1 Introduction

One strand of current research into automated timetabling is the development of standard data formats—formats that researchers can use to exchange data and verify each others’ solutions. Nurse rostering is lagging in this respect: each step forward seems to bring a new format.

Standardization requires clarity in the underlying model. This is largely present in nurse rostering: concepts such as shifts, nurses, and constraints are clear, and consistent through the literature. There is one area, however, which is less clear, although good progress has been made recently: history, or how solutions to previous instances affect the current instance.

History has been discussed for over 15 years (Burke et al. 2001), but this paper mainly draws on two strong recent works. The Second International Nurse Rostering Competition (Ceschia et al. 2015), referred to here as ‘the competition’, brought history to a wide audience in a concrete form. The other work (Smet et al. 2016) adjusts the usual integer programming formulation of nurse rostering to define history precisely.

The main contribution of this paper is as follows. All previous work known to the author has treated each constraint, or each class of similar constraints (counters, patterns, etc.), as a separate problem for history, needing a separate analysis. Because there are many constraints, there is no criterion for deciding when the work is complete. This is noticeable in Smet et al. (2016), for example, where no claim of completeness is made, even though the work is thorough and there is little doubt that it is, for all practical purposes, complete.

This paper, in contrast, defines and implements history in the framework of the XESTT nurse rostering data format (Kingston et al. 2018; Kingston 2018). All relevant constraints are formulated using just two kinds of constraints, the cluster busy times constraint and the limit active intervals constraint. Although the universality of these constraints is only a hypothesis, good evidence for it exists. By applying history to these two constraints, this paper does all the analysis at once; there is less analysis to do, and good evidence that it is complete.

Section 2 describes XESTT and the cluster busy times and limit active intervals constraints. Section 3 defines the history problem and applies the well-known method of counter start and counter remainder values to cluster busy times constraints. Later sections address other issues related to history: avoiding double counting of costs (Sect. 4), understanding heuristically derived constraints (Sect. 5), limit active intervals constraints (Sect. 6), and using preassigned events to represent history (Sect. 7). An “Appendix” presents the formulas that form the basis of the author’s implementation (Sect. 1).


This section introduces the XESTT nurse rostering data format and its cluster busy times and limit active intervals constraints, in enough detail for the purposes of this paper. For more detail, see Kingston et al. (2018); and for the complete story, see the specification pages of Kingston (2010).

XESTT is an extension of the well-known XHSTT high school timetabling data format (Kingston 2010). Its name reflects this origin, with ‘ES’ for ‘employee scheduling’ replacing ‘HS’ for ‘high school’.

An XESTT instance of the nurse rostering problem contains four main kinds of entities: times, resources, events, and constraints.

A time represents an indivisible interval of time in which events may occur.

A resource represents something that attends an event. In nurse rostering, all resources are nurses.

An event represents an indivisible piece of work, and contains a starting time, an integer duration (number of times), and any number of resources, which are considered to be busy attending the event from the starting time for the duration. The duration is a fixed constant, but the starting time and the resources may either be preassigned or left open for the solver to assign.

Each shift is represented by an event with its own unique, preassigned starting time, and duration 1. This is artificial, but it works well in practice, because nurse rostering constraints tend to limit the number of shifts worked, whereas in high school timetabling, where XESTT originated, they limit the number of busy times. Giving each shift duration 1 unifies the two models. For example, the requirement that a nurse work at most one shift per day is expressed by requiring the nurse to be busy for at most one time on each day.

A shift’s resources represent the demands for nurses for that shift. They are usually left open for the solver to assign, although XESTT does allow any subset of them to be preassigned. Constraints, given separately, may be used to specify that some or all of the nurses should have particular skills.

For definiteness, examples will assume that there are three shifts, and hence three times, per day. Time names consist of a week number, a short weekday name, and an index within the day. For example, the three times of the Monday of the first week are 1Mon1, 1Mon2, and 1Mon3. Their associated events may be named E-1Mon1, E-1Mon2, and E-1Mon3.

