1 Introduction

The amount of data in an image is getting larger and larger with the rapid development of image resolution. Therefore, the efficient encoding method is more and more necessary. Such as video encoding methods in paper [26] compress the video by eliminating the redundancy in frames. Zhou tries to eliminate the near-duplicate information to compress the data in the sensor networks [37]. The methods to eliminate redundancy are variable, Ma employs clustering algorithm to process the overlapping community structure [22]. Paper [25] compresses the redundancy in frames by predicting. Generally, large amount of storage and bandwidth are needed for image storing and transmitting, thus a lot of image compression algorithms are developed to save the resources for processing an image. The vector quantization (VQ) scheme is a widely used image compression scheme due to its simple architecture, fast decoding ability and high compression rate. In addition to image compression, VQ has also been applied to other fields, such as data hiding [3], facial recognition [5], image resolution enhancement [4], image authentication [7, 31], image indexing and retrieval [36].

The concept of VQ was firstly developed by Gray for image compression [17]. The VQ method cuts an input image into many image blocks and encodes these blocks by a well-designed codebook, then the indices are stored as the compressed image. In this way, an image is compressed because the indices use much less bits than the input image. Basically, the VQ scheme can be divided into three phases: codebook design, image encoding and image decoding. It is obvious that how to design a good codebook is a key research topic to improve the performance of VQ.

The most widely reported and studied algorithm for training a codebook is Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) method [17], which was developed by Lloyd from one-dimensional case to k-dimensional case [19]. The optimization of a codebook begins from an initial codebook and it creates a final codebook via several iterations. A lot of codebook design algorithms are studied [16, 24, 30, 35] and LBG algorithm is the most popularly used method due to its good performance and ease of implementation.

Usually, there are two kinds of codebooks, i.e. the common codebook (CCB) and the private codebook (PCB) [12]. They are distinguished by the way that the codebooks are generated and saved. The CCB is generated by a set of training images that are commonly used in image compression and this CCB is saved for all images. CCB is trained off-line and stays the same for all input images, many methods can be employed to obtain CCB, the paper [23] introduce a codebook generating method by artificial bee colony (ABC) and genetic algorithms, the paper [20] gives a series of codebook design methods, such as enhanced LBG, PCA and neural networks methods. When an image is encoded by CCB, only the indices need to be transmitted, the CCB performs well on most images, while PCB is a codebook purposely trained by a given input image to be compressed. Compared to CCB, the PCB has a better distortion performance for the given input image, but the PCB must be transmitted to the decoder and that will lead to a large overhead of transmission. The difference between CCB and PCB is not the training algorithms they employed, but the way codebook generated, CCB is obtained off-line by training a set of test images, while PCB is obtained on-line for each input image.

In this paper, we focus on the codebook design phase of the VQ algorithm. To further improve the image compression performance on both BR and distortion, our approach extends the advantages of CCB and PCB. It is a more general version of codebook, which implies that either PCB or CCB can be viewed as a special case of our proposed approach.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows:in Section 2, the related works and PCB-based methods are briefly reviewed. Our algorithm is presented in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the experimental results. Finally, the conclusions are presented in Section 5.

2 Related works

The VQ-based methods for image compression are widely used, according to the methods of codebooks training, there are two kinds of codebooks, CCB is the codebook trained for all input images, and PCB [12] is the codebook trained specially for input image.

2.1 Private codebook scheme

In the standard PCB method, the training image is divided into a set of nonoverlapped image blocks of n × n pixels, and the LGB algorithm is implemented on these blocks to generate a PCB. The difference between this PCB and CCB is that PCB is trained by the input image, thus it can get a good compression on this input image, but usually performs poorly on other images, and the PCB should be transmitted along with the index table (IT) which requires a large consumption in bandwidth and storage.

The basic PCB generating steps are as follows:

  • Input: An image of N × N.

