1 Introduction

Trust and reputation of an entity is an opinion of that entity based on what has happened in the past, typically evaluated based on a set of social criteria [1, 2]. In real life, reputation is a ubiquitous and basic measurement of social order facilitating distributed social control behavior. As such, in multi-agent systems that are open, large, and dynamic, reputation evaluation plays a vital role against deceptive and strategic self-interested agents. For example, in electronic markets, dishonest seller agents often commission deceptive reviewers to enter unfairly high ratings to boost their reputations [3], which may result in buyers’ perception of unsatisfied quality of the delivered products. As a result, buyers may lose their trust and feel risky in trading with such sellers subsequently after some unsatisfactory transactions. For better estimating sellers’ reputations and supporting honest buyers in choosing trustable sellers, reputation systems should model reputations of sellers more accurately and scrutinizing the ratings and reviews shared by buyers, as dishonest reviewers are often hired to give fraud and unfair ratings to mislead buyers into further deceptive transactions [4, 5]. Such attacks typically include pure attacks like Camouflage, AlwaysUnfair, Whitewashing, Sybil, as well as combined attacks like Sybil_Camouflage and Sybil_Whitewashing [6]. For example, even if Yelp attempts to filter suspicious reviews with some authentication algorithms, approximately 16% of their restaurant reviews are still unfair [7].

Although existing reputation systems (such as Taobao, Dianping, and Yelp) has adopted various strategies to filter out fraud ratings and reviews, these companies are not willing to publish their defense strategies or even share the desensitized data. That may be caused by two reasons. First, as there are no quality supervision institutions for products in these electronic commerce platforms, no trustworthy sellers and reviewers (i.e., buyers) can serve as benchmarks for reference. Therefore, it is still a challenge to filter out accurately dishonest sellers and fraud reviewers to ensure the robustness of reputation systems. Second, once the defending strategies are published, the reputation systems and the defending strategies will be exposed to more attacks. However, researchers in the academia, such as Mukherjee et al. [8] and Rayana & Akoglu [9], never gave up on designing methods that are more accurate to exclude fraud reviews and ratings. To estimate sellers’ reputation more accurately and improve the robustness of reputation systems, we propose an unsupervised method called impression-based strategy (IBS).

Comparing with existing defense approaches, the novelty of our approach are as follows. Firstly, this paper introduces two concepts (i.e., lenient and strict) from the impression theory into the analysis of reviewers’ behavior characteristics, and takes it as the key criteria for selecting centroids of nearest neighbor search algorithm. Secondly, the nearest neighbor search algorithm outperforms traditional clustering algorithm [10] because of two reasons. One is that the algorithm in this paper only clusters two kinds of reviewers (i.e., lenient reviewers and strict reviewers) while disregarding other kinds of reviewers not useful in our evaluation strategy, thereby decreasing the overall time complexity. The other is that according to the natural assumption lenient reviewers and strict reviewers being relatively rare in complex electronic environment, we adopt a parameter IC for controlling their numbers, which ensures the convergence of the algorithm. Thirdly, based on the impression theory, this paper takes an assumption that “once a reviewer is classified as a strict or lenient one, the reviewer is expected to remain in the same category in the near future.” Thus, such intuition provides two rules to classifying honest and dishonest sellers. Experimental results show that these rules can improve the unsupervised filtering approach in accurately estimating sellers’ reputations and robustly defending against various common attacks.

To develop this paper, Section 2 reviews the literature, and then we formalize the concepts, assumptions, and rules defined in Section 3. Section 4 details our main idea and algorithms based on impression-based theory. Section 5 illustrates the performances of our strategy through two general sets of experiments. Finally, we conclude this paper with our continuing research plans.

2 Related work

In centralized reputation systems, seller’s reputation is usually estimated according to reviewers’ ratings. As the central mechanism does not know the exact quality of the sellers’ products, it is difficult to discriminate the honesty of reviewers and then accurately estimate a reputation value for the sellers under various attacks [11]. To solve this problem, many filtering approaches have been designed and adopted (even though most of them are trade secrets of electronic commerce companies). There are two general types of existing approaches, namely, data mining and multi-agent methods. The former methods focus on analyzing real data for training an accurate classifier. The latter methods concentrate on generating simulation data and testing the performance of strategies in some extreme environments. These data mining methods first obtain the characteristics of reviewers’ linguistic, behaviors, and social relationship. Then they design supervised, unsupervised, or semi-supervised machine learning methods such as Mukherjee’s strategy [8], SpEagle [9], or SpEagle+ [9], to classify whether a review is true or false and whether a reviewer is honest or dishonest. In contrast, our IBS strategy focus on filtering out fake reviewers for better evaluating sellers’ reputations.

Existing multi-agent approaches can be divided into three categories, namely aggregation methods, filtering methods, and incentive methods. These methods are briefly reviewed as follows.

  1. (1)

    Aggregation methods: These kind of methods are widely used by companies such as eBay, Amazon, and so on since the emergence of electronic markets. Though aggregation methods are playing effective roles in evaluating sellers, they are vulnerable to various reputation attacks. To improve robustness of these kinds of methods, there are many researches. We can trace back to the Sporas model [12] that considered reviewers’ reputation in the process of reputation accumulation. In addition, to prevent collusion, when two agents review each other many times, only the most recent rating is considered. The model ignores the possibility of repeated trading between two traders. Furthermore, the model does not take into account the timeliness of ratings. This model is only resilient to Whitewashing and Collusive attacks, but not Sybil or Camouflage attacks. To improve the Sporas model, Guo et al. [13] proposed the E-Sporas model, which considers also the influence of the transaction volume and the number of transactions. At the same time, a penalty factor is introduced into E-Sporas to realize the phenomenon of “slow rise and fast decline” regarding reputation. Based on traditional reputation accumulation models, Ji et al. [14] proposed a model called AARE, which further introduced incentive mechanisms to defend all common attacks in monopoly market. However, whether this model is effective in non-monopoly market or not needs further verification.

  2. (2)

    Filtering methods: These kind of methods are popular in research and industry fields, which aims at filtering out suspicious ratings or reviewers to cut off the propagation of fraud information. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of related filtering methods. One of the most traditional filtering method is the Beta Reputation System (BRS), which discards reviews with scores out of the majority range of q to 1 − q quantile [15]. With such a “majority-rule,” this approach is vulnerable to Sybil attacks, as it incorrectly filters out honest reviewers’ ratings as the minority.

Table 1 Comparison of related filtering methods

Liu et al. [10] proposed an algorithm named iClub, which divides reviewers into different clubs using the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. In the clustering process, two components (local vs global) are used for filtering unfair reviews. If the reviewer has adequate transactions with the designated seller, the local component clusters only on a reviewer’s private information. Otherwise, the global component makes use of the global information instead. So, iClub can largely defend against collusion attacks with effective filtering of unfair ratings, but vulnerable to Sybil attacks [6].

