1 Introduction

Within the ISO/IEC (International Standardization Organization/International Electro-technical Commission) and ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union) cooperation[1], the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard [2] provided different new features (with respect to its previous one AVC/ H.264 [3]) which we can mention the most important as follows:

  • New approach of partitioning (Quad-tree) through 4 depth levels [4, 5].

  • More flexibile and larger transform unit sizes from \(4\times 4\) to \(32\times 32\) [2, 6].

  • More precision in the Intra prediction process with 33 different directional modes [7].

  • The integration of Sample Adaptive Offset filter (SAO) [8].

The introduction of these new features and techniques provided a considerable bitrate gain as it has been reduced by 50% while maintaining the same outputted video quality [9]. However, this gain comes with the cost of significant complexity level especially in terms of execution time and real time implementation.

Researchers are always heading to reduce or/and solve software and hardware implementation problems for different coding chain modules. This paper, particularly, is interested in the Inverse Integer cosine transform [10].

Based on the algorithm and the 1D-inverse core transform implementation proposed in [11], this paper proposes an optimized and unified 2D architecture for all Transform Unit sizes (from \(4\times 4\) to \(32\times 32\)) which offers a good tradeoff between occupied area and operational frequency. The 2D approach will be detailed in this paper while delivering more accurate description details for all designed architectures.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, some related works in the literature, interested in the inverse transform implementation of the HEVC, are presented. The general architecture of the 2D-inverse transform design is specified and detailed in Sect. 3. Section 4 shows the hardware complexity cost of the proposed architectures and present the implementation synthesis results with comparison to the existing works. Finally Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related works in the literature

Several hardware implementations of the HEVC standard have been proposed in the literature. Wei Chang et al.[12] proposed a fast algorithm based on hardware-sharing architecture for \(4\times 4, 8\times 8, 16\times 16\), and \(32\times 32\) inverse core transforms. It presented a highly hardware efficient design with an effective cost by using the symmetrical characteristics of the elements in inverse core transform matrices. The proposed 1-D hardware sharing scheme required 115.7 K gate counts to achieve an operational frequency of up to 200 MHz. Shen et al. [13] presented a unified VLSI architecture for 4, 8, 16, and 32-point integer IICTs. The architecture supported MPEG-2/4, H.264, AVS, VC-1, and HEVC video standards. A multiplierless technique was applied to the 4 and 8-point IDCTs. However, regular multipliers with hardware sharing were applied to the 16- and 32-point IICTs. To reduce hardware overheads, the memory was transposed using the SRAM module. The architecture supported 4 K\(\times\)2 K (\(4096\times 2048\) pixels) at 30 fps real-time decoding at 191 MHz with 93 K gate counts and 18944-bit SRAM. Ahmed et al. [14] proposed a dynamic N-point DCT for HEVC designed for all inverse transform sizes. The hardware architecture is partially folded in order to save the area and improve the speed up of the design. The proposed architecture reached a maximum frequency of 150 MHz which can support 1080 HD video codec.

The work of Manel et al. [15] described a unified hardware architecture for \(4\times 4, 8\times 8, 16\times 16\), and \(32\times 32\) inverse 2D core transform IDCT in HEVC standard. It eliminated multiplications through addition and shift operations and was based on reusing some coefficients with most occurrences as 2, 4, 9, 18, 36, and 64 to further optimize area consumption. The operating frequency of the hardware design is about 130 MHz. Ercan Kalali[16] proposed a hardware implementation of the 2D Inverse Core transform of the HEVC using High Level Synthesis (HLS) tools: Xilinx Vivado HLS, LegUp and MATLAB Simulink HDL Coder. The proposed design used 4 different cores for each TU size and then all duplicated to perform the 2D approach which affected the occupied FPGA area.The maximum operational frequencies through these HLS tools were respectively 208 Mhz, 143 Mhz and 110 Mhz. Heming Sun and al [17] interested in a reordered parallel-in serial-out (RPISO) scheme for the 2D IDCT core transform hardware implementation in order to reduce the required calculations by minimizing the redundant inputs of the butterfly structures. They also tried to reduce the memory buffer area by adopting a cyclic data mapping scheme and a pipelining schedule.

