1 Introduction

Monads have become a standard way to write effectful programs in pure functional languages [34]. In proof assistants, they provide a popular abstraction for modelling and reasoning about effects [4, 5, 8, 19, 22, 32, 36]. Abstractly, a monad consists of a type constructor and two polymorphic operations, for embedding values and for sequencing, with infix notation , satisfying three monad laws:

figure e

Yet, the notion of a monad cannot be expressed as a formula in higher-order logic (HOL) [12] as there are no type constructor variables like in HOL and the sequencing operation occurs with three different type instances in the first law. Thus, only concrete monad instances have been used to model side effects of HOL functions. In fact, monad definitions for different effects abound in HOL, e.g., a state-error monad [4], memoization [36], non-determinism with errors and divergence [19], probabilistic choice [5], probabilistic resumptions with errors [22], and certification monads [32]. Each of these formalisations fixes to a particular type (constructor) and develops its own reasoning infrastructure. This approach achieves value polymorphism, i.e., one monad can be used with varying types of values, but not effect polymorphism where one function can be used with different monads.

In this article, I give up value polymorphism in favour of effect polymorphism. The idea is to fix the type of values to some type . Then, the monad type constructor is applied only to . The resulting combination is represented by an ordinary HOL type variable . So, the monad operations have the HOL types and This notion of a monad can be formalised within HOL. In detail, I present an Isabelle/HOL libraryFootnote 1 for different monadic effects and their algebraic specification. All effects are also implemented as value-monomorphic monads and monad transformers. Using Isabelle’s module system [2], function definitions can be made abstractly and later specialised to several concrete monads. As a running example, I formalise and reason about a monadic interpreter for a small arithmetic language. The library has been used in a larger project to define and reason about parsers and serialisers for security protocols (Sect. 6).

Contributions I show the advantages of trading in value polymorphism for effect polymorphism. First, HOL functions with effects can be defined in an abstract monadic setting (Sect. 2) and reasoned about in the style of Gibbons and Hinze [7]. This preserves the level of abstraction that the monad notion provides. As the definitions need not commit to a concrete monad, they can be used in richer effect contexts too—simply by combining the modular effect specifications. When a concrete monad instance is needed, it can be easily obtained by interpretation using Isabelle’s module system.

Second, as HOL can express the notion of a value-monomorphic monad, I have also formalised several monad transformers [20, 26] in HOL (Sect. 3). Thus, there is no need to define the monad and derive the reasoning principles for each combination of effects, as is current practice with value polymorphism. Instead, it suffices to formalise every effect only once as a transformer and combine them modularly.

Third, relations between different instances can be proven using the theory of representation independence (Sect. 4) as supported by Isabelle’s Transfer package [14]. This makes it possible to switch in the middle of a bigger proof from a complicated monad to a simpler one.

In comparison to the conference version [23], this article additionally implements binary probabilistic choice from countable choice (Sect. 2.3) and presents monad transformers for non-determinism (Sect. 3.5) and a non-deterministic interpreter (Sect. 3.6).

2 Abstract Value-Monomorphic Monads in HOL

In this section, I specify value-monomorphic monads for several types of effects. A monadic interpreter for an arithmetic language will be used throughout as a running example. The language, adapted from Nipkow and Klein [27], consists of integer constants, variables, addition, and division.

figure p

I formalise the concept of a monad using Isabelle’s module system of locales [2]. The locale below fixes the two monad operations and (written infix as and assumes that the monad laws hold. It will collect definitions of functions, which use the monad operations, and theorems about them, whose proofs can use the monad laws. Every locale also defines a predicate of the same name that collects all the assumptions; for example, expresses that the two functions and satisfy the monad laws. When a user interprets the locale with more concrete operations (e.g., and and has discharged the assumptions for these operations, every definition and theorem inside the locale context is specialised to these operations. Although the type of values is a type variable , is fixed inside the locale. Instantiations may still replace with any other HOL type. In other words, the locale formalises a monomorphic monad, but leaves the type of values unspecified. As usual, abbreviates .

figure af

Monads become useful only when effect-specific operations are available. In the remainder of this section, I formalise monadic operations for different types of effects and their properties. For each effect, I introduce a new locale in Isabelle that extends the locale , fixes the new operations, and specifies their properties. A locale extension inherits parameters and assumptions. This leads to a modular design: if several effects are needed, one merely combines the relevant locales in a multi-extension.