In order to improve the model given in a preliminary study [16], this paper modifies the calculation method of seller’s reputation aggregation as detailed in Section 4.4. In this new method, we introduce a parameter CF (Confidence) to replace parameter HD (ratio be of honest buyers to dishonest buyers). In the evaluation of sellers’ reputations, this modified method completely ignores the dishonest reviewers’ ratings as soon as they are identified, so that the CF parameter enables a gradual reduction of the uncertainty of reviewers’ trustworthiness (honest or dishonest) over time, thereby increasing the overall reputation evaluation reliability. Besides, Wang et al. [16] have only verified very briefly the robustness of IBS strategy with two sets of simulation experiments. In this paper, we perform four sets of detailed experiments to show that such modification improves the performance of our scheme in a variety of settings. Further, there are three limitations in the experiments of Wang et al. [16] that we improve significantly in this paper.

  1. (a)

    Wang et al. [16] fixed a parameter IC (ratio of lenient and strict reviewers to normal reviewers) of the IBS strategy at 0.15, and did not test the performance of this strategy under various values of this parameter. Is the performance of this strategy affected by the value of this IC parameter? Which value can maximize the performance of this strategy? To answer these questions, we perform another set of experiments to evaluate our strategy under different values of IC in order to discover an optimal IC value.

  2. (b)

    Wang et al. [16] evaluated the accuracy of the IBS strategy using the MARHS (mean aggregation reputation of honest sellers). However, this criterion can only reflect the predicted reputation of honest sellers, while it cannot reflect the degree to which the predicted reputation deviates from the true values. Similarly, MARDS (mean aggregation reputation of dishonest sellers) can only reflect the true reputations of dishonest sellers. Therefore, in this paper we adopt the MAE (Mean Absolute Error) as a criterion to reflect the degree to which the predicted reputation of sellers deviates from their true values, and use Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) as an alternative evaluation criterion for measuring the classification accuracy of our strategy. Besides, to reveal the performance of our strategy in a more comprehensive manner, we compare the run-time of our strategy with that of traditional global-viewed strategies under similar configuration.

  3. (c)

    The experiments of Wang et al. [16] were performed over simulation data, in which the simulated attacks were simple and lack of adaptability and intelligence in contrast to human attacks. Moreover, there are many noise data in real transaction ratings and reviews. To further demonstrate real-life practicability of our approach, this paper enriches the experiments by adding a set of experiments over the real-life data from Yelp (http://yelp.com), a typical B2C review website. Therefore, these new and enhanced experiments are essential to further illustrate the practicability of our strategy.

  1. (3)

    Incentive methods: Different from the above methods that focus on evaluating historical trustworthiness of reviewers and sellers, incentive methods focus on setting some mechanisms to decrease their motivation to generate fraud ratings and reviews. For example, Kerr and Cohen [17] proposed the use of numeric Trunits to model trust in electronic markets, which ‘flow’ during the course of transaction in much the same way like monetary value to serve as incentives. If a seller acts honestly, his Trunit balance increases; otherwise his Trunits decreases. With such an approach, a reviewer need not estimate the trustworthiness of a seller according to individual experience or others’ opinions, as all the sellers are incented to be honest. Kerr and Cohen argued that their model is invulnerable to many attacks, but have other problems. For example, granting a new trader with some initial Trunits upon startup may lead to vulnerability of re-entry or whitewashing attacks. Moreover, Trunits is vulnerable to surplus trust (extra Trunits).

To address the above problems, this paper presents a new filtering method under the assumptions that once a reputation evaluation mechanism is devised, there are various kinds of possible reputation attacks in electronic markets. Therefore, our filtering method aims at ‘purifying’ the ratings and defending against the attacks by filtering out false or unfair ratings from the global or platform-level view. As the platform manager does not have direct trading experience with sellers, all the sellers and reviewers may be suspicious, and trustworthy ones cannot be easily identified as an evaluation benchmark for filtering. Therefore, it is a challenging unsupervised learning problem to filter out unfair or false ratings. Similar to BRS, our strategy evaluates the reputation of sellers from a global viewpoint. Different from BRS, our scheme classifies honest/dishonest sellers and reviewers based on the lenient reviewers and strict reviewers with rules derived from the impression theory, instead of based on the majority range between the q and 1 − q quantile. As reviewers’ impression changes dynamically with transactions and ratings, the chosen reviewers as well as the resultant classification of sellers and reviewers change accordingly.

The main difference between data mining algorithms and our strategy is that the former algorithms [8] are supervised and they only focus on improving the accuracy (or precision) and F1 (weighted average of precision and recall) of reviews, while neglecting the estimation of sellers’ reputations (trustworthiness). In comparison, not only can our IBS strategy categorize reviewers (honest, dishonest, or uncertain) and sellers (honest or dishonest), but also it can estimate sellers’ reputations based on the classification results. The second difference is that the former algorithms require manually processed balance data, i.e., administrators have to preprocess the train and test data set as 50% true and 50% false reviews, while our strategy does not have this requirement. Thirdly, former work such as [8, 9] reach high F1 by using lots of linguistic, behavior, and relationship features of reviews and reviewers, while our strategy simply use reviewers’ ratings. Further, our strategy can accurately estimate sellers’ reputations under various attacks in B2C and B2B markets. Therefore, our strategy is applicable to a wider range of applications and has lower computation complexity.

3 Formalization of concepts

In this section, we describe the concepts and framework used in the impression-based strategy (IBS) [16]. Figure 1 describes a framework of our centralized reputation system for electronic markets, in which sellers and buyers interact, transact, and review one another. The system records their actions and reviews for calculating their reputations. The following is an overview of our approach. First, the central management agent selects some typical lenient reviewers and strict reviewers (Algorithm 1) according to their behavior characteristics. Then, the central agent pre-classifies the sellers traded with the selected lenient/strict reviewers based on their behavior expectation according to impression theory (Algorithm 2). Thirdly, we classify all the reviewers into honest, dishonest, and uncertain ones (Algorithm 3) according to the pre-classified sellers. Finally, sellers’ reputations are calculated by aggregating various reviewers’ reputations (Algorithm 4).

Fig. 1
figure 1

A framework of centralized reputation system in electronic market

The nearer the calculated reputations approach their real ones, the more accurate the centralized reputation system is. Moreover, if the calculated reputations approximate to the real ones very well under multifarious attacks, the centralized reputation system can be deemed as robust. This section first illustrates the concepts used in our framework formally, and then defines the concepts of lenient reviewers and strict reviewers based on the impression theory of social psychology and statistical metrics for identifying them. Finally, based on the expectation about impressed reviewers’ future action in impression theory, two rules are given for classifying sellers traded with lenient and strict reviewers.

3.1 Formal concept representation

To model the concepts involved in electronic markets, we denote them by the symbols as shown in Table 2. We assume that: (1) reviewers in the electronic market are willing to give ratings; (2) the quality of services or products that are provided by each seller is stable (not fluctuate frequently). These two assumptions are quite common in major e-commerce markets. Under these assumptions, the number of ratings is proportional to Tr. After transactions provide adequate ratings, the IBS strategy can be executed. If there are more ratings in a certain period (or time window), the time window will be smaller, and the IBS strategy should be executed more frequently.

