1 Introduction

Nowadays, mobile phones and motor vehicles take significant parts in our daily life. Mobile phone users can be connected any time under any conditions, which greatly facilitates connections and communications and sufficiently reduces time cost, while motor vehicles make it convenient for people to travel any place under any environment. Although people are enjoying the fast communication and convenient transportation brought by mobile phones and automobiles, they are also facing safety threats while driving, especially when a mobile phone is in use. Using mobile phone while driving (phone distraction) has been a major factor in crashes (automobile accidents) that has led to 415 fatalities (378 crashes, 12 % of fatalities in distraction-affected crashes) and 28,000 injuries (7 % of injured people in distraction-affected crashes), according to Distracted Driving 2012 from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released in April 2014 [37]. Given that the high rate of mobile phone in use while driving contributes to vehicle accidents, many states have banned certain usage of phones in US, where 12 states prohibit drivers from using hand-held phones, and 43 states have banned text messaging when driving [10].

In fact, people are likely to use their mobile phones even while driving, such as emergency calls and incoming calls. For convenience, various hand-free devices, such as Buletooth and wireless earphones, are developed and implemented on motor vehicles, but these devices do not really help drivers reduce the risks of distraction-affected crashes [12, 21]. Therefore, how to assist drivers to make appropriate decisions of phone use (such as incoming/outgoing phone calls) while driving is a crucially important field of study.

The modern commercial smartphones are normally equipped with many useful features of sensors for scientific research, including but not limited to: GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, touch, and proximity, which provide us with various approaches for driver phone use detection. We broadly categorize related works into three groups: special devices based detection, applications based detection, and smartphone sensors based detection. More specifically, some approaches based on special devices to detect driver distractions have been investigated [2, 8, 19, 20, 22], but these approaches heavily rely on the assistance of external devices. Some applications devoting to mitigating driver phone distractions have been developed [5, 23, 24, 29, 34, 35, 38, 41], such as QC-Hold [29], and Negotiator [38]. Nevertheless, these studies either require prior knowledge of phone use by the driver or blindly block calls/text of all the phones inside the vehicle. Some methods of built-in smartphone sensors dedicating to driver distractions have been studied, such as methods of using accelerations and cellular signal strength [3, 9, 11, 26, 36], and using smartphone embedded sensors to alert dangerous driving, monitor road conditions, and detect traffic accidents [6, 13, 18, 27, 39]. However, these solutions do not provide an option for drivers to determine whether to entitle phone control.

To eliminate driver distractions, we present SafeDrive, a driver phone use determining system that automatically determines the driving conditions leveraging the built-in smartphone sensors and then makes a flexible control of driver phone use while driving, in this paper. More specifically, we first explore GPS and accelerometer sensors on an Android Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphones to collect data from a real road driving vehicle, which can sufficiently capture driving conditions. With inputs of these data, we provide an accurate driving condition classification algorithm, that classifies driving conditions into five categories: {Local, Idle}, {Local, Busy}, {Highway, Idle}, {Highway, Busy}, and {Traffic Jam}. Based on the classified driving condition, SafeDrive makes a flexible control of driver phone use while driving. Finally, we excessively evaluate the classification accuracy of our SafeDrive in local, highway, traffic jam, and complex conditions, respectively, and the results demonstrate that it can achieve up to 87% classification accuracy in complex conditions.

The main contributions of this work can be summarized as follows:

  • We present a driver phone use determining system, SafeDrive, that automatically determines the driving conditions leveraging the built-in smartphone sensors and then makes a flexible control of driver phone use while driving.

  • We provide an accurate driving condition classification algorithm, that classifies driving conditions into five categories, with inputs of GPS and accelerometer sensor data.

  • We excessively evaluate the classification accuracy of our SafeDrive in local, highway, traffic jam, and complex conditions, respectively, and the results demonstrate that it can achieve up to 87 % classification accuracy in complex conditions.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents related works on driver’s dangerous behavior detection. We describe the detailed SafeDrive architecture including sensor data collection, classification algorithm and phone call determination in Section 3 and evaluate the accuracy of SafeDrive in different driving conditions in Section 4. In Section 5, we discuss advantages and disadvantages including limitations and latency issues of SafeDrive in the experiments and introduce the future work, and conclude the paper in Section 6.

