1 Introduction

Combinatorial optimisation approaches can be used to model many real-world activities in sectors such as transport and logistics (Cerulli et al., 2018), manufacturing and production (Rossi & Lanzetta, 2020), finance and banking (Doering et al., 2019), bioinformatics and health care (Rubio-Largo et al., 2018), energy systems (Corlu et al., 2020), military and defence (Kline et al., 2019), and telecommunication networks (Fernandez et al., 2018). Typically, real-life optimisation problems contain rich and soft constraints, as well as non-smooth objective functions, which makes many of them NP-hard optimisation problems. In addition, they frequently are of large size, including hundreds or thousands of variables (e.g., customers, products, assets, facilities, etc.). In this scenario, exact optimisation methods are of limited effectiveness, and so metaheuristics provide an excellent alternative to generate near-optimal solutions in reasonable computing times. As explained in Fischetti and Fischetti (2018), it is possible—and frequently convenient—to hybridise metaheuristics with exact methods (matheuristics), since it can help reach solutions of higher quality without incurring prohibitive computational times. However, many real-life systems are challenging not only because of their size but also because they are subject to uncertain and dynamic conditions. For instance, data may be dynamic: travel times, customers’ demands, processing times, and investment returns are better modelled as random variables than as constant values. In addition, real world systems are subject to random events during their operation, e.g., random failures of some components, unavailability of some customers or items, changes in market conditions, stockouts due to random demands, etc. Simulation-based optimisation approaches are required (Gosavi 2015; de Sousa Junior et al., 2019) to account for these stochastic uncertainties. Simulation-based optimisation approaches combine optimisation algorithms with simulation methods of any kind, e.g., Monte-Carlo simulation, discrete-event simulation, agent-based simulation, etc. Some simulation-based optimisation approaches rely on the use of heuristics or metaheuristics for their optimisation component. In particular, both biased-randomised (BR) heuristics (Grasas et al., 2017) and simheuristics (Chica et al., 2020) combine simulation with heuristics and/or metaheuristics. On the one hand, BR algorithms employ random sampling from a skewed probability distribution to induce a non-symmetric (biased) randomisation effect during the constructive process defined by the logic behind a heuristic procedure. This allows us to transform a deterministic procedure into a probabilistic algorithm, capable of generating alternative solutions of ‘good’ quality in extremely short computing times (Juan et al., 2009), which can even be real-time (less than a second) if parallel computing techniques are utilised. On the other hand, simheuristics integrate simulation into the metaheuristic framework, so that both components interact and exchange information while searching for an optimal solution in an environment with stochastic uncertainty. Still, other extensions of metaheuristics are possible and even necessary. For instance, some real-life optimisation problems also show dynamic behaviour—e.g., travel times might vary according to the traffic status, customers’ demands may depend upon managerial decisions, processing times may vary as servers become less efficient due to intensive use, etc.—which encourages the combination of metaheuristics with machine learning methods (learnheuristics) as a way to deal with non-static inputs (Calvet et al., 2017). The main contribution of this paper is to provide an updated overview of all of these extensions of the heuristic concept, which include: metaheuristics; matheuristics; simheuristics; BR heuristics; and learnheuristics. In doing so, the paper proposes the general terminology x-heuristics to cover the aforementioned extensions as well as other possible combinations among them. Thus, for instance, combinations of BR heuristics with metaheuristics (Ferone et al., 2019), simheuristics (Gonzalez-Martin et al., 2018), and learnheuristics (Bayliss et al., 2020) have already been presented in the scientific literature. Likewise, it seems quite obvious that some real-life problems might require the hybridisation of simheuristics with learnheuristics to deal with stochastic and dynamic conditions simultaneously. For a similar reason, the combination of metaheuristics, simulation, and fuzzy techniques seems to be a good choice to deal with optimisation problems that consider both stochastic as well as fuzzy uncertainty (Oliva et al., 2020). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a complete overview on x-heuristics is provided in the scientific literature and, therefore, we are optimistic that it can be extremely useful for both researchers and practitioners working in the areas of metaheuristic optimisation, simulation-based optimisation, and machine learning. Figure 1 presents the time evolution of these extensions during the last decade, measured by the number of Scopus-indexed articles that mention them in the title, abstract, or keywords.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Evolution of Scopus-indexed articles for each methodology

Notice that matheuristics are the most popular approach, and the one evolving faster. This reflects the differing strengths of exact methods and metaheuristics and the value of a combination between them. It is also due, at least in part, to the fact that the combination of exact optimisation methods with metaheuristic optimisation algorithms is a natural process, which is carried out by members of the same academic communities in Operations Research/Management Science (OR/MS) or Computer Science (CS). Other approaches, such as BR heuristics and simheuristics, are also becoming quite popular, despite the fact that they combine different tools (simulation and optimisation). Finally, learnheuristics is a quite recent concept, but the hybridisation of metaheuristics with machine learning is clearly a very promising area to explore in the future decade.

An overall picture of a field can be obtained by looking at bibliographic databases. A recent paper by Ezugwu et al. (2021) looked at Web of Science (WoS) data and identified research on metaheuristics in both the CS and OR/MS communities. We used the Scopus database, which has more records than WoS. When searching in Scopus for ‘simulation-based AND optimisation’, the first source of documents is the ‘Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference’ (www.wintersim.org), with up to 164 indexed papers. If we restrict the search in Scopus to journals in the period 2006–2020, then four distinct clusters of journals appear. Figure 2 shows the most cited journals clustered by their citation relations. On the top left are engineering journals, such as ‘Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization’. On the bottom left there is a small cluster of transport related journals, including ‘Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies’ and ‘Transport Research Record’. On the lower half of the figure, there is a cluster of OR/MS journals; within this, the ‘European Journal of Operational Research’ and the ‘Annals of Operations Research’ sit between the transport journals and the production journals, reflecting citation links to both. On the right of the figure, there is a cluster of energy-related journals, which have limited citation links with the other fields. This diverse range of domains of simulation in optimisation reflects the value of the techniques discussed in this review.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Main journals in Scopus publishing articles on ‘simulation-based optimisation’ from 2006 to 2020 (clustered in Vosviewer)

The rest of this document is arranged as follows: Sect. 2 provides a short review on metaheuristics, especially in the context of optimisation problems with stochastic components. Section 3 performs a similar analysis in the case of matheuristics. Next, Sect. 4 discusses the concepts of BR algorithms and how they can be applied in ‘agile’ optimisation. Section 5 reviews statistical and machine learning applications in the context of stochastic optimisation. Section 6 offers an overview of the relatively novel concepts of learnheuristics and simheuristics, while commenting on how they are being used to solve stochastic optimisation problems. Section 7 illustrates some numerical examples using several x-heuristics, while Sect. 8 discusses open challenges and research lines in the field. Finally, Sect. 9 summarises the main conclusions of the manuscript.

2 Metaheuristics in stochastic optimisation

Some well-known decision modelling methods often encounter a great deal of difficulty when solving the challenging optimisation problems that abound in the real world. Vitally important applications in business, engineering, economics, and science cannot be tackled with any reasonable hope of success, within practical time horizons, using exact solution methods that have been the predominant focus of academic research throughout the past three decades. In this context, heuristics have become a very popular family of solution methods for optimisation problems because they are capable of finding acceptable solutions in a reasonable amount of time. In recent decades, algorithmic advances—together with hardware and software improvements—have provided an excellent environment on which to build heuristic-based decision support systems that make use of effective frameworks called metaheuristics.

