1 Introduction

Nowadays, virtual private network (VPN) technology is widely used in network communication to meet different security requirements as people pay increasing attention to communication security. The rapid growth of high-throughput business requires higher quality of service (QoS) and better network resource management, and the IP traffic identification plays an important role in improving the level of QoS and network resource management. The encrypted traffic identification, especially real-time VPN encrypted traffic identification, is an important and challenging task in IP traffic identification, so it is very practical to research real-time VPN encrypted traffic identification.

Traditional VPN identification technology is mainly based on port filtering, deep packet inspection (DPI), machine learning, and statistical methods [1]. DPI technology maps key features such as time domain features and handshake protocol fields generated during the interaction process to distinguish VPN encrypted traffic [2, 3]. Machine learning methods generally use different machine learning algorithms to perform training with time-related features extracted from the encrypted traffic [4,5,6]. There are also some methods based on entropy, fingerprint, and host behavior. The extraction of features and key protocol fields in the above methods is often complicated, costly, and time consuming. The encrypted traffic cannot be recognized if key features are modified or extracted with errors. Therefore, the deep learning-based method for traffic identification came into being. Zhanyi Wang first applied deep learning to traffic identification, mapped TCP traffic data into pictures or documents, and conducted feature training through ANN and SAE deep learning algorithms [7]. It has achieved certain effects in the field of open protocol classification and unknown protocol identification, but not involved in encrypted traffic. Lotfollahi proposed integrating feature extraction and classification into a system embed in stack self-encoding and convolutional neural network algorithms to differentiate VPN encrypted traffic [8]. However, the discussion of data preprocessing and model processing flow is not clear enough. Wei Wang proposed an end-to-end encrypted traffic identification method based on one-dimensional convolutional neural network. The data preprocessing selects the first 784 bytes of each session, which is more suitable for the one-dimensional sequence characteristics of network traffic than the commonly used two-dimensional convolutional neural network [9]. However, data preprocessing tends to lose important feature information. Ding Li proposed the mobile phone HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) application traffic identification method based on convolutional auto-encoding technology [10], encrypted traffic not involved. Xuejiao Chen proposed convolutional neural technology [11], Pan Wang proposed stack-based auto-encoding technology [12]; they conducted the VPN encrypted traffic identification but only with a part of the VPN data set, which is not convenient for comparison testing.

According to current research, this paper, converting the traffic into a special format image, proposes the application of convolutional auto-encoder (CAE) and convolutional neural network (CNN) technology for identifying VPN encrypted traffic. As shown in Fig. 1, the two methods will both distinguish VPN traffic from Non-VPN traffic, which further distinguish six different application types in VPN traffic. The comparison of identification effect between the two methods will be analyzed at the end.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The classification of real-time VPN encrypted traffic identification

2 Background

2.1 VPN encrypted traffic

VPN refers to a dedicated communication network established in a public network using cryptography and access control technology. The connection between any two nodes does not have the end-to-end physical link required by the traditional private network, but is dynamically composed of certain resources of the public network. The virtual private network is transparent to the client, and the user seems to use a dedicated line to communicate. VPN is divided into SSL VPN, IPSec VPN, PPTP VPN, and L2TP VPN according to the different tunnel security protocol. SSL VPN, and IPSec VPN are two most popular VPN technologies among all kinds of technologies. This paper focuses on the identification of SSL VPN traffic generated by OpenVPN clients.

2.2 Data set description

To facilitate research and comparison, we use the public VPN–Non-VPN data set (ISCXVPN2016) [4]. The data set was released for research by the ISCX Research Center at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). The research center uses OpenVPN to establish connection with an external VPN service provider and uses TCPDump and Wireshark software to capture traffic. As shown in Table 1, a total of seven categories of application traffic are generated, including web, email, chat, streaming, file transfer, IP voice, and peer-to-peer. These files are divided into two categories, which are packets captured through a VPN session (where VPN traffic does not include the type of web traffic [9]) and Non-VPN session.

