1 Introduction

The shift of economic history toward economics and quantitative methods during the 1960s can at least be partially explained by the technological changes which facilitated the dissemination of computers (Haupert 2016). With digitization, economic history (as every other field in science) is again confronted with far-reaching technological changes. Despite the many uncertainties concerning the effects of digitization on economic history, one factor appears to be indisputableFootnote 1: Falling costs of digitization leading to large collections of digitized records (like Chronicling America) and advanced methods for analyzing them will change the way economic historians carry out their research in the future (Abramitzky 2015; Collins 2015; Mitchener 2015).

When looking at the rapidly developing field of the digital humanities, the narrative changes from the future into the present tense. Here, scholars have already adapted to the growing mass of digital resources by incorporating methods from computer science.Footnote 2 Standing at the forefront of these methods, so-called topic models enjoy increasing popularity (Meeks and Weingart 2012, p. 2). The term “topic model” refers to statistical algorithms which automatically infer themes, categories, or topics, i.e., content, from texts, and which are the state of the art in automated text analysis.Footnote 3

The idea behind topic modeling is relatively simple. Instead of reading texts and manually recording their topics, which for some collections of texts can require a great amount of resources or may even be impossible, the distribution of words across documents is used to infer the inherent topical structure. In this way, content can be quantified, a process that allows integrating qualitative sources into quantitative research, which Abramitzky (2015, p. 1248) calls “turning books into data”.

Although Abramitzky (2015) and Mitchener (2015) already mention them, to the best of my knowledge there has not yet been a paper published in an economic history journal that explicitly covers or uses topic models. In this paper, I intend to shed some light on an “exciting new trend” (Abramitzky 2015, p. 1248) and illustrate that topic models are a tool which promises to be of great utility, especially for economic historians with their affinity for quantitative analysis. One reason topic models are largely unknown outside the community of digital humanitiesFootnote 4 may be that this is a rather young discipline and much, possibly even most of its research is not published in traditional print journals. Instead, research is communicated on blogs and Web sites, especially when it comes to tutorials, which may function as a “barrier of entry” to scholars from other disciplines (Meeks and Weingart 2012, p. 3).Footnote 5 In this paper, I will provide a largely non-technical description of topic modeling as its statistical foundations are explained in detail by others.Footnote 6 Rather, the aim is to give an insight into the general principles of topic modeling from a user’s perspective and to address the questions that must be considered before commencing a topic model project. For instance: how do the texts have to be processed in order to be analyzed by a topic model? Which parameters require specification? Which potential problems have to be addressed, especially when using topic models for historical research? I will provide an overview of the literature using topic models, which illustrates their disciplinary versatility, followed by a practical application. I use the most prominent topic model—Latent Dirichlet Allocation—to automatically extract topics from all articles published in the Journal of Economic History (JEH) between 1941 and 2016. The results will demonstrate that topic models are the right tool for research on publications trends, such as the work by Whaples (1991, 2002), who performed a topic analysis of the JEH in a more traditional fashion. Furthermore, I will show that in terms of methodology, topic models can contribute to current research by Diebolt and Haupert (2018) and Margo (2018) on the disciplinary shift in economic history known as the cliometric revolution.

2 The principles of topic modeling

Topic models are one tool among others in the field of text mining, which again is a melting pot of different disciplines such as data mining, computational linguistics, and machine learning (Miner 2012, pp. 31–34; Grimmer and Stewart 2013, p. 268).Footnote 7 Essentially, they are statistical algorithms that analyze word occurrences in a large collection of documents (the corpus) to discover groups of words that have a high probability of occurring together. Originally, they were developed in the field of computer science, machine learning, and information retrieval approximately 15 years ago (Meeks and Weingart 2012, p. 2), but meanwhile have expanded into a variety of other disciplines. To be precise, they should be called “probabilistic topic models”, as they build on the assumption that a document can exhibit different topics and therefore work with probability distributions of words and topics (Steyvers and Griffiths 2007, pp. 430–432). There are different types of topic models, depending on the statistical assumptions of the algorithms (Steyvers and Griffiths 2007). The one most commonly used and “state of the art in topic modeling” (Lüdering and Winker 2016, p. 493) is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which was introduced by Blei et al. (2003).Footnote 8

What can we expect from topic models? In essence, we wish to gain a first impression of what our documents concern before actually reading them. If the volume of documents prevents us from reading them in their entirety and if there is a lack of other guiding lines such as abstracts or keywords,Footnote 9 topic models help us to structure the documents and identify those that are relevant for our research question or simply for general interest. If we want to integrate the documents’ content into quantitative analysis, e.g., investigating publication trends in a scientific journal, we need numerical representations of the content. Topic models can help us by providing the topic composition of every document in our corpus. But what exactly is a topic? Topic models treat topics as probability distributions over words. Thus, the second type of output is comprised of lists of words that the model has identified as having a high probability of occurring together. Examples of topics inferred from the Journal of Economic History are given in Fig. 1. In other words, topic models are a tool for producing descriptive statistics for the content of a plethora of documents.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Four examples of topics automatically inferred from the Journal of Economic History. The size of a term is proportional to its importance for the topic. Source: See text

Topic models are built on two basic assumptions. Firstly, they assume that the semantic meaning of a text is created by the joint occurrence of words, although not all word clusters produce what we would call meaning (for example, there can be clusters of prepositions and pronouns). These clusters can be interpreted as being topics “because terms that frequently occur together tend to be about the same subject” (Blei 2012b, p. 9). In other words, this assumption implies that meaning is relational, i.e., the meaning of one single word depends on its co-occurrence with other words (Mohr and Bogdanov 2013, pp. 546–547). For example, the word table can have at least two meanings, and it depends on other words such as chair, sitting, or column to determine which meaning is referred to in a given sentence. Topic models account for this polysemy by allowing a word to belong to different topics (Steyvers and Griffiths 2007, p. 429), so table could be found in a topic on furniture and a topic on spreadsheets at the same time.Footnote 10

