
Information security plays a vital role in area of secure data transmission for WBAN applications. The cryptographic algorithms are generally based on secret key and public key systems. However a lot of emphasizes was made on the secret key systems which use a symmetric key on both the encryption as well as decryption. Moreover in 2001, Federal Information Processing Standard selected Rijndael algorithm for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as a replacement to Data Encryption Standard (DES) [1, 2]. The AES algorithm has been standardized and adopted in latest IEEE Standard 802.15.6 for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) application due to its performance and high security [3]. This algorithm also helps in ensuring enough security in applications like secure communication, RFID tags, WBAN, etc.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Encryption process of each round

The AES algorithm was realized on hardware using pipelining, sub-pipelining and loop unrolling architecture in order to achieve maximum throughput. The implementation of AES algorithm with fully pipelined architecture for encryption process achieved a throughput of 30 to 70 Gbits/s on 0.18- μm CMOS ASIC technology [4]. Although, these architecture are efficient for few applications which require high throughput. Moreover, these high throughput architecture hardware realizations utilize more area and high power consumption. Among these architectures, the hardware implementation of classical S-Box are traditionally designed using LUT and hence require large number of memory cells [5, 6] . In order to avoid unbreakable delay and enhance the speed of S-Box, these S-Box are also designed and implemented using composite field arithmetic, binary decision diagram (BDD) and T-Boxes. However, the composite field arithmetic involves in decomposition of Galois Field GF (28) to GF ((24)2) or GF (((22)2)2) respectively using isomorphic mapping [7, 8]. The S-Box realizations using binary decision diagram (BDD) and T-Boxes achieved a throughput of 10 Gbps [911]. The literature works so far reported above mainly emphasized on reduction in hardware complexities and enhancement in throughput [12]. On the other hand, there is a need to develop alternative architecture of S-Box, which is sufficiently secure with that of standard AES S-Box, with lesser power dissipation and low energy consumption. Since the WBAN applications require a ultra low energy AES architecture to expand the lifetime of the battery [13, 14]. We proposed the dynamic RCA 2 based S-Box architecture, which colossally lessens power utilization, energy consumption contrasted with traditional LUT based S-Box. Moreover, to check the level of security for the proposed RCA 2 based S-Box, we additionally acquired cryptographic properties such as, non-linearity, entropy, correlation immunity bias, balancedness property and strict avalanche criterion. It is also found that the proposed RCA 2 based S-Box gives comparable performance in terms of security with respect to LUT based S-Box.

In this paper, the concept of AES algorithm is revisited in Section “Concept of AES algorithm”. The formulation of S-Box using programmable reversible cellular automata (RCA 2) is discussed in Section “Formulation of S-Box using 2nd order reversible one dimensional cellular automata (RCA 2)”. The proposed novel RCA 2 based S-Box and architecture is presented in Section “Proposed RCA 2 based S-Box”. The comparative analysis of LUT based S-Box and RCA 2 based S-Box are evaluated using cryptographic properties with architecture implementation in Section “Security analysis of LUT based S-Box and RCA 2 based S-Box” and conclusion is reported in Section “Conclusion”.

Concept of AES algorithm

The Advanced Encryption Standard is a symmetric block cipher with 128 bits secret key as recommended by the latest IEEE Standard 802.15.6 for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) application [3, 6, 15, 16]. The AES algorithm consists of four transformations namely the Substitution Bytes (S-Box), Shift Rows (SR), Mix Columns (MC) and Add Round Key (ARK) in order to generate cipher text over plain text [17]. The AES algorithm encryption process is shown in Fig. 1, the number rounds of transformation (N r ) is mathematically derived by \(N_{r}=\frac {S_{k}}{32}+6\), where S k = key size. The latest IEEE standard 802.15.6 for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) application has recommended a secret key size of 128 bits for AES algorithm which results in 10 rounds of transformation. Out of these 10 rounds, first 9 rounds undergo four transformations S-Box, SR, MC and ARK, except the last 10 round have only three transformations S-Box, SR and ARK. The input bits are arranged in 4×4 matrix of bytes known as state array. Each column as well as row are known as a word (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

