1 Introduction

Suppose that two public transport companies are planning a bus line from one city to another. Both are considering either an express line that drives directly between the cities’ central stations or a local-town line that stops in several small towns along the way. Let’s further suppose that demand for these lines is such that if they choose different lines, both will make nice profits but the express line will earn more. If they choose the same type of line, they split the demand for that line and both earn less than in the previous case. Table 1(a) shows their potential payoffs for each choice.

Now imagine that one of the companies is considering an additional option: A local-village line that stops in a couple of rural villages in between the small towns and is expected to generate the same payoffs as the local-town line regardless of the competing company’s strategy. As in the first scenario, each company chooses only one line. This situation is depicted in Table 1(b). Would the companies’ likelihoods of choosing one type of bus line over the other change due to this strategically duplicated option? Would the likelihood change if the local-village line is expected to generate slightly lower payoffs than the local-town line, regardless of the competing company’s strategy (i.e., if it is a strictly dominated strategy)?

In standard solution concepts in game theory, such as Nash equilibrium (Nash, 1951), correlated equilibrium (Aumann, 1974) and rationalizability (Bernheim, 1984), duplicated and dominated strategies are deemed irrelevant. That is, the game’s outcome does not change whether these strategies are included in the strategy space or not. Even according to common equilibrium refinements, such as perfect equilibrium (Selten, 1988) and proper equilibrium (Myerson, 1978) there is no room for irrelevant strategies to affect equilibrium selection. At the same time, the experimental literature on non-strategic individual behavior has repeatedly documented how seemingly irrelevant options systematically shift decision-makers’ choices. For example, the presence of an asymmetrically dominated option has been shown to increase the choice probabilities of the option that dominates it, a phenomenon known as the asymmetric dominance effect (Huber et al., 1982). This effect and other context effects have been studied almost exclusively in the domain of individual choice. Amaldoss et al. (2008) took the asymmetric dominance effect to the strategic domain and demonstrated that it shows up in coordination games when a dominated strategy is added to one of the two players’ strategy sets.

In the current study, we extend the scope of the work by Amaldoss et al. (2008) along two dimensions and experimentally examine two types of irrelevant strategies in two types of strategic games. This extension brings about our main contributions: (1) We examine, for the first time, the effect of a duplicated strategy in strategic scenarios (in addition to the effect of a dominated strategy), and (2) by analyzing two strategic contexts jointly, we shed light on the mechanism that underlies the effects of irrelevant strategies in games.

Table 1 Public transport example

We study eight simultaneous-move one-shot \(2\times 2\) matrix-form base games to which we add an irrelevant strategy to the row player’s strategy set. Thus, for each base game, we construct two \(3\times 2\) extended games. The added strategy is either dominated by one, and only one, of the original strategies (as in Amaldoss et al., 2008) or a duplicate of one of the original strategies. Clearly, when the added strategy is a dominated strategy, players who maximize their own payoff should never choose it. Therefore, their opponents should also ignore it if they maximize their own payoff and believe that the row players do so as well. The duplicated strategy, as the name suggests, is identical to an existing strategy in terms of both players’ payoffs. Unlike a strictly dominated strategy, payoff-maximizing players may choose the added strategy because they should clearly be indifferent between the two identical strategies. However, under standard solution concepts, a duplicated strategy should not be chosen instead of any of the player’s other strategies. Consequently, this addition should not affect their opponents’ choices either. Thus, both types of added strategies should not affect the standard game-theoretic analysis of the strategic interaction.Footnote 1

Our base games comprise four coordination games and four single-equilibrium games. Coordination games are a natural starting point to examine the effect of irrelevant strategies since they present players with an inherent difficulty of coordinating on one of the equilibria. In these situations, cues-such as the irrelevant strategies we introduce-may serve as an informal guideline for players to follow. However, studying solely these games does not allow disentangling individual-based effects of irrelevant strategies, i.e., effects that would arise even in individual choice problems, from effects that are due to strategic considerations. Since we are interested in teasing out which of the two underlying mechanisms is in play, we introduce the single-equilibrium games, that are strategically simpler than coordination games (although by no means trivial). As we discuss in Sect. 4, in single-equilibrium games, adding irrelevant strategies does not affect players’ strategic considerations, and hence any evidence for their influence shall be interpreted as an individual-based effect rather than a strategic effect. Thus, examining the single-equilibrium games alongside the coordination games brings about our ability to distinguish between the two potential psychological mechanisms.