Secondly, topic models assume that a document is generated in a process which can be described by the following model (Blei 2012a, p. 80).Footnote 11 The corpus consists of D documents, each of which that consists of Nd words \( w_{d,n} \), where wd,n is the nth word in document d. The overall vocabulary V is fixed. Documents exhibit a share of every topic k (although some might be infinitesimally small) with \( \theta_{d} \) describing document d’s distribution across topics.Footnote 12 The overall number of topics K is assumed to be fixed. As stated above, topics are treated as distributions over words with βk representing the distribution of topic k. In other words, \( \beta_{k} \) corresponds to one of the word clouds depicted in Fig. 1. Every word in a document is assigned to either one or multiple topics, which is represented by topic assignment zd,n for word n in document d. A graphical representation of this model is provided in Fig. 2. The only observed variable is words, which is represented by a shaded node. All other variables are hidden.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Source: Reproduced with permission from Blei (2012a)

Graphical representation of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation

The generative process of a document itself is assumed to be as follows (Blei and Lafferty 2009, pp. 73–75; Blei 2012a, pp. 78–82). First, choose a distribution over topics \( \theta_{d} \). From this, draw a topic k. Finally, choose a word wd,n from this topic. This is repeated for every word in every document. In other words, it is assumed that first the author decides what topics the text should be about by determining the topic shares (step one). The actual writing is interpreted as the choosing of words from a topic-specific vocabulary according to the topic shares (steps two and three). The reader cannot observe the generative process but only the output (the words).

The basic idea behind LDA is that the generative process produces a joint probability distribution of the hidden variables (topic vocabulary and topic shares) and the observed variables (words). This distribution is used to answer the question: “What is the likely hidden topical structure that generated my observed documents?” (Blei 2012b, p. 9). The conditional distribution of the hidden variables given the observed variables, called posterior distribution, is given by (Blei 2012a, p. 80):

$$ p\left( {\beta_{1:K} ,\theta_{1:D} ,z_{1:D} |w_{1:D} } \right) = \frac{{p\left( {\beta_{1:K} ,\theta_{1:D} ,z_{1:D} ,w_{1:D} } \right)}}{{p\left( {w_{1:D} } \right)}} $$

This posterior is what we are searching for because it tells us the probabilities of topics and topic assignments of words from our corpus. Unfortunately, the conditional distribution cannot be computed directly (Griffiths and Steyvers 2004, p. 5229). There are several techniques with which to estimate the posterior (Blei and Lafferty 2009, pp. 76–78) and explaining all of them would go beyond the scope of this paper. The most common one, Gibbs sampling, can be outlined as followsFootnote 13: Technically, LDA assumes that the two steps of generating the documents happen randomly (Blei 2012a, p. 78). Starting from a random topic assignment, Gibbs sampling resamples the topic assignment of a given word by asking two questions: Which topics can be found in the document and which topics is this word assigned to in other documents? It calculates the topic assignment with the highest probability given the assignments of the other words in the document and given the topic assignment of the word under consideration in other documents and updates the word’s topic assignment accordingly. This is performed for every word in every document yielding an iterative process of probability updating. How many times this updating is carried out can be determined by the researcher with more iterations leading to more coherent topics, although this effect will level off at some point (Jockers 2014, p. 147).Footnote 14

So far, the name LDA has not been explained. A document’s distribution over topics in the first step \( \theta_{d} \) is assumed to follow a Dirichlet distribution (Blei 2012a), which is a distribution over another distribution. It is specified by the Dirichlet parameter \( \varvec{\alpha} \), which is a vector over (α1; α2; …αK), and which describes the shape of the distribution (Steyvers and Griffiths 2007, pp. 430–32; Wallach et al. 2009).Footnote 15 This parameter \( \varvec{\alpha } \) can be interpreted as being a concentration parameter that determines the distribution of topics over the corpus. It can be modeled as symmetric, i.e., α1 = α2 = ··· = αK = α, which implies that topics are distributed equally over the corpus. Alternatively, it can be estimated, implying that some topics are more prevalent than others. The higher αk, the higher the relative importance of topic k. The distribution of a topic over words, \( \beta_{k} , \) is also assumed to follow a Dirichlet distribution, with the corresponding parameter being \( \varvec{\eta}. \) Again, \( \varvec{\eta} \) can be modeled symmetrically or asymmetrically, implying that words are equally important for topics or that some words are more important for a topic than others. Finally, the model allocates words to different latent (i.e., not observable) topics (Blei 2012a).

3 Topic models in practice

As stated above, topic models treat topics as distributions over words. Accordingly, the results are groups of words that have a high probability of occurring together. However, these groups lack any kind of label (Blei 2012a, p. 79). They may or may not be recognizable as a theme at first glance. By anticipating the results from the topic models on the JEH, I will give two examples. The ten most probable words for topic 1 are japanese, japan, china, chinese, rice, land, period, government, meiji, and tokugawa (words are ranked in a decreasing order in terms of importance for the topic).Footnote 16 For topic 7, it is bank, banks, banking, deposits, reserve, national, notes, system, state, and credit. Both topics are relatively coherent, i.e., there is an obvious common meaning, and reasonable labels could be Japan and China and Banking. It is important to note that the topic model found these topics without any prior information on entities such as countries or financial institutions.

Although the topics are generated automatically by the model, they must be identified as such by the researcher, which is one of the most vital tasks in topic modeling. Identification means that the researcher is required to study the topics by reading the word lists, find the common meaning of the words grouped together by the model, and provide a suitable label.Footnote 17 This step is non-technical and solely based on the researcher’s interpretation, which is why, in most cases, domain-specific knowledge is compulsory. Thus, while the topics and their distributions across documents are inferred by the model, their meaning is “inferred” by considering a plausible interpretation. This will not pose any problems in unequivocal cases as in the examples given above; still, it can be quite challenging, as the model may also find topics that, at first glance, have no meaning. If this is the case, it may be that the model identified a merely linguistical pattern which indeed lacks any kind of useful meaning.Footnote 18 However, topics do not necessarily have to describe what the documents “are about”. As I will show later in this paper, they can also be clusters of methodological words or days of weeks (see also Boyd-Graber et al. 2015, p. 240). If a topic lacks a straightforward interpretation, it can be helpful to read the documents that exhibit a large share of this topic. This can illustrate how to interpret the topic. In general, interpretability (or coherence) can be regarded as being the linchpin in topic modeling. We can only use a topic for further analysis if we are able to identify its meaning. The degree of topic coherence depends on model specification (especially the number of topics), the characteristics of the corpus, and the level of granularity in which one is interested (Jockers 2013, pp. 127–28). In general, decreasing the number of topics results in more coherent but also less specific topics. Running several topic models with different numbers of topics is the most practical solution for identification of the correct number for the given research question.