2.1 Failure and Exception

Failures are among the simplest effects and are widely used. A failure aborts the computation immediately. The locale given below formalises the failure effect . It assumes that a failure propagates from the left hand side of , i.e., aborts a computation. In contrast, there is no assumption about how behaves on ’s right hand side. Otherwise, if also assumed , then would undo any effect of . Although the standard implementation of failures using the type satisfies this additional law, many other monad implementations do not, e.g., state-exception monads. Note that there is no need to delay the evaluation of in HOL because HOL has no execution semantics.

figure at

As a first example, I define the monadic interpreter for arithmetic expressions by primitive recursion using these abstract monad operations inside the locale .Footnote 2 The first argument is an interpretation function for the variables. The evaluation fails when a division by zero occurs.

figure bg

Note that evaluating a variable can have an effect , which is necessary to obtain a compositional interpreter. Let be the substitution function for . That is, replaces every in with . Then, the following compositionality statement holds (proven by induction on and term rewriting with the definitions), where function composition \(\circ \) is defined as \((f \circ g)(x) = f\ (g\ x)\).

figure bp

I refer to failures as exceptions whenever there is an operator to handle them. Following Gibbons and Hinze [7], the locale assumes that and form a monoid and that s are not handled. It inherits fail-bind and the monad laws by extending the locale . No properties about the interaction between and are assumed because in general exception handling does not distribute over sequencing.

figure by

2.2 State

Some computations rely on a state that changes over time, e.g., counters, pseudo-random number generators, and destructive updates, where old versions are no longer needed. Such stateful computations use operations to read ( ) and replace ( ) the state of type . In a value-polymorphic setting, and are usually computations that return the state or inhabiting the singleton type . Without value-polymorphism, these types cannot be formalised in the HOL setting because cannot be applied to different value types. Instead, my operations additionally take a continuation: and . In a value-polymorphic setting, both signatures are equivalent. Passing the continuation as in and yields the conventional operations. Conversely, my operations can be implemented as and using conventional and . The locale collects the properties and must satisfy:

figure cu

The first four assumptions adapt Gibbons’ and Hinze’s axioms for the state operations [7] to the new signature. The fifth, get-const, additionally specifies that can be discarded if the state is not used. The last two assumptions, bind-get and bind-put, demand that and distribute over . In the conventional value-polymorphic setting, where the continuations are applied using , these two are subsumed by the monad laws. In the remainder of this paper, and always take continuations.Footnote 3

A state update function can be implemented abstractly for all state monads. Like , takes a continuation .

figure di

The expected properties of can be derived from ’s assumptions by term rewriting. For example,

figure dl

As an example, I implement a memoisation operator using the state operations. To that end, the state must be refined to a lookup table, which I model as a map of type . The definition uses the function that takes a map and updates it to associate with , leaving the other associations as they are; formally, .

figure dt

A memoisation operator should satisfy the following three properties. First, it evaluates the memoised function at most on the given argument, not on others. This can be expressed as a congruence rule, which holds by ’s definition: [3]

figure dv

Second, memoisation should be idempotent, i.e., if a function is already being memoised, then there is no point in memoising it once more.

figure dw

The mechanised proof of memo-idem in Isabelle needs only two steps, which are justified by term rewriting with the properties of the monad operations and the operator. Every assumption about and except get-put is needed. Appendix A contains a step-by-step proof that illustrates reasoning with the algebraic monad properties.

Third, the memoisation operator should indeed evaluate on at most once. As memoises only the result of , but not the effect of evaluating , the next lemma captures this correctness property. Its proof is similar to memo-idem’s.

figure ef

2.3 Probabilistic Choice

Randomised computations are built from an operation for probabilistic choice. The probabilities are specified using probability mass functions (type ) [11], i.e., discrete probability distributions. Binary probabilistic choice, which is often used in the literature [6, 7, 30], is less general as it leads to finite distributions. Continuous distributions would work, too, but they would require measurability conditions everywhere.

Like the state operations, takes a continuation to separate the type of probabilistic choices from the type of values. The locale assumes the following properties:

  • sampling from the one-point distribution has no effect (sample-dirac),

  • sequencing in the probability monad yields sequencing (sample-bind),

  • sampling can be discarded if the result is unused (sample-const),

  • sampling from independent distributions commutes (sample-comm, independence is expressed by p and q not taking y and x as an argument, respectively.)

  • sampling is relationally parametric in the choices (sample-param), and

  • sampling distributes over both sides of (bind-sample1, bind-sample2).

figure eo

The assumption sample-param ensures that does not look at the identity of the choices. This is expressed as a Reynolds-style parametricity condition [31] where

  • is a relation between the choices, where the condition expresses that relates each choice with at most one choice, i.e., does not identify choices;Footnote 4

  • the relator lifts a relation on elementary events to probability distributions: iff for all , where denotes the probability of the event under the distribution ;

  • the right-associative function relator relates two functions and iff implies for all and ; and

  • denotes the identity relation.

