1 Introduction

A century ago, scrambling was the only way to hide information by converting it to an unintelligible format. Today, the application of scrambling varied significantly; although it is still used in the field of security, it is considered as a pre-process and/or post-process of watermarking, information hiding, fingerprinting, and encryption.

Many multimedia scrambling methods that are based on cellular automata (CA) were proposed in the literature, complex two-dimensional cellular automata was proposed as a method of scrambling both images and audio in [1] and [14] respectively. Chaotic two-dimensional cellular automata was proposed in [27] as a method to scramble images.

CA is a discrete model of computation that could be used to solve any computable task. Cellular automata are widely used in different applications, such as generating images and music in art, random number generation, pattern recognition, routing algorithms and games. The application of cellular automata in the area of digital image processing includes image enhancement, compression, encryption and watermarking [28].

We propose a scrambling method based on simple one-dimensional cellular automata combined with repetition. This type can also have many varieties, but we choose the elementary type which is the simplest cellular automata with a one-dimensional grid and a neighborhood of the nearest cells only.

This work seeks to find out how to best benefit from elementary CA characteristics in image scrambling, where different CA types were tested to see which one would lead to a higher scrambling degree. An elementary cellular automaton is a one-dimensional cellular automaton where there are two possible states (labeled 0 and 1) and the rule to determine the state of a cell in the next generation depends only on the current state of the cell and its two immediate neighbors. As such it is one of the simplest possible models of computation.

The remaining of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we review related works; Section 3 covers essential cellular automata background information; Section 4 describes the scrambling degree measurement; Section 5 presents the proposed scrambling algorithm; Section 6 gives the analysis and discussion of the experimental results, and finally, in Section 7, we conclude the work done and discuss possible directions for future work.

2 Related work

Digital image scrambling is an effective and common tool used in image encryption and data hiding, whose main goal is to reorder and change the position of image pixels and break the relationship between adjacent pixels [15]. There are many scrambling methods available. They include methods based on Advanced Encryption Standard [5], Twice Interval Division [24], Cat Chaotic Mapping [33], Magic Cube [29], Arnold Transformation [12, 17], M-sequences [32] and algorithms based on combinations [13].

Scramblers are often used as part of a multimedia security algorithm, such cases apply when scrambling algorithms are used in data hiding [16] or in encryption [9, 11, 23, 30] or watermarking [21]. Some scrambling algorithms are for specific types of images, for example, the work done in [10] covers a scrambling scheme of 3D images.

Two-dimensional cellular automata was previously used in scrambling different types of multimedia, it was used in audio scrambling as in [2], [4], and [14], as well as image scrambling as in [1] and [27]. In [1] the complex behavior was compared to the chaotic behavior scheme proposed in [27] and the complex behavior gives a higher scrambling degree than the ones of chaotic behavior.

We propose a general scrambling method based on elementary cellular automaton (CA). Elementary cellular automata has the advantage of being simpler than any other type of CA, not only for the one-dimensional grid but also for its limited verities, as there is a small number of possible rules and the allowed neighborhood is as simple as two direct neighbors.

After applying the elementary CA we found out that some of the commonly used chaotic behavior elementary CA achieves better scrambling degree than those of the complex behavior of the same type which is different from the outcome given in previous research when the two-dimensional CA were used.

Dimensions seem to have an effect on the scrambling degree, even in models that are not dependent on the CA concept. For example, in [31] authors use a one-dimensional chaotic system for scrambling images that is dependent on seed maps, another example is the work done in audio scrambling and watermarking that focus mainly on the effect of changing the dimension [6–[8].

3 Cellular automata

Cellular automata were originally proposed by Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann in the 1940s, as formal models of self-reproducing organisms [22]. What is interesting about cellular automata is its simplicity and power. CA is capable of complex behavior despite the simple computational method behind it.