Table 2 Symbols and their meanings used in this paper

In this paper, we use the combined reputation function [18] defined with a binary rating scheme to calculate the seller’s reputations. However, the rating mechanism in Yelp (which is the dataset we used as the simulation environment in this paper) is K-nomial. So, \( {r}_t^K\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)\left(K>2\right) \) should be converted to \( {r}_t^2\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right) \). Definition 1 defines our conversion scheme and Definitions 2–5 define the reputations concept of our approach formally. The symbols used in these definitions and their meanings are summarized in Table 2.

  • Definition 1. Equation (1) specifies the formula to convert a multinomial rating \( {r}_t^K\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right) \) into a binary value \( {r}_t^2\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right) \).

$$ \forall \mathrm{t},{r}_t^2\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)=\Big\{{\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}\kern-0.2em 1,\mathrm{if}\kern0.5em {r}_t^K\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)\ge \overline{K}\\ {}\\ {}-1,\mathrm{if}\kern0.5em {r}_t^K\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)<\overline{K}\end{array}} $$

where K represents the K-nomial ratings, \( {r}_t^K\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)\left(K>2,K\in \mathbb{Z}\right) \) denotes the rating of seller sj according to reviewer bi at time t, and \( \overline{K}\left(\overline{K}\in \mathbb{R}\right) \) the overall average ratings within time window T.

  • Definition 2. [11] Eq. 2 defines the reputation Rep(bi, sj) that bi rates sj:

$$ Rep\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)=\frac{N_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+1}{N_{neg}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+2} $$
  • Definition 3. [11] Eq. 3 defines the reputation Rep(bi, S') that reviewer bi rates the seller group S':

$$ Rep\left({b}_i,{S}^{\hbox{'}}\right)=\frac{\sum \limits_{s_j\in S\hbox{'}}{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+1}{\sum \limits_{s_j\in S\hbox{'}}{N}_{neg}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+\sum \limits_{s_j\in S\hbox{'}}{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+2} $$
  • Definition 4. [11] Eq. (4) defines the reputation Rep(B', sj) of seller S as reviewed by group B':

$$ Rep\left({B}^{\hbox{'}},{s}_j\right)=\frac{\sum \limits_{b_i\in B\hbox{'}}{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+1}{\sum \limits_{b_i\in B\hbox{'}}{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+\sum \limits_{b_i\in B\hbox{'}}{N}_{neg}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+2} $$
  • Definition 5. In the electronic market, Eq. (5) aggregates the baseline reputation value that group B gives to seller S:

$$ Rep\left(B,S\right)=\frac{\sum \limits_{b_i\in B}\sum \limits_{s_j\in S}{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+1}{\sum \limits_{b_i\in B}\sum \limits_{s_j\in S}{N}_{pos}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+\sum \limits_{b_i\in B}\sum \limits_{s_j\in S}{N}_{neg}\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)+2} $$
  • Definition 6. Two statistics metrics of reviewer bi‘s ratings are given by Eqs. (6) and (7).

$$ {\overline{r}}_{b_i}=\frac{\sum \limits_{t\in T}\sum \limits_{s_j\in s}{r}_t^k\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)}{T{r}_{b_i}} $$
$$ {\sigma}_{b_i}=\sqrt{\frac{\sum \limits_{t\in T}\sum \limits_{s_j\in s}{\left({r}_t^k\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)-{\overline{r}}_{b_i}\right)}^2}{T{r}_{b_i}}} $$

3.2 The behavior characteristics of lenient reviewers and strict reviewers

In real life, different reviewers may have split opinions to similar products or services, and therefore may rate differently. Reviewers who tend to rate highly give us an impression as lenient ones, while those who tend to rate lowly leave a strict impression to us. These two kinds of reviewers can be defined according to the statistical characteristics of their historical ratings with following definition.

  • Definition 7. Suppose χt(bi, sj) is the rating deviation that buyer bi rated sj, whose value can be calculated according to \( {\chi}_t\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)={r}_t^k\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)-{\overline{R}}_j, \) where \( {\overline{R}}_j=\frac{\sum \limits_{t\in T}\sum \limits_{b_i\in B}{r}_t^k\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)}{T{r}_{s_j}} \) is the average ratings that all reviewers who rated seller sj in time windows T, and \( T{r}_{s_j} \) is the number of transaction that seller sj traded in time windows T. Let χH be a threshold of the rating deviation. Lenient and strict reviewers can be defined as follows.

$$ \exists {b}_i\ for\forall {s}_j, if\kern0.5em {\chi}_t\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)>0\ \mathrm{and}\ \max \left({\chi}_t\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)\right)\le {\chi}_H,\mathrm{then}\ {b}_i\in {B}_{lenient}; $$
$$ \exists {b}_i\ for\forall {s}_j, if\kern0.5em {\chi}_t\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)<0\ \mathrm{and}\ \max \left(-{\chi}_t\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right)\right)\le {\chi}_H,\mathrm{then}\ {b}_i\in {B}_{strict}. $$

From Definition 7, we can see that lenient reviewers have lenient or optimistic personality, and often give higher ratings than normal reviewers do, as they subjectively feel that the quality of the product is better than other persons do. However, strict reviewers have strict or captious personality, and often give lower ratings than normal reviewers do, as they subjectively feel that the quality of the product is poorer than other persons do. In particular, the setting of χH guarantees that lenient and strict reviewers’ rating deviation is not very large, which can exclude dishonest reviewers whose rating deviation is very large being chosen as benchmarking lenient and strict reviewers to a certain extent.

Based on Definition 7 and common knowledge in real life, we can infer that lenient and strict reviewers simultaneously satisfy following characteristics:

  1. 1)

    The average rating of lenient reviewers is moderately large, while the average rating of strict reviewer is moderately small.

  2. 2)

    Small rating variance \( {\sigma}_{b_i} \). Since lenient are more optimistic and strict reviewers are more captious than normal ones, their ratings are always much higher or lower than normal ones. That is to say, the ratings from lenient and strict reviewers are very close to the highest/lowest score of 5/1 in a 5-rank rating mechanism. Therefore, their rating variances are relative small than normal ones.

  3. 3)

    Rareness. Due to the information asymmetry characteristics of e-commerce environment, honest people are cautious optimistic and captious when give ratings, therefore, lenient and strict reviewers are rare in general.

According to social psychology theory, impression depicts the phenomenon under which one subjectively follows the understanding formed with previous experiences, and categorizes others under new situations based on the concepts formed under old situations. Such a process reflects the clear orientation of people’s actions, during which others are categorized [19, 20]. Upon the formation of an impression, it dominates people’s evaluation and interpretation of subsequent information. As such, impression thus formed remains unchanged in the near future [15]. Thus, we naturally assume the following about lenient reviewers and strict reviewers.

