1 Introduction

The requirements for “sensing” and “responding” to electric demand along the transmission lines between utility providers and their customers have forced utilities (including sub-sectors of electrical, gas, and water) to convert “classic” distribution networks into bidirectional communication smart grids (SGs) and digitize a part of their business model [1]. These asset-intensive companies are turning to an industry 5.0 vision [2] and adopting Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies to connect and manage their assets throughout their life cycle. Smart meters (SM) are an excellent example to illustrate this transition from pure product to product-as-a-service (PaaS) in which case IoT devices are used as key data acquisition technologies in advanced metering infrastructure used for improving network efficiency and resilience while addressing energy sustainability concerns. Smart meters are tracked and traced from the production line to the installation, enabling connectivity with end-users, opening up new business model opportunities, and new business value creation. As SGs are becoming an efficient response for managing changing electric demand, ensuring an increased efficiency without compromising the data quality, the heterogeneous network of equipment required to make these systems a reality poses some threats to security [3].

Despite their many benefits, smart meters are vulnerable to various threats due to their reliance on decentralized communication systems. Attacks can lead to corrupted billing data (e.g., the well-known case of the Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority where estimated loss reaches hundreds of millions of dollars per year) as well as a risk of failing to provide reliable communication and to keep personal data confidential [1, 4]. In fact, from a market perspective, repeatedly reported attacks on smart meters have shown how security-related incidents can impact more seriously those critical infrastructures (e.g., power outage, blackout, geopolitics sabotage) [5, 6]. To address such concerns, secure and private communication infrastructure is highly required. As a result, an efficient authenticated protocol is critical for ensuring security in smart metering infrastructure. Note that the authentication process should be light enough to be implemented on resource-constrained smart meters over a smart grid.

Many prior authentication schemes face the challenge of not providing enough privacy to smart meters and being vulnerable to various attacks or high-computational overhead (Sect. 2). As a result, a more efficient authentication protocol is required for the practical use of smart metering infrastructure. This paper introduces a novel lightweight authenticated key agreement protocol for smart meters over a smart grid. The proposed scheme uses an Elliptic Curve Cryptography module and an SRAM physical unclonable function (PUF) to provide acceptable confidentiality and integrity levels. The proposed protocol offers various features, such as multi-factor mutual authentication and secret key establishment using two message trips. In addition, given that one of the main vulnerabilities of PUF-based solutions is machine learning (ML)-based modeling attacks, besides higher performance and security level, by combining ECC and PUF methods, the proposed protocol is resistant to such attacks.

The key contributions of this research are stated below:

  • We have designed a novel lightweight ECC-based protocol for smart grid infrastructures. This protocol utilizes a PUF as a root of trust to prevent the cloning or tampering of Smart Meters. The combination of ECC and PUF with a low complexity provides the novelty of this article.

  • A formal security evaluation of the proposed scheme using the widely accepted RoR model and its detailed ad hoc security analysis are presented. These security evaluations confirm an acceptable security level against different attacks especially modeling attacks as a root weak point of PUF modules.

  • Experimental validation based on an Arduino UNO microcontroller reveals that the proposed scheme provides lower computation and communication overheads and energy consumption than the recent state-of-the-art of similar schemes.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The related works are presented in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we provide the required preliminaries (through this paper, we use the list of notations represented in Table 2). A detailed description of the proposed ECC-PUF-based protocol is provided in Sect. 4. The security analysis, including formal and heuristically evaluations against different attacks, is presented in Sect. 5. Performance analysis and comparison with the related works are given in Sect. 6. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Sect. 7.

2 Related works

In recent years, much research has been conducted to present a secure and reliable smart metering communication infrastructure. For instance, to provide an acceptable integrity and security level in smart energy networks, Kumar et al. designed a lightweight authentication and key agreement scheme named LAKA [7]. In order to protect message confidentiality LAKA uses an ECC module and hash functions, and to provide message integrity, it utilizes a message authentication code (MAC) function. Therefore, the combination of various functions increases the complexity of the SM. In addition, as pointed out by Baghestani et al. [8], this protocol suffers from traceability attacks.

In Table 1, each protocol is evaluated based on communication overhead, time-consuming overhead, encryption method, and vulnerability. The downarrow (\(\downarrow \)) and the uparrow (\(\uparrow \)) show each feature’s low and high amounts. In addition, the checkmark symbol (\(\checkmark \)) indicates an approved attack already published, and the times symbol (\(\times \)) means that the attack has not been published yet.

ECCAuth is another newly developed authentication protocol by Kumar et al. in smart grid applications [9] based on ECC cryptography. The authors stated that ECCAuth establishes a secure connection between an SG device and a Utility Center (UC) to transfer data confidentiality and protect user privacy. However, the communication cost of the ECCAuth is acceptable, and the authentication process and the computation operations are time-consuming. Moreover, the ECCAuth is vulnerable, and Yu et al. revealed ECCAuth’s security flaws against masquerade, stolen device, and session key disclosure attacks [10]. They suggested a new lightweight protocol using hash and XOR functions to address the reported weaknesses. Another ECC-based authentication protocol was suggested by Wu et al. [11]. To protect the confidentiality of transferred messages, the SM uses an ECC module and encrypts data. However, their security analysis shows how the protocol’s robustness in terms of functionality does not have an acceptable level. For example, the communication and computation overhead is high, and the SM needs lots of time to complete an authentication process. Recently Garg et al. [12] also designed another lightweight ECC-based authentication scheme for smart metering. The authors claimed that the proposed protocol is robust against various attacks and provides an acceptable computational cost. Our evaluation shows that their protocol is vulnerable to impersonation and traceability attacks. The computational cost was not calculated correctly, and the authors underestimated their results. References [13,14,15] are other ECC-based protocols for smart meters that have tried to present a secure infrastructure but in terms of efficiency have some issues that will be discussed in greater detail in Sect. 6.

