Driven by the progress of information technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI)Footnote 1 has made great strides, especially regarding its accuracyFootnote 2 and efficiency, in many areas, such as business, industry, medical treatment, and elderly care. Now AI is making its way into criminal justice. For example, in the U.S., AI systems are being applied in the pre-trial phase, e.g., for predicting when and where crimes might occur, and for assessing the risk of recidivism in bail and sentencing decisions.Footnote 3 Programs such as the Public Safety Assessment (PSA) and Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) systems are widely used in the United States. In some European countries, electronic case management systems have been adopted to assist courts in managing their cases.Footnote 4

In the wake of a general trend toward digitalization, AI has also attracted the interest of Chinese policy makers. The Chinese State Council declared its intention to introduce “Intelligent Courts”, based on digitalizing judicial administration and on using AI for judicial decision-making, including sentencing.Footnote 5 In the context of Chinese criminal justice, AI refers to any type of algorithm with the capacity of analysing information provided by judges, enforcement agents, and defense lawyers and of relating it to existing criminal justice data in order to assist legal professionals in making decisions, such as reviewing evidence and sentencing. The digitalization of information on proceedings and court decisions is to improve judicial administration by providing more transparency; this has hardly met with any objections.Footnote 6 By contrast, the introduction of AI into sentencing, which is regarded as an important step toward an “Intelligent Courts” system, has been greeted by some applause but has also raised a range of troubling questions and concerns. This article will demonstrate the current development and application of AI in the sentencing phase in China and its main problems. In the end, some possible solutions will be suggested.

Sentencing and the Application of AI in China

Big Disparities in Chinese Sentencing Practice

Big disparities in sentencing outcomes for similar cases between different judges and regions are a chronic and stubborn disease that impairs criminal justice and causes distrust in the Chinese judicial system.Footnote 7 Such disparities become more recognizable when more judgements are easily accessible online to the public.

The Chinese Criminal Law (hereafter referred to as CCL) provides for each offense a lowest and a highest term of imprisonment. The sentence range can be broad.Footnote 8 For example, a rapist can be imprisoned for a term between three years and ten years, and he can receive the death penalty or a prison term beyond ten years if there exist aggravating circumstances, which are not defined in the CCL (Art. 236 CCL).Footnote 9 In the past, Chinese judges did not discuss aggravating and mitigating circumstances but imposed sentences depending on their personal preference and experience within the framework provided by law for the crime of conviction.Footnote 10 This has led to two problems. First, sentences vary greatly among different judges; for example, female judges tend to show greater sympathy for defendants and impose more lenient sentences in rape cases than their male colleagues.Footnote 11 Second, due to the lack of guidelines on sentencing, judges’ decisions can be arbitrary, also inviting corruption. The absence of written reasons in judgments further aggravates these problems.

Development of Sentencing Guidelines

It is widely believed that in an ideal sentencing system “any sentencer presented with the same case would reach the same decision as to the appropriate sentence,” and “the sentence for any case would be predictable”.Footnote 12 Such a system is free from judicial bias and inconsistent sentencing. With such a prospect in mind, the Chinese Supreme Court initiated a reform on reducing sentencing discretion in order to achieve the goal of “same case, same sentence”. According to this reform, a quantitative sentencing method is to be introduced and Chinese judges are to be provided with detailed sentencing guidelines.Footnote 13 As a substantive outcome of this reform, the Chinese Supreme Court in 2013 issued the first Sentencing Guidelines on Frequent CrimesFootnote 14 for 15 offenses to restrict and guide judicial discretion at sentencing.Footnote 15 These guidelines provide details on the length of imprisonment for aggravating or mitigating circumstances. For example, if the defendant confessed to the crime, the judge can impose a prison sentence that is up to 20% shorter than without a confession.Footnote 16 Eight more crimes and details on imposing fines and probation were added in 2017.Footnote 17 In July 2021, the Supreme Court and the General Prosecution Office jointly issued the latest version of the Sentencing GuidelinesFootnote 18 (hereafter referred to as Guidelines), which amended the former version by adding four more mitigating circumstances, such as plea bargaining, to keep pace with the changes of the CCL in 2018. Within the framework of the Guidelines and the former versions, provinces issued their own local sentencing guidelines with more details.Footnote 19