  1. Step 1:

    Divide the input image into blocks of n × n pixels;

  2. Step 2:

    Initiate K codewords \( {\mathtt{c}}_k^1,k=1,2,\cdots, K \) randomly;

  3. Step 3:

    Partition all blocks into K clusters according to the minimum distances between codewords and blocks, the optimization is as follow:

    $$ \arg \underset{k}{\min}\left\{{\left\Vert \mathtt{v}-{\mathtt{c}}_k^t\right\Vert}_2|k=1,2,\cdots, K\right\} $$

    where \( \mathtt{v} \) denotes an input image block and \( {\mathtt{c}}_k^t \) denotes an arbitrary codeword in iteration t, \( \mathtt{v} \) is partitioned into the cluster of \( {\mathtt{c}}_k^t \)

  4. Step 4:

    Average all the blocks in each cluster as the new codeword, the equation is below:

    $$ {\mathtt{c}}_k^t=\sum \limits_{n=1}^{a(k)}{\mathrm{v}}_n/a(k) $$

    where a(k) is the number of the blocks in cluster of \( {\mathtt{c}}_k^t \).

  5. Step 5:

    If \( \sum \limits_{k=1}^K\left|{\mathtt{c}}_k^t-{\mathtt{c}}_k^{t-1}\right|\le \varepsilon \), terminate the training algorithm and output \( {\mathtt{c}}_k^t \) as the finalcodewords. Otherwise return to Step 2.

The PCB method is different from other VQ-based methods by the codebook. The codewords are obtained from the input image and need to transmit along with the encoding result.

There are a lot of PCB-based methods, such as the widely used self-organizing maps (SOM) [33, 34] and learning vector quantization (LVQ) [11]. Moreover, gene algorithm is also applied to generate the PCB and artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm as well as particle swarm optimization algorithm are also employed in generating PCB [9, 10, 28]. Paper [32] gives a series of methods that combine principal component analysis (PCA) [6, 14] and evolutionary algorithm (EA) to generate the PCB. An enhanced initialization method to train PCB is also given in [13]. The ideas of these methods are different, but the input image is employed to generate new codewords and the codebook is transmitted along with the index table in all these methods, thus they are all PCB-based methods.

2.2 The drawbacks

In PCB, the improvement of performance on distortion comes from the codebook trained by the input image, in other words, the information of the input image is used to improve the distortion of the PCB. However, in the decoding phase, the PCB must be transmitted along with the IT. Considering that transmitting and storing such a codebook is a large consumption in bandwidth and storage, thus how to decrease this consumption is meaningful to decrease the BR while holding the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).

Assume a given grayscale image of M × N pixels is divided into a sequence of nonoverlapped image blocks of n × n pixels. In the encoding procedure, each image block is encoded by a codebook of K codewords, the collection of indices of all image blocks are called IT. The BR of CCB can be calculated as follow [12]:

$$ {BR}_{CCB}=\frac{1}{n\times n}{\log}_2K $$

Compared with the CCB method, the calculation of BR in PCB method is more complicated due to the bandwidth consumption of transmitting PCB. It equals the sum of BR in CCB method and the bandwidth of transmitting PCB, and the equation is given as follow [12]:

$$ {BR}_{PCB}={BR}_{CCB}+\frac{K\times n\times n\times 8}{M\times N} $$

PCB can improve the performance of distortion by taking more bandwidth consumption. However, the usage count of each CCB codeword is quite different and some codewords may be rarely used. A sorted statistical result on the usage count of each CCB codeword on testing image of Lena is given in Fig. 1, and it is obvious that not each codeword is used in the encoding procedure and the counts of some codewords are too low which can be considered as inactive codewords.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The sorted usage counts of all codewords, the CCB of 256 codewords is applied on test image of Lena, the points on the left of the boundary are inactive codewords in CCB and the points on the right of the boundary are active codewords in CCB

Though PCB method can improve the performance of distortion, considering the resources it consumes, in fact the performance of distortion is improved at the expense of a higher BR, which is still inefficient. To generate a more efficient codebook that can obtain a better performance of distortion at a little higher BR, the general codebook design (GCB) algorithm is proposed in Section 3.

