1 Introduction

To solve the certificate management problem in the traditional public key cryptography, Shamir [17] proposed the concept of identity-based public key cryptography (ID-based PKC) in 1984. There is no certificate is required in ID-based PKC since the user’s public key is his identity such as name, e-mail address, telephone number et al. However, the user’s private key is generated by key generation centre (KGC) in the ID-based PKC. Then the ID-based PKC has to face with the key escrow problem, i.e. the KGC knows user’s private key. To solve the problem, Al-Riyami et al. [1] proposed the concept of the certificateless public key cryptosystem (CLPKC). In CLPKC, a user’s private key is comprised of partial secret and a secret value, which are generated by the KGC and the user separately. Then, the CLPKC could solve the key escrow problem in the ID-based PKC. Since Al-Riyami et al.’s work, many cryptographic mechanisms in certificateless setting have been proposed.

Authenticated key agreement (AKA) protocol is a cryptographic mechanism, through which two users can generate a shared session key over an open network. As an important protocol of the CLPKC, certificateless authenticated key agreement (CLAKA) protocol has been studied widely. After the pioneering work of Al-Riyami et al., many CLAKA protocols [14, 15, 1821, 23] using pairings have been proposed to satisfy different applications. From the theoretical analysis [7] and experimental results [6] we know that the pairing operation is a very complicated operation. To improve efficiency, several pairing-free CLAKA protocols [810, 12] have been proposed. The authors also demonstrated that their protocols are provably secure in formal models. Bellare et al. [3] proposed the first formal model for AKA protocols. After that, several extended models have been proposed [2, 4, 5]. Among them, the Canetti-Krawczyk (CK) model [5] is considered as the most promising one. To capture more desirable security properties, LaMacchia et al. [13] presented a more strong security model—the extended Canetti-Krawczyk (eCK) model for AKA protocols. In 2009, Lippold et al. [14] proposed the eCK model for CLAKA protocols. They also proposed the first CLAKA protocols using paring, which is provably secure in the eCK model for CLAKA protocols. Yang et al. [22] found that these pairing-free CLAKA protocols [810, 12] are not secure in the eCK model. To improve security, Yang et al. proposed a new pairing-free CLAKA protocol and demonstrated it is provably secure in the eCK model. In Yang et al.’s protocol, nine elliptic curve scalar multiplication operations are needed to generate a session key. To improve performance, He et al. [11] proposed an efficient protocol. However, He et al.’s protocol is not secure in Lippold et al.’s model since the adversary could compute the session key if he get the initiator’s partial private key and the ephemeral private key and the responder’s secret value and the ephemeral private key. In this paper, we present a strongly secure CLAKA without pairing, which is provably secure in the eCK model and is secure as long as each party has at least one uncompromised secret. Compared with previous ID-based AKA protocols, our protocol has advantages over them in security or efficiency.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes some preliminaries. In Section 3, we propose our CLAKA protocol. The security analysis of the proposed protocol is presented in Section 4. In Section 5, performance analysis is presented. Finally, in Section 6 we conclude the result.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Background of elliptic curve group

Let the symbol E/F p denote an elliptic curve E over a prime finite field F p , defined by an equation

$$ \begin{array}{ccc}\hfill {y}^2={x}^3+ ax+b\hfill & \hfill, \hfill & \hfill a,b\in {F}_p\hfill \end{array} $$

and with the discriminant

$$ \varDelta =4{a}^3+27{b}^2\ne 0. $$

The points on E/F p together with an extra point O called the point at infinity form a group

$$ G=\left\{\left(x,y\right):x,y\in {F}_p,E\left(x,y\right)=0\right\}\cup \left\{O\right\} $$

G is a cyclic additive group in the point addition “+” defined as follows: Let P, Q ∈ G, l be the line containing P and Q (tangent line to E/F p if P = Q), and R, the third point of intersection of l with E/F p . Let l′ be the line connecting R and O. Then P “+” Q is the point such that l′ intersects E/F p at R and O. Scalar multiplication over E/F p can be computed as follows:

$$ tP=P+P+\dots +P(ttimes) $$

Let the order of G be n. The following problems are commonly used in the security analysis of many cryptographic protocols.

Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem

Given a generator P of G and (aP, bP) for unknown a, b ∈  R Z * n , the task of CDH problem is to compute abP.

2.2 Security model for CLAKA protocols

Lippold et al. proposed the eCK model for CLAKA protocols based on Swanson’s work. We will give an introduction to Lippold et al.’s model. The details of the eCK model for CLAKA can be found in [14].

Let U = {U 1, U 2, …, U n } be a set of parties. The protocol may be run between any two of these parties. For each party there exists an identity based public key that can be derived from its identity. There is a KGC that generates a party’s partial private key according to his identity. Additionally, a party generates their own secret values and public keys. The adversary is modeled as a probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machine and has full control of the communication network over which protocol messages are exchanged. Let ∏ x i,j denote x th protocol session which is run between the party U i (the initiator) and the partner party U j (the responder). We say that a session sk x i,j enters an accepted state when it computes a session key sk x i,j . The session sk x i,j is assigned a partner identity pid = (ID i , ID j ). Let comms denote the transcript of the messages exchanged between the initiator and the responder during the session. Two sessions sk x i,j and ∏ y j,i are called matching if they have the same comms and pid. The game runs in two phases. During the first phase of the game, the adversary is allowed to issue the following queries in any order:

  • Send(∏ x i,j , m): The adversary sends the message m to party i in session ∏ u i,j on behalf of party j and gets response from i according to the protocol specification. In the case of one-round protocols, party i behaves as follows:

    • m = λ: Party i generates an ephemeral value and responds with an outgoing message only.

    • m ≠ λ If party i is a responder, it generates an ephemeral value for the session and responds with an outgoing message m and a decision indicating acceptance or rejection of the session. If party i is an initiator, it responds with a decision indicating accepting or rejecting the session.

      • RevealMasterKey: The adversary is given the master secret key.

      • RevealSessionKey(∏ u i,j ): If the session has not accepted, it returns ⊥, otherwise it reveals the accepted session key.

      • RevealPartialPrivateKey(i): The adversary is given party i’s partial private key.

      • RevealSecretValue(i): If party i has been asked the ReplacePublicKey query, it returns ⊥. Otherwise, the adversary is given party i’s secret value.

      • ReplacePublicKey(i, pk): The adversary replaces party i’s public key with the value chosen by himself.

      • RevealEphemeralKey(∏ x i,j ): The adversary is given the ephemeral secret key used in ∏ x i,j .

Once the adversary decides that the first phase is over, it starts the second phase by choosing a fresh session ∏ x i,j and issuing a Test(∏ x i,j ) query, where the fresh session and test query are defined as follows:

  • Definition 1 (Fresh session) [14]. A session ∏ x i,j is fresh if (1) ∏ x i,j has accepted; (2) ∏ x i,j is unopened (not being issued the RevealSessionKey query); (3) the session state at neither party participating in this session is fully corrupted; (4) there is no opened session ∏ y j,i which has a matching conversation to ∏ x i,j .

    Test(∏ x i,j ): The input session ∏ x i,j must be fresh. A bit b ∈ {0, 1} is randomly chosen. If b = 0, the adversary is given the session key, otherwise it randomly samples a session key from the distribution of valid session keys and returns it to the adversary.

    After the Test(∏ x i,j ) query has been issued, the adversary can continue querying except that the test session ∏ x i,j should remain fresh. At the end of the game, the adversary outputs a guess bit b′. wins if and only if b′ = b. ’s advantage to win the above game, denoted by , is defined as: , where k is a security parameter.

    There are two kinds of adversaries in the CLAKA protocol, i.e. the Type I adversary and the Type II adversary . The adversary is not able to access the master key but he could replace public keys at his will. The adversary represents a malicious KGC who generates partial private keys of users. could access to the master key, but he is not able to replace public keys.