Current Application of AI in Chinese Sentencing

The Chinese Supreme Court saw the development of AI as a new possibility for implementing the principle “same case, same sentence”. In 2016, the Chinese State Council issued the State Guidelines on the Development of Informatization,Footnote 20 which aim at “introducing ‘Intelligent Courts’, improving the digitalization in all phases, including case registration, trial, execution, and supervision, and promoting the transparency of judicial information and justice”. In 2017, the State Council issued a Plan for a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence,Footnote 21 and the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a Three-Year Plan to Promote the Development of the Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence (2018–2020),Footnote 22 which invited all departments to explore the possible use of AI in their respective fields. The judiciary reacted positively to this strong push from the central government. The Supreme Court in 2018 introduced a computer system called “similar case” based on big data algorithms, which compares similarities among court decisions and produces a list of cases including factors (such as “theft” and “confession”) considered by judges.Footnote 23 At the local level, some courts developed and introduced their own AI systems to assist in trial and sentencing, such as the “Rui Judge” (translated as “wise judge”) system applied by Beijing courts and the “206 system” in the Shanghai court systemFootnote 24 with multiple functions, e.g., to review arrest warrants and evidence, to assess defendants’ danger to society, and to assist in sentencing.Footnote 25

There are also AI systems developed by private companies as commercial products, such as “Little Judge Bao” for the prediction of sentencing.Footnote 26 The programmers designed the algorithms of “Little Judge Bao” based on factors named in the Guidelines and various local sentencing guidelines and imported judicial big data.Footnote 27 Users first select the jurisdiction where the case has been tried and then the offence of conviction. With that information, the system can determine the sentencing framework provided by the CCL. Users then select factual circumstances of the individual case, such as the number of victims, the degree of injury caused by the defendant, and whether the offence was committed in an especially cruel way. The next step is the selection of aggravating and mitigating circumstances from a list provided by the system, including the defendant’s age if relevant to sentencing (below 12 or 16, or above 75 years), disabilities, confession, surrender to the police, plea bargaining, an agreement reached with victims, compensation for damages, attempt, recidivism, organized crime, etc. Some circumstances have subcategories, such as pleading guilty during the investigation, at charging, at the first instance, or at the appeal stage. Different circumstances may result in different ranges of increasing or decreasing a prison sentence. Algorithms further narrow down the range of sentences. Eventually, “Little Judge Bao” produces a table predicting the sentence for the case. The tableFootnote 28 presents:

Basic Information

name of the defendant/crime

Case Facts

key words, e.g., corruption, damage, confession

Sentencing Framework in CCL

e.g., above three years and under 10 years

The Base Range of Sentencing (C)

base line for sentencing (A)

e.g., 66 months to 69 months

circumstances increasing the sentence (B)

e.g., 1 month because of large amount of money

base range of sentence (C = A+B)

e.g., 67 to 70 months

Reduction of the Sentence (normally expressed in percentages) (D)

mitigating circumstances (e.g., plea of guilty, confession, compensation)Footnote 29

recommended percentage for reduction, e.g.,

0–60% by the Guidelines

60% by the AI system

Recommended Sentence (E)



27 to 28 months

Fines will be suggested if applicable. The option for probation can be ticked by judges. The system also allows users to adjust the degree of discretion (such as 30%) for the baseline for sentencing and to change the percentage of the reduction of sentence.Footnote 30 The system provides empirical data with graphs, for example, in how many theft cases Beijing courts imposed a sentence of imprisonment or probation. Users can also find similar cases suggested by the system.Footnote 31 This system is available online and accessible to anyone, including judges, prosecutors, practising lawyers, defendants, and victims.

Chinese AI systems on sentencing come in three dimensions. Some AI systems, such as the “similar case” system developed by the Chinese Supreme Court, offer the judge information about sentences in cases that are similar to the one before him or her. AI systems like “Little Judge Bao” go further and suggest particular sentences based on factors the judge has chosen. The third type of systems warn judges of obvious disparities of their proposed sentence from other cases stored in the system’s database.Footnote 32 The core of these systems is algorithms based on big data. They use mathematical modellingFootnote 33 in analyzing past cases and decisions, comparing their textual similarities, extracting factors relevant to sentencing, weighting these factors, and quantifying them. The algorithms categorize these data and produce a list of similar cases or propose a sentence by comparing factors embodied in earlier cases and identifying pertinent sentencing rules. In this way, the same input is designed to lead to the same output.Footnote 34 AI is believed to be free from personal bias and irrelevant influences; AI systems thus appear to be perfect tools for implementing the principle “same case, same sentence”.Footnote 35 In China, the application of AI is in general regarded as positiveFootnote 36 and is encouraged by policy makers. Although judges are not obliged to adopt the sentences produced by AI and some use the system only as a database, it is foreseeable that more AI systems will be developed in Chinese criminal justice and will be used more frequently.

Problems and Concerns Regarding Using AI in Sentencing

New technologies are a double-edged sword. The possible impact of AI used in sentencing should therefore be studied thoroughly before it is implemented. Policy makers should, in particular, take into account several lines of criticism that have been raised by scholars.