3 The proposed algorithm

3.1 The motivation

The algorithm proposed in this paper is called general codebook (GCB), and it is a more general version codebook that extends PCB and CCB. For most VQ-based methods, the distortion and BR are two important compression criteria to evaluate the performance of the designed codebook [1, 15], and either PCB or CCB can only achieve a good result on one of these two criteria. Therefore, our GCB algorithm aims at decreasing the BR and improving the distortion at the same time. Considering that some codewords in the initial codebook are inefficient for improving the distortion as introduced in Section 2, a new GCB scheme (to inherit the advantages of PCB and CCB) is given, where the codewords should be easy to generate and efficient to represent the input image. The GCB scheme keeps the active codewords of CCB and also updates new codewords of input image. Figure 1 in Section 2 shows that not each codeword needs to be replaced by new generated codeword. In most situations, transmitting each codeword is a waste of BR. If we choose properly, only replacing a few codewords can improve the distortion efficiently, it is a trade-off between BR and distortion. Then, there are two problems remain to be solved: (1) how to generate the new codewords to replace the old ones; (2) which codewords are chosen to be replaced.

3.2 The proposed GCB algorithm

Suppose that CCB has already been obtained by LGB algorithm, which is used as the initial codebook in our algorithm, it should be specified that CCB is trained by 12 widely used images in Fig. 5. The input image is used to train the initial codebook with our GCB algorithm. This training image is divided into M × N/(n × n) nonoverlapped image blocks, each block can be viewed as a n × n dimensional input vector. The distances between an input vector x and K codewords of codebook are calculated, then x is classified into the class of its nearest codeword. The PSNR of each block is calculated by Eq. (5) and Eq. (6).

$$ PSNR=10\times \lg \left(\frac{{\left({2}^n-1\right)}^2}{MSE}\right) $$
$$ MSE=\frac{1}{n\times n}\sum \limits_{i=1}^n\sum \limits_{j=1}^n{\left\Vert x\left(i,j\right)-c\Big(i,j\Big)\right\Vert}^2 $$

In Eq. (6), x denotes an image block, c denotes the nearest codeword of x, and n is the width and height of an image block x. (i, j) represents the location of pixel on the image.

As we mentioned above, we solve the problem (1) (how to generate the new codewords to replace the old ones) first. The motivation of our algorithm is to obtain a more general version of codebook than PCB and CCB, which is supposed to achieve the best balance between BR and distortion. For this purpose, the new codewords should be generated from the blocks encoded poorly by initial codewords, and the CCB is usually chosen as the initial codebook. On this basis, all these blocks are firstly divided into two parts by a threshold Th of PSNR according to the initial codebook. The blocks with higher PSNR are put into the good part, which is called as the set Sg, and these blocks are not processed further in the following procedure. The blocks with lower PSNR are partitioned into the poor part which is called as the set Sp, and these blocks obviously have a bad influence on the performance of distortion, which means the initial codebook encodes these blocks poorly. For the purpose of generating the new codewords, P codewords are then trained from these blocks in Sp as given in Eq. (7).

$$ P=\mathit{\arg}\underset{j=1,2,\dots, \mathrm{K}}{\min}\left|\frac{\sum \limits_{i=1}^j{cn}_i}{\sum \limits_{i=1}^K{cn}_i}- pcount\right| $$

In Eq. (7), cni denotes the usage count of ith codeword and pcount is a threshold to decide how many codewords are regarded as inactive.

Then, we solve problem (2) (which codewords are chosen to be replaced). Since it has been given that some codewords in the initial codebook are inactive, we give the Eq. (7) to decide which one is needed to be replaced. In this equation, how to choose pcount can decide the P, 5% is an empirical constant to decide the total number of blocks that encoded by the codewords to be replaced. At last a new codebook is generated by replacing the P codewords mostly inactive. The algorithm is shown below.

  1. Step 1:

    Divide the training image into M × N/(n × n) nonoverlapped image blocks.