  • Assumption 1. Once a reviewer is classified as strict or lenient, the reviewer is expected to remain in the same category in the near future.

According to the impression theory and Assumption 1, if a reviewer has been lenient recently, we believe that he/she remains lenient in the near future. Therefore, if a lenient reviewer suddenly gives a low rating to a seller, we can intuitively believe that the quality of the product or service provided by this seller is indeed low. Similarly, if a strict reviewer sudden gives a high rating to a seller, then we can intuitively believe that quality of the product or service from this seller is indeed high.

Base on the above definition and analysis, we formalize the following two rules for classifying sellers who have traded with strict or lenient into honest and dishonest ones.

  • Rule 1: (honest sellers) If a sellersj has traded with bi ∈ Bstrict and bi gave positive rating to sj (i.e., \( {r}_t^2\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right) \)=1), then sj ∈ Shonest;

  • Rule 2: (dishonest sellers) If a seller sj has traded with bi ∈ Blenient and bi gave negative rating to sj (i.e., \( {r}_t^2\left({b}_i,{s}_j\right) \)= − 1), then sj ∈ Sdishonest.

According to Rule 1 and Rule 2, we can conclude that, in classifying sellers, we always discard lenient/strict reviewers’ positive/negative ratings and only use their negative/positive ratings. However, it is still possible that dishonest reviewers may be hired to disguise their selves as lenient/strict reviewers and give unfair ratings to misguide the classification of sellers. To decrease such threat of misclassifying sellers, in the next section, we design a conflict elimination mechanism (see steps 10–11 in Algorithm 2).

4 An impression-based defending strategy

Based on the framework and concepts defined in Section 3, we present an impression-based reputation attacks defending strategy (IBS) [16] comprising four steps. (1) Select some typical lenient and strict reviewers (Algorithm 1). (2) Based on the behavior expectation of impressed lenient and strict reviewers, pre-classify the sellers traded with these lenient and strict reviewers into honest and dishonest ones (Algorithm 2). (3) Classify all the reviewers into honest, dishonest, and uncertain ones based on their ratings to the pre-classified sellers (Algorithm 3). (4) Aggregate all sellers’ reputations (Algorithm 4).

4.1 Clustering of lenient reviewers and strict reviewers

This paper proposes an algorithm to classify lenient and strict reviewers based on nearest neighbor search algorithm (see Algorithm 1). In our algorithm, we first initialize the parameters in this algorithm and purify the reviewers by discarding those with less than 5 reviews (considered as inactive) and their rating records (line 1). Secondly, we choose the reviewers whose rating mean is the largest but with the smallest rating deviation as the center for the lenient category. Similarly, the reviewers whose rating mean and rating deviation are combined to be smallest are chosen as the center for the strict category (lines 3–6). As we believe that lenient and strict reviewers are scarce in electronic markets, our algorithm sets a parameter called impression coefficient (i.e., IC and IC <  < 1) to manipulate the chosen ratio of lenient to strict reviewers from normal reviewers. The loop in lines 9–15 selects the closest point to the lenient category until reaching its upper limit of ⌈N × Rep(B, S) × IC⌉, and updates the category center as soon as a new reviewer is considered. Similarly, strict reviewers are selected as shown in lines 18–23. Finally, as a reviewer cannot be strict and lenient simultaneously, therefore the intersection set of strict reviewers and lenient reviewers (Blenient∩Bstrict) are excluded (lines 24–25) for ruling out ambiguity.

figure a

4.2 Pre-classification of sellers

Typical lenient and strict reviewers are selected as benchmarks for pre-classifying sellers who have traded with these reviewers. Algorithm 2 illustrates the steps for pre-classifying the sellers using the selected lenient and strict reviewers. Firstly, based on the groups Blenient and Bstrict obtained from Algorithm 1, we classify the sellers recently transacted with strict reviewers and were rated positively as honest ones (lines 2–5). Then, the sellers recently transacted with lenient reviewers and were rated negatively are regarded as dishonest ones (lines 6–9). For ruling out the influence of ambiguity, we also remove the controversial sellers who are both honest and dishonest (i.e., in the set of Shonest∩Sdishonest) (lines 10–11).

figure b

4.3 A reviewer classification algorithm

The categories of lenient and strict reviewers are different from the categories of honest, dishonest, and uncertain ones. The former two categories are classified according reviewers’ rating behaviors characteristics (i.e., statistic characteristics of Definition 6), while the latter three categories are classified according to the fairness and unfairness property of reviewers’ ratings. Algorithm 1 only selects a small number of lenient and strict reviewers respectively, and does not classify reviewers according to the fairness/unfairness property.

Therefore, the aim of Algorithm 3 is to classify all the reviewers into honest, dishonest, and uncertain categories, which is realized by the following steps. First, considering each reviewer’s ratings to honest and dishonest sellers, as well as the market’s overall reputation score, we first judge accordingly whether the reviewer in question is an honest or dishonest one. That is to say, according to Definition (5) in Section 3, we calculate the reputation score of the market Rep(B, S)(line 2 in Algorithm 3). Besides, according to Definition (3) in Section 3, the reputation score of the honest / dishonest sellers Rep(bi, Shonest)/Rep(bi, Sdishonest) with respect to each reviewer bi is calculated in line 4. The reviewers who simultaneously give high ratings to honest sellers and low ratings to dishonest sellers are regarded as honest ones (lines 5–6); while the reviewers who simultaneously give low ratings to honest sellers and high ratings to dishonest sellers are regarded as dishonest ones. Reviewers belonging to neither the honest nor the dishonest category are considered as uncertain ones (lines 3–9).

figure c

4.4 Aggregation of seller’s reputation

After classifying all the reviewers, we calculate the sellers’ reputations based on these reviewers’ ratings according to Eq. (8). Further, Eq. (9) computes the weights between the honest and uncertain reviewers.

$$ Ag\_ rep\left({s}_j\right)=\left(1-w\right)\times Rep\left({\mathrm{B}}_{\mathrm{honest}},{s}_j\right)+w\times Rep\left({\mathrm{B}}_{\mathrm{uncertain}},{s}_j\right) $$

where Bhonest∪Buncertain∪Bdishonest = B, and (1-w), w are weights assigned to honest and uncertain reviewers, respectively. Rep(Bhonest, sj),Rep(Buncertain, sj) can be evaluated with Eq. (4) as defined in Section 3.

$$ w= CF\times \frac{\mid {\mathrm{B}}_{\mathrm{uncertain}}\mid }{\mid B\mid } $$

where CF (Confidence, 0 ≤ CF < 1) represents the confidence level to uncertain reviewers, which can be customized by the platform. The lager the CF value, the more a platform trust uncertain reviewers, so that 0 indicates that a platform completely distrust uncertain reviewers. ∣Buncertain∣ and ∣B∣ are the number of uncertain reviewers and all reviewers, respectively.

