Academic achievement emotions are critical because of the impact they have on learners’ academic outcomes, including their success and failure (Pekrun 1992; Pekrun et al. 2017; Pekrun and Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2014). Academic achievement emotions influence achievement outcomes by promoting situationally-appropriating information processing and self-regulation strategies (Pekrun et al. 2009; Pekrun and Perry 2014) fostering motivation, and focusing attention and limited cognitive resources on achievement-related activities. Typically, positive activating achievement emotions such as pride, enjoyment, and hope are positively related to achievement and negative deactivating emotions such as hopelessness and boredom are detrimental to achievement (Goetz and Hall 2013; Pekrun et al. 2017; Pekrun and Linnenbrink-Garcia 2014). The relationship between achievement and positive deactivating emotions (e.g., relief) as well as negative activating emotions (e.g., anxiety, anger) is, however, more nuanced (Pekrun 2006; Pekrun et al. 2002). Negative activating emotions are often maladaptive to academic achievement but can help individuals succeed in some cases. Anxiety and shame, for example, can motivate us to invest effort and avoid academic failure (Turner and Schallert 2001). However, these same emotions can also have negative implications on achievement by consuming cognitive resources needed for the achievement task at hand (Meinhardt and Pekrun 2003) and compromising interest and intrinsic motivation (Pekrun and Perry 2014).

Given the relationship between emotions and academic achievement, it is generally in learners’ best interest to control their experience, intensity, and duration of academic achievement emotions, especially negative emotions associated with failure. Emotion regulation (ER), which refers to the attempts people make to influence which emotions they have, when they have them, and how they express and experience them (Gross 2015), can help learners do this. Students’ effective use of (ER) strategies can foster learning by helping them to adapt positively when they experience negative emotions, which can adversely impact performance and cognitive functioning (Chauncey-Strain and D’Mello 2015; Pekrun et al. 2011, 2014; Leroy et al. 2012). Despite the importance of ER in education, there is a paucity of research examining it in educational contexts, particularly in naturalistic settings where participants are engaged in authentic, academically relevant tasks.

There is also a lack of research examining students’ ER tendencies where relationships between ER and physiological arousal are examined. The latter being of particular value because physiological arousal provides information about learners’ emotions that is challenging for them to mask, unlike behavioral and self-report data (Dan-Glauser and Gross 2013). Specifically, physiological measures provide information about the arousal dimension of emotion that corresponds to the degree of physiological activation in an emotional response. Arousal is one of two central dimensions used to measure and understand emotions (Russell et al. 1989; Pekrun 2006). The other is valence, which refers to the inherent pleasantness (e.g., enjoyment) or unpleasantness (e.g., anxiety) of an emotion. While physiological measures do not generally assess valence, this dimension can be inferred from either the context of a situation (e.g., arousal being linked to the announcement of a pop quiz vs. receiving an A on a particularly difficult exam) or other emotion expression components such as facial expressions or self-reports of emotion (Harley et al. 2015; Mauss and Robinson 2009). Studies have also found and replicated findings that physiological data can help differentiate positively and negatively valenced emotions, such as amusement and disgust (Kreibig et al. 2015). Moreover, physiological measures of emotion have been used to differentiate the effectiveness of ER strategies (Gross 2002).

The objectives of this study were to contribute to addressing the aforementioned gaps in the literature regarding the relationships between ER and achievement emotions, and the measurement of academic achievement emotions using physiological measures, in particular. This study contributed to addressing these gaps by measuring medical students’ habitual (i.e., typical use of) ER strategies as well as their physiological and self-reported emotional responses during a diagnostic reasoning task in BioWorld (Lajoie 2009), a computer-based learning environment (CBLE) that simulates a medical reasoning situation.

Theoretical framework

Extended emotion process model of ER

Gross’s (2015) extended emotion process model of ER was used as the primary theoretical framework for this study. The model posits that emotions are stimuli-directed, goal-related psychological phenomena with experiential, behavioral, and physiological components and that emotions are generated from appraisals of a situation’s goal congruency or misalignment. Gross (2015) conceptualizes ER as a second level valuation system that is used to modify a first emotion-generating system that could otherwise lead to an undesirable negative emotion being elicited. For example, receiving a lower grade than anticipated on a quiz could result in an internal or overt expression of sadness or frustration if the learner does not regulate their emotion. While Gross (2015) describes five different ways that individuals can regulate their emotions, the most widely studied and influential strategies on cognition, learning, and health outcomes are cognitive reappraisal and suppression; reappraisal being consistently identified as the more effective and adaptive of the two (Chauncey-Strain and D’Mello 2015; Gross 2015; Leroy et al. 2012). Reappraisal is an antecedent-focused strategy and involves altering the way one is thinking about a situation before an emotion is experienced, such as reminding oneself that a bad score on a quiz is an opportunity to identify gaps in understanding, which can lead to a better score on an exam. Suppression is a response-focused strategy and involves deliberately trying to alter the way one is expressing an emotion and typically targets attempts to change one’s behavioral (e.g., avoid frowning or crying) and physiological responses (e.g., taking deep breathes to calm a racing heart).

Physiological measures of emotion have been used to differentiate the effectiveness of ER strategies such as suppression versus reappraisal. For example, a study by Gross (1998a) found that both suppression and reappraisal were effective in reducing emotion-expressive behavior when compared to a control condition, but suppression was associated with increased sympathetic activation whereas reappraisal was not. Another study that measured cardiovascular responses showed that learners’ high in reappraisal had a more adaptive emotional response profile when attempting to down-regulate anger in an experimental study (Mauss et al. 2007). Other research has supported these patterns, identifying reappraisal as a more effective ER strategy than suppression, where the latter impairs memory and increases physiological responding for those attempting to suppress their emotions (for a review see Gross 2002).

Control-value theory of achievement emotions

A second pertinent and complimentary theoretical framework is Pekrun’s control-value theory (CVT) of achievement emotions (Pekrun 2006, 2011; Pekrun and Perry 2014). The CVT was selected as an additional theoretical framework to add depth to the framing of the study as well as interpretation of results because of its appropriateness for understanding emotion in academic achievement contexts, as well its description of mechanisms that mediate the generation (i.e., stimulation) of emotions: control and value appraisals. Moreover, the CVT has also been applied to medical education to help guide research and practice in the field (Artino et al. 2012; Artino and Pekrun 2014; Duffy et al. 2018). Research based on the CVT has consistently demonstrated the influence of different appraisal mechanisms on the elicitation of emotions experienced by students in academic achievement situations (e.g., test taking, studying, lectures; for review see Pekrun and Perry 2014).

Appraisals of control and value are recognized in CVT as the most important appraisals in the direction of an emotion for an activity. Pekrun (2006, 2011) and Pekrun and Perry (2014) defines subjective control as one’s perceived ability to effectively manage achievement activities and their outcomes, or more broadly, as one’s beliefs concerning the causal influence they exert (agency appraisal) over their actions and outcomes (controllability), including the subjective likelihood of obtaining said outcome (probability). Pekrun further defines the term subjective value in the context of achievement emotions as the perceived importance of an activity and its outcome(s) to oneself (goal relevance), and more broadly as the perception that an action or outcome is positive or negative in nature (goal congruence—event supports or hinders goal attainment). The CVT also differentiates intrinsic value (e.g., chemistry as important because it is interesting; value stems from activity itself) from the extrinsic value (e.g., chemistry as important because of its instrumental role in admissions for a general bachelor of science program).