Table 1 ISCX VPN 2016 data set content

2.3 Network traffic description

Network traffic generally has five forms of representation, namely TCP connection, flow, session, service, and host. Flow refers to all packets with the same five tuple (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and transport layer protocol). Session refers to a packet consisting of two-way streams, which means that the source and destination addresses can be exchanged. TCP and UDP sessions, including the same five tuple, are defined as bidirectional streams. Streams and sessions are the two most common forms of expressing network traffic. This paper transforms the public data set into a more conceivable session form for further research on the basis of previous studies [9].

2.4 Model

Auto-encoding (AE) was proposed by Kingma and Rezende et al. in 2013 as a generative model. First, AE encodes the input into the low-dimensional potential space, then decodes it back, and then tries to make the input be equal to the output through learning the function in equation [1], thereby finds the hidden structure of the original data. As shown in equation [1], set the original data to \( \hat{x} \), Output Data \( \hat{x} \), the mapping function is \( f_{\text{enc}} \) and \( f_{\text{dec}} \). The connection weights of the input layer, the intermediate hidden layer, and the output layer are continuously adjusted through training:

$$ f_{\text{dec}} (f_{\text{enc}} (x)) = \hat{x} \approx x. $$

Convolution auto-encoder (CAE) introduces a convolution operation on the basis of the auto-encoding. The convolution operation preserves the local correlation of the input and can extract the two-dimensional local features of the original input, thereby realizing the global sharing of weights.

The CAE-based encrypted traffic identification model consists of two phases, as shown in Fig. 2a. The first phase is the unsupervised CAE pretraining process, called unsupervised pretraining process. The second phase is to connect the trained CAE with the classification output, called the supervised classifier training process.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Two identification models of deep learning

Convolutional neural network (CNN) is one kind of feedback forward neural network consisting of one or more convolutional layers and fully connected layers. It also includes a pooling layer and a padding layer, as shown in Fig. 2b. This structure enables CNN to take advantage of the two-dimensional structure of the input data to perform well in image processing.

As shown in Fig. 2, the two models consist of convolution group operations, deconvolution group operations, and full connection operations, where each convolution group includes padding, convolution, and pooling operations. Each deconvolution group contains cropping, deconvolution, and anti-pooling operations. The input size in each layer of the model is set to \( (H,W) \). The process of each specific operation is as follows.

  1. Padding: The padding layer is used to perform a zero-padding operation on the original input to enlarge the size of the image. Assuming that the parameter is \( (h,w) \), respectively, we perform symmetrical zero-padding operation on \( h \) lines and \( w \) columns in the vertical and horizontal directions of the input; the output size is \( (H + 2h,W + 2w) \).

  2. Cropping: The cropping layer is the inverse of the padding layer, mainly used for cropping appropriately the edge of the input picture. Assuming that the parameter is \( (h,w) \), we perform symmetric cropping operation on \( h \) lines and \( w \) columns in the vertical and horizontal directions of the input. The output size is \( (H - 2h,W - 2w) \).

  3. Convolution: The convolution layer converts spatial position information of the input image into a high-order feature representation [13]. Assuming that input data are \( x \), the No. k convolution kernel is \( (k_{x} ,k_{y} ) \), \( B \) is the offset, \( W^{k} \) represents the weight matrix of the feature map of convolution kernel, and * represents the two-dimensional convolution operation. After the first \( k \) convolution kernel operations, the output is as shown in the following formula:

    $$ x_{k} = f(x*W^{k} + B). $$

    And the output size is \( (H - k_{x} + 1,W - k_{y} + 1) \). Where \( f \) is the activation function and the rectified linear unit (Relu) is used to accelerate the convergence process.

