1 Introduction

The explicit consideration of uncertainty is essential in addressing most management problems, particularly for the planning and operations of complex systems in transportation, logistics, finance, marketing, energy, health care, production, to name but a few important areas (Prékopa 1995; Kall and Wallace 1994; Gaivoronski 2005; Birge and Louveaux 2011; King and Wallace 2012).

Two-stage stochastic programs offer a classical modelling framework for those problems, strategic and tactical planning formulations, see in particular Birge and Louveaux (2011). In such programs, the first stage groups all decisions to be implemented before the realization of the random variables representing the stochastic parameters of the problem. In the second stage, all random information becomes known and a set recourse actions are taken to adjust the decisions made in the previous stage. The two-stage stochastic model then optimizes (without loss of generality, we use minimization in the following) a total system cost combining the cost of the first stage decisions, plus the expected cost of the recourse over all possible realizations of the random variables (the developments in this paper may be extended to the multistage case, but for simplicity of presentation we focus on the two-stage case).

Stochastic programs, in particular stochastic integer ones, are known to be generally very difficult, if not close to impossible, to address for realistically-sized instances. A formulation approximating the original stochastic model is then often used. This approximation generally takes the form of a deterministic formulation, such as the expected-value problem, obtained by replacing the random parameters with their expected values (or with other single-point forecast) or the extensive form of the equivalent deterministic problem obtained through sampling of a finite number of scenarios (Birge and Louveaux 2011). Due to its generally very large dimensions produced by the scenario approximation, the latter is generally not much easier to address than the stochastic one, particularly for formulations involving integer-valued decision variables. As for the former, it is known that the use of single-point forecasts can lead to finding arbitrarily bad solutions when compared to the optimal solution of the stochastic program, e.g., Lium et al. (2009).

But what insights can be derived from an optimal expected-value solution even if its single-point forecast defines an inaccurate estimator of the stochastic parameters of the considered problem? Specifically, two important questions then arise: (1) what can be inferred about the optimal stochastic solution from this optimal deterministic solution even when it is not of high quality and (2) can we use this information to reduce the computational effort of the stochastic program without affecting the stochastic solution quality?

We proceed in two steps: the first aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the relation between the expected-value and the stochastic solutions. What could be identified as “inherited" from the former to the latter? Can we identify a subset of variables with zero value in the deterministic solution to fix at zero in the stochastic formulation in order to guide the search toward the optimal stochastic solution? In the affirmative, are the reduced costs of the optimal solution of the (continuous relaxation of, in the case of integer formulations) deterministic problem a good estimation of bad/good variables to include into the stochastic solution? Can we infer a general trend from the several cases considered or is the behavior of the deterministic solution problem dependent?

To achieve these goals, we introduce the Loss of Reduced Costs-based Variable Fixing LRCVF, a measure of the badness/goodness of deterministic solutions based on the information offered by the reduced costs of the solution of the (continuous relaxation of the) deterministic formulation. We relate LRCVF to other measures present in the literature, the Value of the Stochastic Solution (VSS) (Birge 1982) and the Loss Using the Skeleton Solution (LUSS) (Maggioni and Wallace 2012). We then show experimentally that the LRCVF helps to identify the “good” variables that the stochastic solution should inherit from the expected-value deterministic solution and thus, provides better insights into what defines the structure of the solution to the stochastic programming model than VSS and LUSS.

We analyze, in the second step, the general trends observed during the Step 1 of the experimental campaign. This analysis aims to identify how the reduced costs associated to the non basic variables in the expected-value deterministic solution can be used to guide the selection of the variables to exclude from the stochastic formulation, making it solvable for larger instances, while preserving the quality of the final solution. The skeleton of a first heuristic procedure implementing the hints provided by this analysis is then experimentally evaluated on a large set of problems from the literature, including some large-sized stochastic Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) instances (Ahmed et al. 2015). The results illustrate the performance and interest of LRCVF and the heuristic idea.

To sum up, the main contributions of this paper are to:

  1. 1.

    Provide a more comprehensive understanding of the structure of the optimal solution of two-stage stochastic problems and its links to the optimal solution of the expected-value corresponding deterministic version (its linear relaxation for integer formulations);

  2. 2.

    Define LRCVF, a new measure of goodness/badness of the deterministic solution with respect to the stochastic formulation;

  3. 3.

    Show, using LRCVF, how the reduced costs in the deterministic solution lead, under certain conditions, to the identification of the variables to retain/exclude in the stochastic solution;

  4. 4.

    Show, by means of an extensive experimental campaign, the interest of the proposed LRCVF, and how the reduced-costs rules may yield a heuristic effective in terms of computational time reduction and accurate in the approximation of the optimal solution.

  5. 5.

    Define new and more realistic standard benchmark for Stochastic Programming. It should be noted that our experimental campaign was conducted using the instances available in the SIPLIB library. In addition, numerical tests were also conducted using a set of larger stochastic programming problems that represent more realistic settings. These additional instances have been added to the SIPLIB library to complement the overall benchmark set available to the stochastic programming community.

The paper is organized as follows. The problem statement and literature review are presented in Sect. 2, while Sect. 3 defines the LRCVF measure. The experimental plan is described in Sect. 4, including how we use LRCVF and the problems and formulations considered in the experimentation. Numerical results are presented and analyzed in the same section. We sum up the highlights and general trends observed from this experiments in Sect. 5. Given the trends identified, we derive and algorithmic procedure based on LRCVF and we test it on a wide set of highly combinatorial instances taken from the literature. We conclude in Sect. 6.

2 Literature review and problem statement

We focus our brief literature review on the characterization of the solutions of deterministic versions of stochastic formulations in relation to the solutions to the latter. A main concern is the identification of structures that might migrate from the deterministic solution to the stochastic one.

As already mentioned, stochastic programs, in particular integer ones, are generally very difficult to address for realistically-sized instances. Bounding techniques are therefore quite useful in practice, and several approaches and bounds on the optimal objective-function value have thus been proposed.

The standard measure of the expected gain from solving a stochastic model rather than its deterministic counterpart is given by the Value of the Stochastic Solution (VSS) (Birge 1982; Maggioni and Wallace 2012; Escudero et al. 2007), computed by comparing the solution values of the stochastic and expected-value deterministic variants of the problem. A high VSS indicates that stochastic programming models are necessary despite the computational efforts involved.