In general, a CA consists of a certain number of identical cells, each of which can take a finite number of states. The cells are distributed in space in one or more dimensions. At every time step, all the cells update their states synchronously by applying rules (also called transition function). The rules use the state of the cell and the state of its neighbors as input to determine its next state. CA differ in dimension, possible states, neighborhood relationships and rules. Elementary cellular automata are the simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata. It has two possible values for each cell (usually 0 or 1) and the rules depend only on the values of the nearest neighbor. Consequently, the evolution of an elementary cellular automaton can completely be described by a table of the possible combination of each cell and its neighbors (8 possible states). The elementary cellular automata are usually referenced based on this table as there are only 256 elementary cellular automata (28), each of which can be indexed with an 8-bit binary number [22].

Figure 1 shows the way to calculate the rule number in order to refer to a specific elementary CA, in every cell in the first row there are three binary numbers which refer to the cell and its two direct neighbors, so in rule 30 if the cell is 0 and its direct left neighbor is 0 and the direct right neighbor is 0 then the cell in the table shows (000) and yields a zero in the upcoming generation. The eight states for each rule are concatenated to give the rule number.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Rule number

The behavior of the CA is based on the rules used, Wolfram [22] classified one-dimensional (1-D) CA into four broad categories: (i) Class 1: ordered behavior; (ii) Class 2: periodic behavior; (iii) Class 3: random or chaotic behavior; (iv) Class 4: complex behavior. The first two are totally predictable. Random CA is unpredictable. Somewhere in between, in the transition from periodic to chaotic, the complex behavior occurs. In our experiments we will consider class three and four, since in class one and two nearly all initial patterns evolve quickly into stable or oscillating structures.

Another thing to consider is the grid boundary, in an infinite grid, every cell has a full neighborhood, but in a finite grid there must be a way to handle cells on the edges. A CA is said to have a null boundary if the left (right) neighbor of every leftmost (rightmost) cell is set to a zero state cell, and a periodic boundary if the extreme cells at opposite sides are adjacent to one another [18]. In our experiments, we will consider both periodic and null boundaries.

4 Scrambling degree

In order to compare our proposed scheme with previous schemes, we will use the gray difference concept. The main idea of using the gray difference is to calculate the correlation between adjacent pixels. If after applying the scrambling algorithm, the adjacent pixels are still related then the scrambling algorithm did not achieve its goal of breaking the correlation between adjacent pixels and achieving high diffusion and confusion properties. In [27] the scrambling degree is defined as follows:

  1. (1)

    Compute the gray difference between each pixel in the image and its neighboring pixels except the boundary.

  2. (2)

    Find the mean gray difference for the whole image except the boundary.

  3. (3)

    Find the scrambling degree from the mean gray difference of original and scrambled images.

Let P(i, j) be the gray value of the pixel at position (i, j) and \((\acute {i},\acute {j})\) denotes the coordinates {(i−1, j),(i+1, j),(i, j−1),(i, j+1)}. Equation 1 shows the calculation of the gray difference for each pixel in the image, the difference between the pixel and its neighboring pixels is squared and divided by 4.

$$ GD(i,j)=\frac{1}{4}\sum\limits_{\acute{i},\acute{j}}\left [ P(i,j)-P(\acute{i},\acute{j}) \right ]^{2} $$

After computing the gray difference for each pixel in the image –except the pixels at the boundary– the mean gray difference of the whole image can be computed by simply summing the gray difference and dividing over the grid size without the boundary as follows:

$$ E(GD)=\frac{{\sum}_{i=2}^{M-1}{\sum}_{j=2}^{N-1}GD(i,j)}{(M-2)\times (N-2)} $$

Finally the scrambling degree is calculated, let E(GD) be the mean gray difference of the original image and \(\acute {E}(GD)\) be the mean gray difference of the scrambled image then the scrambling degree is calculated as follows:

$$ GDD=\frac{\acute{E}(GD)-E(GD)}{\acute{E}(GD)+E(GD)} $$

The value of GDD will be a number between −1 and 1. Better scrambling corresponds to an absolute value near to 1.

