1 Introduction

Traditionally, security is considered as a challenging issue in the event of data dissemination in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) due to their decentralized characteristics and dynamic change of states of mobile nodes [1]. The dynamic changes in mobile nodes’ behavior are either intentional or non-intentional introduced by the node itself or the attackers intruding into the network [2]. The predominant attacks that are possible include selfish node attack, rendezvous node attack, block hole attack, worm hole attack and flooding attack [3]. In specific, the root node or rendezvous attack on mobile nodes is considered to be significant that is highly possible during group communications [4]. The network performance under root node attack prevents data packets from being forwarded from one multicast tree to another. This attack negatively impacts the throughput of the network by increasing energy consumption and re-transmissions [5]. Further, when the selfish behavior is imposed over rendezvous nodes, the network performance is still highly degraded that leads to constant tree multicast partitions in the network. A number of predominant mitigation frameworks are formulated and contributed in the network for effective mitigation of rendezvous point nodes [6]. Most of the mitigation frameworks proposed for preventing root node attacks relies only on a single parameter. The parameters such as data rate, throughput, delay and energy consumptions are determined to be essentially investigated for designing a reliable framework [7]. Thus the mitigation of rendezvous point attack under selfish intent cannot be possible through the incorporation of a single parameter [8]. Hence, an integrated context-based multiple factor-based mitigation framework becomes necessary to be devised for mitigating the root node attack with selfish intent in a remarkable manner.

In this paper, an Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework (ICMF) is formulated for preventing rendezvous point attacks through the computation of Grey theory Inspired Discriminating Factor (GTIDF) which is contextually derived using the multiple factors like data rate, throughput, delay and energy consumption using the benefits of the Grey theory. This proposed ICMF framework contextually computes the GTIDF factor by utilizing three categories of root node detection mechanisms that determines its trust value based on their history, conditional and forecasting methodologies respectively. The simulation experiments are also facilitated for quantifying the remarkable performance of the proposed ICMF framework using the survivability rate and categorization rate of root node attackers.

The forthcoming sections of the paper are arranged as follows. Section 2 highlights the potential review of the most recent frameworks contributed for effective detection of rendezvous point attack. Section 3 presents the detailed view of the proposed ICMF framework in addition to its suitability and applicability.

2 Related Work

In this section, some of the most recent frameworks contributed in the literature that focus towards effective and efficient prevention of the rendezvous point attack are detailed with their merits and limitations.

Initially, a Support Vector-based Trust Mitigation Framework (SVTMF) is proposed using Support Vector Machine (SVM) for effective prevention of malicious nodes in the network based on the concept of Tit-for Tat [9]. This SVTMF utilizes only a single factor of packet forwarding potentail for effective mitigation. This SVTMF framework possesses the limitation of not using multiple parameters that appropriately attribute towards the detection of rendezvous node attack in the network. This SVTMF is not capable of predicting the future probability of selfish-based rendezvous point attack under multicasting. Then, a Bayesian Trust (B-TRUST)-based root node attack mitigation framework is proposed for deriving the benefits of Bayesian probability in rendezvous point node detection process [10]. The Bayesian Probability is considered in B-TRUST for quantifying the influence of one factor over other factors such that accurate detection of root node attack is facilitated. This B-Trust mitigation framework also considers only a single parameter for making decisions towards the mitigation of selfish nodes in the network. Further, an effective mitigation framework called Feedback Aggregation in Collaborative Intrusion Detection Network (FACID) is proposed for mitigating the rendezvous point attack in a network [11]. This FACID framework is determined to be the contextual method that estimates the single parameter of throughput to be incorporated in the decision process. Furthermore, Multiple Trust-based Mitigation Framework (MTMF) is proposed for mitigating malicious activity of mobile nodes in the network [12]. This MTMF is the first framework approach that induces innovation of utilizing the benefits of multiple factors that could attribute towards the efficient detection of malicious nodes in the network. Finally, another SVM-based root node mitigation approach is contributed for superior performance of the network in terms of throughput and packet forwarding rate [13]. The energy consumptions and packet delay of the network are determined to be considerably minimized to a significant level in the network. This framework fails to compute the value of trust based on contextual application of parameters and hence the average overhead incurred in the process of data transfer is estimated to be maximum in the network.

The aforementioned limitations of the reviewed mitigation frameworks mechanisms induce the idea for formulating an effective and efficient ICMF framework for mitigating selfish-based rendezvous point attack in the network under multicasting.

