1 Introduction

IoT devices are often exposed to security risks, which makes them subject to transparency problems. The Internet of Things (IoT) has captured the interest of many professionals in latest days and are searching for strategies to fight against IoT assaults such as Mirai and Botnet by applying cutting-edge technology. When developing IoT projects, some of the most notable IoT threats are taken into account. The imprecise software used in surveillance camera hacking allows anybody with access to the IP address of the camera to log in as a programmer. The IoT equipment is used to identify and have an impact on patients' cardiac capacity limits, much as pacemakers and defibrillators. Let's have a look at Mirai, an amazing Botnet that manipulates IoT devices to unleash a massive amount of distributed DDoS attacks [1]. A Mirai variant called "Thingbot" keeps producing and contaminating Internet Protocol (IP) cameras [2]. As a result, attacks that are more uncommon and devastating than Mirai are perceived as IoT system vulnerabilities. Additionally, to address several shortcomings and issues with IoT applications, we tried to identify frameworks in IoT systems throughout the investigation [3]. Making profitable and effective IoT security solutions served as a search center throughout this task, as previously said. Therefore, the creation of a robust method to defend the system from malicious assaults on IoT traffic data networks, particularly in the banking finance, and medical sectors, is urgently needed. Despite the presence of several techniques, the goal of the examined article is to improve IoT device safety by using the Top 10 AI Deep Learning models and by containing the useful IoT-23 network traffic dataset.

2 Major Objective of the Proposal System

Artificial Neural Network has become quite common in the AI field, and organizations that deal with complicated challenges often use these techniques [4]. Currently, the operation of data reserving in calculating networks is exponentially high adding a fast data storehouse using deep learning (DL) stacked layers [5]. It imparts artificial intelligence with capabilities and a structure similar to the human nervous system. This technology operates on a massive volume of informative data records by using AI–Deep Learning models to carry out logical as well as statistical calculations [6]. Deep Learning always focuses on an idea of a system by using DNNs to detect the target accurately [7]. Ten distinct neural network models are implemented in the suggested system using the IoT-23 dataset [8]. Following is the list,

  1. 1.

    GAN Networks

  2. 2.


  3. 3.

    SOM Networks

  4. 4.

    Radial Basis Networks

  5. 5.

    Deep Belief Networks

  6. 6.

    RBM Model

  7. 7.

    RNN Model

  8. 8.

    LSTM Model

  9. 9.

    MLP Model

  10. 10.

    CNN Model

Artificial neurons that are nodes in a deep neural network are arranged like that of the human cerebrum, which is filled with biological neurons [9]. These artificial neurons are layered vertically into a three-layer deep neural network model [10].

Three layers are present: the output layer comes after the input layer and the invisible layer.

All the features are provided as the data Input. All of the incoming data is computed by the nodes using arbitrary weights and then summed with the bias. Different examinations have proved the fact that deep learning techniques uphold the evaluation of huge data sets productively [11]. To determine which node should be activated, we use activation functions, also known as non-linear functions.

The AI neural network identifies columns, groups comparable information, and then detects the important trends within machines for self-learning, during the learning neural network training phase. The computations for putting together the deep learning models are used in this at different stages. As a result, a Deep Learning model with a high computing capacity can handle large or complex data sets [12]. The most widely used AI models for IoT intrusion detection need to be thoroughly examined.

3 Dataset

On the website https://www.stratosphereips.org/datasets-iot23", the AIC research office supported by Avast Software is available as an 8.8 GB IoT-23 dataset that contains 3 class label subsets and 20 malware subsets ['Label', 'Cat', 'Sub Cat'] [13]. The Czech Stratosphere Laboratory created the dataset in January 2020 [14]. It aims to provide limitless data records [15] of organized IoT attacks derived from the actual occurrences to extend anomaly detection and provide a framework for safeguarding the model computations.

4 Dataset Pre-processing

As a first step, we identify columns in the dataset that have very big data values or null or infinite values. By correcting all of these noisy defects, the dataset is pre-processed and cleaned. Then it is evaluated using 83 characteristics and the 3 labels "Label," "Cat," and "Sub-Cat." We used the class label "Cat" with five different categories—Mirai, Scan, DoS, Normal Records, and MITM-ARP—for this multiclass categorization. If there is just one class, a binary function may be utilized. For example, a 'softmax' is an activation unit that can be utilized for more than two classes. We enter all 83 features with the label feature "Cat" as feature extraction and feature removal are not required to feed input dimension features into neural models. The total feature dimensions are 0–83 since the Pandas data frame technically begins with zero-indexing Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

‘Category’ label of IoT-23 dataset

MITM_ARP attack numbers—35,377.

Normal record number—40,073.

NScan attack number—59,391.

DoS attack number—75,265.

Mirai attack number—415,677.

