for Zn2+ (KD ~ 1 nM) and a relative high k off value (2.3 × 10−3 s−1) [48]. Zinpyr-1 has high quantum yield and essentially no measurable affinity for Ca2+ or Mg2+. Furthermore, Zinpyr-1 is membrane permeable and binds Zn2+ in a TPEN-like manner, owing to its binding moiety similarity to the membrane-permeable heavy metal chelator N,N,N¢,N¢-tetra(2-picolyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) [4951]. Images of cells were taken using camera QImaging Retiga 1300i on an inverted microscope MoticAE31 using Olympus U Plan FL 40×, 0.75 NA, or Zeiss LSM 510 confocal microscope (100×/1.4). Image analysis was performed using Image-Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD) or Zen 2011 imaging software (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). Images were collected every 1 or 5 s. Autofluorescence was below the detection limits of the camera, and photobleaching was negligible; neither was subtracted from the data. For glucose stimulation, the stimulating medium consisted of (in mM) 25 HEPES, 125 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.28 CaCl2, 1.1 MgCl2, 20 glucose, pH 7.4. Final glucose concentration was 10 mM, unless otherwise specified. Care was taken to minimize potential Zn2+ contamination that might introduce background fluorescence.

Transfection of HIT-T15 cells with AdIox-mInsCmCherry

The construct was kindly gifted by Dr.Drain [52, 53]. AdIox-mInsCmCherry is red fluorescent mCherry reporter (Ins-C-mCherry). It is fused with the C peptide of proinsulin which localizes in the insulin secretory granules. The reporter construct is inserted into the E1 region of an E1, E3-deleted adenoviral vector [52, 53]. HIT-T15 cells were prepared for transfection similar to fluorescence experiments (see fluorescence experiments above). Cells were incubated in complete medium for 24 h before transfection. Lipofectamine® LTX with PLUS™ reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) was used as directed by the manufacturer. For each 35 mm petri dish we used 0.5 µg purified construct DNA and 7 µl of Lipofectamine. Transfection reagents and DNA were dissolved in Opti-MEM medium (Gibco, Grand Island). The solution was added dropwise to the cells which were in complete medium. Transfected cells were incubated for 48 h, and the medium was not exchanged during this time. We estimated that about 50 % of the cells expressed the Ins-C-mCherry. Transfected cells were loaded with Zinpyr-1 as described in fluorescent experiments above. Cells were visualized with an inverted Zeiss LSM510 confocal microscope, using 100× oil lens. This microscope system has multitracking data collection to reduce signal cross-talk. To visualize green Zn2+ fluorescence the 505–530 nm emission and 488 nm excitation filters were used. For red insulin fluorescence 650 nm emission and 543 nm excitation filters were used.

Paired-pulse glucose stimulations

Islets were loaded with Zn2+ indicator Zinpyr-1 and manipulated, as described in “Fluorescence experiments” with a modified glucose stimulation method. The test was carried out by directly applying a high concentration but small volume (<0.01 ml) of glucose to β-cells through a modified VC-6 perfusion valve “drop perfusion” device [39]. Perfusion was guided with a micromanipulator under the microscope with the tip placed near the top of the islet of interest, but not touching it, to achieve a final glucose concentration of 10 mM. This method allowed for short intervals between two glucose stimulations.

Insulin collection and measurements with islets

Islets were grown in ultra-low attachment culture dishes (60 × 15 mm Corning, Corning, NY) to keep the islets in suspension under the same conditions as for experiments as described above. Experiments were performed 48 h after islets were isolated. Groups of ten size matched islets were transferred out of the culture medium into labeled eppendorf tubes containing 500 µl of basal HEPES buffer (see “Fluorescence experiments” for the formulation of the buffer) and incubated in 5 % CO2–95 % humidified air for 30 min. Tubes were then agitated to collect islets at the bottom of the tube so that the liquid above could be aspirated and fresh basal buffer was added (500 µl) to repeat the 30 min incubation. Finally, as much buffer as possible, without drying the islets, was aspirated and 600 µl of treatment solutions was added to each tube. After 60 min the tubes were gently agitated and additional 600 µl of the appropriate buffers were added to each tube (to mix the content of the tube and to dilute the samples). Each experiment was performed in triplicate (three tubes per treatment). Collected samples were kept on ice and were analyzed the same day as soon as sample collection was completed. To analyze collected samples, Alpco insulin (mouse) ultrasensitive ELISA kit (Salem, NH) was used according to manufacturer’s instructions. Spectrophotometer uQuant (Bio-tek instruments, Winooski, VT) was used to measure absorbance.

