
During the past century, the level of atmospheric CO2 has risen by more than 39%, triggering the average global temperature increase of about 0.8 °C (Azdarpour et al. 2015). It is estimated that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2030 would increase by 25–90% over the level of 2000, with the equivalent CO2 concentration in the atmosphere growing to 600–1550 ppm (IPCC 2000; Leung et al. 2014). Apart from its significance as a GHG, CO2 is also considered to aggravate the toxicity of CO when both are present in the same gas (Pauluhn 2016; Fabianska et al. 2018). Therefore, global concerns about GHG emissions have stimulated considerable research interest in CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in deep geologic reservoirs.

As a climate change mitigation option, CCS technology reduces the industrial loadings of CO2 as a GHG to the atmosphere (e.g., IEA 2004; IPCC 2005; Benson and Cole 2008; Gibbins and Chalmers 2008; Oelkers and Cole 2008; Harvey et al. 2012). In fact, CCS involves three distinct processes: (1) capturing CO2 from the gas stream emitted during industrial activities; (2) transporting the captured CO2 by pipelines, trains, trucks, or ships; and (3) storing CO2 underground in deep saline aquifers. By ensuring a wide deployment of CCS, global CO2 emissions can be reduced by approximately 70% by 2050 compared with the current emission levels (Stangeland 2007).

A major concern in the widespread deployment of CO2 sequestration is whether CO2 would leak from subsurface storage sites into the near-surface and subsequently back into the atmosphere to harm local populations and the environment (IEA 2008; Harvey et al. 2012; Wilkin and DiGiulio 2010; Boyd et al. 2013; Lions et al. 2014a; L’orange Seigo et al. 2014). It is known that natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes) or anthropogenic activities, which may happen during and/or afterward the operational (injection) procedure, may cause CO2 leakage from geological storage sites (Bachu 2008; Zhou et al. 2016). There are three main potential pathways for escaping CO2 and entry into the near-surface potable aquifers and soils (Bachu and Celia 2009; Liu et al. 2012): (1) leakage through the cap rock of the host reservoir; (2) migration along fracture networks and faults; and (3) migration via wells or abandoned wells (Fig. 1). Among the potential migration pathways to aquifers, leakage through fracture networks and faults is considered to be a rapid pathway (Oldenburg and Lewicki 2006). However, a leakage of CO2 through wells is generally the primary risk of geological CO2 storage installations (Oldenburg and Lewicki 2006), which can adversely influence the quality of the environment (Little and Jackson 2010; Wilkin and DiGiulio 2010).

Fig. 1
figure 1

(Modified after Wilkin and DiGiulio 2010; Zhang and Song 2014)

Schematic diagram of upward migration of CO2 along faults, fracture, and abandoned wells.

CO2 leakage from reservoirs may induce geochemical reactions and lead to degradation of water quality, which is likely the greatest concern associated with CO2 migration from deep storage sites to near-surface environments. It is widely accepted that CO2 intrusion induces acidification of groundwater and subsequently enhances the dissolution of contaminant-bearing soil and rock minerals (Wei et al. 2011; Saalfield and Bostick 2010; Harvey et al. 2012). In addition, the physicochemical properties of soils can change over the course of months or years in response to the rate of CO2 leakage and the distance from a leakage point and subsequently impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. These properties include organic matter (OM), soil structure, mobilization/immobilization of the contaminants, infiltration rate, bulk density, and water- and nutrient-holding capacity (Mehlhorn et al. 2014, 2016; Ma et al. 2017; Moonis et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017).

Investigation of the impact of CO2 leakage on the subsurface and especially the near-surface systems (e.g., soils and aquifers) is one of the most crucial topics (e.g., Schloemer et al. 2013; Mayer et al. 2015). The tools required for such analysis must be able to detect a forerunner or an early-warning signal of leakage associated with geochemical modifications that are related to small amounts of CO2 (Humez et al. 2014a). Recently, researches have started to discuss about the potential geochemical impacts of CO2 migration into a vadose zone or potable aquifers (e.g., Altevogt and Jaffe 2005; Carroll et al. 2009; Zheng et al. 2009a, b; Humez et al. 2014a, b). These include some specific topics such as continuous soil gas monitoring related to CCS (Schloemer et al. 2013); various tools and isotopic compositions for tracing and monitoring CO2 intrusions into storage sites (Humez et al. 2014a; Mayer et al. 2015); risk assessment associated with the impacts of CO2 leakage on human health (Atchley et al. 2013; Hillebrand et al. 2016); geochemical processes controlling groundwater quality (Lemieux 2011; Lions et al. 2014a); and the integrity of existing wells (Zhang and Bachu 2011; Choi et al. 2013). A broad review of these recent investigations, however, indicated very limited studies and significant knowledge gaps on CO2-induced changes in the geochemistry of near-surface soil and groundwater (Harvey et al. 2012). The primary concern about a CO2 leakage is whether it would cause any harmful effect on the terrestrial ecosystem and finally on human beings. Because of this reason, previous studies in this subject, especially for near-surface soil, have examined many different aspects including the effects on plants and microbes but not limited to geochemical processes. Consequently, a comprehensive study is required to consider the interrelated aspects of diverse research subjects together linked to near-surface environments (including soil, water, plants, and microorganisms), which has been rare in the literature.

Hence, this review summarizes the geochemical processes and environmental consequences associated with potential CO2 leakage into near-surface environments. Specifically, emphasis is placed on the metal(loid)s mobilization and subsequent physicochemical changes in shallow soil environment. And discussed are the geochemical research approaches using isotopic tracers, field studies, laboratory experiments, and geochemical modeling to assess such leakage to the near-surface. In addition, the knowledge gaps in the current studies on geochemical interactions in near-surface environments are examined and future research studies that should be followed are addressed.

Environmental consequences of CO2 leakage

Researchers have identified numerous detrimental effects that could occur following a CO2 leakage from a storage reservoir on not only the soil and water quality but also the vegetation and biological communities (IEA 2007; Wei et al. 2011; Yang et al. 2017). Therefore, understanding the effects of possible leakage is essential for conducting risk analysis of CCS technology. Table 1 summarizes the experimental studies relevant for assessing the potential changes in physicochemical properties of the near-surface environment in response to a CO2 leakage. Such leakage may pose deleterious effects to both humans and animals. The impacts of CO2 leakage on the surrounding environment are divided into four main groups.

Table 1 Potential changes in terrestrial ecosystem and groundwater chemistry in response to CO2 leakage


The impacts of CO2 emission on the vegetation are divided into two aspects: (1) impacts of the elevated atmospheric CO2-induced plant growth on the geochemical reactions and (2) impacts of CO2-induced geochemical reactions on the vegetation. It is reported that an elevated CO2 concentration may enhance photosynthetic rates in plants (Tian et al. 2013; Sakurai et al. 2014). Thus, an elevated CO2 is likely to stimulate the growth of many plant species (Sakurai et al. 2014). However, an increase in the growth of plants will need an increased supply of essential plant nutrients (e.g., N, P), which are taken up from the available nutrition pool in soil (Edwards et al. 2005; Gentile et al. 2012; Jin et al. 2012, 2013). Therefore, elevated CO2-induced plant growth may influence the nutrients cycle, soil mineral composition, and the leachability of elements in ecosystems (Hungate et al. 2003; Luo et al. 2004; Schneider et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2013; Xu et al. 2013). For instance, Jin et al. (2015) reviewed the impacts of elevated CO2 on the demand and utilization of P in plants and P acquisition from soil. They demonstrated a significant increase in P demand by plants under an elevated CO2 (> 16 mg/kg) due to the stimulation of photosynthesis. Elevated CO2 altered P acquisition through changes in root morphology and caused an increase in rooting depth. Additionally, the quantity and composition of root exudates changed due to the changes in carbon fluxes along the glycolytic pathway and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. As a consequence, these root exudates led to P mobilization in the soil by forming soluble P complexes, by the alteration of the biochemical environment, and/or by changing microbial activity in the rhizosphere.