PUF-based schemes are another interesting technique applied in smart metering/grid applications because physical properties can provide valuable information to detect tampering [16]. There are several numbers of PUF-based protocols oriented to SG/SM. A good precedent is the PUF-based privacy-aware authenticated key agreement scheme presented by Gope and Sikdar to improve the security level of smart meters [17]. Given that cyber-attacks on meters, such as tampering data, can affect decision-making processes related to demand and supply management, the authors designed a solution to increase channel confidentiality among meters and UCs and ensure physical security. Although the authors tried to present a secure solution with minimum requirements, Baeken et al. proved the vulnerabilities of this method [18]. Thus, this protocol could not meet all security requirements. Furthermore, the Gope-Sikdar protocol, in addition to PUF, uses a hash function as the primary source of security, indicating that it is a symmetric protocol that is vulnerable to key compromise impersonation attacks. Moreover, in their protocol, the secret key is XORed with a temporal value before being transferred over the public channel (i.e., \(n p*=n_p\oplus K\)), and K is later used as the primary source of authentication. Given K, this protocol allows for any other desired attacks, such as impersonation, de-synchronization, and so on. As a result, this protocol is vulnerable to the Known session-specific temporary information attack.

Table 1 Comparison of related works

Mustapa et al. [19] devised a ring oscillator PUF-based (ROPUF) scheme to secure information exchange in advanced metering infrastructures. The main objective of this solution is to design a secure and resistant authentication protocol for advanced metering infrastructure. In ROPUF architecture, a secure channel between the SM and UC to exchange the parity bits and the challenges has been considered. Nevertheless, as also has been pointed out by [20], the authors have not mentioned how this channel works and how the SM communicates in this channel. Definitely, this channel burdens overhead on the SM to provide cipher texts, and this load has not been considered in the computation cost of the protocol. On the other hand, the proposed protocol was vulnerable to impersonation and tracing attacks if we assume that the data are exchanged via a public channel. Additionally, because the proposed protocol does not contain any cryptographic primitives, advanced attacks like insider attacks are also applicable against it.

Recently, Harishma et al. proposed a mutual authenticated key-exchange scheme for smart meters [20]. Using the advanced encryption standard (AES) method, SHA-2, identity-based encryption (which could use ECC encryption), and PUF functions, the authors designed a scheme between the SM and UC to secure communication and protect data confidentiality. They tested the protocols on commercial-off-the-shelf products and presented the experimental results. However, this scheme employs identity-based encryption (IBE) to manage credentials, for which the most efficient schemes currently available are based on bilinear pairings on elliptic curves, such as the Weil or Tate pairings and previously published non-pairing-based schemes are generally inefficient in encryption, decryption, key generation, ciphertext size, or key size [21, 22]. Given that the scheme is designed for constrained devices and each authentication process needs to run various encryption methods, the complexity of the protocol is high, and it is time-consuming, for instance, the reported time for authenticated key-exchange protocol on the smart meter setup is 525 and 360 milliseconds, respectively, for the meter and server. Further to that, [23], the protocol was shown to be vulnerable to a spoofing attack by spoofing the server and fooling the meter to compromise the authentication claim as well as the key-establishment claim of the authentication protocol. Furthermore, the meter does not contribute to the protocol’s freshness during the authentication phase of the proposed protocol. As a result, using [24], it is possible to impersonate the server.

As shown in Table 1, in order to provide confidentiality plus the integrity of transferred messages in smart grids, many protocols have been published. Unfortunately, a secure, lightweight, and energy-friendly protocol is still needed.

3 Preliminaries

3.1 System model

As shown in Fig. 1, we consider an IoT-based smart grid system model including edge devices, gateways/service providers, and servers. Among the different participants in this complex network, we focus on the edge layer of the SG and consider two clients participating in sharing a session key (i.e., a smart meter (\({\textit{SM}}\)) and a service provider (\({\textit{SP}}\))- two red boxes).

Table 2 List of used notations
Fig. 1
figure 1

Architecture of an IoT-based smart grid

Due to the different roles of these entities in an SG, we assume that the trusted authority (TA) assigns each registered \({\textit{SM}}_i\) to the specific cluster which is connected to a parent \({\textit{SP}}_j\) (in line with previous works, i.e., [11]). Each \({\textit{SP}}\) provides services for several \({\textit{SM}}\), e.g., it collects their data and transmits it to a server over a secure channel, while any registered \({\textit{SM}}_i\) can only communicate with its parent \({\textit{SP}}_j\).

An overview of the connections between the protocol entities, i.e., \({\textit{TA}}\), \({\textit{SM}}\)s, and \({\textit{SP}}\), is depicted in Fig. 1. Therefore, this research aims to provide a secure authentication process between a smart meter and a service provider via communication layers to protect confidential data and preserve users’ privacy.

3.2 Physical unclonable function

The foundation of trust (i.e., the root of trust) is based on the device identity and the root key (the main secret on which all trust and security in a system are built). Therefore, how this key is provisioned and handled during the lifecycle of the device is critical for the security of the entire system. In this context, physical unclonable functions (PUFs) have proven as a scalable solution for key provisioning from silicon to cloud (e.g., IoT [25, 26]). PUFs exploit intrinsic manufacturing variability of the silicon fabrication process to generate a signature unique to every single physical device [25]. The ability of PUFs to generate unique challenge-response pairs (CRPs) for each device can be leveraged as an authentication mechanism to detect tamper, impersonation, or substitution of such devices and play the role of hardware-based root of trust of devices.

3.3 Adversary model

Through our analysis, we consider a probabilistic polynomial time (PPT) active adversary with full access to the transferred messages over the public channels among the protocol’s parties. Thus, the adversary can eavesdrop on the transferred messages, manipulate them, store and replay them later or try to impersonate any of the protocol’s parties. In addition, the adversary has access to public parameters of the protocol, such as the public keys of the participants. This adversary model follows “Dolev-Yao (DY)” adversary model [27]. On the other hand, given that in reality, the adversary can access the smart meters and read their memory; in the case of forward secrecy, we assume that the attacker can compromise a target smart meter or a service provider in offline mode and reveal the stored information in the non-volatile memory, including the secret key. However, \(\mathcal {A}\) has no access to the internal values in an active session. Therefore, the adversary is restricted to access the temporary values of a legitimate session.