5 Experiment

We evaluate our scheme with two sets of experiments. We design our first set on a multi-agent-based electronic market simulation platform. This set of experiments comprise four subsets of experiments, aiming at analyzing the performance limitations of our strategy when it is confronted with some extreme attacks or in some extreme environments (e.g., the proportion of dishonest reviewers is so large that it may lead to adverse selection and moral hazard, which is a danger for real electronic markets) and evaluates our strategy against the models such as iClub [10], Amazon, E-sporas [13], and AARE [14]. The second set of experiments are conducted over the Yelp dataset, which aims at evaluating our scheme under real-life situations when defending unknown attacks. In the real dataset experiment, we do not compare the performance of above strategies because of the limitation and absence of attributes. In the Yelp dataset, the transaction between each pair of seller and reviewer is one shot, i.e., no reviewer rated a seller more than once. So the iClub strategy cannot be implemented because it cannot deal with the situation that each pair of reviewer and seller traded only once. Besides, the E-sporas and AARE strategies consider the reputation of the reviewer when calculating the reputation of the seller, but the Yelp dataset does not provide such kind of attributes, therefore, these strategies cannot be implemented based on the Yelp dataset. The following subsections 5.1 and 5.2 illustrate these two sets of experiments in detail.

5.1 Experiments over simulated dataset

  1. (1)

    Experiments setting

According to Fig. 1 in Section 3, in the simulated electronic market, there are three kinds of agents (i.e., seller, buyer, and platform agents). Both seller and reviewer agents can be divided into honest and dishonest ones. In addition, we simulated three rating behaviors of honest reviewers (normal, lenient and strict), and six rating behaviors of dishonest reviewers (AlwaysUnfair, Camouflage, Whitewashing, Sybil, Sybil_Camouflage, and Sybil_Whitewashing) [6]. As our simulation assumes that there are no duopoly sellers, all the sellers are equal. Moreover, as we pair the sellers and the buyers randomly in transactions, a buyer may choose a seller as trading partner for multiple times, which is common in electronic markets. In this simulation environment, honest sellers offer superior quality of articles or services, while dishonest sellers offer inferior quality ones. Honest reviewers provide fair ratings, while dishonest reviewers provide unfair ones as attacks. To simplify the modeling of the quality of honest sellers’ products or services, we set one-half of the honest sellers’ real quality to 1 and the other half of the honest sellers’ real quality to 0.8. Similarly, we set one-half of the dishonest seller’s real quality to 0 and the other half of the dishonest sellers’ real quality to 0.2. The actual quality of honest and dishonest sellers’ products or services is secret to the defending strategies.

Moreover, the proportion of lenient and strict reviewers to the total honest reviewers is 20%. For example, if there are 30 honest reviewers in an experiment, then the number of strict and lenient reviewers is ⌈30 × 20%⌉ = 6, respectively. In our simulation, the rating that a lenient reviewer gives to the trading seller is assumed one grade higher than the fair quality of the seller’s service or product, with the highest grade being 5. This means, if a seller’s real quality is 4, the lenient reviewer’s rating is 5; however, if a seller’s real quality is 5, the lenient reviewer’s rating is also 5 as it cannot be higher. Similarly, a strict reviewer’s rating to the trading seller is assumed one grade lower than the real value, but the lowest is still 1. Similar to the setting of honest and dishonest sellers, these settings about buyers are also secret.

Based on above settings about sellers and buyers, four sets of experiments are simulated. The first set of experiments aim at analyzing the relationships between the estimation accuracy of seller reputation and the variation of ratings volume, as well as finding the lowest ratings volume that the reputation estimation accuracy can become stable. The second set of experiments is designed to analyze the variation trend of sellers’ reputation estimation accuracy under different combinations of parameters. Similarly, assuming that the selected platform ratings volume is large enough to keep estimation accuracy stable. The third set of experiments analyze the robustness (i.e., being able to keep the estimation accuracy stable with an increasing proportion of dishonest reviewers) of our strategy. The fourth set of experiments evaluates our strategy against iClub [10], Amazon, E-sporas [13], and AARE [14]. These strategies are selected because they are popular in the industry or recent in the academia, and they all calculate sellers’ reputations from a global (or platform) view.

Table 3 lists all the parameters in these four sets of experiments. In the first set of experiments, the volume of ratings in the market varies from 300 to 2500 with increments of 100. The ratings volume that can make the performance of our strategy stable directly determines the appropriate size of the time window for our strategy. In the second set of experiments, to explore the influence of IC (i.e., ratio of lenient to strict reviewers) on the performance of our strategy, IC is assigned with 0.1, 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, and 0.2, respectively. Therefore, the second set of experiments aims at determining under which value of parameter IC that our strategy can reach optimal performance. To analyze the stability of our strategy, we construct two subsets of experiments in the third set to simulate the variation of the proportion of dishonest sellers and reviewers, respectively. In the first subset 3a, the proportion of dishonest sellers varies from 20% to 80% in steps of 10%. In the second subset 3b, the proportion of dishonest reviewers varies from 20% to 80% also in steps of 10%. If the reputation prediction accuracy is stable with different proportions of dishonest seller/reviewers, we can say that our strategy is stable. In the fourth set of experiments, to compare the performance of our strategy IBS, three other strategies such as Amazon, E-Sporas, and AARE are selected as benchmarks under various electronic market environments, in which the proportion of dishonest reviewers is even larger than 60% (i.e., the majority of reviewers are dishonest ones). Table 4 lists the parameters and the assigned values of E-sporas and AARE in experiments. Besides, in this set of experiments, the behavior of sellers is assumed to be consistent, which means that the products or services provided by honest sellers tend to be good, while those provided by dishonest sellers tends to be fake or inferior.

Table 3 Parameter settings in the experiments
Table 4 The experiment parameters settings for models
  1. (2)

    Evaluation criteria

We evaluate the accuracy of our scheme with the MAE (mean absolute error) of the aggregated reputation of sellers (denoted as Ag _ rep(sj)) and real reputation score of sellers (denoted as Rel _ rep(sj)) as the criteria. Equation (11) defines how MAE is calculated (ranging 0 to 1), with a smaller value representing a more accurate defending strategy or a better defense performance. In this paper, the MAE of dishonest sellers is not adopted because the combination of honest sellers’ MAE and the following MCC is adequate to reveal the performance of a strategy.

$$ MAE=\frac{\sum \limits_{s_j\in s}\mid Ag\_ rep\left({s}_j\right)- Rel\_ rep\left({s}_j\right)\mid }{\mid S\mid } $$

where Ag _ rep(sj) is seller sj‘s aggregated reputation computed with Eq. (8), ∣S∣ the number of sellers in the electronic market, and Rel _ rep(sj) sj‘s real reputation score.

We also use Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC, [22]) as an alternative evaluation criterion for measuring classification accuracy of our strategy, which is computed as follows.

$$ MCC=\frac{tp\times tn- fp\times fn}{\sqrt{\left( tp+ fp\right)\times \left( tp+ fn\right)\times \left( tn+ fp\right)\times \left( tn+ fn\right)}} $$

where fp, tp, fn, and tn represent the numbers of false positives, true positives, false negatives, and true negatives, respectively.

