1 Introduction

The field of marketing has thrived dramatically and created an effective connection to enhance the value of the brand. (Tien et al. 2019). Many strategies have been proposed to develop the brand value of a business such as understanding of consumers’ perception of new products; working closely with consumers to enhance their loyalty (Alzoubi et al. 2022). In addition, the strong development of social media is being used by businesses and improving competitiveness (Juliana et al. 2022). Many businesses have used social networks to improve the level of customer support and thereby developing their brands (Saputra et al. 2022). Social media has a great influence on consumers’ perception such as awareness, attitudes, consumption needs and information sharing before and after consumption. Therefore, businesses are creating an effective connection with customers in order to receive feedback and understand customers better (Ghansah et al. 2016).

Applications via social media are developing rapidly, such as protecting and sharing data in the cloud (Kim and Chen 2016) and allowing communication, interaction and sharing of information, messages and emotions with many people (Hossain and Sakib 2016) and it has reached billions of people globally due to the ease of sharing information and effective online interaction (Infante and Mardikaningsih 2022). Many media have been formed to create a space to connect customers and create brand value such as Facebook and Myspace of the Jeep brand (Wellman and Gulia 2018; Schau et al. 2009). Additionally, the website is the place where tourism businesses connect with customers (Kayumovich and Kamalovna 2019) in the tourism service business. Consumers use the web and other communication applications to search, compare, discuss and book travel services (Siamagka et al. 2015). Social networks are being used by travel service companies to achieve their business goals and create business advantages. (Obermayer et al. 2022). However, when it comes to a media brand and managing effectively social media activities, a few brands are able to succeed. Most businesses have been still focusing on offline activities, whereas the online area is not as effective as it should be, especially when it comes to the communication area in tourism.

Besides, the exploitation of social media should also be taken into consideration to avoid negative impacts (López et al. 2022). This article develops a conceptual framework to identify the factors that influence brand trust through social media. The goal of social platforms is to gain a deep insight on customers’ trust and winning customer trust for the brand because brand trust affects customers’ consumption behavior (Rivaldo et al. 2012) and customers’ return (Huang et al. 2019). One of the important goals of social media is to generate consumer attention and engagement in media (Oliveira et al. 2022). Despite the importance of social media, the research on brand trust through social media in the field of tourism has not attracted considerable attention due to the difference in nature and characteristics of service business. (Haudi et al. 2022). It is different from the previous studies that mainly focused on brand building through loyalty assessment (Hollebeek et al. 2014). The contribution of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting brand trust in the space of social media platforms that businesses have used to reach customers online. The study’s findings provide marketers with an insight and important determinants of brand trust through social media sites, thereby enabling them to strategize effectively to improve the media environment.

2 Literature review

2.1 Social media marketing

Weber (2007, p. 4) defines social media as “the online place where people with a common interest can gather to share thoughts, comments, and opinions”. According to the author, social media is a means of communication—in such a way that it has participatory, collaborative, knowledge-sharing, and empowerment tools available across platforms in addition to other traditional methods (Rizkallah 2021). At the same time, it also contains information created by people using technology for the purpose of communicating and interacting with each other (Di Bernardo et al. 2022). Some social media tools are commonly used including company-sponsored websites, social networking sites (such as Facebook, Instagram, Myspace, Netlog, Pinterest, etc.), creative work-sharing websites (such as Youtube, Google (Imaya 2019; Sharma et al. 2019), sharing information about brands of products and services (Moslehpour et al. 2021); By doing this, it is certain that brand recognition is increased, thereby forming customer trust and decreasing marketing costs (Kurniawan et al. 2020). Therefore, businesses create a community on social media platforms that help businesses promote products or services through existing platforms (Bernardo et al. 2020), customers interact effectively and build harmonious relationships across media (Hamzah and Johari 2023).

