1 Introduction

In the past 20 years, the field of automated fault localization (AFL) has found considerable interest among researchers in Software Engineering. Given a program failure, the aim of fault localization is to suggest locations in the program code where a fault in the code causes the failure at hand. Locating a fault is an obvious prerequisite for removing and fixing it; and thus, automated fault localization brings the promise of supporting programmers during arduous debugging tasks. Fault localization is also an important prerequisite for automated program repair, where the identified fault locations serve as candidates for applying the computer-generated patches (Le Goues et al. 2012; Nguyen et al. 2013; Kim et al. 2013; Qi et al. 2014).

The large majority of recent publications on automated fault localization fall into the category of statistical debugging (also called spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL)), an approach pioneered 18 years ago (Jones et al. 2002; Zheng et al. 2003; Liblit et al. 2005). A recent survey (Wong et al. 2016) lists more than 100 publications on statistical debugging. The core idea of statistical debugging is to take a set of passing and failing runs, and to record the program lines which are executed (“covered”) in these runs. The stronger the correlation between the execution of a line and failure (say, because the line is executed only in failing runs, and never in passing runs), the more we consider the line as “suspicious”.

As an example, let us have a look at the function middle, used in Jones et al. (2002) to introduce the technique (see Fig. 1). The middle function computes the middle of three numbers x, y, z; Fig. 1 shows its source code as well as statement coverage for few sample inputs. On most inputs, middle works as advertised; but when fed with x= 2, y= 1, and z = 3, it returns 1 rather than the middle value 2. Note that the statement in Line 8 is incorrect and should read m = x. Given the runs and the lines covered in them, statistical debugging assigns a suspiciousness score to each program statement—a function on the number of times it is (not) executed by passing and failing test cases. The precise function it uses differs for each statistical debugging technique. Since the statement in Line 8 is executed most often by the failing test case and least often by any passing test case, it is reported as most suspicious fault location.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Statistical debugging illustrated (Jones and Harrold 2005): The middle function takes three values and returns that value which is greater than or equals the smallest and less than or equals the biggest value; however, on the input (2, 1, 3), it returns 1 rather than 2. Statistical debugging reports the faulty Line 8 (in ) as the most suspicious one, since the correlation of its execution with failure is the strongest

Statistical debugging, however, is not the first technique to automate fault localization. In his seminal paper titled “Programmers use slices when debugging” (Weiser 1982), Mark Weiser introduced the concept of a program slice composed of data and control dependencies in the program. Weiser argued that during debugging, programmers would start from the location where the error is observed, and then proceed backwards along these dependencies to find the fault. In a debugging setting, programmers would follow dynamic dependencies to find those lines that actually impact the location of interest in the failing run. In our example (Fig. 2), they could simply follow the dynamic dependency of Line 15 where the value of m is unexpected, and immediately reach the faulty assignment in Line 8. Consequently, on the example originally introduced to show the effectiveness of statistical debugging (Fig. 1), the older technique of dynamic slicing is just as effective (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Dynamic slicing illustrated (Jones and Harrold 2005): The middle return value in Line 15 can stem from any of the assignments to m, but only those in Lines 3 and 8 are executed in the failing run. Following back the dynamic dependency immediately gets the programmer to Line 8, the faulty one

Thus, we investigate the fault localization effectiveness of the most effective statistical debugging formulas against dynamic program slicing. A few researchers have empirically evaluated the fault localization effectiveness of different slicing algorithms (Zang et al. 2007, 2005). However, they did not compare the effectiveness of slicing to that of statistical debugging. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical study to evaluate the fault localization effectiveness of program slicing versus (one of) the most effective statistical debugging formulas. This is also one of the largest empirical studies of fault localization techniques, evaluating hundreds of faults (707) in C programs.

In this paper, we use four benchmarks with 35 tools, 46 programs and 457 bugs to compare fault localization techniques against each other. This set of bugs comprises of 295 real single faults, 74 injected single faults, and 88 injected multiple faults containing about four faults per program, on average. In total, we had 707 program faults. Our takeaway findings are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Top ranked locations in statistical debugging can pinpoint the fault. If one is only interested in a small set of candidate locations, statistical debugging frequently pinpoints the faults, it correctly localizes 33% of faults after inspecting only the single most suspicious code location. It outperforms dynamic slicing in the top 5% of the most suspicious locations, by localizing faults in twice as many buggy programs as dynamic slicing. In our experiments, looking at only the top 5% of the most suspicious code locations, statistical debugging would reveal faults for 6% of all buggy programs, twice as many as slicing (3% of buggy programs). This result is important for automatic program repair (APR) techniques, as the search for possible repairs can only consider a limited set of candidate locations; also, the repair attempt is not necessarily expected to succeed.

  2. 2.

    If one must fix a (single-fault) bug, dynamic slicing is more effective.Footnote 1 In our experiments, dynamic slicing is 62% more likely to find the fault location earlier than statistical debugging, for single faults. In absolute terms, locating faults along dynamic dependencies requires programmers to examine on average 21% of the code (40 LoC); whereas the most effective statistical debugging techniques require 26% (51 LoC). Not only is the average better; the effectiveness of dynamic slicing also has a much lower standard deviation and thus is more predictable. Both features are important for human debuggers, as they eventually must find and fix the fault: If they follow the dynamic slice from the failing output, they will find the fault quicker than if they examine locations whose execution correlates with failure. Moreover, dynamic slicing needs only the failing run, whereas statistical debugging additionally requires multiple similar passing runs. Although dynamic slicing is more effective on single faults, statistical debugging performs better on multiple faults (see RQ7).

  3. 3.

    Programmers can start with statistical debugging, but should quickly switch to dynamic slicing after a few locations. In our experiments, it is a hybrid strategy that works best: First consider the top locations of statistical debugging (if applicable), and then proceed along the dynamic slice. In our experiments, the hybrid approach is significantly more effective than both slicing and statistical debugging. For most errors (98%), the hybrid approach localizes the fault within the top-20 most suspicious statements, in contrast, both slicing and statistical debugging will localize faults for most errors (98%) after inspecting about five times as many statements (100 LoC). Notably, the hybrid approach is more effective than statistical debugging and dynamic slicing, regardless of the error type (real/artificial) and the number of faults (single/multiple) in a buggy program (see RQ6 and RQ7, respectively).

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. After introducing dynamic slicing and statistical debugging in Section 2, this paper makes the following key contributions:

  1. 1.

    Section 3 presents a hybrid approach that merges both dynamic slicing and statistical debugging into a strategy, where the developer switches to slicing after investigating a handful of the most suspicious statements reported by statistical debugging.

  2. 2.

    We describe our evaluation setup (Section 4) and empirically evaluate the fault localization effectiveness of dynamic slicing, statistical debugging and our hybrid approach (RQ1 to 5 in Section 5).

  3. 3.

    We conduct an empirical study on the effect of error type and the number of faults on the effectiveness of AFL techniques. We examine the difference between evaluating an AFL technique on real vs. artificial faults (RQ6 in Section 5), as well as single vs. multiple faults (RQ7 in Section 5).

In Section 6, we discuss the limitations and threats to the validity of this work. Section 7 and Section 8 present future work and related work, respectively. Finally, Section 9 closes with conclusion and consequences.

The contributions and findings of this paper are important for debugging and repair stakeholders. Programmers, debugging tools and automated program repair (APR) tools need effective fault localization techniques, in order to reduce the amount of time and effort spent (automatically) debugging and fixing errors. These findings enable APR tools, debuggers and programmers to be effective and efficient in bug diagnosis and bug fixing.

2 Background

In this section, we provide background on the two main AFL techniques evaluated in this paper, namely program slicing and statistical debugging.

2.1 Program Slicing

More than three decades ago, Mark Weiser (1982, 1981) noticed that developers localize the root cause of a failure by following chains of statements starting from where the failure is observed. Starting from the symptomatic statement s, where the error is observed, developers would identify those program locations that directly influence the variable values or execution of s. This traversal continues transitively, until the root cause of the failure (i.e., the fault) is found. This procedure allows developers to investigate those parts of the program involved in the infected information-flow in reversed order towards the location where the failure is first observed.

2.2 Static Slicing

Weiser developed program slicing as the first automated fault localization technique (Weiser 1982). A programmer marks the statement where the failure is observed (i.e., the failure’s symptom) as slicing criterion C. To determine the potential impact of one statement onto another, the program slicer first computes the Program Dependence Graph (PDG) for the buggy program.

The PDG is a directed graph with nodes for each statement and an edge from a node s to a node \(s^{\prime }\) if

  1. 1.

    statement \(s^{\prime }\) is a conditional (e.g., an if-statement) and s is executed in a branch of \(s^{\prime }\) (i.e., the values in \(s^{\prime }\) control whether or not s is executed), or

  2. 2.

    statement \(s^{\prime }\) defines a variable v that is used at s and s may be executed after \(s^{\prime }\) without v being redefined at an intermediate location (i.e., the values in \(s^{\prime }\) directly influence the value of the variables in s).

The first condition elicits control dependence while the second elicits data dependence. The PDG essentially captures the information-flow among all statements in the program. If there is no path from node n to node \(n^{\prime }\), then the values of the variables at n have definitely no impact on the execution of \(n^{\prime }\) or its variable values.