The MCC value ranges from −1 to 1, where 1 reflects perfect filtering, −1 completely wrong filtering, and 0 an arbitrary result. MCC reveals the classification accuracy of sellers. The nearer a MCC value is to 1, the more accurate the classification.

  1. (3)

    Results and analysis on effectiveness and accuracy

As our strategy considers mainly historical information, we consider the volume of ratings starting from 300. Figure 2 shows the performance of our strategy measured by the MAE that is calculated according to Eq. (11). From Fig. 2, we can see that the MAE curves of whitewashing, Sybil_whitewashing attacks tend to decrease stably with the increase of ratings volume, and converge to 0.1 after the ratings volume exceeds 1100. Specially, our strategy is effective against Camouflage attack and its combination with Sybil attack, in which attackers frequently change their actions of giving fair and unfair ratings to break the defense of impression-based strategies of the reputation system. From the characteristics of lenient and strict reviewers and the nearest neighbor search algorithm given in Algorithm 1, our impression-based strategy is theoretically robust against these two kinds of attacks. In contrast, Camouflage attackers (hired by dishonest or collusive sellers) change their ratings very frequently to avoid being detected. Such frequent changes exclude the attackers from the lenient and strict reviewer sets. One may argue that a seller may employ many Camouflage attackers acting as strict reviewers giving very low ratings to competitors, as well as lenient reviewers giving very high ratings to its own for very long time windows. However, such a Camouflage approach will bear a high cost, which may even outweigh the gain, and thus is seldom considered by attackers. Therefore, according to Fig. 2, we can see that the curves of camouflage and Sybil_camouflage attacks approach 0.12 the fastest, and they are very stable too. These demonstrate the robustness of our lenient and strict reviewer selection algorithm empirically.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Effectiveness of IBS under various attacks

In Fig. 2, the MAE curves of AlwaysUnfair and Sybil attack decrease irregularly and slowly with the increase of ratings volume. Moreover, the final MAEs approach 0.1, as good as the other four attacks after the ratings volume exceeds 1600. However, it is still acceptable. The MAEs under AlwaysUnfair and Sybil attack is inferior because the majority of reviewers are dishonest and the dishonest attackers’ identities have changed before the defense strategy accumulates enough experiences to correctly judge their honesty.

Taking MAE as benchmark, the above results reveal our strategy’s prediction accuracy of honest sellers’ reputations under various attacks. We can also illustrate the performance of our strategy by MCC. From Fig. 3, we can see that the curves of MCC stably converge to 1 under all attacks, except for Camouflage and Sybil_camouflage. However, more transactions (after 1600 and 1200, respectively) is needed under the AlwaysUnfair attack and the Sybil attack, because these attacks are more difficult to defend compared to the others. The curves of MCC under Camouflage attack and Sybil_camouflage attack converge to 0.9 stably. It is still acceptable. From above results, it can be concluded that the overall performance of our strategy is desirable.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Accuracy of IBS defending against different attacks

  1. (4)

    Results and analysis about various parameters

As the IC parameter reflects the rarity of lenient and strict reviewers (the ratio of these two types of reviewers to all reviewers), the value of IC should not be too large. In this paper, we assume that the value of IC is in the 0.1–0.2 range. A proper value of IC parameter can directly improve the classification accuracy of reviewers. However, as the ratio of lenient and strict reviewers is dynamically changing and unknown to the platform, it is difficult for platform and the designer to choose a proper value for IC. To find a proper value of IC, we design and implement a set of experiments by assigning different values of IC according to interpolation method.

Tables 5 and 6 show the mean and deviation of the MCC values and MAE values (mean ± deviation) upon defending against various attacks, respectively. To compare the performance of these values, we should note that the deviation after symbol “±” should be compared first (the smaller the deviation, the more stable the performance), and then the mean (the larger the mean MCC, the better the performance; the near the MAE to 0, the better the performance). That means, in IBS, we pay much attention to the stability of an estimation. From these tables, we can see that, under the Whitewashing and Sybil_whitewashing attacks, the changes of IC do not make a significant difference to MCC and MAE. Under the AlwaysUnfair, Camouflage, Sybil, and Sybil_camouflage attacks, the outstanding MCC and MAE are highlighted in bold type. Comparing the performance highlighted in Tables 5 and 6, we can see that IC = 0.175 can gain an overall optimal performance.

Table 5 Results of MCC with various IC
Table 6 Results of MAE with various IC

According to the experimental results, the value of IC changes in positive correlation with the reputation baseline (Rep(B, S) of Eq. 5) of the whole market. That is, when the value of baseline is small, IC should be assigned with a little smaller value; otherwise, IC should be set to a little larger.

  1. (5)

    Results of IBS under different proportions of dishonest sellers and dishonest reviewers

Figure 4 depicts the change of MAE when the proportion of dishonest sellers increases from 20% to 80%. The curves of Camouflage, Whitewashing, Sybil_whitewashing, and Sybil_camouflage remain at quite a low value, especially when the proportion of dishonest sellers is near to 50%.As the proportion of dishonest sellers is higher than 50%, the MAE values increase only slightly. The trend of AlwaysUnfair and Sybil curves is quite similar and the two curves are almost parallel to each other at most proportions. However, when 70% or 80% sellers are dishonest, the MAE values are larger than 0.1 significantly (i.e., the estimated reputation of honest sellers deviates from their real reputation greatly). That is because most of the sellers being dishonest lower the overall reputation of the sellers, which is consistent with common sense. As such, our strategy can be regarded as very stable under the Camouflage, Whitewashing, Sybil_whitewashing, as well as Sybil_camouflage attacks. However, under the AlwaysUnfair and Sybil attacks, our strategy is not so stable under hypothetical extreme cases.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Robustness of our IBS strategy with increasing proportion of dishonest sellers

Figure 5 depicts the MAE when the proportion of dishonest reviewers increases from 20% to 80%. In general, with the proportion less than 60%, the MAEs remain stable around 0.1 under different attacks. However, as the proportion of dishonest reviewers further increases, the MAEs of Camouflage and Sybil_camouflage attacks increase slightly (from 0.1 to 0.2), but the MAEs of other attacks increase abruptly from 0.1 to 0.5. This is likely because determining lenient and strict reviewers accurately is hard when most reviewers are dishonest. From the above results, it can be concluded that the IBS strategy is stable even in some extreme environments (e.g., the proportion of dishonest reviewers or sellers is larger).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Robustness of our IBS strategy with increasing proportion of dishonest reviewers

  1. (6)

    Comparisons with other methods

The fourth set of experiments evaluate the MAE of our strategy against four other strategies (i.e., iClub, Amazon, E-sporas, and AARE) under different proportions of dishonest reviewers, with the proportion of dishonest sellers fixed at 40%. Considering the fact that e-commerce platform managers would try their best to maintain market order in reality, the proportion of dishonest sellers should not be so high. That is because, if the proportion of dishonest sellers is very high, there will be moral hazards and adverse activities in the market, and then the market may crash. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that 40% is the worst proportion of dishonest sellers. If a filtering strategy is stable at this point, it should be stable when the proportion of dishonest sellers is smaller than 40%.