Interpreting and labeling the topics is, of course, relatively subjective as the interpretation of words can differ between one reader and another (Jockers 2013, p. 130). Nevertheless, subjectivity is a familiar problem. Individual judgments also must be made when coding a text manually. In other words, by using topic models, we can postpone the moment when subjective assessments become necessary: from the ex ante subjectivity of specifying categories to the ex post subjectivity of interpreting them. Still, the subjectivity of interpreting topics requires the words constituting the topics to be included in every publication using topic models. There are some metrics to diagnose the “quality” of the topics (Boyd-Graber et al. 2015), but in the end it depends on human interpretation to identify their common denominator. The aspect of human interpretation is discussed by Chang et al. (2009), who pursue an experimental approach to investigating how humans interpret topics.

Some remarks must be made on the data. To infer the topics and their distributions across documents, the algorithm requires a numerical representation of the texts. Therefore, texts are represented in a “vector space model for text data” (Newman and Block 2006, p. 753). Every document d is converted into a so-called word vector, whose entries are the counts of occurrences of each of the N different words in document d. The vectors of all documents taken together produce the document-term matrix (DTM).Footnote 19 The entries of this matrix are comprised by the counts of occurrences of every word type from the vocabulary V in every document d.Footnote 20 Accordingly, the row sums of the DTM equal the number of words in document d, and the column sums equal the number of times a word can be found in all documents. For example, the corpus used in this paper consists of 2675 documents with an overall vocabulary of 288,416 unique terms, yielding a 2675 × 288,416 DTM. With a sparsity of 99%, this matrix is relatively sparse as most documents contain only a few different word types, which is the case in most corpora.Footnote 21 For creating the DTM, the documents must be split into single units which are called tokens (Boyd-Graber et al. 2015, p. 230). This process of separating a string of text into pieces is carried out by a tokenizer.Footnote 22 The simplest way of converting text into tokens is by splitting it at whitespace and punctuation marks, but this can also imply converting to lower case and removing numbers. Furthermore, working with word vectors and DTM implies that the order of words in a documents is irrelevant, which is why they are called “bag of words” representations of texts (Blei 2012a, p. 82). The sentences “France industrialized after Great Britain” and “Great Britain industrialized after France” are treated identically. This may look somewhat unrealistic, but both sentences suggest that their content is about industrialization, France, and Great Britain.Footnote 23

There are several further steps which can be applied in order to preprocess the corpus and which influence the resulting topics (Boyd-Graber et al. 2015, pp. 227–31). It is common to remove words which occur frequently and have no semantic meaning (like the, and, a, or). These so-called stopwords are removed based on a fixed list, but sometimes it may be necessary to further remove corpus-specific words if they occur too often and therefore only produce noise (Jockers 2013, p. 131). A common measure of a word’s relative importance is the term frequencyinverse document frequency (tfidf). This measure places higher weights on words that occur frequently in a single document (term frequency) but only rarely in the overall corpus (inverse document frequency), thereby emphasizing words that have a high level of importance for single documents (Blei and Lafferty 2009). Depending on where the documents are obtained, they may contain words that do not belong to the text itself, so-called boilerplate (Boyd-Graber et al. 2015, p. 228). This could include HTML tags, when the text has been directly received from a Web site, download signatures, or text fragments from other texts caused by missing page breaks. Another step is characterized by the normalization of the text itself. Removing capitalization, reducing the words to their stem, or lemmatizing (reducing words to their basic forms) can help to remove noise from the data (Boyd-Graber et al. 2015).Footnote 24 What kind of preprocessing steps should be taken depends on the corpus and the research question. For example, it can be helpful to concentrate only on nouns, which can be achieved by using so-called part-of-speech taggers which automatically identify a words’ part of speech (Jockers 2013, p. 131).Footnote 25

Topic models come with a caveat, which is especially important for historians. Their results crucially depend on the quality of the documents. Most texts used by historians are either transcriptions or optical character recognition (OCR) treated scans. As both are be prone to orthographical errors, one has to check the documents carefully before applying a topic model (otherwise it could be a typical case of garbage in, garbage out). In some cases, the road of digital scholarship can already end here as the text quality may be too poor and correcting the texts would be either too time consuming or too costly. In others, as Walker and Lund (2010) show, systematic errors such as repeated OCR mistakes can be treated, and a certain amount of random errors may be tolerated.Footnote 26

Another technical issue is especially important for historical research. The standard LDA topic model does not capture changes in the use of language. For example, sources from the early eighteenth and the late nineteenth century may describe the same subject with different vocabularies, which would probably lead to two different topics. There are extensions of LDA accounting for this (Blei and Lafferty 2006), but this problem could theoretically be solved by combining topics covering the same subject in different “languages” or by creating sub-corpora. Changes in terminology are a potential problem in some cases; in others they may be what we are looking for,Footnote 27 so controlling for them depends on the corpus as much as on the research question.

