1 Introduction

Proxy re-signature is a novel cryptographic primitive, which allows a proxy transform Alice’s(delegatee) signature to Bob’s(delegator) signature on the same message by using the re-signature key. With the development of cloud computing, many secure problems have been proposed, such as constructing the interoperable DRM architecture in cloud computing, and proving the passed path that has been taken, since the cloud server is not so creditable to be given the user’s private key. Proxy re-signature is a good solution to these problems, in which a semi-trusted proxy (cloud server) act as a translator between Alice and Bob. Proxy re-signature was introduced by Blaze et al.(BBS) [1] in 1998, and Ateniese and Hohenberger [2] formalized it in 2005. After then, some proxy re-signature schemes have been proposed [3,4,5]. ID-based cryptography, proposed by Shamir [6], eliminates the necessity for the public key certificates. Identity-based cryptography could particularly be suitable for cloud computing. Since the number of cloud users is very huge, the absence of certificate can greatly eliminate the costly certificate verification process. In an ID-based proxy re-signature scheme, the signature can be verified by delegatee’s or delegator’s identity information. To our knowledge, Shao et al. [7] firstly proposed an ID-based proxy re-signature scheme in 2011. In general, there are eight properties for proxy re-signature [7].

  • Unidirectional We call that a proxy re-signature scheme is an unidirectional scheme, on the condition that the re-signature key allows proxy to transform A’s signature to B’s, but B’s signature cannot be transformed to A’s.

  • Multi-use If the signature can be re-signed for multi-times, then we call that the proxy re-signature scheme is a multi-use scheme.

  • Private proxy If the re-signature key should be kept secretly by an honest proxy, then we call that the proxy re-signature scheme is a private proxy scheme.

  • Transparent If a user cannot know whether a proxy exists in a scheme, then the proxy re-signature scheme is a transparent scheme. In a transparent scheme, the re-signature cannot be distinguished whether it is transformed by a proxy or generated by a signer.

  • Key-optimal If a user only needs to keep a small number of secret keys regardless of how many re-signature processes he attends, then we call that the proxy re-signature scheme is a key-optimal scheme.

  • Non-interactive If the delegatee’s secret key is not used to compute the re-signature key, then the scheme is a non-interactive scheme.

  • ID-based If the user’s private key is generated from user’s identity information, and the signature should be verified by the user’s identity, then the proxy re-signature scheme is an ID-based scheme.

  • Pairing-free If pairing is not used in the construction of the proxy re-signature scheme, then we call that the scheme is pairing free.

We compare our ID-based scheme and Shao et al.’s ID-based scheme in terms of the satisfied properties Table 1. We denote our scheme (interactive version) and our scheme (Non-interactive version) as \(S_{ia}\) and \(S_{Non-ia}\) respectively.

Table 1 We compare the properties of several ID-based proxy re-signature schemes discussed in this work

Although Shao et al.’s scheme [7] is ID-based, it requires three pairings in the verify algorithm. To our knowledge, pairings are very costly operation when compared to the other operations in the base group [8].

1.1 Our contribution

In this paper, we propose an unidirectional and single-use ID-based proxy re-signature scheme from quadratic residues with two versions, the one is interactive, and the other is Non-interactive. Our construction is based on Chai et al.’s ID-based signature scheme from quadratic residues [9]. We revise the security model of ID-based proxy re-signature, and give the security proof of our scheme in the random oracle model based on the factoring assumption.

1.2 Organization

This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe some preliminaries. In Sect. 3, we give the definition and security model of unidirectional and single-use ID-based proxy re-signature. In Sect. 4, we present two versions of ID-based proxy re-signature scheme from quadratic residues. In Sect. 5, we prove that our scheme is secure under random oracles. Finally, we draw the conclusion in Sect. 6.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Complexity assumptions

Factoring problem. Takes as input a composite modulus N, which is a multiple of two large primes p and q, and outputs p or q.

Factoring Assumption. k is a security parameter. An integer N is a multiple of two k-bit, large odd primes pq. Takes as input N, we call that the \((t_R,\epsilon _R)\)-factoring assumption holds on the condition that all \(t_R\)-time adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\)

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[(p,q)\leftarrow \mathcal {A}(N), pq=N]\le \epsilon _R, \end{aligned}$$

where the probability is over the random coins of \(\mathcal {A}\).