2.2 Brand trust through social media sites

To gain consumer loyalty, earning customer trust is a must (Ashghar and Nurlatifah 2020). In other words, winning customer trust on products or services help businesses retain their customers. (Nofrialdi 2021). Establishing online brand trust can also drive consumers to do their shopping using online platforms. Brand trust also directly affects customers’ decisions when they visit the brands’ websites, share information, make purchases and perform networking activities on websites and thereby foster their brand loyalty (Ebrahim 2020). Trust is a core factor in research on the relationship between consumers and brands (Liu et al. 2018). Brand trust is defined as a consumer’s willingness to trust a brand and expect positive outcomes even in the face of risks (Franciska 2020). On the one hand, consumers expect positive results from their brand choice and believe that the brand can fulfill its brand value (Wang 2020).

Brand trust is defined as a consumer’s willingness to trust a brand and expect positive outcomes even in the face of risks (Franciska 2020). Trust is a core factor in research on the relationship between consumers and brands (Liu et al. 2018). To gain consumer loyalty, earning customer trust is a must (Ashghar & Nurlatifah 2020). In other words, winning customer trust on products or services help businesses retain their customers. (Nofrialdi 2021). Establishing online brand trust can also drive consumers to do their shopping using online platforms. Brand trust also directly affects customers’ decisions when they visit the brands’ websites, share information, make purchases and perform networking activities on websites, and thereby foster their brand loyalty (Ebrahim 2020). On the one hand, consumers expect positive results from their brand choice and believe that the brand can fulfill its brand value (Wang 2020).

Put simply, Chinese users perceive five layers of value when using social networking applications, including informational value, entertainment value, social network value, social status value, and the value of communication within the organization. Among them, perceived media values have different effects on trust towards social media brands. While entertainment value, social network value and social status value directly affect social media brand trust, information value and organizational media value indirectly affect social media brand trust through social networking status value, social networking value and/or entertainment value (Pop et al. 2022).

2.3 Online user awareness

According to Assaker (2019), the credibility and authority of user-generated content (UGC – User Generated Content) can depend on cognitive characteristics such as gender, age, and education Studies show that the reliability of online shopping differs between men and women. (Kim et al. 2007). Escobar-Rodríguez and Carvajal-Trujillo (2014) indicate that women have higher confidence in online purchase intentions than their male counterparts. On the other hand, Yang and Lester (2006) stated that women feel more unsafe when shopping online than men.

Age is also one of the key variables used by travel and hospitality marketers. Young people and millennials have more interaction with social media travel information sources (Shearer and Matsa 2018). In this regard, a study of “online travel and photography” by Lo et al. (2011) indicates that the majority (79.5%) of people under the age of 26 and between the ages of 26 and 35 (63.5%) post photos online. 15.6% of visitors between the ages of 56 and 65 and only 4.9% of those over 65 do so. It is concluded that people who post photos, share ideas and experiences online tend to be younger, more educated and earn higher incomes (Lo et al. 2011).

Zeng and Gerritsen (2014) state that the reliability of the UGC is fundamentally dependent on whether the reader has knowledge of the travel experience, the writer’s familiarity in using ICT or social media platforms.

Hypothesis 1

Online user awareness has a positive effect on brand trust through social media sites.

2.3.1 Communication platform

Shu et al. (2017) point out that there are many different media platforms, today news can be shared and transmitted via mainstream media such as TV, video, and print or online social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Due to the low cost and easy access to the Internet, an increasing number of traditional media, such as NBC News, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, is undergoing drastic transformations from mainstream to digital platforms. Online social media is changing the way news and information is used, online users cannot only learn about current events, they can also share their stories, provide support, and personal views about social issues with their friends and other users in certain social groups. Wechat users in China have greater trust in products and services that are rated or recommended by their friends or colleagues and tend to be skeptical about products and services introduced by people whom they do not know and fully trust, (Lien and Cao 2014). Studies by Berhanu and Raj (2020) argue that tourists have more confidence in information obtained from social media than from commercial sources. Comments or reviews, sharing experiences posted on media tools or third parties and neutral agencies are more appreciated.

In addition, another research result indicates that online travel experience reviews and user-provided content are more trustworthy than content or information provided and posted by tourism organizations (Zhang and Wang 2021).

Hypothesis 2

Online communication platform has a positive effect on brand trust through social media sites.

2.3.2 Online communication team

Han et al. (2020) suggest that if a group of like-minded individuals posts, share, or retweet certain information, the influence of this message can be amplified. This effect can facilitate the spread of fake news because online users may be exposed to the social community in an exaggeratedly distorted form. The communities of online users and the social context of fake news govern how widespread and fast fake news is.