Appraisals of control and value can be used by learners in an academic achievement situation to regulate their emotions by changing (reappraising) how they are interpreting a situation with regard to these two dimensions. The CVT describes the relationship between different combinations of control and value (e.g., high control, low value), what the learner is focusing on (object focus: an academic achievement activity, such as writing an exam; or an outcome, such as how they will do on the exam) and different discrete emotions that arise as a result (e.g., boredom or enjoyment). Accordingly, the CVT compliments the extended process model of ER by outlining, for example, which appraisals should be prioritized by reappraisal strategies (control and value) and the direction (e.g., up or down) learners should use to influence their appraisals to regulate their emotion to a more desirable (e.g., positive) emotional state.

Related work

The majority of published research to-date on ER has examined this phenomenon outside of authentic educational contexts and in highly-controlled experimental settings (Chauncey-Strain and D’Mello 2015; Leroy et al. 2012; Gross 2015; Webb et al. 2012). As such, participants’ emotional states are often directed toward tasks that are not necessarily of personal and/or curricular value to them, such as participating in a deliberately tedious memorization task or reading about the U.S. constitution (Chauncey-Strain and D’Mello 2015; Leroy et al. 2012). Moreover, much of this research has relied on self-report measures as the only measure of emotions. Findings from research on ER in education and education-related settings is consistent with the results in experimental psychology, where reappraisal strategies are generally more effective and adaptive than suppression strategies (Chauncey-Strain and D’Mello 2015; Leroy et al. 2012; Gross 2015; Jamieson et al. 2010; Webb et al. 2012).

Other research has sought to externally regulate student emotions by attempting to foster positive emotions (e.g., enjoyment, curiosity) through supportive messages delivered by virtual pedagogical agents (often targeting appraisals). However, these programs of research are too few and too mixed in terms of intervention approaches and results (Arroyo et al. 2013; D’Mello et al. 2010; Robison et al. 2009) to draw substantive conclusions (Harley et al. 2017). Other research with computer-based learning environments has focused more on the environment (situation); specifically, on creating environments with features and pedagogical interactions that are related to emotions such as enjoyment and curiosity. These two approaches focus on adapting the environment to individual learner characteristics such as personality traits (Harley et al. 2016a) or to general learner preferences, such as the immersion and affective engagement associated with narrative (i.e., story) and other game-like features (Sabourin and Lester 2014). The aforementioned studies represent the greatest amount of work done to-date: research uncovering design recommendations linked to learners’ tendencies to experience postive emotional states. The theoretical frameworks advanced by Pekrun (2006, 2011), Pekrun and Perry (2014) and Gross (2015) reveal, however, that there are other dimensions of ER besides the environment/situation that warrant empirical examination.

The measurement of emotion is bound to the goal of understanding how emotions can be regulated: one must be able to accurately and reliably detect learners’ emotional states as they arise and change in order to select and implement appropriate ER strategies as they are needed. Unfortunately, the majority of educational psychology research continues to rely predominantly on self-report measures of emotion. Aside from the construct-general concerns that self-report measures present, such as social desirability and item fatigue, it is widely agreed that emotions are multicomponential and dynamic, temporally-complex psychological processes (Calvo and D’Mello 2010; Harley 2015; Harley et al. 2015; Porayska-Pomsta et al. 2013). Most self-report measures only provide a means to measure the experiential component of emotions, and those that include items related to learners’ behavior and physiology, such as the achievement emotion questionnaire (AEQ; Pekrun et al. 2002), still cannot directly measure these emotional components and rely on learners’ recollections and accurate reporting of such manifestations.

Finally, in expanding the tools of inquiry used to examine emotions, research must also return to investigate and question relationships drawn between psychological traits, processes, and states to determine whether patterns observed with self-report measures hold true for physiological and behavioral manifestations of emotion. If recent studies that examined the degree of coupling between emotional components are any indication (Evers et al. 2014; Harley et al. 2015; Mauss et al. 2005), there is a considerable amount of work to be done to understand if trace measures of emotion, physiological in particular, fit into the patterns of results that research relying on self-report data have woven. A recent meta-analyses of multimodal emotion measurement found substantial differences in the additive predictive value of using different types of emotion measurement methods (D’Mello and Kory 2015). These findings reinforce the need to expand our understanding of accepted (i.e., assumed) relationships within (e.g., physiological: heart rate and skin conductance) and between emotion expression components (e.g., physiological and self-report; Harley 2015). Such empirical research is also needed to help develop more granular theories of emotion. Presently, widely used theories of emotion such as the extended process model of emotion regulation (Gross 2015) and the CVT (Pekrun and Perry 2014) do not distinguish between experiential and different biological sources or measures of activation (i.e., arousal) nor do they hypothesize on the different relations these assorted expression components may have with learning and individual differences.

Numerous methods exist to measure physiological arousal, such as cortisol sampling from saliva (Jamieson et al. 2010; Spangler et al. 2002), pupil dilation (Scrimin et al. 2016), and heart rate (i.e., cardiac vagal tone; Butler et al. 2006; Dan-Glauser and Gross 2015; Li et al. 2009). In the current study, we used electrodermal activity because it is one of the most widely-researched physiological channels for measuring emotion (Kapoor et al. 2007; Kreibig et al. 2015; Mauss and Robinson 2009; Picard et al. 2016), especially in computer-based learning environments like the present study (Calvo and D’Mello 2010; Harley 2015; Woolf et al. 2009). It is also an appropriate physiological channel for detecting changes in emotion from participants engaging in emotion regulation strategies (Gross 2002). Within the EDA complex there are two parallel channels: skin conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance response (SRL). SCL is slow changing, smooth, and understood in relation to an individual’s physiological baseline (Braithwaite, et al. 2013) whereas SCR is characterized as rapidly changing, meaningful peaks in activation. These aspects of physiological activation are thought to rely on different underlying neurological mechanisms (Dawson et al. 2001; Nagai et al. 2004), which could lead to differences in their patterns and relationships with other psychological processes.

Current study: research questions and objectives

The current study contributes to addressing the aforementioned gaps in the literature by examining medical students habitual use of ER strategies and physiological arousal while they interacted with a computer-based diagnostic reasoning simulation, BioWorld (Lajoie 2009). More specifically, relationships between habitual ER strategies, physiological activation, academic achievement (performance on a diagnostic reasoning task), and self-reported emotions and appraisals are examined. The first objective of this study was to examine the predictive relationship between habitual ER strategies, learning and emotions in an authentic and academically relevant task (Jamieson et al. 2010) rather than an artificial, experimental task. This study also extends the investigation of ER in academic and learning contexts to medical students; a demographic for whom the regulation of emotions is a critical part of their future work (Duffy et al. 2015; Lajoie et al. 2015).