Other approaches (e.g., Frauendorfer 1988; Hausch and Ziemba 1983; Huang et al. 1977a, b) generalize the Edmundson–Madansky inequality (Madansky 1960) for upper bounding and Jensen’s inequality (Jensen 1906) for lower bounding. Bounds have been proposed in Birge (1985) and Rosa and Takriti (1999) by aggregating constraints and variables in the extensive-form, while bounds based on the barycentric approximation scheme are investigated in Kuhn (2005). Bounds for convex multistage stochastic programs have been extensively elaborated in Kuhn (2008) by means of an integrated stage-aggregation and space-discretization. Other bounds for multistage linear programs have been analyzed in Maggioni et al. (2014a) by means of measures of information, measures of quality of the expected value solution, and rolling horizon measures. Maggioni and Pflug (2016) also provides bounds and approximations for multistage convex problems with concave risk functionals as objective. Maggioni et al. (2016) proposed a bounding approach, extending that of Birge (1982), Maggioni et al. (2014a) and Sandıkçı et al. (2013), which works for multistage stochastic mixed integer linear programs. The latter considers an alternative way of forming sub-problems and merging their results, with the significant advantage of dividing a given problem into independent sub-problems, which may take advantage of parallel-machine architectures. Worst-case analysis of approximated solutions in a stochastic setting has been performed in Bertazzi and Maggioni (2015) for a capacitated traveling salesmen location problem and in Bertazzi and Maggioni (2017) for a fixed charge transportation problem.

The main drawback of all these methodologies is that they measure, in different ways, the quality of the approximating solution in terms of objective-function values, but they do not provide any information on the structure of the stochastic solution. An open research question is then the following: can we learn from an approximating formulation solution, irrespective of its quality, measured in terms of objective function value?

It is well known that, in general, the expected-value solution can behave very badly in a stochastic environment. The structural differences between the two solutions within the context of particular combinatorial optimization problems have been studied in Lium et al. (2009), Thapalia et al. (2011, 2012a, b), Wang et al. (2016), observing both the general bad behavior of the expected value solution and hinting that some structures from the deterministic solution find their way into the stochastic one. An approach proposed in the literature to assess the value of a given solution is to approximate its relative gap to the optimum value of the stochastic problem. For example, a Monte Carlo sampling-based procedure was proposed in Mak et al. (1999) and Bayraksan and Morton (2006). Escudero et al. (2007) proposed to use the expected value solution in a multistage setting by solving subsets of scenarios and testing the obtained solution in a dynamic way.

However, from all these experiments, it is still generally not clear where the badness of the expected value solution comes from: is it because the wrong variables are fixed at non-zero levels or because they have been assigned wrong values?

An attempt to answer this question has been proposed in Maggioni and Wallace (2012). Starting from the solution of the expected value problem, it assesses whether (1) the deterministic model produced the right non-zero variables, but possibly was off on the values of the basic variables; and (2) the deterministic solution is upgradable to become good (if not optimal) in the stochastic setting. The resulting measures, called Loss Using the Skeleton Solution (LUSS) and the Loss of Upgrading the Deterministic Solution (LUDS) in Maggioni and Wallace (2012) (see Maggioni et al. 2014a, for the extension to the multistage setting), are obtained by restricting the values of the first stage variables based on the solution of the expected-value problem. LUSS is obtained by fixing at zero (or at the lower bound) the first stage variables which are at zero (or at the lower bound) in the expected value solution (i.e., for linear programs, the non basic variables), solving the stochastic program, and contrasting it to the solution of the original stochastic model. LUDS is measured by first solving a restricted stochastic model obtained by fixing the lower bound of all variables to their corresponding values in the expected value solution, and contrasting it to the solution of the original stochastic model. Unfortunately, this approach leads to suboptimal solutions, in particular when large combinatorial stochastic problems must be solved. We compare in our experimental-results section the performance of LRCVF, the new measure we propose, to that of LUSS and LUDS.

Notice also that, approaches were proposed in the literature on deterministic combinatorial optimization to fix to zero the largest part of the non basic variables in the continuous relaxation of the problem in order to reduce the computational time (Angelelli et al. 2010; Perboli et al. 2011). Then, to identify the appropriate core set of non basic variables to be included in the restricted problem, the search is performed starting from the ones with the smallest reduced cost (Perboli et al. 2011).

One may conclude from this brief review of previous work that a systematic way to identify the structure of the stochastic solution out of the expected-value deterministic one is still missing. The goal of this paper is to fill this gap providing a tool to analyze and compare the expected value solution with respect to the stochastic one. In the next section, we introduce the concepts and a procedural way to compute the Reduced Costs-based Variable Fixing (RCVF) and the Loss of Reduced Costs-based Variable Fixing (LRCVF). LRCVF will provide the means to investigate, even in the case of a large VSS, what can be inherited from the structure of the expected value solution in its stochastic counterpart, by taking into account the information on reduced costs associated to the variables at zero (or lower bound) in the expected value solution.

3 The value of variable fixing

We first define the standard notation used in this paper, and then move to introduce RCVF and LRCVF.

3.1 Notation and definitions

The following mathematical model represents a general formulation of a stochastic program in which a decision maker needs to determine x in order to minimize (expected) costs or outcomes (Kall and Wallace 1994; Birge and Louveaux 2011):

$$\begin{aligned} \min _{x\in X}E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}z\left( x,{\varvec{\xi }}\right) =\min _{x\in X} \left\{ f_1(x) + E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}\left[ h_2\left( x,{\varvec{\xi }}\right) \right] \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where x is a first-stage decision vector restricted to the set \(X\subseteq \mathbb {R}^{n}_+\), with \(\mathbb {R}^{n}_+\) is the set of non negative real vectors of dimension n, and \(E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}\) stands for the expectation with respect to a random vector \({\varvec{\xi }}\), defined on some probability space \((\varOmega ,\mathscr {A},p)\) with support \(\varOmega \) and given probability distribution p on the \(\sigma \)-algebra \(\mathscr {A}\). The function \(h_2\) is the value function of another optimization problem defined as

$$\begin{aligned} h_2\left( x,\xi \right) =\min _{y\in Y(x,\xi )} f_2\left( y;x,\xi \right) , \end{aligned}$$

which is used to reflect the costs associated with adapting to information revealed through a realization \(\xi \) of the random vector \({\varvec{\xi }}\). The term \(E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}\left[ h_2\left( x,{\varvec{\xi }}\right) \right] \) in (1) is referred to as the recourse function. We make the assumption in this paper that functions \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) are linear in their unknowns. The solution \(x^{*}\) obtained by solving problem (1), is called the here and now solution and

$$\begin{aligned} RP= E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}z(x^{*}, {\varvec{\xi }}), \end{aligned}$$

is the optimal value of the associated objective function.