A study by Cox et al. (2009) on “Role of user-generated content in tourist planning behavior” using an online survey of 12,544 hotel and tourism consumers, showed that in spite of the popularity of social media sites, they have not been considered trustworthy or more trustworthy than mainstream tourist information sources. Out of 12,544 customers, 91% of respondents agree that state tourism websites are the most reliable source of information, 71% agree that they trust the information provided by travel agents and only 36% of participants trust social networking sites such as MySpace, and Facebook. Reviews written by travelers on other blogs are trusted by just under half of the participants in the sample.

Hypothesis 3

Online communication team has a positive effect on brand trust through social media sites.

2.3.3 Online information content

Gunawan and Ayuningtiyas (2018) showed that the informative content presented in the online store should include information regarding the products and services available on the online shopping. This information must be useful and relevant in the prediction of the quality of products and services. To meet consumer online information needs, information about products and services must be updated so that online buyers can make decisions. Customers’ perception of the quality of product or service information is provided by the website. The more quality information is provided to online buyers, the more interested they are in purchasing these products. Information is data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and has real and perceived value for current or future decisions. (Rachmawati et al. 2019). Voramontri and Klieb (2019) mentioned that today’s online consumers often view product reviews to gather information before making a purchase decision. At the same time, retailers engage consumers by creating spaces for customers to share information about the consumer experience.

Russell (2013) pointed out that online information content is a valuable and meaningful source of information that helps to transmit information quickly and promptly one time. Every day many comment interactions are generated through shopping platforms like eBay and Amazon. Biased reviews are big problems for both online customers and brands. Fake reviews not only affect the decision-making process but can also easily ruin a brand’s reputation. Similar to fake reviews, fake ads are specifically written to mislead customers by promoting products with unverified and untrue information. Both fake reviews and fake ads are dangerous because they damage the reputation of online e-commerce.

The source of information shared and disseminated is dominated by technology and interaction on social networks (Olteanu et al. 2018). In addition, Lien and Cao (2014) mentioned the relationship between information content that affects the reliability and trust of customers with online information. Moreover, content, including reviews and sharing on online platforms, has a great influence on customer trust (Cheng et al. 2019).

Hypothesis 4

Online Information Content has a positive effect on brand trust through social media sites.

2.3.4 Handling online interactions

Another controversial issue regarding the credibility of social media is biased and fake responses generated from the deliberate manipulation of online reviews (Banerjee and Chua 2014). Fake positive or negative reviews may be posted by anonymous individuals of some companies to create positive comments or reviews for themselves and to create negative images or a bad reputation among their competitors.

In contrast, Kusumasondjaja et al. (2011) have a controversial view about the reliability of online reviews because many of the reviews are believed to be posted by fake users who are paid for by business entities. In addition, current consumers are not fully prepared to deal with misinformation and over-confident in this information (Duradoni et al. 2021). Bakir and McStay (2018a, b) propose solutions to improve the quality of news content such as increasing the popularity of accurate articles in the data feed, manually verifying the truth in articles, automatically detecting fraudulent and stretch warnings. They also change the algorithm so that individuals can access different points of view and increase the transparency of information. Media trust also helps consumers diagnose fake news on social networks (Wu et al. 2019).

Hypothesis 5

Handling online interactions has a positive effect on brand trust through social media sites.

3 Research method

3.1 Data collection

A self-completed seven-point Likert scale questionnaire was used in this study. Its contents focused on six constructs including: (1) Online user Awareness (four items) adapted from Shearer and Matsa, (2018); (2) Online Communication Platform (five items) borrowed from Banerjee and Chua (2014); (3) Online Communication Team (three items) borrowed from Banerjee and Chua (2014); (4) Online Information Content (four items) borrowed from Assaker (2019); (5) Handling online Interactions (three items) borrowed from Zeng and Gerritsen (2014); (6) Brand Trust through Social Media Sites (three items) adapted from Assaker (2019).