For example, consider two biased coins and that show heads with probabilities and , respectively. Then, it should not matter whether we flip or provided that we switch the actions for heads and tails. Formally, if and . This identity follows from sample-param using .

Parametricity in particular ensures that calls the continuation only on values in ’s supportFootnote 5 (take in sample-param)Footnote 6:

figure ge

Binary probabilistic choice can be defined in terms of . It behaves as with probability and as with probability . For it to be well-behaved, we must require that the type of choices contains at least three choices, say , , and . Let be the distribution that assigns probability to to . (The third choice is needed to prove the associativity law below.)

figure gu

From the assumptions, I can derive Gibbons and Hinze’s specification [7]. All assumptions are used except sample-comm. Associativity crucially relies on sample-param and the existence of a third choice as we must distribute the probability over three computations, not just the two of the inner choice operator.

figure gx

2.4 Combining Abstract Monads

Formalising monads in this abstract way has the advantage that the different effects can be easily combined. In the running example, suppose that the variables represent independent random variables. Then, expressions are probabilistic computations and evaluation computes the joint probability distribution. For example, if and represent coin flips with representing heads and tails, then represents the probability distribution of the number of heads.

Here is a first attempt. Let specify the distribution for each random variable . Combining the locales for failures and probabilistic choice, we let the variable environment do the sampling, where :

figure hh

As the name suggests, does not achieve what was intended. If a variable occurs multiple times in , say , then samples afresh for each occurrence. So, if , i.e., is a coin flip, computes the probability distribution given by instead of . Clearly, every variable should be sampled at most once. Memoising the variable evaluation achieves that. So, we additionally need state operations.

figure hs

The interpreter samples a variable only when needed. For example, in , the division by zero makes the evaluation fail before is sampled.

The locale adds an assumption that distributes over . Such distributivity assumptions are typically needed because of the continuation parameters, which break the separation between effects and sequencing. Their format is as follows: If two operations and with continuations do not interact, then we assume . Sometimes, such assumptions follow from existing assumptions. For example, sample-put follows from bind-sample2 and for all . A similar law holds for .

figure if

In contrast, sample-get does not follow from the other assumptions due to the restriction to monomorphic values. The state of type , which passes to its continuation, may carry more information than a value can hold. Indeed, in the case of , the type of values is countable, but the state type is not if the type of variables is infinite. As passes no information to its continuation, ’s continuation can be pushed into as shown above. Still, needs its continuation; otherwise, it would have to create a return value out of nothing, which would cause problems later (Sect.  4). Moreover, there is no need to explicitly specify how interacts with and as and are special cases of get-const and sample-const.

Instead of lazy sampling, we can also sample all variables eagerly. Let return the (finite) set of variables in . Then, the interpreter with eager sampling is defined as follows (all three definitions live in the locale ):

figure iy

where is the fold operator for finite sets [28]. The operator requires that the folding function is left-commutative, i.e., for all , , and . In our case, is left-commutative by the following lemma about whose assumptions hold for thanks to return-bind, bind-sample\(_{1}\), bind-sample\(_2\), and sample-get. Moreover, by correct, it is also idempotent, i.e., .

figure jk

This lemma and correct illustrate the typical form of monadic statements. The assumptions and conclusions take a continuation for the remainder of the program. This way, the statements are easier to apply because they are in normal form with respect to bind-assoc. This observation also holds in a value-polymorphic setting.

Now, the question is whether eager and lazy sampling are equivalent. In general, the answer is no. For example, for from above, samples and memoises the variable , but does not. Thus, there are contexts that distinguish the two. If we extend with exception handling from such that and never fail,

figure ju

then the two can be distinguished:

figure jv

In contrast, if we assume that failures erase state updates, then the two are equivalent:

figure jw


The proof consists of three steps proven by induction on . First, by idempotence and left-commutativity, commutes with for any finite :


Here, ensures that all state updates are lost if a division by zero occurs. The next two steps will use (1) in the inductive cases for and to bring together the sampling of the variables and the evaluation of the subexpressions. Second,


shows that the sampling can be done first, which holds by correct. Finally,


holds for any finite set with . Here, is the interesting case, which follows from and correct. Taking and , (2) and (3) prove the theorem. \(\square \)

In Sect. 3.6, I show that some monads satisfy lazy-eager’s assumption, but not all.

2.5 Abstract Monad Properties

Some monad transformer implementations require that the transformed monad satisfies additional properties. I consider three properties, which I formalise as locales:

  • A monad is commutative if independent computations can be reordered.

  • A monad is discardable if we may drop a computation whose result is not used.