A simpler approach is to consider the Expected Value Problem, where the decision maker replaces all random variables by their expected values and solves a deterministic program:

$$\begin{aligned} EV =\min _{x\in X} z(x,\bar{\xi }), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\bar{\xi }=E({\varvec{\xi }})\). Let \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\) be an optimal solution to (4), called the Expected Value Solution and let EEV be the expected cost when using the solution \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\):

$$\begin{aligned} EEV=E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}\left( z\left( \bar{x}(\bar{\xi }),{\varvec{\xi }}\right) \right) . \end{aligned}$$

The Value of the Stochastic Solution is then defined as

$$\begin{aligned} VSS=EEV-RP, \end{aligned}$$

measuring the expected increase in value when solving the simpler deterministic model rather than its stochastic version. Relations and bounds on EV, EEV and RP can be found for instance in Birge (1982) and Birge and Louveaux (2011).

Let \(\mathcal {J}=\{1,\dots ,J\}\) be the set of indices for which the components of the expected value solution \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\) are at zero or at their lower bound (non basic variables). Then let \(\hat{x}\) be the solution of:

$$\begin{aligned}&\min \nolimits _{x \in X} \ E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}z\left( x,{\varvec{\xi }}\right) \nonumber \\&\quad \hbox {s.t.}\quad x_j=\bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi }),\ j\in \mathcal {J}. \end{aligned}$$

We then compute the Expected Skeleton Solution Value

$$\begin{aligned} ESSV=E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}\left( z\left( \hat{x}, {\varvec{\xi }}\right) \right) , \end{aligned}$$

and we compare it with RP by means of the Loss Using Skeleton Solution

$$\begin{aligned} LUSS=ESSV - RP. \end{aligned}$$

A LUSS close to zero means that the variables chosen by the expected value solution are the correct ones but their values may be off. We have:

$$\begin{aligned} RP\le ESSV\le EEV, \end{aligned}$$

and consequently,

$$\begin{aligned} VSS\ge LUSS \ge 0. \end{aligned}$$

Notice that the case \(LUSS=0\) corresponds to the perfect skeleton solution in which the condition \(x_j=\bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi }),\ j\in \mathcal {J}\), is satisfied by the stochastic solution \(x^{*}\) even without being enforced by a constraint (i.e., \(\hat{x}=x^{*}\)); on the other hand, if there exists \(j\in \mathcal {J}\) such that \(x_j^{*}\ne \bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi })\) in any optimal stochastic solutions \(x^{*}\), then \(0<LUSS<VSS\). Finally, one observes \(LUSS=VSS\), if the \(\hat{x}=\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\).

3.2 Defining the LRCVF

We now define RCVF and LRCVF, together with a procedural way to compute them.

Let \(\mathscr {R}=\{r_1,\dots ,r_j,\dots ,r_J\}\) be the set of reduced costs, with respect to the recourse function, of the components \(\bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi }),\ j\in \mathcal {J}\), of the expected-value solution \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\) at zero or at their lower bound (i.e., non basic variables). We recall that a reduced cost is the amount by which an objective function coefficient would have to improve (increase, for maximization problems and decrease for minimization ones) before it would be possible for the corresponding variable to assume a positive value in the optimal solution and become a basis variable. Since the reduced costs of all basis variables (also the ones at the related upper bounds) are zero, they will be not fixed. In the following, we make the assumption that in the case of a problem with first stage integer variables, we compute the reduced costs on the continuous relaxation.

Let \(r^{max}=\max _{j\in \mathcal {J}} \{r_j: r_j\in \mathscr {R}\}\) and \(r^{min}=\min _{j\in \mathcal {J}} \{r_j: r_j\in \mathscr {R}\}\) be respectively the maximum and the minimum of the reduced costs of the variables \(\bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi }) ,\ j\in \mathcal {J}\). We divide the difference \(r^{max} - r^{min}\) into N classes \(\mathscr {R}_1,\dots ,\mathscr {R}_N\) of constant width \(\frac{r^{max} - r^{min}}{N}\) such that the p-class is defined as follows

$$\begin{aligned} \mathscr {R}_p =\left\{ r_j\!:\! r^{min} + (p-1)\! \cdot \!\frac{(r^{max} - r^{min})}{N}\le r_j \le r^{min} + p \cdot \frac{(r^{max} - r^{min})}{N}\! \right\} , \end{aligned}$$

with \(p=1,\dots ,N\). Let \(\mathcal {J}_p\) be the set of indices associated to the variables \(\bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi })\) with reduced costs \(r_j\in \mathscr {R}_p\). Then let \(\tilde{x}_p\) be the solution of

$$\begin{aligned}&\min \nolimits _{x \in X} \ E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}z\left( x,{\varvec{\xi }}\right) \nonumber \\&\quad \hbox {s.t.}\quad x_j=\bar{x}_{j}(\bar{\xi }),\ j\in \mathcal {J}_p,\dots ,\mathcal {J}_N, \end{aligned}$$

where we fix at zero or lower bounds only the variables with indices belonging to the last p classes \(\mathcal {J}_p,\dots ,\mathcal {J}_N \), i.e., with the highest reduced costs.

We then compute the Reduced Costs-based Variables Fixing

$$\begin{aligned} RCVF(p,N)=E_{{\varvec{\xi }}}\left( z\left( \tilde{x}_p, {\varvec{\xi }}\right) \right) ,\quad p=1,\dots ,N, \end{aligned}$$

and we compare it with RP by means of the Loss of Reduced Costs-based Variable Fixing

$$\begin{aligned} LRCVF(p,N)=RCVF(p,N) - RP ,\quad p=1,\dots ,N. \end{aligned}$$

Notice that \(RCVF(1,N)=ESSV\) and consequently \(LRCVF(1,N)=LUSS\).

Furthermore, considering that both RCVF and LRCVF are defined on the basis of restricting only a subset of the N classes that partition the non basic variables according to their respective values, these bounds RCVF(pN), \(p=1,\dots ,N\) can be improved (as is clearly stated in the two propositions that will follow). Also, as will be described in the subsequent section of this paper, by varying the values of parameters p and N, a systematic search can be performed to both assess the quality of the obtained bounds and inferring what the actual restriction to be applied on the overall stochastic model should be. We now prove that the following inequalities hold true:

Proposition 3.1

For a fixed \(N\in \mathbb {N}\backslash \left\{ 0,1\right\} \) (where \(\mathbb {N}\) is the set of natural numbers),

$$\begin{aligned} LRCVF(p,N)\ge LRCVF(p+1,N) , \quad p=1,\dots ,N-1. \end{aligned}$$


Any feasible solution of problem RCVF(pN) is also a solution of problem \(RCVF(p+1,N)\), since the former is more restricted than the latter, and so, the relation (16) holds true. If \(LRCVF(p,N) =\infty \), the inequality is automatically satisfied. \(\square \)