Insulin collection and measurements with clonal HIT-T15 β-cells

Cells grown in a 75-cm flask (70 % confluency) were trypsinized and diluted into one large seed solution (12 mL), then distributed equally into 12-well plates by adding 1 mL of seed into each well [39]. Before seeding, cells were counted in seed solution using a hemocytometer (Bright-Line, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and dissecting microscope. The average density of cells was 4.5 × 106 cells per mL. After 48 h of incubation, once cells had attached to the culture wells, they were washed three times with 1 mL of basal HEPES buffer (contains 0.8 mM glucose; see composition in fluorescence experiments section) and incubated in the same buffer for 30 min. Following this, fresh buffer was added and cells were incubated for an additional 30 min at 37 °C. After a total of 1 h incubation in basal buffer, cells were washed three times with 1 mL basal buffer. Appropriate solutions were then added to each well as follows: basal buffer to control wells, or 10 mM glucose in HEPES buffer for experimental wells. Cells were incubated at 37 °C in 5 % CO2–95 % humidified air. Incubation time began as soon as appropriate buffer was added and 30 µl samples were collected from each well at 60 min after stimulation. The collection and measurement of insulin were similar to islets.

Data analyses

For the time-lapse GSZS experiments, baseline intensity was acquired and expressed as the mean stable fluorescence intensity of a bright granular region over the 5–10 min period preceding the glucose stimulation. Background intensity was determined from cell free regions in images. The glucose-induced Zn2+ fluorescence change for each individual cell or granular region was expressed as the percent changes of fluorescence intensity (a percent deduction in the present study) to a maximum intensity recorded in the baseline intensity. The percent deduction in Zn2+ fluorescence intensity was calculated per the following equation: (F max − F)/(F max − F min) × %, where F was the measured fluorescence intensity. F max was the average of the baseline intensity (before glucose stimulation) in the granular region of β-cells, and F min was the background fluorescence. In some plots, the changes of glucose-stimulated Zn2+ fluorescence were expressed as the change in fluorescence intensity relative to the baseline of each region. Changes in cell fluorescence intensity were measured through simple two-group comparisons and analyzed by Student’s paired t tests or single-factor ANOVA, and p < 0.05 was considered significant.


Glucose-stimulated Zn2+ secretion (GSZS)

Pancreatic islets loaded with cell membrane-permeable fluorescent Zn2+ indicator yielded intense fluorescence in islet cells (Fig. 1a). Since the majority of cells (70–80 %) in pancreatic islets are β-cells that contain the highest amount of Zn2+ in their secretory granules [54, 55], cells labeled by the Zn2+ indicator are most likely pancreatic β-cells. In individual β-cells, Zn2+ staining appeared to be distributed primarily in the cytosolic space between the eccentrically located nucleus (not labeled) and the plasma membrane at the opposite side of the cells, consistent with Zn2+ accumulation in secretory granules as previously reported [5456] and also corresponding to the location of the insulin secretory granules. We further demonstrated that the granule-like Zn2+ staining was localized to insulin secretory granules by co-visualizing green Zn2+ fluorescence together with the red fluorescent “Ins-C-mCherry” reporter of live cell insulin granules [52, 53] in the HIT-T15 β-cell line. Our results showed the similar pattern of punctuate structures of Ins-C-mCherry as reported previously [52, 53]. Application of green fluorescent Zn2+ indicator Zinpyr-1 onto cells expressing the red fluorescent Ins-C-mCherry resulted in colocalization of the green and red fluorescent reporters at the same cytoplasmic punctate structures as indicated by yellow puncta in the merged image (Fig. 1b). The results suggest that the fluorescent Zn2+ indicator is indeed localized to the insulin secretory granules, which supports that Zn2+ and insulin are co-stored in the granules.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Confocal images of Fluorescent Zn2+ staining and its co-localization with insulin-C-Cherry fusion protein (Ins-C-mCherry). a Cells within a pancreatic islet labeled with fluorescent Zn2+ indicator Zinpyr-1 (10 µM). The image at right is a close-up image (×100) showing the apparent granular dots in the cytosol. b Left A HIT-T15 cell was transfected with Ins-C-Cherry (red fluorescence), showing insulin secretory granules. Middle The application of fluorescent Zn2+ indicator Zinpyr-1 (green fluorescence) shows the similar pattern of punctate structures in the same cell. Right The yellow puncta of the merged insulin-mCherry fusion protein and green Zn2+ staining show the obvious colocalization of insulin secretory granules and punctuate Zn2+ staining. All images were captured at ×100 (except for the image on left in a). Scale bars are 10 μm in each of the images