On the other hand, soil acidification due to CO2 dissolution affects the quality and maturity of soil for vegetation. Generally, pH lower than 4 or higher than 9 will prevent or destroy the metabolism of plants (Zhao et al. 2017). Moreover, pH can affect the adsorption of nutrients such as Ca, Mg, N, P, and K by plants and impact plant growth (Zhao et al. 2017). Ekene et al. (2016) examined the effects of elevated soil CO2 concentrations on spring wheat depending on the soil chemical properties in the Sutton Bonington Campus of the University of Nottingham, the UK, using Artificial Soil Gassing and Response Detection (ASGARD) facility, which artificially controlled CO2 injection into the soil of the test site. They demonstrated a significant increase in the leachability of essential plant nutrients (e.g., N, P, and K), which caused a decrease in plant growth under elevated CO2 conditions. Therefore, CO2 leakage upward to the surface may result in vegetation die-off due to an increase in soil \({\text{P}}_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\), which leads to root asphyxiation and plant death (IEA 2007; Pierce and Sjogersten 2009). It has been reported in previous studies that when CO2 gas concentration was higher than 5 vol% in soil, it was dangerous for plants and that it may be fatal for vegetation at 20 vol% and above (IEA 2007; Muradov 2014; Witkowski et al. 2015). For example, Zhao et al. (2017) utilized a naturally occurring CO2-leaking site in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau with the aim of systematically investigating the response mechanisms of plants to the influence of long-term (> 10 years) CO2 leakage on the shallow ecological environment. In case of a large CO2 concentration (> 112,000 ppm) in the soil gas system, they demonstrated adverse effects on the plant community distribution and growth, the physiological and biochemical systems of plants, and the quality of plants. The possible reasons for such effects include pH change, lack of nutrients such as available N or P, inhibition of soil respiration induced by replacement of O2 with excess CO2, and depression of photosynthesis in plant leaves. However, moderate CO2 concentration (< 110,000 ppm) in soil gas could improve the plant growth and enhance the fat and starch contents in rapeseeds and potatoes, respectively. Smith et al. (2013) conducted a study to define the sensitivity of the plant variety to high concentrations of CO2 in ASGARD facility with a gas leakage for 16 months. They demonstrated a significant change in biomass of all plant varieties but to different extents. The total biomass collected during the experiment showed that at a high concentration of CO2 the biomass of both grass and clover decreased 42% and 79%, respectively. In addition, Kim et al. (2017a, b) investigated the growth of plants under a short-term CO2 exposure (11 days) in a pilot-scale greenhouse setup. Their results showed a reduction of 47% in the root length of cabbages exposed to 99.99 vol% CO2, whereas no change in a leaf biomass was shown. Indeed, the above-ground biomass was not influenced by CO2 exposure, which indicates that the effects of soil CO2 injection were more evident in the roots than in the shoots. Madhu and Hatfield (2013) also found a higher correlation of CO2 concentration with root length than with shoot height. Overall, species of dicots showed more sensitivity than monocots in most studies to the elevated CO2 concentration (Ko et al. 2016). Although species-specific response of plants to different soil CO2 concentrations is a useful approach in investigating CO2 leakage at the vegetated areas of CO2 storage sites, the plant response to elevated levels of soil CO2 has not been well understood yet as those of atmospheric CO2. Hereupon, further investigations are required to clarify plant species’ stress responses to an elevated soil CO2 condition and compare seasonal variations in plant physiological parameters, as a tool for a long-term monitoring of CO2 leakage in near-surface environments.

Biological communities

CO2 leakage in near-surface alters biological diversity throughout the ecosystem and changes the compositions and the numbers of species in the local environment (IEA 2007; Patil 2012). Moreover, CO2 leakage may change the biogeochemical processes occurring in soil, which can lead to changes in the soil chemistry such as soil pH (IEA 2007). This can be associated with the negative effects on some microbial populations within the soil, which can lead to changes in the indigenous nutrients that would disturb the food chain, finally affecting the entire ecosystem (IEA 2007). In this regard, Ma et al. (2017) conducted a pot experiment with various CO2 gas fluxes of 400, 1000, and 1500 g/m2/day to investigate short-term (4 months) effects of CO2 leakage on the bacterial community. Their results showed that an increase in CO2 concentration led to an increase in the abundant proportion of Proteobacteria with a decrease in the abundance of Acidobacteria. Moreover, the abundances of other phyla such as Verrucomicrobia, Actinobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Nitrospirae decreased with an increase in CO2 flux. In a field-scale study conducted by Smith et al. (2013), the numbers of bacteria in the CO2-exposed plots decreased by one order of magnitude during the gassing period, which suggests that CO2 exposure to the soil affects microbial populations. In addition, Chen et al. (2016) conducted a study in an open field with a CO2 injection to examine the threshold CO2 concentration affecting the composition and structure of soil bacterial communities. Their results showed an increase in the relative abundances of Bacteroidales, Firmicutes, and Lactobacillus with respect to the CO2 flux. In contrast, the relative abundances of Acidobacteria and Chloroflexi phyla decreased along with the CO2 flux. Although CO2 leakage obviously affects soil microbial communities, its impacts on biological processes have been poorly understood yet. For this, Molari et al. (2018) compared the ecological functions of naturally CO2-vented seafloor of the Mediterranean island Panarea (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) to those of non-vented sands, with a focus on biogeochemical processes and microbial and faunal community composition. Their results showed a local shift in bacterial communities and enhanced microphytobenthos growth, but also decreased benthic meiofauna and macrofauna density and composition. Furthermore, CO2 leakage altered the ecosystem functions in terms of remineralization and carbon transfer along the food web. Hence, there is a substantial risk that CO2 leakage from CCS sites may locally lead to negative impacts on the ecosystem and the function of the seafloor as carbon sink. A review of the recent findings on impacts of CO2 leakage triggering microorganism’s activities and communities showed that the concentration of CO2 and duration of exposure to CO2 gas did not necessarily explained the differences in microbial responses at different experimental studies (Ko et al. 2016). This suggests that the other environmental factors may influence soil microbial communities and activities more than soil CO2 concentration. Microbial responses to the elevated CO2 concentration can also be covered up by natural responses to ambient environmental changes. Thus, a large number of short-term temporal and seasonal samplings along with long-term investigation on soil biological communities and activities are required to understand their response to CO2 leakage.