3 Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework (ICMF)

This proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework (ICMF) uses multiple factors and context-based reliability factors for classifying and mitigating rendezvous point with selfish misbehavior under multicasting. ICMF proves that mobile node’s behavior cannot be effectively evaluated through a single input parameter like probability of reliable interactions. Hence, reliability factor in ICMF is calculated using closely related parameters including data rate, throughput, delay and energy consumptions. Grey theory is used in ICMF for employing the aforesaid multi-parameters for quantitative evaluation, classification and behavioral investigation of mobile nodes. ICMF uses the benefits of Grey theory as they are capable of analyzing the possible relation that exists between multiple factors based on the kind of data collected. They are potential in evaluating parameters that are not consistent with any distribution rules and are capable of handling multiple factors by preventing uncertainty through the computation of a Grey Theory Inspired Discriminating Factor (GTIDF).

ICMF framework depicted in Fig. 1 consists of three modules as follows:

Fig. 1
figure 1

ICMF Mitigation Framework Architecture

  1. (1)

    Multi-factor observation module

  2. (2)

    Multi-reliability factor computation and integration module

  3. (3)

    Rendezvous Point Misbehavior classification and mitigation module

The detailed descriptions of each of the aforementioned modules are given below.

3.1 Multi-factor Observation Module

In this Multi-factor observation module, multiple factors such as data rate, throughput, delay and energy consumption are elucidated from the network. The elucidated multiple factors are gathered either through direct interaction or neighbour-based interactions. The multiple data is collected for computing GTIDF. This GTIDF aids in computing the contextual reliability factor that integrates three types of proposed mitigation schemes pertaining to co-operation, quantifying reliability factors based detection mechanisms viz., History-based approach (SPlit-half Reliability Factor-based Selfish Node Mitigation (SPRFSNM) [14] and Exponential Factor-based Selfish Node Mitigation (EFSNM)[15]), Conditional probability-based mitigation approaches (ERlang Reliability Conditional Factor-based Selfish Node Mitigation (ERCFSNM) [16] and Laplace Transform-based Selfish Node Mitigation (LTSNM) [17]) and forecasting mechanisms (Semi Markov Factor-based Selfish Node Mitigation (SMFSNM) [18] and Hyper-Geometric Factor-based Selfish Node Mitigation (HGFSNM) [19]) respectively.

3.2 Multi-reliability Factor Computation and İntegration Module

In this multi-reliability factor computation and integration module, the reliability factor is computed either using SPRFSNM or EFSNM for collecting the trust from the neighbours depending on the suitability and application. ERCFSNM is used for computation when the difference between the elucidated multiple factors is minimum, and LTSNM is used when the deviation between the multiple factor is maximum. ICMF manipulates the energy based probabilistic reliability factor using SPRFSNM or EFSNM based on energy utilization rate of mobile nodes. ERCFSNM and LTSNM are used when the energy utilization rates of mobile nodes realized from collected multiple factors are maximum and minimum respectively. The alteration between ERCFSNM and LTSNM is facilitated through the contextual manager that analyzes the energy utilization rate of mobile nodes. In addition, the futuristic reliability forecasting factor of this framework is computed by using the SMFSNM and HGFSNM prediction mechanism.

3.3 Rendezvous Point Misbehaviour Classification and Mitigation Module

Finally, ICMF integrates the three categories of estimated reliability factors. This integrated trust of mobile nodes called GTIDF is calculated during the time period ‘t’ {t = 1, 2,.., T}. GTIDF discrimination factor of each node ‘i’ at time ‘t’ is denoted by ‘\({\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}}\)’. Likewise, the discrimination factor of i’s neighbour node ‘j’ at the same time ‘t’ is ‘\({\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ji}}}}\)’.

From the estimated discrimination factor, the GTIDF (\({\upmu }_{{{\text{ij}}}}\)) is

$${\upmu }_{{{\text{ij}}}} = \frac{{\min \left| { {\text{d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}} - {\text{d}}_{{{\text{ji}}}} } \right| + {\text{k}}\max \left| { {\text{d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}} - {\text{d}}_{{{\text{ji}}}} } \right|}}{{\left| {{\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}} - {\text{d}}} \right| + {\text{k}}\left| { {\text{d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}} - {\text{d}}_{{{\text{ji}}}} } \right|}}$$

In this context, the discrimination factor of each mobile node ‘i’ as estimated by its neighboring mobile nodes at time ‘t’ is ‘\({\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}}\)’. On the hand, the discrimination factor of each neighboring node as estimated by the originally monitored mobile nodes at the same time ‘t’ is ‘\({\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ji}}}}\)’. (For example, if nodes ‘i’ and ‘j’ are interacting nodes, then ‘\({\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ij}}}}\)’ refers to the trust judgement of node ‘i’ by mobile node ‘j’ and ‘\({\text{ d}}_{{{\text{ji}}}}\)’ refers to the trust judgement of node ‘j’ by the mobile node ‘i’, vice versa).

