1 Introduction

Shared-memory multi-core/multi-processor architectures are becoming increasingly mainstream in modern computer systems, and OpenMP is one of the most important programming approaches for this architecture [22]. OpenMP supports a simple and flexible programming interface for the development of portable and scalable parallel applications. It consists of compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables for C, C++, and Fortran programs. It also provides programmers with several parallel patterns for writing parallel programs, such as parallel, work-sharing, combined parallel work-sharing, tasking constructs, and synchronization constructs. OpenMP is designed to execute correctly a program in two ways: (1) parallel execution has OpenMP directives enabled and the OpenMP supported library is linked; and (2) sequential execution, during which OpenMP directives are ignored and the OpenMP stub library is linked. An OpenMP-compliant implementation is not required to check issues of data dependencies, data conflicts, race conditions, deadlocks, or improper uses of directives. The use of OpenMP in applications is intended to produce conforming programs. Therefore, even if OpenMP is easy to study and use, much time is often required for the manual step-by-step writing of a correct parallel program.

1.1 OpenMP tasking model

The OpenMP tasking model [6, 10] was proposed to allow users to exploit the parallelism of irregular and dynamic program structures, such as unbounded loops, recursive algorithms, and producer–consumer patterns. Figure 1 shows the syntax of the OpenMP task construct. The supported clauses, which control the data-sharing attributes of the variables, are shared, private, firstprivate, and default. A task construct is composed of the code to be executed and its data environment. Users need to select task regions and insert proper task constructs to enclose the chosen task regions.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Syntax of the OpenMP task construct

Figure 2a shows a sequential code fragment and Fig. 2b shows the corresponding parallel code using the OpenMP tasking model. The execution of the parallel code is described as follows. First, a thread encounters the parallel directive and then creates a team of threads based on the fork-join model. The single directive ensures that only one thread in the team can enter the single construct. The other threads in the team will become work threads which are possible candidates for the execution of the generated tasks. When a thread encounters a task construct, it packages the associated structured block and data environment into a task. The thread can immediately execute this task or defer its execution by putting the task into the task pool. The work threads wait until they find tasks in the task pool. Any work thread may pick up the task from the task pool and execute it. Accordingly, all while loop iterations can be quickly screened by one thread, and the parts of the loop body (i.e., the tasks) can be executed by the work threads at the same time.

A task may be temporarily suspended when a thread encounters a task scheduling point. A task scheduling point can be explicitly set by the barrier, taskyield, and taskwait directives, or it can be implicitly decided by some other directives. If a task is always executed by the same thread upon its resumption from the suspended, the task is a tied task. Otherwise, it is an untied task. OpenMP provides untied clause to specify these properties. A task will be treated as a tied task if neither clause is specified.

OpenMP also provides the taskwait construct to synchronize the execution of tasks and to preserve dependence relationships among tasks. Task synchronization can suspend an encountered task until all child tasks of the current task are completed.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Parallelization using the OpenMP tasking model

Although the OpenMP tasking model provides useful strategies to parallelize irregular program structures, programmers are required to use proper clauses to describe the data-sharing attributes of the affected variables to obtain correct execution results, even if the task regions have been proper selected. Figure 3a is an example of the improper use of the OpenMP task directives. If the directive is ignored, the program is sequentially executed, and we obtain the result: x \(=\) 1. If the directive is enabled, the program is parallel executed, and we obtain the result: x \(=\) 0. In this case the reason for the incorrect result is the misunderstanding of the task data scoping. The task directive in this program does not describe the attribute of the variable x. When the program is executed in parallel by enabling the directive, the value of variable x will not be preserved out of the task region because the default data scoping rule firstprivate is applied.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Examples of using the OpenMP tasking model

Figure 3b shows another example of OpenMP applying implicit rules when data clauses are not provided in an OpenMP directive. The implicit rules are that a global variable will be viewed as a shared variable, a variable defined outside an OpenMP task construct will be viewed as a firstprivate variable in the task construct, and a variable defined outside an OpenMP parallel construct will be viewed as a shared variable in the parallel construct.

Accordingly, the data attributes of a, b, c, d, e, and f in the task region are shared, firstprivate, private, shared, firstprivate, and private, respectively. Implicit rules can make a program difficult to understand and debug. Although OpenMP explicitly defines rules for handling situations in which no data scoping clauses are provided, it is error prone and programmers may have difficulties dealing with the interactions of directives and data scoping, particularly for large and complicated programs.