To study the secretion of Zn2+ from islets, we also loaded the islets with Zinpyr-1, which is a membrane-permeable Zn2+ indicator. Once loaded into a β-cell, Zinpyr-1 will stay in the Zn2+ containing granules. When Zn2+ is secreted from Zinpyr-1 loaded β-cells, the fluorescence in the granular region will be reduced. The model shown in Fig. 2a summarizes the protocol for using Zinpyr-1-labeled granular Zn2+ for measuring GSZS. When glucose triggers exocytosis and insulin-Zn2+ complexes are secreted, a reduction of Zn2+ fluorescence is detected directly in granules or the granular area. In this study, glucose (10 mM) (basal glucose: 0.8 mM) induced a substantial decrease in Zinpyr-1 fluorescence recorded in the granular regions of pancreatic β-cells, indicating exocytosis of granular Zn2+ in response to glucose stimulation (Fig. 2b, c). The fluorescence reduction observed at the edge of cells was usually larger compared to the inner regions, and the region adjacent to the nucleus and the nucleus itself yielded little or no deduction in Zn2+ fluorescence during the stimulation (Fig. 2c). In unstimulated cells, the Zinpyr-1 signal remained stable over the experimental period and photobleaching was negligible [39, 46]. When islets were treated with the basal buffer (containing 0.8 mM glucose), no perceptible changes were observed. The background fluorescence (in cell free regions) did not change during the glucose stimulation (Fig. 2c). As shown in Fig. 2b the initial decrease in Zn2+ fluorescence in the presence of glucose stimulation was rapid and lasted about one min (rapid phase), followed by a slow decline. The percent reduction in Zn2+ fluorescence intensity was calculated per the following equation: (Fmax − F)/(Fmax − Fmin) × % (see “Materials and Methods” Section). During the initial rapid phase, glucose stimulation induced a less than 3 % reduction in Zn2+ fluorescence (2.5 % per min). After the rapid phase, the rate of fluorescence reduction by glucose stimulation was significantly slower at about 0.5 % per minute. The changes in Zn2+ fluorescence occurred generally 10–30 s after glucose stimulation. The application of a high concentration of potassium (30 mM KCl), that is widely used to depolarize the β-cell membrane, induced the immediate reduction of Zn2+ fluorescence (Fig. 2d).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Measurements of Zn2+ secretion in the Zinpyr-1-labeled β-cells of pancreatic islets. a Schematic model of a Zinpyr-1-labeled pancreatic β-cell showing the response to glucose stimulation. Zinpyr-1 bound to Zn2+ yields bright green fluorescence, which decreases upon glucose-stimulated Zn2+ secretion (GSZS) due to Zn2+ and insulin being released from the β-cells. b Percent reduction of Zn2+ fluorescence upon glucose stimulation. A rapid decrease (p = 2.6E−11 between the baseline and the sample at the end of the 1st min) in fluorescence was followed by a slow decline (p = 0.21 between samples at the beginning and the end of the 2nd min). Data represent mean ± SD of 51 cells in 14 islets. c Representative traces of real-time fluorescence measurements in a pancreatic β-cell. The upper traces (a, b) show the effect of glucose (10 mM) stimulation on the Zn2+ fluorescence at the cell edge (a) and at the region adjacent to nucleus (b). The lower trace (c) is the background fluorescence measured in a cell free region from the same test. F, Fluorescence Intensity. d Percent reduction of Zn2+ fluorescence by K+ stimulation (30 mM KCl). Data represent mean ± SD of 14 cells in 3 islets