Finally come the constraints, hard and soft, which are rules that solutions should obey. Violations of hard constraints are usually interpreted to mean that a solution is infeasible. In XESTT they contribute a penalty to a hard cost total. Soft constraint violations contribute a penalty to a soft cost total.

Nurse rostering constraints fall into two classes. Cover constraints are the demands of shifts for certain numbers of nurses, often with nominated skills. XESTT offers assign resource constraints, prefer resources constraints, and limit resources constraints for them. Cover constraints are always independent of history, so nothing further is said of them here.

Resource constraints are constraints on nurses’ timetables: limits on their total workload, on consecutive night shifts, and so on. It turns out that all the problems created by history arise from its interaction with resource constraints.

The key insight that this paper takes from XESTT is that many resource constraints, very likely all that arise in practice, have a common structure, which is embodied in the XESTT cluster busy times and limit active intervals constraints. The rest of this section is devoted to these important constraints.

One of these constraints may apply independently to many resources (for example, to all nurses who share a given contract). However, for simplicity of presentation, it is assumed here that one constraint applies to one resource.

A cluster busy times constraint contains any number of time groups, which are arbitrary sets of times. Associated with each time group is a polarity, whose significance will become clear in a moment. Its value may be either positive or negative. A time group is said to be positive or negative depending on its associated polarity. When presenting constraints, an asterisk will be used to indicate negative polarity. For example,

{1Mon1, 1Mon2, 1Mon3}

{1Tue1, 1Tue2, 1Tue3}*

{1Wed1, 1Wed2, 1Wed3}

represents three time groups, the second of which is negative.

A time is busy for a resource when the resource attends an event at that time, and free for the resource otherwise. A time group is busy for a resource when it contains at least one busy time for the resource, and free for the resource otherwise. Within a cluster busy times constraint, a time group is active when either it is busy for the constraint’s resource and positive, or free for the constraint’s resource and negative. Otherwise it is inactive.

A cluster busy times constraint also contains a Boolean required attribute, saying whether the constraint is hard or soft, a non-negative integer weight attribute, and non-negative integer minimum and maximum attributes called its limits. The constraint is violated when the number of its time groups which are active is above the maximum limit or below the minimum limit. The cost of a violation is the amount by which the number of active time groups exceeds the maximum or falls short of the minimum (or occasionally the square of that number), multiplied by the weight.

Here are a few examples of how typical constraints may be formulated as cluster busy times constraints. To say that a resource may work at most one shift on day 1Mon, define a cluster busy times constraint with time groups




and maximum limit 1. To impose this constraint each day, add one constraint for each day. To require a resource to work between 16 and 20 days in 4 weeks, define a cluster busy times constraint with time groups

{1Mon1, 1Mon2, 1Mon3}

{1Tue1, 1Tue2, 1Tue3}


{4Sun1, 4Sun2, 4Sun3}

and limits 16 and 20. To limit the number of busy weekends, use time groups

{1Sat1, 1Sat2, 1Sat3, 1Sun1, 1Sun2, 1Sun3}

{2Sat1, 2Sat2, 2Sat3, 2Sun1, 2Sun2, 1Sun3}

{3Sat1, 3Sat2, 3Sat3, 3Sun1, 3Sun2, 3Sun3}

and so on.

Negative time groups help with unwanted patterns. For example, to say that free days must occur in sequences of at least 2 is to say that the pattern ‘busy day, then free day, then busy day’ is unwanted. This is done for the first three days by a constraint with time groups

{1Mon1, 1Mon2, 1Mon3}

{1Tue1, 1Tue2, 1Tue3}*

{1Wed1, 1Wed2, 1Wed3}

and maximum limit 2, then replicated for each day the pattern could begin.

More examples may be found in Kingston et al. (2018), including constraints prohibiting or penalizing arbitrary unwanted patterns, and all constraints from the First and Second International Nurse Rostering Competitions (Haspeslagh et al. 2010, 2014; Ceschia et al. 2015, [3]). This suggests that every resource constraint needed in practice can be formulated using the cluster busy times constraint. Of course, it is easy to define complex constraints that cannot be handled, such as the RosterBooster (Curtois 2016) constraints containing Boolean conditions, but the virtual absence of such constraints from leading papers suggests that they are not needed in practice.