The static program slice (Weiser 1981; Tip 1995) computed w.r.t. C consists of all statements that are reachable from C in the PDG. In other words, it contains all statements that potentially impact the execution and program states of the slicing criterion. Note that static slicing only removes those statements that are definitely not involved in observing the failure at C. The statements in the static slice may or may not be involved. Static program slices are often very large (Binkley et al. 2007).

2.3 Dynamic, Relevant, and Execution Slicing

A dynamic program slice (Korel and Laski 1988; Agrawal and Horgan 1990) is computed for a specific failing input t and is thus much smaller than a static slice. It is able to capture all statements that are definitely involved in computing the values that are observed at the location where the failure is observed for failing input t. Specifically, the dynamic slice computed w.r.t. slicing criterion C for input t consists of all statements whose instances are reachable from C in the Dynamic Dependence Graph (DDG) for t. The DDG for t is computed similarly as the PDG, but the nodes are the statement instances in the execution trace π(t). The DDG contains a separate node for each occurrence of a statement in π(t) with outgoing dependence edges to only those statement instances on which this statement instance depends in π(t) (Agrawal and Horgan 1990). However, an error is not only explained by the actual information-flow towards C. It is important to also investigate statements that could have contributed towards an alternative, potentially correct information-flow.

The relevant slice (Agrawal et al. 1993; Gyimóthy et al. 1999) computed for a failing input t subsumes the dynamic slice for t and also captures the fact that the fault may be in not executing an alternative, correct path. It adds conditional statements (e.g., if-statements) that were executed by t and if evaluated differently may have contributed to a different value for the variables at C. It requires computing (static) potential dependencies. In the execution trace π(t), a statement instance s potentially depends on conditional statement instance b if there exists a variable v used in s such that (i) v is not defined between b and s in trace π(t), (ii) there exists a path σ from φ(s) to φ(b) in the PDG along which v is defined, where φ(b) is the node in the PDG corresponding to the instance b, and (iii) evaluating b differently may cause this untraversed path σ to be exercised. Qi et al. (2013) proved that the relevant slice w.r.t. C for t contains all statements required to explain the value of C for t.

The approximate dynamic slice (Agrawal et al. 1990; Korel and Laski 1988) is computed w.r.t. slicing criterion C for failing input t as the set of executed statements in the static slice w.r.t. C. The approximate dynamic slice subsumes the dynamic slice because there can be an edge from an instance s to an instance \(s^{\prime }\) in the DDG for t only if there is an edge from statement φ(s) to statement \(\varphi (s^{\prime })\) in the PDG. The approximate dynamic slice subsumes the relevant slice because it also accounts for potential dependencies: Suppose instance s potentially depends on instance b in execution trace π(t). Then, by definition there exists a path σ from φ(s) to φ(b) in the PDG along at least one control- and one data-dependence edge (via the node defining v); and if φ(s) is in the static slice, then φ(b) is as well. Note that the approximate dynamic slice is (1) easier to compute than dynamic slices (static analysis), (2) significantly smaller than the static slice, and still (3) as “complete” as the relevant slice. In summary, dynamic slice \(\subseteq \) relevant slice \(\subseteq \) approximate dynamic slice \(\subseteq \) static slice.

Figure 3a and b show the static and the dynamic slice for the middle program, respectively. The slicing criterion was chosen as the return statement of the program—that statement where the failure is observed. As test case, we chose the single failing test case x = 2, y= 1, and z = 3. In this example, the approximate dynamic slice matches exactly the dynamic slice. For our evaluation, we implemented approximate dynamic slicing, and in our evaluation results and discussions we refer to approximate dynamic slicing as “dynamic slicing”.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Slicing Example: Nodes are statements in each line of the middle program (see Fig. 1). Control-dependencies are shown as dashed lines while data dependencies are shown as concrete lines

2.4 Statistical Debugging

Almost two decades ago, Jones et al. (2002) introduced the first statistical debugging technique—Tarantula, quickly followed by Zheng et al. (2003) and Liblit et al. (2005). The main idea of statistical debugging is to associate the execution of a particular program element with the occurrence of failure using so-called suspiciousness measures. Program elements (like statements, basic blocks, functions, components, etc.) that are observed more often in failed executions than in correct executions are deemed as more suspicious. A program element with a high suspiciousness score is more likely to be related to the root cause of the failure. An important property of statistical debugging is that apart from measuring coverage, it requires no specific static or dynamic program analysis. This made it easy to implement and deploy, in particular as part of several automated program repair techniques (Le Goues et al. 2012; Nguyen et al. 2013; Kim et al. 2013; Qi et al. 2014), which first consider the highest ranked, most suspicious elements as patch location. Using a more effective debugging technique thus directly increases the effectiveness of such repair techniques.

Figure 4 shows the scores computed for the executable lines in our motivating example. The statement in Line 8 is incorrect and should read m = x; instead. This statement is also the most suspicious according to all three statistical fault localization techniques in the example. Notice that only twelve (12) lines are actually executable. Evidently, in this example from Jones and Harrold (2005), the faulty statement is also the most suspicious for these three statistical fault localization techniques.Footnote 2

Fig. 4
figure 4

Statistical Fault Localization Example: Scores for the faulty line 8 are in

In this paper, we focus on four sets of measures consisting of 18 statistical fault localization formulas; namely seven human-generated optimal measures, three most popular measures, four Genetic Programming (GP) evolved measures and four measures targeted at single bug optimality.

  1. 1.

    Human-generated measures: The first set of measures includes two DStar (D) formulas and five formulas which have been theoretically proven to be optimal and found to be the most effective in existing studies (Xie et al. 2013b). These formulas include Wong1, Russel_Rao, Binary, Naish1 and Naish2 (Wong et al. 2007, 2012, 2013; Russel et al. 1940; Naish et al. 2011). For the DStar algorithm, we have selected “star” () values two and three (i.e., D = {D2,D3}) which have been demonstrated to be the most effective values for single and multiple faults, respectively (Wong et al. 2012, 2013). The other five measures were selected in a theoretical evaluation of over 50 formulas and recommended as the only optimal formulas to be applied for statistical fault localization (Xie et al. 2013a, 2013b).

  2. 2.

    Popular measures: These measures are the most popular statistical fault localization measures, Tarantula, Ochiai, and Jaccard (Jones et al. 2002; Abreu et al. 2006, 2007; Chen et al. 2002). They have been used in recent automated program repair (APR) techniques and have been shown to improve the effectiveness of program repair (Nguyen et al. 2013; Assiri and Bieman 2017).

  3. 3.

    Genetic Programming (GP) evolved measures: These measures are GP-evolved formulas, which have been found to be human-competitive (comparable to human-generated measures) and theoretically maximal (i.e., the best performing measures), namely GP02, GP03, GP13 and GP19 (Yoo 2012).

  4. 4.

    Single Bug Optimal measures: These statistical formulas are optimized for programs containing a single bug, based on the observation that if a program contains only a single bug, then all failing traces cover that bug (Naish and Lee 2013). These measures have been empirically demonstrated to be optimal in a large-scale comparison of 157 measures. The single bug optimal measures in our study include m9185, Kulczynski2LexOchiai and Pattern-Similarity. In particular, LexOchiai and Pattern-Similarity measures perform best overall (Landsberg 2016; Landsberg et al. 2015).

3 A Hybrid Approach

Even though dynamic slicing is generally more effective than statistical debugging, we observe that statistical debugging can be highly effective for some bugs, especially when inspecting only the top most suspicious statements. For instance, statistical debugging can pinpoint a single faulty statement as the most suspicious statement for about 40% of the errors in IntroClass and SIR, i.e. a developer can find a faulty statement after inspecting only one suspicious statement (see Fig. 8). This is further illustrated by the clustering of some points in the rightmost corner below the diagonal line of the comparison charts (see Fig. 7).

In this paper, we assume that a programmer in the end has to fix a bug, and a viable “alternative” method is following the dependencies by (dynamic) slicing. To this end, we investigate a hybrid fault localization approach which leverages the strengths of both dynamic slicing and statistical debugging. The goal is to improve on the effectiveness of both approaches by harnessing the power of statistical correlation and dynamic program analysis. The hybrid approach first reports the top most suspicious statements (e.g. top five statements) before it reports the statements in the dynamic slice computed w.r.t. the symptomatic statement.

The concept of examining only the top most suspicious statements is also backed by user studies on statistical fault localization. In a recent survey (Kochhar et al. 2016), Kochhar et al. found that three quarter of surveyed practitioners would investigate no more than the top-5 ranked statements—which should contain the faulty statement at least three out of four times—before switching to alternative methods. This is also confirmed by the study of Parnin and Orso (2011), who observed that programmers tend to transition to traditional debugging (i.e., finding those statements that impact the value of the symptomatic statement) after failing to locate the fault within the first N top-ranked most suspicious statements. This transition is exactly what the hybrid approach provides.