2 Related work

There are tremendous works focusing on detecting driver’s dangerous behavior while driving, which can be broadly categorized into three groups: special device based detection, application based detection, and smartphone sensors based detection.

2.1 Special devices based detection

Some approaches based on special devices to detect driver distractions have been investigated [2, 8, 19, 20, 22]. The authors of [2] present a non-intrusive prototype computer vision system for monitoring a driver’s vigilance in real time, which is based on a hardware system for the real-time acquisition of a driver’s images using an active IR illuminator and the software implementation for monitoring some visual behaviors that characterize a driver’s level of vigilance. In [19], the authors propose a facility for monitoring the distraction of a driver, which is able to detect the driver’s visual and cognitive workload by fusing stereo vision and lane tracking data, running both rule-based and support-vector machine (SVM) classification methods. In [20], Key2SafeDriving requires special devices installed inside the vehicle to enable blocking cellular communications of a special phone based on the readings from the vehicle’s speedometer or even rely on a radio jammer [8]. The authors of [22] explore the potential for wearable devices to identify driving activities and unsafe driving, without relying on information or sensors in the vehicle.

However, these approaches heavily rely on the assistance of external devices, which increase the cost of the implementation and reduce the portability of the detection system.

2.2 Applications based detection

Some applications devoting to mitigating driver phone distractions have been developed [23, 24, 29, 38, 41]. In [29], the authors propose QC-Hold, a Quiet Calls prototype, that combines three buttons for responding to calls with a PDA/mobile phone unit to silently send pre-recorded audio directly into the phone. The authors of [38] provide Negotiator that embodies three main design requirements: support for negotiation, contextual information about when a recipient is available for a call, and lightweightness to reduce attention overhead. In [23], the authors present BlindSight, a prototype application that users interact using the phone keypad, without looking at the screen, which responds with auditory feedback. The authors of [24] propose using context-awareness to implement burden-shifting, time-shifting, and activity-based sharing to mitigate the problem of distracted driving caused by mobile phones. In [41], the authors propose a machine-learning-based method for detecting driver cell phone usage using a camera system directed at the vehicles front windshield.

Some applications focusing on blocking incoming or outgoing calls and texts for mobile phones have been investigated [5, 34, 35]. In [5], DriveSmart can automatically direct incoming calls to voicemail, defer messages and other data transactions and alert a parent when overridden while driving. In [34], Textecution is designed for parents to install on their teenage driver’s phone so they know their child is safer behind the wheel of the vehicle. In [35], tXtBlocker is the leading supplier of solutions to prevent distracted while driving incidents caused by using a mobile device while operating a motor vehicle.

Nevertheless, these studies either require prior knowledge of phone use by the driver or blindly block calls/text of all the phones inside the vehicle. Our SafeDrive only blocks incoming calls when the driver is under critical driving conditions such as on a highway or on a busy local way, which uses data from the phone sensors to perform driving condition classification.

2.3 Smartphone sensors based detection

Some built-in smartphone sensors dedicating to driver distractions have been studied. Some methods using accelerations and cellular signal strength [3, 9, 11, 26, 36] to detect the moving vehicle have been developed. In [9], the authors indicate a potentially large improvement using UMTS signalling data compared with GSM regarding handover location accuracy, where these improvements can be used to generate real-time traffic information with higher quality and extend the geographic usage area for cellular-based travel time estimation systems. The authors of [26] propose PEIR, the Personal Environmental Impact Report, which is a participatory sensing application that uses location data sampled from everyday mobile phones to calculate personalized estimates of environmental impact and exposure. In [36], the authors describe a crowd-sourced alternative to official transit tracking, which we call cooperative transit tracking. The authors of [3] consider the problem of tracking fine-grained speeds variations of vehicles using signal strength traces from GSM enabled phones. In [11], the authors design an app on iPhone for reducing the smartphone-related distracted driving, which can run in the background and can lock the smartphone screen with no passwords required when it detects that the user is driving.

