1 Introduction

The larger distribution of the Internet and mobile devices among citizens, the dimensions of cities and the need for energy consumption are reasons for studying smart cities [7]. The definitions of smart cities are various. According to [6], “A smart city is a well-defined geographical area, in which high technologies such as ICT, logistic, energy production, and so on, cooperate to create benefits for citizens in terms of well-being, inclusion and participation, environmental quality, intelligent development; it is governed by a well-defined pool of subjects, able to state the rules and policy for the city government and development”.

1.1 Smart cities and authentication of mobile users

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the newest concepts that has gained a lot of attention in recent years, despite its rapid development. IoT applications include Health Care, Home Automation, and Intelligent Transport Systems. Smart cities form based on widespread applications of IoTs [5]. Smart cities have various types with different dimensions, such as Smart Governance, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, Smart People, Smart Living, and Smart Mobility [7]. Smart cities can provide people with services like Smart Traffic Lights, Smart Parking, and Remote Health Monitors. These are examples that are now available to many people. In addition to these services, other services in smart cities are very challenging and require to design them carefully. Connected cars and smart public transit are examples of such services [21].

In smart cities, some users send up a lot of information at any time and move from one place to another. In such a situation, we should maintain the connection between mobile wireless devices. In this case, it is suggested to use the global mobility network (GLOMONET) that allows authorized users to gain roaming service at any location. To do so, a mobile user (MU) registers at home agent (HA), and then MU can get access to the services when he/she roams into a foreign agent (FA) [39]. FA’s establish communications with HAs over the Internet, but the question of how mobile users can trust FA is a severe challenge. Fortunately, there are solutions to this challenge, one of which is using authentication protocols. In this paper, our goal is to address this issue and present our possible solution for it. We give a summary of these topics and how this article relates to smart cities in Fig. 1. The authors in [27] delineate IoT security issues.

According to Fig. 1, we aim to examine the smart cities, which includes applications of IoT in two dimensions and services categories (see the green hexagon components presented in Fig. 1). This figure shows a secure protocol for GLOMONET that falls into “Smart Mobility” and “Security and Privacy” in terms of dimensions and services. GLOMONET can manage the interaction between the FA and HA by the help of the authentication protocol presented on it.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Smart cities and authentication. HA = Home agent; FA = foreign agent

1.2 Motivation

It is essential to provide a secure authentication protocol for smart cities. On the one hand, we require to identify the features of a secure protocol. Motivated by these considerations, we propose a novel secure protocol that includes reliable features applied in the smart city environment. To do so, in Sect. 5, we first highlight some vulnerable features implemented in the smart city environment and describe how to attack them. Moreover, some of these features may be interdependent so that any defect in one of them may compromise the security of others. Additionally, the scholars suggest several protocols and prove their security by formal methods. However, some other researchers discover such protocol vulnerabilities and present their novel solutions against them that we describe them in the next section.

Beside, optimizing energy consumption in smart cities is necessary because most network-connected devices suffer from limited resources. So far, protocols based on a bilinear pairing have been proposed that is more than 7 times slower than an elliptic curve multiplication. As a result, using a secure elliptic curve based authentication protocol can be a good solution to the problem.

1.3 The main goal and contribution of the paper

Techniques like deep learning are used to increase security on the IoT. This technique relates to our work in two ways. On the one hand, authentication and key agreement protocols have phases such as registration, login, and security information change phases, in which there is information such as users’ biometric information that may change over time. Deep learning techniques can be used to validate this information. Once this information is verified by the system, users enter the authentication and key agreement phase and are allowed to send information to each other on the network. On the other hand, deep learning techniques can detect malicious behaviors by examining network data. This process is illustrated in Fig. 2. Our analysis shows that even if deep learning methods do their job well and the users use encrypted messages, if there is any vulnerability in the protocol, the attackers are still able to threaten users’ privacy. We found that Li et al.’s protocol [22] is not secure. Therefore, the intention of this paper is to reveal the vulnerabilities of Li et al.’s protocol, which have not been revealed yet. Fortunately, this interesting protocol can be modified with the least possible changes, and this will eliminate the need for a new protocol and its re-analysis. The results of this article can be summarized as follows:

  • In this paper, we analyze one of the authentication protocols for GLOMONET in smart cities.

  • We discover that the work in [22] suffers from multiple vulnerabilities such as: offline guess attack, lacking of user anonymity and unlinkability, home agent HA and foreign agent FA impersonation attack, insecure key distribution, and malicious foreign agent FA attack.

  • We propose an alternative protocol to counter the proposed attacks and compare our protocol with similar ones in terms of security and efficiency.

  • We show that our method is not only able to withstand the proposed attacks, but its time complexity is approximately 53% of the previous one.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Deep learning and authentication

1.4 Roadmap

In Sect. 3, we introduce the problem and assumptions which are necessary to reading this paper. Section 4 reviews the Li et al.’s scheme. Section 5 analyzes the scheme and explains the discovered attacks and shows that such attacks are practical. Section 6 proposes an enhanced version. In Sect. 7, the security of our protocol is proven; we compare our proposed protocol with other similar ones in this section. Finally, the conclusion is presented in Sect. 8. The symbols used in this article are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Notations

2 Related works

In this section, we will give a brief overview of the existing secure protocol in smart cities. Authentication protocols are not limited to smart cities and can also be used to provide security for wireless body area networks [30], cloud computing services [13], e-Health systems [1], multi-server environments [3] and wireless sensor networks [20]. Numerous authentication protocols have been proposed so far, in which several parameters are important. These parameters can generally be divided into three categories of factors, performance, and method of analysis. The security of a protocol can be based on secrets such as passwords that the user knows, things like the smart card that holds them, or the intrinsic information of the user such as his/her fingerprint. If a protocol has all of these factors, it is called a three-factor protocol.

Another parameter to note is the protocol analysis method. Protocols can be formally or informally analyzed. BAN logic is one of the most popular formal methods used in many protocols. For example, the authors in [3, 20, 29] have used this method to prove the mutual authentication feature of their proposed protocol. Other formal methods include the random oracle method used in references [15, 30]. Another way to test protocol security is to use tools such as AVISPA and ProVerif that authors of [1, 35] have used.

Unfortunately, formal proofs do not necessarily guarantee resistance to all known attacks. For example, the authors of [16], using BAN logic, demonstrated that their protocol ensures mutual authentication, while after careful analysis, the vulnerabilities of this protocol became apparent in [19]. Similarly, the authors of [12] applied BAN logic to prove the security of their protocol and indicted that based on their achievements by implementation with AVISPA method, their protocol is safe while the authors in [2] report its weaknesses. Lastly, although the security of the protocol presented in [33] was demonstrated using random oracles, the interesting analysis performed in [18] confirmed the shortcomings of the previous one.