For each type of game, we examine three effects that the added strategy may have on the games’ outcomes. First, the direct effect, i.e., the change in the behavior of the row players across base games and extended games. Second, the indirect effect, i.e., the change in the behavior of the column players across base games and extended games. Ultimately, we analyze how the interplay of these influences shapes the overall outcomes of games. In the coordination games, we test whether players are more likely to coordinate on one equilibrium over the other in the extended games and whether their overall coordination rate increases. We conduct a comparable analysis in single-equilibrium games, investigating whether players in the extended games are more likely to reach the equilibrium outcome or another designated outcome, where total surplus is maximized.

We find that irrelevant strategies affect players’ choices in coordination games. First, in terms of the direct effect, adding an asymmetrically dominated strategy increases the choice likelihood of the strategy that dominates it, and duplicating a strategy increases the likelihood that it will be chosen. Second, these additions seem to be taken into account by the column players: They are more likely to choose the best response to the row player’s strategy whose choice frequency increased in the extended games. These findings do not show up in the single-equilibrium games. In fact, we find no evidence that row or column players change their behavior when an irrelevant strategy is added to these games. This suggests that the influence of irrelevant strategies is not driven by an intuitive response. Rather, in coordination problems, players seem to make use of the added strategies as a coordination device: They focus their attention and synchronize their actions on one of the two equilibria, which becomes more salient due to the asymmetric addition. Indeed, in the extended games we find higher coordination rates on the equilibrium that corresponds to the row players’ dominating/duplicated strategy (and the column players’ best response to that strategy) compared to the base games. These findings may be explained by the notion of salience put forth by Schelling (1960). According to Schelling salience, players who face a coordination problem look for a choice rule that, if followed by the other players, will lead the way to successful coordination. While our base games lack a natural focal point, each of our extended games creates a focal equilibrium that gives rise to a natural choice rule that both players can follow. In Sect. 5 we discuss Schelling salience in relation to our findings.

Another related idea raised by Mehta et al. (1994) and discussed in Sect. 5 is that of primary and secondary salience. According to this notion, the highlighted strategy is an intuitive choice (due to primary salience) that may serve as a starting point for iterative reasoning. In Appendix C we show that a slightly adjusted general cognitive hierarchy model (Chong et al., 2016), which captures this idea, is able to explain our findings.Footnote 2

2 Related literature

2.1 Irrelevant options in individual choice

Our addition of an asymmetrically dominated strategy draws upon the individual choice literature on the asymmetric dominance effect, also known as the attraction effect (Huber et al., 1982). This effect arises when a decoy option, c, is added to a two-alternative set \(\{a, b \}\) (see Fig. 1-Attraction). When the decoy is dominated by one alternative (a in Fig. 1-Attraction) but not by the other, choices have been found to shift in the direction of the dominating alternative. The experimental evidence for this effect in non-strategic choice problems is large and spans a variety of goods, services and even perceptual decision tasks.Footnote 3 Most of the psychological mechanisms that were suggested as explanations for the attraction effect share the idea that the dominating alternative a shines brighter when the decoy alternative is present. This may be due to reason-based approaches, as in Lombardi (2009) and de Clippel and Eliaz (2012), which hinge on ideas raised in Simonson (1989), Tversky and Simonson (1993) and Shafir et al. (1993). It may also stem from dimensional weights (Tversky et al., 1988; Wedell, 1991) or from focusing on different consideration sets (Ok et al., 2015).

The exploration of the effect of a duplicated strategy on players’ behavior, which we call the duplicates effect, is inspired by the theoretical literature on random choice. It refers to the increase in choice share of an existing option due to an addition of an alternative that is essentially identical to it (see Fig. 1-Duplicates). It has been discussed by McFadden et al. (1973) in his famous blue-bus/red-bus example. Similar examples have also been raised by Debreu (1960) and Tversky (1972) to demonstrate a problem that may arise in Luce’s random utility model (Luce, 1959), according to which adding a duplicate of an existing option in a choice set would increase the combined choice share of the duo. This problem is known in the literature as the duplicates problem and is discussed by Gul et al. (2014). While theoretically criticized, it remains plausible that presenting one option twice could emphasize its presence, increase its salience, and consequently enhance its appeal to the decision maker. It may also lead to naive diversification, i.e., the tendency to spread choices evenly among existing options (as documented, for example, by Benartzi & Thaler, 2001).