Physicochemical properties of soil

CO2 leakage may change the quality of near-surface soil, particularly pH and heavy metal contents (Harvey et al. 2012). Studying the effects of CO2 leakage is useful for identifying sensitive parameters if a leakage does happen. In this perspective, Wei (2013) investigated the impacts of CO2 leakage on the properties of various soil types using a closed reactor experiment and a flow-through column system. Soil mineralogy did not significantly change, while soil acidification due to CO2 dissolution caused an increase in mobilization of Al, Fe, Mn (highest mobilization), K, and Pb after the 3-day reaction at \({\text{P}}_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\) = 25 bar. Wei et al. (2015) also investigated the impacts of soil moisture content for the effect of CO2 on the mobility and speciation of the exchangeable fraction of metals in soil samples collected from an artificial soil gassing site. Their results showed an increase in soil pH but not a decrease, which they speculatively ascribed to the escape of CO2 during the sample collection or to the soil mineral dissolution induced by CO2 exposure. Moreover, no changes were observed in the soil OC, inorganic carbon (IC) contents, or mineralogy following the CO2 exposure with an increase in the exchangeable concentrations of Ni, Zn, and Pb in the soils. In another study, Moonis et al. (2017) compared the effect of a high CO2 concentration on the physicochemical properties of a soil with a high concentration of OM (organic soil) with that of very low OM contents (mineral soil) by exposing samples to CO2 gas in a greenhouse chamber for 32 days. Their results showed a significant decrease in soil pH in the CO2-treated samples. They attributed a greater pH decrease for the mineral soil than for the organic soil to the higher buffering capacity of the organic soil. No change in the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of either soil was observed after the CO2 exposure. However, a significant increase (28%) in the dissolved organic C (DOC) of organic soil was observed, whereas a significant reduction in DOC was observed in the CO2-exposed mineral soil. The increase in DOC in the CO2-treated organic soil could be attributed to its increased mobilization through a depletion of polyvalent cation bridges with OM due to proton exchange processes. However, a decrease in DOC in the mineral soil under CO2 treatment was attributed to its adsorption on the mineral surfaces (Zech et al. 1994; Kalbitz et al. 2000). Besides the laboratory studies, soil properties were monitored in a natural CO2 leakage site in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (Zhao et al. 2017). CO2 intrusion resulted in the changes in soil properties, such as soil pH, a reduction in nutrients such as N and P, and some changes in soluble ions. The transformation of soil minerals was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), which demonstrated that CO2 intrusion could change the soil mineralogy, in which CaCO3 formation was pronounced mainly due to the long-term CO2 exposure (> 10 years) in the naturally occurring site. Zhou et al. (2012) investigated the changes in bulk soil electrical conductivity (EC) during CO2 leakage by conducting in situ continuous monitoring of soil EC, soil moisture, soil temperature, rainfall, and soil CO2 concentration. Their observation showed that a high soil CO2 concentration (20 vol%) enhanced the dependence of soil EC on soil moisture. In addition, Ma et al. (2014) conducted a pot experiment for 30 days by varying CO2 concentrations (10,000–80,000 ppm) to monitor the physicochemical properties of a soil exposed to CO2 gas. They showed that changes in CO2 concentration had no significant impact on the soil particle size distribution. Their results showed that the concentrations of N and P in soil slightly increased with an increase in CO2 concentration in the pots in 30 days after planting. The concentration of K+ in soil changed significantly with an elevation of CO2 concentration. The concentrations of SO42−, Ca2+, Na+, K+, and Cl reached minimum values at 10,000 ppm CO2 concentration in the soil, and that of Mg2+ reached a minimum value at 20,000 ppm. It is noteworthy that metals were affected by CO2 in different ways. Compared with the control conditions, the concentrations of total Zn and As (Cr and Ni) increased (decreased) slightly with an elevated CO2 concentration (e.g., Zn from 49 to 53 mg/kg and As from 63 to 69 mg/kg). However, total concentrations of Cu, Pb, Cd, and Hg did not change at different CO2 concentrations. Mehlhorn et al. (2014) investigated natural CO2 exhalation through mofettes in a wetland area in the Czech Republic to document the soil properties. Compared with the control site, mofette soils showed a lower pH (3.8 ± 0.2 vs. 4.1 ± 0.2) and a redox potential (Eh 270 ± 50 vs. 360 ± 40 mV) but a higher OC content (41 vs. 21%). Furthermore, they recognized lower contents of poorly crystalline or crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides, which are the most important sorbents of metal(loid)s in soil, due to a long-term CO2 exposure (> 20 years) in the mofette. In turn, this increased the mobility of As in that the As concentration was 2.5 times higher than that of the control site. Likewise, Melhorn et al. (2016) studied the influence of CO2 exposure on the metal mobilization processes for 6 weeks at 3 different temperatures (16, 22, and 35 °C) in a Fe (oxyhydr)oxide-rich soil. After 1 d of CO2 exposure, weakly adsorbed metal cations were mobilized (especially Mn at 16 °C) due to surface protonation. After 3 days, Fe was significantly mobilized mainly due to microbially triggered reductive dissolution of Fe (oxyhydr)oxide. Noteworthily, a higher temperature (35 °C) and OM content (45 mg/g) accelerated microbially triggered Fe (oxyhydr)oxide dissolution. This study increased our understanding regarding the kinetics and temperature dependency of soil properties following CO2 emission.

The main impact of CO2 emission on soil properties was found to be a drop in soil pH, which triggered the mobilization of metal(loid)s from soils depending on soil types, soil moisture content, OM contents, and the period of CO2 exposure. Hence, an abrupt change in pH would be a primary parameter to indicate the CO2 intrusion into soil once a background has been set. Among soil metals, Fe and Mn showed a higher sensitivity to soil acidification to be mobilized by CO2 dissolution. The response of Ca to CO2 intrusion highlights that carbonate minerals are sensitive to an elevated CO2 concentration and could possibly be used as an indicator of CO2 leakage once the baseline for the pre-injection concentration has been established. However, studies on the dissolution of OC induced by CO2 leakage have produced contradictory results. For instance, Titeux and Delvaux (2010), Moonis et al. (2017), and Derakhshan-Nejad et al. (2018) reported an increase in DOC under elevated CO2 conditions, while You et al. (1999) found a decrease in DOC. Indeed, the molecular composition of OC in soil and soil water has a wide range and varies substantially as a function of pH (Roth et al. 2015). Therefore, a change in pH may influence the degradation of OM/OC contents and thereby the types and the distribution of soil organic molecules (You et al. 1999; Titeux and Delvaux 2010). In addition, the sorption/desorption of H+ ions by OM is dependent on the dissociation constants of the weak organic acids, which differs by OM types (Spadotto and Hornsby 2003). Hence, the effect of CO2 leakage on soil pH and its subsequent effects on a type-specific OM decomposition ratio in near-surface environments need to be well studied. In contrast to laboratory experiments (e.g., Wei 2013), a change in the mineralogy of the soil was found in a natural CO2 leakage site. Indeed, since elevated soil CO2 concentrations can enhance the weathering of minerals, it may be possible to assess the impact of CO2 leakage on the soil mineralogy if the experiments are carried out for a substantially long period of time.