Proposition 3.2

For a given \(N\in \mathbb {N}\backslash \left\{ 0\right\} \) and a fixed \(p\in \mathbb {N}\backslash \left\{ 0\right\} \) such that \(p=1,\dots ,N\),

$$\begin{aligned} LRCVF(p,N+1)\ge LRCVF(p,N). \end{aligned}$$


If \(p=1\) then \(LRCVF(p,N+1)=LRCVF(p,N)=LUSS\). Furthermore, any feasible solution of problem \(RCVF(p,N+1)\) is also a solution of problem RCVF(pN), since the former is more restricted than the latter, and so, the relation (17) holds true. If \(LRCVF(p,N+1) =\infty \), the inequality is automatically satisfied. \(\square \)

The two previous properties can be generalized in the following corollary:

Corollary 3.1

For given \(N_1,N_2\in \mathbb {N}\backslash \left\{ 0\right\} \) and \(p_1,p_2\in \mathbb {N}\backslash \left\{ 0\right\} \), with \(p_1=1,\dots ,N_1\), \(p_2=1,\dots ,N_2\) and such that \(\frac{p_1}{N_1}\le \frac{p_2}{N_2}\)

$$\begin{aligned} LRCVF(p_1,N_1)\ge LRCVF(p_2,N_2). \end{aligned}$$


If \(p_1=p_2=1\) then \( LRCVF(p_1,N_1)= LRCVF(p_2,N_2)=LUSS\). Furthermore, if \(\frac{p_1}{N_1}\le \frac{p_2}{N_2}\) then the number of variables at zero with highest reduced cost to be fixed is respectively \(\frac{N_1 -p_1}{N_1}|\mathscr {R}|\ge \frac{N_2 -p_2}{N_2}|\mathscr {R}|\). Consequently \(RCVF(p_1,N_1)\) is more restricted than \(RCVF(p_2,N_2)\), and the relation (18) holds true. \(\square \)

Notice that, variables are unbounded in the minimization problem setting considered (1). One might, however, consider problem settings where the variables have limited upper bounds. In these cases, non basic variables might be at zero (or at their lower bound values) with positive reduced cost or at their upper bounds with negative reduced costs (Ahuja et al. 1993). The variable fixing procedure we propose implicitly considers this case, as non basic variables at their upper bounds correspond, due to their negative reduced costs, to the sets \(\mathscr {R}_p\) with the lowest reduced cost values. Therefore, such variables are unlikely to be fixed to 0 by the procedure.

LRCVF measures how much we lose in terms of solution quality when we consider the reduced costs-based variable fixing solution. But how can one use it in order to analyze and derive the structure of the stochastic solution? How should we choose the number of classes N and p? We answer these questions in the following sections, by presenting a procedure using LRCVF and applying it to a wide set of problems from the literature.

4 Experimental plan and results

This section describes the experimental plan and the instance sets considered. Our goal is to assess the validity of LRCVF for extracting information about the skeleton of the stochastic solution from the reduced costs of the expected-value solution (or its linear relaxation for integer formulations). We therefore performed an experimental analysis to explore the behavior of RCVF and LRCVF, compared to LUSS, while varying the values of p and N, according to three axes:

  • Computational effort What number of variables can we fix in order to drastically reduce the effort of the stochastic solution computation?

  • Feasibility What are the effects of fixing a subset of the variables from the expected-value solution with regards to the feasibility of the stochastic model?

  • Optimality How to use the LRCVF to find an optimal or near optimal stochastic solution?

We used instances corresponding to stochastic optimization models related to three real-case applications: a single-sink transportation problem, a power generation scheduling case, and a supply transportation problem. All numerical experiments were conducted on a 64-bit machine with 12 GB of RAM and a Intel Core i7-3520M CPU 2.90 GHz processor, using CPLEX 12.5 as MIP solver.

Section 4.1 presents our methodology for computing the two measures, including a proposed approach to set up the number of classes N and the class parameter p of LRCVF(pN). Section 4.2 gives a short description of the test instances, while computational results are discussed in Sect. 4.3.

4.1 Computing RCVF and LRCVF

We computed VSS, LUSS and LRCVF(pN) for each instance set. The optimal solutions of the stochastic formulations were either taken from the literature, when available, or computed, otherwise. We now briefly describe the procedure we developed, which can be applied and extended to any stochastic programming problem.

Recall that parameter N defines the number of classes, or sets, in which the non basic variables of \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\) are grouped, and that these sets provide a characterization of the variables with respect to their reduced costs. Thus, the higher the value of N, the closer the reduced-cost values of the variables included in each set. We therefore start by considering a rough characterization given by three classes, \(N=3\), where the non basic variables of \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\) are included in a high, low or medium-range reduced-cost set. Finally, the size of the “supply transportation” problem allowed us to test other values of N (\(N=3, 10, 50, 100\)) and to analyze the sensitivity of the results when N increases.

For a given value N, our objective while generating sets \(\mathscr {R}_1,\dots ,\mathscr {R}_N\) and the partition of the variables \(\mathcal {J}_1, \dots , \mathcal {J}_N\), is to identify which non basic variables of \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\) should be fixed in the stochastic model to produce an optimal, or near-optimal, solution. To do so, the parameter p is first fixed to its upper limit (i.e., \(p=N\)) to compute LRCVF(NN). Parameter p is then iteratively decreased by a value of one as long as the following condition is verified: \(LRCVF(p,N) = LRCVF(p-1,N)\). In fact, from Property 3.1, we have that, for a fixed N, LRCVF(pN) can only increase when p decreases.

4.2 Test instances

The instances used in this experimental phase are taken from the literature:

  • Power generation scheduling based on an economic scheduling model formulated in Williams (2013) and Garver (1962) as a deterministic mixed integer program and extended in Maggioni and Wallace (2012) as a stochastic optimization problem; Power generation scheduling involves the selection of generating units to be put into operation and the allocation of the stochastic power demand among the units over a set of time periods;

  • Supply transportation problem inspired by a real case of gypsum replenishment in Italy, provided by the primary Italian cement producer. The logistics system is organized as follows: 24 suppliers, each of them having several plants located all around Italy, are used to satisfy the demand for gypsum of 15 cement factories belonging to the same company; the demands for gypsum at the 15 cement factories are considered stochastic; See Maggioni et al. (2017) for more details.

In order to ensure the fluidity of the paper, the problem descriptions and the two-stage models as reported in the literature are included in Appendix A, while their corresponding numerical data are summarized in Appendix B. Notice that Appendices A and B, include also the description and numerical results of a Single-sink transportation problem, inspired by a real case of clinker replenishment, provided by the largest Italian cement producer located in Sicily (Maggioni et al. 2009).