4 Research process

The study was conducted with randomly selected subjects who have used services at tourism businesses in Vietnam on the social platform such as Facebook. With the estimated sample size for meaningful research reaching 200 samples, 298 samples were definitely obtained, using a 5-level Likert scale, respectively 5 = Strongly agree, 4 = Agree, 3 = Normal, 2= Disagree, 1 = Strongly disagree to measure the observed variables mentioned in the proposed research model. After processing and cleaning the data, quantitative research was carried out using SPSS 22.0 software and AMOS 22.

Formal research was carried out by constructing an online survey questionnaire and sending a link to the survey subjects via social networks such as Facebook messenger, Instagram, and Zalo app. Ho Chi Minh City also occupies a spot in the Top 10 cities with the most Facebookers – estimated at 14 million users (According to the latest report of Statista in January, 2023). Due to the increasingly strong development of information technology, the percentage of young people working in Ho Chi Minh City who are using social networking platforms and entertainment applications is increasing. Therefore, the study using the online survey is completely appropriate. Those who completed the survey were asked to invite others who were residents of Ho Chi Minh City to participate, with the requirement to be over 18 years old. To ensure cooperation and objectivity, each free voucher (cost code) for using coffee at Highland coffee shop will be given after completing the questionnaire. The survey subjects were defined as customers who had accessed information promoting the brands of tourism businesses on social media platforms and who are currently living and working in Ho Chi Minh City.

The survey was conducted from mid-February 2023 to early March 2023. To ensure that the respondents have at least once experienced travel services provided by travel agencies, the authors use a qualitative question “Have you ever had access to the brand promotion information of tourism businesses?” If the respondent answers no, the survey will end. If the answer is ‘Yes’, it will skip to the main content.

4.1 Sample size

According to Hair et al. (1998), in order to choose an appropriate sample size, for eexploratory factor analysis (EFA), the sample size should be at least 5 times the total number of survey questions, so the sample size for this study is suitable when N = 5*m = 5*22 = 110 samples (m = 22 is the number of questions in the questionnaire). Research by Malhotra (2010) has shown that studying the test requires at least 200 samples while the typical sample size ranges from 300 to 500 samples, Myers et al. (2011) suggest that the minimum sample size for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is 200 or apply the minimum sampling formula as follows:

N ≥ 10*p = 10*6 → N ≥ 60 (N is sample size, p = 6 is the number of observed variables included in the CFA analysis). Therefore, the study chose a sample size of 320 samples to satisfy both formulas as suggested by the CFA confirmatory factor research method and multiple regression method (Green 1991), corresponding to a scale of 6 observed variables, of which: 5 independent variables and 1 dependent variable.

5 Empirical results

5.1 Descriptive statistics

In this study, a total of 320 questionnaires were delivered and only 312 were collected. Among them, 8 pieces are invalid; thus, only 298 questionnaires are valid for further analysis. The results show that there is a gender difference in the proportion of respondents with 46.5% being men and 53.5% being women. For the age group, the group accounting for the highest proportion is 16–25 years old. In terms of income, the respondents have incomes ranging from VND 10 Mil—VND 20 Mil. Their brief results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Profile of respondents

5.2 Scale reliability tests

Table 2 presents the results of the scale reliability tests in which Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of the scales are all greater than 0.7 and their corrected item-total correlations are all greater than 0.3. The scales are therefore perfectly appropriate and acceptable.

Table 2 Scale reliability test results

5.3 Exploratory factor analysis

The results of EFA are briefly shown in Table 3 indicating that the analysis result of four different factors is 52.877%. When evaluating the results of the factors, the value of each item is greater than 0.4 which is suitable for the condition (Hair 2010). The results of Cronbach’s alpha values of factors show that all values are satisfactory and meet the condition of being greater than 0.6 (Nunnally 1978). Core items fully reflect the content of the factors. Firstly, residents’ perceived value includes 5 items. Secondly, collaboration factor includes 8 items and residents’ support for sustainable tourism development includes 4 items. All of these factors are used to assess the level of perception of local residents that impacts residents’ support in sustainable tourism development. Most factor loading values ​​are greater than 0.6, and significant at p < 0.001 (Fidell et al. 2013). However, in which the Collaboration has two non-satisfactory values, so, it has been removed. This study model is totally appropriate through KMO = 0.857; Chi-Square = 2670, 29; df = 91; and Sig = 0.000.