Groundwater chemistry

Upward migration and dissolution of CO2 in potable groundwater may adversely affect groundwater chemistry by increasing mineral dissolution as a result of a decrease in pH. Desorption and ion exchange reactions may increase water salinity and mobilize hazardous elements (Zheng et al. 2009a; Apps et al. 2010). Wilkin and Digiulio (2010) used analogous reaction paths and kinetic models to explore possible geochemical impacts to underground sources of drinking water. Reaction paths and kinetic models indicated that geochemical shifts caused by CO2 leakage were closely linked to mineralogical properties of the receiving aquifer. The distribution and abundance of carbonates, silicates, and phyllosilicates were identified as key variables in controlling changes in groundwater geochemistry. Peter et al. (2012) conducted a controlled CO2 injection test in a shallow aquifer to investigate the geochemical impact of CO2 on the aquifer and to apply and verify different monitoring methods (i.e., isotope analysis, geoelectrical borehole monitoring, and multi-parameter probes). Due to CO2 injection, total IC concentrations increased, but pH decreased. Associated reactions resulted in the release of major cations and trace elements. Geoelectrical monitoring as well as isotope analyses and multi-parameter probes were proved to be suitable methods for monitoring injected CO2 and/or the alteration of groundwater. In addition, Mickler et al. (2013) examined the effects of an increase in \({\text{P}}_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\) on groundwater chemistry in a siliciclastic-dominated aquifer by comparing the results from a laboratory batch experiment with those from a field single-well push–pull test on the same aquifer sediment and groundwater. Although the aquifer was mainly comprised of siliciclastic sediments, carbonate dissolution was the primary geochemical reaction. In the batch experiment, Ca concentration increased until the solution was saturated with respect to calcite at~ 500 h. The concentrations of the elements such as Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Mn, and U were controlled by carbonate dissolution. In contrast, silicate dissolution controlled Si and K concentrations and was ~ 2 orders of magnitude slower than carbonate dissolution. Changing pH conditions through the experiment initially mobilized Mo, V, Zn, Se, and Cd. In that study, there was a considerable variation in the mobilization of the elements between the batch and push–pull experiments. So it was concluded that a combination of these two methods would be more precise to predict metals mobilization than using a single method. In another study, Xiao et al. (2017b) developed an integrated framework of a batch experiment and a reactive transport modeling to investigate water–rock–CO2 interactions and As mobilization. In the beginning of CO2 intrusion, pH decreased and As released from clay-/Fe-rich minerals (especially kaolinite). However, the buffering capacity of the water–rock system induced As re-adsorption onto clay-/Fe-rich minerals. Kim et al. (2018) also modeled the potential impacts of CO2 leakage on As contamination in a simulated shallow groundwater aquifer with As-bearing minerals as a variable using simple 2D multi-species reactive transport models. The induced low-pH plume appeared to cause dissolution of aquifer minerals and subsequently increase the calculated permeability of the aquifer; in particular, the most drastic increase in permeability appeared at the rear margin of the CO2 plume where two different types of groundwater mixed in their models. They argued based on their modeling results that water–rock interactions induced by CO2 dissolution mobilized As species to the shallow potable aquifer and suggested that the aquifer should be well characterized and the amount of leached CO2 and its plume size should be well evaluated to develop a proper remediation protocol.

Overall, spatial variability in the flux rate of CO2 in the aquifer, heterogeneity within the aquifer, and/or spatially variable CO2-consuming reactions (e.g., calcite or plagioclase dissolution) may change the levels of the dissolved CO2 in the aquifer and the subsequent chemical reactions (Keating et al. 2010). For a risk assessment, it is important to fully understand the effects of mineral dissolution/precipitation within the aquifer because these reactions may induce/reduce a risk to human health since the mobility of the metal(loid)s, caused by pH reduction, may be improved/prevented. However, it is hard to detect the CO2 leakage through a simple measurement of groundwater pH or mineral dissolution/precipitation. Accordingly, combining geochemical models and geochemical sampling together is suggested to examine the behavior of hazardous elements in an aquifer over a range of pH, IC concentrations, and redox and mineralogical conditions.

Geochemical processes associated with CO2 leakage in near-surface environments

CO2 leakage can significantly alter the geochemical processes occurring in subsurface and near-surface environments. The fate of leaked CO2 gas and the subsequent induced reactions depend mostly on the physicochemical characteristics of the shallow soil containing the leakage. The highly complicated deleterious effects of CO2 intrusion on the near-surface environments are summarized in this section.

Mineral interactions and geochemical changes associated with CO2 leakage

Injection of supercritical CO2 into a reservoir (e.g., deep brine formations) alters the physicochemical reaction balance between fluid and rocks in the system (Kaszuba and Janecky 2013). Complex fluid–rock interactions are expected to occur during the injection of CO2, which may affect CO2 injectivity, storage capacity, geochemical reactions, and safety to successfully storing CO2 (Nghiem et al. 2004; Andre et al. 2007; Fritz et al. 2010; Andre et al. 2014; Shao et al. 2015; Jin et al. 2016; Miri and Hellevang 2016; Cui et al. 2017). Generally, CO2 injection breaks the original chemical equilibrium between the rock and water, resulting in the dissolution of some minerals (e.g., mainly primary minerals) and the precipitation of others (e.g., clays and oxides) (Cui et al. 2018).

The effects of CO2 leakage from storage reservoirs and of the subsequent CO2–soil mineral interactions give an outlook on how the leakage would impact the geochemistry of near-surface environment. CO2 leakage imposes a decrease in pH (Little and Jackson 2010; Vong et al. 2011; de Orte et al. 2014; Moonis et al. 2017) and/or a change in Eh (Mehlhorn et al. 2014) and thereby influences the dissolution of minerals (Jaffe and Wang 2003; O’Malley 2010; Peter et al. 2011; Harvey et al. 2012; Al-Khoury and Bundschuh 2014; Mehlhorn et al. 2014; Zheng et al. 2015; Melhorn et al. 2016; Xiao et al. 2017a), resulting in the release of chemical elements into solution. In fact, pH is strongly linked to the concentration of dissolved CO2 in the soil/water. The dissolution of CO2 in water (e.g., soil water, pore water, and potable water) forms carbonic acid (H2CO3). Subsequently, the changes in pH influence the dissolution of soil minerals (e.g., calcite, dolomite, K-feldspar, and plagioclase) (Eqs. 15).

$${\text{CO}}_{{2({\text{g}})}} + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} \Leftrightarrow {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{CO}}_{3} \Leftrightarrow {\text{H}}^{ + } + {\text{HCO}}_{3}^{ - } \Leftrightarrow 2{\text{H}}^{ + } + {\text{CO}}_{3}^{2 - }$$
$${\text{CaCO}}_{3} \left( {\text{calcite}} \right) + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + {\text{CO}}_{2} \Leftrightarrow {\text{Ca}}^{2 + } + 2{\text{HCO}}_{3}^{ - }$$
$${\text{CaMg}}\left( {{\text{CO}}_{3} } \right)_{2} \left( {\text{dolomite}} \right) + 2{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} + 2{\text{CO}}_{2} \Leftrightarrow {\text{Ca}}^{2 + } + {\text{Mg}}^{2 + } + \, 4{\text{HCO}}_{3}^{ - }$$
$${\text{KAlSi}}_{3} {\text{O}}_{8} \left( {\text{K - feldspar}} \right) + {\text{Na}}^{ + } + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{CO}}_{3} \Leftrightarrow {\text{NaAlCO}}_{3} \left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{2} \left( {\text{dawsonite}} \right) + 3{\text{SiO}}_{2} + {\text{K}}^{ + }$$
$${\text{CaAl}}_{2} {\text{Si}}_{2} {\text{O}}_{8} ({\text{Ca - plagioclase}}) + 2{\text{H}}^{ + } + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} \Leftrightarrow {\text{Ca}}^{2 + } + {\text{Al}}_{2} {\text{Si}}_{2} {\text{O}}_{5} \left( {\text{OH}} \right)_{4}$$