Specifically, the hybrid approach proceeds in two phases. In the first phase, it reports the top N (e.g. N = 5) most suspicious statements, obtained from the ordinal rankingFootnote 3 of a statistical fault localization technique. Then, if the fault is not found, it proceeds to the second phase where it reports the symptom’s dynamic backward dependencies. In the second phase, we only report statements that have not already been reported in the first phase.Footnote 4

4 Evaluation Setup

Let us evaluate the effectiveness of all three fault localization techniques and the influence of the number of faults and error type on the effectiveness of these AFL techniques. Specifically, we ask the following research questions:

  • RQ1: Effectiveness of Dynamic Slicing: How effective is dynamic slicing in fault localization, i.e. localizing fault locations in buggy programs?

  • RQ2: Effectiveness of Statistical Debugging: Which statistical formula is the most effective at fault localization?

  • RQ3: Comparing Statistical Debugging and Dynamic Slicing: How effective is the most effective statistical formula in comparison to dynamic slicing?

  • RQ4: Sensitiveness of the Hybrid Approach: How many suspicious statements (reported by statistical debugging, i.e. Kulczynski2) should a tool or developer inspect before switching to slicing?

  • RQ5: Effectiveness of the Hybrid Approach: Which technique is the most effective in fault localization? Which technique is more likely to find fault locations earlier?

  • RQ6: Real Errors vs. Artificial Errors: Does the type of error influence the effectiveness of AFL techniques? Is there a difference between evaluating an AFL technique on real or artificial errors?

  • RQ7: Single Fault vs Multiple Faults: What is the effect of the number of faults on the effectiveness of AFL techniques? Is there a difference between evaluating an AFL technique on single or multiple fault(s)?

In this paper, we evaluate the performance of statistical debugging, dynamic slicing and the hybrid approach in the framework of Steimann et al. (2013) where we fix the granularity of fault localization at statement level and the fault localization mode at one-at-a-time (except for multiple faults in RQ7). In this setting with real errors and real test suites, the provided test suites may not be coverage adequate, e.g. they may not execute all program statements. Fault localization effectiveness is evaluated as relative wasted effort based on the ranking of units in the order they are suggested to be examined (see Section 4.4 for more details).

4.1 Implementation

Let us provide implementation details for each AFL technique in this paper.

4.1.1 Dynamic Slicing Implementation

The approximate dynamic slice is computed using Frama-C,Footnote 5gcov, git-diff, gdb, and several Python libraries. Given the preprocessed source files of a C program, Frama-C computes the static slices for each function and their call graphs as DOT files. The gcov-tool determines the executed/covered statements in the program. The git-diff-tool determines the changed statements in the patch and thus the faulty statements in the program. The gdb-tool allows to derive coverage information even for crashing inputs and to determine the slicing criterion as the last executed statement. Our Python script intersects the statements in the static slice and the set of executed statements to derive the approximate dynamic slice. We use the Python libraries pygraphviz,Footnote 6networkx,Footnote 7 and matplotlibFootnote 8 to process the DOT files and compute the score for the approximate dynamic slice.

4.1.2 Statistical Debugging Implementation

The statistical debugging tool was implemented using two bash scripts with several standard command line tools, notably gcov,Footnote 9git-diffFootnote 10 and gdb.Footnote 11 The differencing tool git-diff identifies those lines in the buggy program that were changed in the patch. If the patch only added statements, we cannot determine a corresponding faulty line. Some errors were thus excluded from the evaluation. The code coverage tool, gcov identifies those lines in the buggy program that are covered by an executed test case. When the program crashes, gcov does not emit any coverage information. If the crash is not caused by an infinite loop, it is sufficient to run the program under test in gdb and force-call the gcov-function from gdb to write the coverage information once the segmentation fault is triggered. This was automated as well. However, for some cases, no coverage information could be generated due to infinite recursion. Gcov also gives the number of executable statements in the buggy program (i.e., |P|).Footnote 12 Finally, our Python implementation of the scores is used to compute the fault localization effectiveness.

4.1.3 Hybrid Approach Implementation

The hybrid approach is implemented simply as a combination of both tools. If the top-N most suspicious statements do not contain the fault, the dynamic slicing component is informed about the set of statements already inspected in the first phase. Given the unranked suspiciousness score of every executable statement in the program, the hybrid fault localizer performs an ordinal ranking of all statements. It then determines the proportion of the top N rank of suspicious statements, based on the N value of the hybrid approach. For instance, a hybrid approach with N = 5 takes the five topmost suspicious statements. Then, it determines the highest ranked faulty statement in the rank of all suspicious statements. If the faulty statement is in the top N suspicious positions (e.g. third position), then it reports the number of statements in the top ranked positions up till the faulty statement, as a proportion of all executable program statements.

In the case that the suspicious statement is not in the top N suspicious positions (e.g. seventh position), then it proceeds to slicing and reports the cardinality of the set union of all N top ranked statements and the number of inspected statements in the slice before the first faulty statement.

4.2 Metrics and Measures

Odds Ratio ψ. To establish the superiority of one technique A over another technique B, it is common to measure the effect size of A w.r.t. B. A standard measure of effect size and widely used is the odds ratio (Grissom and Kim 2005). It “is a measure of how many times greater the odds are that a member of a certain population will fall into a certain category than the odds are that a member of another population will fall into that category” (Grissom and Kim 2005). In our case, let “A is successful” mean that fault localization technique A is more effective than fault localization technique B and let a be the number of successes for A, b the number of successes for B, and n = a + b the total number of successes. Then, the odds ratio ψ is calculated as

$$ \psi = \left.\left( \cfrac{a+\rho}{n+\rho-a}\right)\right/\left( \cfrac{b+\rho}{n+\rho-b}\right) $$

where ρ is an arbitrary positive constant (e.g., ρ = 0.5) used to avoid problems with zero successes. There is no difference between the two algorithms when ψ = 1, while ψ > 1 indicates that technique A has higher chances of success. For example, an odds ratio of five means that fault localization technique A is five times more likely to be successful (i.e., more effective as compared to B) at fault localization than B.

The Mann-Whitney U-test is used to show whether there is a statistical difference between two techniques (Mann and Whitney 1947). In general, it is a non-parametric test of the null hypothesis that two samples come from the same population against an alternative hypothesis, especially that a particular population tends to have larger values than the other. Unlike the t-test it does not require the assumption that the data is normally distributed. More specifically, it shows whether the difference in performance of two techniques is actually statistically significant.

A cumulative frequency curve is a running total of frequencies. We use such curves to show the percentage of errors that require examining up to a certain number of program locations. The number of code locations examined is plotted on a log-scale because the difference between examining 5 to 10 locations is more important than difference between examining 1005 to 1010 locations.

4.3 Objects of Empirical Analysis

Programs and Bugs

We evaluated each fault localization technique using 45 C programs containing hundreds of (369) errors and thousands of (9012) failing tests (cf. Table 1). These programs were collected from four benchmarks, in particular, three benchmarks containing real world errors, namely IntroClass, Codeflaws and CoREBench, and one benchmark with artificial faults, namely the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository (SIR). We selected these benchmarks of C programs to obtain a large variety of bugs and programs. Each benchmark contains a unique set of programs containing errors introduced from different sources such as developers, students, programming competitions and fault seeding (e.g. via code mutation). These large set of bugs allows us to rigorously evaluate each fault localization technique. The following briefly describes each benchmark used in our evaluation:

  1. 1.

    Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository (SIR) is a repository designed for the evaluation of program analysis and software testing techniques using controlled experimentation (Hutchins et al. 1994). It contains small C programs, with seeded errors and test suites containing thousands of failing tests. In particular, this benchmark allows for the controlled evaluation of the effects of large test suites on debugging activities.

  2. 2.

    IntroClass is a collection of small programs written by undergraduate students in a programming course (Le Goues et al. 2015). It contains six C programs, each with tens of instructor-written test suites. This benchmark allows for the evaluation of factors that affect debugging in a development scenario, especially for novice developers.

  3. 3.

    Codeflaws is a collection of programs from online programming competitions held on Codeforces.Footnote 13 These programs were collected for the comprehensive evaluation of debugging tools using different types of errors. It contains 3902 errors classified across 40 defect classes in total (Tan et al. 2017). In particular, this benchmark allows for the evaluation of fault localization techniques on different defect types.

  4. 4.

    CoREBench is a collection of 70 real errors that were systematically extracted from the repositories and bug reports of four open-source software projects: Make, Grep, Findutils, and Coreutils (Böhme and Roychoudhury 2014).Footnote 14 These projects are well-tested, well-maintained, and widely-deployed open source programs for which the complete version history and all bug reports can be publicly accessed. All projects come with an extensive test suite. CoREBench allows for the evaluation of fault localization techniques on real world errors (unintentionally) introduced by developers. It has been used in several debugging studies, including a study that investigates how developers debug and fix real faults (Böhme et al. 2017).

Table 1 Details of subject programs

Table 1 lists all the programs and bugs investigated in our study. We use six programs each from the SIR and IntroClass benchmarks. This includes tcas—this program is the most well-studied subject according to a recent survey on fault localization (Wong et al. 2016). We selected 20 programming competitions from Codeflaws, including popular and difficult contests, such as “Tavas and Nafas (535A)” and “Lucky Mask (146B)”. From CoREBench, we used three projects, namely the Coreutils, Grep and Find project. Notably, all projects in CoREBench come from the GNU open source C programs, in particular, these three projects contain a total of 103 tools. Due to code modularity, the program size for a single tool (e.g. cut in coreutils) contains a few hundred LoC (about 306 LoC), however, the entire code base for CoREBench is fairly large. For instance, Coreutils, Grep and Find have 83k, 18k and 11k LoC, respectively (Böhme and Roychoudhury 2014). For each benchmark, we exempted programs where Frama-C could not construct the Program Dependence Graph (PDG). For instance, because it cannot handle some recursive or variadic method calls. In addition, we excluded an error if no coverage information could be generated (e.g., infinite loops) or the faulty statement could not be identified (e.g., omission faults where the patch only added statements).