There are almost no experimental studies that examined whether a duplicated option affects individual behavior, or not. In fact, we are aware of only one experiment that addresses the duplicates problem in individual choice conducted 60 years ago by Becker et al. (1963), and in which most of the subjects were not affected by the duplicated option. However, many studies examined the related similarity effect in which an option c, which is similar to an existing option, a, but not identical to it, is added to the choice set. In these studies, the choice share of a relative to b drops in the presence of the similar alternative, c. An additional finding, more relevant to our work, is that the combined share of choices of a and c is larger than the share of a when c is not available. When c is very similar to a, adding it to the set may feel like duplicating a. Yet, in the similarity effect literature a and c are never identical, hence, this additional finding can be rationalized with preference maximization.Footnote 4

Fig. 1
figure 1

Attraction, duplicates and compromise effects in a two-attribute-space. Notes: The attraction and compromise effects refer to the increase in the choice share of a due to the addition of c. The duplicates effect refers to an increase in the choice share of a and c compared to the choice share of a when c is absent

In addition to our main examination of irrelevant strategies, we also test the effect of adding a relevant, yet extreme strategy, to one player’s strategy set. This enables the examination of a strategic analogue to the compromise effect, i.e., situations in individual choice contexts in which a relevant yet extreme option that is added to the choice set leads decision makers to view one of the original options as a compromise. More specifically, as shown in Fig. 1-Compromise, when c is added to a doubleton set \(\{a, b \}\), preferences shift in the direction of the midway alternative a.Footnote 5 Unlike dominated and duplicated options described above, there may be good reasons to choose the extreme option, even according to standard preference maximization. Nonetheless, as we elaborate upon later, examining the addition of an extreme strategy alongside the irrelevant strategies enables us to strengthen our conclusions regarding the nature of context effects in strategic interactions. Specifically, it allows us to examine if these effects occur due to an instinctive response or strategic considerations.

2.2 Irrelevant strategies in games

Only two experiments examined the effect of adding an asymmetrically dominated strategy in matrix-form games. Colman et al. (2007) add an asymmetrically dominated strategy to both players’ strategy set and find that it increases the choice probability of the dominating strategy. However, given their design, it is impossible to disentangle direct effects of the added strategy from indirect ones. Closer to our work is Amaldoss et al. (2008) who add an asymmetrically dominated strategy only to the row players’ strategy set. They examine the effect of this addition in coordination games and find that it increases the row players’ choice probabilities of the dominating strategy in one-shot games as well as in repeated interactions with feedback. The column players, however, seem to take the effect of this addition into account only when the game is repeated and feedback is provided. As discussed earlier, we extend the scope of their work by studying a new effect (the duplicates effect) in addition to the asymmetric dominance effect, and by examining both effects in coordination games and single-equilibrium games. These extensions allow us to draw a more general picture of the effect of irrelevant strategies.

Recently, Galeotti et al. (2021) explore whether the attraction and the compromise effects arise in bargaining games. Their work examines these effects from the point of view of cooperative games. In the experiment, two players need to agree on a payoff allocation, or else they receive nothing, and are allowed to chat freely and make allocation offers until they reach an agreement. In the base games, there are two possible allocations, each one preferred by a different player. In their “dominance extension”, there exists another allocation that is Pareto dominated by one of the original allocations but not the other. In their “compromise extension”, after adding a third allocation, one of the original allocations becomes second best for both players. Thus, their base game is equivalent to a \(2 \times 2\) coordination game, with 2 equilibria, and the extensions are equivalent to \(3 \times 3\) coordination games with 3 equilibria. They find that players coordinate on equilibrium in a manner that is consistent with the attraction and compromise effects.Footnote 6 Our work complements Galeotti et al. (2021) as they focus on whether the pair of players are affected by an added equilibrium in the context of cooperative games, while we focus on whether each individual player is affected by an added irrelevant strategy in the context of non-cooperative games.

3 Experimental design

Our experiment consists of eight two-player simultaneous-move base games, of which four are coordination games and four are single-equilibrium games. In the coordination games, each player has to choose between the action that is associated with his preferred equilibrium and the action that is associated with the opponent’s preferred equilibrium. In the single-equilibrium games, players have to choose between the action that is associated with the equilibrium and the action that is associated with surplus maximization.