  • A monad is duplicable if a computation may be duplicated.

figure kk

2.6 Further Abstract Monads

Apart from exceptions, state, and probabilistic choice, I have formalised specifications for the following effects. I only present them to the level of detail needed for understanding the remainder of this paper.

Non-determinism Non-determinism is often used in specification where implementation choices are unspecified; implementations can then refine the non-determinism [1, 19]. Backtracking can also be implemented elegantly using non-deterministic choice and failure [33]. I specify two choice operators: binary and countable where the type consists of all countable sets over . Unbounded choice would be similar to countable choice. Their specification is similar to probabilities, but I demand less to allow more implementations in Sect. 3.5. The laws for are taken from Gibbons and Hinze [7].

figure kq

Reader and writer monads The reader monad makes it possible to pass immutable data to (many) functions without threading the parameter through. For example, a security parameter in cryptography is typically hidden in pen-and-paper notation and a reader monad achieves the same in a formalisation. Environments, e.g., variable bindings, are also good candidates for a reader monad. The operation retrieves the data of type .

The writer monad allows programs to output data in several steps using . Unlike updates in the state monad, outputs cannot be made undone. It is in particular suitable for logging.

Resumption Resumptions provide a semantic domain for reactive and concurrent programs [9, 29]. The primitive operation interrupts a computation to output a value of type and waits for some input of type before the computation resumes.

3 Implementations of Monads and Monad Transformers

In the previous section, I specified the properties of monadic operations abstractly. Now, I provide monad implementations that satisfy these specifications. Some effects are implemented as monad transformers [20, 26], which allow me to compose implementations of different effects almost as modularly as the locales specifying them abstractly. In particular, I analyse whether the transformers preserve the specifications of the other effects. All implementations are polymorphic in the values such that they can be used with any value type, although by the value-monomorphism restriction, each usage must individually commit to one value type.

3.1 The Identity Monad

The simplest monad implementation in my library is the identity monad , which models the absence of all effects. It is not really useful in itself, but will be an important building block when combining monads using transformers. The datatype is a copy of with constructor and selector . To distinguish the abstract monad operations from their implementations, I subscript the latter with the implementation type. The lemma states that satisfy the assumption of the locale . Moreover, the identity monad is commutative, discardable, and duplicable.

figure le

3.2 The Probability Monad

The probability monad is another basic building block. I use discrete probability distributions [11] and Giry’s probability monad operations and , which I already used in the abstract specification in Sect. 2.3. Then, probabilistic choice is just monadic sequencing on . The probability monad is commutative and discardable.

figure lk

3.3 The Failure and Exception Monad Transformer

Failures and exception handling are implemented as a monad transformer. Thus, these effects can be added to any monad . In the value-polymorphic setting, the failure monad transformer takes a monad and defines a type constructor such that is isomorphic to . That is, the transformer specialises the value type of the inner monad to . In the value-monomorphic setting, the type variable represents the application of to the value type, i.e., . So, is just a copy of :

figure lx

As ’s operations depend on the inner monad, I fix abstract operations and in an unnamed context and define ’s operations in terms of them. The line on the left indicates the scope of the context. At the end, which is marked by , the fixed operations become additional arguments of the defined functions. Values in the inner monad now have type . The definitions themselves are standard [26].

figure me

If and form a monad, so do and , and and satisfy the effect specification from Sect. 2.1, too. The next lemma expresses this.

figure ml

The monad is

  • commutative if the inner monad is commutative and discardable;

  • duplicable if is duplicable and discardable; and

  • not discardable, e.g., .

Clearly, I want to keep using the existing effects of the inner monad. So, I must lift their operations to and prove that their specifications are preserved. The lifting is not hard; the continuations of the operations are transformed in the same way as transforms its continuation. Here, I only show how to lift the state operations, where the locale extends and with catch-get and catch-put. Moreover, also lifts , , , , , and , preserving their specifications.

figure nc

From now on, as the context scope has ended, take the inner monad’s operations and as additional arguments. For example, I obtain a plain failure monad by applying to . Interpreting the locale and yields an executable version of the interpreter from Sect. 2.1, which I refer to as . Then, Isabelle’s code generator and simplifier both evaluate

to . Given some variable environment ,Footnote 7 I obtain a textbook-style interpreter [27, Sect.  3.1.2] as .

3.4 The State Monad Transformer

The state monad transformer adds the effects of a state monad to some inner monad. The formalisation follows the same ideas as for , so I only mention the important points. The state monad transformer transforms a monad into the type where is the type of states. So, in HOL, the type of values of the inner monad becomes and represents .

figure nw

Like for , the state monad operations and depend on inner monad operations and . With and defined in the obvious way, the transformer satisfies the specification for state monads.

figure of

The state monad transformer lifts the other effect operations , , , , , , and according to their specifications. But cannot be lifted through such that catch-get and catch-put hold. As our exceptions carry no information, the inner monad cannot pass the state updates before the failure to the handler.