A block diagram of AES Encryption

Substitution bytes

In S-Box transformation, each byte of input data is substituted with another byte using Look-Up-Table (LUT). These S-Boxes are computed by the multiplicative inverse of each element in the state using GF (28) with an irreducible polynomial P(x) = x 8 + x 4 + x 3 + x+1 and followed by an affine transformation. Traditionally, the classical S-Box are implemented using memory cells which can store the 256 possible values in 8×8 array of bits. However, the input data is 128 bit so the total number of 16 LUT based S-Box used in the AES algorithm hence there is increase in hardware area and power consumption. The LUT based S-Box in hexadecimal form is shown in Table 1. For example, if the input data is ’d4’, then the substituted value of S-Box from the Table 1. is determined by the intersection of ’d’ row and ’4’ column which results in ’48’.

Shift rows

The SR transformation is attained by shifting of elements by one byte in order to create diffusion in cipher text. In SR transformation, the bytes in the first row remain unchanged whereas the second, third and fourth row are shifted to the left by 1, 2, 3 bytes respectively.

Mix columns

This MC transformation is used for attaining diffusion in the block cipher and a column operation, where each column is expressed as a four term polynomial over GF (28) field and multiplied by fixed polynomial A(x)=(03H)x 3+(01H)x 2+(01H)x+(02H) with modulo x 4+1. Mathematically, this operations are written in matrix form as follows:

$$ S^{1}(x)=A(x)\otimes S(x). $$
$$ \left[\begin{array}{cccccccc} S^{1}_{0,C}\\ S^{1}_{1,C}\\ S^{1}_{2,C}\\ S^{1}_{3,C} \end{array}\right]= \left[\begin{array}{cccccccc} 02H & 03H & 01H &01H \\ 01H & 02H & 03H &01H \\ 01H & 01H & 02H &03H \\ 03H & 01H & 01H &02H \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{cccccccc} S_{0,C}\\ S_{1,C}\\ S_{2,C}\\ S_{3,C} \end{array}\right] $$

where 0≤C<4.

Add round key

In ARK transformation, the ARK cipher keys are generated in the key expansion phase by using bitwise XOR operation. A total of 4 (N r +1) words are generated in the key expansion block. Each ARK (i)=(w 4i , w 4i+1, w 4i+2, w 4i+3), where i = 0 to N r . Initially, the first ARK is the initial 128 bits secret key and the subsequent round keys are calculated using SubWord, RotWord and Rcon. SubWord means nonlinear transformation of each byte of key using S-Box. The Rotation Word (RotWord) is a cyclic left shift of each byte in a word by one byte. Rcon is an array of constant words and the left most byte in word is non-zero.

Formulation of S-Box using 2nd order reversible one dimensional cellular automata (RCA 2)

As S-Box is responsible for the amount of confusion introduced in the plain text, an efficient S-Box design makes the system immune to cryptographic attacks. So, in this paper, we proposed a efficient S-Box architecture using programmable second order reversible one dimensional cellular automata (RCA 2). The basic function of S-Box is to transform 8 bits input to another 8 bits secret data using predefined Look-Up-Table (LUT). The truth table of S-Box is basically a function f:B nB m. For encryption of 128 bits plain text, a total number of 16 LUT based S-Boxes are utilized in AES algorithm therefore the LUT based S-Box architecture utilize more area, high energy consumption and these S-Boxes are more prone to differential cryptanalysis due to rigid architecture [18]. Hence, LUT based S-Box architectures is no more suitable for WBAN applications. Apart from this, in order to meet the requirements of WBAN application, there is a demand to develop a cryptographic algorithm which is highly secure, lesser area and low energy consumption [19]. However, to overcome the limitation of classical S-Box, we proposed the architecture of S-Box using second order reversible one dimensional cellular automata (RCA 2) which requires lesser area and low energy consumption [20].