Criticism of Guidelines

A general criticism acknowledges that the guidelines reduce the risk of arbitrary sentencing but suggests that they are too rigid because they oblige judges to impose sentences in a rather narrow range if certain conditions are fulfilled. As an indirect consequence of such detailed rules, judges tend to ignore circumstances relevant to sentencing but not mentioned in the Guidelines. One example is the case of Zhao Chunhua.Footnote 37 She had a stall in a park where tourists could shoot at balloons with toy guns to win prizes. Ms. Zhao was charged with illegal possession of guns. The first instance court, which applied the law “correctly”, imposed three and a half years of imprisonment, which was obviously disproportional given her harmless intention and behaviour.Footnote 38 The Guidelines may thus lead to unfair sentences by restricting the discretion of judges.Footnote 39

Moreover, some Chinese authors have raised objections to the goal behind the Guidelines, namely, “same case, same sentence”. Looking for the “same case” has been called meaningless because two different cases can never be exactly equal, just as leaves of a plant are never identical. Therefore, the slogan, “same case, same sentence”, has been criticized for lacking clear standards and has been called as a “false proposition”Footnote 40 and “a fictional myth of the rule of law”.Footnote 41 Critics claim further that in deciding whether two cases are “the same”, it is necessary to consider factors beyond the criminal act itself, including the purposes of punishment. The CCL mentions several purposes of punishment, including retribution (Art. 61 CCLFootnote 42), education (Art. 72 CCLFootnote 43), and prevention of crime. Equalising sentences only with regard to the criminal act and the harm resulting from it would ignore the preventive and educative purposes of the law.

Misinterpretation of Cases

Since AI can only work with factors which are already in its database, it may misidentify “same” cases, and if courts base their sentences on new factors, AI needs some time to integrate these factors, so in the meantime its results are inaccurate.Footnote 44 Moreover, not only the number of common factors but also the weight granted to them is essential for determining the similarity or relevance of cases.Footnote 45 It is impossible to fix the weight of each factor in advance because that weight is necessarily case-related.Footnote 46 The question of which factor is decisive in a case depends upon a comprehensive understanding of the whole case, which algorithms currently cannot provide.Footnote 47

AI also has problems in “understanding” decisions correctly.Footnote 48 The flexibility of the Chinese language exacerbates this problem. It is common that the same legal concept is described differently in Chinese judgements. For example, “confession” as a mitigating factor can be expressed as the Chinese word “confession”(“坦白”) or as “making incriminating statements voluntarily”, or other similar expressions. AI is unlikely to understand that these expressions denote the same concept. Moreover, AI programmers cannot “teach” AI in advance what expressions have the same meaning because they cannot foresee usage in each judgement. Another risk of misinterpretation has to do with the lack of punctuation in Chinese texts. For example, if A, B, C, and D each represent one Chinese character they will appear as “ABCD” without space between two characters in the judgement. If the judges mean to write the two words “AB” and “CD”, the combination “BC” can accidentally have a different meaning, which AI may register as relevant, thus arriving at a wrong result.

To sum up, the quality of AI’s interpretation of Chinese judgements is not yet satisfactory. Consequently, judges have often complained that AI systems refer them to cases that are irrelevant to them.Footnote 49

Failure of AI in Making Value Judgements

Imposing a sentence does not work like a mathematical equation. To devise a fair sentence, judges must invariably make value judgements. For example, a perpetrator’s blameworthiness depends not only on his motives but also on the impact of the crime on society, which in turn must be assessed with regard to the social values protected by criminal law.Footnote 50 Moreover, the “softer” goals of the criminal justice system, such as dignity, equity, and mercy, also require individual value judgements.Footnote 51

Currently used algorithms based on mathematical modelling are unable to accommodate value judgements, which cannot well be quantified.Footnote 52 AI systems therefore either screen out value issues or simplify them and interpret them as factual issues.Footnote 53 “Disturbing” value factors filtered out by algorithms, however, can be highly relevant to sentencing. Lacking an effective way to properly identify and assess value issues, AI may produce “justice” only on a formal level and miss the substantive questions.Footnote 54 As a consequence, AI may arrive at inappropriate sentences, as in the case of the lady with the balloon stand.Footnote 55 A human judge could easily avoid such incorrect results, whereas AI is limited to providing sentences that are proper according to its own system. AI sentencing may work in cases not involving value issues – but such cases are rare.

Possible Bias of Algorithms

In criminal justice, factors like gender, age, and socioeconomic status may be regarded as “preexisting biases in underlying data”.Footnote 56 If factors are discriminatory, the results “will be doing nothing more than reinforcing the existing……bias in the criminal justice system”.Footnote 57 For example, if an AI system takes gender into account when evaluating past sentences, it is likely to find that male defendants are given longer sentences than female defendants for violent crimes. If AI’s recommendations followed this pattern and judges complied with the recommendations, this would lead to more decisions imposing harsher sentences on males just because they are males. Gender as a preexisting bias factor would thus be reenforced in the criminal justice system. The same applies to other factors with potential for discrimination based on belonging to a particular group.