The limit active intervals constraint contains the same attributes as the cluster busy times constraint, but its limits apply to the lengths of sequences of consecutive active time groups, rather than to their total number. We defer further discussion to Sect. 6.

One small gap in the present work concerns constraints which limit total workload (measured in minutes, say) rather than busy shifts. XESTT allows shifts to be assigned a workload, and it offers a limit workload constraint which limits total workload over a set of times. Incorporating history into this constraint is future work; it is not likely to present any difficulties.

There is a close affinity between the cluster busy times constraint and the integer programming formulations of the resource constraints (Mischek and Musliu 2016; Santos et al. 2016), as is only natural. XESTT has two advantages over integer programming for present purposes. First, if our two key constraints can be extended to handle history, then, assuming that they really can support all resource constraints, this will completely solve the history problem. It is not clear how such a claim of completeness could be made for integer programming formulations without restricting them to something like the cluster busy times constraint, in which case the difference is merely one of notation. Second, the limit active intervals constraint is introduced just because the cases it handles are not handled efficiently by the cluster busy times constraint, as will be seen. Integer programming does not naturally lend itself to this optimization (Smet 2018).

3 Global and local instances

For any timetabling problem, a basic decision is the choice of the interval of time for which requirements are to be gathered and a solution sought. In a dynamic environment like a hospital ward, one can only hope to fix the timetable for a week, or a few weeks, ahead. So instances must be defined over short intervals of time. But some constraints span longer intervals, for example limits on monthly or even yearly workloads, while others routinely cross the boundaries of short intervals, for example limits on consecutive night shifts.

A global instance I is an instance covering a long interval of time called the cycle (a term from high school timetabling, not to be confused with the cycle in cyclic nurse rostering models), which could be as long as one year. Although I is not usually solved, or indeed specified, all at once, it is a useful conceptual aid because constraints are defined naturally within I.

Divide the cycle into a sequence of contiguous time intervals \(w_1 , \dots , w_n\), called the weeks. Of course, they do not have to be seven days long. For each week \(w_i\), the aim is to derive a local instance \(I_i\) which represents the part of I concerned with \(w_i\). This will be called the projection of I into \(I_i\). It is assumed that solutions \(S_1 , \dots , S_{i-1}\) are available for all previous weeks \(w_1 , \dots , w_{i-1}\), as is usually the case, because \(I_i\) is only created shortly before \(w_i\) begins. Although I must contain everything relevant to \(I_i\) when the projection is made, it will usually be incomplete, missing the cover requirements for \(w_{i+1} , \dots , w_n\).

All nurses of I are projected into each \(I_i\). Times and events are projected by copying those lying within each \(w_i\) into the corresponding \(I_i\). Many constraints can be projected in the same way. All cover constraints can be, as can some resource constraints. For example, a global constraint requiring a nurse to work at most one shift on each day of the cycle projects to a local constraint requiring the nurse to work at most one shift on each day of \(w_i\); a global constraint requiring a nurse to work at most 5 shifts per week projects to a local constraint requiring the nurse to work at most 5 shifts in \(w_i\).

So the only hard cases for projection are constraints which, even taking advantage of opportunities of division into smaller parts, depend on a nurse’s timetable across more than 1 week. These can be handled by the method of counter start values and counter remainder values (Burke et al. 2001; Smet et al. 2016). This method will be applied now to cluster busy times constraints.

Consider projecting global constraint C into local instance \(I_i\) for week \(w_i\), producing local constraint \(C_i\). Since projection of cover constraints is trivial, it may be assumed that C is a resource constraint; and then, by Sect. 2, C may be assumed to be a cluster busy times constraint (or a limit active intervals constraint, which will be considered in Sect. 6).