3.5 The Non-determinism Transformers

Non-determinism can be modelled by a collection type like lists, multisets, and sets. Thanks to value monomorphism, I can abstract over the collection type and provide one generic implementation. Later, I will obtain four implementations based on finite lists, finite multisets, finite sets, and countable sets by instantiation. Being finite, the first three only support binary non-deterministic choice , whereas countable sets additionally implement countable choice . Moreover, they all have an “empty” value—the empty list or (multi-)set—which can model failure. All implementations therefore provide a operation, which is the neutral element for nondeterministic choice: . As I will discuss below, the different collection types impose different requirements on the inner monad.

The generic non-determinism transformer changes the inner monad’s value type from to a collection of , which I model by the type variable . Thus, the inner monad’s operation has type and has type . Similar to the other monad transformers, the operation must first swap the inner monad constructor with the collection type constructor such that it can use the inner monad’s operation. In my monomorphic setting, I model the swap as a operation with type . It takes a collection of values and a family of non-deterministic computations indexed by and merges all their effects and values into one computation. Moreover, I also need operations , , and (written infix as ) to construct collections, as I have abstracted over the concrete type. The locale captures these operations and their properties:

  • The inner monad must be commutative (extension of the locale ).

  • The second argument to plays a role similar to the continuation arguments of other effect operations like and . Therefore, must respect the monad laws (merge-bind and merge-return).

  • combines the effects of a computation family as expected for the collection operations (merge-empty, merge-single, merge-union).

  • The collection operations form a monoid, i.e., is associative and the neutral element (monoid).

figure pv

I can now implement the monad operations for the non-determinism transformer for binary choice. Commutativity of the inner monad is needed only for alt-bind.

figure pw

Most other effect operations lift through as usual, except for and . As absorbs , failures cannot be caught. For , bind-sample\(_2\) cannot be preserved: on the left-hand side, sampling from is done independently for every possible result of whereas on the right-hand side, the same sample is used for all of ’s results.

Countable choice requires a bit more. Ideally, we could use to combine all the effects of countable choice, but the monomorphism restriction does not allow this: combines a family of computations indexed by a collection of values, whereas must merge a family indexed by a countable set of choices. Like for probabilistic choices in Sect. 2.3, I do not want to unify the value type with the choice type . I therefore fix another operation and its appropriate properties. Then, I get

figure qo

Like for probabilistic sampling in Sect. 2.3, binary choice can be expressed using countable choice if the choice type contains at least three elements.

I have instantiated the generic implementation for four collection types: finite lists, finite multisets, finite sets, and countable sets. The first three are similar: The operations and are obviously the empty and singleton list or (multi-)set, and is list concatenation or (multi-)set union. Since the three collection types are all finite, is implemented by folding binary choice over the collection, starting with as the neutral element. For lists, e.g., I define , where and are the well-known functions on lists.

The requirements on the inner monad are as follows: Lists and multisets need a commutative monad, and finite sets need a commutative and duplicable monad. From a reasoning perspecitive, the list implementation is therefore inferior to multisets: they both require a commutative inner monad, but multisets satify more laws than lists. For example, is commutative, but is not. Conversely, from a programming perspective, the lack of commutativity allows a programmer to specify preferences among the alternatives, which cannot be done with (multi-)sets.

The finite set implementation is commutative if the inner monad is additionally discardable. Lists and multisets are not commutative for cardinality reasons. All implementations are neither discardable (because of ) nor duplicable (because choices need not be made consistently.)

For countable sets, the inner monad must be commutative and duplicable. Yet, we cannot implement using the operations of the inner monad as there is no “limit” operation to deal with infinite sets. Instead, I treat like another effect operation that monads can implement and transformers lift. Among the implementations, only the identity monad from Sect. 3.1 and the reader and failure transformers from Sect. 3.7 and 3.3 meet the commutativity and duplicatibility requirement. I have implemented the merge operations only for the identity monad and the reader transformer. Lifting fails for the failure transformer because the failure operation from the non-determinism transformer is incompatible with failure from the failure transformer.

3.6 Composing Monads with Transformers

Composing the two monad transformers and with the monad , I can now instantiate the probabilistic interpreter from Sect. 2.4. As is well known, the order of composition matters. If I first apply to and then ( for short), the resulting interpreter nests the result state of type inside the type for failures, i.e., failures do not return a new state. Thus, failures erase state updates, i.e., , and lazy and eager sampling are equivalent (lazy-eager). Conversely, if I apply after to ( for short), then and failures do return a new state as only the result type sits inside . In particular, in general, and lazy and eager sampling are not equivalent. I will consider the case further in Sect. 4.