  • Mirai: "Mirai" may be malware that targets Internet of Things (IoT) devices including TVs, printers, switches, and camcorders as it continues to spread. When determining usernames and passwords, the virus looks at pre-programmed or default options.

  • Denial-of-Service: Release of attacks on IoT devices often involves a DoS attack. Additionally, if a DoS attack occurs, IoT devices are unable to reach the organization for further correspondence.

  • Scan: This Scan virus filters the open ports used by IoT administrators, making it easy to attack certain IoT devices.

  • Normal: if it is said to be a typical program and there is no virus.

  • MITM_ARP: Inside the Middle assault, MITM may take care of business. Due to these modifications, the physical addresses are being attacked, the ARP Messages allow the invader to pose as a genuine user. As soon as the hacker connection is made, they have an approach to all communications and can even alter, add, and delete messages via ARP spoofing [16].

5 Top 10 AI—Neural Networks Models

5.1 Autoencoder

In an unsupervised learning method, autoencoders enable the reproduction of their input neurons as their output result. It takes the designs of neural networks and involves the functionalities of decoders and encoders. It makes sense of the idea of diminishing the intricacy by adopting an autoencoder structure [17]. It has two parts of an autoencoder: (i) encoder (ii) decoder. The encoders explore the feed data and then compress it, whereas the compression algorithms examine the crushed data and reconstitute the data fed signal. Through the hidden units, the encoder is capable to learn about the data which is compressed [18]. It uses the encoder segment to build compressed packed data after preparing it and discarding the decoder part (Table 1).

Table 1 Autoencoders model output result with execution time and 5 epochs

The steps followed in Autoencoder Algorithm

  1. 1.

    The sequential layer is used in the development of the autoencoder model's encoder and decoder components.

  2. 2.

    The first model produced is called Encoder, which uses a transformation on the encoded signal to encrypt input data with 83 feature dimensions.

  3. 3.

    The second network that was developed is a decoder, which generates a compressed signal from an input signal that has been encoded.

  4. 4.

    The training and testing stages of the dataset are divided in proportion 80:20.

  5. 5.

    'Softmax' as an activation unit used to distinguish the original signal and the five artificially created class states, the loss "categorical_cross_entropy" is determined.

  6. 6.

    The autoencoder neural network model is created in this manner, and until it converges, it attempts to determine the identity function of the input.

5.2 GAN Adversarial AI-Neural Network Model

It's an unsupervised model made up of two different kinds of neural networks: discriminator and generator neural networks [19]. GANs combine two different network models, one designed to receive input records and the latter to distinguish between false and real records. (It is now known as the "adversarial" nature of GANs) [20] (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

GAN Model Architecture

Lowering the model's loss function will enable it to interpret and learn the likelihood function of the output. During the training phase, a technique for managing the GANs' parameters is employed. Follows a comprehensive illustration of the GAN model (Fig. 3 and Tables 2 and 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

SOM with Mirai winning unit in red color

Table 2 GANs model output value with execution time and 5 epochs
Table 3 Output Result of RBFN model with execution time and 5 epochs

Steps followed in GAN Model Algorithm

  1. 1.

    It passes through two learning stages. The discriminator model is trained in the first stage of training. The IoT-23 false data is produced by the generator G(z) utilizing a few previous distributions. The discriminator uses supervised learning to distinguish between false malware data from the discriminator and regular records from the generator.

  2. 2.

    Both the generator and discriminator models in the model use a hidden layer with 64 nodes.

  3. 3.

    When dealing with malware data, the discriminator value is near 0, while when dealing with a record of normal data, it is near 1.

  4. 4.

    The generator model is trained in the second stage of training. The discriminator is intended to be duped into thinking the data produced by the generator is accurate as its main goal.

  5. 5.

    GANs successively repeat the two stages until convergence is obtained.

  6. 6.

    A GAN model is created by integrating the discriminator and the generator.

5.3 Radial Basis Neural Network model

RBN may be an unsupervised, and only the two layers make up the whole model of RBN, and 'radial basis' is the utilized activation unit. The hidden unit of this model handles the calculation as well as feeds the input into the input layer [21]. Compared to the MLP, the RBFN model is more intuitive. A "model" is kept in each RBFN neuron. Each neuron calculates the Euclidean distance between its model and the input at the time when characterization is required. In general, the input data is referred to be class X if it resembles the class X model as compared to the class Y model [22]. A description of the Radial Basis Networks approach for effective DoS attack detection is also provided. If IoT malicious nodes are adequately segregated and found to be more resistant to DoS assaults, it delivers better outcomes [23] Table 3.

The steps followed in RBFN Model Algorithm

  1. 1.

    The execution of the model is carried out much more quickly with radial basis networks than with other methods because they only make use of the "RBFLayer," a single hidden layer that uses 64 nodes.

  2. 2.

    The Radial Basis function, which takes into account a point's distance from the cluster's center, is the activation function in use here.