  • Definition 2 (Strong Type I secure key agreement protocol) [14]. A CLAKA protocol is Strong Type I secure if every probabilistic, polynomial-time adversary has negligible advantage in winning the above game subject to the following constraints:

    • may corrupt at most two out of three types of secrets per party involved in the test session,

    • is allowed to replace public keys of any party; however, this counts as the corruption of one secret,

    • may not reveal the secret value of any identity for which it has replaced the certificateless public key,

    • is allowed to ask session key reveal queries even for session keys computed by identities where replaced the identity’s public key,

    • is allowed to replace public keys of any party after the test query has been issued.

  • Definition 3 (Strong Type II secure key agreement protocol) [14]. A CLAKA protocol is Strong Type II secure if every probabilistic, polynomial-time adversary has negligible advantage in winning the above game subject to the following constraints:

    • is given the master secret key s at the start of the game,

    • may corrupt at most one additional type of secret per party participating in the test query,

    • is allowed to replace public keys of any party; however, this counts as the corruption of one secret,

    • may not reveal the secret value of any identity for which it has replaced the public key,

    • is allowed to ask session key reveal queries even for session keys computed by identities where he replaced the identity’s public key,

    is allowed to replace public key of any party after the test query has been issued.

3 Our protocol

In this section, we propose a new CLAKA protocol which is secure against the Type I/II adversary. Our protocol consists of five polynomial time algorithms, i.e. Setup, PartialPrivateKeyExtract, SetSecretValue, SetPublicKey and Key − Agreement. The detail of these algorithms is described as follows.

  • Setup: Given security parameter k, KGC does the following steps to generate the system parameters and the mast key.

    1. (1)

      KGC chooses a k -bit prime p, generates an elliptic curve E over finite field F p , generates a group G of elliptic curve points on E with prime order n and determines a generator P of G.

    2. (2)

      KGC chooses the master key mk = s ∈ Z * n and computes the master public key P pub  = s ⋅ P.

    3. (3)

      KGC chooses three cryptographic secure hash functions H 1 : {0, 1}* × G → Z * n H 2 : {0, 1}* × G × G × G → Z * n and H 3 : {0, 1}* × {0, 1}* × G × G → {0, 1}k.

    4. (4)

      KGC publishes params = {F p , E p , G, P, P pub , H 1, H 2, H 3} as system parameters and secretly keeps the master key s.

  • PartialPrivateKeyExtract: Given params, mk, and identity ID of a user, KGC generates a random number r ID  ∈ Z * n , computes R ID  = r ID  ⋅ P, h ID  = H 1(ID, R ID ) and s ID  = r ID  + h ID s mod n. Then KGC returns the partial private key D ID  = (s ID , R ID ) to the user.

    The user can validate D ID by checking whether the equation s ID  ⋅ P = R ID  + h ID  ⋅ P pub holds. The partial private key is valid if the equation holds and vice versa.

  • SetSecretValue: Given params, the user with identity ID picks a random number x ID  ∈ Z * n , computes P ID  = x ID  ⋅ P and sets x ID as his secret value.

  • SetPublicKey: Given params and x ID , the user with identity ID computes P ID  = x ID P and sets P ID as his public key.

  • Key − Agreement: Assume that an entity A with identity ID A has partial private key D A , secret value x A and public key P A and an entity B with identity ID B has partial private key D B , secret value x B and public key P B . If they want to establish a session key, as shown in Fig. 1, the following steps will be executed.

    Fig. 1
    figure 1

    Key agreement of our protocol

    1. 1)

      A chooses a random number t A  ∈ Z * n and computes T A  = t A  ⋅ P, then A sends M 1 = {ID A , R A , T A } to B.

    2. 2)

      After receiving M 1, B chooses a random number t B  ∈ Z * n and computes T B  = t B  ⋅ P, h A  = H 1(ID A , R A ), k A  = H 2(ID A , R A , P A , P pub ), k B  = H 2(ID B , R B , P B , P pub ), K 1 BA  = (t B  + k B x B  + s B )(T A  + k A P A  + R A  + h A P pub ), K 2 BA  = t B  ⋅ T A , and the session key sk = H 3(ID A ID B T A T B K 1 BA K 2 BA ). At the last, B sends M 2 = {ID B , R B , T B } to A.