Metaheuristic approaches are dramatically changing our ability to solve problems of practical significance, and are extending the frontier of problems that can be handled effectively, including those with multiple objectives (Toutouh & Alba, 2017). The quality of their solutions often surpasses the quality obtained by methods previously applied. In this paper, we target a class of optimisation problems that are especially complex to solve, in which uncertainty adds an extra layer of difficulty, thus resulting in true challenges for standard optimisation solvers. It is well documented in the scientific literature that it is burdensome to obtain good solutions to many families of combinatorial optimisation problems, such as routing, scheduling, or production even in their deterministic versions. It is therefore expected that, when we include uncertainty or dynamism in the problem definition, the associated models become especially difficult to solve.

At its core, a metaheuristic algorithm is a search methodology that attempts to find the best (optimal)—or at least a ‘good’—feasible proposal in the solution space defined by the problem representation and the set of constraints in the problem. One metaheuristic methodology may differ from another in the way in which it explores the solution space. What they have in common is that they provide the user with a set of rules to guide the design of a heuristic for a specific problem. In this sense, we say that metaheuristics are problem-independent, and that it is possible to customise them to solve a particular problem and end up with a heuristic. In their three-volume Handbook of Heuristics, Martí et al. (2018) compiled 8 search strategies, 4 simple local search based methods, and 14 complex metaheuristics. Search strategies refer to methodological aspects of the elements that can be included in different solving methods to improve their performance. Multi-start and data mining techniques are frequently employed as search strategies. Local search methods are at the core of most existing solvers, and explore neighbourhood solutions in search for a local optima. Metaheuristics describe master templates that guide us in creating specific algorithms or heuristics that solve a given problem. They do this by implementing search strategies and/or local search methods, which are customised to the characteristics of the distinct problem under analysis. In this paper, we consider a classification of the most commonly applied methodologies into three categories: local search based methods, adaptive memory programming, and evolutionary computation approaches. The first includes the methodologies in which one of the main elements is a local search that explores the solution space by successively altering solutions locally. The second, adaptive memory programming, comprises methods that are based on the use of memory, which means that they employ past information to make strategic choices in the search process. Finally, evolutionary algorithms, which are possibly now the most popular class of metaheuristics, are adaptive search procedures based on principles derived from the dynamics of natural population genetics. We now highlight three well-known methodologies in each category, although we want to make it clear that this list, far from being exhaustive, only contains some illustrative cases:

  • Local search based Greedy randomised search procedures (GRASP), variable neighbourhood search (VNS) and iterated local search (ILS);

  • Adaptive memory programming Tabu search (TS), scatter search (SS) and ant colony optimisation (ACO);

  • Evolutionary methods Genetic algorithms (GA), evolutionary strategies (ES) and memetic algorithms (MA).

In this section, we consider one methodology in each group according to the above classification, to show their implementation in the case of stochastic optimisation. In particular, we consider GRASP, TS, and GA. We recommend that the reader further consult the excellent review on metaheuristics for stochastic optimisation by Bianchi et al. (2009), in which four metaheuristic methodologies are considered: ACO, ES, simulated annealing, and TS. These authors perform an exhaustive review of the previous approaches—see also Brabazon et al. (2015). Likewise, a recent review on the use of metaheuristics to solve multi-objective optimisation problems is provided by Liu et al. (2020). We limit ourselves to briefly describing the methods chosen, and illustrate them on one of the most popular combinatorial optimisation problems, the vehicle routing problem (VRP), a recent review of which can be found in Elshaer and Awad (2020).


The GRASP methodology was developed by Feo and Resende (1995). It was first used to solve computationally difficult set covering problems. Each GRASP iteration consists of constructing a trial solution and then applying a local search procedure to find a local optimum (i.e., the final solution for that iteration). The construction phase is iterative, greedy and adaptive. It is iterative because the initial solution is built considering one element at a time. The greedy property reflects the greedy approach used to add each element. Finally, it is adaptive since the element chosen at any iteration in a construction is a function of those chosen previously, and thus relevant information is updated from one construction step to the next. The local search complements the construction phase by improving the emerging solution via a series of consecutive moves.

Local search methods, such as GRASP, are applied to many different stochastic optimisation problems. For instance, in the VRP with stochastic demands a fleet of limited capacity vehicles, located at the depot, has to deliver a product to a set of customers with uncertain demands, which are only known upon the vehicle’s arrival. The standard way to approach this problem is called two-stage programming. In the first stage, a set of routes is build and evaluated, including its feasibility. If there is a capacity constraint violation (failure), a corrective action (recourse) is taken to recover feasibility, which typically entails adding the extra cost of travelling back to the depot, therefore changing the total duration of the route. At this point, a deterministic version of the problem is considered by replacing the random demands by their expected values. In the second stage, many scenarios are simulated (by generating values of the random demands) to evaluate the solution in terms of the stochastic data. The approach minimises the cost of the routes, including the expected recourse actions.

Mendoza et al. (2016) apply GRASP to the VRP with stochastic demands. Their method uses a set of randomised route-first cluster-second heuristics to generate starting solutions, and a variable neighbourhood descent procedure for the local search phase. For the routing phase, this GRASP implementation applies randomised versions of standard travelling salesman problem (TSP) constructive methods. The clustering phase is performed with an adaptation of the classic splitting procedure in routing problems. An interesting implementation detail is the efficient route evaluation using a profile tree that is maintained incrementally.

Ferone et al. (2019) also apply GRASP to the VRP with stochastic demands. The authors implement an advanced design in which, in the construction phase, the selection of the elements in the restricted candidate list is guided by a probability function instead of the traditional uniform distribution. Their implementation handles the stochastic environment in a two-stage process. In the first stage, the local optima obtained in all GRASP iterations are evaluated by means of short term simulations (to keep the computational effort moderate). Then, only the best local optima—or elite solutions according to this fast evaluation—are submitted to a complete evaluation, which discloses the best solution returned by the method.

2.2 Tabu search

The term Tabu search (TS) was coined in the same paper that introduced the term metaheuristic (Glover, 1986). It is based on artificial intelligence principles, such as memory structures and learning mechanisms. To introduce the methodology, we compare a simple version of TS with a standard descent method for minimising an objective function. Such a method only permits moves to neighbouring solutions that improve (reduce or increase) the current objective function value, and the process ends when no further improvement is possible. The final solution is a local optimum value, since it is at least as good as, or better than, all solutions in its neighbourhood. TS may start in the same way as a descent method but, instead of stopping at the local optimum, the search continues. To perform this process, it has to select moves that cause the objective function value to deteriorate, and therefore it incorporates a mechanism to prevent cycling when alternating between improving and non-improving moves. This is implemented in an efficient way by means of a dynamic neighbourhood definition.

Gendreau et al. (1996) address stochastic demands and customers in a classic paper on TS for the VRP. According to these authors, the shape of optimal solutions for a VRP with stochastic elements is quite often counter-intuitive from a geometric standpoint, thus making it particularly hard to solve. One of the major contributions of that paper is the development of an easily-computed proxy for the objective function—to be used in the evaluation of potential moves—together with the elaboration of a series of mechanisms aimed at efficiently managing that proxy. Regarding the exploration, the neighbourhood definition is based on insertions, and the tabu tenure is randomly set in an interval depending on the problem size. The quality of the method can be assessed using empirical results on instances with a known optimum for deterministic values.