  2. Step 2:

    Copy the CCB as initial codebook.

  3. Step 3:

    Set a PSNR threshold Th.

  4. Step 4:

    Process each image block x by the following substeps:

  5. 1)

    Find the closest codeword idx-th in codebook for x and calculate the PSNR of x.

  6. 2)

    If the PSNR is higher than the threshold Th, increase the usage count of the idx-th codeword by one. Classify x as a member of idx-th group, put x into set Sg; otherwise put x into set Sp immediately.

  7. Step 5:

    Step 5: Sort all the codewords in an ascending order of usage count and denote the usage count of each codeword as cni i = 1,2,…,K.

  8. Step 6:

    Set i = 1, calculate P by Eq. (7).

  9. Step 7:

    Cluster the blocks of set Sp into P classes by LGB iterations.

  10. Step 8:

    Replace P mostly inactive codewords in codebook by P newly generated codewords in Step 7.

  11. Step 9:

    Output the codebook as GCB.

Compared to PCB, our GCB has three advantages: (1) the image blocks are divided into two parts by Th of PSNR, where the Sp contains the blocks that have bad distortion encoded by CCB. Only this part is used to update the codewords in the initial CCB. In contrast, all blocks are used in the iterations to update the codewords in PCB. In fact, the key to improve the performance of the codebook is to encode the blocks with poor distortion. In PCB algorithm, using the blocks with good performances to update the codewords may not perform well, since the poor blocks may still be poorly encoded by the codewords updated in PCB. However, our GCB avoids this disadvantage by only updating the codewords with poorly encoded blocks in Sp. (2) In GCB, only the most inactive codewords are updated, it means only a small number of codewords are transmitted, thus the bandwidth can be significantly saved. In PCB, all codewords are updated, thus all the codebook needs to be transmitted. In GCB only a few codewords are updated by the blocks in Sp which means only these codewords are transmitted, the bandwidth is saved and only the blocks in Sp are improved while the blocks in Sg are not influenced at all. (3) Compared to PCB, our GCB gets the new updated codewords by iterating the codewords in Sp, the computational cost is much lower than PCB because the number of image blocks in Sp is small. The performance analysis in Section 3.3 is given to show the reason why only the poor blocks are improved.

3.3 The performance analysis

Compared with the initial CCB, only P codewords are updated and transmitted for saving the bandwidth in GCB method, therefore the BR of this algorithm is between CCB and PCB. In fact, the experiments in the next section demonstrate that the number of most inactive codewords indexed by 5% blocks is very small, it means only a few codewords are transmitted in GCB, so the BR of the proposed GCB is only a little higher than CCB but much lower than PCB. Moreover, the improved performance of GCB compared with CCB mainly comes from the P updated codewords. Considering that the blocks in set Sp have lower PSNR, better codewords are needed to improve their PSNR. There are two classes of codewords in GCB, the old codewords from CCB, and the new codewords trained by image blocks in Sp. The input blocks can be encoded by any codewords in both classes. If the blocks in Sg are encoded by old codewords, the performance of these blocks will stay the same. If they are encoded by the new codewords, the performance should be better than old codewords otherwise they must be encoded by the old codewords. It is just opposite for the blocks in Sp, if these blocks are encoded by the new codewords, they will have a better performance than using the old codewords. No matter the blocks are in Sg or Sp, they will be encoded better than using CCB.

The formula to calculate BR of GCB is as follows:

$$ {BR}_{GCB}={BR}_{CCB}+\frac{P\times n\times n\times 8+{\log}_2K}{M\times N} $$

Compared to BR of PCB defined in Eq. (4), since P is much smaller than K and the bandwidth consumption of the flags for updated codewords is negligible, thus the BR of GCB is much smaller than PCB.

3.4 The selection of thresholds of Th and pcount

There are two important thresholds in GCB algorithm, the first one is the PSNR threshold Th that determines how an input block is encoded. Basically, an empirical threshold is good enough, Th = 30 dB is usually used.

