1 Introduction

In real-life situations, background noise interference is often encountered when making phone calls through mobile devices. Examples of such situations include fighter jet cockpits, noisy factories, construction sites, trains, subways, crowded places, and more. The speech quality is poor, resulting in the recipient hearing annoying sounds. Therefore, it is crucial to utilize speech denoising to enable the recipient to hear clear speech. To effectively suppress the interference noise and retain the speech signal in a noisy background is essential, particularly for the neediness of hearing-impairing users [1,2,3,4].

Many speech enhancement algorithms have recently been proposed [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35]. The first class uses statistical and transform-based methods [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18], while the second uses deep-learning-based approaches [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33]. In the statistical and transform-based methods, Islam et al. [5] proposed using stationary-wavelet transform with non-negative-matrix factorization for speech enhancement. Wood et al. [6] presented a codebook-based speech-denoising system. An atomic speech-presence probability (ASPP) gives a codebook atom to encode speech signals in various time slots. Lavanya et al. [7] proposed modifying the phase and magnitude spectra for speech denoising. A compensated phase redistributes energy to improve the contrast between weak speech and non-speech regions. The compensated phase and magnitude spectra obtained by the log MMSE and speech-presence uncertainty are utilized to reconstruct the speech spectra. Stahl and Mowlaee [8] proposed using a Kalman filter adapted by pitch complex values for speech denoising. The inter-frame correlation of successive Fourier coefficients and harmonic signal modeling is analyzed to determine the model parameters. Lu [9] proposed using a multi-stage speech denoising approach to reduce the residual noise’s musical effect. The first stage constitutes the Virag [10] and two-step-decision-directed [11] denoising methods. An iterative direction median filter is cascaded to reduce residual noise’s musical effect. Lu et al. [12] proposed using an over-subtraction factor with harmonic adaptation to improve noise removal. Experimental results reveal that the residual musical noise is reduced effectively; weak vowels are preserved well. Hasan et al. [13] proposed using an averaging factor to estimate priori SNRs in a spectral subtraction speech denoising method. The performance of the averaging factor is evaluated using a spectral-subtraction algorithm. Experimental results reveal that this method achieves improved results. Plapous et al. [10] presented a two steps noise reduction (TSNR) approach to refine the priori SNRs by a second step to reduce the bias of the decision-directed process. So this method obtains better quality of enhanced speech. Garg and Sahu [14] proposed tuning the Wiener filter by reduced mean-curve decomposition for speech enhancement adaptively. Jaiswal et al. [15] proposed an edge computing system using a first-order recursive Wiener (FRW) algorithm for speech enhancement. This algorithm was implemented on the Raspberry Pi 4 with model B as an edge computing application.

Deep-learning neural networks are progressively applied in speech enhancement and various applications [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35]. Zheng et al. [21] proposed using a skip-connected convolutional neural network (CNN) for speech denoising. The primary contribution is to study the effects of the skip connection on the neural networks in learning noise characteristics. Liu et al. [22] proposed using an analysis-synthesis framework for speech enhancement. A multi-band summary correlogram method is utilized for voiced/unvoiced detection and pitch estimation. A speech enhancement auto-encode is utilized to modify line spectrum frequencies, enabling the coded parameters of enhanced speech to be obtained. Chai et al. [23] presented a cross-entropy guided measure (CEGM) to evaluate speech recognition accuracy for the signals with a speech-denoising system as front-end processing. Because the CEGM is differentiable, it can also be used as a cost function of a deep-learning neural network (DNN) for speech denoising. Bai et al. [24] proposed using DNNs integrated with soft audible noise masking for noise removal. Two DNNs were used to estimate the speech and noise spectra. Nicolson et al. [25] investigated a DNN that utilizes masked-multi-head attention for speech denoising. The study’s results reveal that the proposed DNN can effectively enhance noisy speech recorded in real-world environments. Yuan [26] proposed using a spectrogram-smoothing neural network for speech denoising. The RNN and CNN are employed to model the correlation in the frequency and time domains. Wang et al. [27] proposed using two LSTMs and convolutional layers to describe the frequency domain’s features and textual information. The model also learns the priori-SNR to improve the performance, while the MMSE method is utilized for post-processing. Zhu et al. [28] proposed using a full CNN (FCNN) for speech denoising in the time domain. The encoder and decoder include temporal CNN for modeling the long-term dependencies of speech signals. Yang et al. [29] proposed using a high-level generative adversarial network for speech enhancement. A high-level loss is used in the generative network's middle hidden layer, enabling the network to perform well under low SNR environments. Khattak et al. [30] proposed a speech-denoising method using phase-aware DNN. Noisy speech is decomposed by a regularized sparse method to obtain sparse features. Some acoustic features are also combined to train the DNN, yielding the improvement of the estimated speech phase. Wei et al. [31] presented an edge-convolutional-recurrent-neural network (ECRNN) for enhancing speech features. Although the ECRNN is a lightweight model with depth-wise residual and convolution structure, the ECRNN performs well in keyword spotting. Saleem et al. [32] proposed using a multi-objective long short-term memory RNN to estimate clean speech's magnitude and phase spectra. In addition, critical-band importance functions were further employed to enhance the network performance in training.