The last parameter to address here is protocol performance. It is necessary to see what function the protocol uses in order to calculate the efficiency of a protocol. The time required to execute these functions and their output length are two important parameters in the performance of the protocol because a protocol will send messages over the network that will impose too much pressure on the network over a long period. Common functions used in various protocols include hash functions, symmetric encryption, and message authentication codes, elliptic curve cryptography, bilinear pairings, chaotic maps, and problems such as discrete logarithm problem. We show these functions with \(H(\alpha )\), \(E(\alpha )\), \(ECC(\alpha )\), \(BP(\alpha )\), \(T(\alpha )\), and \(DLP(\alpha )\), respectively. All of these functions are based on a hard problem that ensures protocol security. In all of these functions, it is easy to compute \(f (\alpha )\) with f and \(\alpha\) while finding \(\alpha\) using f and \(f (\alpha )\) is considered impossible, where \(f\in \{H, E, ECC, BP, T, DLP\}\). Using each of these functions has its disadvantages and benefits. For example, functions E and H have a much lower time complexity than other ones. On the other hand, secure communications using these functions require members to share information in advance. Other functions can eliminate this need while suffering from more time complexity. In Table 2, we compare some recent authentication protocols with our proposed one.

Table 2 Comparison of related works

In 2008, Wu et al. suggested a cryptographic protocol for GLOMONET [36]. He et al. investigated and analyzed the GLOMONET and revealed a registered user at home agent HA can obtain the identities of other users at the same home agent HA. They also showed that the protocol is vulnerable to replay and impersonation attacks [17]. Similarly, they offered an anonymous scheme for roaming in GLOMONET environments. Later on, the authors in [14] proposed a protocol for GLOMONET. However, the lack of security of this protocol was proven by Li et al. in 2017. They found that the presented protocol in [14] lacks wrong password detection and session key update mechanisms and is vulnerable to a denial-of-service attack. They also reported other protocol’s vulnerabilities and proposed a biometric authentication protocol for the smart city [22]. The scheme presented in [22] suffers from several serious vulnerabilities in which we present them in Sect. 5.

3 Problem definition and assumptions

The goal of our work is to present a secure authentication protocol for global mobility networks in smart city. In such networks, there is a home agent HA which mobile users MUs can communicate with it. Unfortunately, the range of home agent services is limited and it is sometimes necessary for MU to leave and communicate remotely. Foreign agents FA’s can be used in such situations. Moreover, there must be a mechanism to assure the user that FA is valid. For this reason, the mechanism should benefit from the registration phase. In this phase, FA and MU register and home agent HA provide information to them which is used for authentication and key agreement. Foreign agent FA in the registration phase receives \(K_ {FA}\) and distributes \(K_{FA} \times P\) as its public key.

Similarly, mobile user MU receives a smart card/device containing the information necessary to authenticate. After registering, mobile user MU can communicate with home agent HA by the help of FA whenever he investigates outside the coverage area of home agent HA. Our proposed protocol determines the structure of communicated messages between MU, FA, and HA. In the protocol, four messages are transmitted over the network; after successful sending of these messages, FA and MU are able to initiate their own encrypted communications under a secret key. This process is illustrated in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Problem definition. HA = Home agent; MU = mobile user; FA = foreign agent

Note that the content of these four messages must be such that the protocol is highly secure and no adversary can become a threat to the network. For this reason, the protocol uses concepts such as bilinear pairing, fuzzy extractor, elliptic curves, and hash functions. In the remainder of this section, these concepts are briefly introduced and the security requirements of an authentication protocol and the capabilities of adversaries are discussed in detail in Sect. 5.

Elliptic curve: Let K be an arbitrary field; an elliptic curve E over K is defined by an equation \(E: y^2+a_1 xy+a_3 y=x^3+a_2 x^2+a_4 x+a_6\), where \(a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_6\in K\), and \(\Delta \ne 0\) is the discriminant of E. In this paper, we focus on \(K=GF(p)\), where p is a large prime number such that E is a secure curve. In this case, E is isomorphic to \(y^2=x^3+ax+b\), where \(a,b\in GF(p)\) and \(\Delta =-16(4a^3+27b^2)\).

In the case of secure elliptic curves, there are three well-known problems that play an important role in establishing the security of protocols. These problems are as follows:

  • Given an integer x and a point P over E, it is easy to compute point \(ECC(x)=x\times P\). This problem is called the multiplication over elliptic curve.

  • Consider points P and ECC(x) over E, finding the integer x is intractable which is called the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP).

  • Consider points P, ECC(x), and ECC(y) over E, it is intractable to compute \(ECC(x\times y)\). This problem is called the Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman Problem (ECDHP).

For more details about elliptic curves and related problems, please see [34].

Another concept that we need to introduce in this article is the bilinear pairing. Li et al. used this concept to enhance the security of the Gope and Hwang’s protocol.

Bilinear pairing: A bilinear pairing on \((G_1,G_2)\) is a map \(e:G_1\times G_1\rightarrow G_2\) that satisfies several conditions. Among these conditions, we would like to introduce one of them as \(e(P,P)^{\alpha \times \beta }=e(\alpha \times P,\beta \times P)=e(\alpha \times \beta \times P,P)=e(P,\alpha \times \beta \times P)\). Similar to elliptic curves, in bilinear pairing we have three problems as follows:

  • Given an integer x and e(PP), it is easy to compute \(BP(x)=e(x\times P, P)=e(P, x\times P)\).

  • Given BP(x) and e(PP), finding the integer x is intractable.

  • Given e(PP), BP(x), and BP(y), it is intractable to compute \(BP(x\times y)\).

For more details about bilinear pairing, we refer the interested readers to [26].

In this article, we also use the hash functions. These functions are represented by h and H in this paper and the following assumptions are made for them:

  • Hash functions are easily computable and publicly available to everyone.

  • Given h(x), find x is intractable.

  • Given x, find \(y\ne x\) such that \(h(x)=h(y)\) is intractable.

  • Finding two distinct x and y such that \(h(x)=h(y)\) is very hard.

The last concept introduced in this section is a fuzzy extractor that is used to store and retrieve biometrics information safely because these inputs are noisy and we need to convert noisy inputs into reliably reproducible random strings.

Fuzzy extractor: A fuzzy extractor is a pair of randomized procedures, Gen and Rep such that \((R,P)\leftarrow Gen(w)\) and \(Rep(w,P)=R\). If \(distance(w,w')\) is less than a threshold t, then \(Rep(w',P)=R\). This feature is useful for biometric information because such information may change over time. For more information about fuzzy extractor, please see [9].

Now, we are ready to review Li et al.’s protocol.

4 Review of Li et al.’s protocol

In 2017, Li et al. presented a biometric-based three-factor authentication scheme for global mobility networks in the smart city [22]. This protocol has several phases, which are based on elliptic curves and related problems, bilinear pairing, and fuzzy extractor. These concepts are introduced in the previous section. The protocol consists of three phases: registration phase, authentication and key agreement phase, and password change phase; moreover, this protocol has a mechanism for updating the session key. In this section, we review the first two phases. For more details about this protocol, please see [22].