4.3 Numerical results

We now present and analyze the results obtained by applying the LRCVF(pN) measure to the problems described above. We followed the procedure described in Sect. 4.1, computing each time VSSLUSS and LRCVF(pN), \(p=1,\dots ,N\). Detailed solutions of the different instances for the first three test problems may be found at: http://www.francescamaggioni.it/index.php?id=lrcvf.

4.3.1 The power generation problem

The power generation problem (PGP) (Appendix A.2) selects power units of type 1 or 2 to operate and allocates the power demand among the selected units. We run the model for 10 different instances with demand randomly generated in the interval \([d^{min},d^{max}]\), where \(d^{min}=33\) and \(d^{max}=687\) are respectively the minimum and maximum demand observed in the historical data. The number of scenarios is 20. Summary statistics of the adjusted problem derived for our test case are reported in Table 1. Columns 3–4–5–6 display the total number of variables and the total number of integer variables, respectively. Notice that presolve eliminates 68 constraints and 2 variables.

Table 1 Summary statistics for the PGP

Results are reported in Tables 2 and 3. The former reports the deviations (in %) with respect to RP for VSS, LRCVF(p, 3), \(p=1,\dots ,3\), and LRCVF(p, 4). The latter illustrates the discussion that follows with the results obtained for the first instance, displaying the first stage solutions of generating units \(u_i^{2}\), the number of started up generators \(s_i^2\), total output rate \(x_i^2\) (\(i\in \mathscr {I}\)) and the total cost.

Table 2 Results for the PGP (% deviation from RP)

We evaluated the expected value solution under the mean scenario \(\bar{D}\) in the stochastic model. As illustrated in the case of instance 1, Table 3, the deterministic model closes down as many units as possible to simply cover the considered demand, ending up with only four units of type 1. Because the deterministic solution only keeps 4 units running, instead of the 8 (4 units of type 1 and 4 of type 2) included in the stochastic solution, the associated total cost reduces to 104, 285 € compared to 117, 927.5 € for the stochastic counterpart. However, the 4 units working in the deterministic solution are not enough to satisfy the high demand scenarios, yielding

$$\begin{aligned} VSS= 129{,}927.5 - 117{,}927.5=12{,}000, \end{aligned}$$

causing a loss of \(10.17\%\) given the need to restart some units at the second stage. We now investigate why the deterministic solution is bad by means of LUSS and LRCVF.

Table 3 Optimal solutions for different problem types for PGP instance 1

According to the LUSS, we follow the skeleton solution from the deterministic model and close the units of type 2 that are not required to satisfy the deterministic demand. The stochastic model reacts by opening units of type 2 at the second stage at higher cost. As a consequence, the associated Expected Skeleton Solution Value ESSV is the same as EEV and LUSS is VSS. It confirms that deterministic solution has a bad structure (required units for the stochastic environment that are closed in the deterministic case).

Applying LRCVF(pN) idea, the reduced costs of the decision variables at zero in the skeleton solution from the deterministic model are computed. It closes the units of type 2, \(u_2^2=0\), yielding \(x_2^2=0\), and do not start up any generator, \(s_i^2=0\); thus \(r_{u_2^2}=500\) and \(r_{s_1^2}=14{,}000\), \(r_{s_2^2}=16{,}000\) and \(r_{x_2^2}=50\). Let define \(r^{max}=r_{s_2^2}=16{,}000\) and \(r^{min}=r_{x_2^2}=50\).

Notice that, since the number of variables at zero in the deterministic solution is 4, the maximum number of classes to consider is \(N=4\). We computed two measures, dividing the difference \(r^{max}-r^{min}\) into \(N=3\) and \(N=4\) classes of constant width, respectively. With the two values of N we have that \(LRCVF(p,N)=0\), with \(p \in \{2,\dots ,N\}\), while the percentage gap between LRCVF and RP becomes 10.17% when \(p=1\). It shows how the wrong choice from the deterministic solution is in the selection of variable \(u_2^2\).

The results obtained on instances 3, 6, 7 and 8 show a different behavior since LRCVF(1, N) = \(LUSS = 0\) while the VSS is around 6.5% (Table 2). This means that, in these instances, the EV problem is able to identify the appropriate structure in terms of zero and non-zero variables, but fails in providing the correct first-stage non zero values.

In conclusion, the deterministic solution is bad because it tends to follow in every period the market profile, thus closing units that could be needed in the following time periods. However, we again obtain the optimal stochastic solution by applying the new measure and procedure, that is, by following the skeleton of the deterministic solution with highest reduced costs (i.e., do not starting up any generator, \(s_i^2=0\)).

4.3.2 The supply transportation problem

VSSLUSS and LRCVF(pN), \(p=1,\dots ,N\) were computed for the supply transportation problem (STP) (Appendix A.3), which identifies the number of vehicles to book for each plant of each supplier, for the replenishment of gypsum at minimum total cost. Data represents the first week of March 2014. We run the model for 10 different instances with demand randomly generated in the interval \([d_j^{min},d_j^{max}]\), where \(d_j^{min}\) and \(d_j^{max}\) are the minimum and maximum demand observed in the historical data, respectively in destination \(j\in \mathscr {D}\) (see Table 5).

The number of scenarios is 48. Summary statistics of the adjusted problem derived for our test case are reported in Table 4. Columns 3–4–5–6 display the total number integer variables. Notice that in this problem all the decision variables are integer, and presolve eliminates 1261 constraints.

Table 4 Summary statistics for the STP
Table 5 Minimum and maximum observed demand (second and third columns) over all the destinations \(j\in \mathscr {D}\). Fourth and fifth columns report the total number of booked vehicles at each destination respectively in deterministic and stochastic solution. These values are averaged and rounded over 10 instances
Table 6 Optimal solution values for STP

The cost values associated to the solutions of the deterministic, the EV model (4), and stochastic formulations are reported in Table 6 for the 10 instances. The deterministic model will always book the exact number of vehicles \(\bar{x}_{ij}\) needed for the next period for each plant \(i\in \mathscr {O}_{k}\) of supplier \(k\in \mathscr {K}\), to destination \(j\in \mathscr {D}\); it sorts the suppliers and their plants according to the transportation costs and books a full production capacity from the cheapest one, followed by the next-cheapest, and so on. As long as there is sufficient transportation capacity, the model will never purchase extra gypsum from external sources, i.e. \(y_j=0\), \(\forall j \in \mathscr {D}\). The total cost then reduces to the booking cost at the first stage.