Based on the above discussion, using DNN to determine parameters performs better than empirical methods. This study uses the characteristics of the harmonic spectrum during voice frames as the classification criterion. A harmonic CNN can accurately recognize the speech in the voice interval. However, the detection accuracy needs to be higher during consonant periods. Therefore, a speech-DNN is cascaded to improve classification accuracy. The features: of speech energy and zero-crossing rate are fed into the speech-DNN for training and testing, enabling consonant periods to be accurately detected. Noise estimation is performed during the speech-absence regions, while the noise level is over-estimated if speech-absence frames appear in successive frames. So the corruption noise can be effectively eliminated by the proposed multi-model DNN (MDNN); meanwhile, the speech components are not severely removed. The major contributions of this research are as follows:

  • This study presents a demonstration system using a multi-model deep-learning neural network (MDNN) for speech enhancement; this system assists non-experts in quickly understanding the functionality of speech enhancement.

  • Present a harmonic-convolutional neural network (harmonic-CNN) to classify speech-dominant and noise-dominant segments by spectrograms effectively.

  • Propose using a speech-deep-learning neural network (speech-DNN) to improve the harmonic-CNN's recognition accuracy.

Video, image, and voice communication are the primary mediums during social interactions. The transmission of voice signals within a social network often suffers from background noise interference. Achieving speech denoising through explainable AI is essential in understanding the critical factors in denoising computations. Enhancing voice quality has a pivotal impact on improving the signal quality of social media, making it a vital aspect of this article, which falls under the topic of explainable AI for human behavior analysis in the context of social networks.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the proposed multi-model deep-learning neural networks (MDNN) for speech denoising. Section 3 describes the speech presence recognition method. Section 4 demonstrates experimental results. Finally, Section 5 concludes.

2 Proposed multi-model deep-learning neural networks for speech denoising

Figure 1 illustrates the flowchart of the MDNN for speech denoising. Firstly, an observed signal is framed and transformed into the frequency domain. Hence, speech-presence frames are recognized by a harmonic CNN. Because the harmonic CNN cannot identify the onset and offset of vowels well, each frame's zero-crossing rate and log energy are analyzed and fed into a speech-DNN to refine recognized recognition speech-presence frames. Next, the spectrum's noise magnitude is estimated during speech-pause frames. Hence, a spectral subtraction method with over-subtraction removes interference noise spectra. Finally, the inverse Fourier transform is performed to obtain the denoised speech.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart of the MDNN for speech denoising

A subtraction-based algorithm can be utilized for estimating the power spectrum of enhanced speech \(|\widehat{S}(l,k){|}^{2}\), given as

$$\vert\widehat S(l,k)\vert^2=\left\{\begin{array}{c}\vert Y(l,k)\vert^2-\gamma\vert\widehat D(l,k)\vert^2,\;if\;\vert Y(l,k)\vert^2\geq\vert\widehat D(l,k)\vert^2\\0\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,,otherwise\end{array}\right.$$

where \(Y(l,k)\) denotes the noisy spectrum at the kth subband of the lth frame. \(\upgamma\) is a over-subtraction factor. \(|\widehat{D}(l, k){|}^{2}\) represents the magnitude of noise spectrum estimate.