4.1 Registration phase

In this phase, FA chooses an identity \(ID_{FA}\) and sends it to HA, and HA computes \(K_{FA}=\frac{P}{H(ID_{FA})+s}\) and sends it to FA secretly. In this case, \(H:\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow Z_p^*\) is a secure hash function which maps arbitrary length inputs to an element of the group \(Z_p^*\), where p is a large prime number. Similarly, MU chooses an identity \(ID_{MU}\), password \(PW_{MU}\), the random number r, computes \(HPW_{MU}=h(PW_{MU}\Vert r)\), and sends \(\{ ID_{MU}, HPW_{MU}, R_{MU} \}\) to HA via a secure channel, where \(R_{MU}\) is fingerprint information that is extracted by the fuzzy extractor. Then, HA computes \(B_1=h(ID_{MU} \Vert HPW_{MU} \Vert R_{MU} )\), \(B_2=h(ID_{MU} \Vert s)\), \(B_3=h(ID_{MU}\Vert R_{MU} )\oplus B_2\), and sends \(\{B_1,B_3 \}\) to MU secretly. Finally, MU stores \(\{G_1,G_2, P,\)\(P_{pub_{HA}}, H(.), h(.), e(P,P),\)\(Rep, Gen, P_{MU},B_1,B_3,r\}\) to the mobile device.

4.2 Authentication and key agreement phase

At the beginning of this phase, MU inputs \(ID_{MU}\), \(PW_{MU}\), imprints the fingerprint information \(B_{MU}'\), and the mobile device calculates \(R_{MU}'=Rep(B_{MU}', P_{MU} )\) and \(B_1'=\)\(h(ID_{MU} \Vert h(PW_{MU}\Vert r)\Vert\)\(R_{MU}' )\). If \(B_1'=B_1\), the mobile device generates two random numbers \(a_i, b_i\in Z_p^*\), computes \(B_2=B_3\)\(\oplus\)\(h(ID_{MU}\Vert R_{MU} )\), \(D_1=e(P,P)^{a_i }\), \(D_2=a_i \times (H(ID_{FA} )\times P+P_{pub_{HA}} )\), \(D_3=b_i\times P\), \(D_4=h(ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_1\Vert D_3 ),\)\(D_5=ID_{MU}\oplus\)\(h(b_i\times P_{pub_{HA}} ),\)\(D_6=\)\(h(B_2\)\(\Vert ID_{FA}\)\(\Vert ID_{HA}\Vert D_3 )\), and sends \(M_1=\{ID_{HA}, D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5, D_6 \}\) to FA via a public channel. Otherwise, MU is not valid.

After getting message \(M_1\), FA computes \(D_1'=e(D_2,K_{FA} )\) and \(D_4'= h( ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_1'\Vert D_3 )\). If \(D_4'\) is equal to \(D_4\), FA generates a random number \(c_i\in Z_p^*\), calculates \(D_7=c_i\times P\), \(D_8=c_i\times P_{pub_{HA}}\), \(D_9=h(ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_6 \Vert D_8 )\), and sends \(M_2= \{D_3, D_5, D_6, D_7, D_9, ID_{FA} \}\) to HA via a public channel.

When receiving message \(M_2\), HA computes \(ID_{MU}'=D_5\oplus h(s\times D_3 )\), \(B_2'=h(ID_{MU}' \Vert s)\), and \(D_6'=h(B_2' \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3)\). If MU is valid, then \(D_6'\) must be equal to \(D_6\). HA verifies this and calculates \(D_8'=s\times D_7\) and \(D_9'=h(ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_6 \Vert D_8' )\). Similarly, if FA is valid, then \(D_9'\) must be equal to \(D_9\). HA checks this and computes \(D_{10}=h(ID_{MU}' \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7 )\) and \(D_{11}=h(ID_{HA} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_8' \Vert D_{10} )\). At last, HA sends \(M_3=\{D_{10}, D_{11} \}\) to FA.

After receiving the message \(M_3\), FA calculates \(D_{11}'=h(ID_{HA} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_8\Vert D_{10} )\) and verifies \(D_{11}'?=D_{11}\). If so, HA is valid and FA computes \(SK_{FM}=h(c_i\times D_3 )\), \(D_{12}=\)\(h(SK_{FM}\)\(\Vert D_1'\)\(\Vert D_3\)\(\Vert D_7 \Vert D_{10} )\), and sends \(M_4=\{D_7, D_{10}, D_{12} \}\) to MU. Finally, MU calculates \(D_{10}'=h(ID_{MU} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7 )\) and checks \(D_{10}'?=D_{10}\). This equality means that FA is valid, and MU computes \(SK_{MF}=h(b_i\times D_7 )\) as a secret key for future session with HA. If the secret key is valid, \(h(SK_{MF}\)\(\Vert D_1\)\(\Vert D_3\)\(\Vert\)\(D_7\Vert\)\(D'_{10})\) must be equal to \(D_{12}\). MU checks this in the final step of the protocol.

In the next section, we analyze this protocol and propose several attacks.

5 Proposed attacks

As discussed in Sect. 3, the purpose of this article is to present a secure protocol. For this reason, we must know the capabilities of an adversary and be aware of the features that a secure protocol should have. As a result, this section will discuss these cases and then presents the vulnerabilities of Li et al.’s protocol.

We need a threat model to evaluate the capabilities of an adversary. This paper uses the Dolev–Yao threat model [10] which assumes:

  • All network communications are transmitted through unsafe channels that are always subject to eavesdropping.

  • There are always adversaries who eavesdrop on all conversations, store them in their database, and this information is always available to them.

  • Adversaries can prevent the messages of legitimate users from reaching the destination for a limited time.

  • Adversaries are also able to make changes to the messages of authorized users and send messages to behalf users.

To resist against the adversary, the protocol structure must be such that none of the above is a threat to the protocol. Moreover, a secure protocol should have the following features:

Preserve Anonymity and Unlinkability: Many users prefer to do their work anonymously, so this is one of the important features that should be carefully considered. In the case of anonymity, the protocol structure must be such that the adversary \(\mathscr {A}\) cannot find \(ID_ {MU}\) using messages sent over public networks. More rigorously, \(\mathscr {A}\) should cannot detect a relation between two different messages sent by a user. In other words, it should not be clear how many messages belong to a specific user even if the identity of the user is not disclosed. This feature is called Unlinkability.

Resistance to privileged insider attack: In most authentication protocols, there is a registration phase. This phase assumes that communications are transmitted by a secure channel. This security can be ensured by visiting users in person. Now suppose there is an adversary to see the user requesting a home agent to get a smart card/device. The request must be structured in such a way that it does not pose any threat to the protocol if it is possessed by the adversary. This states that the protocol is secure against the privileged insider attack.