Single Faults

For our evaluation (all RQs except RQ7), we used buggy programs collected from four well-known benchmarks, where programs contained only a single fault. To determine single faults in our bug dataset, for each program, we executed all tests available for a project on the fixed version of the program, in order to determine if there are any failing test cases that are unrelated to the bug at hand. Our evaluation revealed that our dataset contained mostly single bugs (368/369 = 99.7%). Almost all buggy program versions had exactly one fault, except for a single program—Codeflaws version DC 495A. For all benchmarks, only this program contained multiple faults, i.e. more than one fault. This distribution of single faults portrays the high prevalence of single faults and single-fault fixes in the wild (Perez et al. 2017).

Multiple Faults

To evaluate the effectiveness of all three fault localization techniques on multiple faults (see RQ7), we automatically curated a set of multiple faults using mutation-based fault injection. This is in line with the evaluation of multiple faults in previous works (Abreu et al. 2009b; Zheng et al. 2006; DiGiuseppe and Jones 2011; Wong et al. 2013; Wong et al. 2012).Footnote 15 We automatically mutated the original passing version of each program until we have a buggy version containing between three to five faults. In particular, we performed logical and arithmetic operator mutation on each passing version of the programs contained in the SIR and IntroClass benchmarks. Table 2 provides details of the buggy programs with multiple faults, the number of faults, as well as the number of failing and passing test cases. For each fault contained in the resulting program, we store the failing test case(s) that expose the bug, as well as the corresponding patches for each fault and all faults. In total, we collected 88 programs with multiple faults containing 338 injected faults, in total. Each program in this dataset contained about four unique faults, on average. Specifically, we collected 74 and 14 programs from the SIR and IntroClass benchmarks, and injected a total of 280 and 58 faults in each benchmark, respectively. The programs containing multiple faults are called SIR-MULT and IntroClass-MULT, respectively (see Table 2).

Table 2 Details of multiple faults

Minimal Patches

The user-generated patches are used to identify those statements in the buggy version that are marked faulty. In fact, Renieris and Reiss (2003) recommend identifying as faulty statements those that need to be changed to derive the (correct) program that does not contain the error. For each error, only patched statements are considered faulty. All bugs in our corpus are patched with at least one statement changed in the buggy program, all omission bugs are exempted. Omission bugs require special handling since they are quite difficult to curate, localize and fix. Collecting patches and fault locations for omission bugs is difficult because their patches are similar to the implementation of new features. A faulty code location is unclear for omission bugs (in the failing commit), this makes them even more difficult to evaluate for typical AFL techniques, including statistical debugging and dynamic slicing (Lin et al. 2018).

Slicing Criterion

All aspects of dynamic slicing can be fully automated. To this end, as the slicing criterion we chose the last statement that is executed or the return statement of the last function that is executed. For instance, when the program crashes because an array is accessed out of bounds, the location of the array access is chosen as the slicing criterion. In our implementation, the slicing criterion is automatically selected by a bash script running gdb.

Passing and Failing Test Cases

All programs in our dataset come with an extensive test suite which checks corner cases and that previously fixed errors do not re-emerge. For statistical debugging, we execute each of these (passing) test cases individually to collect coverage information. For dynamic slicing, we perform slicing for each failing test case.

In summary, for our automated evaluation, we used 457 errors in dozens of programs from four well-known benchmarks (see Tables 1 and 2). Our corpus contained 46 different programs in 35 software tools. Each faulty program in our corpus had about 11 bugs, 257 failing test cases and thousands (4250) of passing test cases, on average. For single faults, we have 295 real faults and 74 injected faults. Meanwhile, we have 88 buggy programs containing multiple faults, each program contains about four faults, on average.

4.4 Measure of Localization Effectiveness

We measure fault localization effectiveness as the proportion of statements that do not need to be examined until finding the first fault. This allows us to assign a score of 0 for the worst performance (i.e., all statements must be examined) and 1 for the best. More specifically, we measure the score= 1 − p where p is the proportion of statements that needs to be examined before the first faulty statement is found. Not all failures are caused by a single faulty statement. In a study of Böhme and Roychoudhury, only about 10% of failures were caused by a single statement, while there is a long tail of failures that are substantially more complex (Böhme and Roychoudhury 2014). Focusing on the first faulty statement found, the score measures the effort to find a good starting point to initiate the bug-fixing process rather than to provide the complete set of code that must be modified, deleted, or added to fix the failure. Wong et al. (2016) motivates this measure of effectiveness and presents an overview of other measures.

4.4.1 General Measures


All three fault localization techniques presented in this paper produce a ranking. The developer starts examining the highest ranked statement and goes down the list until reaching the first faulty statement. To generate the ranking for statistical debugging, we list all statements in the order of their suspiciousness (as determined by the technique), most suspicious first. To generate the ranking for approximate dynamic slicing, given the statement c where the failure is observed, we rank first those statements in the slice that can be reached from c along one backward dependency edge. Then, we rank those statements that can be reached from c along two backward dependency edges, and so on. Generally, for all techniques, the score is computed as

$$ \textit{score} = 1-\frac{|S|}{|P|} $$

where S are all statements with the same rank or less as the highest ranked faulty statement and P is the set of all statements in the program. So, S represents the statements a developer needs to examine until finding the first faulty one.Footnote 16

Multiple Statements, Same Rank

In most cases there are several statements that have the same rank as the faulty statement. For all our evaluations, we employ ordinal ranking, in order to effectively determine the top N most suspicious statements for each technique. This is necessary to evaluate the fault localization effectiveness of each technique, if a developer is only willing to inspect N most suspicious statements (Kochhar et al. 2016). In ordinal ranking, lines with the same score are re-ranked by line numbers.Footnote 17 This is in agreement with evaluations of fault localization techniques in previous work (Wong et al. 2016; Pearson et al. 2017; Kochhar et al. 2016).

Multiple Faults, Expense Score

For multiple faults, we measure fault localization effectiveness using the expense score (Yu et al. 2008). The expense score is the percentage of the program (statements) that must be examined to find the first fault, in particular, the first faulty statement in the first localized fault, using the ranking given by the fault localization technique. It is similar to the score employed for single faults, and it has been employed in previous evaluations of multiple faults, such as Wong et al. (2012, 2013). Formally:

$$ \textit{expense~score} = \frac{|S|}{|P|} * 100 $$

where S are all statements with the same rank or less as the highest ranked faulty statement for the first fault found and P is the set of all executable statements in the program. So, S represents the statements a developer needs to examine until finding the first faulty statement, for the first localized fault. The assumption is that it is the first fault that the developer would begin fixing, thus, finding the first statement suffices for the diagnosis of all faults (Yu et al. 2008). In our evaluation of multiple faults, the fault localization effectiveness score is computed similarly to single faults as

$$ \textit{score}_{\text{mult}} = 1 - (\textit{expense~score}/100) $$

4.4.2 Dynamic Slicing Effectiveness

We define the effectiveness of approximate dynamic slicing, the scoreads according to Renieris and Reiss (2003) as follows. Given a failing test case t, the symptomatic statement c, let P be the set of all statements in the program, let ζ be the approximate dynamic slice computed w.r.t. c for t, let kmin be the minimal number of backward dependency edges between c and any faulty statement in ζ, and let DS(c,t) be the set of statements in ζ that are reachable from c along at most kmin backward dependency edges. Then,

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {score}_{{ads}} = 1 - \frac{|DS_{*}(c,t)|}{|P|} \end{array} $$

Algorithmically, the scoreads is computed by (i) measuring the minimum distance kmin from the statement c where the failure is observed to any faulty statement along the backward dependency edges in the slice, (ii) marking all statements in the slice that are at distance kmin or less from c, and (iii) measuring the proportion of marked statements in the slice. This measures the part of code a developer investigates who follows backward dependencies of executed statements from the program location where the failure is observed towards the root cause of the failure.

In the approximate dynamic slice in our motivating example (Fig. 3), we have \({score}_{{ads}} = 1-\frac {1}{12} = 0.92\). The slicing criterion is c = s15. The program size is |P| = 12. The faulty statement s8 is ranked first. Statements s7 and s2 are both ranked third according to modified competition ranking.Footnote 18 Statements s5 and s4 are ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, while the remaining, not executed (but executable) statements are ranked 12th.

4.4.3 Statistical Debugging Effectiveness

We define the effectiveness of a statistical fault localization technique, the scoresfl as follows. Given the ordinal ranking of program statements in program P for test suite T according to their suspiciousness as determined by the statistical fault localization method, let rf be the rank of the highest ranked faulty statement and P is the set of all statements in the program. Then,

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} score_{{sfl}} = 1 - \frac{r_{f}}{|P|} \end{array} $$

Note that scoresfl = 1 −EXAM-score where the well-known EXAM-score (Jones and Harrold 2005; Abreu et al. 2009a) gives the proportion of statements that need to be examined until the first fault is found. Intuitively, the scoresfl is its complement assigning 0 to theworst possible ranking where the developer needs to examine all statements before finding a faulty one.

