1 Introduction

Person re-identification (re-ID) is the task of matching people under cross scenarios, which has received increasing attention in automated surveillance system for its potential applications in human retrieval, cross-camera tracking and so on. From the perspective of computer vision community, the greatest challenge in person re-ID is how to match two images of the same person correctly under the variances of lighting, pose and viewpoint. Person re-ID lies in between image classification [6, 54, 57] and retrieval [55, 56, 62, 64, 66, 68]. In the task of image classification, the training samples are available for each class, and the testing samples fall into these pre-defined classes. In the task of image retrieval, there is no training sample because the content of query is unknown in advance while the gallery may contain various types of objects. Therefore, the training classes are not available and the testing classes are previously unseen. Compared to the image classification task, person re-ID is similar in that the training classes are available, which includes available samples of different identities. While, person re-ID is also similar to image retrieval in that the testing classes are previously unseen, that is there is no overlap between the training and testing identities. Previous person re-ID works [29, 30, 63, 65] usually take advantage of both image classification and retrieval. Despite the best efforts from the researchers, the person re-ID is still an unsolved problem and has widespread practical application values.

The previous mainstream works in person re-ID typically focus on visual feature representation [2, 21, 50, 61] and distance metric learning [26, 35, 60]. Recently, deep learning has achieved record leading in person re-ID community [43, 44, 51, 65]. Among the deep learning based methods for person re-ID, in an attempt to make full use of pedestrian identity annotation, the identification CNN model is employed to learn deep feature for each pedestrian image. On the large-scale datasets (e.g., PRW [69] and MARS [65]), the identification CNN model has achieved good re-ID performance without any special training sample selection process. Yet the application of this identification CNN model requires a rich amount of training samples per identity for model convergence. In the existing available identification CNN model, the softmax loss function is employed as the supervision signal to train the CNN model. The softmax loss only encourages the separability of learned deep features between different identities. However, a concurrent problem is that the intra-class variances have not been considered during the training process of CNN model. In the person re-ID datasets, the existing training samples exhibit obviously intra-class variances as shown in Fig. 1 under large variances of lighting, pose and viewpoint. The neglect of intra-class variances in training set may compromise the discriminative ability of CNN model. In this paper, we will thus provide a possible solution on how to improve the discriminative ability of CNN model for person re-ID in which the inter-class dispersion and intra-class aggregation can be constrained as much as possible.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Training samples of some identities in Market-1501 [63] (top two rows) and CUHK03 [29] (bottom two rows) datasets. We observe that the intra-class variances are obvious

Given the above considerations, this paper is motivated by the strengths of the two loss functions (i.e., softmax loss and center loss) and leverages their complementary aspects to improve the discriminative ability of CNN model for person re-ID. During the training process of CNN model, the inter-class and intra-class variances are both constrained, simultaneously. To summarize, the main contributions of this paper are listed below.

  • We combine the softmax loss and center loss functions to further minimize the intra-class variances for training a more discriminative CNN model for person re-ID.

  • On three important person re-ID benchmarks (i.e., Market-1501 [63], CUHK03 [29] and MARS [65]), our loss combination identification CNN model demonstrates the consistent improvement over the corresponding baseline and yields a very competitive re-ID performance compared with state-of-the-art person re-ID methods.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review the related work briefly. Our loss combination based identification CNN model for person re-ID is described in Section 3. In Section 4, extensive experimental results are presented on Market-1501, CUHK03 and MARS datasets. Finally, we conclude this paper in Section 5.

2 Related work

This paper focuses on improving the discriminative ability of the existing identification CNN model for person re-ID. In this section, we will discuss the related works in image-based and video-based person re-ID based on deep learning.

2.1 Image-based person re-ID based on deep learning

Deep learning has been popular in computer vision community since Krizhevsky et al. [25] won ILSVRC 2012. The success of deep learning spreads to person re-ID community in 2014, when the two person re-ID works [29, 58] employ deep learning to determine whether a pair of input pedestrian images belong to the same identity. Generally, there are two types of CNN models that are commonly employed in person re-ID. The first type is the identification CNN model which has been widely used in image classification [25] and object detection [17]. The second type is the siamese model which employs pedestrian image pairs or triplets as input samples and is used in image retrieval [36] and face recognition [39].