Here, \({\text{k}} = 1/2\) is mainly required for normalizing the discrimination factor that ranges from ‘0′and ‘1’.

The influence of rendezvous point misbehaviour classified into three discriminating Grey-theory groups \(\left( {{\text{G}}_{1} ,{\text{ G}}_{2} ,{\text{ G}}_{3} } \right)\) with their associated weight functions \({ }\left( {{\text{wf}}_{1} ,{\text{ wf}}_{2} ,{\text{ wf}}_{3} } \right)\) is given by

$${\text{wf}}_{1} \left( {{\upmu }_{{{\text{ij}}}} } \right) = - {\upmu }_{{{\text{ij}}}} + 1,{\text{ where }}0 \le {\upmu }_{{{\text{ij}}}} \le 1,{\upalpha } = 0$$
$${\text{wf}}_{2} \left( {\mu _{{{\text{ij}}}} } \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {2\mu _{{{\text{ij~}}}} \quad where~\mu _{{{\text{ij}}}} < 0.5,~\alpha _{2} = 0.5} \\ { - \mu + 2~~{\text{where~}}~\mu _{{{\text{ij}}}} > 0.5,~\alpha _{2} = 0.5} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$
$${\text{wf}}\left( {\mu _{{{\text{ij}}}} } \right) = \mu _{{{\text{ij}}}} ,~~{\text{where}}~0 < \mu _{{{\text{ij}}}} < 1,~\alpha = 1$$

where \(\left( {{\upalpha }_{1} ,{\upalpha }_{2} ,{\upalpha }_{3} } \right)\) refers to the critical bounds for root node attack classification. Then, the integrated value of grey function (\({\text{G}}_{{{\text{ij}}}}\)) aids in classifying the impact of root node attacks. The impact is said to be moderate if ‘\({\text{G}}_{{{\text{ij}}}}\)’ lies between \(\frac{{{\upalpha }_{3} + {\upalpha }_{1} }}{3}\) and \({ }2{ }\frac{{{\upalpha }_{3} + {\upalpha }_{1} }}{3}\). If \({\text{G}}_{{{\text{ij}}}}\) is below \(\frac{{{\upalpha }_{3} + {\upalpha }_{1} }}{3}\), the impact of root node misbehaviour is minimum and it is isolated from routing. In contrary, if ‘G’ is above \(\frac{{{\upalpha }_{3} + {\upalpha }_{1} }}{3}\), the mobile node is co-operative and non-compromised by rendezvous point misbehaviour.

In addition, the proposed ICMF framework can be utilized for mitigating rendezvous point misbehaviour in critical ad hoc networks applications like Post disaster relief operation where co-operation among mobile nodes are highly essential.

4 Suitability of ICMF framework in Disaster Rescue Operation

Tsunami in 2011 and hurricane Sandy in 2012 have drawn great focus to improve the process of post disaster recovery operation. Disasters are unpredictable and may create great havoc by uprooting the entire communication system depending on their severity [20, 21]. Moreover, an infrastructure based network is adversely affected by disaster, and the disaster struck region suffers from degraded communication which hurdles the rescue operation. Thus, the application of ad hoc networks plays a vital role in disaster rescue operation as they can be quickly implemented in the disaster region without any fixed networking infrastructure. However, the application of ad hoc networks in a disaster struck region faces the challenge of co-operation that is necessary for maintaining reliable communication [22, 23]. The issue of co-operation is influenced by the energy constrained nature of mobile nodes because injudicious use of their energy may decrease the network lifetime and further hurdle the network connectivity during post disaster relief operation [24, 25]. Hence, the proposed ICMF framework can be incorporated during a post disaster relief operation for mitigating rendezvous point misbehaviour of multicast group leader in this critical environment.

The implementation of ICMF in post disaster relief operation can be achieved in the following aspects. A hybrid network architecture need to be used for maintaining connectivity between the Base Station (BS) and the mobile nodes of the disaster struck region. The hybrid network architecture has to alternate its mode from cellular network mode to ad hoc network mode when the link between the BS and the survivor’s node fail. The route between survivor’s nodes should be discovered only through neighbours’ communication rather than broadcasting the route request packet. The hybrid network architecture must employ a dedicated MAC protocol based on Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) for reducing the delay during recovery. Rendezvous point misbehaviour mitigation of survivor’s node have to achieved by calculating a trust value that integrates three types of context-aware reliability factors based detection techniques proposed in this research.