Table 1 LUT based S-Box

The basic structure of CA is shown in Fig. 3, consist a groups of cells with a finite size of length from K 0 to K 7 which evolve at discrete time steps using deterministic rule with each cell can store one of the two states 0 and 1. If the right most and left most (extreme) cells of this finite size CA are considered to be adjacent each other, then the CA is called as periodic boundary CA. The one dimensional periodic boundary CA evolves with different neighborhood configurations of elementary CA [21]. Each elementary CA consists of central cell i which is surrounded by neighborhood cells of a defined radius r, therefore the total number of cells in elementary CA is given as n s = 2r+1, including central cell i. We considered r = 1, which results in the total number of possible different neighborhood configurations of elementary CA are \(L=2^{n_{s}}\) with \(K_{i-1}^{t},~{K_{i}^{t}},~K_{i+1}^{t}\) cells, where i = 0 to 7. The next state of central cell \(K_{i}^{t+1}\) at time (t+1) depends on the current state of central cell \({K_{i}^{t}}\) and also neighborhood \(K_{i+1}^{t},~K_{i-1}^{t}\) cells respectively at time t with a deterministic rule of function f r . Mathematically, \(K_{i}^{t+1}\) can be expressed as

$$ K_{i}^{t+1}=f_{r}(K_{i-1}^{t},{K_{i}^{t}},K_{i+1}^{t}) $$

The decimal form representation of deterministic rules f r is shown in Table 2 and the total number of CA rules considered are 2L = 256. The CA is dynamic in nature as the output pattern evolve depending on the deterministic rule moreover the rule can also be updated at discrete time step t.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Lattice of Cellular Automata

Table 2 Truth table for Rule 90 and 75

A CA is said to be 1st order one dimensional (1-D) CA, if the next configuration \(K_{i}^{t+1}\) is the function of defined rule and present neighborhood configuration \(K_{i-1}^{t},~{K_{i}^{t}},~K_{i+1}^{t}\) cells. The reversibility of one dimensional (1-D) CA system of a given length in which each output state is based on rules and the output can be realized using Boolean function [22]. If the function is invertible then the rule is reversible which is a desired property in cryptography.

If the Boolean function is not one on one, then a value in the range set can map to many value in domain set, which in the process of decryption the plain text is not retrieved from the the cipher text. We observed that the 1st order one dimensional cellular automata only 6 rules are reversible. Moreover to overcome the limitations, we proposed 2nd order one dimensional cellular automata (RCA 2) in which there are 64 reversible rules and the mapping of Boolean function is one on one. The structure of RCA 2 is slightly different as that of 1st order one dimensional cellular automata, the results obtained with 1st order one dimensional CA is XORed with the previous value of the central cell i at time step t−1 in order to achieve the new configuration of RCA 2 at a time step t+1. The next configuration of central \(C_{i}^{t+1}\) for RCA 2 at t+1 depends not only on present cell \({C_{i}^{t}}\) but also on the previous cell \(C_{i}^{t-1}\), as shown in Fig. 4. Mathematically, the RCA 2 is represented by

$$ C_{i}^{t+1}=({C_{i}^{t}} \oplus C_{i}^{t-1}) $$

where \(({C_{i}^{t}}, C_{i}^{t-1}) = (K_{i}^{t+1}, K_{i}^{t-1})\) respectively at discrete time step t+1 and t−1.The functioning of RCA 2 based S-Box with 256 number of different rules is shown in Algorithm 1. The initial 8 bit input data stacked on the array of registers through D, NOI means the number of iterations from 1 to 50 at discrete time steps and K 0 to K 7 is defined as the size of the lattice. Hence, RCA 2 algorithm there exists 28 possible random initial states which are taken into consideration. However, the 8 bit random initial states of RCA 2 evolves using different 256 deterministic rule and number of iterations which are considered from time step 1 to 50. There exist a relationship between time step t and group of CA cells K 0 to K 7 in a lattice as the diversification in output is high if the time step is greater than size of the lattice.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Basic cell structure of RCA 2