This concern has also been voiced in China. AI systems for sentencing in China have mainly been developed by private companies,Footnote 58 either hired by courts or on their own initiative. Companies usually claim trade secret protection for their algorithms and refuse to disclose algorithms to courts. Judges therefore cannot know what factors were used and defined as relevant to sentencing and how much weight is given to each factor.Footnote 59 Some factors, such as gender, may increase the accuracy of algorithmsFootnote 60 but may at the same time institutionalize gender-based discrimination. Private companies may nevertheless program AI to consider such factors to match precedents better with the targeted case and thus to increase the accuracy of their products. With this business incentive in mind, private companies may even ignore the instructions given by the courts and adopt those biased factors “secretly”. This cannot be prevented unless companies must disclose the algorithms used. Moreover, technological companies tend to invest more resources in more profitable areas than criminal justice. As a consequence, the quality of algorithms designed for the judiciary cannot be guaranteed.Footnote 61

It should be noted, however, that the company producing “Little Judge Bao” claims on its website that only factors provided in official sentencing guidelines are programmed into its algorithms and that factors such as gender and socioeconomic status are not used. This policy reflects the principle that only legislatures and courts should determine which factors should be considered in sentencing and which factors should consequently be included in AI algorithms.

Summing up, AI needs proper standards if it is to provide useful clues for sentencing decisions. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that uniformity of sentences is not the only criterion for fairness in sentencing, which should also allow for individualization.Footnote 62 Proper sentencing involves common sense, wisdom, and a concept of justice, which exceeds the capacity of AI.Footnote 63

Low Quality of Judicial Data Used by AI

Incomplete Judicial Data Sets

In 2014, the Chinese Supreme Court introduced the database “China Judgements Online”,Footnote 64 where a large number of Chinese court decisions can be found. Almost all AI systems used in the Chinese judicial system have been developed from this database. However, the number of court decisions collected in “China Judgements Online” is probably only half the number of all decisions made by Chinese courts each year. For example, according to the working report for 2020 issued by the Beijing High Court, Beijing courts in 2020 closed 836,514 cases,Footnote 65 but only 611,483 decisions can be found on “China Judgements Online”.Footnote 66 The difference can be explained by the fact that some judgements are not permitted to be published for reasons of privacy, trade secrets, national secrets, involving minors, or having been resolved by settlement; serious duty-related crimes are also normally not published.Footnote 67 Moreover, courts have some discretion as to submitting cases to “China Judgements Online”.Footnote 68

The percentage of published decisions among all judgements in criminal matters differs among individual provinces. Beijing courts in 2020 decided 18,703 criminal cases,Footnote 69 15,540 (83.1%) of which can be found in “China Judgements Online”.Footnote 70 By contrast, Tibet courts closed 31,701 cases in 2020, among them were 2907 criminal cases.Footnote 71 Only 1172 (40.3%) of these cases were published in “China Judgements Online”.Footnote 72

These statistics show that provinces are not represented equally in “China Judgements Online”. China is a big country with diverse cultures and various ethnic groups. If only relatively few cases decided in areas with large minority populations, such as Tibet, are published, they may be superseded by a large amount of data from other areas. As a consequence, the special social values and traditions of regions like Tibet may be disregarded in the algorithms of AI. Given the differences in reporting, AI may conclude that people from certain provinces commit more crimes because more criminal decisions from this province can be found in its database, thus AI may increase sentences for people from this province. In addition, local parliaments may set up different amounts of monetary damage as thresholds for the incrimination of economic crimes, depending on the average income of local inhabitants.Footnote 73 However, if AI follows the Guidelines and uses only local data for calculating sentences,Footnote 74 the goal “same case, same sentence” on a national level is missed. There are reports on conflicting results on the same case produced by different AI systems adopted in different provinces.Footnote 75

Problematic Judicial Data

Algorithms work accurately only if they are based on accurate data. Yet, the quality of decisions published in “China Judgements Online” cannot be guaranteed.

First, some decisions published in “China Judgements Online” applied the law wrongly and therefore should not be considered. For example, there is a special phenomenon in Chinese criminal justice called “hard action” (“严打”). The central government sometimes orders the police and prosecutors to take more severe actions against certain types of crime. For example, “hard action” was ordered against organized crime in 2018.Footnote 76 During the period of “hard action”, many judgements on the targeted crimes are handed down, and judges tend to impose more severe sentences than usual, which cannot be regarded as representative. If AI learns from such “special” judgements, the influence of these excessive sentences remains in the system even after the termination of a “hard action” campaign.