In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the automatic scoping of task clauses in the OpenMP tasking model. Assuming a compiler or programmer has identified the task regions in the source program, the proposed algorithm will automatically generate correct task clauses and synchronization. The proposed algorithm is implemented based on the ROSE compiler infrastructure [16, 25]. The Barcelona OpenMP Task Suite (BOTS) [11], one program from the website [28], and two hand-coded programs—which have had all clauses removed from the task directives—are used as benchmark programs for testing. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed technique can successfully correct the tested benchmark programs.

1.2 Contributions

This paper makes the following contributions:

  1. 1.

    Automatic correction algorithm for OpenMP tasking model. An algorithm is presented that automatically generates correct task clauses for the OpenMP tasking model. The algorithm also inserts proper task synchronization to preserve data dependence relationships.

  2. 2.

    Experimental results. The proposed algorithm was implemented based on the ROSE compiler infrastructure. The previously defined benchmarks are used for the evaluation. The experimental results show that our approach can correctly generate clauses and synchronization.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the proposed algorithm in detail. Section 3 reports the experimental results of an evaluation of the proposed approach, and Sect. 4 discusses related work on automatic parallelization using OpenMP. Finally, the conclusions are presented in Sect. 5.

2 Algorithm

This section describes the proposed algorithm. An OpenMP program can be correctly executed under two situations: parallel execution, during which OpenMP directives are enabled and the OpenMP supported library is linked, and sequential execution, during which OpenMP directives are ignored and the OpenMP stub library is linked. Assuming an OpenMP program uses the OpenMP tasking model, the proposed algorithm aims to generate a corresponding OpenMP program with proper clauses, whose parallel execution gives the same result as its sequential execution. The proposed algorithm does not consider the problem of the association of numeric operations affecting the numeric results during parallel executions.

Two conditions must be satisfied for parallel execution to give the same result as sequential execution: the scope of each variable value in the sequential program must be properly reflected in its parallel version, and data dependence relationships [24, 29] in the sequential program must be preserved in the parallel version. These two conditions underpin the development of the proposed algorithm.

For the task directive, OpenMP provides three clauses (shared, firstprivate, and private) for the explicit control of the data-sharing attributes of the variables. Figure 4a shows a code skeleton of the task directive, which contains three different attributes of the variables using these clauses. Figure 4b correspondingly shows the scopes of the variable values for the example in Fig. 4a. The variable a has the attribute shared; therefore, its value before entering the task region is visible inside the task, and its value remains visible after exiting the task region. The variable b has the attribute firstprivate; its value before entering the task region is visible inside the task and after exiting the task region, its value is the value that it had before entering the task region. The values of variable c inside and outside the task region are unrelated because it has the attribute private.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Code skeleton of the task directive and the scope of its variables’ values

Accordingly, if the attributes of the variables can be analyzed, and the variables can be properly classified based on their attributes, we can know their data-sharing attributes in the OpenMP execution model, and the issue of the scope of the variable value can be overcome. The preservation of data dependence can be achieved by analyzing data dependence relationships and inserting a suitable task synchronization directive.

Figure 5 shows the proposed algorithm. An OpenMP program using a tasking model is the input program. First, classic compiler techniques are used to analyze the program. During the analysis all OpenMP-related directives are ignored and information about which code fragments are tasks as identified by the OpenMP directives is retrieved and fed into the algorithm. Liveness analysis [1, 2, 20] is used to identify the data-sharing attributes of the variables for clause selection. The define-use chain [1, 2, 20] is used to clarify data dependence relationships for task synchronization. Then, according to the analytic results, OpenMP clauses are selected, and task synchronization directives are inserted. Finally, the algorithm will output a validated OpenMP program corresponding to the input program.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Algorithm overview

2.1 Variable identification and clause selection

The variables that are visible just before their entry to the task region are candidates for liveness analysis. According to the data-sharing attributes in OpenMP, the liveness of variables can be classified into four categories: \(\mathbf {live_{inner}}\), \(\mathbf {live_{in}}\), \(\mathbf {live_{out}}\), and \(\mathbf {live_{out\_mod}}\). If a variable lives only within a task, it is classified as \(\mathbf {live_{inner}}\). A variable is \(\mathbf {live_{in}}\) if it is not used after exiting a task. Variables that are live after exiting a task can be further classified. If the variable is modified within a task, it is a \(\mathbf {live_{out\_mod}}\) variable. Otherwise, it is a \(\mathbf {live_{out}}\) variable. Figure 6 outlines the different categories. The variable x is \(\mathbf {live_{out\_mod}}\). The variable w is not modified within the task; therefore, it is \(\mathbf {live_{out}}\). The variable y is \(\mathbf {live_{in}}\), and z is a \(\mathbf {live_{inner}}\) variable.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Variable classification

This classification is properly mapped to the data-sharing clauses of the task directive. According to the classification, it is easier to identify systematically the proper data-sharing clauses for each candidate variable. Assuming V(t) represents the set of all candidate variables for a task t, the data-sharing clauses can be determined by Eq. 1.