figure a

Proposed RCA 2 based S-Box

The S-Box of AES algorithm in cryptography provide confusion in the cipher text and hence plays an important role in AES algorithm. The conventional LUT based S-Box architecture uses a large number of memory cells which eventually consumes more power. Moreover, the secret information from the existing AES algorithm architecture can be revealed using power analysis attacks [18].

In order to overcome these limitations, we proposed a RCA 2 based architecture for S-Box with low energy consumption and dynamic in nature. Unlike the conventional LUT based S-Box, the proposed RCA 2 S-Box is dynamic in nature because of the fact that the output of the S-Box is a function of input rule which can be programmed. The basic function of RCA 2 based S-Box is to transform 8 bits input data to another secret data which is achieved using a combinational logic as shown in Fig. 4.

The initial 3 bits are loaded into the register R 1, R 2 using preset and clear signals. The output of \(C_{i}^{t+1}\) depends on the current state of cell \({C_{i}^{t}}\) and previous state of cell \(C_{i}^{t-1}\), where as \(K_{i}^{t+1}={C_{i}^{t}}\) and \(K_{i}^{t-1}=C_{i}^{t-1}\) as depicted in Fig. 4.

The switches of multiplexer are activated and deactivated according to the control signals \(K_{i-1}^{t},{K_{i}^{t}},K_{i+1}^{t}\) and the output of multiplexer is mapped according to the stored 8 bits rule in the register.

The output of the proposed basic RCA 2 structure is one bit with given 8 bit input rule as shown in Fig. 4. In order to implement the S-Box which operates on 8 bits, eight such basic cells shown in Fig. 4 needs to be inter connected.

The proposed architectural design of 8×8 array RCA 2 based S-Box is implemented using logic gates, multiplexers and registers as shown in Fig. 5. The initial 8 bits of RCA 2 array will be loaded into register R 1 using preset and clear signals. The bits in the register R 1 will be applied as control signals to 8:1 MUX (M 1-M 8) in circular fashion whose input is an 8 bit rule. First 3 bits R 7, R 0 and R 1 will act as a control signals to M 1, R 0, R 1 and R 2 to M 2 and the last MUX M 8 the control signal are R 6, R 7 and R 0. The register R 2 is used to store the previous value of bits K 0 to K 7 as \({K^{1}_{0}}\) to \({K^{1}_{7}}\). The previous bit \({K^{1}_{0}}\) is XORed with the output of MUX M 1, \({K^{1}_{1}}\) is XORed with output of MUX M 2 and the last bit \({K^{1}_{7}}\) is XORed with output of MUX M 8. The MUXs produces the output according to the Table 2. The outputs bits produced by the XOR gate will be used as a RCA 2 array bits in subsequent iterations.

Fig. 5
figure 5

RCA 2 based 8×8 S-Box architecture

The control logic has a 6 bit up counter and a comparator. If the count value of counter is equal to the number of iteration in time step, then the output of the control logic circuit goes high to enable the register (R 3). The latency incurred in computing the S-Box depends upon the number of iterations defined in the RCA 2. However, on the other side, the ASIC implementation of RCA 2 based S-Box architecture shown in Fig. 5 utilizes few logic elements compared to that of LUT based S-Box [23]. As a result, RCA 2 based S-Box architecture consumes less power and require small chip area and hence this hardware realization is much suitable for WBAN applications. The process overhead incurred in order to compute (number of time steps) for proposed RCA 2 based S-Box depends upon the specified number of iterations. As WBAN application deal with a low frequency biomedical signals, the process overhead incurred will not effect the overall performance of the system.