Other studies use smartphone embedded sensor to alert dangerous driving, monitor road conditions, and detect traffic accidents [6, 13, 18, 27, 39]. The authors of [27] present Nericell, that performs rich sensing by piggybacking on smartphones that users carry with them in normal course. In [6], the authors propose a highly efficient system aimed at early detection and alert of dangerous vehicle maneuvers typically related to drunk driving, which requires only a mobile phone placed in vehicle and with accelerometer and orientation sensor. The authors of [18] propose a novel system that uses Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and smartphone based sensor-fusion (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, GPS, video) to detect, recognize and record these actions without external processing. In [39], the authors automatically detect traffic accidents using accelerometers and acoustic data, immediately notifies a central emergency dispatch server after an accident, and provides situational awareness through photographs, GPS coordinates, VOIP communication channels, and accident data recording. The authors of [13] provide an analysis of iPhone’s CurrentPowerlog.powerlogsystem file and Android device buffer logs, along with their associated residual data, both of which can potentially be used to establish mobile phone usage at the time of, or leading up to, a motor vehicle accident.

Smartphone sensors used to monitor road conditions have been investigated [7, 14, 15, 28, 32]. The authors of [7] describe a system and associate algorithms to monitor this important civil infrastructure using a collection of sensor-equipped vehicles. In [28], the authors describe a mobile sensing system for road irregularity detection using Android OS based smart-phones. The authors of [32] present a vision based method to automatically determine if a driver is holding a cell phone close to one of his/her ears (thus keeping only one hand on the steering wheel) and quantitatively demonstrate the methods efficacy on challenging Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) face view videos from the head pose validation data that was acquired to monitor driver head pose variation under naturalistic driving conditions. In [14], the authors present SmartRoad, a crowd-sourced road sensing system that detects and identifies traffic regulators, traffic lights, and stop signs. The authors of [15] utilize smartphone sensors to estimate the vehicle speed, especially when GPS is unavailable or inaccurate in urban environments. In particular, they estimate the vehicle speed by integrating the accelerometer’s readings over time and find the acceleration errors can lead to large deviations between the estimated speed and the real one.

Smartphone sensors used to detect driver phone have been studied [4, 40, 42, 43]. In [4], the authors present a driver detection system (DDS) by utilizing multiple sensors (including accelerometer, gyroscope, and microphone) in smartphones to capture the features of driver? movement. However, this approach is sensitive to the behavior of each individual, and highly depends on the position where drivers carry the phone, which is less practical. The authors of [42, 43] introduce an acoustic relative-ranging system that classifies on which car seat a phone is being used leveraging the car? audio infrastructure, which relies on the vehicle? audio system. In [40], the authors utilize smartphone sensing of vehicle dynamics to determine driver phone use, which can facilitate many traffic safety applications.

Different from these works, our SafeDrive outperforms for two reasons: 1) it provides finer-grained classification for driving conditions, which means in certain cases (for example, on an idle local way), the incoming calls are still allowed; 2) it gives user options of whether they allow it to take control of their phones.

3 System design

To eliminate driver distractions, we present a driver phone use determining system, SafeDrive, that automatically determines the driving conditions leveraging the built-in smartphone sensors and then makes a flexible control of driver phone use while driving. In this section, we first present the application requirements, and then describe our SafeDrive hardware and application. Next, we describe the SafeDrive architecture in detail.

3.1 Application requirements

Our driver phone use determining system is motivated by the requirements of a safe drive application for driver-passenger classification [40, 42, 43]. Data from multiple built-in sensors are transmitted to a smartphone processor which makes classification decisions in real time. The system is able to efficiently and accurately classify typical road conditions including road type and road status, which are tabulated in Table 1.

Table 1 SafeDrive classification categories

As illustrated in Table 1, we divide the driving conditions into five categories, where road types are divided into Highway and Local, and road status into Idle, Busy, and Traffic Jam. To this point, we actually have six combinations of the driving conditions. However, Traffic Jam can happen on road types of Highway and Local. Since the behavior of local traffic jam or highway traffic jam is actually similar with very slow speed and intermittent stops, we merge these two kinds of road types into one as Traffic Jam. In addition, we believe the category of Traffic Jam is indispensable, because drivers are prone to checking their phones for a longer waiting in serve traffic jam driving condition. Such road condition classification is quite useful for driver determining and safe driving applications. The requirements to provide such a helpful driving condition determining system are: user-friendly, accurate and efficient classification, and less reliance on ground truth.

  • User-friendly. The hardware must be portable and lightweight, while the software must provide an intuitive interface for adding, removing, and configuring different sensors geared to detect the driver intended conditions.

  • Accurate and efficient classification. The system must be able to handle both easy and difficult to detect road conditions, and adapt the variable orientation of the smartphones. The system must be energy efficient since a smartphone usually is powered by energy-constrained batteries.