The extent and direction of pH and Eh changes control the rate and extent of mineral dissolution/precipitation as well as the sorption/desorption of contaminants from related sorbents such as clays, OM, and metal (hydr)oxides. Indeed, carbonate minerals, clay minerals, and feldspars tend to buffer the pH (Eqs. 25) (Vernet 1993). Gaus (2010) suggested that carbonate minerals rapidly buffer the pH and cause the brine to be less acidic (Eqs. 2, 3). The reactions in Eq. 2 can rapidly reach equilibrium under suitable conditions (Gaus 2010). However, dissolution of clays and feldspars is characterized by slow reaction kinetics (Eqs. 45) and would require thousands of years (Gaus 2010). Poorly buffered systems with primary minerals such as feldspar have a low resistance to changes in pH. Previous research indicated that sandy soils with a lower buffering capacity are likely to be more sensitive to an increase in CO2 concentration to change their pH compared to clay-rich soils, with a higher buffering capacity (Harvey et al. 2012). However, in well-buffered systems CO2-induced dissolution of carbonates or the dissolution/precipitation of clays would provide a sufficient buffering capacity (Harvey et al. 2012). Therefore, such systems are expected to provide a required buffering capacity (via HCO3 alkalinity) to resist dramatic changes in pH with secondary mineral precipitates (Gunter et al. 1997). However, this pH buffering process through mineral dissolution at a high CO2 concentration may increase the mobilization of metals (Cui et al. 2018).

It is worthy to note that feldspars are one of the most prevalent groups of potentially reactive minerals in reservoirs. Feldspar dissolution causes precipitation of secondary minerals such as phyllosilicates. For this, Fu et al. (2009) conducted a batch experiment to investigate dissolution of perthitic K-feldspar at a high temperature (200 °C) and pressure (300 bar) for CCS at an initial pH of 3.1. They reported coexistence of K-feldspar with kaolinite and/or sometimes illite in sandstone and suggested that K-feldspar dissolution was coupled by the growth of the secondary phases. Indeed, secondary clay minerals are very important for reducing sandstone permeability. Previous studies showed that CO2–H2O interactions result in acid-dominated reactions and alteration of K-feldspar to clay (Kaszuba and Janecky 2013). On the contrary with feldspars, not much attention has been paid to the solubility of quartz in the context of CCS because quartz solubility is not sensitive to pH at < 9 (Knauss and Wolery 1986). For this, Carroll et al. (2013) investigated reactivity of reservoir and cap rocks to CO2 exposure and demonstrated an amorphous silica precipitation from dissolved silica released during clay transformations. As to carbonates, it is well known that many carbonates react more quickly than silicates with acidified fluids under elevated CO2 conditions. Carbonates control the pH and the chemical composition of the fluid in a rapidly moving fluid packet ahead of a CO2 plume. The dissolution rates of calcite and dolomite have been assessed in a number of the studies, whereas there has been a lack of studies on those of magnesite, siderite, and other carbonates (e.g., Morse and Arvidson 2002; Golubev et al. 2009; Pokrovsky et al. 2009a, b; Schott et al. 2009). For instance, Cui et al. (2017) conducted laboratory experiments on CO2–water–rock interactions to investigate the geochemical reactions from both sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. The experimental results of the sandstone reservoir showed an increase in the dissolution rate of ankerite and clay minerals and precipitation of plagioclase, which caused an increase in the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+. For a carbonate reservoir, CO2 exposure induced the dissolution of dolomite and precipitation of ankerite and calcite, which resulted in an increase in the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+.

Geochemical reactions in CO2–water–rock systems induce changes in the reservoir porosity, permeability, pH, mineral dissolution, etc. In the event of a CO2 gas stream intruding into a potable aquifer or the vadose zone, it is the mineralogy of the system that will dictate how the system is buffered, the type and amount of contaminants likely to be mobilized, and what sorbents are likely to precipitate. All the mineralogical reactions induced by the dissolution of CO2 in soil/rock–water systems are highly complex. Mineralogical reactions may occur in the bulk of the reservoir rock/cap rock and/or in the fractures (Czernichowski-Lauriol et al. 2006). Dissolution of minerals in cap rocks might result in the formation of flow pathways that might boost CO2 migration. The geochemical consequences of the CO2-induced changes in fractures and bulk rock physical properties need to be assessed as they have an impact on the long-term storage stability and security. In addition, these geochemical reactions are highly site specific, depending on the fluid chemistry, mineralogy, time dependence (due to the wide range of reaction kinetics), pressure and temperature of the host formation. Therefore, when a geologic reservoir for CO2 storage is selected, all the reservoir conditions, site-to-site basis, should be thoroughly analyzed and all the possible leakage pathways as well as subsurface properties (especially pertinent minerals) should be well characterized to be able to assess the impact of CO2 on subsurface and near-surface environments.

Impacts of CO2 leakage on the mobilization of metal(loid)s

Basic information regarding the capacity of soils to retain or release metal(loid)s is essential for predicting the environmental impact of CO2 leakage on the shallow surface. Sorption/desorption reactions are expected to play a crucial role (Zheng et al. 2009a) not only in metal mobilization, but also in buffering pH in the absence of significant amounts of fast-reacting minerals such as carbonates (e.g., calcite and its polymorphs). Sorption competition with bicarbonate/carbonate ions could also release oxyanions (e.g., As, Se). In addition, released metal(loid)s may trigger subsequent ion exchange reactions to cause further release of other metal(loid)s into solution. Generally, pH can be considered as an indicator of the CO2 intrusion rate and subsequently the fate and transport of constituents of concern in CO2-impacted sites (Harvey et al. 2012). Eh also controls many geochemical processes occurring in subsurface systems. The intrusion of CO2 gas into soil, aquifers, or vadose zones may induce changes in Eh due to CO2-induced reactions resulting in the redistribution of oxidized and reduced aqueous species or O2 depletion/displacement with CO2 gas (Huesemann et al. 2002; Altevogt and Jaffe 2005; Ardelan and Steinnes 2010; Kirk 2011). Table 2 summarizes the results of previous studies examining the impacts of CO2 intrusion on metal(loid)s mobilization in near-surface environments.