For instance, \({score_{{sfl}}} =1-\frac {1}{12}=0.92\) for our motivating example and all considered statistical debugging techniques. All statistical debugging techniques identify the faulty statement in Line 8 as most suspicious. So, there is only one top-ranked statement (Rank 1). But there are six statements with the lowest rank (Rank 12). If the fault was among one of these statements, the programmer might need to look at all statements of our small program middle before localizing the fault.

4.4.4 Hybrid Approach Effectiveness

We define the effectiveness of the hybrid approach, the scorehyb as follows. Let R be the set of faulty statements, H be the N most suspicious statements—sorted first by suspiciousness score and then by line numbers and P is the set of all statements in the program. Given the failing test case t and a statement c that is marked as symptomatic, we have

$$ {score_{{hyb}}} = \begin{cases} \min({score_{{sfl}}},N) & \text{ if}~R\cap H\neq \emptyset\\ 1 - |H \cup DS_{*}(c,t)|\ /\ |P| & \text{ otherwise} \end{cases} $$

Essentially, scorehyb computes the score for the statistical fault localization technique if the faulty statement is within the first N most suspicious statements, and the score for approximate dynamic slicing while accounting for the statements already reported in the first phase. For instance, for N = 2 we have scorehyb \(=1-\frac {1}{12}=0.92\) for the motivating example in Fig. 1 since the fault is amongst the N most suspicious statements.

4.5 Infrastructure

We performed the experiments on a virtual machine (VM) running Arch Linux. The VM was running on a Dell Precision 7510 with a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7-6820hq CPU and 32 GB of main memory.

5 Evaluation Results

Let us discuss the results of our evaluation and their implications. All research questions (RQs) are evaluated using single faults (i.e., RQ1 to RQ6), except for RQ7, which is evaluated on both single and multiple faults.

5.1 RQ1: Effectiveness of Dynamic Slicing

How effective is dynamic slicing in fault localization? To investigate the fault localization effectiveness of dynamic slicing, we examined the proportion of statements a developer would not need to inspect after locating the faulty statement (score in Table 3). Then, we examine the percentage of errors for which a developer can effectively locate the faulty statement, if she inspects only N most suspicious statements reported by dynamic slicing for N ∈{5,10,20,30} (% Errors Localized in Table 3).

Table 3 Effectiveness of dynamic slicing on single faults

Overall, a single faulty statement is ranked within the first quarter of the most suspicious program statements reported by dynamic slicing, on average (cf. Table 3). This implies that a developer (using dynamic slicing) inspects 21% (about 40 LoC) of the executable program statements before locating the fault, on average (i.e., equal to 1 − score). This performance was independent of the source or type of the errors (i.e., real or seeded errors). Dynamic slicing was particularly highly effective in locating faults for errors in CoREBench and errors in IntroClass, where it ranks the faulty statements within the top 15% (81 LoC) and 17% (3 LoC) of the program statements, respectively (cf. Table 3).

figure g

A developer or tool using dynamic slicing will locate the faulty statement after inspecting a handful of suspicious statements. In our evaluation, for most errors, the faulty statement can be identified after inspecting only five to ten most suspicious statements reported by dynamic slicing. Specifically, the faulty statement is ranked within the top five to ten most suspicious statements for 62% to 78% of all errors, respectively (cf. Table 3). Notably, a developer will locate the faulty statement for 55% of artificial errors and 92% of real errors if she inspects the top 20 most suspicious statements. Overall, most programs (85%) can be debugged by inspecting the top 30% (58 LoC, on average) of the statements reported by dynamic slicing. These results demonstrate the high effectiveness of dynamic slicing in fault localization.

figure h

5.2 RQ2: Effectiveness of Statistical Debugging

Which statistical formula is the most effective at fault localization? First, we investigate the effectiveness of 18 statistical formulas using four benchmarks containing 369 errors (cf. Table 1). To determine the most effective statistical formula, for each formula, we examined the proportion of statements a developer would not need to inspect after locating a single faulty statement (score in Table 4). Figure 5a and b further illustrate the effectiveness of the SBFL formulas. Then, for the best performing statistical formula, we inspected the percentage of errors for which a developer can effectively locate the faulty statement, if she inspects only N most suspicious statements for N ∈{5,10,20,30} (% Errors Localized in Table 5).

Table 4 Effectiveness of statistical debugging on single faults
Fig. 5
figure 5

Effectiveness of each SBFL formula on Single Faults; Results are grouped into bars for each family showing a the performance of each SBFL formula on each benchmark and b the cumulative results for all benchmarks using stacked bars

Table 5 Effectiveness of Kulczynski2 (i.e., the most effective statistical formula) on Single faults

Overall, the single bug optimal formulas are the most effective family of statistical formulas, they are the best performing formulas across all errors and programs. In particular, on average, PattSim2 performed best for injected errors (i.e. SIR), while Kulczynski2 outperformed all other formulas for real errors, especially for IntroClass (cf. Table 4). Bold values in Table 4 indicate the best performing formula for each family and (sub)category. For instance, Kulczynski2 is the best performing (single bug optimal) formula for all programs (0.737). The performance of single-bug optimal formulas supports the results obtained in previous works (Landsberg 2016). This family of statistical formulas are particularly effective because they are optimized for programs containing a single bug; based on the observation that if a program contains only a single bug, then all failing traces cover that bug (Naish and Lee 2013).

figure i

The most effective statistical formula is Kulczynski2, it outperformed all other formulas in our evaluation (see Table 4and Fig. 5a and b). The most effective statistical formula for each family are Ochiai, Naish_1, GP_13 and Kulczynski2 for the popular, human-generated, genetically-evolved and single bug optimal families, respectively. Figure 6a and b compares the performance of the most effective formula in each family. For instance, in the popular statistical family, Ochiai is the best performing formula, both for all errors (0.709) and all programs (0.735) (cf. Table 4). Meanwhile, in the single bug optimal family, Kulczynski2 is the best performing formula for all programs (0.737) (cf. Table 4).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Effectiveness of the most effective statistical debugging formula in a each family (bars are grouped by benchmarks), and b the overall average (i.e., mean) for all benchmarks

Indeed, a developer using Kulczynski2 will inspect the least number of suspicious program statements before finding the faulty statement. On average, Kulczynski2 required a developer to inspect about 26% (51 LoC) of the program code before finding the faulty statement. Among all statistical formulas, it has the highest suspiciousness rank for 40% (14 out of 35) of the programs and 72% (265 out of 369) of all errors. It is also the most effective statistical formula for localizing real errors.Footnote 19

figure j

A tool or developer using Kulczynski2 will locate the faulty statement after inspecting five to ten most suspicious statements. The faulty statement is ranked within the top five to ten most suspicious statements for most errors, i.e. 56% to 73% of all errors, respectively (cf. Table 5). Overall, most programs (60%) can be debugged by inspecting the top 30% (58 LoC) of the suspicious statements reported by Kulczynski2.

figure k

Is the difference in the performance of Kulczynski2 statistically significant, in comparison to the best performing formula for each statistical debugging family? In our evaluation, the difference in the performance of Kulczynski2 (i.e. the best performing formula) is not statistically significant. Table 6 highlights the statistical tests comparing Kulczynski2 to the best performing statistical formula in each family, i.e. Kulczynski2 vs. {Ochiai, Naish1, GP13}. Notably, the performance of Kulczynski2 is not statistically significant, in comparison to the best statistical formula for each family. This is evident from the fact that the odds ratio is less than one (ψ < 1) for all test comparisons (see Table 6). This suggests that Kulczynski2 has no statistically significant advantage over the best performing statistical formulas in each family; despite the fact that, in absolute terms, Kulczynski2 outperforms the best formula in each family.

figure l
Table 6 Statistical Tests for the most effective Statistical Debugging Formulas; Odds ratio ψ (all ratios are statistically significant Mann-WhitneyU-test< 0.05 for all tests)

5.3 RQ3: Comparing Statistical Debugging and Dynamic Slicing

How effective is the most effective statistical formula in comparison to dynamic slicing? We compare the performance of the most effective statistical formula (Kulczynski2) to that of dynamic slicing (cf. Figs. 7 and 8).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Direct comparison of fault localization effectiveness between statistical debugging (Kulczynski2) and dynamic slicing (on single faults) in each benchmark

Fig. 8
figure 8

Cumulative frequency of the locations to be examined, for dynamic slicing vs. statistical debugging vs. the hybrid approach (on single faults) in each benchmark

We find that, on average, dynamic slicing is more effective than statistical debugging at fault localization. Slicing is about eight percentage points more effective than the best performing statistical formula for all programs in our evaluation (cf. Fig. 8, Tables 3and 5). For all errors in our study, a programmer using dynamic slicing needs to examine about three-quarters (78%) of those statements that she would need to examine if she used statistical debugging.Footnote 20 This result is independent of the type of errors or program. Figure 8 shows that dynamic slicing consistently outperforms statistical debugging for each benchmark, with slicing consistently localizing all faults ahead of statistical debugging.