  • Less reliance on ground truth. Classification systems are often deployed with minimal labeled training data, therefore, the need to train a system online requests ground truth labels only when absolutely necessary. A reduced request of ground truth reduces the burden on the user to label training data.

3.2 SafeDrive hardware and application

To achieve accurate and efficient classification for built-in smartphone sensors, we provide a description of hardware and software used in our system. In this section, we first introduce the hardware used in the system, and then describe the graphical user interface (GUI).

3.2.1 Hardware description

The modern commercial smartphones are equipped with many useful features of sensors for scientific research, including but not limited to: GPS, 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, touch, and proximity. These devices are powerful, inexpensive and versatile research platforms that make data collection accessible to the general public. Our SafeDrive system is solely deployed on a Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone with Android operating system 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean), and sensors of GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, gesture, and proximity. In particular, the reason we choose GPS to navigate SafeDrive is that GPS is often preferred over its alternatives such as GSM/WiFi based positioning systems since it is known to be more accurate [16, 30, 33]. It is well known that GPS is power hungry, but it is not a key issue for drivers’ smartphones because they can be always charged by their vehicles or mobile power banks.

3.2.2 Android application

To provide a user-friendly front end for SafeDrive, we implement an Android application to allow for vehicle speed evaluation, driving condition detection, current time illustration, data storage and upload for analysis, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The GUI provides an option for driver to decide whether to entitle our system phone control. That is, the GUI allows phones to receive incoming calls when the drivers are in a relatively good driving condition [1].

Fig. 1
figure 1

SafeDrive GUI

3.3 SafeDrive architecture

The basic idea of our SafeDrive system is to eliminate driver distractions from phones when they are in critical driving conditions. In this section, we first describe the SafeDrive system overview in general, and then describe the core of our SafeDrive platform in detail.

Our SafeDrive system resides solely on an Android smartphone with no reliance on a backed server. Multiple built-in sensors on phones such as GPS and accelerometer sample data at a default configured rate for road status classification. We choose a configured time window to collect data. Then the data are logged on the phone locally and the types of stored data are (time stamp, vehicle speed, acceleration), where acceleration is a 3-dimensional field with elements of x-, y-, and z-axis values. Next, the data of configured time interval are fed into the SafeDrive classification system at an interval to make a classification decision. Further, based on the obtained driving conditions, the SafeDrive system can automatically manage the user phones as long as the users have allowed the application to take control (a box to check is provided in SafeDrive). A typical and distinct scenario of the SafeDrive system is that if the user is driving in a busy highway, the phone will block all incoming phone calls to help the driver stay focused. We now describe the core of our SafeDrive system:

3.3.1 Sensor data collection

We introduce how we collect the speed data from GPS and how we use the data from x, y, z axes of acceleration.

GPS data

Android operating system supports a location class, in which a set of APIs are provided. The location class encapsulates the speed function, where the speed is calculated from the distance of two GPS locations (such as latitude and longitude) over a time interval. We exploit the location.getSpeed() function to obtain the current vehicle speed with the default sampling rate 1 H z [1]. We do not tune this rate since it is the fastest rate that works in most of phones, and we desire high accuracy [17].

Accelerometer data

We directly read the values of x, y, and z axes from the accelerometer. The three dimensions are defined as shown in Fig. 2, where the x and y axes are parallel to the phone screen, and the z-axis is perpendicular to the screen. However, the gravity force is always influencing the device, so the acceleration can be calculated as \(-g-{\sum F \over mass}\). Therefore, the magnitude of acceleration is 9.81m/s 2 when the phone is still. An essential problem is that the orientation of phone impacts the real values because of 3-dimensional acceleration. In order to obtain the true values of the acceleration, we need to find a solution to eliminate the effect of gravity, even though the 3-dimensional acceleration is difficult to decompose. We provide two potential solutions: 1) a low-pass filter, which is able to isolate the force of gravity, and then take out the gravity force along the 3 axes; 2) a fixed orientation, that is, put the phone at a certain orientation. Suggested by Android web site [1], we implement the low-pass filter solution, however, we find that it not only filters out the gravity force, but also filters out much useful and valuable information, such as turning and slight brake. The reason is likely to be that vehicles usually have slow accelerations under normal operations, which are prone to be filtered out. As for the solution of fixed orientation, it is lightweight and cheap for the phone to do gravity decomposition. Therefore, we choose the fixed orientation of phones to eliminate the effect of gravity in our SafeDrive system, as illustrated in Fig. 3, where the smartphone screen is parallel to the ground, facing upwards, and the head points forward. In the experiment, we place the phone horizontally with head pointing forwards, which adds the gravity force solely on the z axis. We discard the z-axis data since this dimension of acceleration does not really work on our driving condition classification.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Dimensions of accelerometer