  3. 3.

    The basis model receives input data with 83 features and an 80:20 split between training and testing.

  4. 4.

    To distinguish 5 different classes 'Softmax', is employed to distinguish between the original input and the regenerated state, and the loss "categorical_cross_entropy" is determined.

  5. 5.

    In this manner, the RBF model is created, and until convergence is attained, it attempts to identify the input identity function.

5.4 SOM (Self-Organizing Maps)

SOMs, Kohonen networks, or WTU (Winner takes all units) are additional names for this Unsupervised Learning model in which classes are clustered separately [24]. It differentiates from other clustering learning methods, such as PCA and k-means, in that it maintains the topological relationship between the connected neuron layers. Let's say we use a dataset with (x, y) size, hereby x indicates this training samples, also y indicates these column features used in each model. In the first stage, where C is the cluster number is initialized as size_weights. By repeatedly going over the input file for each training model (weight vector with a small distance from the training model, such as the Euclidean distance), it updates the winning vector.

Steps followed in SOM Algorithm

  1. 1.

    We developed a large SOM (16, 16). For a dataset with more dimensions, SOMs are challenging. To implement SOM, weights are loaded with some random measurements and each neuron is given a particular position. Out of all the inputs utilized in this experiment, the neuron that is located closest to the data input is called the WTU.

  2. 2.

    It is calculated how far away the weights are from the inputs of the neurons. The winner is determined to be the neuron with the lowest "d" value [25].

  3. 3.

    Higher-dimensional SOM is hardly used in practice. SOMs are not practical for large datasets because of their high processing costs. Below is a map depicting our SOM categorization of MIRAI attacks, with a red marking indicating winning units. Our SOMs accurately represent the locations of neurons that have a common goal of achieving success for the same colors.

5.5 RBM Model (Restricted Boltzmann Machine)

RBM is an ANN network with two layers. The structure has two distinct layers, named as.

1. Hidden layer.

2. Visible layer.

No two neurons in the same layer may be linked to each other, although both hidden and visible layers are interconnected [26]. Additionally, every single one of such neurons in the particular model is binary. As a result, it has the name “Restricted Boltzmann machine” [27] (Table 4).

Table 4 RBM model output result with execution time and 10 iterations

The steps followed in RBM Algorithm

  1. 1.

    RBM forward and backward training is possible.

  2. 2.

    Forward phase: From the visible layer, inputs containing 83 characteristics are combined with biases and weights before being transferred to the hidden layer. The likelihood of the sigmoid function is used to decide whether or not the node units may be fired.

  3. 3.

    Backward phase: The input is once again reconstructed by the visible units after the hidden units have passed them with identical weights but a different bias.

  4. 4.

    These two passes are iteratively repeated until convergence is attained.

  5. 5.

    Once the RBM model is created, it is exciting to breed the amazing classification result for anomaly detection in IoT since it can train with a dataset divided into a ratio of 80:20.

5.6 DBN (Deep Belief Neural Network)

An unsupervised method known as a Deep Belief Neural Network is just many RBMs placed on top of one another [28]. The output of the first RBM becomes the contribution of the following RBMs. Deep learning algorithms are capable of learning each layer in a turn, making deep belief nets quick and yet fast. Finding the clusters in the data is quite helpful since DBN learns different levels and types of input and anticipates recreating the input [29] (Table 5).

Table 5 DBN model output value with reconstruction error and 5 epochs

The steps followed by the DBN algorithm

  1. 1.

    The IoT-23 input characteristics are used to train the first RBM. The second RBM, followed by the opposite sequential stacked RBMs, gets as input the primary RBM's output.

  2. 2.

    Yes, stacking the collection of RBMs prepared the model belief network. Two RBMs are layered in this model to develop this concept. The first RBM has 100 hidden units, while the second has 50 units.

  3. 3.

    It offers an excellent accuracy value with a low loss.

5.7 LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory)

In brief, the supervised category model's main learning model is the LSTM, which is also well-known in natural language processing. Memory inadequacy is the main shortcoming in the RNN model [30]. LSTM cells, a unique kind of RNN, were developed to solve this problem. The LSTM is sufficiently intelligent to choose how long to hold onto old data, when to neglect and recall it, and how to link its prior memory with the current data being given to it. It does this by employing the forget gate. The gradient of the loss characteristic, on the other hand, diminishes as we flow again through time in RNN backpropagation through time (BPTT). Because of this impact, fashionable RNNs can't be directly applied to clear up problems with long-time dependencies known as vanishing gradients. We invoke lengthy quick-time period memory (LSTM) networks which could successfully address the vanishing gradient trouble through the usage of unique cells which could maintain records. LSTM addresses the trouble of vanishing and exploding gradients through the usage of a state of a cell [31] (Table 6).