Second, published decisions do not always present a complete picture of a case. Some district courts edit the original judgements for publication, deleting paragraphs which may cause protest.Footnote 77 Factors with an impact on the sentence may be included in those deleted paragraphs. Moreover, judges may not mention all factors they consider in making sentencing decisions,Footnote 78 such as local protectionism,Footnote 79 criminal policy, political elements such as “hard action”, opinions of the public, or instructions from higher judges.Footnote 80 Some of these factors are even prohibited from being considered. Some discriminatory factors, such as gender and employment status, may also play a role in decision-making but will not be mentioned.

Third, it is not rare that different sentences are imposed in similar cases. Some of these conflicting decisions can still be found in the database and may confuse AI.Footnote 81

Fourth, many decisions do not include any legal reasoning, which obviously decreases the value of a decision for the machine-learning of AI. A criminal judgement may just describe the facts and list the evidence considered and close with the statement, “Defendant A committed XX crime. In accordance with Art. XX of Chinese Criminal Law, A is sentenced to XX years of imprisonment.” Courts give no reasons why a provision of the CCL is to be applied and what impact particular circumstances have on the sentence. Moreover, circumstances mentioned in the decisions are, to a large degree, limited to the ones provided by the CCL and sentencing guidelines, and there is no individualized reasoning on their application.Footnote 82 If aggravating or mitigating circumstances exist, judges tend to just mention them before listing the applicable legal norms but again without giving reasons. Many judgements list the same circumstances or even text blocks for explaining the sentence. It is very rare for courts to explain the amount of fines or the length of probation. An empirical study on 75 criminal judgements showed that fines were imposed in 73.3% of the sample, but there were no reasons given for the use and the amount of the sanction.Footnote 83 Only 27 out of 75 judgements (36.0%) were found to have “sufficient reasoning on sentencing”.Footnote 84 Furthermore, Art. 201 of the Chinese Criminal Procedure Law (2018) gives binding effect to sentencing recommendations made by prosecutors in plea bargaining cases; judges “shall in principle” follow these recommendations.Footnote 85 In pilot cities, 53.7% of cases were resolved through plea bargaining between 2016 and 2018,Footnote 86 and judges followed the sentencing recommendations in more than 90% of these cases. In the first half of 2020,Footnote 87 the percentage of plea-bargaining cases increased to 82.2%. Accordingly, more and more decisions just state that “the sentencing recommendation made by the prosecutor is appropriate……”Footnote 88 or “the bench confirms the sentencing recommendation……”Footnote 89 without any independent reasoning. Decisions without reasons or with block texts on sentencing contribute little to improving the accuracy of algorithms for sentencing because they provide no useful information to sentencing AI.

Decisions on sentencing can also quickly become obsolete, either because the statute is amended or because courts interpret its provisions differently. This problem is especially dramatic due to the fast changes in Chinese society and economy in the past decades. For example, the CCL was amended eleven times in the past twenty years and four times in the last ten years. In addition, many judicial explanations were issued, amended, and invalidated by the Chinese Supreme Court. The cases decided according to old versions of legislation or judicial explanations can be regarded as “invalid” and should be excluded from the database of AI. One good example of a new interpretation is the self-defence clause in the CCL, which was regarded as “dead” for a long time; persons defending themselves were often given disproportionally severe sentences.Footnote 90 Recently, two cases on self-defence attracted public attention and were discussed intensively.Footnote 91 In response to public concern, the Chinese Supreme Court encouraged lower courts to use the self-defence clause more liberally. As a result, more decisions applying the self-defence clause have occurred recently. The older cases thus have little value and may even confuse the algorithms.

Reduced Acceptance by the Public

The objections listed above focus on the legitimacy and accuracy of AI in sentencing. Another important problem to be considered is whether the use of AI in criminal justice can gain support from the public.Footnote 92

Especially in the common law world, theorists claim that procedural justice is not about “actual” fairness but about the people’s perception, namely, whether the public and the participants of the process believe the procedure to be fair.Footnote 93 The outcome of a fair procedure is normally considered as fair and receives high acceptance.Footnote 94 Since people are more likely to believe that a procedure in which they participate is fair,Footnote 95 better participation in criminal justice is essential for acceptance by the public. This consideration suggests an interest in greater transparency of the decision-making process.Footnote 96 Although Chinese criminal procedure, which is organized in line with the inquisitorial principle, emphasizes the search for an “objectively” fair sentence, Chinese authorities also recognize that it is important to make the fairness of the process perceptible in order to preserve the credibility of the legal system and to increase the public’s acceptance of court decisions.Footnote 97 Therefore, the Chinese Supreme Court in 2013 sought to increase the transparency of criminal justice through a project called “Judiciary under Sunshine” to improve judicial transparency,Footnote 98 for example, by introducing live-streaming of trials.Footnote 99