If we are interested in a non-deterministic rather than a probabilistic interpreter, then we can use the non-determinism monad transformer instead, say with countable choice. So let us compose countable choice and with the identity monad for short; the order is not sensible as the non-determinism transformer should not be applied to a non-commutative state monad). Note that no failure transformer shows up in the composition as the non-determinism transformer already provides a failure operation. Failure therefore behaves differently from the probabilistic case. For example, I can define a lazy evaluator like in the probabilisitic case by using instead of . Consider the expression . Running in the initial state with yields only one possible outcome , which results from choosing for . Choosing for results in a division by , i.e., a failure, and failures in are silently ignored. In contrast, in the monad, with gives a uniform distribution over two outcomes: failure and . The behaviour can be recovered by sandwiching a failure transformer between the state and non-determinism transformers ( ). Then, also produces both outcomes, failure and .

3.7 Further Monads and Monad Transformers

Apart from the monad implementations presented so far, my library provides implementations for the other types of effects mentioned in Sect. 2.6. In particular, I define a reader ( ) and a writer monad transformer. The reader monad transformer differs from only in that no updates are possible. Thus, leaves the type of values of the inner monad unchanged, as no new state must be returned.

figure tb

Resumptions are formalised as a plain monad using the codatatype

figure tc

Unfortunately, I cannot define resumptions as a monad transformer in HOL despite the restriction to monomorphic values. The reason is that for a transformer with inner monad , the second argument of the constructor would have to be of type , i.e., the codatatype would recurse through the unspecified type constructor . This is not supported by Isabelle’s codatatype package [3] and, in fact, for some choices of , e.g., unbounded nondeterminism, the resumption transformer type does not exist in HOL at all. For the same reason, we cannot have other monad transformers that have similar recursive implementation types. Therefore, I fail to modularly construct all combinations of effects. For example, probabilistic resumptions with failures [22] are out of reach and must still be constructed from scratch.

3.8 Overloading the Monad Operations

When several monad transformers are composed, the monad operations quickly become large HOL terms as the transformer’s operations take the inner monad’s as explicit arguments. These large terms must be handled by the inference kernel, the type checker, the parser, and the pretty-printer, even if locale interpretations hide them from the user using abbreviations. To improve readability and the processing time of Isabelle, my library also defines the operations as single constants which are overloaded for the different monad implementations using recursion on types [35]. As overloading does not need these explicit arguments, it avoids the processing times for unification, type checking, and (un)folding of abbreviations. Yet, Isabelle’s check against cyclic definitions [18] fails to see that the resulting dependencies must be acyclic (as the inner monad is always a type argument of the outer monad). So, I moved these overloaded definitions to a separate file and marked them as unchecked.Footnote 8 Overloading is just a syntactic convenience, on which the library and the examples in this paper do not rely. If users want to use it, they are responsible for not exploiting these unchecked dependencies.

4 Moving Between Monad Instances

Once all variables have been sampled eagerly, the evaluation of the expression itself is deterministic. Thus, the actual evaluation need not be done in a monad as complex as or . It suffices to work in a reader-failure monad with operations and , which I obtain by applying the monad transformers and to ( for short). Such simpler monads have the advantage that reasoning becomes easier as more laws hold. I now explain how the theory of representation independence [25] can be used to move between different monad instances by going from to . This ultimately yields a theorem that characterises in terms of . So, in general, this approach makes it possible to switch in the middle of a bigger proof from a complicated monad to a much simpler one.

Let me first deal with sampling. To go from to , I use a relation between and since relations work better with higher-order functions than equations. Following Huffman and Kunčar [14], I call such a relation a correspondence relation. is parametrised by a relation between the values, which I will use later to express the differences in the values due to the monad transformers changing the value type of the inner monad. In detail, relates a value to the one-point distribution iff relates to . Then, the monad operations of and respect this relation. Respectfulness is formalised using the function relator , which was already used in Sect. 2.3 for parametricity. The following two conditions express that the monad operations respect :

  • and

  • .

Note the similarity between the relations and the types of the monad operations, where and take the roles of the type variables for values and of the monad type constructor, respectively. As the monad transformers and are relationally parametric in the inner monad and is parametric in the monad, I prove the following relation between the evaluators automatically using Isabelle/HOL’s Transfer prover [14]


where refers to the state-failure-identity composition of monads, and and are the relators for the datatypes and  [3]. Formally, the relators lift relations on the inner monad to relations on the transformed monad. For example, iff for all , and iff . Intuitively, (4) states that in the monads SFP and SFI, behaves the same with respect to states updates and failure and the results are the same; in particular, the evaluation is deterministic.