For each game, we construct three extended games—a dominance extension, a duplicates extension and a compromise extension. The extended games are constructed by adding a third strategy to the row player’s strategy set so that it becomes a 3 × 2 game. This strategy is either dominated by the top row of the original base game’s matrix, identical to it, or more extreme with respect to it.Footnote 7 In every base game the row player’s strategies are denoted by Top and Bottom while in the extensions, they are referred to as Top, Middle and Bottom. The column player’s strategies are consistently labeled as Left and Right.

In total, we investigate the players’ behavior in 32 games: 8 base games and 3 extended games for each base game. To mitigate subjects’ fatigue, 4 unrelated games, which were not presented in matrix form, were interspersed in between the other games. Table 2 shows one of the coordination base games and one of the single-equilibrium base games alongside their three extensions. All base games, their extensions, the order in which they were played and experimental details regarding our choice of payoff matrices appear in Appendix A.

We carried out a computerized lab experiment with a between-subject design, i.e., choices of subjects who played the base games were compared to choices of different subjects who played the extended games. For this purpose, subjects were randomly and equally assigned to two groups. In each group, all subjects played the same four base games as row players and the additional four base games as column players. Players’ roles were reversed across groups: if one group played a certain game as row players, the other group played the game as column players. A group of subjects who played a base game as row players played all three extensions of that base game as column players, and vice versa. Thus, a subject never played a base game and its extension in the same role. Moreover, a base game and its extension, or two extensions of the same base game, were separated by at least two other games (extensions/base games of the other 7 games or one of the 4 unrelated games). To mitigate potential influences of the order in which the games were presented, subjects in each group were randomly assigned to one of two versions of the questionnaire. Both versions consisted of the same games but they presented these games in reversed orders. In each game, a player was randomly matched with a different anonymous opponent, and for each player, one game was randomly chosen for payment purposes. Subjects received feedback on the games’ outcomes only at the end of the experiment.

Table 2 Payoffs of base games 1 (coordination) and 5 (single-equilibrium) and their extensions

The experiment was pre-registered on the AEA RCT Registry (Arad et al., 2019). It was held in the Interactive Decision Making Lab of The Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University. We ran 21 sessions during the Spring and Fall semesters of 2019, in which 238 subjects participated. Subjects were undergraduate students from various fields of study who were registered with the lab. Instructions appeared on subjects’ screens and were read out loud by the experimenter (the instructions appear in Appendix A). Following the instructions, subjects were acquainted with matrix-form games in a training session that included 5 matrix-form games and 8 quiz questions with feedback. Each session lasted roughly 45 minutes and subjects’ average payoff was 75 ILS (25 ILS show-up fee plus 50 ILS on average earned during the experiment), which was roughly equivalent to 22 USD at the time.

4 Results

4.1 Irrelevant strategies

We define the row player’s target strategy as the top strategy in the base games. This is the strategy that dominates the added strategy in the dominance extensions and the duplicated strategy in the duplicates extensions. Thus, the row player’s target strategy is Top in the base and dominance extension games, and Top and Middle in the duplicates extension. We define the column player’s target strategy as the best response to the row player’s target strategy. The target equilibrium is defined as the outcome that arises when both players choose their target strategy.

We present the results of the direct effect of the added strategy on the row players, followed by the indirect effect on the column players. Finally, we examine the effect on the probability of coordination on the target equilibrium and on overall coordination.

Direct effects

Before we proceed to the results, note that out of 476 choices made by the row players in the dominance extensions in each type of game, there were only 17 choices (3.6%) of the dominated strategy in the coordination games and 13 such choices (2.7%) in the single-equilibrium games. This suggests that subjects were aware that this strategy is dominated by another. Since our main interest lies in the ratio of choices of the two strategies of the base game, the table and the regression analysis below exclude choices of the dominated strategy. We also examine whether the choice share of the target strategy increases overall, i.e., considering all choices. This examination is discussed later and its corresponding analysis is presented in Appendix B.

Table 3 shows the percentages of choices of the target strategy by row players in each game. In the coordination games (1–4), the target strategy is chosen more frequently when the irrelevant strategy is present: there is an increase of 3–11% in the dominance extension and of 10–25% in the duplicates extension. In single-equilibrium games, the irrelevant strategy has a small and seemingly insignificant effect on the row players. Adding a dominated strategy increases the choice frequency of the target strategy by 0–9% while duplicating a strategy increases its choice frequency by 0–5%.