Table 2 Impacts of CO2 intrusion on the mobilization of metal(loid)s near-surface environment

Wang and Jaffe (2004) demonstrated that a decrease in aqueous pH associated with CO2 intrusion increased the aqueous concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, and Fe mainly due to the dissolution of these metal-bearing minerals. In addition, Wei et al. (2011) reported an increase by more than 5 times in the exchangeable fractions of heavy metals (e.g., Cu, Cr, Pb, V, and U) in a CO2-exposed agricultural soil. Wilkin and DiGiulio (2010) also reported desorption of some contaminants from mineral surfaces associated with CO2 dissolution in an aquifer. Mehlhorn et al. (2014) reported that the dissolution of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides affected by CO2 intrusion under acidic or reducing conditions significantly increased metal(loid)s mobilization. However, despite the fact that many studies have been conducted on metal(loid)s mobilization in aquifers and saturated soils, less attention has been paid to the influence of CO2 leakage on partially wet soils or near-surface environments. In this regard, only Wei et al. (2015) investigated the effects of soil moisture content on metal mobilization in soils exposed to CO2. They recognized that soil exposure to CO2 significantly (p < 0.05) increased the exchangeable concentrations of Ni, Zn, and Pb. In addition, As, Ar, Cr, Cu, and Fe showed different mobilization patterns depending on the soil moisture content. This study demonstrated that moisture content played an essential role in the uptake of CO2 by pore water and caused the soil to mobilize heavy metal(loid)s, but no information was provided on the distribution and origin of the minerals responsible for the observed changes. This increase in the release of soil metals likely corresponded to the dissolution of the soil and aquifer minerals and/or the desorption of easily leachable fractions of metals in response to CO2 intrusion, which caused an alteration of groundwater and soil quality. Therefore, a systematic understanding of the factors influencing the dissolution of metal-bearing minerals and fractionation of metal(loid)s in a CO2–soil–water system is an essential prerequisite of any attempt to predict metal(loid)s mobilization under an elevated CO2 condition.

Geochemical research approaches for assessing CO2 leakage

Owing to the important consequences of CO2 leakage on the environment, adequate investigation of CO2-induced reactions is necessary. Investigating CO2-induced geochemical reactions provides a basis of risk assessment and management to ensure that CO2 injected into a storage site remains constant within the pre-defined geological structures and does not leak into subsurface zones or to the near-surface environments.

It is noted that CO2 can leak out over lateral distances of several tens of kilometers from the storage sites depending on the properties of the multi-phase flow and the heterogeneous structures of the cap rocks (Dethlefsen et al. 2013). In CCS studies, it is common to combine some of the present tools and options to increase the understanding of the CO2-induced geochemical reactions. In general, isotopic tracers and geochemical sampling are considered as appropriate tools for investigating CO2 leakage and the following reactions in the near-surface environment over a wide range of CO2 fluxes and its influences on the soil and water chemistry (Carroll et al. 2009; Olive et al. 2014). Co-injection of specific compounds together (as tracers) with CO2 can generate a specific “fingerprint” of CO2 leakage. These tracers have been reported to detect any seepage from a reservoir even in a very small amount in parts per million (Jenkins et al. 2012). In geochemical sampling, soil or water samples are collected from storage sites or adjacent sites that might be potentially affected, to observe the physicochemical variation induced by CO2 leakage. These research approaches are used in field and laboratory scales and can be combined with geochemical modeling for prediction of CO2-induced reactions or with tracers as a leakage monitoring method.

Isotopic tracer

Tracer approaches are essential tools to identify the distribution of a CO2 plume in the target hydrogeologic formations and to enable a tracking of potential leakage of CO2 outside the storage reservoir (Mayer et al. 2015). Thus, it is indispensable to develop effective geochemical tracer tools or markers of these interactions, particularly an isotopic tracer.

A comparison of the available CO2 monitoring techniques and the geophysical methods such as seismic reflection, electrical, and electromagnetic methods (Arts et al. 2004; Eiken et al. 2011) revealed that isotopic tools could provide more valuable and reliable information for detection of CO2 leakage even in small amounts (e.g., Assayag et al. 2009; Bakk et al. 2012; Caritat et al. 2013; Dillen et al. 2009; Humez et al. 2014b). To ascertain the chemical reactions in a specific carbonate system and to establish their mass balance, it is crucial to identify the dynamic characteristics of C, H, and O isotopes of CO2, carbonates, silicates, and water molecules. An overview of the previous studies on the isotopic tracer methods associated with CO2 intrusion in subsurface systems is shown in Table 3. δ13CCO2, δ18OH2O–δ2HH2O, and δ18OSO4–δ34SSO4 displayed the source of salinity or recharge, mixing processes, mineral dissolution (e.g., sulfide), and the fractionation processes induced by the changes in the geochemical conditions due to CO2 migration (Assayag et al. 2009; Johnson and Mayer 2011; Larson and Breecker 2014; Lions et al. 2014b; Humez et al. 2014a, b). Additionally, Ca, Sr, B, and Li isotopes are useful for understanding water–rock interactions, particularly ion exchange, dissolution, and precipitation processes (Dogramaci and Herczeg 2002; Millot and Negrel 2007). Additionally, to illustrate the sources of contaminants and the geochemical processes induced by CO2 intrusion, multi-isotopic approaches have been developed such as the mixing of different salinities, the interaction of rocks with saline or fresh water, and the reaction of CO2 with water, rocks, and soil. For example, Bachelor et al. (2008) obtained detailed information about the pathways involved in a CO2 leakage by using 14C as a radiological tracer. Choi et al. (2017) examined a baseline hydrochemistry of an aquifer for the potentiality of early CO2 detection using oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope components. Results showed that groundwater parameters such as pH, EC, bicarbonate (HCO3), δ18O, δ2H, and δ13C were relatively sensitive to the introduction of CO2(g) and thus suggested that they could potentially be monitoring parameters for early detection of CO2 leakage. Schulz et al. (2012) measured an artificial CO2 leakage into a shallow aquifer by using a stable C isotope (13C/12C) of both soil and groundwater at a field site to monitor the distribution of the injected CO2. Their results demonstrated that this approach could be applied appropriately to identify the CO2 sources and the potential migration of CO2 from CCS sites into shallow aquifers or even into the upper surface. In addition, Humez et al. (2014b) measured the ratios of multi-isotopes (δ11B, δ7Li, 87Sr/86Sr, δ18OSO4, δ34SSO4, δ18OH2O, and δ2HH2O) during CO2 injection to test various geophysical and geochemical monitoring tools. Significant changes in the isotope signatures of water showed acidification by CO2 dissolution, which enhanced the mineral dissolution. Overall, as a key advantage, the tracer methods can provide direct information about the reactive transport processes and reservoir parameters. Within the context of CCS projects, this method could improve the understanding of subsurface movement of a CO2 plume (Freifeld et al. 2005; Boreham et al. 2011; Underschultz et al. 2011; Vandewijer et al. 2011), the characterization of geochemical processes (Matter et al. 2007; Assayag et al. 2009), the assessment of the residual trapping capacity (Myers et al. 2012; LaForce et al. 2014; Rasmusson et al. 2014), the determination of leakage rates for monitoring, and the verification of the programs (Strazisar et al. 2009), and facilitate acquiring information about individual trapping mechanisms. However, isotopic analyses have addressed two disadvantages: insufficient spatial resolution for realistic monitoring tools and a low degree of discrimination between biogenic and fossil-derived CO2. In many cases, isotopic data from field campaigns have been limited due to either complex sample retrieval or the need for verifying the fractionation factors under controlled boundary conditions (Barth et al. 2014). Sufficiently large differences among isotopic ratios are desirable for the tracer studies.