Figure 2 below gives an example of the CCB with 256 codewords on testing image of Lena, which describes the relationship between Th and the ratio of the blocks in Sp among the total blocks. When Th equals 30 dB, 34.3% of the blocks are assigned to Sp.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Relationship between Th and the ratio of Sp in total blocks. The CCB of 256 codewords is tested on Lena, the block is 4 × 4pixels

The second threshold is pcount. P can be computed by Eq. (7) with pcount fixed. In GCB algorithm, P determines the number of codewords in the initial CCB that needs to be replaced, which is also the number of codewords generated by the blocks in Sp. The usage count of codeword in initial CCB indexed by the blocks in Sg is counted in GCB algorithm, the codewords that have less usage counts will be abandoned. In order to determine which and how many codewords are abandoned, the GCB algorithm sorts the codewords in an ascending order by the usage count, then it counts the number of codewords one by one from the beginning of the order until the indexed counts of these codewords is more than 5% of total blocks in Sg. Finally, the number of codewords that we count is the value of threshold P. In this scheme, choosing pcount as 5% to determine P is relatively effective.

Figure 3 shows usage counts histogram of blocks in Sg and histogram of all blocks, where all the blocks are encoded by CCB of 256 codewords on testing image of Lena. As the curve shows in Fig. 3, most codewords are used rarely and some are even unused.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Histogram of blocks in Sg and histogram of all blocks are shown, the CCB of 256 codewords is tested on Lena, the block is 4 × 4 pixels

In fact, the idea of our algorithm is based on the property that most image blocks for compression can be encoded well by the codewords in CCB. Since the blocks in Sg have high PSNR, no further processing is needed, but the poorly encoded blocks in Sp are the key to be improved.

If the parameter P equals 0, no codeword in CCB is replaced, the codebook obtained by our GCB degenerates into CCB. If the threshold P equals K, all the codewords are replaced by the updated codewords. It is a kind of PCB. The three versions of codebook can be summarized as follows:

  1. 1)

    CCB, no codeword is transmitted, low PSNR;

  2. 2)

    PCB, all codewords are transmitted, high PSNR;

  3. 3)

    GCB, only a few codewords are transmitted, high PSNR.

Our GCB is in the middle of CCB and PCB, only a few codewords in GCB are transmitted, and the performance of distortion is close to PCB. Therefore, GCB is a more general version of codebook and either CCB or PCB is a special case of GCB.

3.5 The flowchart

Basically, there are two parts in the algorithm, the first part is to separate the blocks into Sg and Sp. The second part is to generate the GCB by Sg and Sp.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example of clustering process by our GCB algorithm

In the first part, the input image I is spilt into image blocks. The CCB encoding process is executed first to choose the codewords which can stay unchanged in the GCB, thus only a few codewords need to be updated. Compared to PCB, this procedure makes our algorithm improve the compression performance with lower BR costs.

The next part is to generate new codewords from the image blocks in Sp with poor performances of distortion by using CCB. There are a lot of practical algorithms for clustering, in this paper LBG algorithm is employed. The final codebook is composed by these two parts: the unchanged codewords in CCB and new codewords generated by LBG algorithm from Sp.

3.6 The example of GCB

In order to make the whole GCB algorithm more clearly, Fig. 4 depicts an example of the image block clustering process. 50 image blocks and a codebook of 8 codewords are employed to show the clustering process in our algorithm. The blocks are shown as solid and hollow points in Fig. 4, and the codewords are denoted as c1, c2,…,c8, respectively. In the first part of the algorithm, all these 50 blocks are encoded by CCB. They are clustered into 8 groups by minimal distance criterion. A threshold Th of PSNR is set by empirical knowledge to separate these blocks into two sets of Sp and Sg.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Twelve images used in the experiment