Security analysis of LUT based S-Box and RCA 2 based S-Box

In order to analyze the security aspects, the output bits obtained by the proposed RCA 2 based S-Box architecture as described in Section “Proposed RCA 2 based S-Box”, are taken as inputs bits to the MATLAB system which computes cryptographic properties. The functioning of S-Box is to map 8 input bits to 8 output bits using predefined table known as Look-Up-Table (LUT) μ : GF(B n) → GF(B n) [24].

In cryptography, the Boolean function used to encrypt the plain data must be diverse and mapping from input to output should be one on one, so as to provide enough security and proper decryption [24]. In order to analyze the S-Box using cryptographic properties the 28 output bits are transformed into a single output bit using Boolean function f i : B nB, where i∈[1, m]. In a S-Box, μ:B nB m and hence there exists m number of function μ = {f 1, f 2,⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅f m }, The truth table in polarity form is written as follows: f k (x)= (−1)f(x).

$$ f_{\beta}(x)=(\alpha_{1}f_{1}(x)\oplus\alpha_{2}f_{2}(x)\oplus\alpha_{3}f_{3}(x)...\oplus\alpha_{m}f_{m}(x)) $$

f β is a Boolean function of the linear combination of m functions f i (x), im, where α i B m are coefficient of the linear function. The security analysis was carried out using S-Box values obtained from the proposed RCA 2 architecture. The values obtained by using cryptographic properties are plotted in Figs. 678 and 9. The level of security of S-Box is observed using the cryptographic properties, namely, the correlation immunity bias, strict avalanche criteria, nonlinearity and entropy. If an S-Box satisfies these cryptographic properties then the S-Box is cryptographically secure against cryptanalysis. The symbolic representation of the cryptographic properties are presented in Table 3. We considered the size of RCA 2 lattice to be 8 bits, number of RCA 2 rules are 256 and the RCA 2 lattice is iteratively executed for 9 to 50 discrete time steps with 256 different RCA 2 rules. The results obtained using the proposed RCA 2 technique are compared with that of conventional S-Box in Table 4.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Values for Strict Avalanche Criteria of RCA 2 based S-Box

Fig. 7
figure 7

Value for Non Linearity of RCA 2 based S-Box

Fig. 8
figure 8

Values for Entropy of RCA 2 based S-Box

Fig. 9
figure 9

Value for Correlation Immunity Bias of RCA 2 based S-Box

Table 3 Symbolic representation
Table 4 Cryptographic Properties values for RCA 2 based S-Box

Strict avalanche criteria(Υ S )

Strict avalanche criteria states that, if one input bit changes in a Boolean function, then half of the output bits should be changed [25]. For a Boolean function, if f is to satisfy SAC the following condition, f(x)⊕f(xα) should be balanced, where the Hamming weight of a is 1 and SAC is represented by Υ S .

$$ dSAC_{f}=max_{1\leq i\leq n}|2^{n-1}-\sum\limits_{x\in B^{n}} f(x)\oplus f(x\oplus {c_{i}^{n}})| $$

B n consists of all the possible input in the n variable function which is basically 2n different inputs \({c_{i}^{n}}\) consisting of all the element in B n whose Hamming weight is 1 .

$$ \Upsilon_{S}=max(SAC_{\mu}) $$

If the observed value of SAC is less for a cipher, then the cipher is more difficult to cryptanalysis. We infer that the value of SAC for RCA 2 S-Box are 16 for rule number 30, 57, 99, 135 as shown in Fig. 6 and Table 4, which is comparable with that of standard LUT S-Box as shown in Table 4. Moreover, we found that 31.0323 % out of 256 CA rules had comparable SAC value of 16. The best values obtained for SAC is 14 in case of rule 31 and rule 58 which are emphasize in Fig. 6.