A speaker does not speak immediately when the microphone is turned on. No speech exists at the beginning of an utterance. One can use the beginning of the observed spectra to estimate noise statistics. A time-smoothed mechanism updates the magnitude of the noise spectrum estimate \(|\widehat{D}(l, k){|}^{2}\), given as

$$|\widehat{D}(l, k){|}^{2} =\alpha \cdot |\widehat{D}(l-1,k){|}^{2}+(1-\alpha )\cdot |Y(l,k){|}^{2}$$

where \(\alpha\) is the smoothing factor for updating the estimated power of the noise spectrum.

As the number of speech-pause frames increases, the suppression factor could increase to suppress more corruption noise. The cumulated number of speech-pause frames can be expressed by


where F(l) denotes the speech-presence flag, its value is unity if the lth frame is speech present.

2.1 Refinement of noise magnitude estimation

A speaker is not speaking when the cumulative number of speech-pause frames exceeds a threshold \({N}_{sp}^{T}\) (\({N}_{sp}^{T}\)≥10). Overestimating the noise magnitude improves noise reduction for a spectral subtraction algorithm. The noise estimate is expressed by


As shown in (4), the noise spectrum's intensity is peak locking when no speech exists in a particular section. Thus, the intensity of the noise spectrum is the maximum value of the previous intensity, enabling the interference noise to be removed thoroughly using a spectral subtraction-based algorithm.

The noise spectrum's intensity should underestimate during speech-presence regions. The noise spectrum's power value is reduced to the average estimate as given in (2). So the speech distortion caused by the speech denoising reduces. The noise spectrum's power can be obtained by

$$\left|\widehat D\;\left(l,\;k\right)\right|^2\;=\;\left\{\begin{array}{c}\left|{\widehat D}_{max}\;\left(l,\;k\right)\;\right|^2\;,\;if\;N_{sp}\;\left(l\right)\;\geq\;N_{sp}^T\;and\;F\;\left(l\right)\;=\;0\\\left|{\widehat D}_{avg}\;\left(l,\;k\right)\;\right|^2\;,\;if\;N_{sp}\;\left(l\right)\;<\;N_{sp}^T\;and\;F\left(l\right)\;=\;0\\\left|{\widehat D}_{avg}\;\left(l-\;l,\;k\right)\;\right|^2\;,\;otherswise\end{array}\right.$$

As shown in (5), the noise spectrum’s power is peak locking when speech-pause frames appear continuously. Thus, it enables the corruption noise to be removed thoroughly by a spectral subtraction algorithm; the noise spectrum power updates during speech-pause frames. Conversely, the noise estimate keeps unchanged during speech-presence frames.

Figure 2 illustrates the spectrogram of denoised speech using (1) and (5), where the speech signal is deteriorated by white Gaussian noise with SNR equaling 10 dB (Fig. 2a). The whiter color denotes the more substantial energy. As illustrated in Fig. 2b, the harmonic speech spectra are well maintained; meanwhile, the noise spectra are removed effectively in speech-stop regions.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An example of speech spectrogram;(a) an utterance deteriorated by white Gaussian noise with input SegSNR = 10 dB; (b) enhanced signal using (7) and (8)

Figure 3 illustrates an example of speech waveform plots. The speech portion is well preserved during speech-activity regions, while interference noise is suppressed effectively during speech pause. Accordingly, the proposed MDNN is effective for noise removal.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Waveform plots; (a) an utterance corrupted by white Gaussian noise with input SegSNR = 10 dB; (b) denoised speech using Eqs. (1) and (5)

3 Speech presence recognition

This paper proposes using the MDNN to recognize speech-presence frames for various noise-corruption environments. First, the harmonic-CNN is employed to identify speech-presence frames. The recognized results are further refined by a speech DNN, where the speech features are considered, including the zeros-crossing rate and log energy.