Table 3 Percentages of row players’ target choices

Next, we pool together choices for all four games of the same type (i.e., coordination or single-equilibrium game) and run logistic regressions in which the dependent variable is a dummy that receives 1 if the target strategy was chosen and 0 otherwise.Footnote 8 The main explanatory variable is a dummy that receives 1 when the game is presented in the extended form and 0 in the base form. We control for the game, the questionnaire version (i.e., the order in which the games were presented), the gender and the number of correct answers in the training session.Footnote 9 We run three specifications for each effect for each type of game: (i) non-clustered errors, (ii) clustered errors at the subject level, and (iii) clustered errors at the subject level alongside subject fixed effects.

Tables 4 and 5 report the results of our logistic regressions and provide further evidence for the effect of adding the irrelevant strategies. The coefficient of the extension variable in coordination games (Table 4) is positive and significant at the 5% level in all specifications (odds ratio ranging from 1.32 to 1.56 in the dominance extension, and from 2 to 3 in the duplicates extension). In the single-equilibrium games (Table 5), however, we do not find a consistent effect of the extensions on row players’ choices.

We repeated the analysis above when including choices of the dominated strategy. In Appendix B, we present both the percentages of target strategy choices and the regression analysis. The results are generally quite similar to those reported above. In coordination games, we find an increase in target choices in the dominance extensions compared to the base games, although this effect is slightly weaker when including dominated-strategy choices. In single-equilibrium games, the addition of the dominated strategy does not seem to have any impact.Footnote 10

Table 4 Logistic regression models: row players’ choices in coordination games
Table 5 Logistic regression models: row players’ choices in single-equilibrium games

Indirect effects

We now examine whether extending the row player’s strategy space has an effect on the column player’s behavior. Table 6 shows the percentage of choices of the target strategy by column players. In coordination games, the choice percentage of the target strategy is significantly higher in both dominance and duplicates extension games compared to the base games. This suggestive evidence of an indirect effect is further supported by the regressions that are presented in Table 7.Footnote 11 According to the regressions’ coefficients, compared to the base game, the column player is between 1.75 to 2.6 times more likely to choose the target strategy when a dominated strategy is added to the row player’s strategy set, and 3 to 6 times more likely to choose it when the row player’s target strategy is duplicated. In the single-equilibrium games, however, there is no significant effect on the column players’ behavior (see the regression results in Table 8).Footnote 12

Table 6 Percentages of column players’ target choices
Table 7 Logistic regression models: column players’ choices in coordination games
Table 8 Logistic regression models: column players’ choices in single-equilibrium games

Coordination rates and equilibrium play

We now examine whether the introduction of the additional strategy increases coordination rates on the target equilibrium and whether it affects coordination in general. Many studies have identified factors that facilitate coordination in two-player coordination games (see Camerer, 2011 for a review). These include behavioral mechanisms, such as order of play (Amershi et al., 1992; Rapoport, 1997) and framing (Hargreaves Heap et al., 2014), as well as more rational factors such as the presence of an outside-option (Cooper et al., 1994), the game’s symmetry (van Elten & Penczynski, 2020), recommendations (Van Huyck et al., 1992; Brandts & MacLeod, 1995), communication (Cooper et al., 1994) and costly communication (Kriss et al., 2016; Blume et al., 2017). We contribute to this literature by examining whether adding a dominated or duplicated strategy facilitates coordination. Following the analysis of coordination games, we examine whether the target equilibrium or surplus-maximizing outcome in single-equilibrium games is reached more frequently in the presence of the irrelevant strategy.

Table 9 shows the percentages with which each of the coordination game’s outcomes was reached. Recall that each player was randomly matched with another player in each game. The percentages in the table are calculated according to the outcome of play of this random matching.Footnote 13 Equilibria in each game appear in bold and the target equilibrium is marked with an asterisk.

The dominance and duplicates extensions have higher coordination rates on the target equilibrium than the base games in all four games. The effect is relatively large in the duplicates extensions, in which the probability of reaching the target equilibrium is 47–55% compared to 24–30% in the base games. The coordination increase in the dominance extensions is in the range of 2% to 16%. Overall coordination, i.e., on either of the two equilibria, in the dominance extensions is roughly the same as in the base games while it increases in the duplicates extensions.