figure m

For two-third of bugs (66%, 243 out of 369 errors), dynamic slicing will find the fault earlier than the best performing statistical debugging formula. Figure 7 shows a direct comparison of the scores computed for slicing and statistical debugging. Each scatter plot shows for each error the effectiveness score of statistical debugging on the x-axis and the effectiveness score of slicing on the y-axis. Errors plotted above the diagonal line are better localized using dynamic slicing. For all benchmarks, the majority of the points are above the diagonal line which indicates that slicing outperforms statistical debugging in most cases. We can see that dynamic slicing consistently outperforms statistical debugging across all benchmarks.

figure n

To compare the significance of dynamic slicing and statistical debugging, we compute the odds ratio and conduct a Mann-Whitney U-test (cf. Slicing vs. Kulczynski2 in Table 7). The odds ratio is in favor of dynamic slicing (ψ > 1) for all projects. In particular, slicing is 62% more likely to find a faulty statement earlier than statistical debugging, this likelihood is also statistically significant according to the Mann-Whitney test. The statistically significant odds ratio is explained by slicing being more effective than statistical debugging in most cases. For instance, slicing is more effective than statistical debugging for 50 out of 74 bugs in the SIR benchmark and for 18 out of 27 bugs in CoREBench.

figure o
Table 7 Statistical Tests for all three Fault Localization Techniques: Odds ratio ψ (Mann-Whitney U-test p-values (U) are in brackets), odds ratio with statistically significant p-values determined by Mann-Whitney (U-test ) are in bold

5.4 RQ4: Sensitiveness of the Hybrid Approach

How many suspicious statements (reported by statistical debugging, i.e. Kulczynski2) should a tool or developer inspect before switching to slicing? We examine the sensitiveness of the hybrid approach to varying absolute values of N. We evaluate how the number of suspicious statements inspected before switching to slicing influences the effectiveness of the hybrid approach. In particular, we investigated the effect of N values (2, 5, 10, 15, 20) on the performance of the hybrid approach, in order to determine the optimal number of suspicious statements to inspect before switching to slicing.

A programmer that switches to slicing after investigating the top five most suspicious statements can localize more errors than if switching after investigating more suspicious statements. Figure 9 shows the impact of other values of N on the effectiveness of the hybrid approach. Note that the hybrid approach degenerates to dynamic slicing when N = 0 and to statistical debugging when N is large (e.g., program size). We see that Kochhar’s suggestion of N = 5 is a good value for our subjects, in particular inspecting at most five statements before switching to slicing outperforms both slicing and statistical debugging. As we see in Fig. 10, the hybrid approach with N = 2 and N = 5 outperforms both slicing and statistical debugging (Kulczynski2). Hence, a developer is most effective if she inspects at most five most suspicious statements reported by statistical debugging before switching to slicing.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Hybrid sensitiveness to different values of N ∈{2,5,10,15,20} showing a the cumulative frequency of locations to be examined for all errors (left), and b the effectiveness score for each benchmark using the hybrid approach (right)

Fig. 10
figure 10

Cumulative frequency of the locations to be examined for the hybrid approach, in comparison to statistical debugging (Kulczynski2) and dynamic slicing, for all (Single) Faults. As expected, inspecting only the top two suspicious code locations, Hybrid-2 and statistical debugging perform similarly (localizing about 39% of errors each); they are outperformed by dynamic slicing (47% of errors localized). However, inspecting only the top five locations, Hybrid-2 clearly outperforms statistical debugging and dynamic slicing by localizing 75% of errors, while slicing performs better than statistical debugging (62% vs. 56% of errors)

A tool using our hybrid approach is most effective when inspecting only the top two most suspicious statements (N = 2) reported by statistical debugging, before switching to slicing. Hence, we recommend the use of the hybrid approach (with N = 2) for fault localization, and at most five suspicious statements should be inspected before switching to slicing.Footnote 21

figure p

5.5 RQ5: Effectiveness of the Hybrid Approach

Which technique is the most effective in fault localization? Which technique is more likely to find fault locations earlier? We now investigate the effectiveness of the hybrid approach, in comparison to slicing and statistical debugging. First, we examine the number of program statements that need to be inspected to localize all faults for each technique (Fig. 10), as well as the absolute effectiveness score of each technique (Tables 35 and 8). Then, we evaluate the likelihood of each technique to find the fault locations earlier than the other two techniques (Table 7).

Notably, if the programmer is willing to inspect no more than 20 statements, the hybrid approach will localize the fault location for almost all (98%) of the bugs (cf. Table 8 and Fig. 10). In contrast, both statistical debugging and slicing can only localize almost all (98%) faults after inspecting about five times as many statements, i.e. 100 LoC. In fact, if the programmer inspects 20 LoC, slicing and statistical debugging would find the fault location for about 85% and 88% of the bugs, respectively.

figure q
Table 8 Effectiveness of the Hybrid approach with N = 2 (i.e., Hybrid-2)

In absolute numbers, the hybrid approach is the most effective fault localization technique, followed by slicing, which is more effective than statistical debugging (see Table 8, Figs. 8 and 10). The hybrid approach (N = 2) is about seven percentage points more effective than slicing, and about fifteen percentage points more effective than statistical debugging (cf. Tables 35 and 8). Overall, it improves the performance of both slicing and statistical debugging. For instance, a programmer using the hybrid approach needs to examine about half (58%) and three-quarter (75%) of those statements that she would need to examine if she used slicing and statistical debugging, respectively.

figure r

We compute the odds ratio and conduct a Mann-Whitney U-test, in order to determine the significance of the hybrid approach. The odds ratio for all projects is strictly in favor of the hybrid approach (ψ > 1 in Table 7). Specifically, the hybrid approach is (69%) more likely to find a faulty statement earlier than statistical debugging (cf. “Hybrid-2 vs. Kulczynski2” in Table 7). Moreover, a programmer is (42%) less likely to find the fault location early if she localizes with dynamic slicing instead of the hybrid approach (cf. “Slicing vs. Hybrid-2” in Table 7).

The statistically significant odds ratio is explained by the hybrid approach being more effective than slicing and statistical debugging in most cases. The majority of bugs is best localized by the hybrid approach. For more than half of the bugs (56%, 208 out of 369 errors), the hybrid approach will find the fault earlier than both slicing and statistical debugging. In particular, for CoREBench, the hybrid approach is more effective than both techniques for 19 out of 27 bugs, as well as for 33 out of 74 bugs in SIR.

figure s

5.6 RQ6: Real Errors vs. Artificial Errors

In this section, we evaluate the effect of error type on the effectiveness of an AFL technique, in particular, the difference between evaluating AFL techniques on artificial errors (i.e., SIRFootnote 22) versus real errors (i.e., IntroClass, Codeflaws and CoREBench). We examine the performance of each technique on each error type and portray the bias and differences in such evaluations. For real faults, we also evaluated the effect of program size on the effectiveness of an AFL technique. In particular, the difference in the performance of these AFL techniques on small programs containing 16 to 18 executable LoC (i.e. IntroClass and Codeflaws) and large programs with about 540 LoC (CoREBench), on average (see Table 9). Figures 7 and 8 highlight the difference between evaluating a fault localization technique on real or artificial errors. Table 9 summarizes the difference in the effectiveness of each AFL technique when using real or artificial faults, as well as their performance on small or large programs. Tables 35 and 8 also quantify the difference in the effectiveness of all three AFL techniques (i.e., dynamic slicing, statistical debugging and the hybrid approach, respectively) on real and artificial faults.

Table 9 Effectiveness of AFL techniques on Real versus Artificial faults, as well as their effectiveness on small and large programs containing real faults (N/A = Not applicable)

What is the most effective statistical debugging formula for artificial or real faults? In our evaluation, the error type influences the effectiveness of a statistical debugging formula. PattSim_2 is the most effective statistical formula for artificial faults (score= 0.85), this is closely followed by Ochiai and Naish_1 with score = 0.83 (see Table 4). Meanwhile, for real faults, the most effective statistical formulas are Kulczynski2 and Tarantula with scores 0.76, 0.70 and 0.79 for IntroClass, Codeflaws and CoREBench, respectively (see Table 4). Notably, the most effective formula for artificial faults is not the most effective formula for real faults. This implies that the error type can influence the performance of an AFL technique. Thus, we recommended to always evaluate debugging aids using real faults.

figure t

How does the effectiveness of statistical debugging compare to that of dynamic slicing, for artificial and real faults? On one hand, dynamic slicing performs worse than statistical debugging on artificial faults (SIR): A developer (or tool) has to inspect 21% of the program to find the fault, in contrast to 18% for Kulczynski2, on average (see Table 9). On the other hand, dynamic slicing performs better than statistical debugging on real faults (i.e., IntroClass, Codeflaws and CoREBench). For real errors, a developer has to inspect (7%) less statements when using dynamic slicing (18%) compared to slicing (25%). Again, this shows that the error type has a significant influence on the effectiveness of an AFL technique.

figure u

What is the most effective AFL approach on artificial and real faults? The hybrid approach is the most effective AFL approach, outperforming both dynamic slicing and statistical debugging (see Table 9). In particular, depending on the error type, a developer or tool using the hybrid approach inspects one-third to less than three-quarter (0.3 to 0.7) of the statements inspected when using dynamic slicing or statistical debugging. This shows that the effectiveness of the hybrid approach is independent of error type.

