1 Introduction

When an insulating or a superconducting material is exposed to any kind of ionizing radiation, deposited energy is stored in the defect sites and colour centres of the crystal lattice. Due to action of heat energy, a fraction of this stored energy released and emitted as visible light which is called thermoluminescence [1, 2]. Nowadays application of various radiations such as ultraviolet, X-rays, β-rays, γ-rays in the different fields like medical, industrial, agriculture, etc., is increasing [3]. Thermoluminescence (TL) is one of the techniques used in radiation dosimetry [4]. Thermoluminescent materials are more investigated in on-going researches, because they found to have increasing application in thermoluminescence dosimeters. Thermoluminescent dosimeters necessarily have linearity of TL response with exposed radiation dose.

CaSrAl2SiO7 is one of the members of melilite group; these melilites that are basically silicate-based materials showed their use in TL dosimetry. In this work, thermoluminescence properties of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ phosphor are investigated and also observed that co-doping of Ce3+ ions enhanced TL of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ phosphor. The effect of different Tb3+ concentration in both single and co-doped samples on the TL glow curves has been recorded and glow curve is analysed by computerized glow curve deconvolution method. To the best of our knowledge, there is no earlier report on thermoluminescence investigation on CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7: Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors.

2 Synthesis and experimental

Phosphors for the study were prepared by solid-state reaction method at high temperature using analytical reagent (AR) grade raw chemicals with more than 99% accuracy. Calcium carbonate, strontium carbonate, aluminium oxide, silicon di-oxide, ceric oxide and terbium oxide were the starting materials. The amounts of the raw chemicals were calculated according to stoichiometric ratio in CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+ (0.5 mol%),Tb3+ (y mol%), where y = 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0 mol%. Required quantities of raw materials were mixed homogeneously using agate mortar and pestle for 3 h. The resultant mixtures were fired at high temperature 1300 °C for 5 h. It was then slowly cooled to room temperature inside the closed furnace. The powders so formed were collected by crushing the prepared samples. Now the samples were ready for all other characterization studies.

Phase of synthesized phosphor was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique using Cu-Kα radiation with the help of D2 phaser Bruker diffractometer. Thermoluminescence investigation of phosphor was performed by TLD reader, Nucleonix TL 1009I with constant heating rate of 5 °C/s. As sample must be exposed to any kind of radiation before measurement of TL, UV cabinet is used, where the samples were exposed to UV radiation of 254 nm. Band pass filters of different wavelengths have been used to record TL emission spectrum. To record TL emission spectrum, the processes used in recording TL glow curves were repeated; here the sample that is placed in canthal strip was covered with band pass filter. The band pass filter allows the signals of selected range of wavelengths; hence in TL emission spectrum, characteristic emission peaks were observed.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 XRD investigation

To verify the preparation of phosphors, they were analysed by XRD tool that reveals the phase composition. Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns of Tb3+ singly doped and Ce3+,Tb3+ co-doped CaSrAl2SiO7 phosphors along with JCPDS file. It is clear that phosphors have good crystallization with no any impurity phase, as experimental diffraction patterns well matched with JCPDS file 26-0327 of CaSrAl2SiO7. Hence, the as-prepared phosphors have tetragonal crystallographic structure whose space group is P\(\overline{4}\)21 m [5].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Diffraction patterns of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors

3.2 Thermoluminescence investigation

Thermoluminescence (TL) is light emission due to moderate heating of a solid, previously exposed to ionizing radiation. The absorption of the ionizing radiation (UV, X-, β- or γ-rays, high-energy particles) creates traps, and fills them (or those already exist) with electrons and/or holes even at low temperatures. The subsequent heating migrates the electrons and/or holes in the lattice, until they fall into other traps (or recombine) with a consequent photon emission [6]. Thermoluminescent emission from TL materials is very sensitive to the amount and nature of dopant element and radiation effect. So in the present research work, we used Ce3+ and Tb3+ as single and co-dopant ions with their various concentrations; after that TL measurement was performed for each sample with optimized dopant and co-dopant concentration with various ultraviolet (UV) exposure time and then TL kinetic parameters were extracted from the Chen’s peak shape method.