Table 6 LSTM model output result with execution time and 5 epochs

The steps followed in LSTM Algorithm

  1. 1.

    The procedures were followed in the same manner as with previous models, and a key feature of this model is that it only takes 3-D data, allowing us to rearrange the input as well as output data.

  2. 2.

    The LSTM layer generates an accurate representation of the output parameters, shape, dense layers, and LSTM layers.

5.8 RNN Model

It is a feed backward model where the output value is sent back to the existing node to remember the output from the last node. Consider it as a simple circular loop where the input node is fed from the output again. As a consequence, they can recall information from distant records and use it to forecast data [32]. The LSTM neural model addresses its major long-term memory shortage problem. To make the fitness care gadget installation offerings a smart way, RNN Networks are employed, which makes the expectation of detected data for positive sensed records without determining date and time [33] (Table 7).

Table 7 RNN model output result with execution time and 5 epochs

The steps followed in RNN Algorithm

  1. 1.

    The initial input layer which is shifted to the hidden layer has weights and biases applied to the input units.

  2. 2.

    Each hidden layer has 128 neurons as well as a "ReLU" activation unit, which automates the unwanted features.

  3. 3.

    The "Adam Optimizer" is used for error reduction, and also fits the produced model into the testing and training datasets to compile and assess the accuracy score.

  4. 4.

    The "Sigmoid" function, which makes use of the "categorical_crossentropy" loss function, is utilized to get the multiclass classification result.

  5. 5.

    The IoT-23 dataset, which regularly outperforms Text Data, scored the usual execution measurement scores of RNNs.

  6. 6.

    By distinguishing between 5 distinct classes, the result is summed by using the summary of the simple RNN model.

5.9 CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)

Convolution is a function used by CNN. The concept is supported by the fact that just two of the resulting neuron's neural nodes are associated with, rather than each neuron being interfaced with every single resultant neuron [34] (Table 8).

Table 8 CNN model summary with execution time and 5 epochs

The steps followed to design a CNN Algorithm

  1. 1.

    Similar to previous models, bias and weights are applied to input units and fed into the model's initial input layer before it is shifted to the hidden layer.

  2. 2.

    Conv1D, a filter with 64 nodes, was utilized to model the tabular dataset to get a much higher score.

  3. 3.

    Maxpooling1D to reduce the dimensional space.

  4. 4.

    The model is fitted to the testing and training datasets using the "Adam" optimizer to minimize loss across 5 iterations, and the best accuracy score is then determined.

  5. 5.

    The "softmax" generates five different types of IoT attack categories: "DoS," "Mirai," "Scan," "MITM-ARP," & "Normal."

5.9.1 MLP Model (Multilayer Perceptron)

A popular network model for classification is the multilayer perceptron, in which each neuron is coupled with every other neuron in the following layers and whose specified structure is known as a perceptron [35]. The ability to identify nonlinear correlations between the input data is provided by an MLP.

The steps followed in MLP Algorithm

  1. 1.

    The constructed MLP model is given the whole dataset to fit the model to the input data.

  2. 2.

    For feature extraction, a hidden layer with size-functioning nodes is activated.

  3. 3.

    It is fitted like other comparable models, and the "Adam" is used for loss reduction across five iterations, as well as backpropagation to lessen errors.

  4. 4.

    It produces the result by classifying data into 5 different categories, including "Mirai," "DoS," "Scan," "MITM-ARP," & "Normal."

  5. 5.

    Two ideal charts, including the 'Learning Curve' graph represents a declining slope of loss rate and the "Model_Accuracy" graph with excellent accuracy rate (Table 9).

Table 9 MLP model output value with execution time and 5 epochs

6 Comparative Assessment of Foremost Pros & Cons of Top 10 Deep Neural Network Techniques

Let's discover a short look at of foremost benefits and downsides of those Ten Deep studying strategies earlier than finalizing the experimented results (Table 10).

Table 10 Comparison of major advantages and disadvantages of Ten Deep Learning Techniques

7 Comparative Results and Conclusion

The fact about the accuracy values, minimizing the model execution duration and loss value, and 10 AI-deep learning techniques to generate all such models is evident from the below-summarized data table. CNN is the most potent, reliable, and quick model to produce an accurate score for IoT abnormality identification and thus limit the execution time as well as loss, according to the primary supervised deep learning techniques of the best ten AI -Deep Learning models, which are followed by an MLP model in the IoT-23 true dataset that is supervised classification. The unsupervised method GANs offers excellent results, the quickest execution model, and is practical in identifying IoT attack abnormalities. The study paper that followed provided a substantial and new addition to the multiclass classification of IoT anomalies by identifying five different IoT class types and summarising the output from the top ten Deep Learning neural network models (Table 11).

Table 11 Comparison of Experimented all Deep Learning model output results with loss value and accuracy score and Execution Time for 1 Epoch in seconds