Language touches upon another important aspect of topic modeling. In general, topic models can be applied to documents written in any language,Footnote 28 although the characteristics and complexity of some languages may pose different challenges. For example, personal experience with a German newspaper corpus suggests that topics in German documents appear to be less coherent and necessitate more stopword removal than documents written in English.Footnote 29 Some corpora may contain multilingual sources which share topics without sharing the language, e.g., articles published in Wikipedia. As the corpus analyzed in this paper contains only documents written in English, and as multilingualism is a strand of its own in the topic model literature, it will be discussed only briefly. Studies addressing multilingualism provide extensions of the LDA model (Boyd-Graber and Blei 2009; Mimno et al. 2009). For example, Mimno et al. (2009) introduce the polylingual topic model (PLTM) and show that this model can detect topics in a corpus which consists of direct translations (proceedings of the European parliament) as well as in a corpus which consists of topically connected documents which are not direct translations (Wikipedia articles). With PLTM, topics are modeled as a set of collections of words, each collection containing words in one language. For example, in the parliament proceedings Mimno et al. (2009) find a topic concerning children whose three most probable words are children, family, and child for the English, kinder, kindern, and familie for the German, and enfants, famille, and enfant for the French collection.Footnote 30 This invites the question of whether topics are invariant to translations, i.e., applying the same model on documents and translations separately yields the same topics.Footnote 31 To the author’s knowledge, there is no study that investigates this issue, but from what Mimno et al. (2009) describe, it seems likely that direct translations will not substantially change the topic distribution. Yet, there may be minor variations, especially if the number of topics is high, i.e., there are many small and granular topics, and when the translator has a high degree of interpretational freedom.Footnote 32

There are several applications for topic modeling with different degrees of options for users (Graham et al. 2016), inter alia a package for R (Grün and Hornik 2011). In this paper, I used the Machine Learning for Language Toolkit (MALLET), a user-friendly tool developed by Andrew McCallum in 2002 (McCallum 2002), which implements LDA and Gibbs sampling, as well as the R package.

To conclude this chapter, the main strengths of topic modeling shall be emphasized. Topic modeling is primarily concerned with reducing complexity by finding and applying categories. In this sense, topic models resemble the “old-fashioned” way of text coding. In the latter approach, features of documents are recorded according to predefined categories, like JEL codes or any other kind of coding scheme defined in a codebook.Footnote 33 After coding, documents can be grouped according to their exposure of certain categories. The codes are specified in advance by the researcher, which poses several problems. It is impossible to know in advance all the categories that will be found in text, so to a certain degree the categories must be updated during the coding process, which takes a considerable amount of time. In the end, only in the rarest case do the categories fit the data perfectly. This holds true especially for historical research, in which the usage of contemporary categories may miss the point due to not necessarily matching the historical sources. Furthermore, manual coding requires careful reading, which again may be too expensive for large text collections. Additionally, human coding is prone to imprecision and mistakes, to which the computer is immune. Finally, when coding large collections of texts, humans may not be perfectly consistent in their decisions made over time.Footnote 34

Despite the resemblance of topic modeling and manual coding in terms of producing numerical representations of texts, the crucial point of topic modeling is that no classification scheme requires specification in advance. Rather, the documents speak for themselves and define their own categories. So, the first strength is that topic models are objective, which touches some fundamental epistemological considerations. We as scientists approach our sources with a framework a priori in mind, which results from our prior knowledge, our personal interests, our socialization, our individual concepts of relevance, our theories, and so forth. For the sake of simplicity, we can call this “priming”.Footnote 35 Priming itself is neither good nor bad as long as our reasoning is comprehensible. It concerns the selection and structuring of sources as well as the building of econometric models. Returning to the issue of categories, the choice of JEL codes implies the judgement that they reflect all relevant categories and that the definitions of the codes fit the sources, which may be primed by an education as an economic historian.Footnote 36 Furthermore, the risk of being biased in assigning documents to categories prevails, as, for instance, people subconsciously tend to choose information which confirms their beliefs.Footnote 37 If we have chosen a certain set of codes, confirmation bias poses the threat of our perception being selective, i.e., of us perceiving the texts in ways that favor our codes, although a different code set may be more appropriate. This confirmation bias will be reinforced when decisions are discretionary, which is usually the case when coding texts. Consequently, both the choice and the assignment of categories determine and potentially bias the results. In contrast, topic models are agnostic, i.e., they work without any a priori understanding of the sources. Instead, they identify the sources’ inherent structure according to the statistical algorithm. They produce categories which are independent of the researcher’s priming and assign documents accordingly.Footnote 38 In this respect, topic models are also different from so-called supervised learning approaches, in which algorithms are iteratively trained by human intervention. A practical benefit of this unbiased nature is that topic models can help to find categories that were not thought of, and to identify relevant sources, also including those that could be overlooked when using search terms. In this way, topic models also can be used for browsing databases.Footnote 39

The second strength of topic models is their ability to process large collections of documents in a short amount of time,Footnote 40 by far exceeding the possibilities of traditional methods of quantification of texts. The size of the database is only limited by computing power. In fact, the model works even better if the corpus is larger.Footnote 41 Additionally, the possibility of words and documents being assigned to multiple categories enables a degree of granularity that would be infeasible in manual coding. Besides, topic models can be applied to input other than texts, such as images (Blei 2012a, p. 83), opening new possibilities for quantitative research.

Thirdly, topic models produce numerical representations of texts, allowing us to integrate textual sources into a quantitative research design. In this way, we can combine textual with traditional data. There are a myriad of conceivable applications for economic historians. For instance, topic models allow us to gain insights into the reasoning of economic agents as we can now use textual resources on a completely different scale. In particular, combining topic models with other text mining approaches like measuring sentiment appears to be very promising.Footnote 42 Minutes of central banks, ministries, cabinets, or executive boards seem to be ideal candidates for a topic modeling application. Furthermore, the ambiguous notion of impact can be investigated much more tangibly. To cite just one example from current research, we can study how decision-makers are influenced by economic policy advice. In this regard, the way topic models produce numerical representations of content provides another useful application. As stated above, topic models treat documents as distributions over topics (θd). There are various methods for comparing the difference (or divergence) between two distributions, such as the Kullback–Leibler divergence or the Jensen–Shannon divergence (Steyvers and Griffiths 2007, pp. 443–44).Footnote 43 These methods provide a numerical value of the extent of divergence between two distributions. In this way, they allow us to compare the similarity of documents in terms of content by comparing the corresponding topic distributions. For example, Mimno (2012a) uses the Jensen–Shannon divergence for comparing the content of different classics journals. The following section will provide an overview of further studies which use topic models.