  4. Deconvolution: The deconvolution operation can be seen as the reverse of the convolution operation. Assuming that \( (k_{x} ,k_{y} ) \) is the No. \( k \) deconvolution kernel, \( x_{k} \) is the input, \( \overline{{W^{k} }} \) is the transposition of the No. \( k \) feature map weight matrix of the deconvolution kernel, \( \hat{B} \) represents the offset corresponding to the deconvolution core, and the reconstructed output of the No. \( k \) deconvolution kernel after decoding is as shown in the following formula:

    $$ \hat{x} = f(x_{k} *\overline{{W^{k} }} + \hat{B}) $$

    And the output size is \( (H + k_{x} - 1,W + k_{y} - 1) \), and we also choose the rectified linear unit (Relu) as the activation function \( f \).

  5. Pooling: The pooling operation, also called subsampling operation, is used to reduce redundant information in the feature map and extract high-order features. Assuming that \( (c_{x} ,c_{y} ) \) is parameter of pooling kernel, the output size is \( \left( {\frac{H}{{c_{x} }},\frac{W}{{c_{y} }}} \right) \).

  6. Anti-pooling: The anti-pooling operation, also called the upsampling operation, the inverse process of the pooling layer, should restore the data before sampling as much as possible as the pooling process is a process of data loss. We choose “what and where” anti-pooling technology [14] to restore the relative position information. Assuming that \( (c_{x} ,c_{y} ) \) is parameter of anti-pooling kernel, wherein the output size is \( (H \times c_{x} ,W \times c_{y} ) \).

  7. MLP: The fully connected layer which performs nonlinear fitting on high-order features. As shown in equation [4], we set input as \( x \), weight as \( w \), and offset as \( b \), and the output of the full connection layer is as shown in the following formula:

    $$ h = f(w*x + b). $$

In this paper,\( f \) represents the activation function of each layer. Softplus function is used for mapping high-order features to hidden layer space \( z \).

3 Methodology

3.1 Traffic preprocessing

The first few data messages in each session of encrypted traffic mainly include connection information (such as three-way handshake in TCP connection and key exchange in TLS connection) and a small amount of content exchange, which can better reflect the main features of the entire session. We preprocess the encrypted session into a special format image which is suitable for deep learning, and then utilize convolutional auto-encoding and convolutional neural network techniques to extract hidden layer features and classify images. The preprocessing of the data set, as shown in Fig. 3, mainly includes session segmentation, session filtering, extracting the packet byte matrix, transforming the image, and finally generating the ISVTD (Image set of SSL VPN Traffic Data) in IDX format [15].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Traffic preprocessing process

3.1.1 Session preprocessing

We split each pcap format file from the original data set into multiple session files according to the same five tuple. Then, the duplicated files without application layer data and identical content are cleared. As shown in Fig. 4, every resulting pcap file contains 24 bytes of the file header, and the header of each packet in the pcap file contains 16 bytes. For TCP, the connection establishment requires three handshakes, and the connection release requires four handshakes, so at least seven packets are required. Each Ethernet frame has a minimum length of 64 bytes. Any frame less than 64 bytes in length is an invalid frame that is aborted due to collision. The information in these frames is useless for classification. Therefore, the effective session length is at least 584 bytes (\( 24 + 7 \times \left( {64 + 16} \right) \)). We delete the file with a session length less than 584 bytes. Since the information contained in the data link header of each file is not related to traffic classification, we then strip the above part of each file to generate a new file.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Pcap file format

3.1.2 Generation of packet byte matrix

Since convolution operations require the fixed-size inputs, truncation and zero-fill are unavoidable. To find the most optimal fixed length of the truncation, we choose the file of gmail_chat as an example to analysis the packet length. Figure 5 shows that most computer network packet sizes are limited by the 1500-byte Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). We set the truncation length to 1521 bytes, ensuring that the training data in the session contain at least one complete packet and do zero-filling to the session that is less than the truncated length. Finally, each fixed length session is reshaped into a packet byte matrix (39 rows × 39 columns). It is convenient to extract the hidden layer features of traffic.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Packet length distribution map