5 Proposed algorithm

Scrambling refers to sufficient disorder of a semantic piece of media [25]. Figure 2 shows the diagram of the image scrambling scheme proposed. Adjacent pixels in an image have a strong correlation, and in order to scramble the image, this correlation needs to be reduced. The process starts with converting the image into a one-dimensional vector, afterwards the key generated by elementary CA is used to scramble the vector, and finally a reshaping operation is applied to convert the image back to its two-dimensional representation.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Scrambling Algorithm Diagram

The algorithm starts by reading the input image and converting it to a one-dimensional array. This conversion is needed since the key produced by elementary cellular automata is one-dimensional. The key is generated by running the elementary CA to a number of generations, at each generation the position of cells that have the state of one are considered a part of the key and the cells that have the state of zero are ignored.

Assuming that the CA of the specified number of generations did not produce enough indices to cover all the original image pixels, these pixels are inserted in order, the reason why this works is that these pixels are inserted in the empty positions of the scrambled image which makes them scattered. In our experiments we show that repeating the usage of the same key more than once produces a higher scrambling degree. The reason why it is optional to repeat the process is that a good scrambling degree can be achieved without any repetition. Finally, the one-dimensional array is converted back to its two-dimensional presentation.

The algorithm can be described as follows:

Input :

Original Image

Output :

Scrambled Image and key

Step 1 :

Read the input image and convert it to a one-dimensional array A(x).

Step 2 :

Generate a scrambling key by running the elementary CA. In each generation get the indices where the cell state is one and add its position to the scrambling key.

Step 3 :

Read the key and modify A(x), so that the first cell in the array is moved to the first index given by the key.

Step 4 :

If the key does not cover the original image dimension, insert the remaining pixels in order.

Step 5 :

Repeat steps 3 and 4, K times when needed.

Step 6 :

Reshape A(x) back to the original image dimension. Note: if reshaping from two dimensions to one dimension in step 1 is column wise then reshaping back to two dimensions is also column wise.

In order to descramble the image, the process is reversed. There are two ways to reverse the process, the first method is to regenerate the key using the CA initial configuration and then apply it to the scrambled image, or to have the generated key available to descramble the image directly, without the need to regenerate the key.

6 Results and analysis

Unlike two-dimensional CA, the elementary ones does not need a neighborhood configuration as by definition elementary CA must depend on the nearest neighbors only. Other than getting the characteristics of CA evolving, the number of generations matter in this particular scheme as the scrambling algorithm depends on the result of each generation.

The data set used in these experiments is available at The University of Waterloo–Image repository [19] and USC-SIPI image database [20].

6.1 Number of generations

The number of generations is important as it gives the characteristics of the CA evolution. Also as our algorithm depends on these generations to generate the scrambling key it is important to study their effect.

We have tested the correlation between the scrambling degree and the number of generations by running the algorithm for the images-where each image is scrambled with the same key for the different generations, the results are shown in Table 1. The results range from 0.771 to 0.989.

Table 1 Image scrambling degree based on the number of generations

In these tests periodic boundary, no repetition, same key per image, and rule number 22 were used. For the images we are using, the value of the scrambling degree does not differ much after scrambling with ten generations so we will use ten generations in the following experiments.

The scrambling degree increases with the number of generations to some extent since this increase is bounded by the key used and the scrambling degree limits. In order to visualize the results, we show in Fig. 3 the result of scrambling 7.1.09.tiff for 1, 5, 10, and 15 generations. The results show that the image is hidden in all cases.

Fig. 3
figure 3

7.1.09.tiff image scrambling using the proposed algorithm with different number of generations

6.2 Boundary type

Work done in [1] combines neighborhood type experiments with boundary experiments. The conclusion was that the combination of Moore neighborhood and periodic boundary results in the highest scrambling degree. We retested the boundary effect as we are relying on elementary CA and a one-dimensional grid is likely to be different.

Boundaries effect more cells in a two-dimensional grid since it covers four sides of the grid and the number of pixels effected depends on the grid size. On the other hand, boundary adds exactly two cells in elementary CA. this is not to ignore the cumulative effect of these two cells as they will evolve and might affect all other grid cells. In order to test their effect each image was scrambled for 10 generations and the same key was used for each image, the results are given in Table 2.