4 Literature review

We now have a considerable amount of research using topic models. In Table 1, the literature of potential interest for economic historians is presented using the old-fashioned way of categorizing texts. For example, I record the authors’ institutional affiliation, which shows that recently, topic modes have attracted the attention of economists. In the following, some of the literature will receive special attention.

Table 1 Literature review summary

Newman and Block (2006) were among the first to apply topic models to historical sources. They test several types of topic models, identifying themes in a colonial US newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette. Their analysis of 80,000 documents published between 1728 and 1800 is an impressive illustration of the potential of topic modeling for large scale historical research. They were able to identify the topics that moved eighteen-century Pennsylvania and described how this changed during the American Revolution. For example, they show that the Gazette mainly covered topics related to politics and economics, while religion accounts only for a minor topic. With the Gazette becoming more political in the 1760s, they found that many political topics contained references to the emergence of the Revolution. The coverage of crime declined after a high in the 1730s and rose again in the 1760s, showing a trend similar to that of religion. The largest individual topic relates to runaways and indentured servants, which, according to the authors, reveals the importance of servants in Pennsylvanian life.

Newspapers are also contained in the database for Bonilla and Grimmer (2013), who investigate the influence of several increases in the terror alert level under the Bush administration between 2002 and 2005 on public debate in the media. DiMaggio et al. (2013) apply topic models to newspapers in order to find how the shrinking public support of the arts in the US between 1986 and 1997 was framed by media coverage. Jacobi et al. (2015) examine the coverage of nuclear technology in the New York Times between 1945 and 2013. In his project “Mining the Dispatch” Robert Nelson applies topic models to the Richmond Daily Dispatch, a Confederate daily newspaper, between 1860 and 1865, to investigate social and political life in Civil War Richmond.Footnote 44

Jockers (2013) uses topic models for a corpus, which, at first glance, does not appear to be particularly relevant for economic historians (nineteenth-century novels from Great Britain and the US). Nevertheless, his work illustrates how topic models can be combined with the metadata of the documents and, in this way, be further refined. In particular, he records the authors’ gender and nationality, which allows him to show that, for example, female authors write more about “Affection and Happiness” than their male counterparts.

Fligstein et al. (2017) use topic models to answer the question of why the Federal Reserve (Fed) failed to predict the financial crisis in 2008. They particularly use the topics found in the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) minutes to measure how the Fed perceived the US economy between 2000 and 2008. They were able to show that the Fed was neither aware of a housing bubble nor of the entanglement of the housing and financial markets. Hansen et al. (2018) use the same database to investigate how transparency affects the deliberation of monetary policymakers.

That topic models can be combined with econometrics and economic data is shown by Hansen and McMahon (2016). Also studying the FOMC minutes, they investigate the effects of central bank communication on macroeconomic and financial variables. Another example of the integration of topic models into economic analysis is provided by Lüdering and Winker (2016). They study the question of whether economic research anticipates changes in the economy or merely looks at the economy from an ex post viewpoint. They apply a topic model on the Journal of Economics and Statistics and compare the temporal occurrence of topics connected to the inflation rate, net exports, debt, unemployment, and the interest rate to their corresponding economic indicators. Scientific journals also comprise the sources of Hall et al. (2008), Mimno (2012a), and Riddell (2014).

How topic models can be used for research in finance is shown by Larsen and Thorsrud (2015), Larsen and Thorsrud (2017), Thorsrud (2016a), and Thorsrud (2016b), who all build on the same corpus (articles published in a Norwegian business newspaper between 1988 and 2014). Here, the topics of the newspaper are used to predict asset prices (Larsen and Thorsrud 2017) and economic variables (Larsen and Thorsrud 2015). Furthermore, they are used to construct a real-time business cycle index for so-called nowcasting (Thorsrud 2016a).Footnote 45

5 Topic modeling the JEH: Whaples reloaded

When testing something new, it can be helpful to know what the results should ideally look like. That is why in the following, topic models will be used to identify themes in the Journal of Economic History. The JEH is chosen as a case study because, including Whaples (1991, 2002), there are two works which deliver an invaluable benchmark. Whaples classified the content of the JEH according to a modified version of Journal of Economic Literature’s (JEL) codes, counting the percentage of pages published in a given category. In contrast, the topic model works without an ex ante classification scheme, and it works automatically. In other words, the following can be understood as a kind of Turing test for topic extraction (Andorfer 2017).

A topic model is applied to two text samples. The first one includes all articles from Volume 1 to Volume 50, Number 2 using 41 topics just as in Whaples (1991).Footnote 46 The second sample extends the analysis into the present, consisting of all articles published between 1941 and 2016. Here, a topic model with 25 topics is used, which corresponds to the number of subjects in Whaples (2002).

In both samples, the topics were generated with MALLET, using 2000 iterations and allowing for hyperparameter optimization (that is, allowing topics and words to have different weights). The corpus was preprocessed in the following manner. Regular expressions from the header on the first page and the copyright section of every paper were deleted. The documents consist of bibliographical text to a large degree, which distorted the topics in the first trials. Therefore, the most frequent expressions related to bibliographical references were removed. This mainly concerns places of publications. For instance, each variation of “university press” was removed, as was every occurrence of New York, Cambridge, London, and Oxford in a bibliographical reference.Footnote 47 Names of universities were not removed as they may form part of a subject like disciplinary history. Furthermore, the expressions “per cent” and “New York” (if not in a reference) were merged into “percent” and “newyork” as “per” and “new” are part of the stoplist.Footnote 48 Furthermore, download signatures had to be removed.

For the stoplist, the MALLET built-in list was used, as was the built-in tokenizer which removed capitalization and numbers. Further preprocessing steps like stemming (reducing words to a common stem) were not applied in order to keep the process as transparent as possible. In total, the overall database consists of 2675 articles or 19.8 million tokens, which is approximately 35 times the amount of text in “War and Peace”.Footnote 49

MALLET ostensibly provides two types of output. First, it produces the topic keys, which displays the most probable words for every topic (the number of words displayed can be varied by the user). Second, it generates a file containing the topic shares (or distributions) for every document which add up to one. This makes it possible to identify the most prominent topics for every article and to calculate average topic shares for every topic. In particular, by using the timestamp of every document, we can compute the time series of topic prevalence, allowing us to investigate publication trends.