3.4 Semantic security in the real-or-random model

To share a session key \({\textit{SK}}\) in a 3-party authenticated key agreement scheme, instances use their long-term secrets. A protocol’s instance could be either a client \(N\in \mathcal {N}\) or a trusted server \(S\in \mathcal {S}\), and a client N could be either honest or malicious. Any client N holds a long-term key \(sk_N\) and S holds a vector \(sk_S = \left\langle sk_{S}[N]\right\rangle _{N\in \mathcal {N}}\), includes an entry for each client N, where \(sk_{S}[U]\) is a transformation of \(sk_N\). An adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has access to \(sk_N\) if N is a malicious client. \(N_i\) and \(N_j\) are called partner if they share a same session data. To distinguish the target protocol \(\mathcal {P}\) from an ideal one, \(\mathcal {A}\) can run the following query types [28]:

  • Execute: models a passive adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), which eavesdrops on the channel and obtains the read access to the transferred messages.

  • Send (S): models an active adversary that may intercept a message and then either modify it, create a new one, or simply forward it to an instance.

  • Reveal (\(N_i\)): for which the output could be the session key held by the instance \(N_i\).

  • Test (\(N_i\)): If no session key for instance \(N_i\) is defined or if a Reveal query was asked to either \(N_i\) or to its partner, then returns the undefined symbol \(\perp \). Otherwise, returns the session key for instance \(N_i\) if \(b = 1\), or a random key with the same size if \(b = 0\).

b is a predefined bit at the beginning of the experiment and should be guessed by \(A\) using the above queries to win the game. Ending the game, \(A\) releases the choice \(b_0\) as the guessed value of b, and this game defines the semantic security in the real-or-random (RoR). The adversary’s advantage to win this game, \({\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},\mathcal {P}}(t, R)\), is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},\mathcal {P}}(t, R) = \big ((Pr(A\rightarrow b_0=1: b=1)-(Pr(A\rightarrow b_0=1: b=0))\big ) \end{aligned}$$

\(\mathcal {P}\) offers RoR semantic security if:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},\mathcal {P}(t, R)} <\varepsilon (\cdot ) \end{aligned}$$

and \(\varepsilon (\cdot )\) being some negligible function. The maximum advantage is taken over all \(A\) with time complexity at most t and using resources at most R.

4 Proposed protocol

We assume that in an SG, a smart meter \({\textit{SM}}_i\) aims to communicate with a service provider \({\textit{SP}}_j\) to transfer the collected data or extract the processed data securely. However, various types of encryption models [29] are utilized in IoT, the ECC (as one of the main candidates for IoT encryption) has been chosen in this study because it needs low data requirement that causes low-power and fast processor resources. Therefore, the proposed protocol uses the ECC and the PUF to provide the desired security level in an SG named EPSG, which stands for ECC and PUF-based protocol for SG. The EPSG includes three phases, i.e., initialization, registration, and login and key agreement phases. We also consider a password revocation phase to allow the legitimate user/administrator to update his password. The used notations are listed in Table 2.

4.1 Initialization phase

In this phase of the EPSG, each device is equipped with a \({\textit{PUF}}(\cdot )\). Besides, the \({\textit{TA}}\) releases the system parameters \(\{E_q(c,d),q,P,h(\cdot )\}\) and its public key \({\textit{PK}}_{{\textit{TA}}}=sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\cdot P\) and keeps \(sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\) secret.

4.2 Registration phase

The registration phase of EPSG occurs over a secure channel. In this phase, all entities are registered to the \({\textit{TA}}\), but they receive different information from the \({\textit{TA}}\) depending on their role (Fig. 2).

4.2.1 Registration phase of service provider

As it is depicted in  Fig. 3, the process of the registration phase for a service provider, e.g., \({\textit{SP}}_j\), is as follows:

  1. 1.

    The \({\textit{SP}}_j\)’s user/administrator securely chooses its password \({\textit{PW}}_j\) and identity \({\textit{ID}}_j\). These paramaters are used to run a smart meter as username and password. The administrator inters \({\textit{SP}}_j\) and \({\textit{ID}}_j\) through the available terminal and also \({\textit{SP}}_j\) generates a random number \(m_j\in Z^*_q\), computes \({\textit{PID}}_j={\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j))\), and sends \({\textit{PID}}'_j=m_j\cdot {\textit{PID}}_j\) and \({\textit{ID}}_j\) to the \({\textit{TA}}\).

  2. 2.

    Upon receiving the message, the \({\textit{TA}}\) generates an integer \(s'_j\in Z^*_q\), computes \(sk'_j=s'_j + {\textit{PID}}'_j\cdot sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\) and \({\textit{PK}}'_j=sk'_j\cdot P\) and sends \(\{sk'_j, {\textit{PK}}'_j\}\) to the \({\textit{SP}}_j\).

  3. 3.

    \({\textit{SP}}_j\) stores \((sk_j= m^{-1}_j\cdot sk'j,{\textit{PK}}_j=m^{-1}_j\cdot {\textit{PK}}'_j )\) as its secret key and public key, respectively, where \(sk_j= m^{-1}_j \cdot s'_j + {\textit{PID}}_j\cdot sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\). It also stores \(X_j=h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j))\Vert sk_j\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\). All values are stored in the non-volatile memory. Moreover, the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) sends \({\textit{PK}}_j\) to the \({\textit{TA}}\).

  4. 4.

    The \({\textit{TA}}\) stores \(({\textit{ID}}_j,{\textit{PK}}_j)\) in its database.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Flowchart of the proposed solution

4.2.2 Registration phase of smart meter

The process of the registration phase for an \({\textit{SM}}_i\) is as follows:

  1. 1.

    The \({\textit{SM}}_i\) user/administrator securely chooses its password \({\textit{PW}}_i\) and identity \({\textit{ID}}_i\) and inters them through the available terminal and also \({\textit{SM}}_i\) generates a random number \(m_i\in Z^*_q\), computes \({\textit{PID}}_i={\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i))\) and sends \({\textit{PID}}'_i=m_i\cdot {\textit{PID}}_i\) and \({\textit{ID}}_i\) to the \({\textit{TA}}\).