The second objective of this study was to meaningfully extend prior research on ER tendencies by measuring emotional activation through the collection and analyses of electrodermal activation (EDA). In doing so this study sought to provide evidence on whether previously identified relationships between habitual ER strategies and emotional activation would carry over to authentic, academic achievement contexts (Gross and Levenson 1993). In addition, including a physiological measure of emotional activation provided an opportunity to examine an under-examined component of emotion which is challenging for students to mask while also overcoming challenges associated with social desirability and the accuracy of recall (self-report data; Dan-Glauser and Gross 2013), cultural confounds (Ekman 1992), and triggering stereotypes through data collection (e.g., activating gender-based math anxiety through self-report; Goetz et al. 2013).

The third objective of this study was to conduct a preliminary, indirect comparative investigation of the relationship between study variables and the two components of the EDA complex: skin conductance levels (SCL; i.e., tonic EDA) versus skin conductance responses (SCR; i.e., phasic EDA); an assumed convergent relationship in theory and research. By measuring and examining the patterns of these two distinct components of the EDA complex we sought to provide preliminary evidence to guide the selection and interpretation of these different measures of physiological activation.

In order to accomplish the above objectives, we used Gross’ (2015) extended emotion process model of emotion regulation and Pekrun’s (2006, 2011) and Pekrun and Perry (2014) control-value theory of achievement emotions to guide the formation of the following research questions and hypotheses:

Research Question 1 What ER tendencies did medical students report and were they predictors of their (a) performance on, (b) self-reported emotions during a diagnostic reasoning task, and (c) appraisals of task control and value? No prior empirical studies that the authors were aware of had investigated medical students’ ER tendencies and appraisals of control and value in a context similar to the current study (a computer-based learning environment). Prior research demonstrates that reappraisal ER strategies are more effective than suppression strategies (Gross 2015). As such, we hypothesized that medical students, whom have particularly stressful and challenging programs to get into and perform well in (Lajoie et al. 2015) would be more likely to select the more adaptive of the two. Based on studies that have examined learning in a non-medical context, we predicted that habitual use of suppression strategies would relate negatively to higher diagnostic performance scores with BioWorld whereas reappraisal strategies would positively predict higher diagnostic scores (Chauncey-Strain and D’Mello 2015; Leroy et al. 2012). We predicted the same pattern for positive emotions based on research that has found reappraisal strategies to be more effective than suppression strategies (Gross 2015). Finally, we expected to find a positive predictive relationship between habitual use of reappraisal strategies and appraisals of control and value because these two appraisal dimensions are the most influential in generating (Pekrun and Perry 2014), and by extension, regulating academic achievement emotions. In other words: a learner who typically engages in reappraisal to regulate their emotions is likely to reappraise their perceptions of control and value in an academic achievement situation to regulate their achievement emotions. We expected the opposite pattern between habitual use of suppression and control and value appraisals. Specifically, we hypothesized that reappraisal ER tendencies would positively predict control and value appraisals, while suppression ER tendencies would negatively predict control and value appraisals. We further hypothesized that reappraisal ER tendencies would positively predict positive achievement emotions (enjoyment, pride, and hope) and negatively predict negative achievement emotions (anxiety, hopelessness, and shame) while the inverse would be true for suppression ER tendencies.

Research Question 2 Did medical students’ respective SCLs or SCRs illustrate the experience of heightened physiological arousal? No prior empirical studies that the authors were aware of have investigated medical students’ physiological arousal in a computer-based learning environment. In prior research with computer-based learning environments, levels of physiological arousal are typically low (D’Mello 2013; Harley 2015; Harley et al. 2015); however, because in this study medical students engaged in potentially emotionally-laden decision making (Jarrell et al. 2016, 2017) we expected that participants would experience higher levels of arousal. This RQ was important to address because it provides insight into a specific type of students’ affective tendencies while they interact with a special type of learning environment. Understanding learners’ over-all physiological arousal tendencies also helps to contextualize the other RQs related to SCL and SCR data.

Research Question 3 Do ER tendencies predict physiological arousal? We predicted that tendencies to use suppression would predict heightened levels of physiological activation (Gross and Levenson 1993).

Research Question 4 Does physiological arousal predict performance on a diagnostic reasoning task? As physiological activation can indicate both positive activating emotions, such as enjoyment associated with effective performance and learning as well as negative emotions such as anxiety which has a more nuanced relationship with performance (e.g., some anxiety can motivate and focus attention, whereas too much can retract from cognitive resources) a directional hypotheses could not be established for this research question.

Research Question 5 Does physiological arousal predict learners’ (a) retrospective self-reported emotions and (b) appraisals of control and value? Physiological activation does not provide any information for the emotional dimension of valence. Therefore, activation could indicate either pleasant activating emotions associated with learning, such as enjoyment, or unpleasant activating emotions such as anxiety and frustration that have a less clear relationship with learning (Pekrun and Perry 2014). Neither research nor theory was therefore available to develop detailed hypotheses for RQ5 that would effectively differentiate the emotions measured in this study. More generally, we hypothesized, based on prior research, that if a predictive relationship emerged between physiological arousal and self-reported emotions, that it would be a positive predictive relationship because all emotions measured are activating emotions (Pekrun 2006; Pekrun and Perry 2014). Prior research has indicated that correlations between self-reported emotions and physiological arousal are generally weak to moderate in strength (Evers et al. 2014; Harley et al. 2015; Mauss et al. 2005), therefore we were more confident in the direction of a potential relationship rather than the emergence of the relationship. Typically, emotional intensity increases with task value, so we also hypothesized a predictive relationship between appraisals of value and physiological arousal. The relationship with control is, however, too nuanced in the CVT (Pekrun 2006; Pekrun and Perry 2014) to lend itself to a hypothesis for this RQ.



Medical students (N = 37) from one large North American public university (five were in their first year, 27 were in their second year, and three were in their third and two were in their fourth year) participated in this study.Footnote 1,Footnote 2 None of the participants’ diagnostic reasoning scores identified them as outliers. Moreover, when participants were grouped into (1) below year two (n = 5), (2) year two (n = 27), and (3) above year two (n = 5) no significant differences were observed in diagnostic reasoning scores or emotion regulation tendencies. Participants had a mean age of 24.30 (SD = 3.50), 57% were female (43% were male), and 41% self-identified as Caucasian (other self-identifying ethnicities included Arab, Asian, Chinese, and others).

Learning Environment

BioWorld (Lajoie 2009) is a computer-based learning environment (CBLE) designed to help medical students learn how to effectively diagnose a patient through a diagnostic simulation. Each case begins with a patient history, which provides details on the case including relevant symptoms (see Fig. 1). Students propose initial hypotheses (e.g., diagnosis) based on the evidence gathered in the patient history. As participants interact with BioWorld they collect additional information that will allow them to prove or disprove their proposed hypotheses, with the implicit goal of providing a correct diagnosis. During the diagnostic reasoning task different achievement emotions can be evoked. For example, students can obtain further evidence by ordering laboratory tests that immediately confirm or disconfirm a particular hypothesis. In response to the results from these laboratory tests, students can experience different achievement emotions. For instance, a student might become anxious when they receive a non-confirmatory test result (one that fails to provide support for their diagnostic hypothesis). This emotion arises if they appraise the task as being high in value and their appraisals of control drop to become only moderate and involve failure-oriented uncertainty about their ability to solve the case. If the same student focuses on anticipated success rather than failure, however, they may experience hope in the face of uncertainty. A student that comes to believe that they are incapable of solving a case, perhaps after a few non-confirmatory test results, may experience hopelessness. Shame may be experienced if this student attributes their failure to gather support for a hypothesis to themselves. A different student who received a confirmatory test result might feel pride if they value the task and attribute their success in identifying this piece of evidence to themselves.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Screenshot of primary BioWorld interface: case summary tab

Students can also obtain more information from searching the digital library. The use of the library can similarly elicit achievement emotions if the information provided by the library tool prompts students to appraise their value and control over the task or their value and expectancy for success and failure. Ordering laboratory tests that confirm or disconfirm hypotheses and searching for information to support and/or form them are just two potential sources of achievement emotions that medical students might experience during their interaction with BioWorld. These emotional states were a focus of the current study.