Forward and Backward security: During the execution of the protocol, several session keys are generated by the members involved in the protocol. The structure of these keys should be such that the disclosure of a key does not lead to the threat of the previous keys, and does not compromise the security of the keys that will be generated in the future. If the previous keys are secure, having the current key, we say that the forward security is guaranteed, and if the future keys are secure, the backward security is guaranteed.

Resistance to offline guess attack: Another feature of a secure protocol is resistance to offline guess attack. Suppose someone has a message claiming that a specific user with \(ID_{MU}\) sent it. The authentication protocol structure must be such that it is impossible to verify this claim. Note that in this feature we don’t care how \(ID_ {MU}\) is found.

Resistance to impersonation attack: As discussed earlier, \(\mathscr {A}\) can send messages behalf authentic network members. In this case, a secure protocol must be designed so that authentic members can detect the fake messages of \(\mathscr {A}\). If \(\mathscr {A}\) sends a message to the receiver R, while R believes that this message can only be generated by the sender S, we say \(\mathscr {A}\) impersonated S. A robust protocol must be designed so that \(\mathscr {A}\) cannot impersonate members involved in the protocol.

Secure key distribution: During the registration phase, HA generates secret keys and delivers to the foreign agents. The process of generating these keys must be such that they are not only unique but also valid agents cannot calculate each other’s secret keys.

Resistance to malicious agents: The last feature discussed in this section is the behavior of the parties involved in the protocol. The structure of the protocol should be such that malicious members cannot exploit the system. For example, in our proposed protocol, the foreign agent for communicating with the mobile user must also send a message to the home agent. If FA behaves maliciously, it should not be able to share a secret key with MU without contacting HA.

We now present attacks that prove the weaknesses of Li et al.’s scheme.

5.1 Offline guess attack

In this attack, if an adversary guesses the user’s password or identity, there is a way to verify it. In authentication and key agreement phase, MU sends \(M_1\) to FA, FA submits \(M_2\) to HA, HA sends \(M_3\) to FA and FA submits \(M_4\) to MU. Note that all of these messages are sent via a public channel. Therefore, \(ID_{FA}\), \(D_3\), \(D_7\), and \(D_{10}\) are not secret.

Suppose the adversary wants to know whether \(ID_{MU}'\) belongs to MU. To do so, he/she verifies \(h(ID_{MU}' \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7 )?=D_{10}\), and this means that the protocol is vulnerable to this attack. But what are the risks of the success of this attack? Password, ID and biometric information such as fingerprint have been used to increase security in this protocol. It is shown below that the only important security parameter in this protocol is \(ID_{MU}\). Let’s see what can be done by knowing \(ID_{MU}\).

5.2 Lacking user anonymity and unlinkability

The authors of [22] claimed that to calculate \(ID_{MU}\), \(b_i\) or s is required which is means that even if \(ID_{MU}\) is correctly guessed, it is necessary to solve ECDLP to check it. As mentioned above, it is not the case.

Now suppose that \(M_1^j=\{ID_{HA}, D_2^j, D_3^j, D_4^j, D_5^j, D_6^j \}\), \(M_2^j= \{D_3^j,\)\(D_5^j, D_6^j,\)\(D_7^j,\)\(D_9^j \}\), \(M_3^j=\{D_{10}^j, D_{11}^j \}\) and \(M_4^j=\{D_7^j, D_{10}^j, D_{12}^j \}\) have been sent through the public channel, where \(1\le j\le n\) and n is the number of sessions. Let \(ID_{MU_i }\) be the identity of \(MU_i\), obviously \(MU_i\) has sent \(\{M_1^j: 1\le j \le n| h(ID_{MU_i } \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3^j \Vert D_7^j)= D_{10}^j\}\). So, the protocol has not these two security properties.

5.3 Home agent impersonation attack

In offline guess attack, we showed that this attack is practical and adversary can find \(ID_{MU}\). Let us see that what happens if FA plays the role of adversary and computes \(ID_{MU}\). If FA knows \(ID_{MU}\), it can easily impersonate HA. Let MU sends \(M_1\) to FA. FA computes \(D_1'=e(D_2, K_{FA} )\), generates a random number \(c_i\in Z_p^*\), calculates \(D_7=c_i\times P\), \(D_{10}=h(ID_{MU}\Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7 )\), \(SK_{FM}=\)\(h(c_i\times D_3 )\), \(D_{12}=h(SK_{FM} \Vert D_1' \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7 \Vert D_{10} )\), and submits \(M_4=\{D_7, D_{10}, D_{12} \}\) to MU. After receiving \(M_4\) from FA, MU computes \(D_{10}'=h(ID_{MU} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7 )\), \(SK_{MF}=h(b_i\times D_7 )\), \(D_{12}'=h(SK_{MF} \Vert D_1 \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7 \Vert D_{10}' )\), and verifies \(D_{10}'?=D_{10}\) and \(D_{12}'?=D_{12}\). In this state, \(D_{10}'=D_{10}\) and \(D_{12}'=D_{12}\). Therefore, FA can deceive MU and communicate with it without communicating with HA. Therefore, the attack is quite practical.

5.4 Foreign agent impersonation attack

In authentication phase, FA sends \(D_3, D_5, D_6, D_7, D_9\), and \(ID_{FA}\) to the home agent. Note that \(D_3, D_5, D_6, ID_{HA}\), and \(ID_{FA}\) are values the adversary possesses because \(D_3, D_5, ID_{HA}\), and \(D_6\) are sent by the user through an unsecured channel to FA and \(ID_{FA}\) is a public value that is available to everyone. For impersonating HA, it is enough for the adversary to calculate valid values \(D_7, D_8\), and \(D_9\). On the other hand, we have: \(D_7 = c_i\times P, D_8 = c_i\times P_{pub_{HA}}\) and \(D_9 = h (ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_6 \Vert D_8)\).

In addition, P and \(P_{pub_{HA}}\) are also public values, so the adversary can easily generate an arbitrary random number \(c_i\) and after calculating the valid message \(M_2 = \{D_3, D_5, D_6, D_7, D_9 , ID_{FA} \}\), sends this message to the home agent. In this case, everything looks right from the point of view of the home agent, and HA believes it is dealing with FA. As a result, the adversary can easily impersonate FA.

The reason for this attack is that there is no secret parameter shared only between the home and foreign agents in \(D_9\). To resist this attack, we must include a secret value in \(D_9\) so that calculating a valid \(D_9\) is only possible for FA and HA. This will be discussed in detail in Sect. 7.

5.5 Insecure key distribution

Li et al. introduced two cases in the registration phase: one for foreign agent registration and the other for user registration. In the first case, the foreign agent selects an \(ID_{FA}\) and sends it to HA. In this case, HA sends \(K_{FA} = \frac{P}{H(ID_{FA}) + s}\) to the FA via a secure channel. This key is later used as a secret parameter. Using this parameter, the user realizes that the FA is valid.