The extensive use of AI may, however, reduce the current level of participation and transparency in criminal justice. The “black box” of algorithms is one of the key problems in AI’s decision-making process.Footnote 100 AI translates all activities at the trial, such as arguments, cross-examination, or a defendant’s sincere apology, into a single item on the list of sentencing factors. The weight of these factors is calculated by AI algorithms, which are not under the control of judges. Although arguments of parties may not have a great impact even when judges make the decision, parties feel that they are being heard and are thus more likely to accept the final decision.Footnote 101 If sentencing means “judges hear, but AI decides”,Footnote 102 participation in the trial loses its meaning since no relevant interaction with the real decision-makers takes place. Consequently, the public and all parties of the criminal process, including judges, may lose trust in the fairness of the procedure. Moreover, if judges regard their role in sentencing only as marginal due to the involvement of AI, they may even lose any motivation to listen to what participants argue at trial, which in turn worsens the situation.

Therefore, if Chinese authorities wish to preserve public trust in the criminal justice system, they need to guarantee the same level of transparency and participation for AI-supported procedures as in the traditional process.

The Role of AI in Future Sentencing

Given all these problems and shortcomings, should AI still be considered a useful tool for sentencing? As mentioned above, Chinese authorities are very keen to promote the use of AI in criminal justiceFootnote 103 and consider AI systems as an important tool for realizing the goal of “same case, same sentence”. Given the current political atmosphere, it is not possible to reverse this trend. The primary issue thus can only be how to regulate the use of AI in sentencing to ensure a better, or at least not a worse, sentencing system.

To Guarantee the Final Decision of Judges and to Use AI as a mere “Assistant”

Chinese authorities encourage judges to use AI, but they do not explain what role AI should play and to what degree AI should be used. Such questions should be first answered when discussing the application of AI in sentencing.

It is a fundamental principle of modern legal theory to exclusively entrust the judge as a neutral party with making decisions on conviction and sentencing. Art. 131 of the Chinese Constitution grants courts the authority to “exercise judicial power independently, in accordance with the provisions of law, and not subject to interference by any administrative organ, public organization or individual.” This principle is a cornerstone of the criminal justice system, which gains a new dimension in that AI should not impair the independence of judges in sentencing. AI should only play a role as an “assistant” to judges instead of taking over their job. This is also the current practice, which is supported by the common view of Chinese scholars and practitioners.Footnote 104 Although some writers strongly support the use of AI in sentencing,Footnote 105 judges should not be legally obliged to implement the results produced by AI. Leaving the final decision on sentencing in the hands of human judges is the best weapon against an unwarranted interference of AI and for protecting the independence of judges.

To serve this purpose, the judicial reform goal of “same case, same sentence” should not be interpreted rigidly or be used as a ground for restricting the discretion of judges to an undue degree. The individualization of sentences based on the facts of each case should be the result of a thorough assessment of “blameworthiness through a combination of complex fact-finding, equitable discretion, and mercy.”Footnote 106 In doing so, judges can turn to AI for advice by searching similar cases with the help of keywords and use suggested decisions as a point of reference in order to prevent obvious disparities. The alarm system mentioned above has the same purpose. In such a case, AI functions more or less as a “legal database” or data analyst. Judges can review the outcomes worked out by AI to decide whether those cases are really “similar” or have any relevance to the case at hand. Judges should, nevertheless, remain free to decide whether they follow the suggestions of AI or prefer to decide otherwise.

Judicial discretion is indispensable because only judges can properly understand the social values behind a case. Compared to the issue of conviction, which is a decision on facts, sentencing requires legal judgement to decide on issues such as blameworthiness, equity, mercy, and human dignity.Footnote 107 Therefore, relying on AI, which cannot “understand” these issues, to ultimately decide on sentencing undermines the necessary human element in criminal justice. Research has shown that the application of AI in any field tends to dehumanize the decision-making process,Footnote 108 and dehumanization in criminal justice is more harmful than in other areas. Therefore, it is essential to grant judges the authority to make value judgements in sentencing.Footnote 109