3.1.3 Generation of graphics data sets

To preserve the visual features of the pictures as much as possible, we convert the packet byte matrix into a grayscale image of 39 pixels × 39 pixels according to the image format, which means that one byte corresponds to one grayscale pixel value, as shown in Fig. 6. When we randomly select four samples from each type, we can find that VPN and non-VPN traffic with the same type of application have higher discrimination, but the four different samples of the same type of application traffic have high consistency. This shows that converting traffic to images is visually distinguishable.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Sample flow graph

To facilitate further research, this paper establishes the image set of VPN traffic data (ISVTD), which converts the generated images into a one-hot coded type vector matrix and modifies it into an IDX annotation format file. The ISVTD contains two data sets. ISVTD1, as shown in Table 2, is used to distinguish VPN traffic from non-VPN traffic, and implement two classifications. ISVTD2, as shown in Table 3, is used to classify VPN traffic into six different application categories.

Table 2 ISVTD1 data set
Table 3 ISVTD2 data set

Each data set consists of three parts. S1, the first part, simulating all unmarked traffic samples, is used for unsupervised learning to discover hidden layer features. S2, the second part, a labeled training set, accounting for 90% of the total sample, is used for supervised classification training. Test, the third part, a labeled test set, accounting for 10% of the total sample, is used to evaluate the effect of the model.

3.2 CNN-based identification model

The CNN-based identification model [16] is shown in Fig. 7. It consists of two convolution group operations and two fully connected operations. The SGD is used to adjust the weight parameters, and finally, the relatively stable parameters are obtained. MLP continuously performs nonlinear fitting on the image to obtain better hidden layer features during the training process [17, 18]. The mapping relationship from the hidden layer feature to the specific classification is established from the tagged data set S2 during the experiment [19]. The mini-batch is resized to 50 and the training rounds are all 20,000 epochs. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), being the optimization algorithm, is used to update weight:

$$ {\text{loss}} = - \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {(\hat{y}_{i} \log y_{i} + (1 - \hat{y}_{i} )\log (1 - y_{i} ))} . $$
Fig. 7
figure 7

CNN-based identification model

The loss function uses cross-entropy listed in formula [5]: \( y_{i} \) represents the expected output probability, \( \hat{y}_{i} \) represents the actual output probability, and \( n \) represents the number of samples:

$$ \hat{y}_{i} = \frac{\exp (z)}{{\sum\nolimits_{1}^{n} {\exp (z)} }}. $$

As shown in formula [6], Softmax is the activation function. The number of samples is \( n \), the input is \( z \), and \( \hat{y}_{i} \) represents the confidence that the original input sample belongs to type \( i \).

As shown in Table 4, the input image size is 39 × 39 × 1. After the first operation of convolution group, the image size is changed to 20 × 20 × 32, and the image size is changed to 10 × 10 × 64 after the second operation of convolution group. The image finally becomes a 1024-dimensional hidden layer feature after the operation of flatten and full connection.

Table 4 Parameters of CNN-based model

3.3 CAE-based identification model

3.3.1 Unsupervised pretraining phase

The unsupervised pretraining phase [20], as shown in Fig. 8, is based on convolutional auto-encoding. There are two neural networks, Encoder and Decoder. The encoder is responsible for extracting hidden layer features from the image samples. The decoder is responsible for reconstructing samples from the hidden layer features.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Unsupervised pretraining process

During the experiment, the hidden layer features are extracted from the unlabeled data set \( S_{1} \).The convolution operations and multi-layer perceptron weights were initialized with the Xavier method [21], making the approximately equal output variances of every layer. The mini-batch is sized to 100 and 200 epochs which are selected. The optimizer chooses the Adam algorithm, which iteratively updates the neural network weights using the training data. Minimizing the reconstruction error uses cross-entropy (binary cross-entropy) as the loss function, as shown in formula [5]. The specific parameters of the model architecture are shown in Table 5. The process includes four convolution group operations and deconvolution group operation, using six-layer MLP to map from high-order features to hidden layer features. Input image size is 39 × 39 × 1 in the encoding network, transformed into 13 × 13 × 32 after the first convolution group, 5 × 5 × 64 after the second convolution group, 3 × 3 × 128 after the third convolution group, and 1 × 1 × 256 after the fourth convolution group. The image becomes a 64-dimensional hidden layer feature after three MLPs. The decoding network is the inverse of the encoding network.