The last two columns of Table 5 show the total number of booked vehicles at each cement factory averaged and rounded over the 10 instances, for the expected value solution and the optimal solution of the stochastic problem, respectively.

The headings of Table 6 are as follows: Instance code in column 1; \(EV_1\) and \(RP_1\) give in columns 2 and 3 the objective function terms (i.e., cost) related to the first stage in the deterministic model and stochastic model, respectively; EV and RP give in columns 4 and 5 the total cost of the solution of the deterministic and stochastic models, respectively.

The deterministic model books much fewer vehicles than the stochastic one, resulting in a solution costing only \(83\%\) of the stochastic counterpart (Table 6). The EEV is infeasible, however, resulting in \(VSS = \infty \), which shows that the expected value solution is not appropriate in a stochastic setting.

Why is the deterministic solution bad? Is it because of an overly optimistic guess on the randomness, leading to too few booked vehicles from the plants \(i\in \mathscr {O}_k\) of suppliers \(\mathscr {K}\), or is it because of wrong choices being made regarding the suppliers and plants? LUSS and LRCVF are used to answer these questions.

To compute the LUSS, we follow the skeleton solution from the deterministic model, not allowing to book vehicles from the plants \(i \in \mathscr {O}_k\) (for all suppliers \(k \in \mathscr {K}\)), such that \(\bar{x}_{ij}(\bar{\xi })=0\), \(j\in \mathscr {D}\), in the expected value solution. The Expected Skeleton Solution Value ESSV is still infeasible and then, the associated Loss Using the Skeleton Solution \(LUSS= \infty \). Therefore, the chosen suppliers and associated plants, derived from the solution to the deterministic model, are unsuited for the stochastic case. We can thus conclude that the deterministic solution is inappropriate because a wrong number of vehicles are booked from the wrong suppliers and plants.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Reduced costs of the variables at zero in the EV solution of STP instance 1

We then turn to LRCVF(pN) and analyze the reduced costs of the variables at zero in the deterministic solution, illustrated in Fig. 1 for the first instance. The range of reduced costs, from \(r^{min}=131\) to \(r^{max}=683\), is sufficiently broad to allow testing the sensitivity of the results with a large number of classes N. We therefore divide the difference \(r^{max}-r^{min}=552\) into \(N=3,10,50,100\), classes \(\mathscr {R}_1,\dots ,\mathscr {R}_{N}\) of constant width, respectively. Results are reported in Tables 8, 9 and 10, respectively.

Contrary to the VSS and LUSS, LRCVF(pN) is able to find optimal results when a limited subset of variables are fixed. In the case of LRCVF(p, 3), for \(p=1,2,3\), the appropriate variables from the deterministic solution are identified as the ones included in the last two classes (i.e., \(\left[ r^{min}+\frac{r^{max} - r^{min}}{3},r_{max}\right] \)), considering that \(LRCVF(2,3) = LRCVF(3,3) = 0\). On the other hand, fixing at zero in the stochastic model all the variables at zero in the deterministic solution yielding \(LRCVF(1,3)=\infty \). It should also be noticed that LRCVF(p, 3), \(p=2,3\) is able to replicate the optimal values of the stochastic problem while reducing the computational effort by \(50\%\) when \(p=3\) and by \(75\%\) when \(p=2\); see Table 7.

Table 7 CPU time (seconds) and optimal objective values for the computation of EV, RP, LRCVF(p, 3), \(p=1,\dots ,3\) and LRCVF(p, 10), \(p=1,\dots ,10\), for the STP instance 1

More refined information on the wrong variables from the deterministic solution is obtained by increasing the number of classes to \(N=10\), and identifying the good variables to fix as the ones belonging to the classes in the interval \(\left[ r^{min} + \frac{3(r_{max} -r_{min})}{10}, r^{max}\right] \). These results are displayed in Table 8. Furthermore, by also fixing the variables belonging to the interval \(\left[ \frac{2(r_{max} -r_{min})}{10},\frac{3(r_{max} -r_{min})}{10}\right] \), a nearly optimal solution can be obtained.

Adding class \(p=2\), results in \(LRCVF(2,10)=\infty \) and consequently \(LRCVF(1,10)=\infty \). As previously observed, LRCVF(4, 10) is able to replicate the optimal values of the stochastic problem while reducing the computational effort by a significant margin (i.e., \(80\%\)), see Table 7.

Table 8 Results of LRCVF(p, 3) and LRCVF(p, 10) for STP as % from RP

Increasing the number of classes to \(N=50\), see Table 9, further refines the information deduced from the deterministic-model solution regarding the good variables to fix, as \(LRCVF(p,50)=0\), with \(p=15,\dots ,50\). In terms of the computational effort, the observed gains increase to \(84\%\) with \(p=15\). By setting \(N=100\), two extra variables at zero from the deterministic solution can be detected, \(LRCVF(p,100)=0\), with \(p=28,\dots ,100\), see Table 10. In this case, the gain in computational effort is \(81\%\) with \(p=28\).

Table 9 Results of LRCVF(p, 50) for STP as % from RP
Table 10 Results of LRCVF(p, 100) for STP as % from RP

Regarding the distribution of the reduced costs in the expected-value deterministic solution, one idea is to compute them, and plot or pass them through a statistical package, to see if one can observe a trend referable to a known probability distribution. Unfortunately, the answer appears to be “no”, even though the distribution seems to have a certain regularity for low values of the number of classes N. For larger numbers of classes, this regularity is less evident. We illustrate this phenomenon with the results obtained for instance 1.

Figure 2 displays the histograms of the distribution of the reduced costs. The graphs show how, up to \(N=10\), the distribution has almost a Gumbel shape. Its behavior becomes very irregular when increasing the number of classes to 50 and then to 100, and a probability distribution is difficult to be identified. Similar observations were made for other instances and problem classes.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Absolute frequency of reduced costs of out of basis variables in the EV solution for the STP instance 1, for \(N=3,10,50,100\)

We observed feasibility issues when fixing subsets of variables from the deterministic solution, following the computation of LRCVF(1, 3), LRCVF(p, 10), with \(p=1,2\), LRCVF(p, 50) with \(p=1,\dots ,10\) and LRCVF(p, 100) with \(p=1,\dots ,19\). We therefore performed a sensitivity analysis on the values of a number of parameters, the stochastic demand \(d_j^s\) and the minimum capacity requirement capacity \(a_k\) of supplier \(k\in \mathscr {K}\), aiming to obtain the largest set of variables from the deterministic solution that causes infeasibility in the stochastic one.