Li and Li (2020) propose a TS for a stochastic VRP with time windows. Starting from a greedy solution, the method implements three standard neighbourhoods in routing problems: 2-opt, swap, and reallocate. Vehicle travel times, service times, and arrival times are normally-distributed random variables. Therefore, the objective function is comprised of three parts: vehicle travel cost, penalty cost for earlier arrival and penalty cost for later arrival. Their computational experience shows that the greater the variance, the stronger the randomness of vehicle travel times and service times, and the worse the optimal solution and average solution obtained by the algorithm.

2.3 Genetic algorithms

Holland (1975) introduced the GA and the notion of imitating nature and the “survival of the fittest” paradigm, inspired by Darwin’s theory. In a GA, a population of candidate solutions, called chromosomes, evolves over successive generations using three genetic operators: selection, crossover, and mutation. Firstly, every chromosome is assigned a tness value based on some criteria, and the selection mechanism is invoked to choose relatively t chromosomes to be part of the reproduction process. Next, new chromosomes are created through the crossover and mutation operators, which diversify the population. The crossover generates new individuals (offspring) by recombining the characteristics of existing ones, while the mutation operator is used to maintain population diversity with the goal of avoiding premature convergence. The mutation operation diversifies the search process to explore the candidate plan on the solution space in a random way. The offspring then wholly or partly replace the existing members of the population; a fitness-based selection mechanism may also be employed in replacement. Advanced GA designs include the application of local search methods to improve solutions, speeding up the convergence process (Ünal & Başçiftçi, 2020). When a GA is coupled with a local search, the resulting algorithm is sometimes referred to as a memetic algorithm (MA).

In the context of the stochastic VRP, Mak and Guo (2004) propose a variant of the standard GA, called Age-GA, in which individuals are not replaced in each generation by their respective offspring. Instead, they continuously may generate new offspring. This amendment means that the survival period of potential individuals becomes longer. With this, more useful information and properties can be inherited by their offspring. The number of chromosomes generated by and surviving in each age-group is determined by two sets of parameters, birth rate and survival rate, respectively. In this way, the population contains individuals of different ages. The mutation process, as well as the crossover process, may change the number of subroutes in a solution, as well as the customer sequence in a service route.

In terms of the stochastic model considered, Mak and Guo (2004) follow the standard scheme from Gendreau et al. (1996), in which the objective is to design a first stage solution that minimises the expected cost of the second stage solution. Eighteen randomly generated problems comprise the benchmark instances used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. A canonical GA is also applied to solve the same group of numerical problems, and it exhibits worse performance than the Age-GA proposed here. The results show that optimal or near-optimal solutions can be obtained by using Age-GA with a reasonable computational time.

This section cannot be complete without briefly describing a very interesting approach presented by Bianchi et al. (2004) on different metaheuristics for the stochastic VRP, including a GA. These authors focus on an important aspect of designing metaheuristics for the VRP with stochastic demands (and for stochastic combinatorial optimisation problems in general): the objective function is computationally demanding, and effective approximations of it should be employed. In particular, they test the impact on the performance of GA, ACO, and TS of using the tour length of the aprioristic tour as a fast approximation of the objective function. An important contribution of the their work is the speedup of the algorithm due to the use of a fast approximation of the objective in the local search, when many potential moves must be evaluated before one is chosen. The use of this ad-hoc approximation permits a straightforward application of metaheuristics originally designed for deterministic problems. The literature on metaheuristics for stochastic optimisation can be divided into those approaches using ad-hoc approximations—such as this one—and those applying Monte-Carlo simulation—such as the ones reviewed above. We may consider these improvements in the implementation of metaheuristics as a first step in the design of more advanced hybrid methods, such as the simheuristics and learnheuristics covered in the following sections.

3 Exact methods and matheuristics in stochastic optimisation

As demonstrated in Sect. 2, heuristics generally offer good solutions in low computational times, but it is difficult to quantify the quality of the solution. Mathematical programming exact approaches guarantee finding global optimal solutions. As any other methodology discussed in this paper, mathematical programming approaches can be employed to solve both single- and multi-objective optimisation problems (Bramblett et al., 2021). Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solvers have demonstrated massive gains in computational speed becoming 1,250,000 times faster over the period 1990 to 2016. This has been accompanied by significant improvements in hardware, making MILP solvers more than 2 trillion times faster than in the 1990s (Bertsimas et al., 2016). However, a continuing drawback of using exact methods to solve NP-complete problems is that (with current knowledge) the computational needs may increase exponentially with the problem size. Therefore, only small instances of the most challenging real world problems can be solved in a reasonable time (Chaudry et al., 2020).

Some of the limitations of exact approaches such as scalability and determinism point to gaps that can be addressed by augmenting and adapting existing techniques. Matheuristics aim to combine the advantages of exact approaches and heuristic-based approaches, and a suitable combination of heuristics or metaheuristics with exact methods in a matheuristic framework can improve both solution quality and run times (Fischetti & Fischetti, 2018).

3.1 Overview of exact mathematical programming approach

A brief overview of exact mathematical programming approaches for VRPs appears in Carroll and Keenan (2019). Linear programming (LP) maximises (or minimises) a linear function of real-valued decision variables subject to a set of linear constraints. A typical mathematical formulation is:

$$\begin{aligned}&\max \qquad \qquad \sum _{i=1}^n c_i x_i&\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\text{ subject } \text{ to }&\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\qquad \qquad \qquad \,\sum _{i =1}^n a_{ji}x_i \le b_j \qquad \forall \,\,j = 1, 2, \ldots m \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\qquad \qquad \qquad \, x_i \in \mathbb {R}^+ \qquad \qquad \qquad \forall \,\,i = 1, 2, \ldots n \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_i\) are the decision variables, \(c_i\) are the objective function cost coefficients, \(b_j\) are the resource limits or constraint bounds, \(a_{ji}\) are the elements of an \(m \times n\) matrix representing the usage of resource j by decision activity i and \(\mathbb {R}^+\) denotes the set of non-negative real numbers. An optimal solution is found at a vertex of the LP solution space. Since the feasible solution space is bounded by the linear constraints of the problem, the solution space is convex and the optimal solution is guaranteed to be globally optimal.

The VRP, the team orienteering problem (TOP) (Bayliss et al., 2020), and the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) (de Armas et al., 2019) are discrete optimisation problems that fall into the class of NP-complete problems. Decisions have to be made on the order in which to visit customers or locations. The aforementioned problems are naturally modelled by graphs with nodes representing (warehouse) depots, customers—locations to be visited—and edges or arcs representing roads or links in transport networks. Graph models are suitable contexts for integer programming (IP) formulations, which opens the opportunity to apply well developed MILP techniques. For example, a route can be defined as a sequence of road network segments. The road network can be modelled as a graph \(G = (V,E)\), where each edge ij can then be associated with an integer decision variable, \(x_{ij}\), indicating the number of times the edge should be traversed in the recommended solution. Unfortunately, the addition of the integrality constraints means that the optimal IP solution may no longer be located at a vertex of the LP relaxation (i.e., the LP problem with real valued decision variables). Hence, we have to resort to algorithms that methodically search for feasible integer solutions, such as branch-and-bound. This search approach does not scale well, and IP is itself an NP-Hard problem.