Table 5 Parameters of CAE-based model

3.3.2 Supervised classifier training phase

As shown in Fig. 9, the encoder network converts the high-order features of the conversation image into low-dimensional hidden layer features after the unsupervised pretraining process. We construct a classifier to learn with the tagged training data set, and map from the hidden layer features to output category, finally accomplishing the classification of the input.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Supervised classifier training process

The mapping relationship from the hidden layer feature to the specific classification is established from the tagged data set during the experiment. The optimization algorithm uses the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to update the weights and eventually obtain stable parameters. In the two-category identification, the number of training rounds is 2000 epochs, the loss function is cross-entropy function (binary cross-entropy) from the formula [5], and the activation function is the multi-type regression Sigmoid from equation [7]. Where \( z \) is the input and \( \hat{y} \) is the confidence of the classification result:

$$ \hat{y} = \frac{1}{{1 + e^{ - z} }}. $$

In the six-category identification, the number of training rounds is 2000 epochs, and the activation function is the normalized exponent function (Softmax) listed in formula [6]. The loss function is the multi-category cross-entropy function (categorical cross-entropy) listed in formula [8]:

$$ {\text{loss}} = - \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} {\hat{y}_{i1} \log y_{i1} + \hat{y}_{i2} } \log y_{i2} + \cdots + \hat{y}_{im} \log y_{im} . $$

The number of classification is \( m \), the number of samples is \( n \), \( y_{im} \) represents the expected output probability of the ith sample belonging to type \( m \), and \( \hat{y}_{im} \) represents the actual output probability that the ith sample belongs to type \( m \).

4 Experimental result

We choose Keras Library, which is based on TensorFlow, to implement our models. The specific experimental environment is shown in Table 6. Each of the proposed models was trained and evaluated against the independent test set that was extracted from the data set. This chapter first introduces the evaluation indicators, then verifies that the CAE-based identification model has the extraction ability of hidden layer feature, and finally tests the performance of the two models.

Table 6 Experimental environment parameter

4.1 Evaluation indicators

Acc (Accuracy), Pre (Precision), Rec (Recall), and F1 (F1-Score) are four widely used metrics in statistical classification. Acc represents the overall effect of the method, and Pre, Rec, and F1 determine the identification effect of a certain type of traffic (Table 7).

Table 7 Evaluation index confusion matrix

Pre indicates how much the identified traffic is accurate and measures the accuracy of the identification system. Rec indicates how many of the correct entries have been identified, measuring the recall rate of the identification system. Sometimes, there are contradictions between the Pre and Rec indicators. To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different models, the concept of F1 values, as shown in formula [9], is proposed on the basis of Pre and Rec to make an overall evaluation of Precision and Recall:

$$ F_{1} = \frac{{2 \times {\text{Pre}} \times {\text{Rec}}}}{{{\text{Pre}} + {\text{Rec}}}} \times 100\% . $$

4.2 Hidden layer feature visualization

Due to the high-dimensional feature of the hidden layer feature of CNN-based models [22], the result is inconvenient for visualizing; we only adjust the hidden layer features of the CAE-based model, and then visualize it under two-dimensional conditions to observe the neighbor distribution of different categories [23]. Two-category traffic visualization is shown in Fig. 10. Six-category traffic visualization is shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Two-category hidden layer feature distribution

Fig. 11
figure 11

Six-category hidden layer feature distribution

In the above figure, each classification flow uses different color and shape to facilitate differentiation. Clusters of similar positions represent the similar structure and characteristics. It can be seen that the VPN and Non-VPN traffic have satisfactory discrimination, but the results of six different application categories included in the VPN traffic overlap more seriously and have minor separation distance. In particular, Voip (labeled 5) traffic is stacked with other traffic. The reason is the sample size of the ISVTD1 data set is big enough for the learning of unsupervised pretraining generation model, while the ISVTD2 data set has fewer samples and is unevenly distributed. Voip traffic, with insufficient unsupervised pretraining, accounts for more than 1/3 of all traffic. The hidden layer feature extraction of Voip traffic is not obvious enough.