The topics of the first sample are shown in Table 2. The first column states the topic number randomly given by MALLET. In the second column, the 30 most probable words for every topic are shown in descending order. For example, in topic 1 japanese is the most probable word, followed by japan.Footnote 50 The relative importance of words for a topic may be better visualized using word clouds (as in Figs. 1, 3).Footnote 51

Table 2 Topics in the Journal of Economic History, 1941–1990
Fig. 3
figure 3

Topic 6 “Descriptive language” (left) and topic 31 “Econometric language” (right). Both topics were inferred from sample 1. Source: See text

In most cases, the topics appear to clearly exhibit what one would expect when thinking of topics and they show a great degree of coherence. For example, in topic 11, the words agricultural, agriculture, wheat, grain, farmers, and crops suggest that this topic is most likely to be about agriculture. That topic 18 can be labeled Slavery and Servitude is not only justified by words like slaves, slave, and slavery but also by the reference to Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman.

A topic which stands out is topic 36, which (at least for the author) cannot be interpreted intuitively. When looking at the articles which show the highest share of topic 36, it becomes clear this topic covers research concerning people. They either cover individuals, like the article by Walters and Walters (1944) on David Parish (48%), or groups of people like the article by Freeman Smith (1963) on the international bankers committee on Mexico (48%). The numerous occurrences of months seem to derive from the fact that these articles are largely based on correspondence with references containing the date of the original letter.Footnote 52

Topics 6 and 31 (Fig. 3) show that topics can also represent a different type of theme, in this case the use of technical expressions typical for quantitative methods. Topic 6 contains words which can be attributed to basic descriptive statistics. In particular, words like period, year(s), series, annual, time, and index are terms connected to time series. Topic 31 contains words which could be found in the glossary of a textbook on econometrics. Obviously, the topic model differentiates between comparatively descriptive and econometric methods. Topic 23, having the highest average share of all topics, appears to contain general expressions which could be typical for an economic historian’s jargon.

Wherever they seem appropriate, subjects from Whaples (1991) were added as labels.Footnote 53 If this was not the case, a new label was given.Footnote 54 The overall impression is that the topics seem to match the subjects used in Whaples (1991) quite well. From the 41 subjects, 26 can be identified, including nearly all the major ones.

In some cases, the topics seem to be more highly differentiated than the subjects. Topics such as Japan and China (1), Germany (26), and France (35) could, of course, be assigned to “Country Studies” but they are identified as independent subjects by the topic model.Footnote 55 The same holds true for “Trade”: The topic model finds different subcategories like Slave Trade (15) or topic North Atlantic (24). The subject “Economic Growth” appears to be split into two topics, one describing growth (topic 5) and one explaining it (topic 34). Topic 38 could be attributed to “Imperialism/Colonialism”, but a label like Westward Movement could be deemed more appropriate.

The topic model also differentiates between geographical and sectoral aspects of industrialization. Topic 33 contains words relating to Great Britain as the first country to industrialize, whereas topic 39 shows words referring to the textile industry as a central sector concerning industrialization. Furthermore, some topics are connected to different subjects. For example, topic 30 contains words which could belong to both “Public Finance” and to “War”, which is not surprising as a common, major portion of public spending is on military purposes.

The topics about individual countries draw attention to the question of different languages. Words like der, die, das, or des, les, sur would be regarded as stopwords in a German or French corpus.Footnote 56 Of course, these words could be removed by expanding the stoplist. They facilitate the identification of documents which build on sources in languages other than English, which, for example, could support research concerning geographical coverage. In the topic on France, the words annales and histoire may be regarded as a reference to the Annales School and its major journal Annales d’histoire économique et sociale (Burguière 2009).

The topic model did not identify any subjects from Whaples (1991), which could have several explanations. The subject may just be too small compared with the corpus (like in the case of “Minorities/Discrimination”), which could possibly be solved by increasing the number of topics or by reducing the corpus into a subsample. Here, the agnostic nature of the model once again comes into play. Searching for a subject on minorities may be legitimate in a certain framework. However, the model did not identify this topic as being substantial at the given level of granularity, i.e., given the number of topics, the model assesses “Minorities” as irrelevant.

Another reason could be that different subjects share a similar type of vocabulary (or meaning) and therefore cannot be separated by the topic model (like “Business Cycles” and “Recessions/Depressions”), which again could imply that they are not clearly specified. Compared to his 1991 study, Whaples (2002) combines several subjects which may point in this direction. Another theoretical, although not very likely, reason could be that a subject does not have any specific vocabulary and therefore is untraceable for a topic model.

Expanding the analysis into the present, another topic model is run on all articles between 1941 and 2016, this time with 25 topics as in Whaples (2002).Footnote 57 The results are shown in Table 3 (the development of all topics can be found in “Appendix 1”). Again, the labels where chosen as in Whaples (2002), wherever they fit the topics. From the 24 subjects used in Whaples (2002), 17 can be attributed to topics.Footnote 58 In principle, the reduction of the number of topics will lead to more coherent but also more general topics. Of course, neither table can be compared directly as the reduction in topics does not happen ceteris paribus. Nevertheless, some general observations can be made. The topic of Industrialization in the second sample is again spread over two topics. One topic comprises references to Great Britain as the place of the first industrialization (topic 14). This time, the second one is much broader. Topic 3 contains references to the textile industry as well as other early industries. When looking at the documents with the highest share of topic 3, it becomes evident that their common theme is technology.

Table 3 Topics in the Journal of Economic History, 1941–2016

Reducing the numbers of topics creates a subject which is omitted in Whaples (2002) but was used in its predecessor. Topic 16 appears to cover several countries, bringing back the subject “Country Studies”. Again, there is one topic containing econometric vocabulary (topic 6), although the words are slightly different. In the case of the Descriptive Language (8), there now appears to be a stain of words connected to economic growth.