  2. 2.

    Once received the message, the \({\textit{TA}}\) generates an integer \(s'_i\in Z^*_q\), computes \(sk'_i=s'_i + {\textit{PID}}'_i\cdot sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\) and \({\textit{PK}}'_i=sk'_i\cdot P\) and sends \(\{(sk'_i,{\textit{PK}}'_i),{\textit{PK}}_j\}\) to the \({\textit{SM}}_i\).

  3. 3.

    The \({\textit{SM}}_i\) computes \((sk_i=m^{-1}_i\cdot sk'_i, {\textit{PK}}_i=m^{-1}\cdot {\textit{PK}}'_i)\) as its secret key and public key, respectively, and sends \({\textit{PK}}_i\) to the \({\textit{TA}}\), where \(sk_i= m^{-1}_i \cdot s'_i + {\textit{PID}}_i\cdot sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\). The smart meter \({\textit{SM}}_i\) also stores \(({\textit{PK}}_j)\) as the data related to the authorized \({\textit{SP}}_j\) that the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) can communicate with. In addition, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) stores \(X_i=h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i))\Vert sk_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\). All values are stored in the non-volatile memory.

  4. 4.

    The \({\textit{TA}}\) stores \(({\textit{ID}}_i,{\textit{PK}}_i)\) in its database and sends them through a secure channel to the target \({\textit{SP}}_j\); then, \({\textit{SP}}_j\) stores them in its database securely.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Registration phase between \({\textit{SP}}_j\) and \({\textit{TA}}\) over secure channel

4.3 Login and key agreement phase

On startup of each device, we assume that the user/administrator inputs the username and password, and they are verified, and \(h({\textit{PW}}_{i/j}\Vert {\textit{ID}}_{i/j})\) is stored in a volatile memory accordingly. For example, on the power-on phase before initiating a login and key agreement process between \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and \({\textit{SP}}_j\), we assume that the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) is turned on by a user/administrator. The user/administrator of the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) enters \({\textit{ID}}_j\) and \({\textit{PW}}_j\). The \({\textit{SP}}_j\) checks \(h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j))\Vert sk_j\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\overset{?}{=}X_j\) and, if the verification passes, \(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j)\) is stored in a volatile memory. Similarly, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) verifies the inserted \({\textit{ID}}_i\) and \({\textit{PW}}_i\) based on its \(X_i\), and if they are valid, it stores \(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i)\). The login and key agreement phase of EPSG between \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and \({\textit{SP}}_j\) proceeded as follows, also depicted in Fig. 4:

  1. 1.

    The \({\textit{SM}}_i\) loads the stored parameters \(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i), sk_i, {\textit{PK}}_j\). Next, it generates its current timestamp \(TS_i\) and a random value \(r_i\in Z^*_q\), calculates \(B_1=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\), \(B_2=r_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_i\), \(B_3=h^2(B_1)\oplus {\textit{PK}}_i\) and \(B_4=h(B_1\Vert B_2\Vert B_3\Vert TS_i)\), and sends \(M_1=\{B_2,B_3,B_4,TS_i\}\) to the \({\textit{SP}}_j\).

  2. 2.

    Once received \(M_1\), the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) checks the timestamp \(TS_i\), if it is invalid, the session is aborted. Next, it computes \(B^*_1=sk_j\cdot B_2\) computes \(B^*_1=sk_j\cdot B_2\), extracts \({\textit{PK}}^*_i=h^2(B^*_1)\oplus B_3\), verifies \({\textit{PK}}^*_i\) is legitimate and also \(B_4\overset{?}{=}\ h(B^*_1\Vert B_2\Vert B_3\Vert TS_i)\) to authenticate the \({\textit{SM}}_i\). Assuming that the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) is authenticated, the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) generates its current timestamp \(TS_j\) and a random value \(r_j\in Z^*_q\), calculates \(C_1=r_j\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\), \(C_2=r_j\cdot B^*_1\) and \(C_3=h(C_1\Vert C_2\Vert TS_j)\), and sends \(M_2=\{C_1,C_3,TS_j\}\) to the \({\textit{SM}}_i\).

  3. 3.

    The \({\textit{SM}}_i\) calculates \(C^*_2=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot C_1\) and checks whether \(C_3\overset{?}{=}h(C_1\Vert C^*_2\Vert TS_j)\) to authenticate the \({\textit{SP}}_j\).

  4. 4.

    The shared session key is computed as \({\textit{SK}}_{ij}=h(C_2\Vert {\textit{PK}}_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j\Vert TS_j)\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Login and key agreement phase of EPSG, over an insecure channel

4.4 Password revocation phase

The user/administrator may desire to change his/her password after a while for security reasons. To enable the legitimate user/administrator of the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) to update its password, the considered steps are as follows:

  1. 1.

    The user/administrator of the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) enters \({\textit{ID}}_j\) and \({\textit{PW}}_j\) and the password revocation command \({\textit{PassRevoc}}\).

  2. 2.

    The \({\textit{SP}}_j\) checks \(h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j))\Vert sk_j\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\overset{?}{=}X_j\) and, if the verification passed requests for new password \({\textit{PW}}^{new}_j\) two times to make sure, they are matching and the new password has been entered correctly. Then, it computes \(h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}^{new}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j)\Vert sk_j\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j))\) and replaces the current \(X_j\) in its memory for the later authentications.

  3. 3.

    The \({\textit{SP}}_j\) informs the user/administrator that the password has been changed successfully.

Similarly, to enable the legitimate user/administrator of the smart meter \({\textit{SM}}_i\) to update its password, the procedure is as follows:

  1. 1.

    The user/administrator of \({\textit{SM}}_i\) enters \({\textit{ID}}_i\) and \({\textit{PW}}_i\) and the password revocation command \({\textit{PassRevoc}}\).

  2. 2.