Although the constraint may cross week boundaries, it will be assumed that none of its individual time groups do so. For example, if the constraint concerns weekends and so contains time groups such as

{1Sat1, 1Sat2, 1Sat3, 1Sun1, 1Sun2, 1Sun3}

{2Sat1, 2Sat2, 2Sat3, 2Sun1, 2Sun2, 1Sun3}

{3Sat1, 3Sat2, 3Sat3, 3Sun1, 3Sun2, 3Sun3}

then the week boundary cannot fall between Saturday and Sunday. The method presented here could be extended to cover such cases, but that would only add complexity that never seems to be needed in practice.

Many constraints monitor only 1 or 2 weeks, and do not give rise to a \(C_i\) in every week. But, for uniformity, a special case will not be made of them. The following constructions work for them, but produce trivial constraints in the irrelevant weeks which would be omitted in practice.

Consider the time groups of C. Those within \(w_i\) can be represented within \(I_i\), and are copied into \(C_i\). The rest must be omitted, because the times they refer to do not exist in \(I_i\).

What matters about the omitted time groups is whether they are active or not. This can be determined for each time group before \(w_i\), by seeing whether any of its times is a busy time in the solution for its week, and consulting its polarity. So let \(x_i\) be the number of C’s time groups preceding \(w_i\) which are known to be active. This is the counter start value of Burke et al. (2001), Smet et al. (2016).

On the other hand, the activity of the time groups following \(w_i\) is not known, because no timetable exists for those weeks. Let \(c_i\) be the number of C’s time groups following \(w_i\). This is the counter remainder value of Burke et al. (2001), Smet et al. (2016).

There are cases where the activity of some time groups following \(w_i\) is known in advance—when the resource is going on holiday, for example. In practice it may well be worth taking account of such information. However, to limit the complexity of what follows, that will not be attempted here.

If C’s minimum limit is L and its maximum limit is U, then \(C_i\)’s limits should be \(L - x_i - c_i\) and \(U-x_i\) (Smet et al. 2016). The \(x_i\) omitted active time groups are compensated for by subtracting \(x_i\) from both limits. The \(c_i\) omitted time groups of unknown activity could turn out to be active too, so the minimum limit must be reduced by \(c_i\) to ensure that it is not violated in that case. But they could also be inactive, so the maximum limit cannot be reduced as well.

The XESTT cluster busy times constraint optionally accepts \(x_i\) and \(c_i\) values for its resources. It increases the number of active time groups by \(x_i\) when comparing with a maximum limit, and by \(x_i + c_i\) when comparing with a minimum limit. This has several advantages: it is more concise when one constraint handles many resources identically except for their \(x_i\) and \(c_i\) values; it makes \(x_i\) and \(c_i\) available for another use (Sect. 4); and it gives the desired result when the cost function is quadratic. Full details appear in Sect. 1.

For any global solution containing local solutions \(S_1 , \dots , S_{i-1}\), if C is not violated then neither is \(C_i\). Conversely, for any global solution containing \(S_1 , \dots , S_{n-1}\), if \(C_n\) is not violated then neither is C. So the \(I_i\) taken together are the same as I: they have the same times, resources, events, and constraints.

4 Avoiding double counting of constraint penalties

The argument just given, showing that the projections \(I_i\) taken together are the same as the global instance I, has an unexpected flaw: the \(I_i\) enforce the same constraints, but some violations may be penalized more than once.

For example, suppose I has 4 weeks, and a constraint C with weight 1 limits the total number of busy days to between 16 and 20. Suppose C’s resource is busy for 7 days in each of the 4 weeks. The penalty in the global instance is \((4 * 7) - 20 = 8\); but \(C_3\) attracts a penalty of \((3 * 7) - 20 = 1\), and \(C_4\) attracts a penalty of \((4 * 7) - 20 = 8\), making a total penalty of 9. The problem is that \(C_i\) in fact constrains \(I_1 , \dots , I_i\), so it includes \(C_{i-1}\) within itself.

This double counting issue was addressed by the competition. Its solution is valid but not ideal: it varies from one constraint to another, and involves long case analyses (Ceschia et al. 2015). Our other main source (Smet et al. 2016) does not mention the issue.

There are at least four ways to handle the double counting issue.