Effect of Zn2+ on GSIS in islets

To measure the action of Zn2+ on GSIS from isolated islets, islets were stimulated with medium containing glucose and Zn2+. Insulin collection and measurement were carried out by ultrasensitive ELISA assay (see “Materials and Methods” Section). Figure 3a shows the effect of Zn2+ on GSIS in islets. As anticipated, increases in the extracellular glucose concentration, from 0.8 mM basal concentration to 10 mM, induced the secretion of insulin. The application of a moderate concentration of Zn2+ (50 µM) alone, without glucose stimulation, had no perceptible effect on the basal secretion of insulin. However, the application of Zn2+ in combination with glucose stimulation, significantly inhibited GSIS, suggesting an inhibitory effect of Zn2+ on GSIS. On the other hand, the application of a low concentration of Zn2+ (1 µM) enhanced GSIS in islets (Fig. 3b). These results suggest that Zn2+ inhibits GSIS at higher concentrations but enhances GSIS at lower concentrations.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effect of Zn2+ on GSIS in islets. a Inhibitory effect of Zn2+ on GSIS. Pancreatic islets (10 islets in each tube) were incubated for 1 h in the presence of basal glucose (0.8 mM), high glucose (10 mM), Zn2+ (50 µM) alone, or glucose (10 mM)/Zn2+ (50 µM) as indicated. High concentration glucose stimulated insulin secretion and significantly enhanced insulin content in the medium as compared to insulin content in the basal buffer (0.8 mM glucose). Zn2+ alone had no effect on insulin secretion. The co-application of Zn2+ (50 µM) and glucose (10 mM) significantly decreased insulin secretion or insulin content compared to insulin secretion by 10 mM glucose alone. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of 6–19 independent tests (**p < 0.01). b Low concentration Zn2+ (1 µM) enhanced GSIS. The insulin secretion by the co-application of glucose (10 mM) and Zn2+ (1 µM) significantly increased insulin secretion or insulin content in the medium compared to insulin secretion by 10 mM glucose alone. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of 7–9 independent tests (**p < 0.01)

Effect of endogenously secreted Zn2+ on GSIS

Since Zn2+-insulin hexamers dissociate rapidly (within seconds) after exposure of the granule interior to the extracellular milieu [41], high concentrations of unbound Zn2+ are likely to be produced locally in the immediate vicinity of a β-cell. The effect of secreted Zn2+ on GSIS can be revealed by exposing islets to an extracellular Zn2+ chelator, which binds and removes the Zn2+ upon secretion. In this experiment, we examined the effect of applying CaEDTA (K D zinc = 10 16.4 M), a cell-impermeable extracellular Zn2+ chelator, on GSIS in pancreatic islets. CaEDTA does not alter Ca2+ concentrations because it is already saturated with calcium [56, 57]. Since GSIS is affected by the presence of extracellular Ca2+; it is essential to use a chelator that has no effect on extracellular Ca2+ concentration. The application of CaEDTA with glucose (10 mM) enhanced GSIS, suggesting that overall action of Zn2+ on GSIS in pancreatic islets is inhibitory (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Effect of Zn2+ chelator CaEDTA on GSIS in pancreatic islets. The application of CaEDTA (0.5 mM) enhanced GSIS. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of 8–15 independent tests (**p < 0.01)