    The \({\textit{SM}}_i\) checks \(h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i))\Vert sk_i\Vert {\textit{PID}}_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\overset{?}{=}X_i\) and if the verification passed requests for new password \({\textit{PW}}^{new}_i\) two times to make sure that they are matching and the new password has been entered correctly, then, \({\textit{SM}}_i \) replaces \(X_i\) by \(h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}^{new}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i)\Vert sk_i\Vert {\textit{PID}}_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j))\) and stores it in its memory for the later authentications.

If it is required to change the identity or the secret key, then, \({\textit{SM}}_i/{\textit{SP}}_j\) should be re-registered. Because it has been registered in the \({\textit{TA}}\) based on the current \(({\textit{ID}}_i,{\textit{PK}}_i)/({\textit{ID}}_j,{\textit{PK}}_j)\).

5 Security analysis of EPSG

5.1 Informal security analysis

In this section, we informally prove that the EPSG provides the desired security level against attacks in the context.

5.1.1 Mutual authentication

In the proposed protocol, the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) receives \(M_1=\{B_2,B_3,B_4,TS_i\}\), calculates \(B^*_1=sk_j\cdot B_2\) and checks whether \(B_4\overset{?}{=}\ h(B^*_1\Vert B_2\Vert B_3\Vert TS_i)\) to authenticate the \({\textit{SM}}_i\), where \(B_1=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\), \(B_2=r_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_i\), \(sk_i=s_i+sk_{{\textit{TA}}}\cdot {\textit{PID}}_i\) and \({\textit{PK}}_i=sk_i\cdot P\). Following the calculations below, the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) successfully authenticates the legitimate \({\textit{SM}}_i\):

$$\begin{aligned} sk_{j}\cdot B_2= & {} sk_j\cdot r_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_i\\= & {} r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j \\= & {} B_1 \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) receives \(M_2=\{C_1,C_3,TS_j\}\), calculates \(C^*_2=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot C_1\), and verifies whether \(C_3\overset{?}{=}h(C_1\Vert C^*_2\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i\Vert ({\textit{PK}}_i\oplus {\textit{PK}}_j))\) to authenticate the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). Following a similar argument, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) also successfully authenticates the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). Therefore, the proposed protocol provides a mutual authentication process.

5.1.2 Session key agreement

The session key is calculated as \({\textit{SK}}_{ij}=h(C_2\Vert {\textit{PK}}_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j\Vert TS_j)\). Both the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) and the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) have access to \({\textit{PK}}_i\), \({\textit{PK}}_j\), and \(TS_j\). In addition, based on the argument provided in Sect. 5.1.1, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) can successfully calculate \(C_2\).

5.1.3 Replay attack

The adversary needs to store what is being exchanged on a channel to conduct a replay attack. Then, the attacker sends these values to the smart meter or the \({\textit{SP}}\) as a valid response without knowing the content of the message itself to execute the replay attack finally. In the proposed protocol, two parameters exist to avoid the replay attack. The first one is the timestamp. Any session is refreshed by the timestamps \(TS_i\) and \(TS_j\), verified by the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). In the first step, each device checks the TS and continues the process. Thus, using old messages are not applicable. In addition, utilizing a random number in the messages’ content allows the receiver to be sure that the received message is based on the last generated random number. Therefore, the proposed protocol is robust against replay attacks.

5.1.4 Impersonation attack

To impersonate the \({\textit{SM}}_i\), the adversary should either do a replay attack (which is not feasible) or generate a valid \(M_1\) that consists of \(B_2, B_3\), and \(B_4\). Given that \(B_1\), as a secret and important value, is not sent on the public channel and embedded in other parameters as the hash function’s output, the attacker cannot create it. In addition, he has no access to \(sk_i\) and \({\textit{PID}}_i\). Therefore, there is not enough information for impersonating a smart meter. The same argument can be deduced for the impersonation of the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). Thus, it can be claimed that the EPSG is not vulnerable to impersonation attacks.

5.1.5 Traceability and anonymity

By implementing a traceability attack, an adversary can detect a member of the system in different situations. For achieving this goal, he needs a permanent and instant value in the transferred messages. In the login and key agreement phase, firstly, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) generates a random number (i.e., \(r_i\)) and uses it in the B1. Then, the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) also generates \(r_j\) randomly. Therefore excluding \(TS_i\) and \(TS_j\), the rest of the exchanged parameters are encrypted values or the output of the one-way hash function, and fresh nonce values randomize them. As a result, it is not feasible to trace the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) or the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) or compromise their anonymity.

5.1.6 Secret disclosure attack

This type of attack occurs when sensitive or confidential information such as encryption keys or identification numbers cannot be protected against unauthorized users. Any sensitive data in the EPSG are transferred in the form of an encrypted value or as the output of the one-way hash function. Hence, \(A\) cannot perform the secret disclosure attack, excluding that, for example, he can break with ECDLP or EC-CDHP.

5.1.7 Forward secrecy with compromised edge device

Given that smart meters are distributed over the field, it could be possible for the adversary to compromise a smart meter \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and read the stored data in the non-volatile memory, i.e., \(X_i=h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i))\Vert sk_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\), \(sk_i\), \({\textit{PK}}_i\) and \({\textit{PK}}_{j}\). However, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) is equipped with a PUF function, and the adversary cannot clone it. In addition, each session key is randomized by ephemeral values contributed by \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and \({\textit{SP}}_j\). Hence, even long-term key leakages do not compromise the previous session keys.