figure v

We observed that fault localization effectiveness on artificial errors does not predict results on real faults. In our evaluation, the performance of dynamic slicing and statistical debugging are different depending on the error type. For instance, Table 9 clearly shows that dynamic slicing performs better on real faults, while statistical debugging performs better on artificial faults. This result illustrates that the performance of an AFL technique on artificial faults is not predictive of its performance in practice. Hence, it is pertinent to evaluate AFL techniques on real faults rather than artificial faults, this is in line with the findings of previous studies (Pearson et al. 2017).

figure w

Does program size affect the effectiveness of individual statistical debugging formulas? Does the most effective SBFL formula vary as program size varies, i.e. small versus large programs? Among real faults, the most effective SBFL formula depends on the program size. Evidently, the most effective formula for small programs is not the most effective formula for large programs: For instance, Tarantula and Kulczynski2 performed significantly better than DStar on small programs, but DStar was the most effective formula for large programs.Footnote 23 Generally, the effectiveness of individual SBFL formulas varies as program size varies. Even though some SBFL formulas performed consistently well across program sizes (e.g. Tarantula and Kulczynski2), others are specialized for specific program sizes, e.g. DStar performs better on large programs (CoREBench). These results suggest that program size influences the effectiveness of individual statistical debugging techniques.

figure x

Does the comparative effectiveness of our AFL techniques (i.e., Hybrid vs. Slicing vs. SBFL) vary as program sizes varies? For real faults, we investigated if there is a difference in the comparative effectiveness of our AFL techniques on small or large programs. Among real faults, the most effective technique is the same across program sizes (see Fig. 7 and Table 9): Consistently, the hybrid approach performs best and slicing outperforms statistical debugging, regardless of program size. This observation holds across program sizes, for all three AFL techniques (see Fig. 8). These results suggest that program size does not influence the comparative effectiveness of these techniques. In fact, the comparative effectiveness of these AFL techniques is predictable across program sizes; the hybrid approach performs best, followed by slicing then statistical debugging (i.e., Kulczynski2).

figure y

5.7 RQ7: Single Fault vs. Multiple Faults

In this section, we compare the effectiveness of all three AFL techniques on programs with multiple faults. Then, we examine the effect of multiple faults on the performance of each technique and the difference between evaluating an AFL technique on single or multiple fault(s). In this experiment, we employ the original single-fault versions of the SIR and IntroClass benchmarks, as well as the multiple-fault versions of the same benchmarks, called SIR-MULT and IntroClass-MULT, respectively. Table 10 highlights the results for single and multiple fault(s) for all AFL techniques, including statistical debugging, hybrid and dynamic slicing. Figures 1112 and 13 illustrate the difference in the performance of each technique when given programs with a single fault or multiple faults.

Table 10 Effectiveness of all AFL techniques on Single and Multiple Faults for SIR and IntroClass benchmarks
Fig. 11
figure 11

Cumulative frequency of the locations to be examined for a single-fault and b multiple-fault versions of the SIR and IntroClass, using the hybrid approach, statistical debugging (Kulczynski2 and Tarantula) and dynamic slicing

Fig. 12
figure 12

Effectiveness of each technique for Single and Multiple Fault(s) in SIR and IntroClass: a Scores for each benchmark and b Scores for both benchmarks

Fig. 13
figure 13

Effectiveness of each technique on Single and Multiple Faults compared by benchmark, i.e., SIR and IntroClass

What is the most effective statistical debugging formula for multiple faults? In our evaluation, the most effective SBFL formula for multiple faults is Tarantula (0.8269), from the popular SBFL family. It outperforms the other SBFL formulas (cf. Table 10 and Fig. 12). For the other statistical debugging families, the most effective formula for multiple faults are DStar (D2 and D3), GP02 and m9185 for the popular, human-generated and genetically evolved families, respectively (cf. Table 10). The performance of Tarantula is closely followed by that of the single-bug optimal formulas m9185 (0.8249). However, the difference in the performance of m9185 and Tarantula is not statistically significant, i.e. ψ < 1 (odds ratioψ = 0.14, Mann-WhitneyU-test p-value U = 0). Notably, the most effective single-bug optimal formulas (i.e. m9185) outperformed the human-generated and genetically evolved formulas (cf. Table 10). This illustrates that single bug optimal formulas are also effective for multiple faults, despite being specialized for single faults.

figure z

For multiple faults, how does the effectiveness of statistical debugging (Tarantula) compare to that of dynamic slicing and hybrid? Tarantula performs better than dynamic slicing (0.8269 vs. 0.6922) for multiple faults, our results show that the effectiveness of slicing is 16% worse than that of Tarantula on multiple faults in the SIR-MULT and IntroClass-MULT programs (see Table 10). This is despite the fact that dynamic slicing (0.8269) outperforms Tarantula (0.7186) by 15% on single fault programs (i.e., in SIR and IntroClass benchmarks). Indeed, there is a 13% decrease in the performance of dynamic slicing on multiple faults. This is evident in Fig. 12a where the performance of dynamic slicing drops for multiple faults for IntroClass-MULT. This shows that it is beneficial for an AFL technique to employ coverage data from (numerous) failing test cases when diagnosing programs with multiple faults. As expected, it is more difficult for dynamic slicing to diagnose multiple faults: Since a dynamic slice is constructed for only a single failing test case, it is difficult to account for the effect of multiple faults. Overall, the performance of the hybrid approach remains superior to that of dynamic slicing and statistical debugging, regardless of the number of faults present in the program (cf. Table 10, Figs. 11and12).

figure aa

Given single or multiple faults, does the effectiveness of an AFL technique improve or worsen? Figure 12a illustrates the difference in the performance of all techniques for single and multiple faults. Results show that all techniques (except dynamic slicing) perform better on multiple faults in comparison to single faults, improvements range from two to 11 percentage points. Notably, Tarantula’s performance improved by 11% on multiple faults. Meanwhile, other approaches improved by two to three percentage points, in particular, the hybrid approach, Kulczynski2 and DStar (D2 and D3). This illustrates that most AFL approaches—especially SBFL—perform better on multiple faults than single faults (see Figs. 12a and 13).

figure ab

Generally, we found that the performance of a technique on programs containing single faults does not predict its performance on multiple faults. For instance, although Kulczynski2 outperformed the other statistical formulas for single faults (0.7518), it is outperformed by m9185 for multiple faults (0.7816 vs. 0.8249) (cf. Table 10). This result is also evident from Fig. 12a and Table 10, where dynamic slicing outperforms statistical debugging (Kulczynski2) for SIR single faults (0.8269 vs. 0.7518), but statistical debugging (m9185 and Kulczynski2) clearly outperform dynamic slicing for multiple faults. These results suggest that the number of faults in the program influences the effectiveness of an AFL technique.

figure ac

6 Threats to Validity

We discuss the threats to validity for this fault localization study within the framework of Steimann et al. (2013).

6.1 External Validity

External validity refers to the extent to which the reported results can be generalized to other objects which are not included in the study. The most immediate threats to external validity are the following:

  • EV.1) Heterogeneity of Probands. The quality of the test suites provided by the object of analysis may vary greatly which hampers the assessment of accuracy for practical purposes. However, in our study the test suites are well-stocked and maintained. All projects are open source C programs which are subject to common measures of quality control, such as code review and providing a test case with bug fixes and feature additions.

  • EV.2) Faulty Versions and Fault Injection. For studies involving artificially injected faults, it is important to control the type and number of injected faults. Test cases become subject to accidental fault injection. Some failures may be spurious. However, in our study we also use real errors that were introduced (unintentionally) by real developers. Failing test cases are guaranteed to fail because of the error.

  • EV.3) Language Idiosyncrasies. Indeed, our objects contain well-maintained open-source C projects with real errors typical for such projects. However, for instance errors in projects written in other languages, like Java, or in commercially developed software may be of different kind and complexity. Hence, we cannot claim generality for all languages and suggest reproducing our experiments for real errors in projects written in other languages as well.

  • EV.4) Test Suites. The size of a test suite can influence the performance of an AFL technique. Testing strategies that reduce or increase test suite size such as test reduction or test generation methods (i.e. removing tests or generating new tests) have been shown to improve the performance of some AFL techniques (Yang et al. 2017; Yu et al. 2008). We mitigate the effect of test suite size by employing projects with varying test suite sizes (ranging from tens to tens of thousands of test cases) as provided by our subject programs. In our evaluation, we do not generate additional tests or remove any tests from the test suite provided by the benchmarks, in order to simulate the typical debugging scenario for the software project.

  • EV.5) Missing Statements in Slices. Although, there is a risk of discarding faulty statements during program slicing, dynamic slicing rarely miss faulty statements during fault localization. Reis et al. (2019) found that dynamic slicing reports the faulty statement in the top-ten most suspicious statement 91% of the time. We further mitigate this risk by first inspecting statements in the dynamic slice before inspecting other executable statements. Thus, dynamic slicing (eventually) finds the faulty statement for all bugs in our evaluation.