In the following, I use the property of a relator that if is the graph of a function , then is the graph of the function , where is the canonical map function for the relator. For example, , so


where iff . Isabelle’s datatype package automatically proves these relator-graph identities. The correspondence relation satisfies a similar law: where .

Having eliminated probabilities, I next switch from the state monad transformer to the reader monad transformer. I again define a correspondence relation between and . It takes as parameters the environment and the correspondence relation between the inner monads. It relates the two monadic values and iff relates the results of running and on , i.e., . Again, I show that the monad operations respect as formalised below. As and are monad transformers, I assume that the operations of the inner monads respect . These assumptions can be expressed using since the inner operations are arguments to ’s and ’s operations. Here, adapts the relation on values to ’s change of the value type from to ; iff and , i.e., relates the results and the state is not updated.

  • ,

  • ,

  • , and

  • ,

Then, by representation independence, the Transfer package automatically proves the following relation between and , where uses instead of , and and are the relators for the datatypes and .

This says that running in RFI and SFI computes the same result, has the same behaviour with respect to state queries and failures, and does not update the state.

Actually, I can go from directly to , without the monad as a stepping stone, thanks to taking a relation on the value types:


As is the graph of , using only the graph properties like (5) of and the relators, and using ’s definition, I derive the characterisation of from (6):

figure xt

where and are the canonical map functions for and . Thus, instead of reasoning about in , I can conduct the proofs in the simpler monad . For example, as is commutative, subexpressions can be evaluated in any order. Thus, I get the following identity expressing the reversed evaluation order (and a similar one for .Footnote 9

In summary, I have demonstrated a generic approach to switch from a complicated monad to a much simpler one. Conceptually, the correspondence relations and just embed one monad or monad transformer ( and ) in a richer one ( and ). It is precisely this embedding that ultimately yields the functions in the characterisation. In this functional view, the respectfulness conditions express that the embedding is a monad homomorphism. Yet, I use relations for the embedding instead of functions because only relations work for higher-order operations in a compositional way.

The reader may wonder why I go through all the trouble of defining correspondence relations and showing respectfulness and parametricity. Indeed, in this example, it would probably have been easier to simply perform an induction over expressions and prove the equation directly. The advantage of my approach is that it does not rely on the concrete definition of . It suffices to know that is parametric in the monad, which Isabelle derives automatically from the definition. This automated approach therefore scales to arbitrarily complicated monadic functions whereas induction proofs do not. Moreover, note that the correspondence relations and respectfulness lemmas only depend on the monads. They can therefore be reused for other monadic functions.

5 Related Work

Huffman et al. [13, 15] formalise the concept of value-polymorphic monads and several monad transformers in Isabelle/HOLCF, the domain theory library of Isabelle/HOL. They circumvent HOL’s type system restrictions by projecting everything into HOLCF’s universal domain of computable values. That is, they trade in HOL’s set-theoretic model with its simple reasoning rules for a domain-theoretic model with ubiquituous \(\bot \) values and strictness side conditions. This way, they can define a resumption monad transformer (for computable continuations). Being tied to domain theory, their library cannot be used to model effects of plain HOL functions, which is my goal, the strictness assumptions make their laws and proofs more complicated than mine, and functions defined with HOLCF do not work with Isabelle’s code generator. Still, their idea of projecting everything into a universal type could also be adapted to plain HOL, albeit only for a restricted class of monads; achieving a similar level of automation and modularity would require a lot more effort than my approach, which uses only existing Isabelle features.

Gibbons and Hinze [7] axiomatize monads and effects using Haskell-style type constructor classes and use the algebraic specification to prove identities between Haskell programs, similar to my abstract locales in Sect. 2. Their specification of state effects omits get-const, but they later assume that it holds [7, Sect.  10.2]. Being value-polymorphic, their operations do not need my continuations and the laws are therefore simpler. In particular, no new assumptions are typically needed when monad specifications are combined. In contrast, my continuations sometimes require interaction assumptions like sample-get. Gibbons and Hinze only consider reasoning in the abstract setting and do not discuss the transition to concrete implementations and the relations between implementations. Also, they do not prove that monad implementations satisfy their specifications. Later, Jeuring et al. [17] showed that the implementations in Haskell do not satisfy them because of strictness issues similar to the ones in Huffman’s work.