Advanced techniques, such as branch-and-cut, are used to improve performance (Naddef & Rinaldi, 2002). This approach identifies additional valid inequalities (called cuts) that are added during the branch-and-bound search to cut off parts of the LP search space that do not contain valid integer solutions. An alternative approach is to consider a subset of the decisions, and only add the decision variables (columns) to the matrix if they add value to the objective function. This type of search is called branch-and-price or column generation. The branch-and-cut approach adds rows to the matrix. In contrast, the branch-and-price approach adds columns.

Finding the best cuts to add to the problem is called the cut separation problem. Some types of cuts can be separated exactly in polynomial time, but the cut separation problem for some types of cuts is NP-Hard. Rounded capacity inequalities are valid for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). Diarrassouba (2017) shows that separating these cuts is as hard as solving a Bin Packing Problem. The author shows that the rounded capacity inequalities separation problem is strongly NP-hard but demonstrates specific cases which can be separated in polynomial time using maximum flow computations. Bektaş et al. (2019) give a comprehensive summary of their separation procedures for different families of valid inequalities for a variant of the CVRP. The authors propose an IP formulation for the Balanced Vehicle Routing Problem (BVRP) where each vehicle must visit a maximum and a minimum number of customers. Along with a polyhedral analysis of the BVRP polytope, they describe cut separation algorithms ranging from a TS to separate rounded capacity inequalities, to exact approaches to separate multistar inequalities. Deciding which cuts to separate, and how and when to separate them, is part of the branch-and-cut algorithm design space.

3.2 Overview of matheuristcs

Heuristics can be used throughout the IP search, starting from simple approaches such as variable fixing or rounding an LP relaxation, i.e., omitting the integer constraints in the model. This can be useful in finding an initial feasible integer solution, thus reducing the integrality gap—the gap between the LP relaxation and the best integer solution. Puchinger and Raidl (2005) discuss the integration of exact and heuristic methods. They suggest that combinations can be classified into loosely coupled collaborative combinations or more tightly coupled integrative combinations. The simplest form of collaboration is sequential execution, in which a heuristic approach is used to establish the value of an upper bound. Parallel or intertwined execution might take advantage of modern multiprocessor computers, and allow a heuristic approach to work in parallel with an exact method, again perhaps calculating an upper bound. However, an integrative combination of methods is needed to achieve substantial benefits. This has led to a new class of algorithms known as matheuristics, which closely combine heuristic and exact approaches. Boschetti et al. (2009) describe matheuristics as “heuristic algorithms made by the interoperation of metaheuristics and mathematical programming techniques”. Matheuristic approaches may exploit exact techniques within metaheuristic frameworks or may use heuristics to improve the performance of exact approaches.

Archetti and Speranza (2014) propose an alternative taxonomy of matheuristics for routing problems with three main approaches: decomposition, improvement heuristics, and branch-and-price/column generation-based approaches. Using a decomposition approach, the problem is decomposed into sub-problems, some or all of which are solved to near-optimality using exact approaches. Improvement heuristics apply exact approaches to enhance a sub-optimal solution that has been created using a heuristic. Finally, the integrated approach incorporates appropriate heuristics into the branch-and-cut or branch-and-price MILP frameworks. Fischetti and Fischetti (2018) focus on this last category, and describe matheuristics not as a rigid paradigm but as a concept framework. They describe local branching as being in the spirit of local search metaheuristics, where the k-opt neighbourhood of a reference binary solution vector x is searched to find a better nearby solution by flipping (complementing) a small number of the binary variables. In what they call a relaxation induced neighbourhood search, decision variables that have integer values at specified nodes in the branch-and-bound search are fixed at those integer values. This effectively reduces the number of columns of the matrix, making the remaining MILP easier to solve. They next describe a polishing algorithm, which invokes a GA at selected nodes of the branch-and-bound tree. Members of a fixed size population of feasible solutions are combined, and a similar integer-fixing approach for good solutions is used to reduce the search space: if the decision variable value in the parents is the same, the decision variable is fixed to that integer value. Lastly, they describe proximity search, which addresses the issue of fixing the local branching search to a k neighbourhood. An iterative search of varying values of k is conducted using a tolerance limit, which specifies a minimum improvement required as a stopping criterion.

3.3 Applications of matheuristics

Matheuristics are applied in many application areas; among them vehicle routing problems and transport scheduling problems, as there is real difficulty in solving many real-world problems in these domains. Complex routing problems are often compound in nature. This is the case, for example, for the location-routing problem (Almouhanna et al., 2020) or inventory-routing problem (IRP) (Gruler et al., 2020). The partitioning or clustering of customers would seem to make the problems suitable for divide-and-conquer approaches, so that optimal routes need only be found for the customer clusters. Unfortunately, this decomposition yields sub-optimal solutions in general. The customer clustering acts to compound the combinatorial nature of routing problems, which makes them some of the most challenging optimisation problems. Their compound nature make them very difficult to solve, but can facilitate their solution by a combination of different methods. Other transportation problems are stochastic in nature, which proves challenging for exact methods, and matheuristics can often make a useful contribution here.

Schermer et al. (2019) and Oliveira et al. (2018) describe matheuristic approaches that can be classed as decomposition matheuristics. Schermer et al. (2019) discuss the VRP for drones and propose a matheuristic that decomposes the problem into an allocation component and a sequencing component. The allocation component is solved using traditional VRP heuristics and drone assignment, while scheduling is subsequently determined by a MILP. For larger problems, they further decompose the assignment and scheduling phase into several smaller problems. Schermer et al. (2019) also test an exact approach, which in many cases is unable to solve the problem in the time allocated. However, their matheuristic is capable of getting a solution within this time that is superior to any known solution in the literature. This approach approximately fits in the decomposition class of Archetti and Speranza (2014), with some of the sub-problems solved heuristically and some solved exactly. Oliveira et al. (2018) discuss the use of a matheuristic approach to solve a challenging stochastic problem in car rental fleet management. They propose a MILP model and decompose the decisions of the original MILP model, with some of the integer decisions made by a GA. These partial solutions are fixed, and the MILP model is solved for the remaining decisions.

Examples of improvement heuristics include those from Archetti et al. (2012), Penna et al. (2019) and Keskin and Çatay (2018). In the first of these three papers, Archetti et al. (2012) use a matheuristic that combines TS with the solution of the MILP for a single vehicle inventory IRP. Penna et al. (2019) also use an improvement heuristic approach and show that their matheuristic is not only effective at finding solutions, but also stable in that good solutions were found in almost all cases. This is an important result since in many practical situations maximising the worst case performance is more important than maximising the best case. They combine a multi-start ILS with a set partitioning IP approach. The heuristic builds a pool of initial routes, which are then finalised in a restricted IP model. Keskin and Çatay (2018) describe the electric VRP with time windows and three different recharging strategies. They couple an adaptive large neighbourhood search (ALNS) approach with an exact approach to solve large problem instances. They use a two-phase matheuristic approach, which falls into the improvement class of Archetti and Speranza (2014). In the first phase, an ALNS is used to find an initial good solution, which is improved in the second MILP phase. Fischetti and Fischetti (2018) also use an improvement heuristic to tackle a distance-constrained capacitated VRP. As noted, these problems’ combinatorial nature creates an additional layer of optimisation to find a balanced distribution of the nodes between the routes. An ad-hoc heuristic is used to create and recombine solutions with a MILP used to reallocate some solution components.