2.2 Some concepts in number theory

In this section, we would review some concepts in number theory which are adopted from [9]. Let \(\mathbb {Q}_N\) denote the subgroup of squares in \(\mathbb {Z}_N^*\). Then, \(\mathbb {Q}_N\) is a cyclic group with the order \(\phi (N)/4=(p-1)(q-1)/4\) [10].

Theorem 2.1

Let \(a\in \mathbb {Q}_N\), \(N = p\times q\), where pq are large primes. Then \(a^{2d}\equiv a\pmod N\), where \(d=(N-p-q+5)/8\).


The proof is omit.

Indeed, Theorem 2.1 gives us a way to compute a square root of a quadratic residue \(a\in \mathbb {Q}_N\).

If \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are two square roots satisfying \(s_1\ne \pm s_2\pmod N\), then N could be factored by computing \(GCD(s_1+s_2,N)\) or \(GCD(s_1-s_2,N)\). However, if \(s_1= \pm s_2\pmod N\), it is useless to the factorization of N. Thus, if takes as input two distinct square roots, then we can factor the composite modulus N, and the probability is 1 / 2. \(\square \)

3 ID-based proxy re-signature

3.1 Definition

An unidirectional and single-use ID-based Proxy Re-Signature scheme consists of six algorithms, namely, Setup, Extract, Rekey, Sign, ReSign and Verify. We define these algorithms as follows:

  • The tuple of (Setup,Extract,Sign, Verify) is a standard ID-based signature scheme.

  • Takes as input \((ID_A),sk^*_A,ID_B,sk_B)\), the Rekey algorithm outputs a key \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\) for the proxy. Here, \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\) allows to transform A’s signature to B’s signature. A is the delegatee, and B is the delegator. \(sk^*_A\) is optional in the input. If \(sk^*_A\) is included in the input, then the scheme is an interactive scheme. Otherwise, it is a Non-interactive scheme.

  • On input \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\), A’s identity information \(ID_A\), a signature \(\sigma _A\) and a message m, the ReSign algorithm, outputs \(\sigma _B\) on the same message m, if

    $$\begin{aligned} \textit{Verify}(ID_A,m,\sigma _A)=1. \end{aligned}$$

Correctness For any message m and two key pairs \((ID_A,sk_A)\) and \((ID_B,sk_B)\), let \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\leftarrow Rekey (ID_A),sk^*_A,ID_B,sk_B)\), an ID-based proxy re-signature scheme should satisfy the following two properties:

  1. (1)

    \(Verify (\sigma _A,m,ID_A)=1\);

  2. (2)

    \(Verify (ReSign (\sigma _A,rk_{A\rightarrow B},ID_A),m,ID_B)=1\).

3.2 Security model

In this section, we define the existential unforgeability of unidirectional and single-use ID-based proxy re-signature (USIPRS) through a security game between a challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) and an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) as follows:

  • Setup The challenger runs the Setup algorithm, and obtains the master public key mpk and master secret key msk. It gives mpk to the adversary, and keeps msk secretly.

  • Queries The adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) can make some different queries for polynomial times as follows:

    • Extract queries: When the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) makes a query on an identity ID, the challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) runs the Extract algorithm by using msk, and returns the private key sk to \(\mathcal {A}\).

    • Re-signature key queries: While the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) makes a query on \((ID_A,ID_B)\), the challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) returns the re-signature key \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}={} Rekey (ID_A,ID_B,Extract (msk,ID_B))\).

    • Re-signature queries: When the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) makes a query on \((\sigma _A,m,ID_A,ID_B)\), the challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) returns the re-signature

      $$\begin{aligned} \sigma _B= & {} \textit{ReSign}(\sigma _A,m,ID_A,\\&\times \textit{Rekey}(ID_A,ID_B,\textit{Extract}(msk,ID_B))). \end{aligned}$$
    • Signature queries: When the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) makes a query on (IDm), the challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) returns the signature \(\sigma =Sign (Extract (ID,msk),ID,m)\).

  • Forgery Finally, the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a message \(m^*\), an identity \(ID^*\), and a signature \(\sigma ^*\). We say \(\mathcal {A}\) wins the game if all the following conditions are all satisfied:

    1. 1.

      \(Verify (\sigma ^*,m^*,ID^*)=1\)

    2. 2.