Ignore it When solving \(I_i\), any double counting depends on the solutions to \(I_1 , \dots , I_{i-1}\), which are fixed and equal for every solution to \(I_i\). So a solver cannot be led astray by double counting, and ignoring it is a real option.

Make \(I_i\) cumulative Redefine \(I_i\) to be a cumulative instance, defined over \(w_1 , \dots , w_i\) rather than just \(w_i\) (Sect. 7). Then double counting is natural, since \(I_i\) includes \(I_{i-1}\). The problem here is that users do not want cumulative instances, because they include data that are not currently relevant, such as the cover constraints from two months ago.

Redefine projection Project each constraint C onto just one \(I_i\), which must be the \(I_i\) containing C’s last time group, since \(c_i = 0\) there. The competition does this for two constraints. It is simple, but weak: in the example, one would want to include \(C_3\) in \(I_3\), but this approach omits it.

Adjust costs Adjust the cost of \(C_i\) by subtracting any cost already reported by \(C_{i-1}\). The competition mostly does this, although it expresses the idea in its own way. It is this paper’s preferred method.

One way to implement this last approach is to give each cluster busy times constraint a cost adjustment to subtract from its cost before reporting it. Instead, XESTT calculates a cost adjustment, based on \(x_i\) and \(c_i\). The details appear in Sect. 1. It is intricate to implement, but it limits the user’s task to supplying \(x_i\) and \(c_i\), which is easy to do, and it applies to limit active intervals constraints (Sect. 6), for which simply subtracting a cost is not sufficient.

However the cost adjustment is determined, it is a constant and needs to be calculated only once. It is subtracted from the cost before reporting it, each time the cost changes, taking a negligible amount of running time.

5 Heuristic constraints

Consider again the example from the previous section, in which C constrains its resource to work between 16 and 20 days over 4 weeks. Notice that \(C_1\), to take the extreme example, cannot constrain the resource at all during \(w_1\), because whatever happens then it is always possible to assign a workload in later weeks that satisfies C in the end. This slackness gradually reduces until, by the time \(C_n\) is reached, it has vanished altogether.

It is natural to want to add constraints in early weeks which guide solvers to good global outcomes. In the example, one would want between 4i and 5i shifts worked by the end of \(w_i\). Such constraints will be called heuristic constraints, because they are heuristic in nature, not derived by projection. For example, they probably should not be hard constraints, even if the constraints whose satisfaction they are trying to promote are hard.

In the example, \(c_i\) is 7 multiplied by the number of weeks following \(w_i\). But if some other constraint limits a resource to at most 5 shifts per week, \(c_i\) can be reduced to 5 times the number of following weeks, making for a tighter constraint. Still, even these cases are classified here as heuristic constraints, in view of the non-trivial, opportunistic analyses required to derive them.

This paper mentions heuristic constraints for completeness, but there seems to be little to say about them in general.

The cost adjustment method could be applied to heuristic constraints, since the basic idea of a later constraint subsuming an earlier one is still present. However, the reported costs can be negative. For example, if \(C_i\) limits its resource to a total workload (including history) of between 4i and 5i shifts, then it is easy to find cases where \(C_1\) is violated but \(C_2\) is not.

6 Optimizing sequence constraints

This paper does not classify resource constraints. Still, there are some that limit the number of consecutive occurrences of something, rather than their total number: the number of consecutive days worked, consecutive weekends worked, and so on. These will be called sequence constraints.

Cluster busy times constraints implement sequence constraints in the same way that integer programming formulations do, using time windows. Suppose there is a constraint limiting a resource to at most 5 consecutive busy days. This is formulated using one cluster busy times constraint for each day of the cycle except for the last 5 days. The first constraint has time groups

{1Mon1, 1Mon2, 1Mon3}

{1Tue1, 1Tue2, 1Tue3}

{1Wed1, 1Wed2, 1Wed3}

{1Thu1, 1Thu2, 1Thu3}

{1Fri1, 1Fri2, 1Fri3}

{1Sat1, 1Sat2, 1Sat3}

and maximum limit 5. The second constraint follows the same pattern, only starting on 1Tue, and so on. The days of one constraint make one time window.