Equation (6) can show the similarity between the block and its nearest codeword. The higher PSNR is, the more similar the two objects are. The solid points in Fig. 4 represent the blocks in Sg that have a higher PSNR, and these points stay unchanged in the next part of algorithm. As discussed before, these points with better PSNR are not the key factors to improve the performance. The hollow points in Fig. 4 represent the blocks in Sp. These blocks are encoded poorly by the codewords in CCB. A good method to solve this problem is to generate new codewords from these blocks and this is what our proposed GCB does in the second part of the flowchart. Considering that the blocks in Sp give no help to count the codeword usage count, the algorithm only counts the blocks in Sg to get the codewords usage counts. As Fig. 4 shows, there are 40 solid blocks and 10 hollow blocks. The 40 blocks are distributed in 7 groups. Note that group c7 has no solid block in it, and the other groups are sorted in a descending order by the number of solid blocks they have. The sorted sequence is c3, c2, c4, c5, c6, c1 and c8, and they have 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 1 solid blocks respectively. According to Step 5 of our GCB, the most inactive codewords are the codewords indexed by no more than 2 blocks in total. Therefore, group c7 and c8 are chosen as the codewords to be replaced and the threshold P is determined as 2 in this example.

As the threshold P decides that two codewords need to be replaced, thus the second part of algorithm generates two codewords from the blocks in Sp. The centroid updating process is executed to improve the distortion of the codebook, and LBG algorithm is employed in this procedure, where P codewords are generated from the blocks in Sp. In this example P equals 2, which means two corresponding codewords c7 and c8 are replaced by the newly generated codewords. As mentioned earlier, these new codewords can improve the PSNR for image blocks in both sets Sg and Sp. Finally, the new GCB is obtained by our algorithm.

The GCB codebook design procedure is introduced above. For a VQ process, the next two phases are image encoding and image decoding. In the image encoding procedure, the nearest codeword for each block is searched and its index is transmitted. All of these indices construct the IT. In the encoding procedure of CCB, only IT consumes the bandwidth, and in the encoding procedure of PCB another overhead part of bandwidth is the codewords in PCB, this bandwidth consumption can be effectively reduced by our GCB algorithm. In the example of Fig. 4, only two codewords and the flags of the codewords that are replaced need to be transmitted along with IT.

In the decoding phase, to reconstruct the input image, GCB and IT are needed. Firstly, we reconstruct GCB with the transmitted codewords and their replacing flags. The decoding side has an initial CCB in advance, the codewords that are replaced can be determined by the flags, GCB is obtained by replacing these codewords. When GCB is obtained on decoder side, the decoding procedure can be then executed.

4 Experiment

4.1 Setup of simulation

The experiments are performed on HP personal computer with a CPU of core E7500 @ 2.93GHz and 8G RAM. In the experiments, LBG algorithm is employed to generate the initial CCB of different sizes. Twelve input images of Airplane, Baboon, Boat, Bridge, Couple, Girl, Goldhill, Lake, Lena, Pepper, Splash, Tiffany of 512 × 512 pixels are shown in Fig. 5. They are used as test images to compare the performances of our GCB algorithm and four codebook generating algorithms, which are Hu’s PCB, differential evolution algorithm (DEA), SOM algorithm and CCB. Hu’s PCB, DEA and SOM are 3 PCB-based algotithms. The termination threshold of LBG algorithm is set to 10−3. The CCB, SOM algorithm and Hu’s PCB have 6 kinds of sizes as K = 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096. In GCB algorithm, Th is fixed as 30 dB, pcount and P are chosen according to the experiment demands, which will be given in the comparison. The CCB is trained by the 12 images directly, the encoder side and decoder side can obtain the CCB offline which means no transmission is needed.

As mentioned before, each test image is divided into nonoverlapped image blocks of 4 × 4 pixels, so there are 16,384 blocks in total for each test image. There are two mainly used criteria to evaluate the performances of above methods in our experiments, where PSNR is employed to measure the distortion of reconstructed images and BR is also given to compare the proposed GCB method with four other algorithms.