5.1.8 Insider attack

An insider attacker in the \({\textit{TA}}\)—with access to its memory and monitoring the transferred messages over the secure channel, in the registration phase—can access to \(sk'_i\), \(sk'_j\), \({\textit{PK}}'_i\), \({\textit{PK}}'_j\), \({\textit{PK}}_i\), \({\textit{PK}}_j\), \({\textit{PID}}_i\), and \({\textit{PID}}_j\). None of this information helps the insider adversary to have access to the password or trace the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) or the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). The reason is the fact that \({\textit{SP}}_j\) (resp. \({\textit{SM}}_i\)) computes \({\textit{PID}}_j={\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j))\) (resp. \({\textit{PID}}_i={\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i))\)) and sends \({\textit{PID}}'_j=m_j\cdot {\textit{PID}}_j\) and \({\textit{ID}}_j\) (resp. \({\textit{PID}}'_i=m_i\cdot {\textit{PID}}_i\) and \({\textit{ID}}_i\)) to the \({\textit{TA}}\). Hence, the password is protected by \({\textit{PUF}}(\cdot )\) and \(m_j\) (resp. \(m_i\)) which is not known by the adversary. Hence, the insider has no advantage to recover the devices’ user/administrator password, and the proposed protocol is also secure against offline password guessing.

5.1.9 Password guessing

Among the transferred messages, the values of \(B_2\), \(B_3\), and \(B_4\) are randomized by \(r_i\) which is a fresh nonce contributed by the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and \(C_1\) and \(C_3\) are randomized by \(r_i\) and \(r_j\), which \(r_j\) is a fresh nonce contributed by the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). These messages are produced by the one-way hash function or the ECC multiplication. Hence, it is not feasible for the adversary to guess the password of the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) or the \({\textit{SP}}_j\). In addition, we have already proved that an insider adversary has no chance to guess the passwords.

5.1.10 Known session-specific temporary information attack

In a known session-specific temporary information attack (KSTIA), it is assumed the ephemeral values are leaked, and the target is to compromise the session key or the long-term keys. In EPSG, the ephemeral values used in each session are \(m_i\) and \(m_j\) and the session key is computed as \({\textit{SK}}_{ij}=h(C_2\Vert {\textit{PK}}_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j\Vert TS_j)\), where \(C_2=r_i\cdot r_j\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\). Since the session key is a factor of both ephemeral and long-term secret values, the adversary cannot compute the session key just given the ephemeral secret values. It shows that EPSG is secure against KSTIA.

5.1.11 Key compromise impersonation resilience

In a key-exchange protocol with two parties \(\mathcal {X}\) and \(\mathcal {Y}\), in a key compromise impersonation attack (KCI), it is assumed the adversary knows all secret parameters of \(\mathcal {X}\); then, it should not be possible to impersonate \(\mathcal {Y}\) toward \(\mathcal {X}\) if the protocol is KCI resilience. The main target of the KCI attack is to play the role of a man-in-the-middle attack. In the proposed protocol, \(sk_i\cdot sk_j\cdot P\) is directly used in the computation of \(B_4=h(B_1\Vert B_2\Vert B_3\Vert TS_i)\) and \(C_3=h(C_1\Vert C_2\Vert TS_j)\). More precisely, \(B_1=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\), \(B_2=r_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_i\), \(C_1=r_j\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\), \(C_2=r_j\cdot B^*_1\) and \(B_2\) and \(C_1\) are sent over the public channel. Hence, assuming that the adversary has access to the \({\textit{SM}}_i\)’s secret parameters, for impersonating \({\textit{SP}}_j\), the adversary should be able to recompute \(B_1=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot sk_j\cdot P\), given \(r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot P\) which is not feasible without the knowledge of \(sk_j\). On the other hand, to impersonate \({\textit{SM}}_i\) toward \({\textit{SP}}_j\) and share the session key, the adversary should compute \(C_2=r_i\cdot r_j\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\) given \(C_1=r_j\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\), which requires the knowledge of \(sk_i\). It shows that EPSG provides KCI resilience.

5.1.12 Modeling attacks against the PUF

Modeling attacks based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques [30] or approximation techniques [31] have emerged as one of the most important threats against PUF technology. In this kind of attack, the adversary collects a subset of CRPs (typically hundreds of them) and uses the aforementioned techniques to build a mathematical model to predict PUF responses. In this respect, several countermeasures at the PUF architecture level have been presented in the literature [32, 33]. In addition, the integration of countermeasures at different levels (including the protocol level) is highly recommended. In this vein, lockdown and obfuscation mechanisms are popular techniques that could be easily integrable into the proposed protocol. On the one hand, modeling attacks need hundreds/thousands of CRPs (less than 10% of the total CRPs [34]) in order to perform a successful attack. Lockdown mechanisms like the one presented in [34] try to limit the number of CRPs that an attacker can observe. Another example of a lockdown countermeasure integrated into a protocol is presented in [35]. On the other hand, randomization methods are used to preserve the mappings between challenges and responses reducing the correlation between them. References [36] or [37] are good examples of these obfuscation mechanisms applied at different layers.

Nevertheless, the way the PUF is used in this authentication protocol makes it robust against modeling attacks. As stated before, several CRPs are required to carry out this kind of attack. In a realistic scenario, an attacker has access to the SM/SP only during the login and key agreement phase. If we assume that the attacker knows \({\textit{PK}}_j\) (public) and somehow he/she obtained \(sk_j\), then, the attacker could try different pairs of \({\textit{PW}}_j\) and \({\textit{ID}}_j\). In this scenario, the attacker will have access to PUF material only in the case that the correct pair is introduced.

Thus, as shown in Table 3, in terms of informal security analysis, the EPSG, in comparison with other protocols, has a better security level.

Table 3 Security comparison of EPSG with other schemes

5.2 Formal security analysis in semantic security model

In any security protocol, several messages are exchanged among entities. On the other hand, the adversary passively or actively tries to maximize its advantage to attack the protocol and contradict a security requirement. For example, if the transferred messages over a session could be linked to a protocol participant or the transferred messages over two sessions, in which a specific client is participating, could be linked to each other, then the protocol suffers from traceability. Thus, a promising approach to ensure different security aspects could prove the indistinguishability of transferred messages over protocol from random values, excluding the messages that do not reflect any participant-connected information, e.g., timestamps. Such property could directly satisfy security against various attacks, including traceability, impersonation, secret disclosure, etc. The RoR model is an approach to show that the transferred messages over different sessions are not distinguishable from random values, considering a probabilistic polynomial time (PPT) for the adversary. Therefore, in this subsection, we formally evaluate the security of the EPSG in the RoR, by determining the adversary’s advantage in distinguishing the EPSG from the random world RW.