In person re-ID community, the major bottleneck of deep learning based method is the lack of training samples for each identity. Because of the difficulty in pedestrian annotation, most of the person re-ID datasets provide only a few images for each identity such as VIPeR [18], iLIDS [70], CUHK01 [28], CUHK02 [27], RAiD [11] and PRID 450S [38]. Currently, most of the deep learning based person re-ID methods focus on the Siamese model due to the number of training samples for each identity is limited. Yi et al. [58] employ a Siamese model, in which the image is first partitioned into three overlapping horizontal parts, and then the parts go through two convolutional layers and finally are fused by a fully connected layer. The filter pairing network architecture designed in [29] is that a patch matching layer is imposed which evaluates the convolutional layer responses of two images in different horizontal stripes. Ahmed et al. [1] design an improved Siamese CNN architecture by imposing a special layer to learn the cross-image representation via computing the neighborhood distance between two input images. Wang et al. [45] design a joint learning Siamese CNN framework, in which the matching of single-image representation and the classification of cross-image representation are jointly learned for pursuing better re-ID accuracy with moderate computational cost. The combination of two representations is utilized the advantages of respective properties that the single-image representation is efficient in matching, while cross-image representation is effective in modeling the relationship between probe and gallery images. Wu et al. [49] design a CNN architecture called “PersonNet”, in which the network depth is increased using convolutional filters of smaller sizes. Varior et al. [44] integrate the long short-term memory (LSTM) module into the Siamese model. The multiple LSTM modules process image regions sequentially for memorizing the spatial connections of regions to enhance the discriminative ability of the learned deep features. Varior et al. [43] propose to insert a gating function after each convolutional layer in the Siamese model to capture effective subtle patterns. However, the Siamese model based re-ID method has disadvantage in time efficiency (especially in large-scale datasets). The queries have to pair with each gallery image before being sent into the network during testing, although it achieves state-of-the-art performance on several re-ID benchmarks. While the above works use image pairs as input, Cheng et al. [10] design a triplet based Siamese CNN architecture which employs triplet images as input. The four overlapping body parts for each pedestrian are partitioned after the first convolutional layer, and fused with a global one in the fully connected layer. Liu et al. [33] propose a multi-scale triplet-based CNN architecture which integrates deep and shadow networks to capture pedestrian appearance at different scales. Su et al. [40] propose a Siamese CNN architecture which employs an attribute based triplet loss trained on datasets with identities.

With the scale growth of person re-ID datasets, each pedestrian has a rich amount training samples. Xiao et al. [51] train identities from multiple datasets directly with the identification CNN model. An impact score is proposed for each fully connected neuron, while a domain-guided dropout is imposed based on the impact score. The learned deep features yield excellent re-ID performance. Zheng et al. employ the identification CNN model to achieve excellent re-ID performance on larger datasets PRW [69] without careful training sample selection process. Xiao et al. [52] train a identification model to jointly consider the pedestrian detection and the person re-ID problem on a large-scale dataset which contains 99,809 annotated bounding boxes for 8,432 pedestrian identities. Zheng et al. [71] introduce the unlabeled samples generated by generative adversarial network (GAN) [37] to improve the re-ID performance of the identification CNN model. Lin et al. [31] propose an attribute-person recognition (APR) network based on the identification CNN model, which learns a identity embedding and predicts the pedestrian attributes simultaneously. Sun et al. [41] propose to decorrelate the learned weight vectors using singular vector decomposition (SVD) based on the identification CNN model. In the person re-ID survey [67], some baseline results are presented for both the Siamese and identification CNN models on Market-1501 [63] dataset. From which, the identification CNN model outperforms Siamese model. Because a main drawback of the Siamese model is that it does not make full use of pedestrian identity annotations. The contrastive loss or triplet loss layer in the Siamese model is formulated the similarity of pair-wise or triplet samples, which is the weekly supervision representation of constraining an image pair is belong to the same identity or not. Moreover, as the scale growth of dataset, the number of pair-wise or triplet based samples will grow exponentially. It will bring a convergence problem during the training process of CNN model. Overall, the identification CNN model is more suitable for practical application in large-scale person re-ID.