The results of this analysis show that the infeasibility comes out in classes \(LRCVF(p,100)\), with \(p=1,\dots ,19\), for \(a_k < 16.13\%\ v_k\), \(k=4,6,10,11,15,16\) and \(a_{1}<2000\) (Table 24), since too large a number of variables were fixed not allowing to satisfy the constraint on the minimum capacity requirement. For \(a_k = 16.13 \%\ v_k\), \(k=4,6,10,11,15,16\) and \(a_{1}=2000\), the stochastic problem itself becomes infeasible and, consequently, also all LRCVF(p, 100), \(p=1,\dots ,100\). The reason of the infeasibility is that when the value of the minimum capacity requirement \(a_k\) is increased, the model decides to transport at least for the required quantity. Consequently, for a scenario with low demand, the constraint limiting the maximum storage capacity at the customers is no longer satisfied, generating the infeasibility. On the other hand, high demand scenarios will not bring infeasibility since the model includes the possibility to acquire extra product from external sources at a higher price.

Histograms of the distributions of the reduced costs are plotted in Fig. 3 for \(N=3, 10, 50, 100\). First, one may notice how, when considering higher values of N, the classes containing the largest number of variables become the ones in the middle and the left tail, i.e., the classes characterized by the lowest reduced costs. Moreover, the results show empirical evidence that the LRCVF is stable also from the point of view of feasibility, if one does not try to fix p close to 1, i.e., one fixes to 0 the largest part of non basic variables.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Absolute frequency of reduced costs of out of basis variables in the EV solution for the STP instance 1, for \(N=3,10,50,100\), with \(a_{1}=2000\) and \(a_k = 16.13 \% \ v_k\), \(k=4,6,10,11,15,16\)

5 General trends and skeleton of a heuristic procedure

The detailed results presented in Sect. 4.3 show how the LRCVF can be used to derive the structure of the stochastic solution (or a good part of it, at least) starting from data extracted from the continuous relaxation of the expected-value solution. We summarize in this section the lessons learned from our experiments applying LRCVF to different problems, considering the issues of computational effort, feasibility and optimality. We then sketch in Sect. 5.1 the skeleton of a heuristic method to use LRCVF in an iterative way and an algorithmic procedure. The method is applied to a wide set of additional instances normally used in the literature to test stochastic programming solvers (Sects. 5.2 and 5.3). Trends and perspectives are also highlighted (Sect. 5.4).

5.1 Toward an algorithmic procedure for stochastic programming

We derive a hint from the cases studied above on how to proceed when we want to apply LRCVF to a new problem. The core heuristic idea is the following:

  • Solve the (continuous relaxation of the) deterministic version of the original problem;

  • Divide the resulting reduced costs in N intervals and fix in the stochastic formulation, the first stage variables belonging to the last class only, i.e., the non basic variables with highest reduced costs;

  • If feasibility issues appear, split the interval again into N sub-intervals; then fix in the stochastic formulation, to zero only the first stage variables belonging to the new N class and so on.

When feasibility issues do not appear, the process to obtain the variables to fix in the stochastic problem is summarized in Algorithm 1. The procedure begins by solving the expected value problem EV, finding its first stage solution \(\bar{x}(\bar{\xi })\), with minimum and maximum reduced costs \(r^{\min }\) and \(r^{max}\) associated to the non basic variables. It initializes parameters \(p=N=N_0\) (line: 1) and computes the corresponding LRCVF(pN) (line: 2). In the main loop (lines: 3–12), LRCVF(pN) is updated until it is equal to 0 or, parameter p reaches the value 1. The algorithm provides the variables to fix to zero in the stochastic solution, i.e. the ones with indices belonging to \(\mathcal {J}_p,\dots ,\mathcal {J}_N\). It is important to realize that the value to which parameter N is fixed greatly influences the overall numerical effort involved.

figure a

We illustrate this heuristic idea on a wide set of SIPLIB problems (Ahmed et al. 2015).

5.2 SIPLIB instances

The widely-available SIPLIB library is a collection of test problems used to facilitate computational and algorithmic research in stochastic integer programming. We use the problems characterized by a two-stage formulation and the presence of integer, or binary, variables in the first stage:

  • DCAP test set is a collection of stochastic integer programs arising in dynamic capacity acquisition and allocation under uncertainty. All problem instances have complete recourse, mixed-integer first-stage variables, pure binary second-stage variables, and discrete distributions.

  • SSLP test set consists of two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs arising in server location under uncertainty. The problems have pure binary first-stage variables, mixed-binary second-stage variables, and discrete distributions.

  • SEMI test set consists of instances of a two-stage multi-period stochastic integer problem arising in the planning of semiconductor tool purchases. The instances have mixed-integer first-stage variables and continuous second-stage variables.

  • \(mpTSP_s\) test set are instances of the multi-path Traveling Salesman Problem with stochastic travel times (\(mpTSP_s\)), a variant of the deterministic TSP, where each pair of nodes is connected by several paths and each path entails a stochastic travel time. The problem, arising in the domain of City Logistics, aims to find an expected minimum Hamiltonian tour connecting all nodes (Maggioni et al. 2014b; Tadei et al. 2014). These problems are large and highly combinatorial, reaching easily more than 1000 binary variables (fixing the 1st-stage variables still leaves binary 2nd-stage variables). Moreover, the continuous relaxation is highly degenerated.

Table 11 details the instance sizes, where the Type indicates the range in terms of number of integer/binary variables: S, between 0 and 100; M, between 100 and 1000; and L, greater than 1000. Columns 4–5 and 6–7 display for the first and second stages the total number of variables and the total number of integer variables, respectively. The last column gives the number of scenarios.

Table 11 SIPLIB instance set description

5.3 SIPLIB computational results

We discuss in the following the results of LRCVF(pN) with respect to LUSS and VSS for the set of SIPLIB library instances. The results obtained on the SIPLIB problems have been integrated to the SIPLIB library.

Results were obtained using the best known solutions of the RP, i.e., the proven optima for all the instances. Table 12 summarizes the results obtained for the DCAP instances, where Column 1 gives the instance name, Columns 2–3 show the gaps (in %) relative to the optimal values of the stochastic formulation (the RP) for the VSS and the LRCVF at the end of the heuristic idea presented in Sect. 5.1, while Columns 3–4 display the corresponding computational times in CPU seconds. Finally, Column 5 gives the value of the class \(p=1,\dots ,N\) at the end of the process. Notice that a value of \(p=N_0=3\) means that the heuristic idea in Sect. 5.1 stopped at the first iteration without feasibility issues. The reason of our choice relies in the tests performed on the other problems.