A \(\mathbf {live_{out}}\) variable can be set to either shared or firstprivate. Using firstprivate has fewer overheads of data synchronization, which is important for the performance. Using shared may minimize space and data copying which may be important for large-sized data and embedded systems. Users can select proper clause according to their requirements. In the implementation, a \(\mathbf {live_{out}}\) variable is set to firstprivate.

In Fig. 6, the variable x is set to shared, and w and y are set to firstprivate. The variable z is described by the clause private.

$$\begin{aligned} \forall V_i \in \mathbf {V}(\mathrm {t}), \hbox {the clause of } V_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad }l} \mathtt {shared} &{} \hbox {if } V_i \in \mathbf {live_{out\_mod}}, \\ \mathtt {firstprivate} &{} \hbox {if } V_i \in (\mathbf {live_{in}} \cup \mathbf {live_{out}}), \\ \mathtt {private} &{} \hbox {otherwise.} \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Task synchronization

The shared attribute indicates that a variable has data dependence relationships with some places outside a task. To preserve data dependence relationships, the task that modifies a shared variable has to be completed before it is used outside the task. OpenMP provides the task synchronization directive taskwait, which suspends an encountered task until its direct child tasks have been completed. In the proposed algorithm, the input program is first analyzed and its define-use chains are constructed to clarify the data dependence relationships. Task synchronization directives are then inserted into locations prior to the use of the program. Due to task synchronization being a barrier to some task executions, postponing synchronization could increase the parallelism of a program and avoid a parallel execution degenerating to a sequential execution. Therefore, task synchronization is delayed until the first dependent variable is encountered. Consider the example in Fig. 6. The variable x is re-defined in the task and used outside the task. According to the define-use chain, the first dependent statement is identified, and a task synchronization directive is inserted immediately before it. Figure 7 shows the corresponding example code.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Example of task synchronization

2.3 Tied and untied tasks

OpenMP regards tasks as tied tasks by default. A tied task is always executed by the same thread. However, improvements of performance and the avoidance of deadlock may be achievable by making a task untied. Any thread can execute or resume an untied task. OpenMP provides a directive threadprivate to replicate variables in which each thread has its own copy. In addition, the execution models of the directive critical and the built-in function omp_get_thread_num() have direct relationships with the threads themselves. Because an untied task can migrate between threads at any task scheduling point, the use of these thread-centric constructs complicates the behavior of the program and can cause unexpected results. Therefore, the proposed algorithm does not consider the use of these thread-centric constructs. If a program does not use thread-centric constructs, the proposed algorithm can correctly work, regardless of whether tasks are tied or untied.

Algorithm 1 lists the proposed algorithm. Assume class_dataflow_analysis() performs liveness analysis and constructs the define-use chain for the input program. For a task \(T\), a candidate variable of \(T\) is a variable that is visible at the point just before its entry to the task region. First, the program will be analyzed by classic data-flow analyses. Then, each task is traversed to clarify the relationships between the task itself and outside the task. For each task, proper data-sharing clauses are computed for its candidate variables by their liveness properties. Task synchronization is also inserted, if necessary, according to the dependency relationships obtained from the define-use chain.

figure a

3 Experiment

3.1 Experimental environment

The proposed algorithm was implemented based on the ROSE compiler infrastructure (version 0.95.5a), which was developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for building source-to-source program transformation and analysis tools. The liveness, reaching-definition, and alias analyses provided by ROSE are leveraged in our implementation. Table 1 lists the configuration of the experimental environment. Experiments were executed on an Intel 2.67 GHz Corei7 920 processor coupled to 12 GB of RAM and running Ubuntu 10.04. The tested benchmark programs were the two hand-coded programs, one program from [28], and the BOTS 1.1 benchmarks, which each had all clauses in each task directive and all task synchronization directives taskwait removed. Table 2 lists the tested benchmark programs and their characteristics. Each benchmark program was fed into our implementation, and then a new OpenMP program was generated to give the same results as the original program, which all directives ignored. The generated OpenMP program was compiled using GCC 4.4.3 with the “–O2” option; and it was then executed.