Now suppose that n is the number of registered foreign agents in HA, where the i-th foreign agent \(FA^i\) has selected \(ID_{{FA}^i}\). Note that \(ID_{{FA}^i}\) is a clear value and is available to everyone, where \(i \le n\). On the other hand, HA generates the secret key of \(FA^i\) as \(K_{{FA}^i}=\frac{P}{H(ID_{{FA}^i}) + s}\). In this case, any malicious FA can easily calculate all the secret key of other FA’s. To do this, suppose that \(FA^i\) wants to find the secret key of \(FA^j\), where \(i \ne j\).

We know that: \(K_{{FA}^j} =\frac{P}{H(ID_{{FA}^j}) + s} = {H(ID_{{FA}^ j})}^ {- 1}\times P + s^{- 1}\times P\). Since \(ID_{{FA}^j}\) is not a secret value, so to calculate \(K_{{FA}^j}\) one has to find \(s ^ {- 1}\times P\). On the other hand, since \(FA^i\) is already registered and has \(K_{{FA}^i}\), it can easily calculates this value as follows:

\(K_{{FA}^i} = \frac{P}{H(ID_{{FA}^i}) + s} = {H (ID_{{FA}^i})}^{- 1}\times P + s^{- 1} \times P \Longrightarrow s ^ {- 1} \times P= K_{{FA}^ i} -{H(ID_{{FA}^i})}^{- 1} \times P.\)

Therefore, \(K_{{FA}^j} = ({H(ID_{{FA}^ j})}^ {- 1}-{H(ID_{{FA}^i})}^{- 1})\times P+K_{{FA}^ i}\) and this means that all foreign agents can find each other’s secret keys.

But this is not the end of the matter, and these attacks will also undermine the mutual authentication feature, which we will discuss in more detail below.

5.6 Malicious foreign agents

Suppose the mobile user MU wants to communicate with FA with the help of HA. To do this, MU sends the message \(M_1 = \{ID_{HA},\)\(D_1,\)\(D_2, D_3,\)\(D_4,\)\(D_5,\)\(D_6 \}\) to FA and waits for receive \(M_4 = \{D_7, D_ {10}, D_ { 12} \}\). In this case, after receiving \(M_3\) from HA, FA discovers MU is a valid user and similarly, MU discovers the validity of FA by receiving \(M_4\) and checking \(D_{10}\) and \(D_ {12}\). In addition, the home agent can also analyze user behavior. Now we show that not only FA’s can communicate with users without interacting with the home agent, but they can also impersonate each other.

As stated, at the beginning of the authentication phase, MU sends the message \(M_1 = \{ID_ {HA}, D_1, D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5, D_6 \}\) to the FA and waits for \(M_4 = \{D_7, D_ {10}, D_ {12} \}\). After receiving \(M_4\), MU first checks \(D_{10} '= h (ID_ {MU} \Vert ID_ {FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7)\). In this case, by checking \(D_{10}\), MU finds out that FA has communicated with HA because there is \(ID_{MU}\) in \(D_{10}\) and HA is the only one who knows \(ID_{MU}\).

We have shown in previous attacks that the offline guessing attack against this protocol is quite practical and everyone can calculate this value. Since \(D_ {10} '= h (ID_{MU} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7)\) and \(ID_ {FA}, D_3\), and \(D_7\) are public values, anyone who executes the offline guess attack can generate a valid \(D_ {10}\). Consequently, it is sufficient to calculate a valid \(D_{12}\) to communicate with MU.

On the other hand, \(D_{12} = h (h(c_i \times D_3) \Vert D_1 \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7 \Vert D_{10})\) and the only secret parameter for generating \(D_{12}\) is \(D_1\). To find \(D_1\), \(K_{FA}\) is needed, which is why MU believes that only FA can do this. As a result, FA can generate a valid \(D_{10}\) without communication with HA and communicate with the user. Note that \(K_{FA}\) is calculated by HA and delivered to FA. In the previous attack, we showed that all foreign agents were able to calculate each other’s secret keys. As a result, a malicious FA can easily impersonates other foreign agents and communicate with authentic users without sending a message to the home agent.

5.7 Privileged insider attack

In the Li et al.’s Protocol, during the user registration phase, the mobile user sends a request \(\{ID_ {MU}, HPW_ {MU}, R_ {MU} \}\) to HA. Suppose the adversary has this message. \(ID_ {MU}\) is clearly visible in this message. As stated in previous attacks, the possession of \(ID_ {MU}\) can pose a number of risks, such as user anonymity violations and the success of impersonation attacks. Therefore, the protocol is vulnerable to the privileged insider attack.

6 Our proposed protocol

It was shown in the previous section that Li et al.’s protocol is vulnerable to several attacks, and the results were investigated. This section shows how to build a secure protocol with the least possible changes and without increasing the time complexity. The password change phase and session key update of our protocol are the same as in [22]. We introduce registration phase and authentication and key agreement phase of our protocol bellow.

6.1 Registration phase of our protocol

This phase includes two cases: foreign agent registration and mobile user registration. In the first case, FA picks an identity \(ID_{FA}\) and sends it to HA, and HA computes \(K_{FA}\) = \(H(ID_{FA}\Vert s)\) and sends it to FA secretly. Later, FA sets \(P_{pub_{FA}}=H(ID_{FA}\Vert s)\times P\) as its public key. Similar to the previous protocol, we assumed that H is a secure hash function which maps the inputs to an element of the group \(Z_p^*\) such that recovering \(H(ID_{FA}\Vert s)\) from \(H(ID_{FA}\Vert s)\times P\) is intractable. Similar to the previous protocol, in the proposed protocol we used two hash functions H and h. The difference between these functions is that the output of the first one is a string where its length is less than p, while the second function length can be any arbitrary number.

In the second case, MU chooses an identity \(ID_{MU}\), password \(PW_{MU}\), random numbers xyz, and r, computes \(HPW_{MU}\)\(=\)\(h(PW_{MU}\Vert r)\), and sends \(\{X=x\times P, Y=y\times P, Z=z\times P, ID_{MU}\)\(\oplus\)\(x\times P_{pub_{HA}}, HPW_{MU}\)\(\oplus\)\(y\times P_{pub_{HA}}, R_{MU}\)\(\oplus\)\(z\times P_{pub_{HA}} \}\) to HA via a secure channel, where \(R_{MU}\) is fingerprint information that is extracted by the fuzzy extractor. Then, HA recovers \(\{ID_{MU}, HPW_{MU}, R_{MU}\}\) using \(\{X=x\times P, Y=y\times P, Z=z\times P, s\}\) and computes \(B_1=h(ID_{MU} \Vert HPW_{MU} \Vert R_{MU} )\), \(B_2=h(ID_{MU} \Vert s)\), \(B_3=h(ID_{MU}\Vert R_{MU} )\oplus B_2\), and sends \(\{B_1,B_3 \}\) to MU secretly, where s is HA’s secret key.