3.1 Harmonic-CNN training

A vowel contains harmonic spectra. The existence of harmonic spectra can identify whether a frame is a speech present. Here we train a harmonic CNN to recognize the harmonic spectrum. Sampling successive short-term spectrograms as patterns can train a harmonic CNN. In the training phase of the harmonic-CNN, a self-recorded Mandarin Chinese-spoken corpus was utilized. This corpus consists of recordings from 20 male and 20 female speakers, each delivering a news script speech on current affairs. The length of the script varies, leading to varying durations for each speech segment.

Figure 4 illustrates an example of the short-term spectrogram. The harmonic structure is evident in a vowel frame, whereas the harmonic structure is absent in a non-speech frame. The sampled short-term spectrograms are labeled manually as either speech or non-speech. Hence, 70% of these spectrograms can train a harmonic CNN. The remaining part is used for the validation.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example of short-term spectrogram

Speech spectrograms were used for training the harmonic CNN. Figure 5a illustrates the variation of accuracy rates with different numbers of convolutional layers, which impact the harmonic-CNN performance. Three convolutional layers achieve the best performance in the validation set. The number of filters on the convolutional layer also affects the performance of harmonic CNN. Figure 5b illustrates the variation of accuracy rates with different numbers of filters in the convolutional layers. Adequate increasing the number of filters improves the accuracy rate. Selecting the number of filters to be fifteen achieves the best performance. Therefore, the numbers of filters and convolutional layers are set to 15 and 3 in the experiments, respectively. The detailed structure of the harmonic CNN is shown in Table 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The accuracy rate versus various training parameters in the convolutional layer; (a)various numbers of convolution layers; (b) various numbers of filters

Table 1 Detailed layers of the harmonic CNN

Figure 6 illustrates the training trajectory of harmonic-CNN with three convolutional layers and 15 filters. The accuracy rate of the validation set reaches 97.1%. Figure 7 illustrates an example of speech-presence frames recognized by the harmonic CNN, where the speech signal is corrupted by white Gaussian noise with input SNR = 10 dB. The speech-presence regions are denoted as high, whereas speech-pause areas are represented as low. One can find that the harmonic-CNN can effectively recognize the vowel frames.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Training trajectory of harmonic-CNN with three convolutional layers and 15 filters; (upper)variation of accuracy rate; (bottom) variation of loss values

Fig. 7
figure 7

An example of recognized speech-presence frames; (a) recognized results using the harmonic-CNN; (b) recognized results using the harmonic-CNN with majority modification by (6)

As shown in Fig. 7, the harmonic-CNN can recognize most speech-presence regions well. However, some apparent classification errors occur at the position with extended speech-pause areas, where the neighboring frames of the error classified frame are all speech-pause frames. The majority decision rule can correct the classification error, given as


where F(l) and l denote the noise flag and frame index, respectively.

As shown in (6), speech-pause frames appear continuously. A recognized speech-presence frame should be classified as speech-pause if its previous and successive two frames are classified as speech-pause. By applying (6) to Fig. 7a, the spurious speech-presence frame, which is an error recognized, can be corrected. Figure 7b shows the updated results.

3.2 Refinement of speech presence

The harmonic CNN can well recognize speech-presence regions in noisy environments. However, some speech-presence parts during the onset and offset of a vowel may be missed recognized. The speech features: log-energy and zero-crossing rate, are further considered to refine speech-presence frames. Accordingly, each frame's recognized results of harmonic-CNN, log-energy, and zero-crossing rate are fed into a speech-DNN to identify speech-presence frames.

Figure 8 shows the training flowchart of speech-DNN- initially, the Hanning window frames noisy training speech. Computing log energy and the zero-crossing rate obtains acoustic features for each frame. The harmonic-CNN recognizes whether the frame is speech present according to the short-term spectrogram. The harmonic-CNN's recognized result, zero-crossing rate, and log energy are utilized for training a speech-DNN.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Training flowchart of speech-DNN

Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR) is widely used in speech signal processing. One can distinguish the sound type according to the number of times the waveform crosses zero. The value of ZCR Z(l) can be computed by

$$Z(l) =\sum\limits_{n=0}^{N-1}|sign\left(x(l,n)-sign(l, n+1)\right)/2$$

where sign(.) denotes the sign operator.

