1 Introduction

Speech recognition is one of the many areas in current research explorations. It involves taking speech signal as input and to interpret its meaning. This task can divide into four different categories based on its working principle. The first category is of isolated word recognition which involves recognizing words that are uttered as an individual word. The second category involves continuous word recognition where the time space between words is minimal. The third category is continuous speech recognition where instead of just words whole sentences can also be recognized. The fourth category involves spontaneous speech where along with whole sentences human speech imperfections are also considered. In this paper an attempt is made to build a first category isolated word recognizer.

1.1 Motivation

Literature review reveals that studies on the acoustic features of Indian language like Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali, Hindi is carried out by several researchers (Bourlard and Morgan 1998; Pruthi et al. 2000; Kumar et al. 2012; Mohamed and Nair 2012; Mehta et al. 2013; Krishna et al. 2014; Mankala et al. 2014). But less effort has been put to develop speech processing tools for North Eastern languages. The lack of effective research work in Assamese has motivated us to develop a speaker independent recognition model. This paper makes an effort to bridge the gap between speech recognition and Assamese language by developing a speaker independent isolated word recognition model with reference to Assamese language. The structural design of such a system is depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Block diagram of our Assamese isolated speech recognizer

2 Theoretical background

2.1 Linear predictive coding (LPC) analysis

Linear predictive coding (LPC) analysis tries to find a speech sample at time n, when the linear combination of past speech samples are known. LPC can be computed using the following steps: Pre-emphasis This is the first step where the speech signal is sent to a low order digital filter. Frame blocking The second step involves segmenting the speech signal into successive frames overlapping each other. Windowing In this step windowing function is multiplied with each frame. Autocorrelation analysis In this step each frame is auto correlated with a value of p, where p I the order of LPC analysis. LPC Analysis In this step the Durbin’s method is used to convert each frame of p + 1 auto correlations to LPC parameters as in (Eslam Mansour Mohammed et al. 2013). The following Fig. 2 shows LPC feature extraction phase.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Linear predictive coefficients (LPC) feature extraction process

2.2 LPC cepstral coefficients (LPCEPSTRA)

LPC cepstral coefficients (LPCEPSTRA) is a feature extraction technique that is widely used for speech recognition. LPCEPSTRA can be computed using the similar steps as in LPC analysis where the first five steps are same, followed by a few more steps which are:

Cepstral analysis This is the next step after LPC analysis is to derive the cepstrum of LPC using a set of recursive procedures. These cepstral coefficients known as LPC Cepstral Coefficients or LPCEPSTRA and the feature extraction are depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

LPC cepstral coefficients (LPCEPSTRA) feature extraction process

2.3 Linear mel-filter bank channel outputs (MELSPEC)

MELSPEC is another technique of feature extraction in speech recognition process. MELSPEC can be computed using the following steps where the first three steps are same as compared to LPC: Pre-emphasis This is the first step where the speech sample is sent to a high pass filter. Frame blocking This step involves segmenting speech signal into successive frames overlapping each other. Windowing In this step windowing function is multiplied with each frame. MELSPEC analysis In this step, the Mel frequency filter bank is used to convert the linear frequency to mel frequency using the mathematical relationship formula, where f is linear frequency.

$$Freq\left( {Mel} \right) = 2595 \times log_{10} (1 + f/700)$$

A Mel scale frequency is computed, using

$$\Delta f\left( {Mel} \right) = (f_{H} mel - f_{L} mel)/(M + 1)$$

The MELSPEC feature extraction process can be shown as in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Linear mel-filter bank channel outputs (MELSPEC) feature extraction process

2.4 Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC)

MFCC is another technique used in speech recognition for feature extraction process. MFCC can be computed using the following steps where the first four steps are same as compared to MELSPEC followed by two more steps. The additional steps to derive MFCC from MELSPEC are: MFCC Analysis In this step, a vector of acoustical coefficients known as MFCC is extracted from each windowed frame after performing fast fourier transform (FFT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) on each of the windowed frames. The MFCC feature extraction process can be shown as in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) feature extraction process

2.5 Hidden Markov model (HMM)

Some of the speech recognition task in recent decades has been done using the hidden Markov models (HMM). HMM can be defined as a stochastic process that produces output as a sequence of observations as in (Rabiner 1989; Rabiner and Juang 1993). It is extensively used in automatic speech recognition.