At last, MU stores \(\{P, h(.), H(.), Gen, Rep, P_{MU},B_1,B_3,r\}\) to the mobile device. This phase is depicted in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Registration phase of the proposed protocol

6.2 Authentication and key agreement phase of our protocol

At the first of this phase, MU inputs \(ID_{MU}\) and \(PW_{MU}\), imprints the fingerprint information \(B_{MU}'\), and the smart device computes \(R_{MU}'=Rep(B_{MU}', P_{MU} )\) and \(B_1'=h(ID_{MU} \Vert h(PW_{MU}\Vert r)\Vert R_{MU}' )\). Later, the device verifies \(B_1'\); if \(B_1'=B_1\), the mobile device generates two random numbers \(a_i, b_i\in Z_p^*\), computes \(B_2=B_3\oplus h(ID_{MU}\Vert R_{MU} )\), \(D_1=a_i \times P_{pub_{FA}}\), \(D_2=a_i \times P\), \(D_3=b_i\times P\), \(D_4=h(ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_1\Vert D_3 )\), \(D_5=ID_{MU}\oplus h(b_i\times P_{pub_{HA}} )\), \(D_6=h(B_2 \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA}\Vert D_3 )\), and submits \(M_1=\{ID_{HA}, D_2, D_3, D_4, D_5, D_6 \}\) to FA by a public channel. Otherwise, MU is not valid.

When receiving this message, FA computes \(D_1'=K_{FA}\times D_2\) and \(D_4'= h( ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_1'\Vert D_3 )\). If \(D_4'\) is equal to \(D_4\), FA generates a random number \(c_i\in Z_p^*\), computes \(D_7=c_i\times P\), \(D_8=c_i\times P_{pub_{HA}}\), \(D_9=h(ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_6 \Vert D_8 \Vert K_{FA}\times D_8)\), and forwards \(M_2= \{D_3, D_5, D_6, D_7, D_9, ID_{FA} \}\) to HA by a public channel.

Upon getting message \(M_2\), HA computes \(ID_{MU}'=D_5\oplus h(s\times D_3 )\), \(B_2'=h(ID_{MU}' \Vert s)\), \(D_6'=h(B_2' \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3)\), and checks \(D_6'\); if MU is valid, then \(D_6'\) must be equal to \(D_6\). After this, HA computes \(D_8'=s \times D_7\) and \(D_9'=h(ID_{FA} \Vert ID_{HA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_6 \Vert D_8'\Vert H(ID_{FA}\Vert s)\times D_8' )\). Similarly, If FA is valid, then \(D_9'\) must be equal to \(D_9\). HA checks this and computes \(D_{10}=h(ID_{MU}' \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7\Vert s\times D_3 )\) and \(D_{11}=h(ID_{HA} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_8' \Vert D_{10} )\). Finally, HA submits \(M_3=\{D_{10}, D_{11} \}\) to FA.

After getting the message \(M_3\) from HA, FA calculates \(D_{11}'=h(ID_{HA} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_8\Vert D_{10} )\) and checks \(D_{11}'?=D_{11}\). If so, HA is valid and FA computes \(SK_{FM}=h(c_i \times D_3 )\), \(D_{12}=h(SK_{FM} \Vert D_1' \Vert D_3 \Vert D_7 \Vert D_{10} )\), and forwards \(M_4=\{D_7, D_{10}, D_{12} \}\) to MU.

At last, MU computes \(D_{10}'=h(ID_{MU} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7\Vert b_i \times P_{pub_{HA}})\) and checks \(D_{10}'?=D_{10}\). This equality means that FA is valid, and MU computes \(SK_{MF}=h(b_i\times D_7 )\) as a secret key for future session with HA. If the secret key is valid, \(D_{12}'=h(SK_{MF}\Vert D_1\Vert D_3\Vert D_7\Vert D'_{10})\) must be equal to \(D_{12}\); and MU checks this in the final line of the protocol.

In Fig. 5, we present the differences of our method with the previous protocol.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Authentication and key agreement phase of the proposed protocol

7 Analysis of proposed protocol

In this section, we first use the BAN logic. This logic is one of the most popular and well-known logic that has been used in many articles, as an example see [4, 11, 20, 28].

7.1 Formal analysis using BAN logic

Mutual authentication is one of the most critical features that authentication protocols should have. In this feature, the sender and receiver must be able to prove that they are what they claim. In order to formally prove the sender and receiver claims, we utilize BAN logic, which consists of several notations and rules. We present the results of the BAN logic of our protocol in Tables 3 and 4. It is sufficient to map the desired protocol in combination with the symbols presented in Table 3 and then derive the desired result using the rules presented in Table 4. In Sect. 2, we summarize other formal methods to analyze authentication protocols.

Table 3 Notations of BAN logic
Table 4 Rules of BAN logic

Theorem 1

In our proposed protocol, \(MU\mid \equiv FA \mathop {\longleftrightarrow }\limits ^{SK_{MF}} MU\), and \(FA\mid \equiv FA \mathop {\longleftrightarrow }\limits ^{SK_{FM}} MU\).


According to Tables 3 and 4, and the authentication and key agreement phase (Fig. 5), the following statements can be obtained:


MU generates \(a_i, b_i\) and computes \(D_1,D_2,D_3,D_4,D_5\) , and \(D_6\), from \(R_2\) we have \(MU\mid \equiv \#(a_i,b_i,D_1,D_2,D_3,D_4,D_5,D_6)\).


MU sends \(M_1\) to FA, so \(FA\triangleleft M_1\).


FA generates \(c_i\) and computes \(D_7,D_8\), and \(D_9\), from \(R_2\) we have \(FA\mid \equiv \#(c_i,D_7,D_8,D_9)\).


FA submits \(M_2\) to HA, so \(HA\triangleleft M_2\).


HA verifies \(D_6'?=D_6\), from \(S_4\) and \(R_1\), we get \(HA\mid \equiv MU \mid \sim D_6\).


HA sends \(M_3\) to FA, so \(FA\triangleleft M_3\).


FA checks \(D_{11}'?=D_{11}\), from \(S_6\) and \(R_1\), we have \(FA\mid \equiv HA\mid \sim M_3\).


From \(S_5,S_7\), and \(R_4\), we have \(FA\mid \equiv MU\mid \sim M_1\). Therefore, \(b_i\) is generated by MU and \(FA\mid \equiv FA \mathop {\longleftrightarrow }\limits ^{SK_{FM }} MU\).

Now, we show \(MU\mid \equiv FA \mathop {\longleftrightarrow }\limits ^{SK_{MF}} MU\).


FA sends \(M_4\) to MU, so \(MU\triangleleft M_4\).