Table 12 Results of SIPLIB DCAP instances

The results illustrate how the first-stage solution obtained by solving the expected-value problem fails to provide a good solution in the stochastic case, with a VSS mean error of 31%. With the proposed measure and procedure, we obtain a deviation from the proven optima of \(4\%\) and \(p=3\). We also obtain a large reduction of the computational effort (about 7 times on average). These reductions reach one order of magnitude on the largest instances.

The SSLP results are reported in Table 13 (same column definitions as the previous table). The VSS is very high (47% on average). This means that, the EV problem preserves the structure in terms of basic and non basic variables, but fails in providing the correct first-stage basic values. Our procedure is able to find the same RP solution while reducing the computational time by a factor of 3. This is far from marginal considering that, when the size of the instances increases, solving the full stochastic formulation reaches 10,000 s, while we find the optimal solution within a computational time that, in the instances with the largest RP CPU times, is reduced 5 times.

Table 13 Results for SIPLIB SSLP instances

A similar behavior is observed for the SEMI instances, as displayed in Table 14 (same organization as the previous table). The VSS is providing a relatively good gap (close to 5% on average). Again, we find the optimal results at the first iteration. In this case, the gain in terms of computational effort is somewhat limited, being reduced by a factor of 2 only.

Table 14 Results for SIPLIB SEMI instances

Up to now, we examined the effect of our algorithm on small and medium-sized instances. What about larger-sized instances? Are we able to replicate optimal or near optimal values while reducing the computational effort? The answer is “yes” to both questions, as can be seen in Table 15 for the SIPLIB \(mpTSP_s\) instances. Once again, we replicate the optimal values. In this case, the computational effort is reduced by a full order of magnitude. This means that problems usually not solvable by a MIP solver in a reasonable computational time can be solved giving optimal or near optimal solutions.

Table 15 Results for SIPLIB \(mpTSP_s\) instances

To conclude, it is clear how the LRCVF can be effectively used to find high quality solutions to stochastic problems by starting from the EV solutions. Furthermore, when compared to the effort needed to find the optimal solution to the full stochastic formulation, LRCVF considerably reduces the computational times. Finally, it might be incorporated in an iterative heuristic algorithm providing high quality solutions. As a further heuristic insight, when one desires a greater precision and the number of non basic variables appearing in the continuous relaxation of the deterministic approximation is sufficiently large, the set of non basic variables may be split into 10 bids and the values \(p=2,3\), and 4 seem appropriate.

5.4 General trends

One of the main issues that emerges when using LRCVF is how to choose the number N of classes dividing the reduced costs of non-basic variables. On the one hand, it would be preferable to fix the largest possible number of variables in order to reduce the problem size, and, on the other hand, fixing too large a number may result in errors in terms of feasibility and optimality. The general trend emerging from the empirical observations is that fixing to 0 about a third of the non-basic variables with the highest reduced costs is a good compromise. Indeed, applying this policy, we reached the optimal stochastic solutions without feasibility issues and reducing the computational time up to two orders of magnitude for the largest instance (Table 15).

From the point of view of problem optimality, it seems that, as already noted for deterministic combinatorial models (Perboli et al. 2011), the reduced costs of the deterministic solution give an hint on the variables to make inactive in the stochastic program. Moreover, the results show that, even when the VSS is high and the objective function of the expected-value deterministic model far from the one of the stochastic problem, the expected-value deterministic solution provides correct information about the optimal stochastic solution. On the other hand, problems with just a few variables with positive reduced costs in their deterministic solution (e.g., the DCAP instances in SIPLIB, Table 12) highlight the need to extend the LRCVF approach by defining a measure for ranking also the basic variables associated to the continuous relaxation of the expected value deterministic problem.

It is interesting to note that the LRCVF idea of fixing to 0 the non basic variables with the highest reduced costs in the solution to the deterministic version, which appears to perform so well, is the complete opposite of what may be seen in a number of approaches for deterministic combinatorial optimization, where the search for the variables to fix starts with the smallest reduced costs. A possible explanation is that one has to remove a lot of variables in order to obtain a substantial reduction in computational effort in the deterministic combinatorial case, while removing just a small subset of non basicvariables from a stochastic program, pays a lot in terms of computational effort (see the results in Table 15).

6 Conclusions and future directions

In this paper, we analyzed the quality of the expected value solution with respect to the stochastic one, in particular the part of its structure that could be relevant for the solution to the original stochastic formulation.

We introduced the Loss of Reduced Costs-based Variable Fixing, LRCVF, a new measure of goodness/badness of the deterministic solution that goes beyond the standard measures. LRCVF takes into account the information on the reduced costs of non basic variables in the deterministic solution. These costs are sorted, grouped into homogeneous classes, and, then, those in classes with the highest reduced costs are fixed in the associated stochastic formulation, significantly reducing its size and, thus, the associated computational effort. We examined the relations between the new measure and traditional ones, and provided the procedure to compute it, as well as the skeleton of a heuristic method using it to address two-stage combinatorial stochastic optimization problems.

We performed a wide range of experiments on instances drawn both from the Stochastic Programming literature and from real cases. The experiments provided the opportunity of a deeper understanding of the relations between the deterministic and stochastic solutions, of the main causes of goodness in the variables with highest reduced cost in the deterministic solution, measured by \(0=LRCVF(p,N)\le LUSS\le VSS\). The results also showed that the LRCVF can help identify the good and bad variables from the deterministic solution to fix in the stochastic formulation. In all the cases considered, fixing the variables with high reduced costs when solving the RP allowed us to reach exactly the stochastic solution.

The proposed LRCVF measure and algorithmic procedure can hence be effectively used both for problems actually solvable but that must be run very often, and for intractable real-world problems, to reduce the computational time of solving the stochastic problem, without loosing in terms of solution quality.

The proposed methodology and the results obtained also point to how a smart usage of the information coming from the linear programming theory can be effectively incorporated in a Stochastic Programming resolution approach in order to build accurate solutions. The introduction of the LRCVF thus opens a number of interesting future research directions, including how to extend and incorporate this idea into various algorithmic frameworks, such as progressive hedging, diving procedures, etc.

The computational analysis performed in this paper points to a second avenue: when classifying the non basic variables according to their reduced costs, the ones with the highest values can be hard-fixed to zero without affecting the stochastic solution. On the other side, the variables with the lowest reduced costs should be present in the stochastic model. But what about the variables which are in between these two extreme classes? Can we define a way to identify those hedging variables and to incorporate this? What is the appropriate number N of classes needed and their usage (which ones to be fixed and which ones not)? A related, but different research avenue concerns the case, studied within the branch-and-bound literature for deterministic formulations, of identifying a measure of the willingness to fix a basic variable and how to fix it. We expect to report on some of these issues in the near future.