Archetti et al. (2017) use an approach integrating both a decomposition and an improvement search for a multi-vehicle IRP. In this approach, an initial solution is found using a LP relaxation. Then, a TS is employed to refine the initial solution, and a further IP formulation is solved using information from the TS to fix some variables and focus the search on the most promising part of the solution space. This matheuristic allows larger problems to be solved to optimality. Fischetti and Fischetti (2018) describe two further applications that can be classed as an integrated approach. They address a wind farm layout optimisation problem using the proximity search approach. These authors use a heuristic to fix some of the variables in a multi-start branch-and-bound search, so that they can solve a challenging packing problem that arises in inventory allocation applications. In this problem, the operational cost for packing the bins is relatively high, and even calculating the LP relaxation for this problem turns out to be computationally expensive. They exploit the structure of the MILP model and design a heuristic to iteratively solve a restricted problem—where a subset of variables are fixed—and report good results using the matheuristic. A recent paper (Vadseth et al., 2021) discusses the Maximum Level replenishment IRP. This work shows that a matheuristic can find very close to optimal answers for small problems in a fraction of the execution time required by exact methods. For larger problems, their matheuristic found effective solutions for problem sizes where the exact methods could not produce useful results in reasonable time. This reinforces the conclusion of other work like Schermer et al. (2019) that matheuristics are valuable for problem sizes beyond the current capacity of exact methods. Fischetti and Fischetti (2018) note that designing an effective heuristic is an art that cannot be framed into strict rules. Our brief survey of applications shows the diversity of matheuristic approaches that can be useful in solving challenging combinatorial optimisation problems. The way in which heuristics are incorporated into the MILP framework impacts the computational speedup and the degree to which the integrality gap can be closed.

3.4 Further limitations of MILP

A final concern for LP and MILP is that the parameters \(c_i\), \(a_{ji}\), and \(b_j\) from Eqs. (1) and (2) must be known with certainty. The focus on the electrification of transport to mitigate climate change and the increased availability of data from intelligent transport applications open opportunities to use new data sources to address rich and real-life VRP variants (Vidal et al., 2020). This requires us to adapt deterministic exact techniques and explore stochastic variants that allow us explore the stochastic nature of the real world rather than relying on simple expected values of the parameters. Techniques such as chance constrained programming, stochastic programming and robust optimisation are used to address uncertainty in the data.

4 Biased-randomised heuristics and agile optimisation

BR methods allow us to transform a constructive heuristic, which follows a certain (problem-dependent) logic, into a probabilistic algorithm, which introduces minor deviations from the aforementioned logic. This is achieved by simply introducing a ‘light’ randomness into the heuristic procedure, i.e., a randomness that does not modify the original logic in a significant way. As explained in Grasas et al. (2016), there are many ways to generate such an effect, but one of the most efficient ones—in terms both of computational efficiency and results quality—is by employing, during the solution-building process, skewed (non-symmetric) probability distributions to select the next step, from a candidate list sorted according to a logical criterion. In other words, the skewed probability distribution assigns higher probabilities of being selected to building steps located at the top of the list, and lower probabilities to those located near the bottom. Then, Monte-Carlo simulation (random sampling) is employed to sequentially select these building steps, which introduces some random but relatively small deviations from the original heuristic; the actual size of these deviations is typically defined by a parameter. Consequently, this biased-randomised algorithm can be executed multiple times, thus generating alternative solutions of similar quality. As depicted in Fig. 3, BR algorithms fall somewhere between heuristics and metaheuristics in terms of the quality of the solutions they can generate. The relevant aspect is that they offer the possibility of reaching these intermediate solutions with virtually the same wall-clock time as the one employed by the heuristic: as will be discussed later, this is achieved by executing different threads in parallel.

Fig. 3
figure 3

A classification of x-heuristics based on agility and quality of solutions

From a computational point of view, one of the most effective ways to introduce a biased randomisation into a heuristic is by employing the geometric probability distribution. This arises because this distribution has only one parameter, \(\alpha \in (0,1)\), and an analytical expression exists to quickly generate random observations from a geometric distribution—thus eliminating the need for time-consuming loops. On the one hand, as the value of \(\alpha \) approaches 1, the probabilistic algorithm performs more greedily (i.e., more similarly to the original heuristic). On the other hand, values of \(\alpha \) close to 0 emulate the behaviour of a uniform randomisation (i.e., larger deviations from the logic behind the heuristic). It is the use of intermediate values that allows us to explore different regions of the solution space while, at the same time, keeping in mind the logical criterion employed to sort the list of building steps.

BR strategies can be used to extend and enhance the performance of classical metaheuristics (Ferone et al., 2019) and are used in solving multiple optimisation problems, such as facility location problems (Quintero-Araujo et al., 2017), vehicle routing problems (Fikar et al., 2016; Belloso et al., 2019), or inventory management problems (Quintero-Araujo et al., 2019a). In addition, these strategies can easily be combined with simheuristics to deal with optimisation problems with stochastic components. This form of hybridisation can be found, for instance, in Gruler et al. (2020) for addressing the multi-period IRP with stochastic demands, or in Guimarans et al. (2018) for solving the two-dimensional vehicle routing problem with stochastic travel times.

One interesting aspect of BR algorithms is that they can be naturally executed in parallel, i.e., we can use multiple CPU/GPU cores to simultaneously run a large number of threads of the biased-randomised version of the heuristic. Notice that each of these threads will execute in virtually the same time as the original heuristic, which typically means much less than a second on a modern CPU—except maybe for exceptionally large-scale problems that might require a few seconds of computation. Thus, these parallelised BR algorithms constitute an efficient tool when performing ‘agile optimisation’, where: (i) the best possible solution to a large-scale NP-hard optimisation problem is required in real-time; and (ii) the underlying system or process needs to be re-optimised every few minutes (or even less) as the inputs and constraints are dynamically modified due to the arrival of new data or to changes in environmental conditions. This is the case, for instance, with ride-sharing operations in smart cities (Martins et al., 2021) or when solving two-echelon vehicle routing problems in real-time (Martins et al., 2020).

5 Statistical and machine learning in stochastic optimisation

Statistical learning (SL) and machine learning (ML) can be combined with stochastic optimisation from different points of view. One of them is the algorithmic approach in which the methods help each other for training, or to estimate different internal control parameters. The second point of view is related to the use of SL and ML to handle stochastic problems. Here, the learning tools play an important role, since they permit one to estimate, predict, and generate different variables that directly affect the problem formulation. Figure 4 presents a classification of the approaches that use SL and ML in stochastic optimisation. This section studies the most recent advances in the two directions, and permits an understanding of how the methodologies can be combined.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Different approaches of ML and SL in stochastic optimisation

5.1 Merging SL and ML with stochastic optimisation algorithms

SL and ML algorithms and stochastic optimisation commonly help each other to solve the drawbacks that each one presents for solving complex problems. The fields of ML and SL are wide, and there exist numerous methods for different tasks like regression, classification, clustering, data exploration, prediction, etc. For supervised learning tasks, such methods have a training phase in which the information is presented to the algorithm and it can be adapted to the data set by the modification of internal parameters. This process is vital for both ML and SL, since the algorithm learns from the sample(s) and a good training is reflected in the final use of the approach. In most learning algorithms, the training process can be seen from an optimisation point of view, and different methodologies of stochastic optimisation can be applied. Some open problems in this direction are presented in Gambella et al. (2020). An important example is in the supervised training of neural networks, including deep nets, where the parameters to be trained or estimated are hidden layer weights on arcs within the network. A common objective function is the total squared error, a measure of cost, defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} E = \sum _{k=1}^{N} \sum _{q=1}^{M} \left( y_{q}^{k}-\hat{y}_{q}^{k}\right) ^{2} \end{aligned}$$

where N is the training set size, that is, the number of input data vectors (and also output vectors), M is the number of output neurons, and \(y_q^k\) and \(\hat{y}_{q}^{k}\) are, respectively, the target and predicted values of component q of the kth output vector. Then, the objective is to minimise this ‘sum-of-squares’ (quadratic) error function. If this were a convex objective, a gradient descent approach could be used to find an exact optimum. However, it is in general a multimodal objective surface. Yet, gradient descent methods are still commonly used. For instance, the backpropagation algorithm reduces the total error E by calculating the gradient of the error surface E at its current point (corresponding to the current weight vector for the network) and adjusting the weights in the network to descend the error surface.