In HMM, the probabilistic parameters are the hidden states, observations, probability of the start state, transition and emission probabilities. In the present study, words are the hidden state sequence and acoustic signals are the observation sequence. During HMM training, the acoustic feature vectors are assigned to HMM state for each word and re-estimation of these HMM parameters are performed again and again to obtain the desired optimal values for each word. After models are trained for every word, these models can be tested using similar word utterances by different or same speakers to get the accuracy of the recognizer. The most likelihood calculation is done for all the models, and the one with the highest likelihood is selected.

2.6 Hidden Markov model toolkit (HTK)

One of the common toolbox for constructing HMM models in speech recognition is hidden Markov model toolkit (HTK). HTK was developed in Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED). It is used for developing applications in various research areas but is primarily used for research in speech recognition areas. HTK consists of library modules and tools written in C (Evermann et al. 1997; Moreau 2002). In this present study, we have used the HTK tools for data preparation, feature extraction, model generation and testing.

3 Related work

This section represents the literature on some of the recent speech recognition works on languages that are prevalent in India.

In (Al-Qatab and Ainon 2010), an Arabic automatic speech recognition engine that can recognize both continuous speech and isolated words have been proposed using the hidden Markov model toolkit and mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) as feature vectors. The system was trained based on tri-phones using Hidden Markov Model and using ten speakers. Testing was done using three speakers and maximum accuracy of 98.01 % was achieved.

A speaker-independent Arabic continuous speech recognition system was developed using both Sphinx and HTK tools in (Abushariah et al. 2010). The system uses mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) for extracting and was trained on seven hours of Arabic speech. The system obtained a word recognition accuracy of 93.88 %.

Another speaker-independent continuous automatic Arabic speech recognition system which consists of a total of 415 sentences spoken by 40 speakers was developed in (Abushariah et al. 2012). For the development of the system, both Sphinx and HTK tools have been used and a word recognition accuracy of 90.23 % was achieved.

In this linear predictive cepstral coefficients (LPCC) and mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) were used as features and their performances have been evaluated for Assamese phonemes using a multilayer perception network by (Bhattacharjee 2013). LPCC gives recognition accuracy 94.23 % compared to 89.14 % for MFCC when different speakers are tested.

A gender independent Bangla automatic speech recognition system has been proposed in (Hassan et al. 2012) which considers both male and female genders. The system was developed using medium sized Bangla vocabulary and gives an accuracy of 87.30 %.

The development of Swaranjali, an isolated word recognizer for digits in Hindi language has been shown in (Pruthi et al. 2000). The system uses linear prediction coding (LPC) and vector quantization (VQ) for feature extraction and the recognition of the system is done using HMM. The system gave a maximum accuracy of 97.14 % for the isolated word ‘teen’ representing the digit 3.

A Hindi speech recognition system has been developed using HTK in (Kumar and Aggarwal 2011). The system recognizes the isolated words using acoustic word model and is trained for 30 Hindi words. Eight speakers have been used for training and five speakers for testing to get an accuracy of 94.63 %.

Another connected-words speech recognition system for Hindi language is developed in (Kumar et al. 2012). The system uses MFCC as feature and used 12 speakers for recognizing a vocabulary of102 words. The system has the overall word-accuracy of 87.01.

Mohamed and Nair (2012) in their paper have described a continuous Malayalam speech recognition system which combines Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for a speech corpus consisting of 108 sentences with 540 words and a total of 3060 phonemes giving a performance of 86.67 % for word recognition.