Table 3 An overview of the isotopic tracer method to detect the impact of CO2 intrusion on the geochemistry of subsurface systems

Geochemical sampling

Field studies

Field study conducted in a natural setting is a pivotal approach to examine CO2-induced interactions in the near-surface environment. Only field studies can truly reflect the impacts of CO2 gas in situ on the subsurface environments to form a basis for examining the performance and effectiveness of geochemical modeling codes. However, it is difficult to select proper sites and parameters in the field because of complex geological settings, mineral phases, aquifer formations, heterogeneous components of subsurface soil, and temperature. Proper site selection and CCS management are important considerations for reducing the potential of CO2 leakage (Lemieux 2011). Selected sites should be adequately characterized on the basis of (1) geological settings (e.g., preexisting or induced factures and faults); (2) mineral compositions (i.e., carbonates, aluminosilicates, and metal (oxyhydr)oxides); (3) aquifer features (e.g., types, depth, thickness, geologic material); (4) soil properties (e.g., microbial community, organic content, and moisture content); and (5) pressure/temperature and salinity related to CO2 solubility at each selected site. Field studies are comprised of natural analog studies and/or leak simulations (e.g., CO2 injection directly into the subsurface) (Keating et al. 2010). Natural analog studies can be used to further refine reaction pathways, identify the intermediate mineral phases, and provide evidence for CO2 storage safety and feasibility based on both temporal and spatial scales. However, observations from natural sites that are exposed to an elevated CO2 for a considerable period may not directly correspond to the effects of a CO2 leakage from a storage facility. Therefore, characterization of soil, water, or plants in artificial CO2 injected sites would be more feasible to assess the actual impacts of a controlled injection of CO2. However, a knowledge gap exists in field data characterizing the nature of potential impacts (Keating et al. 2010). In general, a variety of factors should be considered in a field study for the impact of CO2-induced interactions on near-surface environments, such as proper site selection, leakage pathways, and well location. The primary parameters considered in examining the effects of CO2 intrusion include pH, temperature, pressure, Eh, anions (e.g., Br, Cl, F, and SO4), exchangeable cations (e.g., K, Na, Ca, and Mg), heavy metal(loid)s (leachable/soluble), OC/IC contents, mineral composition, EC, alkalinity, and moisture content (Kirsch et al. 2014; Yang et al. 2014; Mehlhorn et al. 2014, 2016).

Recently, a number of field-scale CO2 injection studies have been conducted to address many of the uncertainties in the characterization of near-surface environment induced by CO2 leakage. The experimental setup differed in a number of ways, from the geological conditions, surface environments, injection rates, and monitoring strategies (Trautz et al. 2012; Mickler et al. 2013; Yang et al. 2013; Feitz et al. 2014; Gal et al. 2014; Rillard et al. 2015; Roberts and Stalker 2017). Field studies allow us to identify knowledge gaps that future experiments should seek to address.

Laboratory studies

Owing to their low cost and the relative ease of operation, batch and column studies conducted at a laboratory scale have attracted significant attention in an effort to understand the mobilization of trace elements in response to CO2 intrusion into shallow soil and groundwater. Due to the known corrosive properties of CO2, the assessment of CO2–rock interactions has been an important topic of many laboratory studies since CCS has emerged (e.g., Gunter et al. 1997; Kharaka et al. 2006; Gaus 2010; Wilkin and DiGiulio 2010; Pham et al. 2011; Hellevang et al. 2013). Initially, researchers focused on the short-term impacts on host rocks through simple batch experiments combined with a long-term geochemical modeling (Gaus 2010). These experiments focused on the determination of dissolution rates, dissolution/precipitation mechanisms of specific minerals, or thermodynamic properties of minerals that would potentially participate in CO2–rock interactions. To discuss these fundamental reaction mechanisms, laboratory experiments should be conducted in a well-controlled system. The various conditions of laboratory experiments for CO2–sediment interaction examined in previous studies are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4 Batch experiments of CO2 intrusion interactions conducted at different conditions

The parameters sensitive to CO2 leakage identified from laboratory experiments can be applied for cost- and time-effective experimental setup in the field. Laboratory experiments can provide basic clues to geochemical processes associated with CO2 intrusion into subsurface soil. For a direct comparison of field with laboratory conditions, natural materials can be collected from a field (e.g., aquifer sediment), or artificial materials can be used depending on the various perspectives and objectives of the study. However, one or two orders of magnitude higher mineral dissolution rates are generally observed in laboratory experiments than those assessed in the field (Lu et al. 2010). Although laboratory experiments can facilitate the understanding of the potential impact of CO2 on the subsurface environment, they may not accurately represent in situ conditions due to the inherent complexity of nature. As a consequence, field studies give data on CO2 storage safety, leakage, and geochemical interactions, while laboratory studies give those of basic, repeatable, and being applied across a variety of disciplines.

Geochemical modeling

Modeling and computer simulation is also an efficient approach for quantitative evaluation or prediction of some critical geochemical processes in subsurface or near-surface environments especially for long-term behaviors. In fact, modeling studies can provide valuable information for risk assessment associated with the effects of CO2 introduced into subsurface environments. A variety of modeling parameters such as water–rock interaction, CO2 solubility, reactive transport, reaction paths, and kinetics have been primarily used to examine the effects of CO2 in subsurface systems. Several different codes (e.g., PHREEQC, TOUGHREACT, Geochemist’s Workbench, and MINTEQ) have been used in the modeling studies (e.g., Altevogt and Jaffe 2005; Smyth et al. 2009; Song and Zhang 2012; Cahill and Jakobsen 2013). In addition, National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP) funded by US Department of Energy (US DOE) developed tools and approaches to quantitatively assess and predict the long-term behavior of CCS sites. This approach uses an integrated assessment model (IAM) that couples models for various CCS components in a stochastic modeling framework. Indeed, the NRAP-IAM was developed to simulate CO2 injection, migration, and associated impacts at a geologic carbon storage site and to quantify leakage risk of CO2 to the atmosphere and groundwater (Pawer et al. 2016). Table 5 summarizes the key results of some of the previous modeling studies that evaluated the impacts of CO2 intrusion on the geochemistry of subsurface systems. For example, Humez et al. (2011) used a numerical code of TOUGHREACT to investigate the impacts of CO2 leakage on water quality in terms of the chemical composition during CO2 geological storage. CO2 dissolution into the aquifer induced a pH drop, but the decrease in pH was limited due to buffering by calcite dissolution. Dissolution of glauconite in this aquifer resulted in a substantial increase in dissolved Si concentration from 0.21 to 11.2 mmol/kg near the intrusion point. Darcis et al. (2009) coupled light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) and isothermal three-phase (3p) models to reduce the model complexity for simulating CO2 storage in saline aquifers and to increase the model efficiency. Elaine et al. (2009) estimated the physical and chemical changes induced by CO2 injection in saturated near-surface zones under varying geological conditions by using numerical simulations employing a TOUGHREACT code. Their results demonstrated that the site-specific characterizations of soil, rock, and groundwater compositions were critical for quantifying water–rock interactions. Kim et al. (2017a, b) simulated geochemical evolution pathways of various CO2-rich spring water (CSW) and carbonate water via equilibrium phase modeling (EPM) incorporated into PHREEQC code to interpret the carbonate–water–rock interactions in subsurface environments and connect them to the occurrence of surface CSW. For this, varieties of modeling conditions such as mixing ratios of the carbonate to shallow groundwater, temperature, and rock-forming minerals were considered. The simulation results demonstrated that a Na–HCO3-type CSW was interpreted to be formed at a higher temperature range than a Ca–HCO3-type CSW, indicating that a Na–HCO3-type CSW was formed at a deeper depth. Therefore, modeling approaches could be applied to predict the behavior of CO2 after its geological storage and to estimate the stability and security of geologically stored CO2.