5 Performance Investigation of ICMF Framework

The performance of ICMF framework is investigated and it is compared with the benchmarked mitigation frameworks like MTFM and B-TRUST using ns-2.32. ICMF is deployed in the simulation area that contains 100 mobile nodes that arbitrarily move around the terrain area of 1000 × 1000 m in order to investigate the impact of small and large networks [26,27,28,29,30]. Simulations are carried out using a random waypoint model with CBR traffic rate of 40 packets per second and simulation time of 250 s.

Comparative performance of ICMF with MTFM and B-TRUST is initially evaluated based on the estimated trust value for proving its efficiency in effectively mitigating rendezvous point misbehavior. Then, ICMF framework is analyzed based on detection rate, average latency, average overhead, communication overhead, packet delivery rate and throughput by varying the number of mobile nodes and root node attackers. Finally, ICMF is studied based on newly contributed evaluation parameters like rendezvous point misbehavior categorization rate. Rendezvous point misbehavior categorization rate refers to the ratio of the number of mobile nodes actually found to be attacked root nodes to the number of mobile nodes expected to exhibit rendezvous point misbehavior. The rendezvous point misbehavior rate quantifies the fraction of the number of mobile nodes actually mitigated for exhibiting rendezvous point misbehavior to the actual number of mobile nodes exactly identified as rendezvous point misbehavior compromised.

In experiment-1, the effectiveness of the ICMF framework in estimating genuine trust value is analyzed by emphasizing packet delivery rate, throughput, packet delay, energy consumption, data rate and packet loss rate varied over a period of time. It also evaluates the capability of the ICMF framework by using comprehensive trust value estimated by integrating the utilized multiple factors.

Figures 2 and 3 represent the results of accurate trust value of the ICMF framework when the packet delivery rate and throughput are emphasized in the implementation. Figure 2 shows that the ICMF framework estimates accurate trust value at an average rate of 9% and 14% superior to the MTFM and B-TRUST mitigation frameworks when the packet loss rate is emphasized during deployment. Figure 3 portrays that ICMF framework is accurate in estimating the trust value at a rate of 12% and 15% superior to MTFM and B-TRUST trust frameworks when throughput is emphasized during its application.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Accurate Trust value emphasizing PDR of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Fig. 3
figure 3

Accurate Trust value emphasizing Throughput of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Figures 4 and 5 depict the results of accurate trust value facilitated by ICMF framework when packet delay and energy consumption rate are emphasized during implementation. Figure 4 exhibits that when the packet delay is emphasized, the ICMF framework estimates the trust value at an accurate rate of 13% and 17% superior to the baseline mitigation frameworks. Figure 5 shows that ICMF framework estimates the trust value at an accurate rate of 11% and 20% superior to the MTFM and B-TRUST frameworks when energy consumption is emphasized.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Accurate Trust value emphasizing Packet Delay of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Fig. 5
figure 5

Accurate Trust value emphasizing Energy consumption of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Likewise, Figs. 6 and 7 portray the result of accurate trust value facilitated by ICMF framework when data rate and packet loss rate are emphasized during deployment. Figure 6 depicts that when data rate is emphasized, ICMF framework estimates the trust value at an accurate rate of 16% and 21% superior to the baseline mitigation frameworks. Figure 7 represents that ICMF framework that estimates the trust value at an accurate rate of 12% and 18% superior to the MTFM and B-TRUST frameworks when packet loss rate is emphasized.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Accurate Trust value emphasizing Data rate of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Fig. 7
figure 7

Accurate Trust value emphasizing Packet Loss of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Further, the effectiveness of ICMF is analyzed based on the false positive rate, average overhead and average latency by varying the number of root node attackers. Figures 8, 9 and 10 exhibit the results of false positive rate, average overhead and average latency demonstrated by ICMF framework when evaluated for varying number of root node attackers. Figure 8 shows that ICMF framework offers reduced false positive rate at an average rate of 13% and false positive rate of 10% and 13% on par with MTFM and B-TRUST respectively.

Fig. 8
figure 8

False Positive Rate of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Fig. 9
figure 9

Average Overhead of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Fig. 10
figure 10

Average Latency of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Figure 9 represents that ICMF framework decreases the average overhead by an average rate of 17% and decreases the average overhead on par with MTFM and B-TRUST by 15% and 19% respectively. Figure 10 represents that ICMF framework decreases the average latency by an average rate of 14% and decreases the average latency in comparison with MTFM and B-TRUST by 12% and 16% respectively.