Entropy(H S )

This property provides us the amount of information in the input bits, when output bit are already known [26]. If the function is f:B nB, then the entropy function can be defined by H S .

$$ H(P_{i})= P_{i}~log_{2}\frac{1}{P_{i}}+(1- P_{i})~log_{2}\frac{1}{1-P_{i}} $$

where P i is fraction of ones in the output. The (i, j)th input/output bit to bit entropy \(H(\frac {x_{i}}{\mu _{j}} )\) is computed.

$$ H=min[H(\frac{x_{i}}{\mu_{j}})] ~~~ [i\in \{1,n\},j\in \{1,m\}] $$
$$ H_{S} = {min}(H_{\mu}) $$

where H(x i /μ j ) is the entropy corresponding to the probability P(x i /μ j ) If the value of entropy is high for a observed cipher, then the cipher is difficult for cryptanalysis. The best values are achieved at rule number 30, 57, 86, 99, 135, 149 are presented in Table 4. We also found for RCA 2 based S-Box that 26.0323 % out of 256 CA rules had better entropy value than AES with standard LUT based S-Box entropy values. The entropy plots best value obtained at rule 57 is 0.9914 and rule 99 is 0.9914 are highlighted in Fig. 8.

Non linearity(R S )

The non linearity of a Boolean function is the minimum distance from the function to the set of affine functions and non linearity is represented by R S .

$$ N_{f}=min[d(f, g)],~where~ g\in A_{n} $$

where A n is the set of all the affine function.

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} d(f,g)=2^{n-1}-2^{-1}(\langle\eta,\beta\rangle) \end{array} $$

where η, β represent the binary sequence of f, g respectively and 〈η, β〉 define the scalar product of sequence ?, Hence, for a function f:B nB

$$ N_{f} =2^{n-1}-2^{-1}[max(\langle\eta,\beta_{j}\rangle)] $$

where β j belongs to sequence of all linear function.

$$ \Re_{S}=min(N_{\mu}) $$

If the value of non linearity is high for a cipher, then the cipher is secure enough against cryptanalysis. We observed that the value of non linearity is high for rule 57, 99 and also observed that 6.098 % out of 256 CA rules has higher values of non linearity as shown in Fig. 7. The maximum value of non linearity attained was 109 in case of RCA 2 based S-Box as shown in Table 4. The best value obtained for non linearity at rule 87 and rule 100 are highlighted in Fig. 7.

Correlation immunity bias(Φ S (l))

A Boolean function is said to satisfy correlation immunity bias of order l, if it is statistically independent of combination of any l input bits. Mathematically, if l input bits are fixed then we can get n C l 2l g functions. So for f:B nB, the CIB is represented as Φ S (l).

$$ CIB_{f}(m)=max|2^{m}*W(g_{j})-W(f)| $$

where W(g j )belongs to Hamming weight of all the possible function keeping m bits in the function f fixed. W(f) corresponds to the Hamming weight of function f.

$$ \Phi_{S}(l)=max(CIB_{\mu}) $$

If the CIB value is less for a observed cipher, then the cipher is secure enough against cryptanalysis. We observed that the best value of CIB at rule number 57, 99, 169 are presented in Table 4. The CIB plots of best value obtained at rule 57 and rule 99 are highlighted in Fig. 9. The best observed values is 14 at rule 99 and rule 57, for 36.3548 % out of 256 RCA 2 rules had better value of CIB, as shown in Fig. 9.

Moreover, we observed the results obtained for 256 number of rules for RCA 2 and the values of non linearity, CIB, entropy and SAC for all the 62 reversible rules of RCA 2 have better values. The value of SAC, CIB, non linearity and entropy of 2 nd order 1-D Cellular Automata along with few reversible rules are shown in Table 4. The RCA 2 based S-Boxes are flexible, dynamic in nature and more resistant to differential cryptanalysis as these provide enough level of security compared to that of LUT based S-Box. The observed values of nonlinearity, correlation immunity bias, strict avalanche criterion and entropy of standard LUT based S-Box for AES algorithm and our proposed RCA 2 S-Box with that of the existing works are shown in Table 4 [2730].