2.2 Video-based person re-ID based on deep learning

In video-based person re-ID, the data volume of dataset is typically larger since each tracklet contains a number of image sequences such as ETHZ [15], 3DPES [3], PRID 2011 [20], iLIDS-VID [46] and MARS [65] datasets. Since most of these image sequences for each tracklet contain pedestrians, we could use these image sequences directly for training CNN model rather than employing complex video semantic pooling [8] operation. Meanwhile, the large data volume is beneficial for training a scalable CNN model. In [65], the identification CNN model is adopted to train identities, and has been proved the effectiveness of loss convergence and performance improvement. In [53], a novel recurrent feature aggregation framework is proposed to exploit a globally discriminative feature representation from a sequence of tracked person patches by long short term memory (LSTM). Compared with image-based person re-ID, the video is regarded as multiple image sequences for each matching unit. So the video matching strategy is employed by multi-match or a single-match after video pooling, respectively. The multi-match strategy leads to higher computational cost, especially become problematic on large-scale datasets. The single-match strategy has better scalability which aggregates the frame-level features into a global feature representation. In this work, we follow the single-match strategy after video pooling (average and max pooling) adopted in [65] for video-based person re-ID on MARS dataset.

Recently, a center loss function [48] is designed to minimize intra-class variances for robust face recognition. Compared with the task of face recognition, the phenomenon of intra-class variances is also obvious in person re-ID. But there are significant differences between the two tasks. Our work departs from previous methods in two aspects. First, this work focuses on person re-ID, a task in which the intra-class variances is obvious and the number of training samples for each identity is much fewer. Second, the center loss is imposed on the conventional identification CNN model to further constrain the intra-class features aggregation and keep inter-class features dispersion at the same time. The center loss and softmax loss have complementary advantages. The combination of center loss and softmax loss is proved to be an effectiveness way in the person re-ID task.

3 Our approach

In this section, we elaborate our loss combination method based on the identification CNN model for person re-ID. We first describe the overall architecture of deep neural network, which is an ID-discriminative Embedding deep learning framework for each identity. Then, we show the details of our method including the loss function combination, the training process of CNN model, and the testing process of person re-ID. Figure 2 illustrates the overall architecture of our loss combination method based on the identification CNN modelFootnote 1 for person re-ID.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The overall architecture of our loss combination method based on the identification CNN model for person re-ID

3.1 Overall architecture of deep neural network

Our network is an identification CNN model in which the softmax loss and center loss are combined to encourage the learned deep features of inter-class dispersed separably and intra-class aggregated compactly, simultaneously. In this way, the differences of the inter-class features are enlarged, while the intra-class features variances are reduced. So that, the discriminative ability of CNN model can be significantly improved for person re-ID. In this paper, the learned deep features will be directly used for person re-ID without any additional feature selection [5, 7] process in a simple way. The training process of the identification CNN model is essentially learning an ID-discriminative embedding in the person subspace for each identity. The testing process of person re-ID can be regarded as a special image search task, in which the deep features of pedestrian images in probe and gallery sets are extracted by the trained CNN model.

The training set is given as \({\mathcal {D}} = \left \{ {{{\textbf {x}}_{i}},{{y}_{i}}} \right \}_{i = 1}^{N}\), in which the pedestrian image is x i , and the ID is y i . The goal is to train a identification CNN model \(\mathbb {M}\), which can be regarded as a mapping \({\mathop \mathrm {f}\nolimits } \left ({{\mathbf {x}},{\mathbf {\theta }}} \right )\in \mathbb {R}^{C}\), where 𝜃 represents the parameters of each layer in the network. The 𝜃 is updated using optimization algorithm in each mini-batch iteration. The t-th iteration updates the current parameters 𝜃 t as following formula:

$$ \theta_{t + 1} = \theta_{t} + \gamma \cdot \frac{1}{\left|\mathcal{D}_{t} \right|}\sum\limits_{\left( \textbf{x,y} \in \mathcal{D}_{t}\right)} \nabla_{\theta t}\left[{l\left( \textbf{x,y} \right)} \right] $$

where γ is learning rate, \({{\mathcal {D}}_{t}}\) is a mini-batch randomly selected from the training set \({\mathcal {D}}\), ∇ is gradient operation and l is the loss function.

