1 Introduction

3He-enhanced solar energetic particle (SEP) events show an intriguing isotopic enrichment. The average solar wind plasma 3He/4He ratio is about \(5\times10^{-4}\) (Gloeckler and Geiss 1998), and on rare occasions can be as high as \(7\times10^{-3}\) (Ho et al. 2000). However, in certain SEP events, the 3He/4He ratio in energetic and suprathermal ions can be three to four orders of magnitude higher than the solar wind value (Reames, Meyer, and von Rosenvinge 1994). They were often found to be accompanied with energetic electrons (10 – 100 keV) and type III radio emission. But there is no correlation to be found between the measured 3He/4He ratio with other accompanied observations (e.g. flare class, electron intensity). One conclusive result from previous studies is that the occurrence of 3He-rich SEP events is associated with scatter-free nonrelativistic electron beams (Reames, von Rosenvinge, and Lin 1985), but not the 3He/4He ratio enhancement factor itself (Ho et al. 2001). Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) investigated the helium fluence, and found while the 4He fluences can vary by 5 – 6 orders of magnitude the 3He fluences in the same SEP events range is limited to only 2 orders of magnitude. This apparent limit of the 3He fluence and its distribution has been suggested as an indicator of the size of the acceleration region (Reames 1999; Ho, Roelof, and Mason 2005), and the underlying isotope enhancement mechanism (Petrosian et al. 2009). Hence, measurements of the fluence distribution of the helium isotopes are important to characterize this type of SEP event. In this paper, we report several 3He-rich SEP events with no measurable 4He intensity increase.

2 Observations

The energetic particle data presented in this paper are from the Ultra-Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer (ULEIS) on the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft. ACE was launched in August 1997 and is currently in a halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 libration point (\(\sim 200\) Re) upstream of the Earth (Stone et al. 1998). The ULEIS instrument is a high-resolution ion mass spectrometer that measures elemental and isotopic ion composition from 50 keV/nucleon to a few MeV/nucleon (Mason et al. 1998). The 3He-rich events described in this paper were selected using the ULEIS pulse-height-analysis (PHA) data from 2009 to 2017. We initially followed criteria similar to Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) to select all 3He-rich events during the time period, namely: 1) the 0.2 – 2.0 MeV/nucleon event-averaged 3He/4He ratio must exceed 0.004 and have uncertainty less than 50% of the helium intensities; 2) the event is isolated and shows a measurable increase from the instrument background level; and 3) the event must last more than 1 h. From these criteria alone, there were 144 events during these time period. This is sharply lower than what was reported in the previous solar cycle. Using the same criteria, Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) reported 201 events from 1997 to 2002. Widenbeck and Mason (2014) studied 3He in the interplanetary medium and found the fraction of time with 3He present is significantly lower in the present cycle. We then further down-selected those events that have no noticeable 4He intensity increases above ambient background (i.e. greater than 50% 4He intensity increase within 1-h interval) associated with the 3He intensity enhancement, which narrowed the list down to 16 events. Upon closer examination of these 16 events, a majority of them have elevated 4He intensity, such that we could not definitively rule out whether there are no associated 4He intensity increases with the 3He time periods.

Table 1 lists the four events we selected in this study that have no measurable 4He increase during the time period. Figure 1 shows the two events in 2013. The three panels in Figure 1 show: (top panel) nonrelativistic (38 – 103 keV) electron from ACE/EPAM (Gold et al. 1998); (middle panel) ULEIS hourly averaged ion composition data at \(\sim 1\) MeV/nucleon; and (bottom panel) ULEIS pulse-height-analyzed (PHA) helium data. Enhanced 3He time periods can be identified from the ULEIS PHA data as distinct increases in count rates in the 3He mass track (i.e. at 3 amu), which is clearly separated from the more dominant 4He mass track (i.e. at 4 amu). Several enhanced 3He periods are clearly seen in the listed time periods. For example, there are clear 3He ion events at day of year (DOY) 187, 191, 198, 207 and 211. The majority of the 3He-rich events (e.g. DOY 187 and 198) are observed to also have corresponding 4He intensity increases. The event on DOY 191 is one that has no noticeable 4He increase above the 50% level from ambient. As shown by Ho et al. (2001), the nonrelativistic electrons are correlated with the 3He-rich ion events. That correlation can also be seen in some of the events shown in Figure 1. Most noticeable is the event on DOY 198, where you can also see the nonrelativistic electron injection accompanying the ion enhancement.

Figure 1
figure 1

Energetic electron and ion composition measurement by ACE/EPAM and ACE/ULEIS during day of year (DOY) 180 to 240 in 2013. Top panel: 5-min averaged energetic electrons (38 – 113 keV); middle panel: hourly averaged low energy (\(\sim 1\) MeV/nucleon) ion composition; bottom panel: high-resolution helium isotope data showing arrival times and masses of each ion detected. Boxed periods are discussed in the text.

Table 1 3He-rich periods that have no measurable 4He intensity increase.