Figure 9 shows an example of the variation trajectory of the ZCR. The ZCR of the fast-changing interference noise is larger than the vowel section. However, the ZCR difference between interference noise and the consonant is not apparent. It is difficult to distinguish between consonants and noise, according to the ZCR.

Fig. 9
figure 9

An example of ZCR variation trajectory; (a) speech interfered with by white Gaussian noise (input SNR = 10 dB); (b) ZCR variation trajectory

In the speech-presence area, the log-energy is greater than the speech-pause segment. So the log energy \(E\text{(}l\text{)}\) can be employed to recognize speech-presence frames in an utterance, \(E\text{(}l\text{)}\) can be calculated by

$$E\text{(}l\text{)}=10\cdot {\mathrm{log}}_{10}\left(\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{x}^{2}(l,n)\right)$$

Figure 10 shows the log-energy trajectory. The magnitude of log energy during a speech-presence region is higher than that of a speech-pause part. So the log-energy feature can be employed to recognize speech-presence areas.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Energy trajectory plot; (a) a speech signal interfered with by white noise (input SNR = 10 dB); (b) log-energy trajectory

Figure 11 shows the recognized results of speech-presence areas. Although the harmonic-CNN can recognize speech regions according to harmonic spectra, it cannot identify consonant areas, as shown in Fig. 11b. The primary reason is the absence of harmonic properties during consonant intervals. The consonant has high ZCR and weak log energy. Utilizing the ZCR and log energy as speech features enable speech-DNN to recognize the consonant regions well, as shown in Fig. 11c. Furthermore, the offset and onset of a vowel can also be identified, increasing the speech-presence region's recognition accuracy.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Recognized results of speech-presence frames; (a) harmonic CNN recognized results; (b) Recognized results using harmonic CNN, ZCR, and log energy

4 Experimental results

The experiment employs speech signals (spoken by female and male speakers) to train the harmonic CNN and speech-DNN. Various types of noise deteriorated the noise-free speech signals with various input SNRs (0, 5, and 10 dB). Four speech enhancement methods are conducted for performance comparisons, including the Hasan [13] method, the Over-Subtraction with harmonic (OS-H) approach [12], the TSNR method [10], and the first-order recursive Wiener (FRW) algorithm [15]. The enhanced speech quality is evaluated by comparing the waveform plot, spectrogram, and average segmental-SNR improvement (Avg_SegSNR_Imp).

4.1 Avg_SegSNR improvement comparisons

The Avg_SegSNR can measure the quantities of speech distortion, noise reduction, and residual noise, which can be obtained by

$$Avg\_\text{ SegSNR}=\frac{1}{L}\sum_{l\in \{I\}}10\cdot {\mathrm{log}}_{10}(\frac{\sum\limits_{n=0}^{N-1}|s(l,n){|}^{2}}{\sum\limits_{n=0}^{N-1}|s(l,n)-\widehat{s}(l,n){|}^{2}}\text{)}$$

where \(s(l,n)\) and \(\widehat{s}(l,n)\) denote clean speech and denoised one. l and n are frame and sample indices. \(\{I\}\) denotes speech-presence frames. N and L are the numbers of samples per frame and of speech-presence frames, respectively.

Table 2 shows the Avg_SegSNR_Imp comparisons for various speech-denoising approaches, where the best performance is bolded. The higher value of the Avg_SegSNR_Imp denotes better speech quality. The FRW, OS_H, and MDNN methods all employ the over-subtraction factor for background noise removal. These three methods effectively eliminate background noise. In environments with high input SNR (10 dB), the OS_H method significantly outperforms the FRW method regarding denoised speech quality. The primary reason is that OS_H considers the harmonic characteristics of speech to adapt the speech denoising gain. As a result, it can effectively remove interfering noise in regions without vowels while preserving speech containing harmonic spectra, leading to superior denoised speech quality.