In ML, especially when using deep nets, a major issue is the large training sets needed for good generalisation, as these are inevitably more computationally costly. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), an adaptation of gradient descent, is used for almost all deep learning training. As above, the error function of a learner is typically written as a sum of per-item error (the loss function) over all training data items, or as a mean of these per-item errors. If there are N training items, then an epoch of backpropagation training with gradient descent requires computing partial derivatives of the loss function for each, at a computational cost of O(N). For a training set of billions of items, each descent step becomes unacceptably long. SGD interprets the gradient as an expectation, which can be estimated using a small set (called a minibatch) of training examples. The minibatch size is typically between one and a few hundred, and this size is not changed even as the training set size N increases. The minibatch of examples is drawn either systematically or uniformly randomly from the training set. Using SGD, a model can be fitted to a training set of billions of examples, even though it uses updates computed on only a few hundred examples from the minibatch. Sun et al. (2020) give a useful overview of SGD and related optimisation methods in ML parameter optimisation.

Moreover, ML and SL are able to enhance different aspects of optimisation algorithms (including heuristics). In stochastic optimisation, the methodologies of ML and SL can be used not only to estimate and configure different parameters and variables of the algorithm, but also to find some values of the objective function. The implementation directly depends on the nature of the problem to be solved. In general terms, the optimisation algorithm collects information about the search space by using different operators. Then, using ML/SL, the collected information is analysed. By including ML/SL approaches, it is then possible to improve the search procedure and find more accurate solutions. Corne et al. (2012) present a study of the synergies between data mining algorithms with optimisation algorithms for specific multiobjective problems. This work provides an overview of how ML/SL approaches can be incorporated into optimisation algorithms. In particular, the article explains how data mining can help in the field of OR/MS. Essentially, the authors cover three different ways to hybridise these methods. The first one is to speed up the search process, the second is to improve the quality of the obtained results, and the third is to tune the optimisation algorithm. In the same way, Zhang et al. (2011) present an interesting survey related to evolutionary algorithms and ML. The authors mention different ways of incorporating the two fields. Here, the most important remarks are how ML could help to learn the structure of the problem and also how it is able to predict prominent regions of the search space. It is possible to find several interesting approaches related to the application of hybrid optimisation algorithms. For example, the use of a ML rule called opposition-based learning (OBL) with a stochastic version is considered to improve the differential evolution algorithm in Choi et al. (2019). The idea behind OBL is to evaluate a solution and its opposite at the same time, and then decide which one of them is better. This permits a wide exploration of the solution space with a better chance of finding the optimal solution, while avoiding sub-optimal regions.

Recently, researchers have begun to explicitly combine the fields of SL/ML together with OR/MS. For example, Bertsimas and Kallus (2020) “combine ideas from ML and OR/MS in developing a framework, along with specific methods, for using data to prescribe optimal decisions in OR/MS problems that leverage auxiliary observations”. These authors introduce the concept of a predictive prescription: a function z(x) that prescribes a decision in anticipation of the future, given the observation \(X=x\). The authors provide constructions for predictive prescriptions, including constructions based on empirical risk minimisation, and show that these are computationally tractable under mild conditions. They further show that the prescriptions asymptotically converge to true full information optimisers. Also, their work can be extended to the case where some decision variables may affect the uncertain variable in unknown ways not captured in the cost function. Analogously to the SL concept of coefficient of determination, \(R^2\), they introduce a metric called the coefficient of prescriptiveness to measure the efficacy of predictive prescriptions. The authors conclude by applying the approach to a real-world inventory management problem. Related work has been carried out on the so-called ‘predict-then-optimise framework’. For example, El Balghiti et al. (2019) derive generalisation bounds on a loss function that considers the cost of the decisions induced by the predicted parameters, rather than the prediction error of the parameters themselves. The fields of SL and stochastic programming are extremely applicable to many situations. Their merging allows the use of more robust algorithms for solving complex problems, for example in big data. The learning enabled optimisation (LEO) proposed by Sen and Deng (2018) is part of the suite of hybrid methods in which SL is combined with stochastic optimisation. The idea is to use any relevant SL approach to analyse the information of the data set. Then, with the optimisation step, it is possible to adopt different paths while the algorithm is running.

5.2 SL and ML for solving stochastic optimisation problems

SL and ML techniques can help to identify and model different variables of stochastic problems. Since such problems are hard and complex, they include values that are constantly updated or that came from different sources. The use of SL/ML methods is then extended to handle the special conditions of stochastic optimisation. We will now analyse the different applications in which ML are used for solving stochastic problems. Donti et al. (2017) discuss learning probabilistic ML models in the context of stochastic programming and examine three real-world applications: an inventory stock problem, an electrical grid scheduling problem, and an energy storage arbitrage task. In energy, Crespo-Vazquez et al. (2018) propose the use of a ML mechanism for multivariate clustering and recurrent neural networks. Such approaches are used to handle the uncertainty in energy price. The goal of this is to find patterns in the daily prices, then extract information out of the sequence in which those patterns appear. In the field of manufacturing, the use of reinforcement learning in stochastic optimisation is proposed by Mosadegh et al. (2020). The authors incorporate Q-learning for solving the mixed-model sequencing problem (MMSP) with stochastic processing times. The goal is to minimise expected total work-overload and idleness. Since the MMSP is an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem, it is necessary to have powerful algorithms that permit finding optimal (or near-optimal) solutions. In ML it is possible to find algorithms that work with mathematical and statistical distributions. Gaussian process regression (GPR) is a supervised ML method that is able to approximate functions with prominent local features. A combination of GPR with the exploitation of active subspaces (AS) is proposed by Scheidegger and Bilionis (2019) to solve high-dimensional dynamic economic problems. GPR and AS help in estimating the parameters of the value and policy function, which are part of the model. The authors report that, by using ML techniques, they are able to solve problems with more than 500 dimensions. Transportation systems are another interesting line of research and several important problems are open to solution with modern methods. Ying et al. (2020) handle the problem of train scheduling with stochastic passenger demand. Here, the use of deep reinforcement learning is introduced to help minimise the passenger waiting cost and train operating cost over the service runs. The proposal incorporates two artificial neural networks. One is used as a critic, and the second one is the actor. The critic is used to parameterise the state space, while the actor is in charge of the decision space. The critic estimates the states and costs that are used by the actor to generate the schedule decisions. In general terms, the approach is efficient compared to other methods used for comparison.