However, the two 3He events that we identified on DOY 207 and 211 (square boxes in the bottom panel) have none of the usual characteristics. During both events there are no corresponding 4He intensity increases or electron injections. Both the proton and helium intensities are at background level and the \(>38\) keV electrons show no new injection during these two 3He-rich time periods. Figure 2 shows the event-averaged energy spectra of both helium isotopes for the event on 2013 DOY 211. The spectral slope of both the 3He and 4He are almost identical, but the intensity of 3He are on average factor of 5 higher than 4He above 200 keV/nucleon.

Figure 2
figure 2

Event-averaged helium spectra for the event in 2013 on DOY 211.

Figure 3 shows another event we identified in 2010 in the same format as in Figure 1. A sequence of three 3He-rich periods can be seen between DOY 244 to 250. The first and last of these three events have both corresponding 4He and electron intensity increases during the 3He-rich period. However, the event on DOY 245 which came shortly after the initial event on 244 and immediately prior to another one on DOY 247 has no measurable 4He and electron increase above background level.

Figure 3
figure 3

Same format as in Figure 1 but for time period in DOY 220 – 260 in 2010.

Figure 4 shows the in-situ solar wind plasma and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) measurements from ACE during the event on 2010 DOY 245. The solar wind speed (first panel) was steady at slow speed (\(<450\) km/s). Both the IMF (second and third panel) and the strahl electrons (last panel) pitch-angle data from DOY 245 to 247 also indicated that we were connected to a uniform solar wind source region since there is no change within the event interval. We note the solar wind (up to DOY 246.7) is more Alfvenic (fourth panel) than the typical slow wind, where we define \(C_{vB}\equiv \frac{\Delta B\cdot \Delta v}{\vert \Delta B \vert \vert \Delta \nu \vert }\), which could be used as a proxy for cross-helicity, a property that is a measure for turbulence (see Ko, Aaron, and Lepri 2018); but otherwise nothing was unusual about the in-situ solar wind during the period when the 3He was detected.

Figure 4
figure 4

The in-situ solar wind data from ACE during the 3He-rich period identified in 2010 DOY 245 – 247 (dashed lines). The solar wind velocity is shown in the top panel, while the IMF data are shown in second (\(|B|\), \(B_{\mathrm{T}}\), and \(B_{\mathrm{N}}\)) and third panels (\(\lambda \), which is the angle defined as the angle from \(B_{\mathrm{R}}\) towards \(B_{\mathrm{T}}\)). The fourth panel shows the solar wind Alfvenicity (a black dot is 64-s data point and the blue curve is the 1-h running mean; see the text for further details). The bottom panel shows the halo electron (272 eV) pitch-angle data, 0 – 180° at 18° increments from black (0 – 18°, outward IMF) to red (162 – 180°, inward IMF).

3 Discussion

We have shown cases of enhanced 3He intensity with no measurable 4He ion enhancement. These are unusual as we could only identity four from approximately one hundred 3He events during the same time period. The enhancement of 3He in certain SEP events has been studied since its discovery in the 1970s (see review by Reames 1999). There are competing theories in explaining the remarkable enrichment of 3He/4He of \(10^{2}\) – \(10 ^{4}\) times the typical solar wind abundance of 3 – \(4 \times 10^{-4}\). The prevailing theories all involve some form of wave–particle resonate interaction. Fisk (1978) used 4He generated electrostatic ion cyclotron waves in order to heat the 3He and Temerin and Roth (1992) suggested that the excited electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves that could resonate with 3He and thereby accelerate the 3He directly. Recently, Liu, Petrosian, and Mason (2006) and Petrosian et al. (2009) have shown that stochastic acceleration by plasma wave turbulence can produce some of the observed 3He and 4He energy spectra. In their model, the relative abundances and spectra of the two helium isotopes are different because they interact with different wave modes.

In a large 3He study, Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) found that there is an upper limit of the amount of 3He ions can be accelerated in these events. They found that the fluence distribution of the 3He is limited to a narrow range, while the 4He fluence is not. Petrosian et al. (2009) argued that this steep variation of the fluence ratio could be explained by the level of turbulence in their model, and they have successfully reproduced the observed fluence distributions from Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005).

In this study, we followed the same criteria as defined by Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) and found over 144 3He-enhanced events from 2009 to 2017. The number of 3He event is a lot lower than in the previous solar cycle which was as noted by Ho and Mason (2016) and Widenbeck and Mason (2014). Four 3He-rich events were found without measurable 4He increases. The observed 3He fluence is small but well within the sensitivity of the ULEIS instrument. The 3He fluences from these four events are measured to be \(10^{3}\) – \(10^{4}\) particles/(cm2-sr MeV/nucleon), while the 4He are all less than 103 particles/(cm2-sr MeV/nucleon) (Table 1). These observed fluence levels provide further limits; this was done in Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) by establishing observable 3He and 4He fluences in these types of events. The measured fluences as shown by Ho, Roelof, and Mason (2005) and Petrosian et al. (2009) provide important information on the possible enrichment mechanism of 3He. The events that we report here provide a new constraint on the possible 3He enrichment/release mechanism because any wave–particle resonant interaction that is based on specific charge-to-mass ratio also has to explain why there could be abundant 3He particles but no measurable 4He above background.