Figure 6 depicts the MAE curves of iClub, Amazon, E-sporas, AARE, and IBS under different attacks. Under AlwaysUnfair and Sybil attacks (Fig. 6(c) and (d)), our strategy performs the best when the proportion of dishonest reviewers is less than 70%. With an increasing proportion of dishonest reviewers, The MAE values of IBS strategy increase from 0.1 to above 0.5, those of E-sporas increase from 0.09 to 0.5, and those of AARE increase from 0.16 to about 0.7. In comparison, the performance of the Amazon strategy performs the worst, because it employs neither an accumulation method nor a filtering method. However, with an increasing proportion of dishonest reviewers, iClub, E-Sporas and AARE cannot readily discover trustable reviewers. In contrast, our IBS method can still identify lenient and strict reviewers quite accurately even if most reviewers are dishonest, as our selection method is resilient to their rareness.

Fig. 6
figure 6

MAEs of different methods defending against various attacks

Under Camouflage and Sybil_camouflage attacks (see Figs. 6(a) and (e), respectively), our strategy remains stable (with MAE around 0.1) and significantly performs better than the other four strategies. The MAE values of E-Spore and AARE strategies increase slightly from 0.15/0.16 to 0.23/0.20 with the increase proportion of dishonest reviewers, respectively. The Amazon strategy performs inferior than others, with its MAE value remaining around 0.20. Under Whitewashing and Sybil_whitewashing attacks, our method outperforms the other four methods when the proportion of dishonest reviewers is less than 70%, its MAE value increases slightly from 0.1 to 0.16 (see Figs. 6(b) and (f)). The MAE values of E-Spore and AARE remains about 0.16 in all cases. Although the E-Spore and AARE strategies perform better than IBS strategy when the proportion of dishonest reviewers is 80%, such extreme situation is impossible in reality. Compared to other methods, the iClub method has the worst performance, especially when defending against Whitewashing and Sybil_whitewashing attacks. This is because iClub needs to accumulate certain trading experience of buyers and sellers when filtering. If dishonest reviewers frequently change their identity, it is difficult for the iClub strategy to identify them.

In summary, based on the experimental results over simulated dataset, we can draw the following conclusions.

  • Conclusion 1. As long as enough trading experiences (i.e., ratings) are accumulated, the IBS strategy is accurate and stable in predicting sellers’ reputation.

  • Conclusion 2. Even in the extreme environment with a high proportion of dishonest reviewers, the IBS strategy presented in this paper outperforms the other four benchmarks when defending against most simulated attacks.

5.2 Experiments over real dataset

  1. (1)

    Experiments setting

To further demonstrate the performance of our strategy, we test it over a real-life dataset, the Yelp restaurant data [8]. It comprise a total number of 67,019 rating records and the rating time spans from October 2004 to October 2012. All “Y” reviews are obtained from the filtered section and “N” reviews from the regular pages. The proportion of reviews labeled with “N” is 87.6%. The total number of reviewers and sellers are 35,028 and 129, respectively. Besides, in the Yelp dataset, the reputation of each seller is denoted as Yelp _ rep(sj), where Yelp _ rep(sj) ∈  and 0 < Yelp _ rep(sj) ≤ 5. Different from the reputations as recorded in the dataset, the estimated reputation presented in this paper can be calculated over any period. To bridge the gap between these two kinds of reputations, we first arrange the Yelp reviews in reverse chronological order. The more recent a review is given, the nearer is it to the front of the queue (see the bottom rectangle of Fig. 7). It should be noted that the labeled reputations given by Yelp is accumulated ones since sellers’ account creation until the crawling time. According to the data extracted method in Fig. 7, the bigger the time window, the closer the predicted value of IBS’s seller reputation is to Yelp’s label value.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The extraction method of time window in two subsets of experiments

Before implementing our strategy, in order to eliminate data noise, we also pre-process the extracted data. Three data preprocessing methods (ATV-3, ATV-4, and ATV-5) are used and compared to delete reviewers with ratings volume below 3, 4, and 5, respectively. Figure 7 illustrates these preprocessing methods in graphical form. Table 7 shows a sample of data features that are extracted and pre-processed following the ATV-5 pre-processing methods.

Table 7 Characteristics of samples after preprocessing (ATV-5)

Two sub-sets of experiments are designed and implemented over the pre-processed real dataset. The first subset of experiments is to verify the influence of various values of parameters such as time window (i.e., ratings volume), IC and CF. The second subset of experiments aims at evaluating the effectiveness and stability of our approach. In the first subset of experiments, to explore the influence of time window, IC and CF on the performance of our strategy. Since a small window (lack of trading experience) will lead to unstable prediction results of the algorithm, in experiments, we assign time windows with values of 30,000, 40,000, and 50,000, respectively. Moreover, IC is assigned with 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.2, and 0.25, CF is set with 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8, respectively.

To evaluate the effectiveness and stability of our approach, we set the parameter of IC and CF according to the results of the first subset of experiment. Therefore, in the second subset of experiments, we fix IC and CF to 0.18 and 0.4, respectively. In the second subset of experiments, we compare four strategies, i.e., the Amazon strategy, three IBS strategies with different pre-processing methods such as ATV-3, ATV-4, and ATV-5. To analyze the stability of these strategies, we used these four strategies to predict the reputations of all sellers and analyze the variation trends of the predicted MAE of all sellers by increasing the size of time window gradually.

  1. (2)

    Evaluation criteria

In the experiment over real-life data set, the MAE between Yelp labeled reputation (i.e. Yelp _ rep(sj)) and the estimated window-based reputation (i.e., Ag _ rep(sj)) is calculated over above time windows according to the calculation principle given in Section 4.

$$ MAE=\frac{\sum \limits_{s_j\in s}\mid Ag\_ rep\left({s}_j\right)-\frac{Yelp\_ rep\left({s}_j\right)}{5}\mid }{\mid S\mid } $$

where Ag _ rep(sj) denotes the aggregated reputation of seller sj computed with Eq. (8), ∣S∣ the total number of sellers in Yelp, and Yelp _ rep(sj) the labeled reputation of seller sj that has been accumulated since user account creation.

  1. (3)

    Results and analysis about various parameters

Table 8 lists the results we get in the first subset of experiment, in which our strategy is assigned with various parameters values of ratings volume, IC, and CF. In this table, “ratings volume” is the number of ratings extracted according to Fig. 7. “Seller MAE” is the average reputation error of all sellers predicted by this strategy (the smaller the better). The ATV-5 data preprocessing method is used to delete reviewers with ratings volume below 5.