Table 5 An overview of the geochemical modeling to monitor the impact of CO2 intrusion on the geochemistry of subsurface systems

On the other hand, however, a major limitation of applying these modeling codes is that the technique requires reasonably complete and accurate chemical analyses, which are not always available (Bethke 1996). To increase the accuracy of geochemical modeling, it is crucial to obtain constraints on the boundary and the initial conditions that are as close as possible to the natural conditions. The geological complexity of the sites caused by diverse factors such as tectonic activities, variations in the pressure and temperature conditions, displacement, leakage and recharge history of CO2, and changing groundwater flow regimes creates extreme difficulties in reconstructing CO2 evolution in the host rock.

Moreover, although geochemical modeling has the advantage of covering a wide range of spatial and temporal scales (Song and Zhang 2012), most of the modeling studies are generally subject to considerable uncertainty inherent in the model parameters (e.g., effects of bacterial communities, mineralogy, chemical kinetics, and physicochemical heterogeneity in the subsurface environment). For these reasons, it has been very difficult to create simulations that can precisely predict the occurrence and the effects of CO2 leakage in subsurface systems.

Knowledge gaps and future challenges

Research on near-surface environments addresses not only the safety, but also the feasibility of a CO2 storage system. In this context, the following topics can be identified.

  • Most of the previous studies have focused on the impacts of CO2 leakage on saturated soil or aquifer conditions; thus, a lack of knowledge exists on unsaturated or partially wet soil conditions. The impact of soil moisture content on the intrinsic effect of CO2 leakage on the physicochemical properties of shallow soil needs to be addressed.

  • Microbial influence and activities have not been completely understood. Because the effects of microbial activity on the mobility of metal(loid)s depend largely on the types and populations of the microbial community present in the local sediment or soil, investigations on the microbial processes associated with CO2 leakage should be conducted.

  • Previous studies have focused mainly on the CO2-induced changes in pH, and only a few studies have addressed geochemical changes in the presence of redox-sensitive minerals or elements. For example, Carroll et al. (2009) recognized the potential changes of redox conditions and emphasized the need of coupling CO2 plume modeling with laboratory experiments under a variety of redox conditions.

  • Most of the previous studies investigated soil/water chemistry induced by CO2 emission in a short period of time. For instance, Patil (2012) and Moonis et al. (2017) investigated soil mineralogy under an elevated CO2 concentration for < 3 months. They have not been able to find any changes in soil mineralogy. However, results of a natural site (exposed to CO2 for a considerable period of time) presented a change in soil mineralogy (Zhao et al. 2017). Hence, impacts of CO2 leakage on the mineralogy of varieties of contaminated soils in a suitable period of time should be well estimated.

  • There is a lack of information about soil–plant–groundwater interactions induced by CO2 leakage. Previous studies individually investigated plant response, soil properties, and groundwater chemistry at an elevated CO2 concentration. So, there is no comprehensive study which collectively addresses the soil–plant–groundwater relationships and the corresponding changes under elevated CO2 conditions.

  • Experimental data on how the rate of CO2 leakage can impact the geochemical changes in groundwater or shallow soil are still limited. In this regard, only a few studies (e.g., Carroll et al. 2009; Zheng et al. 2009b; Vong et al. 2011) have investigated the impact of CO2 intrusion rate on aquifer geochemistry using geochemical modeling programs as they emphasized the importance of CO2 intrusion rate and its effect on pH.

  • Most of the modeling studies are generally subject to considerable uncertainty inherent in the model parameters. Those uncertainties in the model parameters should be improved by accurate and reliable results obtained from well-controlled laboratory and field tests. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate and improve modeling approaches with laboratory and field experiments to benefit our understanding of the mechanisms that dominate the responses of CO2-induced interactions in near-surface environments.

Summary and conclusions

CO2 intrusion in subsurface soil can affect the pH and may cause the migration and transfer of constituents of concern (e.g., soil nutrients or contaminants), leading to degradation of the surrounding environment (e.g., potable aquifers and near-surface soil). It is important to identify the geochemical processes related to CO2 in subsurface soil, based on geochemical research approaches at both field and laboratory scales. The present study reviewed several important advantages and disadvantages of these approaches as well as geochemical changes induced by CO2 intrusion in near-surface environments. The results are summarized in the following points.

  1. 1.

    When assessing the efficiency of CCS to mitigate climate change, evaluation of the possibility of any gas leakage from storage sites is crucial. Potential pathways of CO2 leakage are attributed mainly to the cap rock properties, fracture networks, and faults in addition to wells or abandoned wells. Subsequently, CO2 leakage would induce changes in pH and Eh and trigger a chain of geochemical reactions in near-surface soil.

  2. 2.

    For any risk assessment program associated with CCS, important issues include the reliability of single stations as well as comprehensiveness of the measured parameters. For the proper site selection and management in CCS studies, factors such as geological settings, aquifer features, soil and mineral compositions, and salinity should be considered.

  3. 3.

    Among the geochemical research approaches, laboratory studies are cost-effective and relatively easy to test to effectively identify the CO2-induced geochemical reactions. Generally, experimental results can be applied as parameters in the geochemical modeling programs, which can mutually aid in properly designing experiments and analyzing the experimental results. Additionally, isotopic tracers can highlight the different processes occurring in natural or laboratory systems during CO2 intrusion, and laboratory results can elucidate the characteristics of isotopic compositions in different geochemical processes. Therefore, a combination of these tools can be used as a reliable indicator for risk management associated with CCS.

  4. 4.

    Despite the numerous previous investigations, knowledge gaps still exist in this research area. Particularly, there is neither a clear definition of “acceptable” CO2 concentrations or thresholds in typical ecosystems found in the near-surface areas surrounding storage reservoirs, nor have the criteria for suitable CO2 concentrations for specific ecosystems been identified. For example, the emission scenarios including the worst and the most likely cases should be clearly defined and the effects of CO2 on plant response varying with taxa and CO2 level should be monitored. In addition, there is currently a lack of integration between the performance assessment of CO2 sequestration through CCS and the assessment of the potential impacts of CO2 leakage on terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, the CCS technology selected depending on site characterization (i.e., the integrity of the host and cap rocks), assessment of geochemical interactions induced by CO2 leakage, and research approaches must be well controlled to be able to certify that the site can harmlessly and securely store CO2. Therefore, identifying the knowledge gaps and improving risk assessment associated with CO2 leakage can aid scientists in making better decisions for CCS projects.