Since Zn2+ was co-secreted with insulin, the accumulation of Zn2+ in the interstitium could act in a feedback loop to regulate further insulin secretion in an autocrine manner. This hypothesis was tested by directly applying glucose to pancreatic islets through a modified VC-6 perfusion valve device (Warner Instrument). Perfusion was guided with a micromanipulator under the microscope and the tip was placed near the top of the islet of interest but not touching it. An advantage of this treatment was that the islet was only briefly exposed (~2 s) to a stimulative concentration of glucose. As shown in Fig. 5a, b, the β-cell responses to glucose stimulation recovered quickly to the baseline usually within 10 s of stimulation (2 s stimulation), or much longer when the duration of stimulation increased to 5 s. This method allowed for a short interval between two or multiple brief consecutive glucose stimulations, to investigate the autocrine effect of secreted Zn2+, before it diffused away, on the successive Zn2+ secretion or GSZS.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Paired-pulse inhibition of pancreatic β-cell Zn2+ secretion. a, b Comparison of the reductions of Zn2+ fluorescence or Zn2+ secretion induced by short (2 s, in a) or longer (5 s, b) glucose stimulation (20 mM). c Paired-pulse glucose stimulations with a 20 s interval between stimulations, showing that the reduction of Zn2+ fluorescence following the 2nd stimulation was inhibited (paired-pulse inhibition). d The same experiment was done as in C, with addition of 1 mM CaEDTA (a membrane-impermeable chelator of Zn2+). In the presence of the chelator the second response was similar or larger than the first compared to data in C. e The bar graph demonstrates the average paired-pulse ratios in which two stimuli were given 20 s apart in the presence and absence of CaEDTA. Data represent mean ± SD of 10 cells in 4 islets (n = 10; **p < 0.01). f Proposed model for an underlying Zn2+ feedback loop within the GSIS coupling pathway. An increase in extracellular glucose leads to the secretion of insulin and Zn2+ into the extracellular space and inhibits subsequent GSZS and GSIS

In the present study, two identical strengths (concentrations) of glucose stimulation were applied (20 mM) in close succession to study paired-pulse responses. When paired-pulses or two consecutive (in 20 s interval) glucose stimulations were delivered as shown in Fig. 5c, the magnitude of the second Zn2+ fluorescence reduction was inhibited. This was paired-pulse inhibition, which was not seen in the presence of CaEDTA (1 mM), a membrane-impermeable or extracellular Zn2+ chelator (Fig. 5d, e). Therefore, the removal of secreted Zn2+ reversed this inhibition. Taken together, above data suggest that secreted Zn2+ could act as an autocrine feedback modulator of Zn2+ and insulin secretion.

The mechanism of Zn2+ inhibition in GSIS

Studies suggest that GSIS is mediated largely through a sequence of cellular events that lead to the inhibition of KATP channels and the depolarization of the β-cell membrane. This depolarization opens VGCC that facilitates Ca2+ entry from the extracellular environment and triggers the glucose- and voltage-dependent mechanism of the insulin exocytotic pathway. In the present study, we investigated whether the action of Zn2+ on GSIS is mediated through KATP channel activity since this channel is closely associated with GSIS. This experiment was carried out using the insulin releasing β-cell line, HIT-T15 to avoid possible interference by other types of cells in the islets and to ensure data being generated strictly from β-cells. Since the medium in the present study was buffered to the physiological pH at 7.4, it would prevent the formation of Zn2+ and insulin crystallization. We previously showed that the application of Zn2+ inhibited GSIS in HIT-T15 cells [39]. We interfered with the KATP channel activity by using tolbutamide, a widely used KATP blocker and an insulin secretagogue, which keeps KATP channels closed. When tolbutamide was applied, it stimulated the secretion of insulin (Fig. 6a). If the site of Zn2+’s inhibitory action is on KATP channels, by opening KATP channels, Zn2+ would be able to reduce the tolbutamide-induced insulin secretion. However, while the moderate concentration of Zn2+ (50 µM) showed significant inhibition of GSIS, it has little effect on tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion. Only the higher concentration of Zn2+ (100 µM) significantly inhibited tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Effect of Zn2+ on KATP channel-mediated insulin secretion. a The inhibition of KATP channels by tolbutamide (50 or 300 µM) stimulated the secretion of insulin. The application of 50 µM Zn2+ produced moderate inhibition of tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion. However, the application of 100 µM Zn2+ significantly reduced the tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of 7 tests (n = 7; **p < 0.01). b The activation of KATP by diazoxide (50 or 100 µM) inhibited GSIS. The addition of Zn2+ in the presence of diazoxide further inhibited GSIS. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of 5–7 tests (n = 5–7; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)