A Marathi speaker dependent, isolated words speech recognition system for both offline and online speakershas been developed in (Shinde and Gandhe 2013). MFCC and DTW have been combined for word recognition. The system gives a maximum accuracy of 100 % for offline and 72.22 % for online speaker dependent word recognition.

Mehta et al. (2013) in their paper compared the performances of MFCC and LPC features using VQ for vowels and consonants in Marathi language. The system was trained for 48 words using two speakers. The MFCC feature was found to give on an average 99 % recognition accuracy compared to 77 % recognition accuracy for LPCC feature for both the speakers.

A Punjabi isolated words automatic speech recognition system using HTK is shown in (Dua et al. 2012). The system has been trained using eight speakers for 115 distinct Punjabi words. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used for training the isolated words. The system achieves maximum accuracy of 95.63 %.

Sigappi and Palanivel (2012) in their paper developed a speech recognition system for words spoken in Tamil language [18]. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) technique is used to extract the features and the models chosen for the task are hidden Markov models (HMM) and auto-associative neural networks (AANN). HMM yields a recognition rate of 95.0 %.

Another speech recognition system for Tamil language has been showed in (Krishna et al. 2014). MFCC and Integrated Phoneme Subspace (IPS) method are used to extract and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used for modeling. MFCC gives 74.67 % accuracy whereasIPS gives 84.00 % word accuracy.

Mankala et al. (2014) provides an isolated word speech recognition system using Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) for Telugu language. The system uses nine speakers to train the system for 113 Telugu words. The overall accuracy of the system using 10 HMM is 96.64 %.

Another isolated word speech recognition system for Telugu language is developed in (Bhaskar and &Rao 2014). This system uses MFCC for feature extraction and HMM for model creation using Sphinx4. The vocabulary size for this system is two hundred and fifty Telugu words and testing is done by 10 speakers to get an accuracy of 91 %.

Table 1 depicts the summary of some of speech recognition accuracy with different features for some Indian languages.

Table 1 Speech recognition rate of some Indian languages

4 Assamese language

Assamese is one of the constitutionally recognized languages in India. It is mostly spoken in the North-East Indian state of Assam. Sanskrit, which is the mother script of many Indian languages like Hindi, Bengali etc. is also the mother of Assamese language. Besides Assam this language is also spoken in the neighboring states of Assam. In the present study, we have considered the vocabulary of Assamese digits from 0 to 9 as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Assamese digits from 0 to 9 with their pronunciation

5 Experimental setup

5.1 System description

The recognition task is implemented for word models using HTK version 3.4.1 in Windows 7 operating system.

5.2 System architecture

The architecture of the recognizer is mainly divided into four components, namely data preparation, feature extraction, training of word models, and testing as depicted in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Architecture of the recognizer

5.2.1 Data preparation

In this phase recording and labeling of the speech signal is done. Speech recording is done in digital domain using dynamic microphone for 10 words corresponding to the digits 0 to 9. The recognizer is trained for 10 words each word corresponding to Assamese digit.

Fifteen speakers, including seven male and eight female speakers were used to record the ten words. Each speaker recorded each of the ten words 10 times to give 100 samples per speaker. Thus a total of 1500 (15 × 10 × 10) samples were collected. The speech signal is stored in.sig format and the labels are stored in.lab format.

The data recording is carried out at room environment with 16 kHz sampling rate and contains some amount of environmental noise. We have considered two categories of data in this research work noisy data, containing the environmental noise and clean data, without any environmental noise. For clean data, the environmental noise is removed using the noise removal tool available in Audacity.

5.2.2 Feature extraction

Speech recognition tools cannot process on the speech files directly so it is required to convert to some type of parametric representation by extracting features from the speech files. In the present study linear predictive coding (LPC) analysis, LPC cepstral coefficients (LPCEPSTRA), linear mel-filter bank channel outputs (MELSPEC) and mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are used as feature vectors. We have used three variants of all the above four features based on the number of features extracted from a speech signal. The feature extraction is done for both the categories of data.