Fig. 3
figure 3

Device orientation

3.3.2 Classification algorithm

As illustrated in Table 1, we divide the driving conditions into five combinations: {Local, Idle}, {Local, Busy}, {Highway, Idle}, {Highway, Busy}, and {Traffic Jam}. We describe the classification algorithm in Algorithm 1 and with a flowchart of Fig. 4, respectively. Using Algorithm 1, we classify driving conditions into {t y p e, s t a t u s} with inputs of speed from GPS and y-axis values from accelerometer (s p e e d, Y_a c c e l e r a t i o n). Illustrated in Algorithm 1, we first configure a time window of 30 seconds for data sampling, that is, t = 30. We use this 30-second data including speed and Y_a c c e l e r a t i o n to do the classification. Then, we count the peak number of Y_a c c e l e r a t i o n and assign the corresponding value to pa, and calculate the highest speed by m a x(s p e e d). Next, we compute the ratio of the number of speed that is less than 5 mph over the number of speed, which is a threshold to classify the driving conditions. With these results, if r a t i o i >0.2 and p a>8, then we classify road status as Traffic Jam; otherwise, if (v m a x >55), we classify road type as Highway, or if (v m a x ≤55), classify it as Local; if p a>5, we classify road status as Busy, and if p a≤5, classify road status as Idle. With the classified {t y p e, s t a t u s}, SafeDrive will determinate wether to alert drivers or block the phone directly, which we discuss in the following section.

figure e
Fig. 4
figure 4

Flow of the classification algorithm

3.3.3 Phone use determination

We aim to protect drivers from phone distractions by blocking incoming phone calls under critical conditions or alerting drivers under good conditions. In App level, SafeDrive uses the TelephonyManager class and its method listen to register a listener PhoneStateListener that will detect PHONE_State_CHANGED notified by TelephoneRegistry in Framework level. If call state is changed from CALL_State_IDLE to CALL_State_RINGING, SafeDrive will determine whether block the phone call or not based on the classification. We define three driving conditions as critical conditions: {Highway, Busy}, {Highway, Idle}, and {Local, Busy}. Once driver’s smartphone is classified that the driver is under any one of the three conditions, our SafeDrive on the smartphone automatically blocks any incoming calls. On the other hand, once the driver is under the other two conditions {Local, Idle} and {Traffic Jam}, SafeDrive believes the driver is in a safe and good driving condition and it will alert the driver, so that phone calls can come in.

In addition, SafeDrive respects the driver’s will. If a driver does not feel comfortable letting SafeDrive manage the phone call, the driver can uncheck the box on the GUI, as shown in Fig. 1, thereby disabling SafeDrive’s managing mechanism. On the GUI, SafeDrive still reports some useful information, such as current speed and current driving condition, without SafeDrive’s management.

4 Performance evaluation

We evaluate SafeDrive with real driving tests. In this section, we first describe our evaluation setup, then present accuracy evaluation of SafeDrive in different driving conditions, and finally compare SafeDrive with other related systems.

4.1 Evaluation setup

In the experiments, we solely implement SafeDrive on a Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone, and place the smartphone on the middle of the dashboard of a vehicle. As described in Section 3.3.1 and Fig. 3, the smartphone is mounted in a fixed orientation so that we can directly retrieve data from different axes. Then, we drive the car in different conditions for about two hours, and obtain data from GPS and accelerometer. In order to perform quantitative analysis, SafeDrive automatically logs its readings from GPS and accelerometer into the smartphone’s internal storage.

In order to evaluate SafeDrive’s accuracy in vehicle speed measurement and driving condition classification, we need to record real vehicle speed and driving conditions. To achieve this, we maintain synchronized video logs while SafeDrive is collecting data. In the video logs, we record readings from the vehicle’s speedometer, which serve as ground truth for driving speed.

4.2 Accuracy evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the accuracy of SafeDrive in terms of speed, acceleration, and different driving conditions including local, highway, traffic jam, and complex conditions, respectively.