      \(ID^*\) has not been queried to the Extract oracle.

    3. 3.

      \((ID^*,m^*)\) has not been queried to the Sign oracle.

    4. 4.

      The adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has not made a re-signature query on \((\sigma _i,m^*,ID_i,ID^*)\) for any identity \(ID_i\).

We define \(ADV_{USIPRS}^{ES}(1^k)\) to be the probability that \(\mathcal {A}\) wins the above game. We say that an USIPRS scheme is existentially unforgeability with respect to adaptive chosen message and identity attacks if for all ppt adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\), \(ADV_{USIPRS}^{ES}(1^k)\) is negligible.

4 ID-based proxy re-signature scheme without pairing

In this section, We present the first unidirectional and single-use ID-based proxy re-signature scheme without pairing from Chai et al.’s ID-based signature scheme [9].

4.1 Interactive version

We first present an interactive version which means that the the re-signature key \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\) is computed from Bob(delegator)’s secret key \(sk_B\) and Alice(delegatee)’s secret key \(sk_A\), i.e., the delegatee should participate in the delegation process.

  • \(Setup (1^k)\): This algorithm selects two large safe k / 2-bit primes p and q, and computes \(N=pq\). After then, it computes \(d=(N-p-q+5)/8\). Following that, it selects a hash function \(H():\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \mathbb {Q}_N\), where \(\mathbb {Q}_N\) is a subgroup of squares in \(\mathbb {Z}_N^*\). It also chooses another common hash function \(h():\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^l\), where l is security parameter for common hash function. At last, set \(mpk=(N,H(),h()),msk=(p,q,d)\).

  • \(Extract (ID,msk,mpk)\): The algorithm takes as input the user’s identity information ID, the master secret key msk, and the master public key mpk, and outputs the user’s secret key as \(sk=H(ID)^d\mod N\). (Note: From Theorem 2.1, we can deduce that sk is a square root of H(ID).)

  • \(Rekey (sk_A,sk_B)\): The algorithm takes as input Alice(delegatee) and Bob(delegator)’s secret keys \(sk_A,sk_B\), and outputs the re-signature key as \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}=\frac{sk_B}{sk_A}\mod N\).

  • \(Sign (m,sk,mpk)\) The algorithm takes as input a message m, the user’s secret key sk, and the master public key mpk. Then, it selects a random number \(r\in \mathbb {Z}_N^*\), and computes \(R=r^2\mod N\). Following that, it computes \(\sigma =r\cdot sk^{h(m)}\mod N\). Finally, it outputs the signature as \(sig=(\sigma ,R,ID)\).

  • \(ReSign (m,sig_A,ID_A,mpk,rk_{A\rightarrow B})\): The algorithm takes as input A’s signature \(sig_A\) on a message m, A’s identity \(ID_A\), the master public key mpk and the re-signature key \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\). If \(\sigma _A^2=R\cdot H(ID_A)^{h(m)}\mod N\) holds, then it outputs the re-signature as \(sig_B=(\sigma _A\cdot rk_{A\rightarrow B}^{h(m)},R,ID_B)\).

  • \(Verify (m,sig)\): The algorithm takes as input a signature \(sig=(\sigma ,R,ID)\) on a message m. If \(\sigma ^2=R\cdot H(ID)^{h(m)}\mod N\) holds, then the algorithm outputs “Valid”; otherwise, outputs “Invalid”.

Correctness The interactive version can be proved correctly by the following equations:


$$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^2= & {} (r\cdot sk^{h(m)})^2\mod N\\= & {} R\cdot H(ID)^{h(m)}\mod N \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \sigma _A\cdot rk_{A\rightarrow B}^{h(m)}= & {} \sigma _A\cdot \left( \frac{sk_B}{sk_A}\right) ^{h(m)}\mod N\\= & {} r\cdot sk_A^{h(m)}\cdot \left( \frac{sk_B}{sk_A}\right) ^{h(m)}\mod N\\= & {} r\cdot sk_B^{h(m)}\mod N\\= & {} \sigma _B \end{aligned}$$

4.2 Non-interactive version

In this section, we present a Non-interactive version which means that the the re-signature key \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\) is computed from Bob(delegator)’s secret key \(sk_B\) and Alice(delegatee)’s identity \(ID_A\), i.e., the delegatee does not require to participate in the delegation process.