MU verifies \(D_{10}'?=D_{10}\), from \(S_9\) and \(R_1\), we get \(MU\mid \equiv HA\mid \sim M_3\).


From \(S_{10}\), we get \(MU\mid \equiv FA\mid \sim M_2\) and \(c_i\) is generated by FA.


MU verifies \(D_{12}'?=D_{12}\), from \(S_9,R_1\), and \(S_{11}\), we have \(MU\mid \equiv FA\mid \sim M_4\). Consequently, \(MU\mid \equiv FA \mathop {\longleftrightarrow }\limits ^{SK_{MF}} MU\), and this completes the proof.


7.2 Resistance to offline guess attack

In the previous section, it was shown that if an adversary guesses the \(ID_{MU}\), not only the protocol is vulnerable to offline guess attack but also is vulnerable to anonymity, unlinkability, and forgery attacks. In the following, resistance to the offline guess attack is proven.

Suppose an adversary guesses \(ID_{MU}\) and wants to check it out. \(ID_{MU}\) is only included in \(D_5=ID_{MU}\oplus h(b_i\times P_{pub_{HA}} )\) and \(D_{10}=h(ID_{MU} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7 \Vert b_i\times P_{pub_{HA}} )=h(ID_{MU} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3\Vert D_7 \Vert s\times D_3 )\). To be successful, the adversary must calculate \(b_i\times P_{pub_{HA}}\) or \(s\times D_3\) because \(ID_{FA}, D_3\), and \(D_7\) are public. To do this, the adversary has three options:

  • Find \(b_i\) using \(D_3 = b_i \times P\) and then calculate \(b_i \times P_ {pub_{HA}}\) which is impossible because finding \(b_i\) using \(b_i \times P\) requires solving ECDLP and we assumed this would be impossible to solve.

  • Find s and calculate \(s \times D_3\). This is also impossible because s is the private key of HA and it is assumed that no one can calculate it except HA.

  • Compute \(b_i\times P_{pub_{HA}}=s\times D_3=b_i\times s\times P\) using \(D_3 = b_i \times P\) and \(P_{pub_{HA}}=s\times P\) which is impossible because this requires solving ECDHP and we assumed this would be impossible to solve.

As a result, the calculation of \(ID_ {MU}\) is only possible for HA. Note that knowing \(ID_{MU}\) by HA will not cause any problems and this is one of the goals of the protocol of Li et al., since home agents sometimes need to monitor user behavior [22].

7.3 Preserving anonymity and unlinkability

Note that Li et al. showed that their protocol has properties anonymity and unlinkability. In Sect. 5, it was shown that this claim is correct in the state that the protocol is safe against offline guess attack which is not analyzed in [22]. As a result, our proposed protocol preserves anonymity and unlinkability because the security of proposed protocol against offline guess attack is proved earlier.

7.4 Resistance to HA impersonation attack

Suppose the intention of an adversary is to impersonate HA. To do this, the adversary must send a valid \(D_{11}\) to FA, where \(D_{11} = h(ID_ {HA} \Vert ID_{FA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_8 \Vert D_{10})\) . All parameters required to compute a valid \(D_ {11}\) are sent through a public channel except \(D_8\). Therefore, calculating \(D_8\) is required for impersonating HA. On the other hand, since \(D_8 = c_i \times P_ {pub_ {HA}}\) and \(P_ {pub_ {HA}}\) is a public value, the adversary can calculate \(D_8\) by having \(c_i\). The only possible way to calculate \(c_i\) is to use \(D_7 = c_i \times P\), and this is ECDLP, which is known as a hard problem. Another way for calculate \(D_8=c_i\times s\times P\) is solving ECDHP using \(D_7= c_i \times P\) and \(P_{pub_{HA}}=s\times P\) which is impossible too. As a result, the adversary cannot impersonate HA and our protocol is secure against this attack.

In addition, if a malicious FA wants to forge HA and communicate with MU without its permission, it must find a valid \(D_ {10}\). This requires \(ID_ {MU}\) and \(b_i \times P_ {pub_ {HA}}\). As we have shown, our protocol is safe against offline guess attack and it is impossible to find \(ID_ {MU}\). Similar to the previous case, to calculate \(b_i \times P_ {pub_ {HA}}\) we have to solve ECDLP or ECDHP, which is impossible.

7.5 Resistance to malicious FA attack

Proving resistance to malicious user attack is very similar to the previous one. As mentioned earlier, if FA is malicious and wants to communicate with MU without HA authorization, it must calculate a valid \(D_ {10}\) and to do so \(ID_ {MU}\) and \(b_i \times P_ {pub_ {HA}}\) are required, which is impossible to find these values in practice. Therefore, even if the FA is malicious, there will be no threat to the protocol.

7.6 Resistance to FA impersonation attack

As mentioned earlier, in the protocol of Li et al., everyone is able to impersonate FA and the reason for this attack is to use the public parameters in \(D_9\). In our proposed protocol, \(D_9\) is set to \(h (ID_ {FA} \Vert ID_ {HA} \Vert D_3 \Vert D_5 \Vert D_6 \Vert D_8 \Vert K_ {FA}\times D_8)\). Given that it is possible to calculate \(K_{FA}\) only for FA and HA, no one can impersonate FA. Besides, computing \(K_ {FA}\times D_8=K_{FA}\times c_i\times s\times P\) with the help of \(\{P, P_{pub_{FA}}=K_{FA}\times P, P_{pub_{HA}}=s\times P, D_7=c_i \times P\}\) is impossible because ECDLP and ECDHP are hard problems.

7.7 Resistance to privileged insider attack

In our proposed protocol, during the user registration phase the mobile user sends a request \(\{x\times P, y\times P, z\times P, ID_{MU}\)\(\oplus\)\(x\times P_{pub_{HA}}, HPW_{MU}\)\(\oplus\)\(y\times P_{pub_{HA}}, R_{MU}\)\(\oplus\)\(z\times P_{pub_{HA}} \}\) to HA. In this case, granting the user request will not pose any threat to the protocol because to calculate \(\{ID_ {MU}, HPW_ {MU}, R_ {MU} \}\), \(\{x\times P_{pub_{HA}}, y\times P_{pub_{HA}}, z\times P_{pub_{HA}} \}\) is required. Due to the ECDLP and ECDHP, calculating \(\{ID_ {MU}, HPW_ {MU}, R_ {MU} \}\) it is not possible for the adversary and the home agent is the only one who can calculate the parameters available in the user request. Therefore, our protocol is proof against the privileged insider attack.

7.8 Forward and backward security

In our protocol, the disclosure of the current secret key has no risk for the keys previously used and the keys that will be used in the future because the secret key is \(h(b_i \times c_i \times P)\) and we assumed that the computation of x from h(x) is impossible. Moreover, \(b_i\) and \(c_i\) are fresh values, generated randomly, and according to ECDLP and ECDHP, it is impossible for adversary to find.