Table 2 Performance comparison of speech quality regarding the Avg_SegSNR_Imp for various denoising approaches

The proposed MDNN employs the harmonic CNN to identify the harmonic spectra of speech. If the input speech lacks harmonic spectra, MDNN applies substantial suppression, effectively removing background noise. Conversely, in speech regions with harmonic spectra, excessive reduction of those components is avoided to ensure speech quality. So MDNN achieves the highest Avg_SNR improvement.

The human throat produces speech signals with vowels, causing vocal cords to vibrate and generate harmonic spectra. Thanks to the Harmonic-CNN within MDNN, it can accurately recognize the harmonic spectra of speech. During denoising, these harmonic spectra are preserved, reducing speech distortion. In segments without speech, where harmonic spectra are absent, the audio signal is heavily suppressed, effectively removing background noise and resulting in a higher Avg_SegSNR.

4.2 Recognition of speech-presence frames

There is a distinct harmonic spectrum in sections of the spectrogram with voiced consonants and vowels. Conversely, in segments without speech, this harmonic spectrum is absent. Harmonic-CNN can accurately identify the presence of harmonic spectra in the spectrogram of a given sound segment, enhancing speech detection accuracy within the segment. The signal components containing harmonic spectra are preserved in speech denoising to ensure speech quality. Significantly suppressing the signals during the intervals lacking harmonic spectra, which primarily consist of noise, can effectively remove background noise and achieve precise noise reduction. Therefore, harmonic CNN enables accurate recognition of the presence of speech in the spectrogram.

Figure 12 shows the recognized results of speech-presence frames by the proposed MDNN, including a harmonic CNN and a speech-DNN. The recognized results reveal that the MDNN identifies speech-presence frames accurately.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Recognized results of speech-presence frames using the proposed MDNN for various input SNRs; a speech signal is interfered with by white Gaussian noise with various SNRs; (a)10 dB; (b) 5 dB; (c) 0 dB

4.3 Waveform plot comparisons

Figures 13 and 14 illustrate two examples of speech waveform plots. Noise-free speech is corrupted by white and factory noise (input SegSNR = 0 dB). In Figs. 13c-g, the Hasan approach cannot remove interference noise effectively among the compared techniques. The MDNN outperforms the TSNR, FRW, and OS_H methods and significantly outperforms the Hasan method in removing noise.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Waveform plot comparisons; (a) noise-free speech, (b) noisy speech (corrupted by white noise with Avg_SegSNR = 0 dB; enhanced speech using the (c) Hasan, (d) TSNR, (e) OS_H, (f) FRW approaches, (g) proposed MDNN

Fig. 14
figure 14

Waveform plot comparisons; (a) noise-free speech, (b) noisy speech (corrupted by factory noise with Avg_SegSNR = 0 dB; enhanced speech using the (c) Hasan, (d) TSNR, (e) OS_H, (f) FRW approaches, (g) proposed MDNN

As shown in Fig. 14, the Hasan, TSNR, FRW, and OS_H methods cannot remove interference noise effectively. It is due to the factory noise varies quickly and suddenly. A significant quantity of residual noise exists, particularly during speech-absence regions. Only the MDNN removes interference noise effectively. Accordingly, the proposed MDNN does not only remove stationary noise, such as white Gaussian noise but can also remove non-stationary noise, such as factory noise.

By observing Figs. 13 and 14, MDNN can preserve the contours of the speech waveform just like other methods without the issue of speech distortion during the solid speech signals. MDNN can also retain the signal in weak speech segments while significantly reducing noise without severe speech distortion. MDNN exhibits noticeably superior noise suppression capabilities in segments without speech, making the denoised speech sound less annoying.