Table 9 Outcome distribution for coordination games

We also run logistic regressions to examine the increase in the likelihood of reaching the target equilibrium and an equilibrium in general, for each extension, aggregated over the four coordination games (Tables 10 and 11 respectively) while controlling for the games themselves. In Table 10 the dependent variable is a dummy that receives 1 if the target equilibrium was reached and 0 otherwise, and the main explanatory variable is the dummy for the relevant extension. In Table 11 the dependent variable is a dummy that receives 1 if an equilibrium was reached (target or not) and 0 otherwise and the main explanatory variable is, once again, the dummy for the relevant extension. In both tables, we report two specifications for every extension: one with no fixed effects (columns 1 and 3) and one with subject fixed effects (columns 2 and 4). Table 10 shows a significant positive increase in the likelihood of reaching the target equilibrium in both dominance and duplicates extensions. Table 11 shows that this increase leads to a rise in overall coordination play in the duplicates extensions but not in the dominance extensions.

Moving on to the single-equilibrium games, Table 12 shows the percentages with which each of the outcomes in these games was reached. The equilibrium and the surplus-maximizing outcome are in bold. The equilibrium is also marked with an asterisk. For both the dominance and duplicates extensions, the equilibrium is reached more frequently in the extended games than in the base games in 3 out of 4 games. The surplus-maximizing outcome is reached less frequently on average.

To give a formal account for the findings in Table 12, we run two types of logistic regressions. In Table 13, the dependent variable is a dummy that receives 1 if the equilibrium was reached and 0 otherwise, and the main explanatory variable is the dummy for the relevant extension. In Table 14 the dependent variable is a dummy that receives 1 if the surplus-maximizing outcome was reached and 0 otherwise, and the main explanatory variable is, once again, the dummy for the relevant extension. In both tables, we report two specifications for every extension: one with no fixed effects (columns 1 and 3) and one with subject fixed effects (columns 2 and 4). Table 13 shows no significant effects of reaching the equilibrium in the extensions compared to the base games. Table 14 shows that the negative effect on the probability of the surplus-maximizing outcome is insignificant for the duplicates extension and significant for only one of the two specifications of the dominance extension. Overall, it is evident that the frequency with which the equilibrium or the surplus-maximizing outcome is reached is not significantly affected by the irrelevant strategy.

Table 10 Logistic regression models: target equilibrium play in coordination games
Table 11 Logistic Regression Models: Overall Equilibrium Play in Coordination Games
Table 12 Outcomes distribution for single-equilibrium games
Table 13 Logistic regression models: equilibrium play in single-equilibrium games
Table 14 Logistic regression models: surplus maximizing outcome in single equilibrium games

4.2 Relevant strategy

The added strategy in the compromise extensions was chosen in 13.7% of the cases in the coordination games and 17.6% in the single-equilibrium games, which is evidence of the fact that it is indeed perceived as a relevant strategy. Table 15 reports the relative choice share of the compromise strategy (Up in the base game and Middle in the extension) compared to the competing strategy (Bottom), excluding choices of the added strategy. There seem to be no significant differences in choice shares of the compromise strategy by row players between base games and extensions. Specifications (1)–(3) of the logistic regressions in Tables 17 and 18 further support this impression as the coefficients on the extension dummy variables are not significant for any type of game.

Table 15 Percentages of row players’ choices of the compromise strategy
Table 16 Percentages of column players’ choices of the best response to the compromise strategy
Table 17 Logistic Regression Models: Compromise Extension in Coordination Games
Table 18 Logistic Regression Models: Compromise Extension in Single-Equilibrium Games

Notice that in the compromise extensions, the added strategy is an equilibrium strategy while the compromise strategy is not. In fact, the latter is not even a best response to either of the two column player’s strategies. Thus, a higher choice frequency of the compromise strategy in the extensions is likely to be driven by an individual-based compromise effect, i.e., an instinctive response, rather than by a strategic reaction. As we elaborate upon below, in Sect. 4.3, we suggest that the lack of evidence of a compromise effect substantiates the fact that individual-based biases do not automatically translate into strategic environments.