3.2.1 Thermoluminescence of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+

Let us first focus on the investigated thermoluminescence properties of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+ phosphor; this was already discussed in our previous work in which Ce3+ concentration was varied as 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol% [7]. The optimized glow curve was obtained for 0.5 mol% Ce3+-doped CaSrAl2SiO7 phosphor. This optimized phosphor showed an increment in TL intensity up to 35 min of UV irradiation time. As we further increased UV exposure time, saturation in TL intensity was found.

3.2.2 Thermoluminescence of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+

At the second attempt, TL properties of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ phosphor was seen and this report is dealing here for the first time. Figure 2 represents a series of Tb3+ concentration (1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0 mol%)-dependent TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ samples. TL peak position is independent of the concentration of Tb3+ element and exhibits no shift with change in doping concentration. The only variation obtained in the TL peak intensity while increasing Tb3+ concentration. It can be understood from the inset of Fig. 2 that TL intensity of sample first increased with rise in Tb3+ concentration, attained a highest value at 5.0 mol% of Tb3+ ions and then decreased with further increase in Tb3+ concentration; this behaviour arises from concentration quenching process after a particular Tb3+ concentration. As we increase impurity concentration, there is an increase in the number of defects/traps which in turn implies a growth in the density of charge carriers being trapped upon irradiation. Therefore the initial rise in the TL peak intensity or area of the glow curves. Furthermore, on being thermally stimulated, these charge carriers release from traps which in turn recombine with their counterparts at the recombination centre and yield diverse TL glow peaks with elevated height [8].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Concentration-dependent TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:yTb3+ phosphors with 10-min UV exposure time

As thermoluminescence properties are greatly affected by exposure time, TL property of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ (5.0 mol%) phosphor was measured with different UV exposure time. For variable UV exposure time, some of the selected TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ (5.0 mol%) are represented in Fig. 3. Spectral behaviour was same with increase in length of UV exposure time but peak TL intensity or glow curve area altered with increase in exposure time. The growth in TL response was observed as exposure time was boosted and after 60 min of UV exposure TL response diminished with more added exposure time. With increasing irradiation dose more and more trapping centres or luminescent centres responsible for the TL glow peaks are getting filled. Upon thermal stimulation, these traps liberate their charge carriers and they get recombine with their counterparts, giving rise to different glow peaks. When all the trapping centres that are subjected to desired TL emission get filled, the saturation or decrease in the TL intensity starts appearing [8,9,10].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Effect of UV exposure time on the TL glow curve of CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ (5.0 mol%) phosphor

3.2.3 Thermoluminescence of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+

Thermoluminescence experiments were performed on the series of CaSrAl2SiO7:xCe3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7:yTb3+ phosphors that the results point out optimal concentration of Ce3+ as x = 0.5 mol% and of Tb3+ as y = 5.0 mol%. In the present work, co-doping of Ce3+ and Tb3+ was also performed in CaSrAl2SiO7 host and TL properties of this co-doped sample were also investigated and compared with TL of singly doped samples. Co-doping was performed with fixed concentration of Ce3+ (x = 0.5 mol%) and variable concentration of Tb3+ (y = 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0 mol%).

Figure 4 shows TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+ (x = 0.5 mol%), Tb3+ (y = 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0 mol%) phosphors with fixed UV irradiation time. Glow curves for all samples had similar shape but with change in glow curve area. Concentration quenching occurred at 5.0 mol% of Tb3+ ions (see inset of Fig. 4). Like Ce3+ and Tb3+ singly doped samples, impact of various UV irradiation time on the TL glow curve of optimized co-doped CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+ (0.5 mol%),Tb3+ (5.0 mol%) sample was seen and this result is depicted in Fig. 5. It can be clearly seen from Fig. 5 that TL intensity of optimized co-doped phosphor increased up to 100 min of UV exposure and then decreased.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Tb3+ concentration-dependent TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphor with 30-min UV exposure time