Moreover, to prevent judges from becoming psychologically dependent on AI results, AI should not be designed to directly suggest a number of years or months of imprisonment. Judges are not always confident in their own decisions, especially when they reach a different conclusion from the one suggested by AI, which is generally believed to be more accurate.Footnote 110 To avoid psychological stress stemming from the need to decide on other people’s fate, judges may wish to just follow the suggestions from AI, disregarding their responsibility for independent decision-making. They can then blame AI for any wrong decisions. By contrast, if they do not follow the suggestions from AI, they may be criticized more harshly than in a system without AI. This risk is extremely high in the Chinese judicial system, where individual judges do not enjoy independence. If a Chinese judge imposes a lighter sentence than the one suggested by AI, he or she may have to give a detailed explanation; the judge can even be disciplined, fired, or accused of corruption. To avoid that risk, judges in China are likely to just follow the suggestion made by AI without asking questions. Therefore, AI should never present a particular sentence for the judge to impose. Instead, AI could suggest “similar” cases, calculate a range of sentences based upon big data from previous cases, or present the possible impact of aggravating and mitigating circumstances. Judges then need to make the final decision on sentencing and take responsibility for it. Moreover, to further reduce psychological dependence on AI decisions, a duty to explain should be imposed on judges even if they follow AI’s suggestions. Judges should not be able to simply argue that “AI decided so” but should give reasons why they think the imposed sentence is appropriate in the individual case.

To Increase the Quality of Judicial Data

The judicial data used by Chinese AI have various problems: a large number of decisions are unpublished; different locations and different types of crimes are over- or under-represented; differing legal terminologies are being used; many decisions contain no reasons; the sources of decisions are sometimes unclear; and some decisions are conflicting or outdated. Since operating with data of good quality is a precondition of a reliable AI system, the database “Chinese Judgements Online” should be improved and expanded. For example, the Chinese Supreme Court should require courts to publish their decisions completely and continuously with only limited exceptions, such as when cases involve national secrecy, trade secrets, or private interests. The Chinese Supreme Court made one step forward toward promoting good reasoning in 2018 by issuing the Guidelines on Strengthening and Standardizing the Analysis and Reasoning in Adjudicative Instruments.Footnote 111 The Supreme Court also requires courts on various levels to make the quality of reasoning a factor in the evaluation of the performance of judges. However, since this document applies mainly to reasoning on legal issues and fact-finding, it has only limited relevance to sentencing. In addition, although this document has an internal effect, its wording fails to provide clear standards on what is good reasoning; it is therefore not possible to evaluate the quality of reasoning on the basis of these Guidelines.Footnote 112 As a result, its effect is only “advisory”. The Supreme Court should consider issuing specific instructions on giving reasons in sentencing, for example, obliging judges to mention all factors considered for the sentence and to explain in detail how these factors have influenced the decision. Only with such information can a judgement be good material for training AI. Apart from issuing such guidelines, more systematic efforts are needed to improve the judges’ ability on reasoning, e.g., introducing pertinent clinical courses in law schools and offering more professional training to judges. Moreover, the legislature could consider imposing a duty to explain judgements in the Judge Law of the P.R. China.Footnote 113 That would give the Supreme Court a solid legal basis for promoting good reasoning.

It is a long-term task to train judges and to make them accustomed to giving substantive reasons in their judgements. An effect of training courses cannot be expected within a short time, but the use of AI in sentencing practice cannot wait. Therefore, making the best use of available data is the most practical solution to improving AI within a short time. The department of the Chinese Supreme Court that runs the database “Chinese Judgements Online” should establish a special working committee on AI (hereafter referred to as AI Committee), which could consist of experienced judges appointed by the Supreme Courts, scholars as consultants, and IT engineers as assistants to solve technical problems. The legal experts in this committee should continuously review decisions published in this database to ensure the quality of decisions used by AI. They should mark those decisions which were overturned by higher courts, are outdated because of amendments on legislation or judicial explanations, applied the law incorrectly, or contain no useful reasoning.Footnote 114 The programmers of AI who use data from “Chinese Judgements Online” should not import those marked decisions into their products and should frequently update the database of AI.

To Improve the Transparency of Algorithms and to Ensure Their Reviewability

The “black box” of algorithms of AI is one of the main concerns regarding the use of AI in sentencing. Judges have at best a very limited ability to review the maths used in AI algorithms.Footnote 115 Greater transparency of algorithms is therefore essential both for substantive and procedural justice.Footnote 116 For substantive justice, to disclose what factors are considered by algorithms makes it possible for judges to review whether any of these factors contains a bias, which may lead to unreasonably higher sentences for defendants belonging to certain groups. Regarding procedural justice, a transparent decision-making process of AI combined with the final determination to be made by the judges can strengthen the trust of the public in the fairness of criminal justice and increase the acceptance of decisions by the participants.Footnote 117 Imposing a duty on judges to give a substantive explanation would also reduce the “black box” character of sentencing by algorithms.