The results of the topic model can be used to describe some general trends in the JEH. Judging by the development of topic shares in sample two (see “Appendix 1”), Methodology and Disciplinary History (20) has experienced a major decline from the very beginning (with the exception of 1959/60), a finding consistent with Whaples (1991, 2002).Footnote 59 The same holds true for People (11) and Economic Growth (21). The most prominent topic is Economic Growth (21) with an average topic share of 16.6%. During its heyday in the 1960s, Economic Growth achieved almost 27% (1967), which mirrors economic history’s focus on economic development at the time (Haupert 2016). In other words, every article in 1967 consisted, on average, of more than one quarter of words connected to this topic.Footnote 60 Since then, academic interest has constantly declined (see “Appendix 1”), a finding that is consistent with Whaples (1991, 2002).

Technically, every document comprises a share of every topic, even though it may be vanishingly small. Defining a topic as “substantial” if it has a share of 10% or more, articles in the JEH contain an average of 3.2 topics, which, since 1941, has changed only marginally.Footnote 61 The same continuity can be stated for topic concentration with an average Herfindahl index of 0.24 per article. These findings are most likely due to the nature of the JEH as a specialists’ journal. In general, looking at the topic distribution of a document can provide an insight into what it is about. To give a prominent example, the topic distribution of Fogel’s (1962) railroad paper is provided in Fig. 4. Not very surprisingly, the most prominent topic is Transportation with a topic share of 41%.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Topic distribution of Fogel (1962). Source: See text

Topic shares can be used to investigate topic correlation. Calculating the topic correlation based on individual documents mainly yields uncorrelated topics, except for Econometric Language, which shows some negative correlation with People, Methodology and Disciplinary History and Economic Growth.Footnote 62 The low correlation probably results from to the low number of topics within the documents. Nevertheless, topics may correlate across time, in terms of several topics occurring together, resulting from larger topical trends. Computing the correlation coefficients based on annual topic shares increases the number of correlated topics and confirms what can reasonably be expected. For example, there is a high correlation between Standard of Living and Health (2) and Econometric Language (6). The topics People and Methodology & Disciplinary History stand out as they are correlated negatively to almost every other topic. On the positive side, Econometric Language is the topic most correlated to others, which confirms its quality as a meta topic. A network representation of topic correlation can be found in Fig. 5a, b, illustrating the connection between topics based on their correlation. The question of correlation should be at the heart of further research, e.g., by using a type of topic model which explicitly accounts for correlation (Blei and Lafferty 2007). Another option for future research could be the inclusion of article metadata such as author information (as in Whaples 1991, 2002) and the comparison with other economic history journals.

Fig. 5
figure 5

a Positive topic correlation. b Negative topic correlation. Notes: Width of connecting lines is proportionate to the value of the corresponding correlation coefficient, including only coefficients with absolute values of at least 0.3 and which are significant at the 5% level. Correlation coefficients are computed based on the annual means of topic shares of sample 2. Source: See text

As stated above, the crucial step in topic modeling is setting the right number of topics K. In this paper, this is solved through its purpose of comparison. Yet, what is the “natural” number of topics in the JEH? There are several metrics with which to identify the correct number of topics, which, ostensibly, work by running multiple topic models with different Ks, computing a measure for every topic model, and then identifying the extremum.Footnote 63 Again, these metrics give no exact number, but instead present a range within which the optimal K can be found.Footnote 64 Using the R package ldatuning developed by Murzintcev Nikita (2016),Footnote 65 the optimal number of topics in the JEH (including Task issues) appears to be somewhere in the region of 80 (see “Appendix 2”). Running a topic model with 80 topics still mainly produces easily interpretable topics. Naturally, they become much more granular. For example, countries which were previously grouped together now form their own topics.Footnote 66

6 The cliometric revolution in topics

The methodological topics lead us to a subject recently addressed by Diebolt and Haupert (2018) and Margo (2018), which is also covered by Whaples (1991, 2002): the shift in economic history toward economic theory and quantitative/econometric methods during the 1960s, known as the cliometric revolution.Footnote 67 Can this shift be observed in the topics? When looking at the distribution of the methodological topics over time, the answer is clearly yes.

Figure 6 shows the annual average topic shares of the methodological topics in both samples.Footnote 68 There is a continuous rise in the econometric topics, beginning in the 1960s, a finding which is completely consistent with Diebolt and Haupert (2018), although the rise in the econometric topics is not as steep as in their measure, and their first peak in the early 1970s cannot be found.Footnote 69 This may be due to the fact that they do not include the Task issues, which, until the late 1960s, contained more disciplinary reflections and less cliometrics than regular issues (Whaples 1991, p. 293).Footnote 70

Fig. 6
figure 6

Topic shares of quantitative topics. Dotted lines mark topics from sample 1 and solid lines mark topics from sample 2; annual means. Source: See text

The integration of economic history into economics has recently been studied by Margo (2018). He finds that the expansion of econometric language in the JEH was delayed compared with general economic journals like the American Economic Review or journals concerning labor economics. Furthermore, he finds that for the JEH, the level of his index measuring econometric language is below those of every other journal in his study.Footnote 71 In using econometric language as a proxy for the use of econometrics, Margo’s approach is relatively similar to the topic model approach in this paper. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that his observation, being that the JEH’s language became more econometric in the 1960s, can be confirmed. The development of his index of econometric language, which is based on six search terms,Footnote 72 is akin to the development of topic 6 and topic 31 shown in Fig. 6. Still, it is important to note that by using a topic model we are not required to specify the search terms ex ante. Instead, the model identified this theme without any prior knowledge, which again emphasizes the agnostic nature of the model. Therefore, the topic could provide candidates for “an exhaustive list of words and phrases that objectively characterize what is meant by ‘econometric language’” which Margo (2018, p. 10) misses.Footnote 73 There is another difference between topic models and dictionary approaches. With a dictionary, it is necessary to use unambiguous terms, which limits the search list. By allowing for polysemy (see chapter 2) the topic model additionally includes words which also have a non-econometric meaning (like test or significant).