4.2.1 Speed measurement

In order to evaluate the accuracy of vehicle speed measurement by SafeDrive, we compare speed values from SafeDrive with the corresponding ground truth. Since SafeDrive updates its vehicle speed measurement every second, then we conduct the comparison every second. We randomly choose 2-minute data from SafeDrive and video logs, respectively, for comparison. We calculate the accuracy of vehicle speed measurement by (1).

$$ Accuracy_{speed} = 1- {\sum |c - s| \over \sum s} \times 100~\% $$

where c represents the obtained speed from GPS and s represents the readout of speedometer from video logs. Based on the calculation, the accuracy is up to 98 % over our 2-minute GPS data.

In addition, since the vehicle’s speedometer only displays a digital readout in format of integer, we define that SafeDrive is reliable if the difference between SafeDrive measurement and ground truth is within 0.5 mph. For instance, if SafeDrive updates the measurement with a readout of 45.8345 mph, while vehicle speedometer (or ground truth) displays 46 mph at that time point, we say SafeDrive measurement is reliable. On the other hand, if the vehicle speedometer displays 45 mph, we say this measurement is unreliable. Under this definition, the overall reliability is very high, and among those, we detect only 9 unreliable cases. Therefore, we can say that the speed data from GPS are fairly accurate, and are sufficiently used as inputs of classification algorithm.

4.2.2 Acceleration measurement

We start with a 6-minute raw data of local conditions from y axis of the acceleration to evaluate acceleration accuracy.

With the selected raw data, we plot the y axis of acceleration in m/s 2 and the corresponding vehicle speed in mph, where the vehicle runs on {Local, Busy} and then turns to {Local,Idle}, and the speed reaches 50 mph but does not exceed 55 mph. As illustrated in Fig. 5, x axes correspond to elapsed time, while the y axis of the upper subfigure represents acceleration, and that of lower subfigure indicates the corresponding vehicle speed. From the upper subfigure, we can see that signals from accelerometer are more noisy, partially due to its higher sample rates and partially due to its high sensitivity. In real experiment, from 60th second to 130th second, the vehicle runs on a straight road, and then experiences two sudden brakes because of unexpected driving conditions. These are reflected in two negative spikes in acceleration and the corresponding changes in speed. More over, at around 150th second, the vehicle first slows down and stops at a signal light for around 10 seconds; then turns right, and enters a quiet and idle road. We can see variations in acceleration are much smaller, and the speed is mostly stable.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Example of local conditions (raw data)

From the analysis, we deduce that changes in accelerations reflect the frequency of applying brakes and speeding up, which are indicators of the road traffic. That is to say, there are more spikes in acceleration if there is much traffic. As a result, we use the number of peaks to differentiate busy driving conditions from idle. Median Filtering is used to perform noise reduction, which runs through data and replaces each data point by the median of all neighboring data points. In SafeDrive, we explore zero padding to address boundary issue and the size of sliding window is 10, which works very well in filtering out noise while preserving real information. P e a k- F i n d i n g technique is used to detect positive and negative peaks in acceleration, which conventionally locates the maximum of every three data points. In SafeDrive, we make two modifications that: 1) set a threshold when detecting peaks for reducing false positives; 2) penalize peaks that are very close to each other to avoid duplicated peaks. Based on Fig. 5, we plot the filtered acceleration signal with detected peaks in the upper subfigure of Fig. 6, where yellow lines represent raw acceleration, blue lines indicate the filtered acceleration signal, red circles indicate positive peaks, and black circles indicate negative peaks. From this subfigure, we can clearly see that there are 3 negative peaks associated with 3 brakes and 12 positive peaks from 60th second to 180th second. In contrast, there are only 3 positive peaks and no negative peak starting from 120th second. This phenomenon perfectly matches our intuition that when there is a lot of traffic, the vehicle will speed up or slow down more frequently. In the lower subfigure, green + represents {Local, Idle} and red + represents {Local, Busy}. Note that the reason that positive peaks after 120th second do not lead to a noticeable increase in speed is that Median Filtering performs the noise reduction.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Example of local conditions (data processing and classification)

4.2.3 Different driving conditions

Driving conditions can be classified into 5 groups as illustrated in Table 1. In this section, we present and analyze SafeDrive’s accuracy and efficiency of classification in local, highway, traffic jam, and complex conditions, respectively. As introduced in Algorithm 1, SafeDrive takes the speed and acceleration in the past 30 seconds as input, and then classifies driving conditions into one of the five groups.