4.2 A brief introduction of compared algorithms

In the experiments, four algorithms are employed to verify the performance of our GCB. Hu’s PCB is implemented as [30] described. CCB is obtained by training the 12 test images in Fig. 5 with LBG algorithm.

A self-organizing map (SOM) is a type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional, discretized representation of the input space of the training samples. Since the codebook obtained by SOM is special for the input image, SOM is a PCB-based algorithm.

The Fig. 6 is the SOM network, a neuron in competitive layer can be looked as a codeword, and the final weight vector of competitive layer is a codebook. Whenever a neuron is activated, the hit counter adds 1, most neurons are barely hit and only a few of them are frequently used. This also supports our point in Section 2: some codewords are so barely used that they can be considered as inactive.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The neurons hit by the input vectors in SOM networks. There are256 neurons (codewords) and input vectors are blocks of Lena

The differential evolution algorithm (DEA) is a kind of gene algorithm [2, 8, 18]. In this algorithm, every codeword is looked as an individual in a population. In each iteration, every individual is updated by mutation and crossover, a better individual is selected by the fitness function. The parameter is given in Table 1. DEA is also a PCB-based algorithm.

Table 1 The initial parameters of DEA

4.3 Comparison results

Table 2 lists the results of the distortion on PSNR and BR by using GCB of different sizes. It is shown that the distortion of the reconstructed image decreases as the codebook size increases. The corresponding updated codewords counts P are 48, 100, 128, 256, 512 and 820, and the corresponding required BR of GCB are 0.4609, 0.5488, 0.6406, 0.750, 0.8875, 1.150bpp respectively.

Table 2 The distortion of PSNR (dB) of twelve test images achieved by GCB

Tables 3 and 4 list the results of distortion of the compressed images by using Hu’s PCB, SOM algorithm and GCB. All results of three methods are compared at the same BR of 1.125bpp and 1.688bpp respectively. To get the same BR of PCB-based methods, the GCB is tested on the codebook of 2048 and 4096 codewords while the codebooks of PCB-based algorithms are 1024 and 2048 correspondingly, P is tuned to get the BR of 1.125bpp on codebook of 2048 and 1.688bpp on codebook of 4096. It is shown that the performance of GCB is best at the same BR.

Table 3 Comparative results of PSNR with Hu’s PCB, SOM algorithm at the BR of 1.125bpp
Table 4 Comparative results of PSNR with Hu’s PCB, SOM algorithm at the BR of 1.688bpp

We also test DEA against our GCB, the DEA is tested on codebook of 128 while GCB is tested on codebook of 256. The results are listed in Table 5. The BR of our GCB is 0.46 bpp while the BR of DEA is 0.50 bpp. The results show that our GCB performs better even at a lower BR. Considering the computational complexity, the bigger size of codebook is not tested and the codebook of 128 is an example to verify the better performance of GCB.

Table 5 The comparative result of DEA and our GCB on the codebook size of 128

To verify the effectiveness of our GCB algorithm, comparative results of rate-distortion of Hu’s PCB, SOM algorithm, CCB and our GCB are listed in Fig. 7. The bandwidth of the CCB is not included in calculating the BR, therefore the BR of CCB is lower than other algorithms. The advantage of our GCB algorithm is that only the necessary P codewords are transmitted, which make it have a lower BR than 3 kinds of PCB-based methods and the PSNR of GCB and PCB-based methods are closed.

Fig. 7
figure 7figure 7

Comparative results of VQ on twelve test images with four algorithms of CCB, Hu’s PCB, SOM and GCB. In each sub-figure, the four algorithms are tested in different sizes of 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096. Each point means a size of codebook

PCB and CCB can be viewed as the two special cases of our GCB algorithm. When P equals K, GCB becomes a PCB. When P equals 0, GCB becomes a CCB. It is shown that the curve of our GCB algorithm is the best among all rate-distortion curves in Fig. 7. It is also shown that the curve of CCB performs worst among four codebooks. When BR is lower than 0.6 bpp, PCB and GCB achieve almost the same performances, but they still perform better than CCB. When BR is larger than 0.6 bpp, GCB provides the best performance among these three comparative schemes.