To further examine the inhibitory action of Zn2+, we used a KATP channel activator, diazoxide, which hyperpolarizes the β-cell membrane by opening KATP channels and thus inhibits the secretion of insulin. As shown in Fig. 6b, the application of diazoxide, as expected, inhibited GSIS. If Zn2+ acts on the KATP channel, then using diazoxide would blind the inhibitory action of Zn2+ in GSIS. The application of Zn2+ with diazoxide caused significantly greater inhibition of GSIS than that of diazoxide alone (Fig. 6b).

Zn2+ may affect electrical activity of β-cells by blocking voltage-dependent calcium channels, reducing the influx of calcium [25, 29]. The activation of L-type Ca2+ channels increases Ca2+ entry and stimulates insulin release [58, 59]. Ca2+ channel antagonists, such as verapamil, inhibit GSIS [60]. In this study, we used verapamil (50 µM) to block L-type Ca2+ channels in β-cells. As shown in Fig. 7, verapamil effectively inhibited GSIS. If the inhibitory action of Zn2+ in GSIS is due to Zn2+’s actions on L-type channels, then using verapamil would blind the inhibitory action of Zn2+ in GSIS. However, the application of Zn2+ with verapamil caused greater inhibition of GSIS than by the application of verapamil alone. There was significant difference between verapamil alone and verapamil + zinc in GSIS.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Effect of Zn2+ and L-type channel blocker, verapamil on GSIS. Insulin secretion was measured in the presence of glucose (10 mM), verapamil (50 µM), and Zn2+ (50 µM). The application of glucose induced GSIS. The application of verapamil significantly inhibited the GSIS. GSIS was significantly inhibited further when Zn2+ was co-applied with verapamil. Data are expressed as mean ± SD of 5 tests (n = 5; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)


The present study demonstrated that, in isolated mouse pancreatic islets, endogenous Zn2+, secreted during GSIS, primarily in turn played an inhibitory role on GSIS. The application of Zn2+ chelator, CaEDTA, to remove extracellular Zn2+, revealed that an overall effect of Zn2+ on the insulin secretion of pancreatic islets was inhibitory. In the study of GSZS, data supported that Zn2+, co-packaged with insulin, was co-secreted with insulin during the glucose stimulation of islets. When paired-pulse glucose stimulations were applied at a short interval, the second pulse response of Zn2+ (to glucose) was significantly blunted; however, this paired-pulse inhibition was also reversed by Zn2+ chelation, suggesting a negative feedback mechanism, in which the initial glucose-stimulated Zn2+ release inhibits subsequent Zn2+ secretion, subsequently inhibiting insulin co-secretion as well. Investigation of the mechanism of Zn2+ action on GSIS revealed that similar to GSIS, GSZS was triggered by membrane depolarization and the inhibitory action of Zn2+ was mostly mediated by KATP channels and voltage-dependent calcium channels. However, other mechanisms may also be involved in Zn2+ modulation of GSIS. The present findings strongly support the hypothesis that secreted Zn2+ during GSIS can regulate β-cell insulin secretion possibly through an autocrine feedback mechanism.