Local conditions

As with previous example, SafeDrive conducts 150 estimations and the results are marked as the lower subfigure of Fig. 6, where + indicates type = Local, meaning that driving condition is estimated as Local”, and red + denotes status = Busy while green + indicates type = Idle. The comparison of SafeDrive’s estimations and ground truth is listed in Table 2, where numbers in the second and third columns indicate time ranges that SafeDrive’s estimations or ground truth fall into the corresponding driving conditions. For instance, from 78th second to 118th second, and 142nd second to 202nd second, our SafeDrive classify the driving condition into Local, Busy}, while the ground truth is that from 80th second to 212nd second the driving condition is Local, Busy}. For other time intervals, the driving condition is {Local,Idle}. Based on the comparison, 132 out of the 150 estimations are correct, which indicates that our SafeDrive has 88% classification accuracy for local conditions.

Table 2 Results of local conditions example

Highway conditions

We then discuss the accuracy of highway condition classification. We plot the obtained data in Fig. 7. In the experiment, the vehicle run steadily on highway except for two cases where brakes apply, at 270th and 344th seconds, respectively, and then the vehicle slows down and exits the highway at around 466th second. Our SafeDrive conducts the estimations, and the corresponding results are illustrated on the lower subfigure of Fig. 7, where + indicates type = Highway, meaning that driving condition is estimated as Highway”, and green + indicates {Highway,Idle} while red + represents {Highway,Busy}. The comparison of our SafeDrive’s estimations and ground truth is summarized in Table 3. As illustrated in Table 3, 96 out of the 150 estimations are correct, which demonstrates that the SafeDrive has 64 % accuracy of classification for highway conditions. Among those missed cases, 19 of them are caused by the latency when the vehicle exits the highway, which we will discuss in Section 5.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Example of highway conditions

Table 3 Results of highway conditions example

Traffic jam conditions

We next discuss a scenario where we experience a traffic jam as shown in Fig. 8. The estimations made by our SafeDrive is plotted on the lower subfigure, where red + represents Local, Busy} while black indicates {Traffic Jam}. The results are summarized in Table 4, where 121 out 150 cases are correct, which demonstrates that our SafeDrive has 81 % accuracy of classification for traffic jam conditions.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Example of traffic jam

Table 4 Results of traffic jam example

Complex conditions

In order to show the overall accuracy of our SafeDrive under any conditions, we obtain 56-minute data by driving our vehicle in the experiment. With these data, we conduct 1695 estimations made by the SafeDrive, and the corresponding results are listed in Table 5, where the second column represents the total number of SafeDrive’s estimations, the third denotes the number of correct cases, and the last indicates the corresponding accuracy. From the table, our SafeDrive can correctly classify the driving conditions in 1472 cases, and achieve the overall accuracy up to 87 %. The overall accuracy is higher than that of single condition we illustrated. The reason is that when driving conditions are in transition, the accuracy is reasonably lower. In fact, driving conditions are probably in transition, our SafeDrive can effectively and accurately classify the driving conditions, and we also believe that the overall accuracy can even be much higher if the driving conditions do not vary so much.

Table 5 Results of overall evaluation

4.3 Comparison with other systems

In order to make a comparison, we incorporate Google Map Navigation and Waze into SafeDrive on two Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphones to determine driver phone use, respectively, where Google Map Navigation is a turn-by-turn navigation application, and Waze is a community-based traffic and navigation application. To avoid confusion, we simply refer to the two incorporated driver phone use determination systems as GMNDrive and WazeDrive, respectively. In the experiment, we vertically place the three smartphones on the middle dashboard of a vehicle. With the same settings to SafeDrive, we evaluate the accuracy of GMNDrive, WazeDrive and SafeDrive under any conditions by obtaining 30-minute data with real vehicle driving, respectively. With these data, we conduct 895 estimations for the three systems, and the corresponding comparison results are illustrated in Table 6. As illustrated in Table 6, the correctly classified cases by GMNDrive, WazeDrive and SafeDrive are 792, 780 and 782, respectively, and the overall accuracies are 88 %, 87 % and 87 %, respectively. Moreover, WazeDrive and SafeDrive have high accuracies in local road types, while GMNDrive have high accuracy in highway road types. This is probably because these applications are designed for different navigation environments. However, GMNDrive and WazeDrive require more smartphone storage for the applications and need an Internet connection, which greatly consumes the battery.