SL is another tool that could be applied for solving stochastic problems. It involves different methodologies, such as logistic regression, Gaussian process regression, quantile regression, Bayesian networks, and support vector machines, among others. Regarding such methods, Chen and Wang (2019) propose the inclusion of a Bayesian network into two-stage stochastic programming, and then apply this method for blood bank location-inventory in case of disasters. The authors propose a Bayesian network that uses the interdependence of different uncertain factors to generate practical scenarios and incorporate them in an optimisation model. Regarding electrical power systems, Balata et al. (2019) present the use of SL for stochastic control in microgrid management. The authors employ state-dependent probabilistic constraints represented by an expectation constraint at each system state. SL helps to estimate the admissible set as a function of the system state. In general terms, the authors conclude that using logistic or Gaussian process regression to estimate the admissibility probability outperforms the other options.

6 Learnheuristics and simheuristics for dynamic and uncertain scenarios

Learnheuristics integrate ML techniques with metaheuristic algorithms (Calvet et al., 2017). The main concept here is that some problem inputs (e.g., travel times, customers’ demands, processing times, etc.) might depend upon the specific configuration of the solution being built (e.g., assigning a customer to one facility or another might change his/her demand value, choosing a path for a vehicle might modify travel times for other vehicles in the city, selecting an asset to be included in a portfolio might modify the monetary return of other assets due to a substitution effect, etc). In general, even when these dependencies can be identified, they might follow complex patterns that also depend upon many other factors (e.g., the system status at any given time). Hence, these unknown patterns constitute a ‘black box’ that influences the results of our decisions and so they cannot be ignored by the metaheuristic search. Accordingly, a learning ‘white box’ mechanism is needed in order to emulate the unknown behaviour and make accurate predictions about the real results of our decisions while building a solution. Learnheuristics have been employed in solving multi-depot VRPs with market segmentation (Calvet et al., 2016), in VRPs with dynamic inputs (Arnau et al., 2018), or in TOPs with variable rewards (Bayliss et al., 2020).

Simulation–optimisation approaches are typically employed whenever there is a need to optimise complex systems with stochastic elements (Evans & Bae, 2019). Simheuristic algorithms can be classified as a special type of simulation–optimisation methods. These algorithms rely on the combination of simulation—of any type—with metaheuristics to solve optimisation problems with stochastic components in their objective function or constraints (Juan et al., 2018). Simheuristic algorithms assume that high-quality solutions to deterministic versions of the optimisation problems are likely to be high-quality solutions to their stochastic counterparts, at least up to a certain degree of variability in the random elements of the problem. In practice, this is usually a reasonable assumption to make, since if the level of variability in the random elements is extraordinarily high, then we might be close to a chaotic scenario in which comparing the quality of two different solutions makes no sense in practical applications—since extremely different outcomes might happen every time the solution is put into practice. Observe that the fact that one solution outperforms another under a deterministic scenario does not necessarily imply that the former will be better than the latter under an uncertainty scenario. For instance, a tight routing plan that performs optimally when travel times and customers’ demands are deterministic might suffer from route failures (and, hence, additional costs) during the execution stage whenever any of the aforementioned elements are modelled as random variables (Gruler et al., 2018). Based on these principles, simheuristic algorithms use the metaheuristic component to generate high-quality solutions for the deterministic version of the problem, and then run a simulation on the most promising deterministic solutions to estimate their real performance in a stochastic scenario. With the goal of minimising expected makespan and expected tardiness in a PFSP with stochastic processing times, González-Neira and Montoya-Torres (2019) propose the use of a simheuristic which combines GRASP with Monte-Carlo simulation. Likewise, González-Neira et al. (2019) introduce a simheuristic algorithm that is able to generate robust schedules for a multi-objective PFSP with stochastic processing times. Rabbani et al. (2019) model an industrial hazardous waste problem under uncertainty as a multi-objective stochastic MILP, and propose a GA-based simheuristic to obtain high-quality solutions in short computing times. Rabe et al. (2020) provide an example of a simheuristic in which a GA is combined with discrete-event simulation. Since simulation—and especially discrete-event simulation—can be time-demanding, the authors also provide some useful recommendations to speed up the computational times requested to obtain high-quality stochastic solutions. Also, in de Armas et al. (2017) the authors explain how the output provided by the simulation component can be utilised to better guide the search process carried out by the metaheuristic component.

Simheuristic approaches have been compared to other stochastic optimisation methods, such as sample average approximation (Pagès-Bernaus et al., 2019). One of the main advantages of using simheuristics is that the simulation component offers additional random observations on the solution performance. Hence, we are not limited to obtaining just an estimate of the expected cost of the solution. On the contrary, we can also compute many statistics that can be very valuable in performing risk analysis (Gruler et al., 2017) or reliability analysis (Cabrera et al., 2014; Hatami et al., 2018). Lam et al. (2019) propose a novel simheuristic approach that makes use of GA to identify novel combat tactics. Recently, simheuristics have been combined with fuzzy techniques in order to address more general optimisation problems in which both stochastic and non-stochastic uncertainty is present (Oliva et al., 2020). This is the case, for instance, for last-mile distribution problems in which some travel times can be modelled as random variables while others show a fuzzy nature. Likewise, combinations of simheuristics with Petri net predictors have been explored to account for possible correlations between random variables (Latorre-Biel et al., 2020). All in all, as stated in Chica et al. (2020) simheuristics constitute a ‘first-resort’ method when addressing large-scale and NP-hard optimisation problems under stochastic scenarios.

7 Cross-problem analysis of computational results

This section presents a summary of results previously published in different papers. They have been selected to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented approaches. Specifically, this section focuses on aspects of the use of such algorithms to solve different well-known NP-hard and large-scale real-life optimisation problems. Table 1 presents the obtained average results for a set of optimisation problems with scenarios under uncertainty. The first column identifies the references where the results were obtained, while the second column specifies the exact type of problem to be solved. Notice that seven different problems have been selected in order to cover a wide range of real-life optimisation problems. The next column identifies the type of objective function, i.e., maximisation or minimisation. Subsequently, the next three columns display the obtained results considering the different scenarios. The our-best deterministic (OBD) column shows the best solution found without considering stochasticity. This column refers to the deterministic version of the problem. Notice that this value can be seen as a reference lower bound value in a scenario with perfect information. The next column (OBD-S) shows the expected cost obtained when the best deterministic solution is evaluated in a stochastic scenario, with the corresponding level of uncertainty. A simulation process is applied to the OBD solution to compute the expected cost of this solution. Similarly, the column our-best stochastic (OBS) shows the expected cost obtained using a simheuristic approach for the stochastic version of the problem.

Figure 5 depicts an overview of the results in Table 1, where the vertical axis represents the gap obtained for OBD-S and OBS with respect to OBD. The results show that the solutions provided by the simheuristic clearly outperform the solutions for the deterministic version of the problem when these are simulated for all the considered problems. On average, an improvement of about 5.8% is observed, in terms of expected cost, for the OBS solutions. Hence, this confirms that near-optimal solutions for the deterministic version of the problem might be sub-optimal solutions for the stochastic version. For instance, the solutions obtained for the stochastic TOP perform optimally when all the elements of the problem are deterministic, but they are sub-optimal when they are applied in scenarios with a degree of variability in the elements of the problem, increasing the expected cost up to 10.8% with respect to the OBS. This is due to route failures occurring during the execution stage, which penalise the entire route. In this case, using the OBD solution could lead to inefficient decisions, causing an extra cost to enterprises. Hence, it is important to integrate simulation methods during the searching process when dealing with stochastic optimisation problems. As a counterpart, when the level of uncertainty does not have too much influence on the elements of the problem, the OBD-S solution could still be competitive, providing results close to the OBS ones. A clear example is the distributed permutation flow-shop problem (PFSP) where, although the OBS solution outperforms the OBD-S by about 0.45%, the latter still provides competitive results.