4.4 Spectrogram comparisons

Observing the speech spectrograms, which reveal spectra in the time–frequency domain, can subjectively evaluate the quantity of speech distortion and residual noise. Figures 15 and 16 illustrate spectrogram comparisons for different speech-denoising approaches. A speech signal (spoken by a female speaker) is interfered with by factory noise (Avg_SegSNR = 5 dB), as shown in Fig. 15b. Much residual noise exists in the enhanced speech obtained by the Hasan method (Fig. 15c) and OS_H (Fig. 15e) method, causing the processed speech to sound annoying. Much residual noise also exists in the enhanced speech obtained by the TSNR approach (Fig. 15d), particularly in speech-stop regions. The MDNN (Fig. 15f) significantly outperforms the compared methods in noise removal.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Speech spectrogram comparisons, (a) clean speech uttered by a female speaker, (b) noisy speech (interfered with by factory noise with an Avg_SegSNR equaling 5 dB), denoised speech using the (c) Hasan, (d) TSNR, (e) OS_H approaches, (f) proposed MDNN

Fig. 16
figure 16

Speech spectrogram comparisons, (a) clean speech uttered by a female speaker, (b) noisy speech (interfered with by F16-cockpit noise with an Avg_SegSNR equaling 5 dB), denoised speech using the (c) Hasan, (d) TSNR, (e) OS_H approaches, (f) proposed MDNN

A speech signal is interfered with by F16 cockpit noise with an average SegSNR equaling 5 dB, as shown in Fig. 16b. The noise majorly distributes around 2.75 kHz. Therefore, much residual noise exists at approximately 2.75 kHz in the enhanced speech obtained by the Hasan approach (Fig. 17c) and OS_H (Fig. 16e) method. The proposed MDNN (Fig. 16f) and TSNR method (Fig. 16d) can remove background noise effectively. However, much residual noise still exists in the denoised speech obtained by the TSNR method (Fig. 16d), particularly during the speech-stop region at the end of the utterance. Accordingly, the proposed MDNN slightly outperforms the TSNR approach and significantly outperforms the Hasan and OS_H approaches in removing interference noise.

Fig. 17
figure 17

GUI of the MDNN speech enhancement system

4.5 Demonstration system

Figure 17 shows a snapshot of the proposed MDNN speech-denoising system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpOh3i0t9-w provides the hyperlink for the demo video of the graphic user interface.

The computer hardware environment used in the experiment is as follows: The CPU processor is AMD Ryzen 9 5900 HS with Radeon graphics 3.30 GHz, 32 GB of DRAM, and the GPU is nVidia GeForce RTX 3060. The system's complexity can be evaluated in real-time through speech processing. Table 3 presents the denoising times for different utterance lengths, each being actual recorded speech. The ‘tic’ and ‘toc’ commands provided by the Matlab language are utilized to initiate and conclude timing measurements. The average length of the utterance is 4.56 s (ranging from 1.41 to 8.29 s). The average denoising processing time is 1.03 s, which means the denoising processing time is only 0.23 times the length of the speech.

Table 3 Elapsed time for speech enhancement

The primary purpose of this system is to present a demonstration of a speech-denoising system, allowing users to experience the functionality and principles of speech-denoising easily. If this system is applied to actual speech denoising, it must address potential latency bias. As shown in Table 3, the time required for speech denoising is directly proportional to the length of the utterance. In real-time denoising, the utterance must be segmented into smaller sections and synchronized in the speech-pause regions. Only the speech segments undergo denoising, introducing latency, while the synchronization in speech-pause regions creates the perception of very low overall latency in speech denoising. This segment processing and synchronizing processing achieves the goal of real-time denoising.

5 Conclusions

This article uses two deep-learning neural networks to extract speech features for recognizing speech frames. A harmonic CNN uses a two-dimensional spectrogram to identify harmonic spectrum for classifying speech frames. However, the harmonic spectrum is not evident for a consonant. So, the consonant frame may be recognized as non-speech by the harmonic CNN. A speech-DNN corrects harmonic-CNN's classification errors and improves the accuracy of speech-presence classification. The noise spectrum is estimated by the harmonic CNN and speech DNN. The magnitude of the noise spectrum is overestimated during speech-pause frames to ensure that interference noise is removed thoroughly. The experimental results show that the MDNN can effectively remove background noise. Consequently, the enhanced speech sounds more clearly and more comfortable than the compared methods.