Table 3 Exploratory factor analysis result

Similarly, Table 4 shows the results of EFA for Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. The results show that the total variance is 62.8112%. The Cronbach’s Alpha values is 0.828 and meet the condition of being greater than 0.6 (Nunnally and Bernstein 1994). This study model is totally appropriate through KMO = 0.707; Chi-Square = 337.142; df = 3, and Sig = 0.000.

Table 4 Exploratory factor analysis of Brand Trust through Social Media Sites (NTTH) result

5.4 Confirmatory factor analysis

Table 5 presents the combined results of factors related to the perceptions of local residents and factors affecting residents’ support in sustainable tourism development. The evaluated values ​​are Cronbach’s Alpha, CR and AVE. Therefore, the values ​​mentioned are totally appropriate and satisfy the pre-defined requirements (Fig. 1).

Table 5 Confirmatory factor analysis
Fig. 1
figure 1

Research model

Figure 2 also confirms the one-way relationship to meet conditions related to convergence value and unique value. In addition, discriminant validity is used to evaluate AVE values ​​with the squared correlations between coupling structures. All the AVE estimates were higher than the interconstruct squared correlations. These structures are considered to be different from the other factors (Fornell and Larcker 1981; Hair 2010). The results are shown in Table 6.

Fig. 2
figure 2

CFA results of the saturated model

Table 6 Correlation matrix

5.5 Structural equation modeling

5.5.1 Tests for model goodness of fit and hypotheses

Figure 3 briefly shows the results of the SEM analysis of the suitability of the study data. With the values of Chi-squared = 339.160; df = 194; p-value = 0.000, CMIN/df = 1.748 < 3; GFI = 0.906; TLI = 0.941; CFI = 0.932; RMSEA = 0.050, the proposed model is considered satisfactory to the required criteria. And thus, it can be affirmed that the research model is reliable.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Standardized SEM model

5.5.2 Hypotheses tests using SEM model

Table 7 confirms the significance of the study hypotheses, indicating that the six hypotheses established are all significant with p-value of related coefficients less than 0.05; thus, all of the hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6) are supported by the data.

Table 7 Coefficients from SEM Model

6 Conclusion and implications

6.1 Conclusion

This study aims to determine the factors of social media platforms that affect customers’ trust in tourism business brands. Results were collected from an online quantitative survey study of 320 survey participants. Out of 320 people invited to participate in the survey, the appropriateness rate of the survey was 93.1% (298 people who responded appropriately). The purpose of the survey is to test a linear structural model, in which, customer’s trust in the brand is affected by factors such as Online User Awareness, Handling online Interactions, Online Information Content, Online Communication Team and Online Communication Platform. All relationships and correlations between factors in the research model are presented in 5 hypotheses.

It is found that there are strong relationships between Online User Awareness and Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. The positive and significant impacts of Online User Awareness (β = 0.391, p < 0.001) on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. In addition, the findings of the study indicate that Online user Awareness is an important factor for Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. This finding is consistent with previous studies indicating Online User Awareness has a great influence on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites, which in turn affects their loyalty (Assaker 2019). Therefore, tourism businesses need to enhance their brand recognition through consumer awareness. At the same time, customer segmentation and understanding customer characteristics are important issues that businesses need to pay attention to. Capturing customer perception through understanding behaviors, preferences, and demographics to provide appropriate services is a way to enhance customer trust.

More specifically, our findings indicate that Online Communication Platform has a great influence on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. The positive and significant impacts of Online Communication Platform (β = 0.348, p < 0.001) on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. The results are consistent with prior studies that suggest that Customers will improve brand trust if businesses use diverse and appropriate communication platforms. Communication platforms are an effective means to enhance interaction and better understand customer needs (Han et al. 2020; Shu et al. 2017).

The Table 6 showed there exists a relationship between Online Information Content and Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. The results indicate that Online Information Content has a positive and significant impact on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites (β = 0.256, p < 0.001). This demonstrates that Consumers will trust the brand if the content that the brand has on the platforms is diverse, accurate and reliable. Therefore, businesses need to establish a process to control content in the media. The purpose is to provide information content that meets the needs of consumers (Gunawan and Ayuningtiyas 2018).