Architectural design

In order to validate the proposed architecture, AES algorithm with RCA 2 based S-Box is implemented using verilog, verified on FPGA board and synthesized with Cadence RTL compiler. The proposed architecture is operated at different clock frequency with 0.18- μm technology (core voltage of 1.62 V) and 0.13- μm technology (core voltage of 1.08 V) under worst-case conditions. The total time consumed to encrypt 128 bits of plain text is calculated by Latency = Clockcycles×Timeperiod. The performance of AES with RCA 2 based S-Box are reported in Table 5 in terms of gate count, power dissipation, energy consumption and operating frequency. However, our proposed RCA 2 based S-Box realization, the number of iterations were considered are 20 clock cycles to compute the RCA 2 S-Box, whereas, the total time taken to encrypt 128 bit plain text by AES with RCA 2 S-Box are 244 clock cycles.

Table 5 Hardware results of Proposed AES algorithm with RCA 2 based S-Box

Number of gates utilized for LUT based S-Box and Composite Field Arithmetic based S-Box realizations was 696, 294 respectively with 0.11- μm [35], while, the proposed dynamic RCA 2 S-Box realizations the number of gates utilized are 124, 136 using 0.18- μm and 0.13- μm technology libraries. Sumio et al. [10] presented low power S-Box architecture which consumes power of 29 μW at 10 MHz using 130- μm CMOS technology, where as our proposed RCA 2 S-Box operated at 10 MHz using 130- μm CMOS technology consumes power of 14 μW. It is easily seen that our proposed S-Box consumes 51 % less power compared to the existing work [33]. The work reported in [32] needs power consumption of 7.55 mW for encryption with 0.18- μm technology operated at 13.56 MHz frequency while our proposed work of AES with RCA 2 based S-Box if operated at 13.69 MHz clock frequency, power consumption of 3.856 mW for encryption and energy consumption of 68.726 nJ, which is 50 % less compared to Eslami et al. [32]. The ASIC implementation of AES algorithm using Composite Field Arithmetic based S-Box uses 500 clock cycles to complete 128 bits of cipher text, operating at 1 MHz frequency with 51.20 μW of power dissipation and energy consumption of 25.60 nJ using 180- μm CMOS technology library [33]. Our proposed RCA 2 S-Box architecture with AES algorithm when operated at 1 MHz clock consumes power of 104.08 μW and energy consumption of 25.396 nJ, it is clear that there is slight decrease in energy consumption compared with Manoj et al. [33]. Our proposed RCA 2 S-Box with AES algorithm operating at 1 MHz frequency shows an reduction in energy consumption compared with Kaps et al. [34] It is clear from Table 5 that the proposed RCA 2 based S-Box out performs in terms of power dissipation and energy consumption compared with existing works [10, 3235].


In this paper, we proposed a RCA 2 based S-Box realization for AES algorithm to overcome the limitations of classical S-Box used in standard AES algorithm. The proposed RCA 2 S-Box with AES algorithm architecture is evaluated through simulation and synthesis using CMOS technology library. Unlike the design in [10, 3134], the proposed architecture require few logic elements, hence there is reduction in power and energy consumption. The level of security for LUT based conventional S-Box and RCA 2 based S-Box was evaluated using cryptographic properties. However, we have achieved a comparable performance in terms of security for the proposed RCA 2 with that of conventional S-Box used in AES using cryptographic properties. The proposed architecture was synthesized usin Cadence RTL compiler to evaluate area, power and frequency of operation. The maximum operating frequency achieved is 496 MHz for 180- μm 130- μm and 646 MHz for 130- μm technology. Therefore, it has been observed that AES with RCA 2 based S-Box is an ultra low power and low energy consumption encryption algorithm and hence suitable for WBAN applications.