Table 6 Comparison results

5 Discussion and future work

In this section, we first discuss advantages and disadvantages including limitations and latency issues of our SafeDrive, and then introduce the future work.

5.1 Discussion

Our SafeDrive can determine driver phone use leveraging built-in smartphone sensors sensing driving conditions, while the related systems such as GMNDrive and WazeDrive leverage live traffic maps and need Internet connection, which require more smartphone storage and battery energy. Our SafeDrive prototype classifies driving conditions based on GPS and accelerometers with a classification algorithm, and a SafeDrive product can significantly reduce vehicle accidents.

We have observed a few weak predictions in our performance evaluation of the SafeDrive, which is largely due to two factors: information limitation and latency.


We do not consider history information, so we have unexpected standing out wrong predictions. For example, in Fig. 6, our results show that the driving condition is {Local,Idle} between 120th second and 142nd second. However, the ground truth is different. It is reasonable to expect driving conditions to be continuous, that is, driving conditions should be smoothly changing instead of jumping back and forth. Considering history information can help control such wrong predictions, however, we have not implemented more complex algorithm in SafeDrive currently. Although there are some wrong predictions standing out, it is likely that the drivers will not receive a call during a short duration. Note that the probability of incoming phone calls while driving follows the uniform distribution in statistics. Therefore, we believe the SafeDrive can still be very useful even with such a limitation. In addition, we ignore the turning information in our SafeDrive because it is too weak to observe. Under highly noisy environment, it is quite hard to identify a turn when a driver changes a lane or makes a slight turn for the accelerometer, and only sharp turns can be clearly captured in our experiments. Therefore, we discard this type of information, using only y-axis acceleration information.


There is sometimes a latency in our estimations. One example is that the vehicle has exited the highway at the 466th second, however, SafeDrive did not change the road status to {Local,Idle} until the 496th second, as shown in Fig. 7. This is because the inputs of our SafeDrive are previous 30-second data, which are used to determine current driving conditions. So the number of peaks, maximum speed within a sliding window (30 seconds) in the algorithm cannot be changed promptly as we promptly enter another driving condition. Therefore, there would be a gap between our estimation and the ground truth. Nevertheless, the latency is a short time of a few seconds, which does not influence a long period of driving condition classification.

5.2 Future work

There can be much to do based on our current system. First, we can add more functions on the protection mechanism of SafeDrive, such as delaying SMS and notifications from other applications. We can also make customized blocking plan or provide blacklist and white list. Second, we can investigate a better solution to eliminate the gravity force on the accelerometer. We currently place our phones at a fixed position to benefit classification. This may need to be further improved to increase driver experience. Finally, we can reduce or even eliminate the use of GPS since it is quite energy hungry. We may take advantage of accelerometer to calculate the speed using integration of acceleration [25, 31], and may consider vehicle board computers. In addition, we may consider how driving styles of drivers affect the performance of SafeDrive.

6 Conclusion

As mobile devices have been widely used in human daily life, people start using them in inappropriate cases, even when they are driving. It has been common sense that using a mobile phone while driving is dangerous and numerous reports have proved the threat of driver distractions. Even law has banned certain usage of mobile phones in some states in US. Although being informed of the potential danger, people still keep using their phones while driving.

To eliminate driver distractions, we present SafeDrive, a driver phone use determining system that automatically determines the driving conditions leveraging the built-in smartphone sensors and then makes a flexible control of driver phone use while driving. More specifically, we first explore GPS and accelerometer sensors on an Android Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphones to collect data from a real road driving vehicle, which can sufficiently capture driving conditions. With inputs of these data, we provide an accurate driving condition classification algorithm, that classifies driving conditions into five categories: {Local, Idle}, {Local, Busy}, {Highway, Idle}, {Highway, Busy}, and {Traffic Jam}. Based on the classified driving condition, SafeDrive makes a flexible control of driver phone use while driving. Finally, we excessively evaluate the classification accuracy of our SafeDrive in local, highway, traffic jam, and complex conditions, respectively, and the results demonstrate that it can achieve up to 87 % classification accuracy in complex conditions.