Table 1 Summary of results of different optimisation problems with scenarios under uncertainty

Table 2 reports the obtained results for a set of problems which have been solved using different optimisation methods. As in the previous table, the first three columns show the following: the reference where the results were obtained, the type of problem to solve, and the type of objective function, respectively. Subsequently, the next four columns correspond to previously published results, which include: (i) the best-known solution (BKS) for the problem; (ii) the provided results using a constructive heuristic; (iii) the obtained results when the heuristic is turned out into a BR algorithm; and (iv) the results when a metaheuristic is used to solve the problem. Figure 6 illustrates a summary of the presented results for the different problems, with the vertical axis representing the gap obtained for the different optimisation methods with respect to the BKS. The results show that constructive heuristics give the highest gaps for all the considered problems, because they are simple methods that are intended to be flexible and they are used for quick decisions. On average, heuristic methods give a gap of about 4% with respect to the BKS, varying from about 2.1% for the PFSP up to 7.4% for the ARP. Notice that the benchmarks commonly used to solve the ARP contain large-scale instances, so the heuristics are not sufficiently powerful methods to explore all of the search space. When these constructive heuristics are turned into a probabilistic ones, applying BR techniques, the gap with respect to the BKS is reduced, improving the solutions provided by the constructive heuristic for all the problems. Thus, on average, the obtained gap is about 1.8%, with a higher gap for the uncapacitated facility location problem (UFLP). In general, it can be observed that the gap is very similar for all the considered problems, demonstrating the efficiency of this type of algorithm—which might provide solutions below 2% of gap with respect to the BKS. Finally, metaheuristic methods provide the best quality solutions for all the problems—at the cost of requiring much higher computing times—, with an average gap of about 0.7% with respect to the BKS. This is because they are the most powerful methods, comprising a set of mechanisms and operators capable of exploring large search space. Notice that, although for some problems—such as the UFLP or the PFSP—the use of a metaheuristic enhances significantly the results provided by the BR method, in other cases—such as the PFSP with delivery dates and cumulative payoffs (PFSPDP)—, the BRA method is capable of providing very high-quality solutions, very near to that provided by the metaheuristic. Thus, the use of one or the other will depend on the level of accuracy needed at each moment and, especially, on the computational time available.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Gaps of stochastic solutions with respect to OBD solution

Table 2 Summary of results of applying different optimisation approaches to the same problem
Fig. 6
figure 6

Gaps of different optimisation methods with respect to the BKS solution

8 Insights, open challenges and research lines

Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches are important tools widely used for solving complex problems. When they are modified or hybridised, they become more powerful and permit the handling of a wide range of problems. Hence, x-heuristics comprises the different variants and families of heuristic optimisation algorithms. This field is still growing and open challenges arise in multiple domains. Moreover, they could generate open research lines. One of the most important challenges is to decide when to use a specific methodology. In this case, it is important to analyse the nature of the problem and to identify the different decision variables. Figure 7 shows a classification of x-heuristics based on the type of problem that they can address in a more natural way. In the end, all x-heuristics are extensions of the concepts of heuristics and metaheuristics. Depending on the specific requirements of the problem (e.g., problems with uncertainty, dynamism, real-time requirements, etc.), these extensions include different combinations with exact methods, simulation, ML, and even fuzzy sets.

Fig. 7
figure 7

A classification of x-heuristics based on the type of problem addressed

Based on Fig. 7, it is possible to understand when the ‘x’ in x-heuristic changes its value depending on the problem to be solved. From the previous analysis, one can reach the following conclusions on each methodology and when it can be employed:

  • Metaheuristics The methods in this class are able to find near-optimal solutions in a reasonable computing time. They include the use of different rules that permit applying different operators according to the search process evolution.

  • Exact methods and matheuristics The main feature is that they permit to combine exact approaches with the capabilities of heuristics, in order to speed up the search for near-optimal solutions. While exact methods perform specific tasks—such as enumerating the solutions—, heuristics apply bounds to the search space to carry out the search only in prominent areas.

  • BR algorithms and agile optimisation BR techniques allow us to transform constructive heuristics into probabilistic algorithms. This process helps to introduce some typically random external information to the heuristic approach. On the other hand, agile optimisation permits the parallel execution of the BR methodology, using hardware as multiple cores or even GPUs. This allows for real-time decision making even in the case of many large-scale optimisation problems.

  • SL and ML The advantages of this hybridisation give two branches. One is the algorithmic branch, where ML/SL methods help to improve the search process and vice-versa. The second branch is related to employing ML/SL methods in order to estimate different variables and parameters of the optimisation problem. By doing this, it is possible to have more realistic solutions.

  • Learnheuristics These basically combine ML techniques with heuristics and metaheuristics. They are based on the fact that problems commonly have variables that depend on the configuration of the solutions. Then the ML tools help to predict the states of the search.

  • Simheuristics The merging of simulation methods with heuristics permits handling the stochastic component of the problems by including a simulation stage. Then simheuristics consider that optimal solutions of a deterministic problem are also good solutions of a similar stochastic problem. Some variations of the random elements of the problem can also be included.

An important research line is the exploration of different and novel methodologies that permit the creation of more efficient x-heuristics. For example, in the case of ML/SL methods, the field of fuzzy systems could be extended by using type II fuzzy sets or rough sets (Türkşen, 1999). This allows us not only to enhance the solutions, but also to increase the family of algorithms based on fuzzy systems. In addition, it is also important to explore each of the aforementioned methods separately, since they give rise to many open research lines.

9 Conclusions

This article presents a study of different approaches where heuristics are modified to increase their capabilities. Based on such modifications we define the term x-heuristics, where the variable ‘x’ takes different names such as ‘meta’, ‘sim’, ‘mat’, ‘biased-randomised’, or ‘learn’. The sections introduce a deep analysis of x-heuristics in different stochastic applications, such as transport, logistic, manufacturing, finance, energy, military, or health care, among others.

The use of heuristics, independently of the family of algorithms, is growing due to the flexibility of these methods that permit easy adaptation. However, depending on the problem and the requirements of the application, different approaches can be used. Metaheuristics are the most popular group of approaches, that allow exploration of the search space by applying a single heuristic using specific rules at different stages of the search process. Also, the use of exact methods in combination with heuristics permit the creation of robust methods, which provide high-quality solutions. The biased-randomised heuristics are important tools that convert a heuristic in a probabilistic algorithm. When such methods are adapted to run on parallel hardware, they are called agile optimisation algorithms. Recently, the use of statistical and machine learning has become very important, and its combination with stochastic optimisation permits more powerful search algorithms. However, their use can be extended to estimate stochastic variables in optimisation problems. This introduces the concept of a learnheuristic, where computational learning is used to predict the next steps of the optimisation. Finally, the term simheuristics refers to the combination of heuristics with simulation methods. In this domain, a set of optimal solutions for a deterministic problem is also considered optimal for the stochastic version of the same problem by including random elements to model it.

Considering the above, there are different open research lines as to the proper identification of a methodology for a problem. The presented study tries to clarify this but, since many open problems exist, this task is extremely difficult. However, the information presented can be used as a guide to identify when to use one methodology or another. In addition, we have included a section that permits analysis of the computational results from different references from the state-of-the-art.