As for indirect effects, Table 16 illustrates that in both coordination games and single-equilibrium games, column players tend to select their target strategy more frequently compared to the base games. This observation is further corroborated by the regressions presented in specifications (4)–(6) within Tables 17 and 18. Notice however that in coordination games, the column players’ best response to the row players’ compromise strategy, i.e., the column player’s target strategy, is the same as their best response to the added strategy, which is part of an equilibrium of the extended game. Thus, it is impossible to disentangle whether it arises as a response to an expected behavioral action of the row player or as a reaction to the expectation that the row player tries to reach the new equilibrium. In Appendix C, we show that the absence of a behavioral response of the row players in coordination games alongside more frequent choices of the target by column players is captured by the GCH model of Chong et al. (2016) (with one minor adjustment). Finally, the indirect effects that show up for the column players in single-equilibrium games are somewhat puzzling since these players have a dominating strategy in the base games as well as in the extensions. However, players may also consider choosing the surplus-maximizing outcome. Indeed, we find that column players’ choices are quite balanced across the two strategies in the base games. In the presence of the extreme strategy, choosing the strategy that leads to the surplus-maximizing outcome and “mis-coordinating" may lead to an extremely low payoff for the row player. This may naturally weaken the incentive to choose this strategy, especially for column players who originally targeted the surplus-maximizing outcome, i.e., players who exhibit other-regarding preferences.

4.3 Discussion

In coordination games, we find that adding an irrelevant strategy in the form of a dominated/duplicated action assists in stirring the row players’ actions in the direction of one equilibrium over another. At the same time, the addition of these strategies has no effect on the row players’ actions in single-equilibrium games, where the decision is whether to play an equilibrium strategy or a surplus-maximizing strategy. The different patterns across types of games indicate that our row players’ behavior is not a manifestation of individual-based biases, i.e., it is not due to an automatic reaction to the added strategy that arises without consideration of the strategic situation at hand. Rather, it seems that the irrelevant added strategy impacts row players’ actions through their desire for cues to facilitate coordination, that is, it serves a strategic purpose.Footnote 14

The column players choose to follow their target strategy, which is consistent with best responding to the target strategy of the row player, more often in the extended coordination games than in the base games. Moreover, just like the row players, they do not exhibit this pattern in the single-equilibrium games. Thus, it seems that the column players utilize the added strategy as a means for coordination, similarly to the row players.

Putting these behavioral patterns together, it seems that both row and column players may be thinking about the irrelevant strategy as a public coordination device that guides them in choosing a choice rule that, if adopted by both players, will resolve the coordination problem they face. Indeed, as our analysis confirms, the behavioral patterns of row and column players lead to higher coordination rates on the target equilibrium in the presence of the irrelevant strategy.

The addition of the extreme relevant strategy, does not seem to have any effect on the row players in any type of game. Notice that in this case the added strategy is part of a new equilibrium of the extended game. Thus, the behavioral reaction that corresponds to the compromise effect, i.e., a tendency to choose the middle strategy, is offset by strategic considerations of reaching an equilibrium. Given the above support for strong strategic considerations of our subjects, it is not surprising that when the added strategy is a legitimate choice for a strategic row player, its “behavioral role” in highlighting the middle action is attenuated.

Finally, we assess whether the effect of the added strategy varies with subjects’ experience. Although subjects did not receive any feedback on the outcome of play after each game, experience may affect subjects’ behavior. For example, it is possible that it takes time to understand the underlying structure of the games and the potential gains that may arise by following the behavioral cues in the extended games. In order to do so, we conducted a similar regression analysis to the one reported above, while accounting for whether games appeared in the early or late stages of the experiment. A detailed description of this analysis and its results appears in tables 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 in Appendix B2. Overall, there does not seem to be a consistent difference in the influence of the added strategies between early and late games. Thus, this analysis suggests that experience does not play a significant role in our setting.

5 Theoretical approaches

The results that we presented show that the addition of irrelevant strategies has a significant effect on the outcome of play in coordination games but not in single-equilibrium games. Classic game-theoretic approaches rule out such effects but behavioral models have the flexibility to accommodate them.