  • \(Setup (1^k)\): This algorithm is the same as the interactive version.

  • \(Extract (ID,msk,mpk)\): This algorithm is also the same as the interactive version.

  • \(Rekey (ID_A,sk_A,ID_B,sk_B)\): The algorithm takes as input Alice(delegatee)’s identity \(ID_A\) and Bob(delegator)’s secret keys \(sk_B\), and outputs the re-signature key as \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}=\frac{sk_B}{H(ID_A)}\mod N\).

  • \(Sign (m,sk,mpk)\) This algorithm is also the same as the interactive version.

  • \(ReSign (m,sig_A,ID_A,mpk,rk_{A\rightarrow B})\): The algorithm takes as input A’s signature \(sig_A\) on a message m, A’s identity \(ID_A\), the master public key mpk and the re-signature key \(rk_{A\rightarrow B}\). If \(\sigma _A^2=R\cdot H(ID_A)^{h(m)}\mod N\) holds, then it selects a random number \(r'\in \mathbb {Z}_N^*\), and computes \(R'=(r'R)^2\mod N\). Finally, it outputs the re-signature as \(sig_B=(r'\cdot \sigma _A^2\cdot rk_{A\rightarrow B}^{h(m)},R',ID_B)\).

  • \(Verify (m,sig)\): The algorithm takes as input a signature \(sig=(\sigma ,R,ID)\) on a message m. If \(\sigma ^2=R\cdot H(ID)^{h(m)}\mod N\) holds, then the algorithm outputs “Valid”; otherwise, outputs “Invalid”.

Correctness The Non-interactive version can be proved correctly by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} r'\cdot \sigma _A^2\cdot rk_{A\rightarrow B}^{h(m)}= & {} r'\cdot R\cdot H(ID_A)^{h(m)}\cdot \left( \frac{sk_B}{H(ID_A)}\right) ^{h(m)}\mod N\\= & {} r'\cdot R\cdot sk_B^{h(m)}\mod N\\= & {} \sigma _B\mod N \end{aligned}$$

5 Security proof

In this section, we provide the security proof to the interactive version of our scheme. The proof of Non-interactive version is similar, so it is omit.

Theorem 5.1

If the factoring assumption holds in \(\mathbb {Z}_N^*\), then the interactive version of our scheme is secure under the random oracle model.


We assume that there exists an attacker \(\mathcal {A}\) can break our scheme with non-negligible probability. Then, we can construct an algorithm \(\mathcal {B}\) to solve the factoring problem. The input of \(\mathcal {B}\) is \(N=pq\) (\(\mathcal {B}\) doesn’t know p or q.), and \(\mathcal {B}\)’s challenge is to output p or q with non-negligible probability. \(\mathcal {B}\) sends N to \(\mathcal {A}\) as a public parameter.

Then, \(\mathcal {B}\) responses for \(\mathcal {A}\)’s following queries to simulate the real world for \(\mathcal {A}\).

  • H() queries: To response the H() queries of \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathcal {B}\) should maintain a \(T_H\) table, and each entry in the table is a tuple of (IDHs). If \(\mathcal {A}\) queries for an identity ID, then \(\mathcal {B}\) searches \(T_H\) for (IDHs). If (IDHs) has been existed in \(T_H\), then \(\mathcal {B}\) responses to \(\mathcal {A}\) with H. Otherwise, \(\mathcal {B}\) randomly chooses \(s\in \mathbb {Z}_N^*\), and returns \(H=s^2\mod N\) as the answer. Then, \(\mathcal {B}\) adds the new tuple (IDHs) to \(T_H\).

  • h() queries: To response the h() queries of \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathcal {B}\) should maintain a \(T_h\) table, and each entry in the table is a tuple of (mh). If \(\mathcal {A}\) queries for a message m, then \(\mathcal {B}\) searches \(T_h\) for (mh). If (mh) has been existed in \(T_h\), then \(\mathcal {B}\) responses to \(\mathcal {A}\) with h. Otherwise, \(\mathcal {B}\) randomly chooses \(h\in \mathbb {Z}_N^*\), and returns h as the answer. Then, \(\mathcal {B}\) adds the new tuple (mh) to \(T_h\).