Remaining is the question posed by Margo (2018, p. 3) regarding why the JEL lagged economic journals in the use of econometrics. As it covers only the JEH, this question cannot be answered thoroughly in this paper. Still, the topic model could shed some light on this question as it suggests that focusing only on the spread of econometrics is not sufficient in capturing the entire extent of the methodological developments of the JEH. Margo (2018, pp. 18–19) points out that, although early cliometric work did apply econometric methods, it discussed the results only briefly. Accordingly, only a low degree of econometric terminology can be anticipated.Footnote 74 The low share of econometric vocabulary before the mid-1960s does not necessarily imply that papers published in the JEH did not use quantitative methods. On the contrary, the topic model identified a second, more descriptive topic. The development depicted in Fig. 6 can be interpreted as a gradual integration of ever more advanced quantitative methods over time mirrored in a linguistic shift. The descriptive topic was present well before 1960, indicating that, although at a low level, quantitative methodology was used before the arrival of econometrics, which is also consistent with Diebolt and Haupert (2018).Footnote 75 In other words, the JEH had become quantitative before it became econometric, which, from a methodological point of view, appears to be a natural course of events.Footnote 76 Considering this and the fact that before Douglass North and William Parker became editors in 1961, the JEH was dominated by “old” economic historians (Diebolt and Haupert 2018), the delay of econometrics may be less surprising. It might have been just the consequence of a delay in the use of quantitative methods in general, which had to become established before more advanced methods could be disseminated. This point certainly requires further research, e.g., by also extending the topic model to economic and historical journals.

Figure 6 shows the intensity of the use of quantitative methods. On average, papers became more cliometric during the 1960s. But was this development accompanied by an increase in the number of cliometric articles? To measure the extent of the cliometric revolution, another feature of topic models is applied. These models can be used to classify articles according to their content. An example is given in Fig. 7. Articles were classified as being “quantitative” if their share of either topic 6 or 8 (the two topics related to economic methods) amounted to at least 5%. In total, there are 1583 papers classified as being quantitative, which equals a share of 59.2% of all papers in the corpus. Compared with an average topic share of 4% in the overall corpus (median 0.04%), the 5% threshold appears to be appropriate. Additionally, a narrower definition of “quantitativeness” was used by increasing the threshold up to 10%, which yields 1216 quantitative articles (45.5%).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Share of quantitative articles. Number of quantitative documents per year divided by the total number of documents per year. Documents are classified as quantitative if their share of topic 6 or 8 amounts to 5% (10%) or more. Source: See text

In both cases, the development of the 1960s now bears for more similarity to the one described by Diebolt and Haupert (2018). Still, we can note a continuous rise after the 1970s, a difference that could again result from the different database. To account for the Task issues effect, another topic model is run on all articles excluding the Task issues, which again delivers two quantitative/methodological topics (the words constituting these topics can be found in “Appendix 3”). The results presented in Fig. 8 show that the share of quantitative articles reached a peak of 95% at the 10%-level in 1971, since then remaining above 70% most of the time.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Sources: Author’s own computations, Diebolt and Haupert (2018)

Four different measures of quantification. The dotted line refers to the right scale. Share refers to the number of quantitative documents at the 10% threshold per year divided by the overall number of documents per year. Mean (per annum) is calculated based on the sum of shares of the two quantitative topics in every article. All numbers are computed based on the corpus excluding Task issues.

Following Diebolt and Haupert (2018), a further topic for future research could be addressed by the question of whether topics are, to some degree, dependent on the JEH’s varying editorship regimes. Judging by the topic models developed in this paper, changes in topics can hardly be connected to changing editors. This could be explained by the fact that, especially since the mid-1970s onward, the two co-editors’ terms have often overlapped.

7 Conclusion

In this article, I present a state-of-the-art method from digital humanities: topic models, which are statistical algorithms that extract themes (or, more generally, categories) from large collections of texts. I introduce the basic principles of topic modeling, give an initial review of the existing literature, and illustrate the capability of topic models by decomposing 2675 papers published in the Journal of Economic History between 1941 and 2016. By comparing my results to traditional scholarship on the JEH and to current research on the cliometric revolution, I have been able to show that topic models are a sophisticated alternative to established classification approaches. Without any prior specification, the topic model identifies two topics containing terms connected to quantitative research. By using the temporal distribution of these topics, the model can retrace economic history’s shift toward economics during the 1960s. Further research could include a topic model analysis of purely economic and historical journals in order to infer topical reference points, and, of course, of other journals from economic history, to gain a more comprehensive perspective on the discipline.

For economic historians, the three main strengths of topic models are efficiency, objectivity and quantification. They provide the means for analyzing a myriad of documents in a short amount of time; they are agnostic in terms of waiving ex ante classification schemes such as JEL codes, thereby avoiding the risk of human biases; and they deliver quantitative representations of texts which can be integrated into existing econometric frameworks.

Especially the latter point makes topic models a worthwhile approach for economic historians. As part of the wider approach of distant reading (Moretti 2013), they provide the opportunity to reintegrate textual sources into economic historians’ research. One conceivable application could be the generation of historical data. As the research in finance described in the literature review has shown, topic models can be used to predict developments on financial markets and short-term economic development. Instead of predicting the future, this approach could be transferred to settings with a lack of historical data. For instance, applying topic models to historical newspapers could yield surrogates for financial and macroeconomic data.

Topic models provide a useful tool for reducing complexity, identifying relevant sources, and generating new research questions. By their very nature, they possess the unifying potential of interdisciplinary scholarship. As “the future of economic history must be interdisciplinary” (Lamoreaux 2015, p. 1251), topic models represent one step toward securing the significance of economic history. If it is true that “our tribe has been particularly adept at drawing on metaphors, tools, and theory from a variety of disciplines” (Mitchener 2015, p. 1238), economic history should use this ability and integrate digital tools such as topic models in its toolkit. Building on the distinct propensity to work empirically, digitization will not be a threat but rather an opportunity for economic history to become a role model in uniting traditional quantitative analysis, digital methods, and, by a return to some “old” economic historians’ virtues, thorough study of narrative sources. As Collins (2015, p. 1232) phrases it: “It may […] improve the economic history that we write by ensuring our exposure to state-of-the-art methods and theory.” This article hopes to provide some of this exposure.