There is inefficiency here, because these constraints monitor much the same time groups. Time groups not near the ends of the cycle appear in 6 constraints. Sequence constraints with minimum limits can be even worse. Requiring free days to come in sequences of at least 3, for example, requires time windows of length 3 to prohibit patterns of the form ‘busy day, then free day, then busy day’, overlapping with time windows of length 4 to prohibit patterns of the form ‘busy day, then free day, then free day, then busy day’. It is lucky that sequential minimum limits tend to be small, otherwise time window formulations would be swamped by myriads of interrelated constraints.

It would be simpler to limit the number of consecutive active time groups directly. This does not seem to suit integer programming (Smet 2018), but it has often been done (Burke et al. 2001). In XESTT it is done by the limit active intervals constraint, which is like the cluster busy times constraint except that its limits apply to the lengths of maximal sequences of consecutive active time groups, not to their number. For example, to limit the number of consecutive busy days to at most 5, a limit active intervals constraint is used, with one time group for each day, in time order, and maximum limit 5.

The limit active intervals constraint would have little value if it could only be projected by expanding it into cluster busy times constraints first, so the counter start values and counter remainder values method needs to be adapted to apply to it directly. When projecting limit active intervals constraint C onto \(C_i\), what is needed is not the total number of active time groups from before \(w_i\), but rather the number of active time groups immediately adjacent to \(w_i\) on the left, called \(x_i\) as before. The definition of \(c_i\) is as before. Full details of the cost calculations appear in Sect. 1.

7 An alternative approach to history

This section describes an alternative approach to history, based on including preassigned events representing the solutions to all previous instances. This approach can be used with XESTT, since XESTT supports preassignments.

The idea is to add to \(I_i\) all times and events from all previous instances, with their resource demands preassigned, based on previous solutions. Constraints are projected onto \(I_i\) as before, except that time groups from weeks \(w_1 , \dots , w_i\) are included, and \(x_i\) is not used. However, \(c_i\) is used as before.

It is simplest to interpret this \(I_i\) as a cumulative instance, incorporating previous instances within itself (Sect. 3). So double counting is normal.

Two objections are raised when this is proposed. First, a large amount of historical data must be retained. In this era of big data, this cannot carry much weight. Some data must be kept anyway: each resource’s total workload and total weekends worked, perhaps, as in the competition. This data might as well be complete as partial. However, as remarked in Sect. 3, users do not want cumulative instances, and this is the real point of this objection.

The second objection is that this increases the size of instances, causing problems for solvers. If this means that the search space for (say) a simulated annealing solver is increased, that is easily fixed by making the solver recognize the preassigned areas and exclude them from its search. If it means that the underlying solve platform has to evaluate many more constraints, that is not true of an incremental platform, which only evaluates changes. The author’s KHE platform (Kingston 2014) would evaluate the parts of the constraints that monitor preassignments just once, as the preassignments are loaded. In effect, it calculates the \(x_i\) values for itself, just once, then carries on as before.

The preassignment approach is merely a different and conceptually simpler way to give \(x_i\) values to the constraints of \(I_i\). The \(x_i\) values which stand in for omitted time groups are replaced by evaluations of the time groups themselves.

8 Conclusion

This paper’s ideas have been implemented by the author. The XESTT format accepts \(x_i\) and \(c_i\) values for its cluster busy times and limit active intervals constraints. The NRConv program (Kingston et al. 2018; Kingston 2018) converts instances and solutions in several formats into XESTT, and it adds history when converting instances from the competition. Of course, history can also be added to new instances. The KHE solve platform (Kingston 2014) reads XESTT and fully supports history, including cost adjustment to avoid double counting. The HSEval web service (Kingston 2010) evaluates solutions. It is based on KHE, and so it handles history. Altogether this is a comprehensive implementation of history which is arguably complete, except that knowledge of a resource’s future timetable is not utilized.

Successful standards require consensus, which this author is not well placed to create. But a standard is imperative, it will come, and it will include history. This paper shows what such a standard could be.