A better understanding of stimulus-secretion coupling and exocytosis in β-cells is of intense interest due to mounting evidence for the importance of defective insulin secretion in T2D [4, 32, 33]. Previous studies using various techniques, including atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray microprobe analysis, and fluorescent Zn2+ indicators, have demonstrated that the insulin secretory granules of pancreatic β-cells contain large amounts of Zn2+ [34, 38, 6164]. Membrane-impermeable or extracellular fluorescent Zn2+ indicator has been used to monitor Zn2+ as it is released from the β-cells [35, 36]. In the present study, glucose triggers insulin-Zn2+ complex exocytosis and dissociation giving rise to a small but detectable reduction of Zn2+ fluorescence in granular areas during GSIS (Fig. 2b), which complements previous studies that showed glucose-stimulated increase of extracellular Zn2+ [35, 36]. Because Zn2+ is co-stored with insulin, it is expected that the temporal patterns of its secretion could be similar to those of insulin. Furthermore, the temporal relationship between membrane potential, capacitance (a measure of exocytosis), and Zn2+ release has been described using the Zn2+ sensor ZIMIR [65]. As we know, glucose stimulation of pancreatic β-cells induces the secretion of insulin [30, 45, 66], in which insulin is released by Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of the secretory granules [8, 67]. We have previously shown that, during GSZS, Zn2+ secretion was also calcium and glucose concentration dependent [39]. Furthermore, the current study revealed that treatment of pancreatic islets with high K+, to induce the depolarization of the plasma membrane, led to an increase in Zn2+ secretion similar to GSZS (Fig. 2d).

The biphasic pattern of GSZS in isolated pancreatic islets in the current study appears very similar to that in β-cell lines in our previous report [39]. During the initial rapid phase, glucose stimulation induced about 2–10 % reduction in Zn2+ fluorescence (2.5 % per min in the islets), reflecting a swift glucose-induced Zn2+ release, which consistently peaked at 1 min (Fig. 2b). After the rapid phase, the rate of fluorescence reduction following glucose stimulation was significantly slower at about 0.5–2 % per min (0.5 % per min in the islets). Biphasic insulin secretion is the normal response of β-cells to a rapid and sustained increase in glucose concentration. Impairment of the first phase of GSIS has long and repeatedly been recognized as an early sign of β–cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetic patients [68, 69]. Strikingly, the fast initial drop in Zn2+ fluorescence recorded in the present study markedly resembles the first-phase of insulin response. Further studies to explore whether this biphasic pattern of GSZS corresponds to biphasic insulin secretion would provide deeper understanding of the physiological regulation of insulin secretion and any alterations in pathophysiological conditions such as in diabetes mellitus.

The study of Zn2+ and insulin interactions has been focused on the requirement of Zn2+ for the assembly and stability of insulin. In the present study, we have demonstrated that Zn2+, secreted from pancreatic β-cells, is capable of regulating insulin secretion. Although the application of Zn2+ inhibits or enhances GSIS depending on Zn2+ concentration in pancreatic islet β-cells (Fig. 3), removal of secreted Zn2+ by Zn2+ chelation increased GSIS, suggesting that the overall action of secreted Zn2+ on pancreatic islets is inhibitory (Fig. 4). In particular, the paired-pulse glucose stimulation study provided direct evidence that the secretion of Zn2+ can inhibit GSZS (Fig. 5). This paired-pulse inhibition of Zn2+ secretion may represent a negative feedback phenomenon that involves Zn2+ acting on β-cell insulin exocytosis to inhibit its own release and insulin secretion. Because Zn2+ is co-secreted with insulin, it is expected that the secreted Zn2+ could also affect insulin exocytosis. Such a local inhibition may provide an important negative feedback control against excessive excitatory inputs by the continuous presence of glucose. However, the mechanism underlying the proposed negative feedback regulation is unclear at present.

It has been shown that the electrical excitability of pancreatic β-cells controls the triggering phase of insulin secretion and depends on the coordinated activity of specific ion channels including the L-type calcium channel [21], Na+ channels [70], and ATP-regulated potassium channels (KATP) [8, 71]. As described above, Zn2+ exhibits profound modulatory effects on a variety of ligand- and voltage-gated mammalian ion channels [14]. Specifically relevant to the present study, Zn2+ has been identified to reversibly regulate the L-type calcium channel [72] and KATP channel [26] (also see [16, 73] ). Although very little is known about the regulation of insulin secretion by Zn2+, especially by co-secreted Zn2+, there are previous reports on the inhibitory effect of Zn2+ on glucose-induced electrical activity and GSIS from pancreatic β-cells [24, 25].