7.9 Secure key distribution

In the registration phase, after registering the FA’s, HA calculates and delivers the secret keys. The structure of these keys should not be such that foreign agents can find each other’s secret keys. We presented Li et al.’s protocol suffers from this vulnerability. In our protocol, the secret key of FA is \(h (ID_ {FA} \Vert s)\), which is delivered via a secure channel. Because s has been used to generate this key, s is only available to HA, and also \(ID_ {FA}\)’s are distinct values so FA’s cannot calculate each other’s secret keys.

7.10 Space complexity

Given that each of the identities involved in this protocol must process different length variables, this complexity equals the sum of the variables’ length. As a result, the space complexity for mobile user is in order of \(O(\sum _{i=1}^{20}l_{m_i})\), where \(l_{m_i}\) is the bit length of parameter \(m_i\) and

\(m_i\in \{ ID_{MU}, PW_{MU}, B_{MU}, P_{MU}, R_{MU}, B_1, B_2, B_3, D_1, \cdots , D_7, ID_{FA}, ID_{HA}, D_{10}, D_{12}, SK_{MF}\}\).

Similarly, this complexity for foreign and home agents is in the order of \(O(\sum _{i=1}^{17}l_{f_i})\) and \(O(\sum _{i=1}^{20}l_{h_i})\), respectively. In these cases, we have:

\(f_i\in \{K_{FA}, ID_{FA}, ID_{HA}, D_1, \ldots , D_{12}, K_{FA}\times D_8, SK_{FM} \}\),

\(h_i\in \{ s, D_3, ID_{FA}, ID_{HA}, ID_{MU}, B_2, D_5, \ldots , D_{11}, K_{FA}\times D_8 \}\).

Suppose the bit length of the largest parameter is n, therefore \(\sum _{i=1}^{20}l_{m_i} \le 20\times n\), \(\sum _{i=1}^{17}l_{f_i} \le 17\times n\), \(\sum _{i=1}^{14}l_{h_i} \le 14\times n\), and the space complexity of the proposed protocol is in \(O(51\times n)=O(n)\).

7.11 Performance comparisons

The Li et al.’s scheme was proposed to deal with the weaknesses of Gope and Hwang’s protocol [14]. Therefore, we compare our proposed protocol with these two schemes. Table 5 compares the costs of these protocols, where \(T_{sym}, T_{ecc}, T_h, T_f\), and \(T_p\) are the time complexity of symmetric encryption, elliptic curve cryptography, hash function, fuzzy extractor, and bilinear pairing, respectively. According to [23, 25, 37], \(T_{sym}\approx 0.0214835 ms, T_{ecc}\approx T_f\approx 0.427576\,\hbox {ms}, T_h\approx 0.005174\,\hbox {ms}\), and \(T_p\approx 3.35173\,\hbox {ms}\). Using these values, we can compute the numerical time complexity of theses protocols which is depicted in Fig. 6.

Table 5 Performance comparison of protocols

As Fig. 6 shows, Li et al.’s and our proposed protocol are in a much worse runtime state than the Gope and Hwang’s, which is obvious because the Gope and Hwang’s protocol is a symmetric cipher-based protocol, but Li et al. proposed the bilinear pairing to eliminate the vulnerabilities of the previous one.

Unfortunately, bilinear pairing is much slower than symmetric encryption, and according to the implementation presented in [37], symmetric encryption is 156 times faster than bilinear pairing. The use of bilinear pairing in the protocol of Li et al. makes its runtime reach 11.515 ms, which is 58 times slower than the previous protocol. This is also true for our protocol, which is based on elliptic curves.

In this paper, we suggested that these curves be used instead of using bilinear pairing that have a very high execution time. Although such curves have much more execution time than symmetric ciphers, their execution time is much shorter than the bilinear pairing, which reduces the time complexity of our proposed protocol compared to the Li et al.’s. Figure 6 also confirms this, and it can be easily seen that the time complexity of our protocol is 53% of the time complexity of the previous protocol.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Time complexity of protocols

We also compared the communication overhead of our protocol with similar ones in Table 6, where \(l_{sym}, l_{ID}, l_{ecc}\), and \(l_h\) are the length of symmetric encryption, ID, elliptic curve point, and the hashed value, respectively. We assume that \(l_{sym}=128\) bits, \(l_{ID}=32\) bits, \(l_{ecc}=160\) bits, and \(l_h=256\) bits. These values are based on the results presented in [37]. For example, \(T_h\approx 0.005174\,\hbox {ms}\) was previously considered. This runtime is about implementing a 256-bit hash function so we assumed \(l_h=256\). In Fig. 7, we present the numerical communication overhead of similar protocols. In this figure, four values are provided for each protocol, three of them indicating a communication overhead imposed on each of the parties involved in the protocol. Besides, we report the total communication overhead caused by the implementation of these protocols. In Gope and Hwang’s protocol, the lowest overhead is imposed on mobile users, while the foreign agent tolerates the highest communication overhead. Moreover, the home agent tolerates more overhead than mobile users, while in the other two protocols, the home agent imposes much less overhead. Finally, the overhead imposed on a foreign agent of all protocols is 1792 bits.

Table 6 Communication overhead of protocols

As Fig. 7 shows, the communication overhead of Li et al.’s protocol is 192 bits less than that of Gope and Hwang’s scheme and the overhead of our protocol is exactly the same as that of Li et al.’s.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Practical overhead of protocols

We finish this section by comparing the security of these protocols which is summarized in Table 7. As a result, our proposed protocol, while removing the security flaws of Li et al.’s protocol, not only does not increase the communications overhead of the previous one but also reduces its time complexity.

Table 7 Total comparison of protocols

8 Conclusion and future directions

In this paper, we analyzed the issue of secure communications in global mobility network as one of the main infrastructures in smart cities. To do so, we analyzed the Li et al.’s Protocol, published in 2017. We showed that the protocol suffers from offline guess attack. We also revealed that this attack could lead to vulnerability to forgery attacks and is a serious threat to the user anonymity and unlinkability, which are of the essential features of authentication protocols in smart cities. We also proved that the secret key distribution mechanism of the home agent is not secure and foreign agents can compute the secret keys of each other. Moreover, we showed that a malicious foreign agent can be a serious threat to this protocol. We modified the protocol and formal analysis using BAN logic indicated that our suggestion preserves mutual authentication; also, the resistance to various well-known attacks is proved in the paper. We compared our protocol with two recently published ones, and results disclosed that our protocol is completely suitable for smart cities.

In the future, we aim to integrate our scheme with block-chain and distributed ledger using 5G/Fog technologies and optimize the runtime of the protocol by eliminating the effects of elliptic curves cryptography and using the lightweight functions such as symmetric cryptography which makes our protocol more suitable for resource-constrained devices.