Table 2 Scrambling degree when different boundary types are used

Figure 4 shows the result of scrambling boat512.tiff and 7.1.08.tiff, it can be seen from the images that the results are very similar.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Images scrambled with different boundary types

6.3 Chaotic vs. Complex

Cellular automata can belong to different classes from repetitive or stable states to complex or even chaotic ones, the class of a certain CA depends on the rule used. In this subsection we will focus on rule 110 as an example of Class 4 rules (complex rules) which has been shown to be capable of universal computation then we compare rules with chaotic behavior (22, 30, 126, 150, 182) with the rule 110.

The results are quite different from those given in research based on two-dimensional cellular automata [1]. Table 3 shows the results of scrambling with different rule numbers, the same key is used for each image and the scrambling is done for 10 generations. It can be seen that some chaotic rules (not all of them) are better than the complex rule (rule 110) in terms of the scrambling degree. These rules are known in the field of random number generation so it was expected that they will provide good scrambling.

Table 3 Scrambling degree with different chaotic rules and complex rule 110

Figure 5 shows the results of scrambling barbara.tiff image using different rules. It can be seen that scrambling using some of the chaotic behavior rules achieve a higher scrambling degree than the rule 110 which exhibits a complex behavior.

Fig. 5
figure 5

barbara.tiff image scrambling based on different chaotic rules

6.4 Repetition effect

Until now we were using the scrambling algorithm without repetition which produces good results; in this section we will focus on the repetition effect. As shown in the algorithm the repetition is optional since the need for repetition is dependent on the application, in addition, the repetition given in the algorithm is dependent on one key only which is the same key used to scramble the image in the first place so no need to run cellular automata again to generate keys, the same key will be used for repetition.

Repeating the algorithm costs time and if repeated too much it might be for little or no gain, this case is similar to the one discussed in the number of generations section were repeating for too many generations will cost time and might give the same result. Figure 6 shows the repetition effect on scrambling for three images (5.1.09.tiff, 7.1.04.tiff and goldhill.tiff) when K = 0; 1; and 2. The more the scrambling is repeated the higher the scrambling degree. It can be seen from the figure that the repetition for two times looks more like salt and pepper noise.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Images scrambled with K = 0; 1 and 2

6.5 Comparison

There are many scrambling methods in literature, in fact the complex two-dimensional cellular automata presented in [1] were tested against the Josephus algorithm (JA) [3] and the chaos mapping algorithm (LA) [26] and it achieved a higher scrambling degree, it was also tested against the chaotic CA and still it gives a higher scrambling degree.

Later, the two-dimensional CA was used in scrambling audio files, although these files are one-dimensional and using the two-dimensional CA in this context requires conversion from one dimension to the other. The proposed scheme points out that the simplest type of one-dimensional CA still can be used and the experimental results show that it achieves a higher scrambling degree than the others, especially when it is combined with repetition.

In order to compare with the 2D scheme presented in [1], we will use the same images and the same keys used in Section 6.4, the results are shown in Table 4. When no repetition is used the results are very similar to 2D CA but it shows higher scrambling with one or two repetitions, as in the case of the number of generations the benefit from repetition effect is bounded.

Table 4 Comparison between 2D scrambling scheme and our proposed scheme

7 Conclusions and future work

This paper investigates the potential of using the simplest type of cellular automata in the field of image scrambling; the results show a good potential of this scheme to replace 2D cellular automata methods. We tested three important parameters of cellular automata, we first test the number of generations effect on scrambling, afterwards we test two different boundary types, namely the periodic and the static, and finally we test the rules. The experimental results show that 10 generations and rule 22 combined with any type of boundary result in a high scrambling degree compared with what can be achieved from a certain image. Compared with scrambling techniques based on 2D cellular automata, our scheme gives similar results without repetition and better results with repetition. The idea here is the simplicity of the elementary cellular automata and ability to test it thoroughly.

Future plans include applying this method to encryption, data hiding and watermarking applications. Testing extensively the whole set of elementary cellular automata rules (265 rule) is also left as a future work.