After the final diagnosis is submitted, students receive individualized feedback) on their solution based on an aggregated expert solution. For example, a comparison was provided between their solution with regard to which pieces of evidence they correctly identified or missed. Figure 2 illustrates how BioWorld provided feedback to medical students on their medical diagnosis by listing both the expert’s prioritized items of evidence for their medical diagnosis (hypotheses) and the medical students’. Green check marks were used to indicate matching evidence between student and expert lists. Red exclamation marks were used to highlight evidence the expert listed as relevant and the student missed. Finally, evidence a medical student listed as relevant that did not match the experts was highlighted using grey font. Furthermore, students received their own report at the completion of the case that highlighted a written expert case summary as well.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Screenshot of BioWorld interface: expert feedback interface


Electrodermal activation

The skin conductance level (i.e., SCL; tonic) or skin conductance response (i.e., SCR; phasic) aspects of the EDA complex was measured using one of two different devices, Q-sensor 2.0 or Biopac. Q-Sensor 2.0 (Apparatus, 2013) was used to measure learners’ SCL and Biopac (Apparatus, 2013) was used to measure learners’ SCR. The SCL component of the EDA complex reflects the slower aspect of the EDA signal, whereas the SCR component reflects faster changes. Both components are important dimensions of arousal and are thought to rely on different underlying neurological mechanisms (Dawson et al. 2001; Nagai et al. 2004). Learners did not wear both bracelets simultaneously.

Q-Sensor 2.0 provides eight raw values (microSiemens; uS) every second (sampling frequency). The bracelet was developed by Picard and colleagues who found SCL-EDA to be an effective predictor of affective states in the context of learning (Kapoor et al. 2007). Measurements are understood in relative terms due to individual differences in baseline SCL levels. Arousal is therefore inferred based on a higher or lower level compared to the individuals’ average or baseline level.

Biopac (Braithwaite et al. 2013) was used to measure learners’ SCR. The accompanying AcqKnowledge software derives the EDA from the bracelet’s electrodes and computes SCRs using the guidelines advanced by the Handbook of Psychophysiology (Cacioppo et al. 2007). One method for assessing the level of arousal is by examining the frequency of significant SCRs. Significance in this context refers to deflections in the signal that exceed a pre-specified threshold. Biopac, like Q-Sensor, is a popular commercial research and development physiological sensor, used in many research studies (Hussain et al. 2014).

Emotion regulation strategies

The emotion regulation questionnaire (ERQ; Gross and John 2003) was used to measure medical students’ habitual (i.e., typical) use of reappraisal and suppression. Habitual ER strategies represent individual differences in tendencies to use reappraisal and suppression, which have been linked to greater and lesser levels of positive and negative emotions, interpersonal functioning, and wellbeing (Gross and John 2003). The ERQ is a ten-item questionnaire that uses a seven-point scale (where 1 corresponds to “strongly disagree”, 4 corresponds to “neutral”, and 7 corresponds to “strongly agree”) to measure students’ tendencies to engage in reappraisal (6 items) or suppression (4 items) strategies when attempting to regulate positive and negative emotion. Cronbach’s Alpha indicated that internal reliability was acceptable for each subscale (reappraisal, α = .85; suppression, α = .84).

Performance on diagnostic reasoning task

Learners’ performance on a diagnostic reasoning task was extracted from the BioWorld logfiles using the percent match with the expert solution, which we refer to as diagnostic efficiency (Jarrell et al. 2016, 2017; Fig. 2). The expert solution (provided to the learner at the end of each case) contained a visualization of evidence matches with the expert solution (efficiency score data) and the expert’s analysis, which indicated the correct solution (accuracy score, not used; See Fig. 2). Red exclamation marks indicate evidence items in the expert’s prioritized evidence list that the participant failed to identify; green check marks indicated evidence items correctly identified; and evidence greyed out in the participant’s prioritized evidence list indicated evidence items the participant considered relevant but were not pertinent to the final solution.

Academic achievement emotions

The during achievement situation subscale of the Academic Achievement Emotions questionnaire (AEQ; Pekrun et al. 2002) was used to measure the emotions learners’ experienced while solving the diagnostic reasoning task. The AEQ assesses emotions that commonly occur during achievement settings (Daniels et al. 2008; Pekrun and Perry 2014; Pekrun et al. 2002, 2011, 2017). The AEQ was an appropriate self-report measure to use because learning with BioWorld is an achievement situation, and one that prior research has shown elicits achievement emotions such as pride and shame (Duffy et al. 2018; Jarell et al. 2016, 2017). The AEQ uses a five-point scale where 1 corresponds to “strongly disagree” and 5 corresponds to “strongly agree.” The AEQ was adapted, according to the instructional manual (Pekrun et al. 2002) and previous studies (Jarrell et al. 2017) to measure learners’ test-related retrospective state emotions with BioWorld: “For each of the following items, indicate how you felt during the diagnostic reasoning task (solving the case within BioWorld).” An example item measuring hopelessness is “I had given up believing that I could solve the case correctly.” The AEQ during state test-taking emotion subscale consists of 27 items and measures enjoyment (3 items; α = .55), pride (2 items; α = .74), hope (2 items; α = .54), anxiety (α = .71 after one item dropped; 7 items originally; α = .66), hopelessness (6 items; α = .91), shame (5 items; α = .77), and anger (2 items; α = .08). Cronbach’s Alpha indicated that reliability was acceptable, with the exceptions of enjoyment, hope, and anger. Since these subscales were composed of two or three items it was neither advisable (enjoyment) or possible (hope, and anger) to improve the internal reliability through item elimination. Accordingly, enjoyment, hope, and anger variables were disregarded from analyses and pride, anxiety, hopelessness, and shame were retained. Medical students may have experienced pride or shame from attributing their success (pride) or failure (shame) to solve a case to their own effort or ability. On the other hand, they may have felt anxious if they were uncertain whether they would be able to solve a case (or similar case in the future) and were focused on potential failure. Hopelessness may have been aroused in similar situations where potential failure was focused on, but success was deemed to be unlikely rather than just uncertain. In all of these hypothetical situations, medical students would appraise the solving of cases as having value.

While the internal reliability of enjoyment, hope, and anger subscales are lower than those reported in previous studies using the AEQ, it is important to note that this study used only items pertaining to during task emotions. Previous studies collapsed across items that measured the emotion before, during and after the task, resulting in a larger overall number of items per emotion (Daniels et al. 2008; Pekrun et al. 2002, 2011). Less validation work has been done to-date working with subscales, although the AEQ allows for this use and it was theoretically warranted in this study (Pekrun 2002).