Salience is perhaps the most natural concept through which our findings in coordination games may be explained. A strategy is more salient if its features draw players’ attention more than other strategies. For example, in the duplicates extension, the strategic situation is identical to the base game but one of the row player’s strategies is now highlighted since it appears twice. Possible pathways through which salience can affect players’ behavior are nicely described by Mehta et al. (1994). Their work focuses on salience in symmetric coordination games but we believe that their ideas carry over to our context, even though we add irrelevant strategies in a non-symmetric fashion, i.e., only to the row player. Mehta et al. (1994) discuss three types of salience. The first is primary salience which refers to strategies that are more likely than others to come to the minds of the players. Secondary salience refers to situations in which players maximize their expected utility under the assumption that their opponents choose the primary salient strategy. Finally, Schelling salience (due to Schelling, 1960) is a choice rule that, if followed by both players, will solve the coordination problem in a successful manner.

Primary and secondary salience fit well into the framework of level-k thinking (Stahl & Wilson, 1994, 1995; Nagel, 1995). The level-k model assumes that the population of players consists of a number of types that differ in their depth of reasoning. A level-0 player is non-strategic and is usually assumed to choose each of the strategies with equal probability. For any \(k \ge 1\), a level-k type best responds to the belief that he faces a player of level \(k-1\). Going back to the ideas of Mehta et al. (1994) within this framework, level-0 players are attracted to the salient strategy (i.e., primary salience) while level-1 players best respond to players of level-0 (i.e., secondary salience). This type of iterative reasoning has been studied by Crawford and Iriberri (2007); Arad (2012); Arad and Rubinstein (2012); Hargreaves Heap et al. (2014), and Alaoui and Penta (2016).

Assuming that duplicated strategies and dominating strategies have primary salience allows one to derive behavioral predictions that are in line with our findings.Footnote 15 One caveat of this approach is that primary salience is not clearly defined, which leaves room for interpretation regarding which strategies are salient and which are not. In Appendix C, we briefly present the Generalized Cognitive Hierarchy (GCH) model (Chong et al., 2016) which is an extension of a level-k model in which level-0 players are attracted to strategies that never yield the minimal payoff for any of the opponent’s strategies, a concept they refer to as minimum aversion salience. This concept induces an attraction to our target strategies by level-0 players, without making ad-hoc assumptions regarding salience. We show that the GCH model delivers predictions that are in line with our findings due to the response of higher cognitive levels to this attraction.

Schelling salience is different in essence, and it is not necessarily related to primary or secondary salience, although it might be. Using the words of Mehta et al. (1994) it is

...a rule of selection which, if followed by both players, would tend to produce successful coordination. A rule of selection ...is salient to the extent that it “suggests itself" or seems obvious or natural to people who are looking for ways to solving coordination problems.

In our coordination games, it is quite plausible that our sample of students may reason a-la Schelling salience, i.e., by looking for a rule that suggests itself or seems obvious for a random student in the lab to follow. Choosing the strategy that is more noticeable (duplicated or dominant) than the other and best responding to it may be an obvious rule that would lead to the increased choices of the target strategies in the extensions.

Thus, Schelling salience may be another tacit coordination mechanism that leads some strategies to become focal. Unlike the other types of salience mentioned above, this one has more of a “simultaneous feel". It does not require iterative reasoning, but rather a common rule that is followed by both players in a specific game, under the implicit understanding that if they indeed follow it, there is hope of successful coordination.

6 Concluding remarks

We design an experiment to test whether seemingly irrelevant strategies affect players’ actions in a manner that violates the standard approach in game theory. We find that dominated strategies, and even more so duplicated strategies, affect behavior in coordination games: they highlight one equilibrium over another and facilitate coordination. However, in single-equilibrium games, these strategies are indeed irrelevant and do not affect behavior. We conclude that irrelevant strategies do not affect behavior through an immediate intuitive reaction to the added strategies. Rather, they seem to assist players whenever they are in need for cues to solve coordination problems. We suggest that in the extended games, some strategies become salient. This, in turn, leads to improved coordination through either a focal point argument or an iterative chain of responses of different levels of hierarchical reasoning.

Irrelevant strategies naturally appear in real-life strategic situations, as in our opening bus line example. Furthermore, they may be intentionally added to strategic interactions by one of the players or by a third party. For example, in different types of negotiations, such as between firms’ managements and employee unions, seemingly innocuous irrelevant strategies may affect the outcome of the deliberations in a manner that is highlighted in our work. This allows for sophisticated manipulation by parties through the adjustment of the set of strategies they bring to the table. Thus, seemingly irrelevant strategies should be taken into account by players, choice architects and even social planners. On the theoretical and predictive front, existing solution concepts of strategic interactions may be enriched in order to account for the relevance of irrelevant strategies.