During the training process of CNN model, 10% of the samples in training set are randomly selected as validation samples. The settings of intermediate layers (i.e., convolutional layer, pooling layer and fully connected layer) are default. The output number of last fully connected layer (FC8 in Fig. 2) is setting as the total number of identities in the training set (i.e., 751, 1,160 and 631 on Market-1501 [63], CUHK03 [29] and MARS [65] datasets, respectively). The loss layer is the supervision signal that guides the training process of the identification CNN model, while the convergence of deep neural network should be guaranteed. The identification CNN model is fine-tuned from the ImageNet [14] pre-trained model.

3.2 Loss function combination

The softmax loss function is employed to force the learned deep features of inter-class staying apart, while the center loss function is designed to pull the learned deep features of intra-class to the center. The two loss functions have complementary advantages to train a more discriminative identification CNN model for person re-ID.

The softmax loss function is:

$$ \mathcal{L}_{s} = - \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {\log \frac{{{e^{W_{{{y}_{i}}}^{T}{{\textbf{x}}_{i}} +{b_{{{y}_{i}}}}}}}}{{\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{C} {{e^{{W_{j}^{T}}{{\textbf{x}}_{i}} + {b_{j}}}}}} }}, $$

where W j denotes the j-th column of the weights W in the last fully connected layer, and b is the bias term. The size of mini-batch is m. The number of identities is C. Under the supervision of softmax loss between last fully connected layer response and ground-truth ID, the learned deep features are separable for each identity. Since the intra-class variances are significant on re-ID datasets, the learned deep features are not discriminative enough. Therefore, it is not optimal to use the learned deep features directly for person re-ID task. The center loss function is an effective way to improve the discriminative ability of the learned deep features.

The center loss function is formulated as follows:

$$ \mathcal{L}_{c} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {\left\| {{{\textbf{x}}_{i}} - {{\textbf{c}}_{{{y}_{i}}}}} \right\|_{2}^{2}}, $$

where \({{{\textbf {c}}_{{{y}_{i}}}}}\) denotes the \({{{y}_{i}}}\)-th class center of deep features. The \({{{\textbf {c}}_{{{y}_{i}}}}}\) is updated based on each mini-batch. In each mini-batch iteration, the centers are calculated by averaging the features of the corresponding identities. When the \(t = {{y}_{i}}\) is satisfied, the update equation of center \({{{\textbf {c}}_{{{y}_{i}}}}}\) is as follows:

$$ {\Delta} {c_{t}} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{m} {{c_{t}} - {{\textbf{x}}_{i}}}} }{{1 + m}}, $$

where m is the size of mini-batch.

We combine the softmax loss \(\mathcal {L}_{s}\) and center loss \(\mathcal {L}_{c}\) to train the identification CNN for a more discriminative feature learning. The final loss function is

$$ \mathcal{L} = \mathcal{L}_{s} + \alpha\mathcal{L}_{c}, $$

where the parameter α is assigned to 0.008 in our experiment.

The above two loss formulations effectively deal with the variances of inter-class and intra-class. They are complementary and jointly optimize the identification CNN model effectively. If we only supervise the CNN training by the softmax loss function, the learned deep features for each identity contain large intra-class variances. Meanwhile, if we only use the center loss function as the supervision signal during the CNN model training, the learned deep features and centers for each identity would decrease to zeros. Using either of them could not obtain a optimal CNN model for person re-ID. Intuitively, minimizing the intra-class variations and keeping the features of different identities separable are both significant for training a more discriminative identification CNN model.