    3. 3)

      Upon receiving M 2, A computes h B  = H 1(ID B , R B ), k A  = H 2(ID A , R A , P A , P pub ), k B  = H 2(ID B , R B , P B , P pub ), K 1 AB  = (t A  + k A x A  + s A )(T B  + k B P B  + R B  + h B P pub ), K 2 AB  = t A  ⋅ T B and the session key sk = H 3(ID A ID B T A T B K 1 AB K 2 AB ).

      $$ \begin{array}{l}{K}_{AB}^1=\left({t}_A+{k}_A{x}_A+{s}_A\right)\left({T}_B+{k}_B{P}_B+{R}_B+{h}_B{P}_{pub}\right)\\ {}=\left({t}_A+{k}_A{x}_A+{s}_A\right)\left({t}_B+{k}_B{x}_B+{s}_B\right)P\\ {}=\left({t}_B+{k}_A{x}_B+{s}_B\right)\left({t}_A+{k}_B{x}_A+{s}_A\right)P\\ {}=\left({t}_B+{k}_B{x}_B+{s}_B\right)\left({T}_A+{k}_A{P}_A+{R}_A+{h}_B{P}_{pub}\right)={K}_{BA}^1\end{array} $$


      $$ {K}_{AB}^2={t}_A{t}_BP={t}_B{t}_AP={K}_{BA}^2 $$

      Thus, the correctness of the protocol is proved.

4 Security analysis

In this section, we will show our protocol is provably secure in the eCK model. We treat H 1, H 2 and H 3 as three random oracles [3]. For the security, the following theorems are provided.

Theorem 1

If there exists an adversary that has an advantage against our CLAKA protocol , the challenger can use this adversary to solve the CDH problem. We show that the success probability of any adversary against the protocol is limited by , where is the advantage that the challenger gets in solving the CDH problem given security parameter k using the adversary.


From the correctness analysis our protocol, we know that matching sessions compute the same session keys. Like Lippold et al. [14] did, we also do not distinguish two types of adversaries. We will use the similar method proposed by Lippold et al. to show the proposed CLAKA protocol is provably secure in the eCK model.

We assume that an adversary against our protocol has a non-negligible advantage in winning the game outlined in Section 2.2, where k is the security parameter. Let n 0 and n 1 denote the maximum number of sessions that any one party may have and the maximum number of distinctive honest parties that activates separately. Since H 3 is modeled as a random oracle, then has only three possible ways to distinguish the tested session key from a random string.

  • Guessing attack: correctly guesses the session key.

  • Key-replication attack: The adversary forces a non-matching session to have the same session key with the test session. In this case, the adversary can simply learn the session key by querying the non-matching session.

  • Forging attack: Assume that ∏ X I,J is the test session. At some point in its run, the adversary queries H 3 on the value (ID A ID B T A T B K 1 AB K 2 AB ) in the test session owned by party I communicating with party J. Clearly, in this case computes the values K 1 AB and K 2 AB itself.

From the similar analysis in [16], we know that the success probability of the guessing attack and the key-replication attack is negligible. Thus, we cannot get an advantage in winning the game against our protocol unless it queries the H 3 oracle on the session key through the forging attack. Then, using the adversary , we could construct a challenger to solve the CDH problem. Let be the advantage that the challenger gets in solving the CDH problem given the security parameter k using the adversary . Before the game starts, the challenger tries to guess the test session and the strategy that the adversary will adopt. randomly selects two indexes I, J ∈ {1, 2, …, n 1}, where I ≠ J. also chooses X ∈ {1, 2, …, n 0} and thus determines the test session ∏ X I,J , which is correct with probability larger than \( \frac{1}{n_0{n}_1^2} \). aborts the game whenever it finds that it has missed its guess. Otherwise, the game proceeds as usual. According to the fresh session definition, has the following nine choices for ’s strategy:

  1. 1)

    The adversary may neither learn the secret value of I nor the secret value of J.

  2. 2)

    The adversary may neither learn the ephemeral private key of I nor the ephemeral private key of J.

  3. 3)

    The adversary may neither learn the secret value of J nor replace the public key of J and may also not learn the partial private key of I.