  • Extract queries If \(\mathcal {A}\) makes an extract query for an identity ID, then \(\mathcal {B}\) searches \(T_H\) for (IDHs) as in H() queries. If (IDHs) has been existed in \(T_H\), then \(\mathcal {B}\) returns s as the secret key to \(\mathcal {A}\). If not exists, then \(\mathcal {B}\) adds a new tuple (IDHs) to \(T_H\) as in H() queries, and returns s as the answer.

  • Re-signature key queries If \(\mathcal {A}\) queries the re-signature key for \(ID_A\)(delegatee) and \(ID_B\)(delegator), then \(\mathcal {B}\) searches \(T_H\) as in H() queries. If \((ID_A,H_A,s_A)\) and \((ID_B,H_B,s_B)\) have been existed in \(T_H\), then \(\mathcal {B}\) returns \(s_A/s_B \mod N\) as the re-signature key to \(\mathcal {A}\). Otherwise, \(\mathcal {B}\) adds new \((ID_A,H_A,s_A)\) or \((ID_B,H_B,s_B)\) to \(T_H\) as in H() queries, and returns \(s_A/s_B \mod N\) as the answer.

  • Signature queries If \(\mathcal {A}\) makes a signature query for an identity ID and a message m, then \(\mathcal {B}\) first searches \(T_H\) and \(T_h\) for (IDHs) and (mh) respectively. After then, \(\mathcal {B}\) randomly selects \(r\in \mathbb {Z}_N^*\), and computes \(\sigma =r\cdot s^h\mod N\). Finally, \(\mathcal {B}\) returns \((\sigma ,r^2\mod N, ID)\) as the answer.

  • Re-signature queries If \(\mathcal {A}\) makes a re-signature query for the signature \(sig_A=(\sigma _A,R,ID_A)\) on a message m, then \(\mathcal {B}\) firstly answers the re-signature query on \((ID_A,ID_B)\) to obtain the re-signature key \(s_A/s_B \mod N\). Following that, \(\mathcal {B}\) returns \((\sigma _A\cdot s_A/s_B \mod N,R,ID_B)\) as the answer.

When the above game is over, \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs a forgery \(sig^*=(\sigma ^*,R^*,ID^*)\) on message \(m^*\), where \(ID^*\) and \(m^*\) have not been queried to the Extract oracle and Sign oracle, and the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has not made a re-signature query on \((\sigma _i,m^*,ID_i,ID^*)\) for any identity \(ID_i\). For factoring N, we should reset the game between \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\) by using the rewind technology [11]. In the second game, we use the same random number, and H() oracle gives the same answer. However, the h() oracle provides the different answer. If \(\mathcal {B}\) answers \(h^*\) in the first game, then he returns \(h^*+1\) in the second game. Finally, \(\mathcal {B}\) obtains two different signatures \((\sigma ^*,R^*,ID^*)\) and \((\sigma ',R^*,ID^*)\) on the same message \(m^*\). Due to the same random number, these two signatures satisfy the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma ^{*2}/H(ID^*)^{h^*}= & {} \sigma '^{2}/H(ID^*)^{h^*+1}\mod N \\ \Rightarrow H(ID^*)= & {} \left( \frac{\sigma '}{\sigma ^*}\right) ^2 \mod N \end{aligned}$$

Thus, from the above equation,\(\frac{\sigma '}{\sigma ^*}\) is a square root of \(H(ID^*)\). \(\mathcal {B}\) also can find another root of \(H(ID^*)\) in the table \(T_H\). So, if these two roots are different, then \(\mathcal {B}\) can factor N by computing \(GCD(s_1+s_2,N)\) or \(GCD(s_1-s_2,N)\). Otherwise, \(\mathcal {B}\) outputs "failure". From the above game, we can see that s is chosen by \(\mathcal {B}\), which is independent from \(H(ID^*)\). So, the probability that two square roots are different is 1 / 2. \(\square \)

6 Conclusions

ID-based proxy re-signature is very suitable for many applications in cloud computing. However, cloud users are usually resource constrained. So, pairing free scheme is a good solution. In this paper, we propose the first ID-based proxy re-signature scheme from quadratic residues. We proved that it is existential unforgeability under factoring assumption in the random oracle model. However, our scheme is unidirectional and single-use, which has some limitations in the applications. We plan to research bidirectional and multi-use scheme in the future.