Table 1 Configuration of the experimental environment
Table 2 Benchmark programs

We evaluated the proposed algorithm with the Oracle studio compiler (Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 [23]) which provides an autoscoping feature to automatically determine data sharing attributes. The input to the Oracle studio compiler is the benchmark programs which all clauses in each task directive were replaced with the clause default(__auto) to enable the autoscoping feature. Due to that the Oracle studio compiler does not support automatic generating taskwait, all the task synchronization directives taskwait were also preserved in the inputs.

The results from the generated OpenMP programs, Oracle studio compiler, and the original OpenMP programs are compared to assess the correctness of the generated OpenMP programs. The BOTS benchmarks were verified using their own self-verification methods.

3.2 Results

Table 3 presents the experimental results: the number of tasks, whether containing taskwait, and comparison results are listed. The ROSE compiler cannot parse the Alignment, Sparselu, and UTS programs, the modified benchmark programs which preserve tasking skeletons were used as the input for these three benchmark programs, the proposed algorithm can correctly generate the corresponding OpenMP programs. For all the other benchmark programs, the proposed algorithm was able to automatically generate correct OpenMP programs.

Table 3 Evaluation results for the tested benchmarks

Consider the results from the Oracle studio compiler. For the Pi, Knight, Gram–Schmidt, and Fib programs, the Oracle studio compiler cannot generate correct data-sharing attributes in task directives. For the Health, N Queens, Sparselu, and UTS programs, it can successfully identify correct data-sharing attributes. For the remaining programs, the compiler internally showed that autoscoping for some variables was not successful.

Table 4 compares the clauses of the original programs, and those generated by the proposed algorithm and the Oracle studio compiler for the task directives. The predetermined data-sharing attributes are not counted in the table. For the proposed algorithm, the gray cells indicate that the benchmark programs were modified in order to be handled in the ROSE compiler. For the Oracle studio compiler, the bold numbers represent that autoscoping is incorrect or failed. The original FFT and Strassen programs have 7 and 4 shared clauses, but the generated programs have 19 and 17 shared clauses, respectively. This is due to benchmark programs having several array and pointer variables, which lead to conservative assumptions underlying the analytic results. Although the execution results are correct, the increase of shared variables might hinder the parallelism of the programs. The generated versions of the Alignment, Floorplan, and Health programs have fewer shared variables than the original programs. For the Gram–Schmidt benchmark, the proposed algorithm identified more private variables than the original program, which can reduce the overheads of building task runtime environments. These cases show that the proposed algorithm can generate correct programs while also enhancing performance.

Table 4 Clause comparison

In our implementation, traditional analyses were used to handle array and pointer data types. The analytic results are correct, but very conservative. However, proper handling array is an important issue for automatic scoping. The size and behavior of array in OpenMP programs significantly affects the performance and memory footprints. Some reasonable cost functions should be developed to help compilers to select proper data-sharing attributes. In addition, accurate interprocedural program analyses can help to aggressively identify data-sharing attributes of variables and minimize taskwait to meet the program issues (e.g., performance, code size).

4 Related work

Some issues of automatic scoping in OpenMP are covered in works that automatically parallelize programs using OpenMP  [9, 1214] and verify OpenMP programs. These works analyze sequential programs, automatically identify proper code fragments for concurrent execution, and generate the corresponding OpenMP programs. The parallelized code fragments and the generated OpenMP program are controlled by the algorithms. However, in the present study, users specify the parallelized code fragments, and the proposed algorithm generates the correct clauses of the data-sharing attributes.

Liao et al. [17] proposed an algorithm to parallelize high-level abstractions (e.g., STL and complex user-defined class types) in C++ programs. The semantics and behaviors of high-level abstractions were analyzed to enhance the accuracy of compiler analyses. The automatic exploiting parallelism of programs can be improved in the case of more applicable analytic results. This research focuses on the parallelism of array-based computation loops using the OpenMP parallel for and task constructs.

Müller et al. [21] studied the validation of an OpenMP 2.0 implementation. The validation methodology consisted of a number of routines to test the functionalities of the OpenMP constructs. For each OpenMP construct, the proposed subroutine would return ‘true’ while the construct executed as expected, and return ‘false’ otherwise.

The tool VivaMP [15] is a static code analyzer for the verification of OpenMP programs.

Previous studies have considered the automatic scoping of variables in OpenMP programs. Bik et al. [8] proposed an algorithm to find automatically parallel loops, identify the data-sharing attributes of variables, and generate the corresponding multithreaded codes, rather than using OpenMP programs. They leveraged liveness analysis and classic data-flow analyses to ensure the data-sharing attributes of the variables.