Finally, ICMF is also evaluated based on Rendezvous point misbehavior categorization rate and survivability rate as portrayed in Figs. 11 and 12. From Fig. 11, it is proved that Rendezvous point misbehaviour categorization rate of ICMF is 14% and 19% higher than the categorization rate as exhibited by MTFM and B-TRUST. From Fig. 12, it is evident that Rendezvous point misbehavior survivability rate of ICMF is 5.8% and 8.6% better than the survivability rate of MTFM and B-TRUST respectively.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Rendezvous Point Misbehavior Categorization Rate of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

Fig. 12
figure 12

Rendezvous Point Misbehavior Survivability Rate of the Proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework

The analytical validation of the proposed ICMF framework is presented based on the critical bounds of root node attack detection \(\left( {{\upalpha }_{1} ,{\upalpha }_{2} ,{\upalpha }_{3} } \right)\), different values of ‘k’ used for normalization and different weight functions \({ }\left( {{\text{wf}}_{1} ,{\text{ wf}}_{2} ,{\text{ wf}}_{3} } \right)\) used in the detection process. In the first part of analytical validation, the predominance of the proposed ICMF framework is explored using detection accuracy by changing the critical bounds of root node attack detection under \(\alpha = 0.25\),\(\alpha = 0.5\) and \(\alpha = 1\), respectively.

The aforementioned results in Table 1 clearly prove that the detectıon accuracy of the proposed ICMF framework is determined to be comparatively improved with the critical bounds of root node attack classification value set to \(\alpha = 0.5\). The performance of the proposed ICMF framework at \(\alpha = 0.25\) and \(\alpha = 1\) is also significant but not to the maximum level attained by the implemented scheme at \(\alpha = 0.5\). Moreover, the detection accuracy on an average is visualized to be improved by 4.59% at \(\alpha = 0.5\) in contrast to the critical bounds of root node attack detection estimated at \(\alpha = 0.25\) and \(\alpha = 1\), respectively.

Table 1 Detectıon Accuracy for Different Critical Bounds of Root Node Attack Classification

The results presented in Table 2 evidently confirms that the detectıon accuracy of the proposed ICMF framework is determined to be comparatively improved with the critical bounds of root node attack classification value set to \(k = 0.5\). The detection accuracy of the proposed ICMF framework at \(k = 0.25\), \(k = 0.75\) and \(k = 1\) is visualized to be comparatively lower than the detection accuracy attained by the implemented scheme at \(k = 0.5\). In addition, the detection accuracy of the proposed ICMF scheme on an average is visualized to be improved by 5.68% at \(k = 0.5\) when compared to the critical bounds of roort node attack detection estimated at \(k = 0.25\), \(k = 0.75\) and \(k = 1\), respectively.

Table 2 Detectıon Accuracy for Different Critical Bounds of Root Node Attack Classification

The above mentioned results in Table 3 prove that the performance of the proposed ICMF framework evaluated in terms of detectıon accuracy is remarkable with the weights set to \(wf_{1} = 0.33\), \(wf_{2} = 0.33\) and \(wf_{3} = 0.33\), on par with the other weight assignments considered for mitigating attacks. The main reason behind this is mainly due to the importance of Grey theory considered for detecting attacks. Moreover, the performance of the proposed ICMF framework with \(wf_{1} = 0.33\), \(wf_{2} = 0.33\) and \(wf_{3} = 0.33\) is superior in detecting rendezvous point attack on an average by 5.62% and 6.83% when compared to other possible assignments of weights considered for rendezvous point attack detection.

Table 3 Detectıon Accuracy for Different Weights utilized during Detection of Root Node Attack

6 Conclusion

The proposed ICMF framework is formulated and presented as a trustworthy attempt that focuses on the reliable detection of selfish-based rendezvous point attack of mobile nodes under multicasting process. The merits of Grey theory are used in the of the proposed Integrated Context-based Mitigation Framework (ICMF) in order to understand the role of factors used for preventing the root node attack in a multicasting based network. The simulation results of the proposed ICMF framework are presented to exhibit its predominance in reducing packet latency, energy consumptions and average overhead in the network. The results of the proposed ICMF framework also confirm a mean superior Rendezvous point misbehaviour categorization rate and Rendezvous point misbehavior survivability rate of 16% and 6.5% respectively when compared to the MTFM and B-TRUST frameworks considered for investigation. In the near future, Dempster Shafer Evidence-based Trust Framework is planned to be formulated for mitigating the root node attack in the network.