Appraisals of control and task value

Appraisals of task control and value were measured using a single item each to avoid item fatigue: “I felt in control of my performance on the task” and “I valued the task.” Both items used a five-point scale, from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree”.

Experimental procedure

After signing the informed consent form learners were asked to complete a pre-session survey on Survey Monkey that included collecting demographic information and the ERQ questionnaire. Next, participants were guided by an experimenterFootnote 3 to attach and activate either a Q-Sensor or Biopac bracelet. Next, learners received a tutorial on how to interact with BioWorld in order to solve the diagnostic cases. During the learning session participants solved either two short diagnostic problems or one long problem, depending on the time of their booking (participants were run over the course of about a year based on their availability). Eight medical students completed one long problem as part of the piloting process for a newer case that was developed to expand the diagnostic training offered by BioWorld (see Data Analyses section below for analyses examining different subgroups of the study). Time does not permit having medical students complete all three cases in an experimental setting.

In either case, the session took 2.5 h to complete. After solving the last problem, participants were asked to report how they felt by completing a modified version of the AEQ retrospective state emotions test and the single-item self-report measures of control and value appraisals. All self-report data was collectively using an electronic survey: Survey Monkey. The data analyzed in this study was collected as part of a larger, ongoing project. Only the measures relevant to the analyses in this study will be discussed.

Data analysis

Table 1 summarizes the sample each research question drew upon.

Table 1 Sample size by research question
Table 2 Zero-order correlations between study variables


In order to analyze the SCL data from the Q-Sensor 2.0, participant’s minimum EDA response value was extracted from their baseline (a period of 2–5 min before the learning session began) and participant’s maximum EDA response value was extracted from EDA data collected during the entire session. Each EDA data point logged during the session was then standardized based on each participant’s unique minimum and maximum values using the following formula ([Standardized EDA Response = (EDA value − minimum value)/(maximum value − minimum value)] (Dawson et al. 2001). These standardized EDA scores were interpreted based on proximity to zero and one. For example, a standardized EDA value of zero indicates that the EDA score is equal to their minimum EDA value whereas a normalized EDA value of 1 indicates that that the EDA score is equal to their maximum score. Any other value was interpreted relative to its position between 0 and 1 as a standardized proportional scale (i.e. a value close to zero would be interpreted as a relatively low arousal response whereas a value approaching 1 would be interpreted as a relatively high arousal response). The average of these individual standardized scores was then calculated across the session to examine each individual’s mean SCL level tendencies across the learning session (i.e. a user-dependent measure of physiological arousal). One participant was dropped from the EDA analyses because of higher baseline than learning session scores, which created an anomalous negative average EDA value (Braithwaite et al. 2013).


SCR data from Biopac provided frequency data about the quantity of significant SCRs. In order to calculate a mean value across participants we calculated the frequency of SCRs per minute (across the time learners spent interacting with BioWorld) for each learner (Braithwaite et al. 2013). One participant’s Biopac EDA was not recorded properly.


Given that SCL and SCRs represent different and important aspects of the EDA complex, it was not appropriate to amalgamate EDA data from these two different sources. Therefore, to answer the research questions, analyses were run separately for each type of EDA response. Medical students only wore one type of bracelet—depending on the availability of bracelet type—and therefore provided either SCL or SCR data from individual participants. Different bracelets were used because the experimenters did not have enough physiological bracelets for all participants to wear the same model during group data collection (where multiple participants were run at the same time, but on individual computers separated by walls and without collaboration). Comparisons between bracelets was a secondary aim and one that emerged due to the different types of information each bracelet collected: SCL versus SCR. Participants were instructed to wear the physiological bracelet on their non-dominant hand to avoid movement artifacts associated with frequent mouse movement during their interaction with BioWorld. Accordingly, it would not have been appropriate to have participants wear one bracelet on each hand.

Diagnostic efficiency

The number of evidence matches with the expert solution was converted into a percentage score by taking the number of correct evidence items and dividing it by the total number of evidence items in the expert solution. For example, if a participant correctly identified five pieces of evidence but failed to identify three items, then the participant received a percentage of correct matches score of 63% (i.e. 5/8). Converting the number of matches with the expert to a percentage enabled comparisons across cases where the expert solution consisted of varying numbers of evidence items. In order to answer our research questions related to diagnostic efficiency we used an average of medical students’ diagnostic efficiency scores across counterbalanced cases when they solved more than one case (i.e., two shorter cases rather than one longer one).

BioWorld cases

Some of the analyses conducted in this paper pooled medical students who used BioWorld to solve different medical cases. We ran a number of analyses to determine the circumstances that pooling participants would be appropriate.

An independent samples t test was run examining diagnostic efficiency between all participants who learned about case 1 and 2 versus 3. A significant difference in diagnostic efficiency between students’ averaged scores for Case 1 and 2 (M = 52.46; SD = 16.32) and those who learned about Case 3 was observed (M = 11.00; SD = 7.50), t(16.27) = 10.19, p < .05). Accordingly, those eight participants who interacted with Case 3 only were discarded from the second sub question of RQ1 that examined the relationship between ER strategies and diagnostic efficiency.

We had no reason to believe that medical students ER tendencies, reported prior to their interaction with BioWorld would be affected by their case assignment. None-the-less, we conducted two independent samples t tests, one for each of the ER tendencies and no significant differences were observed.

An independent t test analysis was also run to examine whether differences in diagnostic efficiency existed between a subset of participants who wore the SCL bracelet to learn about Case 1 and 2 (n = 13) versus those who learned about Case 3 (n = 8).Footnote 4 The same pattern as above (with participants who wore both types of bracelets) emerged) A significant difference in diagnostic efficiency between students’ averaged scores for Case 1 and 2 (M = 51.10; SD = 21.56) and those who learned about Case 3 was observed (M = 11.00; SD = 7.50), t(16.13) = 6.13, p < .05). Accordingly, we excluded participants who learned about Case 3 from analyses that examined the relationship between diagnostic efficiency and SCL (RQ4).

Next, we ran a series of independent sample t-test analyses to see if any significant differences could be identified from comparing the self-reported emotions and SCLs of participants who learned about Case 1 and 2 (n = 12 with full data) versus Case 3 (n = 9). No significant differences were observed, therefore we grouped these students together for analyses that examined self-reported emotions (RQ1 and 5) and physiological arousal (RQ5; i.e., analyses where diagnostic accuracy was not assessed).

Data cleaning

Data cleaning was conducted at the variable and group level to limit the undue influence of outlying scores on means by creating and screening distributions using stem and leaf and boxplots generated with SPSS (Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). Outlying scores were changed to the next most extreme score that was not an outlier (Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). All variables were also screened for skewness and kurtosis (Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). None of the variables (including different sample size permutations of them; see Table 3) were skewed or kurtotic (using a threshold of z = ± 1.96) with the exceptions of two modest departures in skew (z = 2.05 and 2.12) for SCL variables; neither sufficient to warrant variable transformations.