Fig. 5
figure 5

Effect of UV exposure time on the TL glow curve of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphor

3.2.4 Evaluation of TL parameters

To determine TL parameters, broad glow curves of 60-min UV exposed CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ (5.0 mol%) and 100-min UV exposed CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+ (0.5 mol%),Tb3+ (5.0 mol%) samples were first applied to computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD) method. Both samples were found to have four overlapping peaks in their parent glow curves. The position of constituent peaks is shown in Fig. 6. TL parameters like geometrical shape factor (μg), order of kinetics (b), frequency factor (S) and activation energy (E) were extracted using Chen’s peak shape method. The calculated TL parameters of Tb3+-doped and Ce3+,Tb3+ co-doped CaSrAl2SiO7 phosphors are listed in Table 1.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Representation of peak deconvolution on parent glow curve of a CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ and b CaSrAl2SiO7: Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors

Table 1 Calculated TL parameters

3.2.5 TL emission spectra

Figure 7 represents comparison of TL emission spectra of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+, CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors. Emission spectra were recorded using interference band pass filters of various wavelengths from 400 to 700 nm. Emission spectra of Ce3+-doped sample was already discussed in our previous article [7], here it is shown for comparison only. The three samples have characteristic emission peaks of respective dopant and co-dopant ions. CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ sample has emission peaks at around 480, 545 and 590 nm these are due to characteristic transition 5D4 → 7F6, 5D4 → 7F5 and 5D4 → 7F4 of Tb3+ ions [11]. CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ sample has characteristic peak of Ce3+ ions at around 420 nm, due to 5d (5D3/2) → 4f (2F5/2) [12, 13]and characteristic peaks of Tb3+ ions situated at around 480, 545 and 600 nm; these are due to above-mentioned transitions of Tb3+ ions.

Fig. 7
figure 7

TL Emission spectra of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+, CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors

Figure 8 shows the comparative TL glow curves of the three optimized phosphors. Ce3+,Tb3+ co-doped phosphor has most intense TL properties among all three. Also from Fig. 7 it is clearly visible that TL emission of cerium ions is decreased, while TL emission of terbium ions is increased in co-doped sample; hence co-doping of small amount of Ce3+ ions, i.e., 0.5 mol%, may enhance TL emission of Tb3+ ions in CaSrAl2SiO7 host.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparative TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+, CaSrAl2SiO7:Tb3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphors

Present study concludes that among the three, Ce3+,Tb3+ co-doped CaSrAl2SiO7 phosphor has almost linear increment in total TL intensity with respect to UV exposure time up to 100 min, which is very large range as compared to other UV irradiated silicate, aluminate and aluminosilicate-based phosphors such as Ca2Al2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ [14]; Ca2Al2SiO7:Ce3+[15]; BaMgAl10O17:Ce3+ [16]. Hence CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,Tb3+ phosphor may be most appropriately useful for UV dosimeter application.

4 Conclusions

CaSrAl2SiO7:yTb3+ and CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,yTb3+ phosphors were prepared by solid-state reaction method. Detail comparative TL study of singly doped and co-doped samples was investigated. Concentration-dependent TL glow curves of CaSrAl2SiO7:yTb3+ phosphor and CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+,yTb3+ phosphors were measured and found that 5.0 mol % is optimized concentration of Tb3+ ions in both samples. Tb3+ singly doped sample showed linear increment in TL intensity up to 60 min, while Ce3+,Tb3+ co-doped sample showed this linearity up to 100 min, also TL properties of co-doped sample got enhanced with inclusion of 0.5 mol% of Ce3+ ions, this was also verified from TL emission spectra. Hence the optimized CaSrAl2SiO7:Ce3+(0.5 mol%),Tb3+(5.0 mol%) phosphor may be a potential candidate for UV dosimeter application.