Table 8 MAE Result Display of IC and CF with Different Values

According to Table 8, when IC = 0.25, the MAE value is correspondingly larger than those with IC smaller than 0.25. Therefore, IC = 0.25 is not quite appropriate. Excluding the case of IC = 0.25, for all ratings volumes such as 40,000, 50,000, and 60,000, the change of CF value has little effect on MAE value. When the IC value is 0.16–0.2, the experimental results of MAE are slightly better, no matter how the CF and ratings volume change. Moreover, when IC and CF are fixed, no matter how ratings volume changes, the value of MAE can always be stabilized at about 0.08.

From above results, we can conclude that the best combination of parameters is IC = 0.18 and CF 0.2–0.4. In addition, we can also conclude that: even though the numbers of market participants (Table 7) vary dynamically, as long as the platform adopting our strategy has accumulated enough trading experiences (i.e., ratings), it can predict sellers’ reputations stably.

  1. (4)

    Results and analysis about effectiveness and stability of our approach

Figure 8 shows the variation of MAE over 26 time windows (the ratings volume changes from 10,000 to 60,000 with increments of 2000). The vertical and horizontal axes represent the sellers’ MAE values and the 26 time windows extracted from the recent starting point, respectively. The larger the value of horizontal axis, the earlier the window starts and the older the data samples are. ATV-5, ATV-4, and ATV-3 represent the three MAE trend curves after the data preprocessing of deleting reviewers with ratings volume below 5, 4, and 3, respectively. Amazon is the MAE trend curve calculated using Amazon Platform reputation Method.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Variation trend of MAE over time windows (IC = 0.18, CF = 0.4)

From Fig. 8, we can see that the four MAE curves decrease with the increase of the ratings volume. Amazon performed better than ATV-5 and ATV-4 when the ratings volume is smaller than 16,000. However, it becomes the worst when the accumulated ratings is larger than 30,000. Besides, the ATV-3 curve is the best one when the calculated ratings reach a large volume (MAE = 0.064). However, its stability is worse than other two curves when the ratings volume increases from 18,000 to 40,000. The ATV-4 and ATV-5 curves are more stable, and ATV-4 performs better than ATV-5, regardless of the number of ratings. The more the ratings volume, the smaller the difference is. As such, these experiments demonstrate that our strategy is very stable and closer to Yelp’s filtering strategy in performance. These results are due to the fact that the IBS strategy has not accumulated enough trading experience, which leads to the inaccuracy of predicting the seller’s reputation. Once enough experiences are accumulated, the performance of IBS strategy will increase no matter what kind of pre-processing methods (e.g., ATV-3, ATV-4 and ATV-5) are adopted. Therefore, we can conclude that the IBS strategy is more effective and stable than the Amazon one when enough experiences are accumulated.

Based on the results we get from the two subset of experiments, we can draw the following conclusion.

  • Conclusion Over the real-life Yelp dataset, the IBS strategy is also validity and stability when defending unknown attacks. Therefore, it is appropriate to apply in real e-commerce environment.

6 Conclusions and future work

As electronic markets do not have any prior knowledge about the trustworthiness of the sellers, they can only estimate the reputation of sellers according to reviewers’ historical ratings. However, there are no hints on the trustworthiness of the reviewers’ ratings either. Though researchers tried to design some filtering mechanisms to make the reputation system more robust against multifarious attacks, there are still great challenges in accurately estimating sellers’ reputations and improving the robustness of reputation systems.

In this paper, we present an unsupervised strategy composed of several algorithms. First, a novel nearest neighbor search algorithm is proposed for discovering some rare lenient reviewers and strict reviewers as benchmark for a cluster based pre-classification of honest and dishonest sellers [3, 10]. A key novelty of our nearest neighbor search algorithm is that it only needs to select two special kinds of reviewers (i.e., lenient reviewers and strict reviewers) based on their statistics characteristics instead of expensive computation of object density or adaptive convergence, which results in tremendously speedup. Besides, to overcome the rareness of lenient reviewers and strict reviewers, our algorithm imposes a limit to the size of selection of these two kinds of reviewers, which guarantees the convergence of our strategy. Secondly, the valid assumption “once a reviewer is classified as a strict or lenient one, the reviewer is expected to remain in the same category in the near future” according to the impression theory of social psychology help reduce the need of re-classification. Moreover, based on this assumption, two rules are formalized and used in pre-classifying sellers who have traded with these lenient and strict reviewers into honest and dishonest ones. Thirdly, the pre-classified partial sellers serve as benchmarks for evaluating trustworthiness of all the reviewers in the electronic market and dividing them into honest, dishonest, and uncertain ones. These results are finally used in calculating sellers’ reputation. We further design two general sets of experiments to evaluate the performance of our approach. Firstly, we simulate a B2B e-commerce market (in which each pair of buyer and seller may have long-term cooperative relationship) under different attacks through four sets of sub-experiments. The second set of experiments are based on real-life Yelp data set (a typical B2C market that most reviewers trade with the sellers only once). Experimental results show that our strategy not only can accurately estimate sellers’ reputations, but also can robustly defend against various attacks. Therefore, this strategy opens a new unsupervised research direction in defending reputation attack problems.

This paper takes the behavioral characteristics of the reviewers as the premise of filtering and classification, which implies that the more active reviewers and the more transaction volume, the higher the accuracy of the seller’s reputation prediction will be. Moreover, we validate the effectiveness of this strategy against common simulated reputation attacks (such as AlwaysUnfair, Sybil, Whitewashing, Camouflage, Sybil_Camouflage, and Sybil_Whitewashing) over simulated dataset as well as unknown attacks over real dataset. However, for sophisticated and evolutionary attacks, the effectiveness of our model needs further verification. With the running of each e-commerce platform and the setting of some accusation mechanism, a platform can receive more reports and build a black list of poor-reputation sellers. Therefore, we are planning to design a semi-supervised algorithm to accelerate the learning rate from the reviewers’ historical experience.

The strategy in this paper is applicable to situations where the quality of products or services provided by sellers is relatively stable. For most of the sellers who sell products (clothing, electrical appliances, etc.), most of the cases satisfy our assumptions because of the less frequent updating of commodity production equipment and the slow and steady progress of production technology. For the part of the sellers to provide services (restaurants, travel, etc), quality of service may change frequently. Under this situation, we can reduce the time windows so that our strategy can adapt to the change of service quality quickly. Further, if the actual situation is completely beyond the scope of application of this strategy, we will take into account the factors of frequent changes in quality in the subsequent research, and design a more widely used strategy. Besides, for electronic market platforms, passively waiting for reports and complaints is inadequate to defend dynamic evolution attacks. It is necessary for platforms to enhance the accuracy of deceptive actions detection on particular sellers and reviewers using their limited resources. Therefore, in the near future, we will study how to allocate detection resource based on the research of Hao et al. [5,6,25]. We are also interested in protecting the privacy of the reviewers and sellers as well as applying this approach under disastrous situations [2]. Moreover, we plan to incorporate the impression-based classification method of the strict and lenient persons into the approach of Zhao et al. [26, 27] for the application of social media data mining.