This study has also shown that there is a positive and significant impact of Online Communication Team on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. (β = 0.256, p < 0.001). The results are totally consistent with those of earlier studies suggesting that Communication team directly affects information content and information processing process (Rachmawati et al. 2019). Therefore, the more effective the communication team works, the more sustainable the relationship between consumers and businesses. The communication team shows the image of the culture and the positive values that the business wants to convey. Building an effective communication team is a solution to build consumer trust with tourism businesses.

Moreover, this research also indicates the impact of Handling Online Interactions on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. The findings indicate that Handling Online Interactions has a positive and significant effect on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites (β = 0.315; p < 0.001). Nowadays, customers have access to a huge amount of information. Therefore, the issue of false information and fake news is of great concern to customers. Therefore, it is important to support customers so that they can capture information accurately and promptly on time. Therefore, businesses should build an effective customer support system in many ways such as online support, chat box, and intelligent interaction to promptly provide useful information and solve the needs of customers (Duradoni et al. 2021).

6.2 Implication

The research results provide evidence on the factors affecting Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. Current studies show that all factors have a positive impact, so the proposed research model is completely suitable. Academically, the study has the following fundamental contributions:

Firstly, Research shows that the impact of Online User Awareness on Brand Trust through Social Media Sites. Generally, User Awareness is influenced by related factors such as gender, income, education level, etc. Therefore, Online User Awareness should be of interest to businesses and classify customers based on different criteria, thereby building an information system suitable for user Awareness. At the same time, businesses should diversify in collecting customer information so that they can create information products suitable for customers with different Awareness.

Secondly, the study also makes relevant contributions that the Communication platform is one of the factors affecting customers’ trust in brands on social networks. Research results show that communication platforms have a positive impact on customer trust in the brand of tourism businesses. The posting of product information of tourism businesses on social networking platforms is more trusted by customers from other sources (such as websites, travel books, travel forums and so on). Information about tourism businesses’ products posted on popular social platforms is more trusted by customers than less known platforms. Therefore, to create customer trust in the brand, tourism businesses need to hit hard on social platforms used by the majority of people to post their product information such as Facebook, Tik Tok, Youtube…

Thirdly, this study has shown that Communication team has an impact on customers’ trust in the company’s brand. The communication team is able to provide useful information. At the same time, the communication team must capture and identify the information accurately, quickly and timely to bring customers the information value. Therefore, tourism businesses should build a capable communication team and organize well the activities of the communication team to meet the demand for information on social networking and social media platforms.

Fourthly, the study also makes practical contributions to improve customers’ trust. The results emphasize the information content is attracted and appreciated by many different factors, including content sharing experiences related to products and content using many images and videos. This result proves that customers will be more interested in the brand if the travel business invests in content sharing experiences from customers who have purchased and used the product and product-related tips.

In addition, the findings of the study also indicate that information processing always has a positive and significant impact on customers’ trust in the brand of tourism businesses. This is a combination of elements inside the communication object and interactive processing to enhance the value of information on communication platforms. Therefore, the products posted by the tourism businesses themselves have a great impact on customer trust. In addition, customers’ trust in the tourism business brand is also influenced by the recommendations from friends and relatives of customers. Therefore, tourism businesses need to interact, receive and respond to suggestions from customers to create trust in the products and brands of tourism businesses.

The study has achieved the set objectives, but the study still has some limitations such as:

Firstly, the study only focuses on collecting specific data of customers in Ho Chi Minh City, so there is no diversity of information. Future research may explore the views of customers from different cities in the country to be able to compare and see the difference.

Secondly, the study only focuses on the factors affecting brand trust through “Social media” platforms. Further research directions could explore specific types of platforms and applications or delve deeper into customer satisfaction.

Thirdly, the study only measures and evaluates five factors affecting customer trust through social networks. The following studies may exploit other factors to fill the research gap.

Fourthly, the current study only based on a survey conducted on 298 survey samples, so it is not the representative of the majority of customers. Therefore, future surveys on a large scale are suggested to make the survey results more objective.

Finally, current research has not focused on a specific audience. Therefore, the following studies can identify a specific object such as gene Z, gene Y… to see the specific characteristics of each object.