The transparency of algorithms should be guaranteed in two ways. First, programmers of AI systems should be instructed in clear terms what factors may be embedded in algorithms. Currently, factors used by AI for sentencing mainly reflect those provided in the national and local sentencing guidelines. However, these documents do not cover all offence categories of the CCL. Therefore, the AI Committee should first work out sentencing guidelines for offences not listed in the Guidelines. If further studies show that certain factors should not play a role in sentencing, AI programmers should be instructed to re-write algorithms accordingly. Before courts put the system into use, they should require programmers to disclose the algorithms to them and examine whether their instructions have been followed.Footnote 118 AI should also be required to disclose the grounds for each suggestion they make, including the factors used and the weight given to each factor. Only with such information can the judge review whether the suggestion given by AI is proper, whether any additional factors should be considered, and whether the weight given to each factor should be adjusted. This is important for guaranteeing fair sentencing because AI is likely to ignore factors that have not been embedded in its programmingFootnote 119 and may misunderstand textual similarities between court decisions.Footnote 120

A good example of transparency of algorithms is the PSA program used for bail decision-making in the U.S.Footnote 121 This system, using a dataset of more than 500,000 cases from multiple jurisdictions in the U.S., discloses all factors it uses and how these factors are weighted and scaled.Footnote 122 PSA was proved to lower the rate of pretrial detention by 20% in the city of Charlotte, with no increase in crime or bench warrants, and helped to increase the accuracy of pretrial decisions in the state of Kentucky.Footnote 123 Moreover, studies showed that using PSA does not increase racial disparities.Footnote 124

In sum, quality control of AI systems before their use and the reviewability of their outcomes must be guaranteed in order to make AI-supported sentencing sufficiently transparent.

To Centralize AI Systems with Quality Control

Implementing the policy of promoting “Intelligent Courts”, Chinese courts seek to use their own AI systems. Especially in highly developed areas such as Beijing and Shanghai, no court wants to fall behind in this “competition”. This has the consequence that there exists no centralized system; various courts in different provinces use AI systems with different functions and focuses.Footnote 125 This diversity negatively affects the “same case, same sentence” project.Footnote 126 The decentralization of AI systems also makes it more difficult to guarantee the quality of AI. It would therefore be better to centralize the AI system in criminal justice under the guidance of the Chinese Supreme Court and the AI Committee suggested above. Experts who operate the “Chinese Judgements Online” would thus have an overview of available information. The Committee would have expert staff to effectively supervise AI programmers. These experts could also examine the algorithms developed by IT firms before they are being put into use. They could use “model cases” to test the accuracy of AI. Moreover, the Committee should prepare a handbook for judges on the use of the system, including information on the rate of accuracy and the risks inherent in the system. Judges could then determine individually to what degree they wish to follow suggestions by AI in their decisions on sentencing. Judges who work in areas with a large portion of minority inhabitants should be instructed that their areas might be underrepresented in the database and that they should take local particularities into consideration when making sentencing decisions. If there are no local conditions to be considered, judges should refer to nationwide data collected by the centralized system. They could still be permitted to determine sentences referring only to cases from their own province. The AI Committee should also offer training courses for judges to familiarize them with the AI system. For continuously improving the system, it should have an “error report” function permitting judges to report to the AI Committee any mistake or inaccurate outcomes.


Chinese policy makers have introduced AI to reduce judicial bias in sentencing and to implement the goal “same case, same sentence”. In the future, AI will play an increasing role in Chinese sentencing practice. However, “the potential for good is huge, but the potential for misuse and abuse – intentional, and inadvertent – may be greater.”Footnote 127 One should not forget that all AI systems have been developed by humans. By filtering, analyzing and transforming the input data, they “deliver the patterns that preexist in our society, many of which are undesirable and even widely unknown to the members of the society.”Footnote 128 Moreover, AI lacks the capacity of making decisions based on value judgements, and the non-transparency of algorithms reduces the trust of the public in the fairness of criminal justice. The positive effect of AI on the goal of “same case, same sentence” therefore should not be overstated, and an unlimited application of AI must be avoided. Given that the application of AI in the judicial system is still at the initial stage in China, now is the best time to design the way in which AI is employed for sentencing, before inappropriate use of AI shapes the interactions between the relevant social groups and makes the system harder to deconstruct.Footnote 129

Chinese policy makers should take care to regulate the use of AI in criminal justice and should integrate AI into sentencing only with great caution. AI should be employed not as a decision-maker but only as an “assistant”, providing information for judges and aiding them in making sentencing decisions. The final determination should in any event remain in the hands of the judge. Moreover, algorithms should be made transparent so that judges can review their operation. A Committee supervised by the Chinese Supreme Court should be established to guarantee the quality of judicial data on “Chinese Judgements Online” and to operate a centralized AI system on sentencing for the whole Chinese court system. All these measures would help to make the best use of judicial data and to introduce a fair, accurate, and efficient sentencing system.