Lin et al. [18] proposed several rules for the automatic scoping of variables in parallel regions. Programmers can use the new clauses AUTO (list-of-variables) and DEFAULT(AUTO) to drive a compiler to determine automatically the data-sharing attributes of variables. Several scoping rules were also proposed for scalar and array variables. To select a proper rule, a compiler needs to analyze the data race conditions in the parallel regions and the data dependence relationships between the scoped variables. If a matching rule is not selected, the binding parallel region will be serially executed. The proposed approach focuses on the constructs of parallel regions, parallel work-sharing, and parallel sections; it was implemented on a Sun Studio 9 Fortran 95 compiler. The proposed approach does not support the OpenMP tasking model.

Voss et al. [27] implemented automatic scoping in the Polaris source-to-source compiler. Similarly to Lin et al. [18], they focused on the Fortran language and implemented the clause DEFAULT(AUTO). A subset of the SPECOMP benchmark programs [5] was used for evaluation. The authors did not describe in detail the method of identifying the scopes of the variables.

The most closely related to the present work are Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 [23] and the Auto-scoping for OpenMP Tasks proposed by Royuela et al. [26]. The former [23] supports the automatic scoping feature. The compiler can handle scoping for the construct of parallel, work-sharing, parallel sections, and tasking models. The rules from  [18] are extended to handle scoping for the construct of parallel, work-sharing, parallel sections, and tasking models. The compiler needs to analyze the data races and read/write behaviors for the scoped variables. If auto-scoping fails, the compiler will give a warning and assign the related code fragments to be serially executed.

Royuela et al. [26] proposed an algorithm to determine automatically the data-sharing attributes of variables for the OpenMP tasking model. For an OpenMP task, the algorithm identifies the code regions that will be concurrently executed with the task. Then the liveness and user-definition analyses are used to analyze the relationships between the variables, the concurrent regions, and the task region. According to the relationships, several rules can be proposed to determine the data-sharing attributes of the variables. A specific graph, a parallel control flow graph, is constructed for the analyses in the proposed algorithm.

The main difference between these two previous works and the present study is that our algorithm does not need to analyze the regions that are executed concurrently with the analyzed task. Instead, a task synchronization directive taskwait is used to ensure the data dependence relationships between the concurrent regions and the analyzed task.

The two previous works may not decide the data-sharing attributes of some variables, but the proposed algorithm can identify the data-sharing attribute for each variable.

Moreover, we do not need to construct a parallel control flow graph for the analyses. For our algorithm, the classic control-flow graph and data-flow analyses are sufficient to recognize the data-sharing attributes of the variables.

The previous works may achieve better parallelism, but the present study is simpler and easier to implement. In addition, the data-sharing attributes of variables can be determined using the present study.

5 Conclusion

OpenMP provides an easy-to-learn and powerful programming environment for the development of parallel programs. An OpenMP program also has portability and can be executed in most shared-memory multi-core systems. An open source compiler (GCC) and several major commercial compilers (e.g., Intel C++ compiler, Microsoft Visual C++) support OpenMP.

Compiler-based automatic parallelization plays an important role in enabling effective multi-core processing, and

the parallelization strategies [3, 4, 7, 19] affect the design of algorithms. The use of OpenMP to achieve automatic parallelization has attracted much attention.

There are two issues that are central to automatic parallelization. The first is the assessment of which code fragments in the program should be parallelized. This is related to the parallelization strategy. In most cases, the problem can be solved by profiling the program execution to find its hotspots or critical paths. The second issue is the way in which a compiler automatically inserts the correct OpenMP directives and data-sharing clauses. This problem is closely connected to the program analysis. Accurate program analyses (e.g., alias and data dependence) allow a compiler to identify correctly the variable attributes and to understand program behaviors with less conservative assumptions.

In this paper, we study a possible solution for the second issue. We propose an algorithm for the automatic correction of the OpenMP tasking model. Assuming a compiler or programmers have identified task regions in the source programs, the proposed algorithm will automatically generate the correct task clauses and synchronization. The proposed algorithm was implemented based on the ROSE compiler infrastructure, with 14 benchmark programs—from which all clauses in the task directives had been removed—being tested. The experimental evaluation showed that the proposed technique can successfully generate correct clauses for the tested benchmark programs.

The proposed technique can reduce programmers’ burden in parallelizing programs using the OpenMP tasking model and make parallel programming more effective and productive.