  4. 4)

    The adversary may neither learn the ephemeral private key of J nor the secret value of I.

  5. 5)

    The adversary may neither learn the ephemeral private key of I nor the secret value of J.

  6. 6)

    The adversary may neither learn the secret value of I nor replace the secret value of I and may also not learn the partial private key of J.

  7. 7)

    The adversary may neither learn the ephemeral private key of J nor the partial private key of I.

  8. 8)

    The adversary may neither learn the ephemeral private key of I nor the partial private key of J.

  9. 9)

    The adversary may neither learn the partial private key of I nor of the partial private key J.

    • Strategy 1. In this strategy, could get I’s partial private key s I and ephemeral private key t I of the test session ∏ X I,J . also could get J’s partial private key s J and ephemeral private key t J of the session ∏ Y J,I , where ∏ Y J,I is ∏ X I,J ’s matching session. Given a CDH problem instance (P, aP, bP), ’s task is to compute abP using the adversary . To achieve the goal, sets the public key P I of I to aP and the public key P J of J to bP. uses a proper pairing to check whether the queries of the adversary to the H 3 oracle are validity by checking whether the equation e(aP, bP) = e(Q, P) holds, where \( Q=\frac{1}{k_I{k}_J}\left({K}_{I,J}^1-\left({t}_I+{s}_I\right)\left({T}_J+{k}_J{P}_J+{R}_J+{h}_J{P}_{pub}\right)-{k}_I\left({t}_J+{s}_J\right){R}_I\right) \). As soon as finds such a query, aborts the game and returns Q as solution of the CDH challenge. The probability that is able to find a solution to the CDH challenge is .

    • Strategy 2. In this strategy, could get I’s secret value x I and. also could get J’s partial private key s J and secret value x J . Given a CDH problem instance (P, aP, bP), ’s task is to compute abP using the adversary . To achieve the goal, sets the ephemeral public key T I of ∏ X I,J to aP and the ephemeral public key T J of ∏ Y J,I to bP, where ∏ Y J,I is ∏ X I,J ’s matching session. uses a proper pairing to check whether the queries of the adversary to the H 3 oracle are validity by checking whether the equation e(aP, bP) = e(K 2 I,J , P) holds, is able to identify valid queries. As soon as finds such a query, aborts the game and returns K 2 I,J as solution of the CDH challenge. The probability that is able to find a solution to the CDH challenge is .

    • Strategy 3. In this strategy, could get I’s secret value x I and ephemeral private key t I of the test session ∏ X I,J . also could get J’s partial private key s J and ephemeral private key t J of the session ∏ Y J,I ’s , where ∏ Y J,I is ∏ X I,J ’s matching session. Given a CDH problem instance (P, aP, bP), ’s task is to compute abP using the adversary . sets I’s partial public key R I to aP − h I P pub and H 1(ID I , R I ) ← h I , where h I is a random number. sets the public key P J of J to bP. uses a proper pairing to check whether the queries of the adversary to the H 3 oracle are validity by checking whether the equation e(aP, bP) = e(Q, P) holds, where \( Q=\frac{1}{k_J}\left({K}_{I,J}^1-\left({t}_I+{k}_I{x}_I\right)\left({T}_J+{k}_J{P}_J+{R}_J+{h}_J{P}_{pub}\right)-\left({t}_J+{s}_J\right)aP\right) \). As soon as finds such a query, aborts the game and returns Q as solution of the CDH challenge. The probability that is able to find a solution to the CDH challenge is .

    • Strategy 4. The strategy is symmetric to Strategy 3, its probability of success is equal to the probability of success for Strategy 3. To save space, we will not give the detail here.