Lobo Vesga [21] formalised some of Gibbons’ and Hinze’s examples in Agda. She does not need assumptions for the continuations like I do as value-polymorphic monads can be directly expressed in Agda. Like Gibbons and Hinze, she does not study the connection between specifications and implementations. Thanks to the good proof automation in Isabelle, my mechanised proofs are much shorter than hers, which are as detailed as Gibbons’ and Hinze’s pen-and-paper proofs.

Lochbihler and Schneider [24] implemented support for equational reasoning about applicative functors, which are more general than monads. They focus on lifting identities on values to a concrete applicative functor. Reasoning with abstract applicative functors is not supported. Like monads, the concept of an applicative functor cannot be expressed as a predicate in HOL. Moreover, the applicative operations do not admit value monomorphisation like monads do, as the type of contains applications of the functor type constructor to , , and .Footnote 10 So, monads seem to be the right choice, even though I could have defined the interpreter applicatively (but not, e.g., memoisation).

Grimm et al. [8] model several effects and their combinations in the dependently typed logic of F* to reason about various effectful programs. They need not choose between effect and value polymorphism thanks to F*’s richer logic. Like me, they model monads for probabilities, state, exceptions, and the reader monad, and study among others the memoization problem and an interpreter. They also discuss how they can switch from a reader monad to a state monad. Yet, their definitions do not achieve my level of modularity in two respects: First, the type annotation of an F* function fixes the monad implementation whereas my approach with locales can leave the implementation abstract. Second, they define a new monad for every effect combination whereas I combine effects modularly thanks to monad transformers.

Wimmer et al. [36] propose a tool to automatically memoize pure recursive functions using a state monad similar to my function. They use similar ideas of relational parametricity (Sect. 4) to prove the monadification step correct. However, their memoization function only works in a concrete state monad and only for pure functions; other effects like probabilistic choice and non-determinism are not yet supported.

6 Conclusion

I have presented a library of abstract monadic effect specifications and their implementations as monads and monad transformers in Isabelle/HOL. I illustrated its usage and the elegance of reasoning using a monadic interpreter. The type system of HOL forced me to restrict the monads to monomorphic values. Monomorphic values work well when the reasoning involves only a few monadic functions like in the running example. In larger projects, this restriction can become a limiting factor. Nevertheless, in a project on formalising computational soundness results,Footnote 11 I successfully formalised and reasoned about several complicated serialisers and parsers for symbolic messages of security protocols. In that work, reasoning abstractly about effects and being able to move from one monad instance to another were crucial. For example, the serialiser converts symbolic protocol messages into bitstrings. The challenges were similar to those of the interpreter . Serialisation may fail when the symbolic message is not well-formed, similar to division by zero in the interpreter. When serialisation encounters a new nonce, it randomly samples a fresh bitstring, which must also be used for serialising further occurrences of the same nonce. I formalised this similar to the memoisation of variable evaluation in the interpreter. A further challenge not present in the interpreter was that the serialiser must also record the serialisation of all subexpressions such that the parser can map bitstrings generated by the serialiser back to symbolic messages without calling a decryption oracle or inverting a cryptographic hash function. The construction relied on the invariant that the recorded values were indeed generated by the serialiser, but such an invariant cannot be expressed easily for a probabilistic, stateful function. I therefore formalised also the switch from lazy to eager sampling for the serialiser (lazy sampling was needed to push the randomisation of encryptions into an encryption oracle) and the switch to a read-only version without recording of results using techniques similar to the example in Sect. 4.

Instead of specifying effects abstractly and composing them using monad transformers, I obviously could have formalised everything in a sufficiently rich monad that covers all the effects of interest, e.g., continuations. Then, there would be no need for abstract specifications as I could work directly with a concrete monad as usual, where my reasoning on the abstract level could be mimicked. But I would deprive myself of the option of going to a specific monad that covers precisely the effects needed. Such specialisation has two advantages: First, as shown in Sect. 4, simpler monads satisfy more laws, e.g., commutativity, which make the proofs easier. Second, concrete monads can have dedicated setups for reasoning and proof automation that are not available in the abstract setting. My library achieves the best of both worlds. I can reason abstractly and thus achieve generality. When this gets too cumbersome or impossible, I can switch to a concrete monad, continuing to use the abstract properties already proven.

In the long run, I can imagine a definitional package for monads and monad transformers that composes concrete value-polymorphic monad transformers. Similar to how Isabelle’s datatype package composes bounded natural functors [3], such a package must perform the construction and the derivation of all laws afresh for every concrete combination of monads, as value-polymorphic monads lie beyond HOL’s expressiveness. When combined with a reinterpretation framework for theories, I could model effects and reason about them abstractly and concretely without the restriction to monomorphic values.