3.3 Details of training and testing

Details of training

The training pedestrian images are first resized to 256 ×256, then randomly cropped into a fixed sizeFootnote 2 with random horizontal flipping. The training samples are shuffled before fed into the data layer of CNN model for each iteration. The mean image is subtracted from all training images. For video-based re-ID dataset (i.e., MARS), an input tracklet is decomposed into some image sequences. The training set is composed of image sequences in video-based re-ID dataset.

We use the CAFFE [22] package to implement our method with two CNN models: CaffeNet [25] and ResNet-50 [19], respectively. We adopt the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) [4] to update the parameters of each layer. The baseline is that only softmax loss function (when α = 0) is employed as supervision signal for training the CNN model.

Details of testing

For any pedestrian image, we feed forward the image to the trained identification CNN model \(\mathbb {M}\). The learned deep feature of the pedestrian image is extracted from the fully connected layer or pooling layer.Footnote 3 In this way, the deep features of pedestrian images in the probe (query) and gallery (database) sets are obtained. The similarity can be calculated by Euclidean distance of corresponding deep features. By sorting the distance between samples in two sets (probe and gallery), the final person re-ID result could be obtained based on rank list.

For video-based re-ID dataset, we feed forward the image sequences of any pedestrian tracklet to the trained CNN model \(\mathbb {M}\). The learned deep features of image sequences can be extracted from the immediate layer as same as the image-based re-ID. For each tracklet, we can obtain a series of the learned deep features. And then, max or average pooling is employed to generate a single vector representation. Next, the re-ID process of video-based is the same as image-based method.

4 Experiments

We evaluate our method on three person re-ID benchmarks (i.e., Market-1501 [63], CUHK03 [29] and MARS [65]), in which the first two datasets are image-based and the third is video-based, respectively. The three re-ID datasets are closer towards realistic situations than previous ones. The baseline is the identification CNN model, which only employs the softmax loss as supervision signal for person re-ID. We first show the comparison results of the baseline and our method, and then we provide some comparisons with the state-of-the-art person re-ID methods on three public benchmarks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

We adopt the Cumulated Matching Characteristics (CMC) curve and mean Average Precision (mAP) for evaluation. The CMC shows the probability that a query identity appears in the ranking lists of different sizes. This evaluation protocol is generally believed to focus on precision. In case of there is only one ground-truth match for a given query, the precision and recall are the same issue. However, if multiple ground-truths exist, the CMC is biased because recall is not considered. For the above three benchmarks, there are several cross-camera ground-truths for each query. The mean Average Precision (mAP) provides a more comprehensive evaluation for person re-ID, in which both the precision and recall are considered in the rank list. In the experiments, we both report the results of CMC (The rank-1 accuracy is shown when CMC curve is absent.) and mAP for the baseline and our method on the three testing datasets.

4.1 Experiments on market-1501 dataset

The Market-1501 [63] dataset contains 32,668 bounding boxes of 1,501 identities. The generation of bounding boxes is automatically labeled by the pedestrian detector DPM [16] completely. The total 1,501 identities are split into 751 identities for training and 750 identities for testing, followed by the protocol in [63]. The initial learning rate is set to 0.001 and reduced by a factor of 0.1 after each 15 epochs. Training is done after iteration 75 epochs. The testing process is performed in the cross-camera mode.

We evaluate our method based on two identification CNN models (i.e., CaffeNet [25] and ResNet-50 [19]), with a comparison with the baseline on Market-1501 dataset in Table 1. We observe from Table 1 that the rank-1 accuracy increases from 56.03 to 56.26% (+ 0.23%), and an obviously improvement can be seen from mAP, from 32.41 to 34.67% (+ 2.26%) on CaffeNet model. On ResNet-50 model, the rank-1 accuracy increases from 72.54 to 73.07% (+ 0.53%), the mAP increases from 46.00 to 51.35% (+ 5.35%). From the results of the two CNN models, we observe that an even larger improvement can be seen from mAP than rank-1 accuracy on Market-1501 dataset. The mAP provides a more comprehensive evaluation for person re-ID when multiple ground-truths exist, in which both the precision and recall are considered in the rank list. The experiment results illustrate the effectiveness of our method. Figures 3 and 4 summarize the CMC of the baseline and our method comparison on the two CNN models, respectively. The CMC has a stable improvement from rank-1 to rank-10 on CaffeNet and ResNet-50 models.