Theorem 1

Let \(q_{exe}\), \(q_{send}\) and \(q_{test}\), respectively, represent the number of queries to \(\textrm{Execute}\), \(\textrm{Send}\) and \(\textrm{Test}\) oracles on the EPSG/RW, then:

$$\begin{aligned}&{\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},EPSG}(t, q_{exe}; q_{test}; q_{send})\\&\qquad -{\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t,q_{exe}; q_{test}; q_{send}) \\&\quad \le 5\cdot q\cdot \varepsilon _{ECC}+7\cdot q\cdot \varepsilon _{h}+q\cdot \varepsilon _{{\textit{PUF}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varepsilon _{ECC}\) denotes the maximum advantage of solving the ECDLP or the EC-CDHP by the adversary on each query, \(\varepsilon _{H}\) denotes the maximum advantage of contradicting collision resistance property of \(h(\cdot )\), and \(\varepsilon _{{\textit{PUF}}}\) denotes the maximum advantage of distinguishing the output of \({\textit{PUF}}(\cdot )\) from a random sequence and \(q=q_{exe}+ q_{test}+q_{send}\).


Let clients the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) and the \(N_j\) are communicating through S to share a session key and let \(A\) be an adversary against the semantic security of the EPSG in the RoR model. A game-based approach is used to prove the above theorem by defining a series of games \(G\), starting from the random world RW and ending in the real-world EPSG. For each game \(G_n\), we define an event \({\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_n}_{\mathcal {D},\mathcal {P}}(t, R)\) corresponding to the adversary’s advantage to correctly guess the hidden bit b involved in the \(\textrm{Test}\) queries. In each game, a simulator tries to behave as similarly to the real work as it can.

Game \({G_0}.\) It defines RW and \({\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G0}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)=0\)

Game \({{G_1.}}\) Compared to \(G_0\), in this game, any instance follows the structure of the transferred messages in the EPSG. However, all sensitive messages are selected completely randomly. It is clear \({\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G0}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)-{\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G1}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)=0.\)

Game \({{G_2.}}\) This game is identical to \(G_1\) with the exception that the timestamps are not random anymore and follow the expected structure. Given that the session key and also other messages that are connected with the instances are still generated randomly, and the simulator can easily adapt timestamps, this modification has no impact on the adversary’s advantage to guess the hidden bit and \({\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_2}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)-{\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_1}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)=0\).

Game \({{G_3.}}\) In this game, \(B_4\) and \(C_3\) are calculated using \(h(\cdot )\), but the input values are still random with specific lengths. Hence, the adversary’s advantage comes from collisions on \(h(\cdot )\) and for \(q=q_{exe}+q_{send}+q_{test}\):

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_3}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_2}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+2\cdot q\cdot \varepsilon _{h} \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_4.}}\) In this game, set \(B_3=R_1\oplus {\textit{PK}}_i\) where \(R_1\) is a random sequence. It is clear this modification does not affect the adversary’s advantage and:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_4}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)= {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_3}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R) \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_5.}}\) In this game, set \(R_1=h^2(B_1)\) and \(B_1=R_2\). The adversary can win this game if he can distinguish \(h(\cdot )\) from \(R_1\). Hence:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_5}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)= {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_4}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+q\cdot \varepsilon _{h} \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_6.}}\) In this game, \(B_2\) and \(C_1\) are, respectively, calculated as \(B_2=r_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_i\) and \(C_1=r_j\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\). Given that \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) are session-dependent random values, the adversary wins this game if he can solve the ECDLP or the EC-CDHP. Hence, his advantage is determined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_6}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_5}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+2\cdot q\cdot \varepsilon _{ECC} \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_7.}}\) This game is identical to \(G_6\), exclude that \(B_1=r_i\cdot sk_i\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\). Given that, \(B_1\) is masked by \(h(\cdot )\), the adversary’s advantage in this game at most comes from solving the ECDLP or the EC-CDHP. The adversary wins this game if he can solve the ECDLP or the EC-CDHP:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_7}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_6}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+q\cdot \varepsilon _{ECC} \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_8.}}\) This game is identical to \(G_7\), exclude that \(C_2=r_j\cdot B^*_1\). Given that, \(C_2\) is also masked by \(h(\cdot )\); we have already counted the adversary’s advantage regarding \(B_1\):

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_8}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_7}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+q\cdot \varepsilon _{ECC} \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_9.}}\) This game is identical to \(G_8\), exclude that \(X_i \) and \(X_j\) are calculated as \(X_i=h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_i\Vert {\textit{ID}}_i))\Vert sk_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\) \(X_j=h({\textit{PUF}}(h({\textit{PW}}_j\Vert {\textit{ID}}_j))\Vert sk_j\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j)\). The adversary’s advantage compared to \(G_8\) comes from distinguishing the output of \(h(\cdot )\) or \({\textit{PUF}}(\cdot )\) from a random number:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_7}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_6}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+3.q\cdot \varepsilon _{h}+q\cdot \varepsilon _{{\textit{PUF}}} \end{aligned}$$

Game \({{G_{10}.}}\) This game is identical to \(G_9\) with the exception the session key is calculated using the hash function as \({\textit{SK}}_{ij}=h(C_2\Vert {\textit{PK}}_i\Vert {\textit{PK}}_j\Vert TS_j)\), where \(C_2=r_i\cdot r_j\cdot {\textit{PK}}_j\). Given that \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) are nonce values and \(TS_j\) is a timestamp, therefore:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_{10}}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_9}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)+q\cdot \varepsilon _{h}+q\cdot \varepsilon _{ECC} \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, \(G_{10}\) represents the implementation of the EPSG. Hence:

$$\begin{aligned}&{\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},EPSG}(t, R)-{\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R) \\&\quad \le {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_{10}}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)- {\textit{Adv}}^{{\textit{RoR}}-G_0}_{\mathcal {D},RW}(t, R)\\&\quad \le 5\cdot q\cdot \varepsilon _{ECC}+7\cdot q\cdot \varepsilon _{h}+q\cdot \varepsilon _{{\textit{PUF}}} \end{aligned}$$

which completes the proof. \(\square \)