6.2 Construct Validity

Construct validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it claims to be measuring. The most immediate threats to construct validity are the following:

  • CV.1) Measure of Effectiveness. Conforming to the standard (Wong et al. 2016), we measure fault localization effectiveness as ranking-based relative wasted effort. The technique that ranks the faulty statement higher is considered more effective. Parnin and Orso find that “programmers will stop inspecting statements, and transition to traditional debugging, if they do not get promising results within the first few statements they inspect” (Parnin and Orso 2011). However, Steimann et al. (2013) insist that one may question the usefulness of fault locators, but measures of ranking-based relative wasted effort are certainly necessary for evaluating their performance, particularly in the absence of the subjective user as the evaluator.

  • CV.2) Implementation Flaws. Tools that we used for the evaluation process may be inaccurate. Despite all care taken, our implementation of the 18 studied statistical fault localization techniques, or of approximate dynamic slicing, or of the empirical evaluation may be flawed or subject to random factors. However, we make all implementations and experimental results available online for public scrutiny.

7 Future Work

Fault localization based on dependencies still has much room for improvement. For instance:

Cognitive load.:

In our investigation, we did not consider or model the cognitive load it takes to understand the role of individual statements in context. Since following dependencies in a program is much more likely to stay within same or similar contexts than statistical debugging, where the ranked suspicious lines can be strewn arbitrarily over the code, we would expect dependency-based techniques to take a lead here. The seminal study of Parnin and Orso (2011) found that ranked lists of statements are hardly helping human programmers—let us find out which techniques work best for humans.

Alternate search techniques.:

Furthermore, there would be other search strategies along dependencies (for instance, starting with the input, and progressing forward through a program; starting at some suspicious or recently changed location; or moving along coarse-grained functions first, and fine-grained lines later) that may be even more efficient both in terms of nodes visited as well as from the assumed cognitive load. Again, all this calls for more human studies in debugging.

Experimental techniques.:

such as delta debugging (Zeller and Hildebrandt 2002) offer another means to reduce the cognitive load—by systematically narrowing down the conditions under which a failure occurs. The work of Burger and Zeller (2011) on minimization of calling sequences with delta debugging showed dramatic improvements over dynamic slicing, reducing “the search space to 13.7% of the dynamic slice or 0.22% of the source code”. In a recent human study, delta debugging “statistically significantly increased programmers efficiency in failure detection, fault localization and fault correction.” (Hammoudi et al. 2015).

Symbolic techniques.:

Finally, following dependencies is still one of the simplest methods to exploit program semantics. Applying symbolic execution and constraint solving would narrow down the set of possible faults. Model-based debugging (Wotawa et al. 2002) was one of the first to apply this idea in practice; the more recent bugassist work of Jose and Majumdar “quickly and precisely isolates a few lines of code whose change eliminates the error.” (Jose and Majumdar 2011).

All these techniques would profit from wider evaluation and assessment; however, they can also be joined and combined; for instance, one could start with suspicious statements as indicated by statistical fault localization, follow dependencies from there, and skip influences deemed impossible by symbolic analysis. What we need, though, is true defects which we can use to compare the techniques with—and a willingness to actually compare state of the art techniques, as we do in this paper.

8 Related Work

8.1 Evaluation of Fault Localization Techniques

The effectiveness of various fault localization approaches have been studied by several colleagues, see Wong et al. (2016). Most papers investigated the effects of program, test and bug features on the effectiveness of statistical debugging. Abreu et al. (2009a) examined the effects of the number of passing and failing test cases on the effectiveness of statistical debugging, they established that the suspiciousness scores stabilize starting from an average six (6) failing and twenty (20) passing test cases. Pearson et al. (2017) evaluated the difference between evaluating fault localization techniques on real faults versus artificial faults, using two main techniques, namely statistical debugging and mutation-based fault localization. Notably, their evaluation results shows that results on artificial faults do not predict results on real faults for both techniques, and a hybrid technique is significantly better than both techniques. Keller et al. (2017) and Heiden et al. (2019) evaluated the effectiveness of statistical fault localization on real world large-scale software systems. The authors found that, for realistic large-scale programs, the accuracy of statistical debugging is not suitable for human developers. In fact, the authors emphasize the obvious need to improve statistical debugging with contextual information such as information from the bug report or from version history of the code lines. In contrast to our work, none of these papers evaluated the fault localization effectiveness of program slicing, nor compare the effectiveness of slicing to that of statistical debugging.

A few approaches have evaluated the effectiveness of dynamic slices in fault localization (Zhang et al. 2005, 2007; Li and Orso 2020). In particular, Zhang et al. (2005) evaluated the effectiveness of three variants of dynamic slicing algorithms, namely data slicing, full (dynamic) slicing, and relevant slicing. Recently, Li and Orso (2020) proposed the concept of potential memory-address dependence (PMD) to improve the accuracy of dynamic slicing. Traditional dynamic dependence graphs (DDG) do not account for PMDs since they are not actual data or control dependencies in the program (Li and Orso 2020). In particular, PMD-slicer determines the potential memory dependencies in a program and represents them on the DDG. This allows developers to detect faults that are due to program assignments that modify the wrong code location. Like our study, these papers also found that (variants of) program slicing considerably reduces the number of program statements that need to be examined to locate faulty statements. However, in contrast to our study, these papers have not empirically compared the performance of dynamic slicing to that of statistical debugging.

8.2 Improvements of Statistical Fault Localization

Several authors have proposed approaches to improve statistical fault localization. Most approaches are focused on reducing the program spectra (i.e. the code coverage information) fed to statistical debugging, sometimes by using delta debugging (Christi et al. 2018), program slicing (Alves et al. 2011; Lei et al. 2012; Guo et al. 2018), test generation (Liu et al. 2017), test prioritization (Zhang et al. 2017) or machine learning (Zou et al. 2019; Le et al. 2016). In particular, some techniques apply program slicing to reduce the program spectra fed to statistical debugging formulas (Shu et al. 2017; Alves et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2016; Lei et al.2012; Guo et al. 2018). The popular page rank algorithm has been used to boost statistical debugging effectiveness by estimating the contributions of different tests to re-compute program spectral (Zhang et al. 2017). Machine learning algorithms (such as learning to rank) have also been used to improve the effectiveness of statistical debugging (Le et al. 2016; Zou et al. 2019). Besides, BARINEL employs a combination of bayesian reasoning and and statistical debugging to improve fault localization effectiveness, especially for programs with multiple faults (Abreu et al. 2009b). BARINEL combines statistical debugging and model-based diagnosis (MBD), i.e., logic reasoning over a behavioral model to deduce multiple-fault candidates: The goal is to overcome the high computational complexity of typical MBD. Search-based test generation has also been combined with SBFL, in order to improve the performance of statistical debugging for Simulink models (Liu et al. 2017). However, none of these papers localize faults by following control and data dependencies in the program, i.e. they do not directly use program slicing as a fault localization technique.

Zou et al. (2019) found that the combination of fault localization techniques improves over individual techniques, the authors recommend that future fault localization techniques should be evaluated in the combined setting. Wotawa (2010) proposed a combination of model-based debugging and program slicing for fault localization, called slicing hitting set computation (SHSC). In contrast to our work, SHSC combines slices of faulty variables, which causes undesirable high ranking of statements executed in many test cases (Hofer and Wotawa 2012). To address this, Hofer and Wotawa also proposed SENDYS—a combination of statistical debugging and SHSC to improve the ranking of faulty statements (Hofer and Wotawa 2012). The focus of this work is to provide fault locations at a finer granularity than program blocks. In contrast to dynamic slicing, SENDYS analyzes the execution information from both passing and failing test cases and uses statistical debugging results as a-priori fault probabilities of single statements in SHSC (Hofer and Wotawa 2012).

9 Conclusion and Consequences

As it comes to debugging, dynamic slicing remains the technique of choice for programmers. Suspicious statements, as produced by statistical debugging, can provide good starting points for an investigation; but beyond the top-ranked statements, following dependencies is much more likely to be effective. As it comes to teaching debugging, as well as for interactive debugging tools, we therefore recommend that following dependencies should remain the primary method of fault localization—it is a safe and robust technique that will get programmers towards the goal.

For automated repair techniques, the picture is different. Since current approaches benefit from a small set of suspicious locations, focusing on a small set of top ranked locations, as produced by statistical debugging, remains the strategy of choice. Still, automated repair tools could benefit from static and dynamic dependencies just as human debuggers.

While easy to deploy, the techniques discussed in this paper should by no means be considered the best of fault localization techniques. Experimental techniques which reduce inputs (Zeller and Hildebrandt 2002; Hammoudi et al. 2015), or executions (Burger and Zeller 2011) may dramatically improve fault localization by focusing on relevant parts of the execution. Grammar-based techniques that debug inputs (Kirschner et al. 2020), generalize inputs (Gopinath et al. 2020) or determine the circumstances of failure (Kampmann et al. 2020) may provide contextual information for developers during debugging by focusing on input features that explain failures. Symbolic techniques also show a great potential—such as the technique of Jose and Majumdar, which “quickly and precisely isolates a few lines of code whose change eliminates the error” (Jose and Majumdar 2011). The key challenge of automated fault localization will be to bring the best of the available techniques together in ways that are applicable to a wide range of programs and useful for real programmers, who must fix their bugs by the end of the day.