Table 3 Descriptive statistics for all study variables

Rationale for analyses

In order to answer our research questions, we ran simple linear or multiple regression analyses, depending on the number of predictor variables being examined per question. This article sought to answer five research questions, many of which had sub questions that involved testing separate null hypotheses (H0). For each of these hypotheses we examined potential relationships between different variables, such as discrete emotions and psychological properties (RQ 1 and 5) or emotions and physiological manifestations (RQ 2–4). Since Type I error is localized for each H0, family-wise alpha adjustments were neither necessary nor advisable in the context of the current study. Familywise alpha adjustments decrease power and inflates type II error rates (O’Keefe 2003; Steinfatt 1979) and therefore, should be conducted only when necessary. While some argue that alpha adjustments for multiple testing is not necessary (O’Keefe 2003), a more stringent view is that alpha adjustments for multiple testing is not necessary when each statistical test assesses a different null hypothesis (Matsunaga 2007Footnote 5; Rubin 2017).


Preliminary results

We examined the zero-order relationship between self-reported emotion and appraisals (see Table 2). As expected, all negatively-valenced emotions (anxiety, hopelessness, shame) were significantly and positively correlated with one another and negatively correlated with pride. Appraisals of value were significantly negatively correlated with anxiety, r = − .54, p < .05, and hopelessness, r = − .55, p < .05. With the exception of the significant negative correlations between value and anxiety and hopelessness, these results reflect the expected patterns of achievement emotions and appraisals. This provides an additional source of validity for these measures.

Descriptive statistics (see Table 3) revealed that the negative relationship between value and anxiety and value and hopelessness was likely between higher and mid-level appraisals of value rather than low appraisals of task value on account of a high mean M = 4.38 (SD = 0.67) and a relatively high minimum value of 3.00 (possible minimum value of 1.00 and maximum value of 5.00). CVT (Pekrun 2006) holds that appraisals of value must be affirmative rather than high for negative emotions such as anxiety to be experienced. If one doesn’t care about the outcome, what is there to feel anxious (or hopeless) about? Taken together, the relationships between emotions and between emotions and appraisals are empirically and theoretically aligned.

Research Question 1 What kind of ER strategies did medical students report typically using (i.e., ER tendencies) and were they predictors of their (a) performance, (b) self-reported emotions during a diagnostic reasoning task, and (c) appraisals of control and task value?

Medical students who participated in this study tended to report moderate habitual levels of reappraisal, M = 5.24 (SD = 0.70) and lower (intermediate) levels of suppression, M = 3.60 (SD = 1.29). A paired samples t-test revealed that medical students reported significantly higher habitual levels of reappraisal than suppression ER strategies, t(36) = 7.22, p < .001, d = 1.19 (see Table 3).

In order to identify whether habitual ER strategy use predicted their performance on a diagnostic reasoning task, a multiple linear regression was conducted. No significant predictive relationship of reappraisal or suppression tendencies on diagnostic efficiency was found (See Table 3 for descriptive statistics for: Diagnostic Accuracy, and Reappraisal (NoC3) and Suppression (NoC3); see Table 4 for regression summary and Table 5 for zero-order correlation matrix).

Table 4 Multiple regression results for ERQ on AEQ emotions, appraisals, SCL, and diagnostic efficiency
Table 5 Zero-order correlations between habitual ER strategies and diagnostic efficiency
Table 6 Zero-order correlations between ER tendencies and skin conductance

In order to answer the third component of the first research question we ran a series of multiple regression analyses. For each model, reappraisal and suppression were entered as predictive variables and one of the four achievement emotions were entered as the dependent variable (pride, anxiety, hopelessness, shame). The model examining the predictive relationship between ER tendencies and pride was significant (R2= .28; p = .050Footnote 6), where reappraisal was a significant predictor (β = .54, p < .05). The models examining the relationship ER tendencies anxiety (R2= .28; p < .05), hopelessness (R2= .29; p < .05), and shame (R2= .40; p < .01) were also significant; in all cases, suppression was a significant predictor of negative emotions (see Table 4).

In order to answer the fourth component of the first research question, we ran two multiple regression analyses where both ER tendencies were entered as predictive variables and appraisals of value or control were entered as the dependent variable in each model. Neither model was significant. See Table 4 for a summary of multiple regression results for RQ1.

RQ2 Did medical students’ respective SCLs or SCRs illustrate the experience of heightened physiological arousal?

Medical students had a low mean frequency of .73 (SD = .58) SCRs per minute (Braithwaite et al. 2013; Boucsein 2012) during their interaction with BioWorld and a low standardized SCL average of .21 (SD = 19%). See Table 3.

RQ3 Do ER tendencies predict physiological arousal?

In order to answer our third research question we ran two linear multiple regression analyses where ER tendencies were entered as the predictor variables and physiological arousal (either SCL or SCR) was entered as the dependent variable.

The model using habitual ER tendencies to predict SCL was significant (R2= .36; p < .02), where suppression was a significant predictor (β = .52, p < .05; see Table 4 for regression details and Table 6 for zero order correlations).

RQ4 Does physiological arousal predict performance on a diagnostic reasoning task?

In order to answer our fourth research question, we ran two simple linear regression analyses where physiological arousal (either SCL or SCR) was entered as the predictor variable and diagnostic efficiency was entered as the dependent variable. The model using SCR to predict diagnostic efficiency was significant (R2= .33; p < .05; β = .58, p < .05; see Table 7 for regression details).

Table 7 Simple linear regression results for skin conductance on diagnostic efficiency

RQ5 Does physiological arousal predict learners’ (a) retrospective self-reported emotions and (b) appraisals of control and value?

In order to investigate whether medical students’ physiological activation during their last case (i.e., second or only, depending on case assignment) predicted their self-reported emotions and appraisals of control and value (reported after their last case) we ran a series of simple linear regressions, where SCLFootnote 7 was entered as the predictor variable and self-reported achievement emotions and appraisals were entered as the dependent variable. Results revealed that SCL positively predicted anxiety (R2= .25; p < .05; and shame (R2= .30; p < .05) and negatively predicted task value (R2= .25; p < .05). See Table 8 for regression table and Table 2 for zero-order correlations of variables.

Table 8 Simple linear regression results skin conductance (during second or only case) on achievement emotions and appraisals


The findings from this study indicate that medical students reported significantly higher habitual levels of reappraisal than suppression ER strategies. Higher habitual levels of reappraisal significantly and positively predicted learners’ self-reported pride. On the other hand, higher habitual levels of suppression significantly and positively predicted learners’ self-reported anxiety, shame, and hopelessness. Results also revealed that medical students experienced relatively low SCLs and few SCRs while interacting with BioWorld. Habitual suppression strategies significantly and positively predicted medical students’ SCLs, while SCRs significantly and positively predicted their diagnostic efficiency. Findings also revealed a significant, positive predictive relationship between SCL and shame and anxiety and the inverse relationship between SCL and task value.

Our first main finding (medical students reported significantly higher habitual levels of reappraisal than suppression) aligns with our hypothesis that medical students, whom have particularly stressful and challenging programs to get into and perform well in (Lajoie et al. 2015) would be more likely to select the more adaptive of the two. It is possible (though an inference) that these ER tendencies may have helped the medical students in our sample get into medical school (and will perhaps help get them through, if they continue to favor the use reappraisal to regulate negative emotions).