    • Strategy 5. In this strategy, could get I’s partial private key s I and secret value x I . also could get J’s partial private key s J and ephemeral private key t J of the session ∏ Y J,I , where ∏ Y J,I is ∏ X I,J ’s matching session. Given a CDH problem instance (P, aP, bP), ’s task is to compute abP using the adversary . To achieve the goal, sets the ephemeral public key T I of the test session ∏ X I,J to aP and the public key P J of J to bP. uses a proper pairing to check whether the queries of the adversary to the H 3 oracle are validity by checking whether the equation e(aP, bP) = e(Q, P) holds, where \( Q=\frac{1}{k_J}\left({K}_{I,J}^1-\left({k}_I{x}_I+{s}_I\right)\left({T}_J+{k}_J{P}_J+{R}_J+{h}_J{P}_{pub}\right)-\left({t}_J+{s}_J\right){T}_I\right) \). As soon as finds such a query, aborts the game and returns Q as solution of the CDH challenge. The probability that is able to find a solution to the CDH challenge is .

    • Strategy 6. The strategy is symmetric to Strategy 5, its probability of success is equal to the probability of success for Strategy 5. To save space, we will not give the detail here.

    • Strategy 7. In this strategy, could get I’s secret value x I and ephemeral private key t I of the test session ∏ X I,J . also could get J’s partial private key s J and secret value x J . Given a CDH problem instance (P, aP, bP), ’s task is to compute abP using the adversary . sets I’s partial public key R I to aP − h I P pub and H 1(ID I , R I ) ← h I . sets the ephemeral public key T J of ∏ Y J,I to bP. uses a proper pairing to check whether the queries of the adversary to the H 3 oracle are validity by checking whether the equation e(aP, bP) = e(Q, P) holds, where Q = K 1 I,J  − (t I  + k I x I )(T J  + k J P J  + R J  + h J P pub ) − (k J x J  + s J )aP. As soon as finds such a query, aborts the game and returns Q as solution of the CDH challenge. The probability that is able to find a solution to the CDH challenge is .

    • Strategy 8. The strategy is symmetric to Strategy 7, its probability of success is equal to the probability of success for Strategy 7. To save space, we will not give the detail here.

    • Strategy 9. In this strategy, could get I’s secret value x I and ephemeral private key t I of the test session ∏ X I,J . also could get J’s secret value x J and ephemeral private key t J of the session ∏ Y J,I , where ∏ Y J,I is ∏ X I,J ’s matching session. Given a CDH problem instance (P, aP, bP), ’s task is to compute abP using the adversary . sets I’s partial public key R I to aP − h I P pub and H 1(ID I , R I ) ← h I , where h I is a random number. also sets J’s partial public key R J to bP − h J P pub and H 1(ID J , R J ) ← h J , where h J is a random number. uses a proper pairing to check whether the queries of the adversary to the H 3 oracle are validity by checking whether the equation e(aP, bP) = e(Q, P) holds, where Q = K 1 I,J  − (t I  + k I x I )(T J  + k J P J  + bP) − (t J  + k J x J )aP. As soon as finds such a query, aborts the game and returns Q as solution of the CDH challenge. The probability that is able to find a solution to the CDH challenge is .

5 Comparison with previous protocols

For the convenience of evaluating the computational cost, we define some notations as follows.

  • T mul : The time of executing a scalar multiplication operation of point.

  • T add : The time of executing an addition operation of point.

  • T h : The time of executing a one-way hash function.

We will compare the efficiency of our protocol with two latest CLAKA protocols without pairing, i.e. Yang et al.’s protocol [22] and He et al.’s protocol [11]. Table 1 shows the comparison among pairing-free CLAKA protocols in terms of efficiency and security model. Yang et al.’s protocol is implemented in general group. To give fair comparison, we transform it to the elliptic cure group described in Section 2.1. From Table 1, we know that Yang et al.’s protocol [22] and our protocol has advantage in security to He et al.’s protocol [3] since Yang et al.’s protocol [22] and our protocol are provably secure in the eCK model and is secure as long as each party has at least one uncompromised secret. Besides, our protocol has better performance than Yang et al.’s protocol. Moreover, our protocol just needs a more hash function operation than He et al.’s protocol. We conclude that our protocol is more suitable for practical applications.

Table 1 Comparisons among different protocols

6 Conclusion

To improve performance, many pairing-free CLAKA protocols have been proposed. In this paper, we proposed a new pairing-free CLAKA protocol and proved its security in the eCK model. The analysis shows our protocol has advantages over previous CLAKA protocols in security or efficiency.