For LPC, we have considered LPC_E as the first variant, which consists of 13 values where the first 12 are LPC coefficients along with _E which represents the total energy in the particular speech frame. The second feature variant is LPC_E_D where the earlier 13 coefficients found in LPC_E and their first order derivatives known as “Delta coefficients” are considered. The third variant feature is LPC_E_D_A where the earlier 26 coefficients found in LPC_E_D and their second order derivatives known as “Acceleration coefficients” are considered per HMM model generation.

Similarly for LPCEPSTRA, we have considered LPCEPSTRA _E as the first variant, which consists of 13 values where the first 12 are LPCEPSTRA coefficients along with _E which represents the total energy in the particular speech frame. The second feature variant is LPCEPSTRA _E_D where the earlier 13 coefficients found in LPCEPSTRA _E and their first order derivatives known as “Delta coefficients” are considered. The third variant feature is LPCEPSTRA_E_D_A where the earlier 26 coefficients found in LPCEPSTRA _E_D and their second order derivatives known as “Acceleration coefficients” are considered.

For MELSPEC, we have considered MELSPEC_0 as the first variant, which consists of 21 values where the first 20 are MELSPEC coefficients along with MELSPEC coefficient c0 which represents the total energy in the particular speech frame. The second feature variant is MELSPEC_E_D where along with the earlier 21 coefficients found in MELSPEC_0 and their first order derivatives known as “Delta coefficients” are considered. The third variant feature is represented as MELSPEC_E_D_A where the earlier 42 coefficients found in MELSPEC_E_D and their second order derivatives known as “Acceleration coefficients” are considered.

Similarly, for MFCC, we have considered MFCC_0 as the first variant, which consists of 13 values where the first 12 are MFCC coefficients along with MFCC coefficient c0 which represents the total energy in the particular speech frame. The second feature variant is MFCC_0_D where the earlier 13 coefficients found in MFCC_0 and their first order derivatives known as “Delta coefficients” are considered. The third variant feature is MFCC_0_D_A where the earlier 26 coefficients found in MFCC_0_D and their second order derivatives known as “Acceleration coefficients” are considered.

We use the HTK tool to get the MFCC and LPC vectors for each speech signal in both the training and testing phase. A configuration file is used which defines the configuration parameters.

5.2.3 Training of word

In the present study, we have considered three variants for each feature i.e. LPC, LPCEPSTRA, MELSPEC and MFCC which gives us a total of twelve different feature parameter set. For each of these above twelve parameters, LPC_E, LPC_E_D, LPC_E_D_A, LPCEPSTRA_E,LPCEPSTRA_E_D,LPCEPSTRA_E_D_A,MELSPEC_0,MELSPEC_E_D,MELSPEC_E_D_A, MFCC_0, MFCC_0_D and MFCC_0_D_A we have considered 5 different models for each parameter based on the number of hidden states giving us a total of (12 × 5 = 60) sixty different acoustic models for any particular word in a particular category of data. Considering both the noisy and clean data we have a total of (60 × 2 = 120) one hundred and twenty models for any word. The generated model is then re-estimated using the same speech signal to get the optimum values. These models are taken as reference models for testing unknown word files to get the most matching word.

In the first step, random initialization is done for each word in the vocabulary and a prototype is created. Each prototype has the same initialization and consists of non-emitting states representing the initial and last states of the model along with different numbers of hidden states between them. Different prototypes are created with different hidden states. The prototype file is created consisting of mean and variance vectors and is used for initialization along with the lab files.

The next step consists of re-estimating the HMM parameters repetitively to obtain the desired optimal values for the HMM by using the Viterbi algorithm. Each word model is then re-estimated three times and we generate three HMM’s per word in the dictionary. Taking the third re-estimated model as final model for that particular case of hidden numbers and parameter we have (3 × 5 = 15) fifteen such final models for all LPC, LPCEPSTRA, MELSPEC and MFCC feature parameters for every word in a particular category of data. So, a total of (12 × 5 = 60) sixty such models for each word which varies on the feature parameter, the number of feature values and hidden states considered in one category of data. Considering both the categories of clean and noisy data we have (60 × 2 = 120) one hundred and twenty models for each word. Thus considering the ten Assamese words, we have developed (120 × 10 = 1200) one thousand two hundred models in the present study.