The computational cost is also an important aspect in this research. Many methods focus on reducing the computational cost, such as paper [27] puts the computational cost as a significant concern in the algorithm designing. To verify the good performance of our GCB, the computational cost is collected. As a VQ-based compression method, there are three stages: codebook generating, encoding and decoding.

The cost of encoding is same for all VQ-based methods since this stage is searching the closest codeword to the block. The cost of decoding is also same for all VQ-based methods since this stage is a look-up table operation. The difference among common codebook (CCB), Hu’s private codebook (PCB), self-organizing maps (SOM), differential evolution algorithm (DEA) and general codebook (GCB) is the codebook generating stage.

For CCB, the codebook is pre-generated, thus, its cost is 0. For DEA, the computational cost is still a research topic [2, 8, 18]. The cost of DEA is usually very large, we only give the real computational time in our experiment. The remaining three methods: GCB, Hu’s PCB and SOM are compared by using computational cost and real computational time (Table 6).

Table 6 The computational cost of five methods tested on Lena

The experiment is conducted on Lena with a codebook of 256 codewords, the experiment platform is a computer with 16GB RAM and Intel core i7–6700 CPU@3.40 GHz. These five methods are tested on Matlab 2015b.

The size of test image is N × N, The max iterator in codebook generating is t, the block size is 4 × 4, and the number of codeword is K. The computational cost of SOM in codebook generating stage is N2Kt/16. The computational cost of Hu’s PCB is (N2Kt + N2K + θ2N2Kt)/16 where θ2 ∈ (0, 1]. For a PCB is first generated (computational cost is N2Kt/16), the blocks are encoded by this PCB (computational cost is N2K/16) and then a few codewords are updated (computational cost is θ2N2Kt/16). The computational cost of GCB is the smallest among Hu’ PCB, GCB and SOM. The initiate codebook is CCB, the blocks are first encoded by CCB (the computational cost is N2K/16), then a few codewords are trained from the blocks in Sp (the blocks poorly encoded determined by Th), the computational cost is θ1N2Kt/16, where θ1 ∈ (0, 1]. The cost of generating codewords is usually large, but only a few codewords are trained and the number of blocks for training is small, thus our GCB consumes the shortest time in SOM, Hu’s PCB and GCB methods.

Our GCB is compared to two state-of-the-art algorithms. The embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm (EZW) comes from the paper [29] which introduces an encode algorithm based on wavelet transforme. The enhanced side match vector quantization (ESMVQ) is an effective low-bit rate coding algorithm [21]. In ESMVQ algorithm, the concept of complementary state codebook (CSC) is proposed to improve the reconstructed image quality. By using CSC, ESMVQ can achieve almost the same encoding visual quality as using the conventional VQ. These three algorithms are compared at BR close to 0.5 bpp, our GCB ourperforms on most test images (Table 7).

Table 7 The comparision results of PSNR for EZW, ESMVQ and GCB

5 Conclusion

In this paper, a scheme to generate an efficient GCB codebook is proposed. The generated codebook decreases the BR of the PCB-based methods by only transmitting a small number of updated codewords and the replacing flags. The blocks are firstly encoded by CCB, and then they are divided into two sets by their PSNR. The blocks well encoded are put into set Sg and the blocks poorly encoded are put into set Sp. The blocks in Sp are trained by LBG algorithm to generate P codewords afterwards, where the threshold P is determined by Eq. (5). Then the P mostly inactive codewords are replaced by the P generated codewords, finally GCB is obtained. The proposed GCB is tested on 12 test images with various kinds of PCB-based algorithms and CCB. Compared to these algorithms, the curve of our GCB is higher, so the distortion of GCB is the best at the same BR.

Experimental results demonstrate that by updating some inactive codewords in the CCB with codewords generated by the LBG algorithm, GCB saves the BR and achieves a better performance than various kinds of PCB-based algorithms and CCB at the same BR.