Table 1 Comparison of the baseline and our method (rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%)) employing different CNN models on Market-1501 dataset
Fig. 3
figure 3

The CMC of the baseline and our method comparison employing CaffeNet [25] model on Market-1501 dataset

Fig. 4
figure 4

The CMC of the baseline and our method comparison employing ResNet-50 [19] model on Market-1501 dataset

Comparison with the state-of-the-art re-ID methods

We first compare our method with the conventional non-deep learning method (i.e., feature design followed by distance metric learning). The feature includes the BoW [63] descriptor and LOMO [30]. The distance metric learning methods include LMNN [47], ITML [12], KISSME [24] and XQDA [30]. As can be seen in Table 2, compared with the conventional non-deep learning method, our method brings significant improvement over benchmark in both rank-1 accuracy and mAP on Market-1501 dataset. Then we compare with some state-of-the-art person re-ID methods based on deep learning, including PersonNet [49], Semi-supervised Deep Attribute Learning (SSDAL) [40], WARCA [23], Temporal Model Adaptation (TMA) [34], End-to-end Comparative Attention Network (CAN) [32], Multi-region Bilinear CNN [42], SCSP [9], Null Space [59], Siamese LSTM [44] and Gated S-CNN [43]. From the results in Table 2, it is clear that our method significantly outperforms most of deep learning methods in both rank-1 accuracy and mAP on Market-1501 dataset. Our method is an identification CNN model, which makes full use of pedestrian ID annotation information and encourages the learned deep features of inter-class dispersed separably and intra-class aggregated compactly simultaneously. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method that the softmax loss and center loss are jointly employed as supervision signal for person re-ID task.

Table 2 Comparison with the state-of-the-art person re-ID methods (rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%)) on Market-1501 dataset

4.2 Experiments on CUHK03 dataset

The CUHK03 [29] dataset contains 13,164 bounding boxes of 1,360 identities collected from six cameras, in which each identity is observed by two cameras and has 4.8 bounding boxes on average in each camera. There are two bounding box generation versions which are manually labeled and automatically detected by the pedestrian detector DPM [16], respectively. In our experiment, we evaluate the automatically “detected” version. Following the protocol in [29], 1,360 identities are split into 1,160 identities for training, 100 identities for validation and 100 identities for testing. The initial learning rate is set to 0.001 and reduced by a factor of 0.1 after each 5 epochs. Training is done after 25 epochs. We report the averaged result after training/testing 20 times (following [29]) and use the single-shot setting. The testing process is performed in the cross-camera mode.

We evaluate our method based on two identification CNN models (i.e., CaffeNet [25] and ResNet-50 [19]), with a comparison with the baseline on CUHK03 dataset in Table 3. We observe from Table 3 that the rank-1 accuracy increases from 53.90 to 54.40% (+ 0.5%), the mAP increases from 60.11 to 60.60% (+ 0.49%) on CaffeNet model. On ResNet-50 model, both of the rank-1 accuracy and mAP have obviously improvement, the rank-1 accuracy increases from 54.50 to 56.65% (+ 2.15%), the mAP increases from 60.72 to 61.97% (+ 1.25%). Figures 5 and 6 summarize the CMC of the baseline and our method comparison on the two CNN models, respectively. The CMC has a stable improvement from rank-1 to rank-20 on CaffeNet and ResNet-50 models.