5.2.4 Task definition

The task grammar, a text file consists of recognition rules for the recognizer. The dictionary file is also created which is a text file and is used to develop an association among the task grammar and HMM. The grammar file is then compiled to generate the task network file.

5.2.5 System testing

The testing of any unknown word is done in this phase. Three speakers were used to record all the words for testing. The test speech files are first converted to a series of acoustical feature vectors. The HTK tool Hvite is then used with the newly generated test mfcc file along with task grammar, task network and the previously generated HMMs to get the output in *.mlf file. The signal is then matched against the HMMs and an output file is produced.

5.2.6 Performance analysis

The output file is compared with the actual reference file and the system performance is computed.

The word error rate (WER) of the system is calculated using the formula given in Eq. 1:

$$Word\;Error\;Rate\;\left( {WER} \right) = 100\;{\text{\% }} - Percentage\;Accuracy$$

6 Results and discussion

The graphical representation of the recognition efficiency for 10(ten) Assamese spoken digits corresponding to male and female speakers are depicted in Figs. 7a–d and 8a–d. Similarly, graphical representation of recognition efficiency considering number of hidden states have been depicted in Figs. 9a–d and 10a–d.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Recognition rate for Assamese spoken digits for system with clean data for a LPC, b LPCESTRA, c MELSPEC, d MFCC

Fig. 8
figure 8

Recognition rate for Assamese spoken digits for system with noisy data for a LPC, b LPCESTRA, c MELSPEC, d MFCC

Fig. 9
figure 9

Recognition rate for different hidden states for system with clean data for a LPC, b LPCESTRA, c MELSPEC, d MFCC

Fig. 10
figure 10

Recognition rate for different hidden states for system with noisy data for a LPC, b LPCESTRA, c MELSPEC, d MFCC

It is evident from the graphs that digits 7 (pronounced as “shaat”) and 8 (pronounced as “aath”) have very low recognition rate. It is found that the MFCC feature has the highest recognition accuracy for clean data and LPCEPSTRA feature for noisy data. The performance based on recognition accuracy has been shown in the Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Table 3 Accuracy of the different models for different number of hidden states for system with clean data
Table 4 Accuracy of the different models for different Assamese spoken digits for system with clean data
Table 5 Accuracy of the different models for different number of hidden states for system with noisy data
Table 6 Accuracy of the different models for different Assamese spoken digits for system with noisy data

In the present study, for the system developed using clean data the maximum accuracy received for LPC is 20 %, for LPCEPSTRA is 50 %, for MELSPEC is 35 % and for MFCC is 80 %. Also, for the system developed using noisy data the maximum accuracy received for LPC is 60 %, for LPCEPSTRA is 95 %, for MELSPEC is 60 % and for MFCC is 80 %. It is clearly observed that better performance in terms of recognition accuracy has been seen when the number of hidden states are increased. Taking into consideration all parameters, it has been found that HTK tool with 5 hidden states give the optimal performance depending upon the parameter used.

7 Conclusions and future work

An isolated word recognizer for Assamese language has been developed. We have followed the IPA standard for our system. The efficiency of the recognizer has been examined with different features. The recognizer gives a maximum accuracy of 80 % for MFCC for clean data and 95 % for LPCEPSTRA for noisy data. It is thus concluded in the present study that MFCC is a better parameter than LPC, LPCEPSTRA and MELSPEC for speech recognition for clean data and LPCEPSTRA is a better parameter than LPC, MELSPEC and MFCC for speech recognition for noisy data in Assamese language. Also for most of the words 100 % accuracy has been achieved for many features.

The future works involves improving the system by adding different noise environments and by increasing vocabulary size. Also, the work can be extended from an isolated word system to a connected-word system.