The concentration of Zn2+ in the insulin secretory granules was estimated at about 20 mM [63, 74]. Whereas the low pH environment (pH < 6) inside granules of β-cells favors the binding of Zn2+ to insulin, the higher pH in the extracellular milieu favors the dissociation of Zn2+ from insulin. Since Zn2+-insulin hexamers start dissociating immediately (within seconds) after exposure of the granule interior to the extracellular milieu [38, 41], high concentrations of unbound free Zn2+ are likely to be produced locally in the interstitium surrounding the β-cells. In addition, β-cell granules contain Zn2+ in 1–1.5-fold excess of that necessary to form Zn2+-insulin hexamers [63]. The latter suggests that Zn2+ and insulin secretions may not be in a 1:1 ratio and that glucose stimulation could release more Zn2+ than insulin. Several studies have proposed that Zn2+ can influence insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells through a negative feedback loop, involving both KATP and VGCC conductance. Meanwhile, Zn2+, at µM concentration, activates KATP channels [23] and inhibits the voltage-gated calcium channels [23, 72]. Zn2+ is both an intracellular and extracellular regulator of KATP channel function [75]. Taken together, it is conceivable that secreted Zn2+, if the concentration is sufficiently high, alters the function of pancreatic β-cells by acting on ion channels, or another mechanism that regulates insulin secretion. This view is further supported by the findings of the present study that Zn2+ inhibits insulin secretion or GSIS (Fig. 4 and see [24, 25] ). Furthermore, our results show that a moderate concentration (50 µM) of Zn2+ exerts profound inhibition of GSIS with no significant effect on tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion (Fig. 6a). Comparison of the effects of the KATP channel blocker, diazoxide and the Ca2+ channel blocker, verapamil on GSIS shows that they mediate the majority of the Zn2+ inhibition (Fig. 6b, Fig. 7). However, the remaining unidentified inhibition suggests another mechanism may also be involved in Zn2+-mediated regulation of GSIS.

In pancreatic β-cells the transport of Zn2+ into secretory granules seems to be mainly accomplished by Zn2+ transporter 8 (ZnT8), which is identified primarily in the secretory granules of β-cells [37, 76]. ZnT8 knockout or down-regulation reduced dense core granules and insulin content, although they displayed normal proinsulin biosynthesis [37, 76]. The changes in ZnT8 expression may affect β-cell function. However, there are discrepancies from these studies in terms of glucose tolerance, insulin homeostasis, and the risk for diabetes. To this point, the reasons for these differences remain unclear and require further investigation. For example, in the study by Wijesekara et al. [77], that ZnT8 knockout mice were glucose intolerant and the isolated ZnT8 knockout islets displayed reduced first-phase insulin secretion, which could have been due to reduced cargo or to the reduced or delayed exocytosis of insulin granules. On the other hand, in the study by Lemaire et al. [4] ZnT8 knockout mice showed normal glucose tolerance and insulin homeostasis, whereas KCl stimulation evoked higher, but not significant, insulin secretion from islets of ZnT8 knockout mice. Further, the study by Nicolson et al. [78] showed that ZnT8 knockout mice were glucose intolerant with reduced insulin secretion in vivo. However, in the same line with our findings, they ([78]) did demonstrate that glucose-induced insulin secretion was significantly enhanced in ZnT8 knockout mice islets in vitro.

In summary, this work suggests a critical role for Zn2+ in regulation of GSIS in pancreatic islets. Specifically, the phenomenon that released Zn2+ exhibits a negative feedback and inhibits further secretion in an autocrine manner is a novel finding. We have shown that β-cell-secreted Zn2+ exerts a feedback control on its own release in pancreatic islets. An inhibitory control mechanism of endogenous Zn2+ acting locally on insulin secretion of β-cells may be of great importance in the physiology of pancreatic function. This negative feedback mechanism might limit the excess of insulin (or Zn2+) released during prolonged or repetitive stimulations by glucose or that of other insulin secretagogues. This finding may provide a new insight into the physiological modulation of an inhibitory mechanism on insulin-secreting β-cells to prevent β-cell fatigue and preserve the insulin capacity during prolonged glucose stimulation, subsequently reducing susceptibility to develop diabetes. Therefore, it would be reasonable to expect that further understanding of this inhibitory mechanism would permit a novel therapeutic approach to diabetes mellitus.