4.3 Traffic identification result

The CAE-based model results, as shown in Table 8, are consistent with the visual invisible features, the two-category identification results are better than the six-category identification results, the overall accuracy of the two-category is 99.87%, and the overall accuracy of the six-category is 90%. In the specific application category identification of VPN [24], Voip traffic identification rate is the highest; F1-Score is 100%, followed by Email traffic which F1-Score is 96.29%. Chat traffic identification rate is the lowest; F1-Score is 79.99%.

Table 8 CAE-based classification and identification result

The CNN-based model results, as shown in Table 9, have better two-category classification results than the six-category. The overall accuracy of the two-category is 99.74%, and the overall accuracy of the six-category is 92.92%. In the specific application category identification of VPN, Email traffic identification rate is the highest, F1-Score is 100%, followed by Voip traffic, F1-Score is 97.79%, Chat traffic identification rate is the lowest, and F1-Score is 79.99%.

Table 9 CNN-based classification and identification result

By analyzing the classification results, we know that it is feasible to use the convolution method to extract the hidden features from the session image. The identification rate of the Non-VPN session is higher than the VPN session. The session identification rate for different application types in the six categories is as follows:

$$ {\text{Voip}}\& {\text{Email}}\, > \,{\text{P2P}}\, > \,{\text{Streaming}}\, > \,{\text{File Transfer}}\, > \,{\text{Chat}} . $$

The reason may be that the Voip and Email formats are fixed, and the hidden layer features are highly differentiated. Chat traffic comes from a variety of different applications such as ICQ, AIM, Skype, Facebook, and Hangouts. The session architecture generated by different applications is quite different, and the hidden layer features are lowly differentiated [25].

5 Discussion

We compare the two-category identification results of the proposed model on the ISCX VPN2016 data set with the KNN and C4.5 models in [4], and the best result from 1D-CNN models in [9]. We only compare the six-category results with the C4.5 and 1D-cnn model as the six-category results of KNN model are not listed in the original literature [4].

As shown in Table 10, in the two-category traffic identification model, the CAE-based identification model is slightly superior to the CNN-based identification model. The results of both models are better than KNN and C4.5 methods. It is not much different from the current best results of literature [9]. As shown in Table 11, the CNN-based identification model is superior to the CAE-based identification model in the six-category traffic identification,. The F1-Score of the CNN-based identification model in six-category is 1.49% higher than CAE-based identification model. The results of both models are better than the best results in the literature [4], although there are still some gaps compared with the literature [9]. Due to the unsupervised features, the CAE-based model uses fewer tags than 1D-CNN model. The above results show that the CAE-based unsupervised identification model is suitable for large sample size, and the CNN-based supervised identification model is suitable for small sample size in the VPN traffic identification.

Table 10 Comparison of two-category identification result
Table 11 Comparison of the six-category identification result

6 Conclusion

This paper proposes two deep learning-based methods using convolutional auto-encoding and convolutional neural network to classify and identify VPN encrypted traffic in real time [26]. As far as we know, this is the first time that a CAE-based identification model has been used in VPN traffic identification. This model utilizes the unsupervised features of CAE and the advantages of multi-layer perceptron in data dimensionality reduction, combing supervised classification learning technique, to achieve accurate identification of VPN encrypted traffic. The experimental results show that the best result in the classification of VPN and Non-VPN traffic comes from the CAE-based identification model, and the overall identification accuracy rate can reach 99.87%. Among the classification of different application types in VPN traffic, the best result comes from the CNN-based identification model, and the overall identification accuracy rate can reach 92.92%. In the future work, we will further study the unsupervised methods to identify other encrypted traffic and take the impact of data set size and balance on classification into consideration.