6 Performance analysis of EPSG

In order to compare the EPSG with other similar protocols and summarize the evaluation process, we choose some related protocols from Sect. 2, and evaluation metrics selection is done according to [29, 38, 39]. In Table 4, the comparison is made based on computation cost, execution time, communication cost, and energy consumption. With the purpose of implementing a practical environment to achieve experimental results, as shown in Fig. 5, a smart home network is simulated (including a microcontroller, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, photoresistor sensor, and a relay for controlling AC power). We have used an Arduino UNO board to simulate the cryptographic operations on each smart meter client. This board integrates an ATmega328P microcontroller with 32-kB flash memory, 2-kB SRAM, and a clock speed of 16 MHz. It is worth noting that the PUF reliability results obtained in a similar microcontroller [40]. To use Arduino’s SRAM to implement an SRAM PUF, we have assessed whether the power-up values of the SRAM of 20 microcontrollers acquired 100 times at room temperature exhibit the necessary quality. As a result, the mean bias of all devices (uniformity) is 48.38%, which is very close to the ideal 50%. Furthermore, the intra-distance between different acquisitions (reliability) is 97.58%. Finally, the inter-distance between different devices (uniqueness) is 38.62%, aligning with other results reported in the literature for similar microcontrollers. Using the mentioned platform, we achieved \(T_{ECC}\approx 21\,\textrm{ms}\), \(T_{2ECC}\approx 26\,\textrm{ms}\), \(T_{h}\approx 3\,\textrm{ms}\) for SHA-256Footnote 1 and \(T_{Es}=3.7\,\textrm{ms}\). We also considered the time of a PUF invocation (\(T_{PUFn}\)) equals to \(T_{h}\). We establish this equivalence because we assume a key management module that can generate multiple keys from a single root key should be used. In this case, a secure key derivation function (KDF) that uses cryptographic primitives such as SHA-256 is used to ensure cryptographic separation between the different derived keys. In [17], fuzzy extractors and helper data among other algorithms are used in functions FE.GEN and FE.REC. According to the data provided in [17], \(T_{FE.GEN}\) and \(T_{FE.REC}\) can be approximated to \(10\times T_{{\textit{PUF}}}\) and \(30\times T_{{\textit{PUF}}}\), respectively.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Arduino UNO and sensors circuit

Table 4 Cost comparison of the related protocols and EPSG
Fig. 6
figure 6

Time and communication cost comparison

Any client in the EPSG should support the ECC, the hash function, and the PUF (only \({\textit{SM}}\)). In terms of computational complexity, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) performs five calls to the hash function (\(T_h\)) and a PUF invocation (\(T_{{\textit{PUF}}}\)), while the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) does four calls to the hash function. Besides, the \({\textit{SM}}_i\) performs two ECC scalar-multiplications (\(T_{ECC}\)) and does a double-scaler-multiplication (\(T_{2ECC}\)), e.g., \(u\cdot P+v\cdot Q\), and the \({\textit{SP}}_j\) does three ECC point-multiplications (\(T_{ECC}\)). Hence, in total, a login and key agreement phase of the EPSG costs \(9\times T_{h}+ T_{{\textit{PUF}}}+6\times T_{ECC}\). Based on this experiment, the execution time of a key agreement session in the EPSG is 156 ms, which is the lowest among the compared protocols. As indicated in Table 4, when compared to other protocols, ESPG leverages a combination of PUF functions and the ECC method. This solution not only ensures message confidentiality through the ECC module, but also guarantees message integrity at a low computational cost by utilizing PUF functions.

For the communication overhead comparison, the bit lengths of a timestamp, an identifier, a random number, a hash value, and an ECC point are, respectively, considered as 32, 64, 128, 160, and 320 bits. It should be noted that we consider SHA-256 but truncate its output to 160-bit to avoid the recent security flaws of SHA-1 [41]. Based on this setting, the communication overhead of the EPSG is \(320+320+64+160+32=896\) bits for \(M_1\) and \(320+160+32=512\) bits for \(M_2\), and 1408 bits in total. However, the communication cost of [15] has been reported to be 1184 bits for the same parameter set; our independent analysis shows that there should be a typo that led to the underestimation of the communication cost in that scheme. The source of the mistake could be the considered bit length of the values computed using symmetric encryption, and their length should be at least as long as the length of the encrypted values. As illustrated in Fig. 6, the ESPG needs minimum communication overhead in comparison with other protocols.

Energy consumption can be upper-bounded as \(Ec = V_{max}.I_{max}.T_c\), where Ec is the energy consumption, \(I_{max}\) is the maximum consumed current, \(V_{max}\) is the maximum working voltage, and Tc is the total computational time to share a session key. Following ATmega328P datasheet [42], the maximum working power, i.e., (V.I), of ATmega328P is \(14\,\textrm{mA}\times 5.5 V=77\,\textrm{mW}\) in active mode within 16MH. Following calculation and considering 15% extra energy for the used board, the energy comparison of EPSG is compared with other schemes in Table 4. These results show that the energy consumption of a session of EPSG is less than that of other schemes.

7 Conclusion

Over the last decade, advancements in smart grid technology have enabled the modernization of existing electricity networks. This research paper introduces a novel mutual authentication and key agreement scheme called EPSG. The unique aspect of this study is the integration of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) modules to provide simultaneous confidentiality and integrity for lightweight smart meters. To validate the functionality of EPSG for constrained IoT devices, we implemented the scheme on an Arduino UNO board and assessed computation, communication costs, and energy consumption. Additionally, a comprehensive security analysis confirmed the robustness of the proposed scheme against security attacks. However, during the simulation, we faced challenges in finding a smart meter capable of running a PUF function, despite achieving satisfactory results with real home appliances. Thus, for future research endeavors, it would be valuable for the authors to explore alternative platforms to evaluate the effectiveness of this solution or consider developing a new method in different layers of a smart grid, based on the foundation of EPSG.