Table 3 Comparison of baseline and our method (rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%)) employing different CNN models on CUHK03 dataset
Fig. 5
figure 5

The CMC of the baseline and our method comparison employing CaffeNet [25] model on CUHK03 dataset

Fig. 6
figure 6

The CMC of the baseline and our method comparison employing ResNet-50 [19] model on CUHK03 dataset

Comparison with the state-of-the-art re-ID methods

We first compare our method with the conventional non-deep learning method. The features include the BoW [63] descriptor and LOMO [30]. The metric learning methods include LMNN [47], ITML [12], KISSME [24] and XQDA [30]. As can be seen in Table 4, compared with the conventional non-deep learning method, our CNN model brings a significant improvement of benchmark in rank-1 accuracy on CUHK03 dataset. Then we compare with some state-of-the-art person re-ID methods based on deep learning, including FPNN [29], DML [58], Improved Siamese [1] and SI-CI [45]. From the results in Table 4, it is clear that our method outperforms most of deep learning method in rank-1 accuracy on CUHK03 dataset. But the advantage of identification CNN model is restricted by the limitation amount (9.6 bounding boxes on average) of training samples for each identity on CUHK03 dataset. The experimental results still demonstrate the effectiveness of our method once again that the softmax loss and center loss are jointly employed as supervision signal for person re-ID task.

Table 4 Comparison with the state-of-the-art person re-ID methods (rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%)) on CUHK03 dataset

4.3 Experiments on MARS dataset

The MARS [65] dataset is a video-based benchmark for person re-ID, which contains 20,175 tracklets of 1,261 identities. The tracklet is generated by the DPM detector [16] and the GMMCP tracker [13]. Compared to image-based person re-ID datasets, the amount of training data is clearly larger in MARS. There are 509,914 image sequences in the training set. The total 1,261 identities are split into 631 identities for training and 630 identities for testing, followed by the protocol in [65]. During the training process of CNN model, 10% of the samples in training set are randomly selected as validation set. Pedestrian image sequences are employed to train the CNN model and learn an ID-discriminative Embedding in person subspace for each identity. The initial learning rate is set to 0.001 and reduced by a factor of 0.1 after each 4 epochs. Training is done after 16 epochs. During testing, the deep features of image sequences are extracted by the trained CNN model. The final feature representation of each tracklet is pooled by corresponding deep features of image sequences. We implement average pooling and max pooling, respectively.

Since MARS is released recently, we have not an extensive comparison results with the state-of-the-art person re-ID methods. We evaluate our method based on the CaffeNet [25] model, with a comparison with the baseline on MARS in Table 5. We observe from Table 5 that the rank-1 accuracy increases from 55.20 to 59.80% (+ 4.60%), and an improvement can be seen from mAP, from 35.78 to 42.00% (+ 6.22%) using average pooling. With the max pooling, both of the rank-1 accuracy and mAP have also obviously improvement, the rank-1 accuracy increases from 53.69 to 58.69% (+ 5.00%), the mAP increases from 33.59 to 40.56% (+ 6.97%). The average pooling has an improvement of about 2% in both the rank-1 accuracy and mAP compared with max pooling. Figures 7 and 8 summarize the CMC comparison of the baseline and our method using average pooling and max pooling, respectively. The CMC has a significant improvement and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in video-based person re-ID task. Consequently, we believe that the research of video-based person re-ID still has potential improvement.

Table 5 Comparison of the baseline and our method (rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%)) employing CaffeNet [25] model on MARS datasets
Fig. 7
figure 7

The CMC of the baseline and our method comparison using average pooling on MARS dataset

Fig. 8
figure 8

The CMC of the baseline and our method comparison using max pooling on MARS dataset

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we combine the center loss with the softmax loss jointly to supervise the training process of the identification CNN model for person re-ID task. The softmax loss and center loss are combined to encourage the learned deep features of inter-class dispersed separably and intra-class aggregated compactly. The discriminative ability of the trained CNN model can be significantly improved. Extensive experiments on three important person re-ID benchmarks (i.e., Market-1501, CUHK03 and MARS) have convincingly demonstrated the effectiveness of our method. It yields a competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art person re-ID methods.

There are several challenging directions along which we will extend this work. First, larger databases with millions of pedestrian images that contain greatly intra-class and inter-class variances will be built to fully show the strength of deep learning methods. Second, more discriminative CNN models will be investigated to learn effective pedestrian representations.