The significant predictive relationships between ER strategies and discrete self-reported emotions summarized above provided some support for our hypotheses that reappraisal ER tendencies would be positively predictive of positive emotions (pride), while suppression would be positively predictive of negative emotions (anxiety, shame, and hopelessness). These results provide some support for the generalizability of previous research identifying use of, and habitual use of, reappraisal strategies as more effective at regulating emotions than suppression strategies (Gross 2015) with a sample of medical students interacting with a computer-based learning environment. In other words: habitual reappraisal strategies were associated with positive emotions (prideFootnote 8), whereas habitual suppression strategies were associated with negative emotions (anxiety, shame, and hopelessness). The negative correlation reported in Table 2 (and marginal predictive relationship reported in Table 4) between habitual suppression and appraisal of task value revealed that learners higher in habitual use of suppression were less likely to appraise the task as valuable; perhaps because they didn’t attempt to reappraise the task as more valuable. Future research should examine this possibility by measuring context-specific emotion regulation to know if students actually used reappraisal to shape their perceptions of task value.

Our second main finding (RQ2) was that medical students experienced relatively low SCLs and few SCRs per minute (Braithwaite et al. 2013; Boucsein 2012) revealing low arousal while interacting with BioWorld. While this finding was not aligned with our expectations, it may be explained by the learning session being low-stakes because it was not tied to students’ grades in medical school and thus lower in extrinsic and instrumental value (as opposed to intrinsic value which may have strengthened value appraisals) and overall, lower intensity emotions (Pekrun 2006; Pekrun and Perry 2014). Relatedly, while participants reported moderate levels of pride, they reported relatively low levels of all negative emotions. This finding is aligned with other research that has identified low levels of physiological arousal and self-reported emotion in other studies with BioWorld and additional intelligent tutoring systems and computer-based learning environments that do not incorporate game-like features (D’Mello 2013; Harley 2015; Harley et al. 2015, 2016a; Jarrell et al. 2016, 2017) in contrast to those that effectively exploit these features (Shute et al. 2015; Sabourin and Lester 2014). In other words, physiological arousal and emotional intensity is often low in the kind of environment in which this study investigated physiological arousal. While it is generally adaptive to not be confronted with potentially distracting and intense, negative emotions such as anxiety and shame while completing a task, experiencing lower levels of positive emotions can also undermine motivation. Fortunately, the moderate levels of positive emotions and high levels of task value suggest that medical students may have found the task sufficiently pleasant and meaningful, but not so much so as to suggest that they may have been engaging in off-task behavior (e.g., gaming the system). While one would expect high levels of task-value to be associated with higher levels of physiological activation, our single-item measure of task-value was not able to differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic task value (Pekrun 2006). It is therefore possible that learners valued the learning task intrinsically because of its relevance to their program of studies and careers as medical doctors, but not extrinsically because they were not graded on their performance. Accordingly, while the high levels of task-value may have been driven by the intrinsic dimension of this appraisal it may not have been enough to evoke high levels of physiological activation.

While the variance in medical students’ physiological arousal was low for both SCL and SCR, results suggest that habitual use of suppression strategies may not be adaptive. As expected, suppression strategies were a significant predictor of SCL (though not SCR), which also significantly negatively predicted task value and positively predicted shame and anxiety; a pattern that is generally, negatively associated with learning (Pekrun and Perry 2014). These findings were consistent with our hypotheses and prior research on the tendency of suppression strategies to lead to decreased positive emotionality and increased physiological activation (Gross 1998a; Gross 2015). Though we did not find a negative relationship between pride and SCL, pride was negatively correlated with both SCL and negative emotions.

The finding that SCRs—meaningful and occasional, rapid fluctuations in one’s physiological activation—was a significant predictor of medical students’ diagnostic efficiency indicates that students who experienced higher levels of arousal also performed better on the diagnostic task. These findings are consistent with the Yerkes–Dodson law, where physiological arousal can be beneficial for performance, but only to a certain point, after which arousal can be harmful for performance (Cohen 2011; Yerkes and Dodson 1908). This critical point varies by type of task and therefore, it is possible that the higher level of arousal attained by students in this study was within a range that was favorable for performance. It is also possible that higher levels of arousal were indicative of cognitive engagement and a lack of boredom, which is an emotional state that is consistently associated with poor achievement (Goetz et al. 2014). The finding that SCL was not associated with learning, on the other hand, as well as the opposing relationships that SCR and SCL had with suppression provides some preliminary evidence that these two components of the EDA complex may have different relationships with individual differences and achievement, despite evidence of them exhibiting parallel global tendencies (see RQ2 results).

Future research should more directly explore SCR and SCL patterns using a single bracelet to measure both components of the EDA complex from the same participants, if such a bracelet becomes available. Future research and analyses should also examine physiological arousal at multiple points in time to advance scientific understanding of the contexts and conditions under which these expression components are and are not likely to align (e.g., intensity, different discrete emotions, latency effects; Harley 2015; Harley et al. 2015; Mauss et al. 2005). Relatedly, the correlational results between self-reported emotions and SCLs were comparable to prior studies investigating the extent of the coupling between these emotional expression components (Evers et al. 2014; Harley et al. 2015; Mauss et al. 2005).

Another limitation of this study was that the self-report measure of emotion was only completed by participants who wore the Q-Sensor bracelet on account of a study that did not have the Biopac bracelets available and did not have participants fill out the questionnaire due to time constraints (corrected by removing the AEQ and other questionnaires). This prevented us from being able to examine the relationship between SCR and discrete achievement emotions, which we were able to examine for SCL. Moreover, some of the emotion subscales (enjoyment, hope, and anger) had low inter-item reliabilities, but too few items to improve them. Our examination of achievement emotions was therefore limited to four: pride, anxiety, shame, and hopelessness which was a limitation of this study. Fortunately, our preliminary results revealed that the correlational patterns observed between self-reported emotions and self-reported emotions and appraisals conformed with prior research and theory relating to achievement emotions. Another limitation related to the self-report measure used was that the test during-achievement situation subscale does not assess de-activating or low activation/arousal emotions such as boredom or relief. While boredom and relief may seldom occur in typical test-taking situations where grades are on the line, these emotions may be appropriate to assess in contexts such as this study’s. Finally, our use of the AEQ to examine students’ retrospective achievement emotions did not provide us with an understanding of the object foci (e.g., specific component of the task) that stimulated medical students’ emotions. Indeed, asking students “how [they] felt during the diagnostic reasoning task (solving the case within BioWorld)” clarifies the timeframe and achievement situation they are recalling and reporting their emotions during, but not what component(s) of the task generated which emotions. Previous research by Naismith and Lajoie (2018) on medical students’ emotions with BioWorld has focused on task-specific elements, including emotions directed toward success or failure feedback from BioWorld. Future research should include questions directed toward a greater variety of specific aspects of complex learning situations, as emotions can differ by object foci as well as over time (Harley et al. 2018; Harley et al. 2013; Harley et al. 2016b; Harley et al. 2015, 2016a). In BioWorld more specific emotion questions might measure how the case material (i.e., topic emotions) and aspects of the computer-based learning environment (see Figs. 1, 2) made them feel, for example. Single-item concurrent state emotion questionnaires could also be used to assess how emotions change over time and are elicited in response to specific interactions with BioWorld.

This research was also limited by the in-session as well as general availability of medical students due to their demanding schedule. However, the study does have the strength of measuring learning in the context of an authentic medical task rather than an unrelated laboratory task. This limitation is common in studies that draw their samples from expert and highly-specialized populations, especially when participants are required to spend several hours completing an experimental session with advanced equipment that often fails to collect data properly and leads to data loss for a substantial number of participants (as was the case with this study). Accordingly, although the sample size of this experiment is small by conventional psychological and educational study standards, it is not atypical for this highly-specialized, in-demand population or time-intensive methodology (Duffy et al. 2015; Jarrell et al. 2016, 2017; Lajoie et al. 2015; Taub et al. 2017). The issue of sample size is typically further challenged by data collection failures when multichannel data is collected (Harley 2015), leading to an increasing number of studies being underpowered by traditional standards (Shute et al. 2015); a limitation that is important to acknowledge in these boundary-advancing studies.

Small sample sizes do limit the power of statistical analyses which can result in failing to reject the null hypothesis when it should have been rejected (i.e., false negatives; Type 2 error). In this study, the smallest number of participants per predictor was 10.5 for multiple regression analyses that examined emotion regulation tendencies (reappraisal and suppression) predictive relationships with self-reported emotion (see part 3 and 4 of research questions 1). The second lowest number of participants per predictor was 14 (for SCR-related analyses; e.g., 2–4) for simple linear regressions (see Table 1). Data screening efforts, such as outlier screening, were conducted to help prevent lone, outlying values from unduly influencing results; small data sets are especially sensitive to outliers. While our analyses lacked statistical power, this does not render the findings invalid. Indeed, the minimum number of subjects per variable in a regression analysis is not absolute. Some studies have cited the number of subjects per variable as small as five (Green 1991), while more common rules of thumb recommend between ten and twenty (Schmidt 1971; Harrell 2015) participants per regression variable (for review see Austin and Steyerberg 2015). Based on these numbers, our lowest participant per predictor falls within an acceptable range.

In addition to conducting more granular investigations of physiological activation and their relationship with other emotion expression components and other products and processes, another major area of future research is complimenting the collection of students’ habitual ER strategies with the ER strategies used during a learning session. At the time data was collected, no widely-validated questionnaire assessing state or retrospective ER strategies was available, making the ERQ the best measure for ER (Gross and John 2003). Future research should consider designing and administering such surveys about ER to students either during or immediately after they complete their learning session. Alternatively, indicators of ER could be coded from utterances and behaviors, when available (Lajoie et al. 2015).

Future research should also examine physiological arousal in higher-stakes educational contexts such as test-taking or writing term papers where SCRs are likely to be more frequent and SCLs higher and richer in variance. Relatedly, a longer, multi-item assessment of control and value should be applied in order to differentiate appraisal elements, such as intrinsic and extrinsic value, which may provide support for interpretations of appraisals. Another area for future research is the examination of the relationships between a broader array of ER strategies (e.g., attentional deployment; Gross 2015) and emotions, achievement, and self-regulated learning strategies.

All of the aforementioned lines of research would tremendously benefit from exploring the rich, temporal data that the EDA complex has to offer. Indeed, the fact that physiological data records multiple data points per second provides meaningful opportunities to extend emotion theory, especially in educational research, by observing rapid and dynamic transitions in emotional states (a widely-agreed upon characteristic of emotions). While some studies have examined emotions at multiple time periods with experience sampling approaches (Goetz et al. 2014; Nett et al. 2011) or transitions in emotional states with state transition analyses, these studies typically sample learners’ emotions every few minutes (at a minimum) through self-report or behavioral observations (Baker et al. 2007; Harley et al. 2013; McQuiggan et al. 2010). In doing so, they may fail to capture transitions from one emotion to the next—a phenomena which is more likely to occur at the second rather than minute level. While this future direction is promising it is perhaps the most challenging and requires more granular multi-channel analytical procedures to be developed for open-ended educational research studies that differ significantly from most experimental studies and stimulus–response methodologies.

In conclusion, the findings reported in this study make important contributions, particularly, to understanding habitual ER strategies and physiological arousal in computer-based learning environments which can be used to help inform methodologies as well as design recommendations for similar systems. First, this study provides additional evidence that learners tend to experience low levels of physiological arousal while interacting with computer-based learning environments. Our results varied by EDA component, however, regarding whether these low levels of physiological arousal were beneficial for emotional experiences and performance. SCL negatively predicted enjoyment and task-value, and positively predicted anxiety and shame, while SCR was associated with higher diagnostic efficiency scores. Taken together, these preliminary findings highlight the importance of future comparative examinations of SCL and SCR as well as more granular and temporal examinations of this rich data channel that may help reveal crucial contextual information about when the conditions of emotional activation are beneficial for learning and when interventions might be appropriate. The results of this study also contribute to the paucity of research on ER in academic achievement settings and even greater paucity of research examining ER and physiological arousal in academic achievement settings. The findings therefore hold value for theories by supporting propositions that are largely based on self-report data, despite self-reports only constituting one of three major emotion expression components (Gross 2015; Harley 2015; Pekrun and Perry 2014).

This study’s findings can also be used to enhanced technology-rich learning environments such as instructional scaffolds or motivating messages. Our findings suggest, in-line with the broader literature, that suppression strategies should not be intelligent tutoring system designers’ first choice, for example, in constructing system-delivered prompts. Learner-adaptive features of these environments could be synchronized with unobtrusive physiological bracelets to provide emotional contexts to events to help intelligent systems detect learners’ emotions in real time as well as make decisions about when and how to intervene when levels or spikes of arousal that have a high probability of representing negative, activating emotions or deleterious cycles of negative affect are embodied (see D’Mello and Graesser 2015; Harley et al. 2017, for a review of emotion-supportive features and strategies). Our results reveal that learners may be more or less vulnerable to experiencing certain achievement emotions if their ER tendencies lean toward reappraisal versus suppression strategies. Therefore, it may be appropriate to provide different types and schedules of system-delivered prompts to learners who tend to take different approaches to regulating their emotions. Our findings also provide preliminary evidence that monitoring SCR and SCL levels hold value, but may yield information that is useful to predicting different user outcomes and therefore needs. Thus, it may be appropriate to design intelligent systems to associate different prompts and rules for administering them based on incoming SCL versus SCR data, though more research is required to better understand these EDA components and their relationships to emotions, ER tendencies, and learning, particularly, as no other studies have yet been done.

Finally, this study highlighted an approach for processing and analyzing both SCR and SCL data that is of great interest to the educational psychology community (Harley 2015; Harley et al. 2017), but not yet well-understood and therefore under-utilized. The authors hope that this study helps guide as well as motivates other researchers to use physiological arousal in their research: theories of emotion have long considered it as one of the prime components of emotion expression (Ekman 1992; Gross 1998a, b; Pekrun et al. 2002; Scherer 1984), it is time we explored this dimension more carefully with respect to its relationship to learning.