3 Implementation of the 2D-inverse transform for the HEVC standard

In compression algorithms, Integer Cosine Transform (ICT) is often used to compact the signal energy in a limited number of coefficients. On the other hand, the Inverse Integer Cosine Transform (IICT) restores the signal from the coefficients. The IICT transform process involves 2D separable transforms enabling to perform 1D horizontal transform and 1D vertical transform separately. For an N\(\times\)N input block B, the 1D horizontal transform of the N rows of B is computed as given in Eq. (1)

$$\begin{aligned} Y_{int} = T_{H}^T \cdot B^T \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_H\) is the N\(\times\)N matrix of the horizontal transform coefficients and \(\cdot\) is the matrix multiplication.

The 1D vertical transform of the N columns of \(Y_{int}\) is performed by a matrix multiplication between the intermediate output coefficients (\(Y_{int}\)) and the matrix of the vertical transform coefficients \(T_V\) of size N\(\times\)N, as given in Eq. (2).

$$\begin{aligned} Y = T_{V}^T \cdot Y_{int}^T \end{aligned}$$

Equation (3) describes the 2D transform operation by computing the transformed coefficients Y of the input residuals block B.

$$\begin{aligned} Y = T_{V}^T \cdot (T_{H}^T \cdot B^T)^T \end{aligned}$$

Figure 1 illustrates the proposed unified 2D-IICT Core transform architecture for all block sizes from \(4\times 4\) to \(32\times 32\). The main element is the unified 1D IICT that would be used for both horizontal and vertical transforms separated by several memory blocks, all interconnected by a control module to ensure the process propoerly.

Fig. 1
figure 1

General architecture of the proposed 2D-IICT design

In the following sections, the 2D hardware implementation will be further detailed and then we will present the synthesis results on the target FPGA device to compare it with the existing works in the literature.

3.1 Memory blocks

For this work, First In First Out (FIFO) memory blocks are used not only as a temporal buffer to store the intermediate 1D results but also as input/output storage memories. All the FIFOs used are independent-technology to ensure that our implementation could be used in different FPGA device families (Altera, Xilinx...).

  • Temporal memory buffer:

This block is designed to store the output 1D matrix of the various blocks 4, 8, 16 and 32 after “Add1D” and “Shift1D” operations as presented in Fig. 1. Each row coefficients are stored in a FIFO. Read and write signals are managed according to the appropriate state machine. Since the design is unified for all 4, 8, 16 and 32 orders, depending on the mode-select which defines the desired block, the size of this memory appears dynamic. Indeed, we have used up to 32 FIFOs each with 32 boxes of 16 bits which is required for the largest block size. Benifitting from recursion property, when lower order N is selected, only N FIFOs are used for the storage process.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Storage of 1D outputs in FIFOs for size 4

For size 4 we need only 4 FIFOs each with 4 boxes of 16 bits (Fig. 2), for size 8 we will only benefit from 8 FIFOs each with 8 boxes of 16 bits and so on. This selection of the overall size of this storage block-1D is determined by the well-defined conditions through the state machine in order to minimize the area and the execution time.

  • Input/output memory:

Two other FIFO blocks are required for input and output signals put on both ends of the design. The input and output bus is defined as 32 bits. As a result, since two inputs or two outputs are concatenated each time, the size of these two memories is 512x32 bits, \(128\times 32\) bits, \(32\times 32\) bits and \(8\times 32\) bits respectively for 32, 16, 8 and 4-point transforms. This is justified by the following reasons:

  • To have a generalized and unified configuration for all block sizes ( from \(4\times 4\) to \(32\times 32\)).

  • To be compliant with different interconnect bus buffers (32 bits).

  • To free interconnect buffers while transform block is processed.

  • To preserve and minimize the occupied I/O pins of the target device.

3.2 1D/2D: IICT block

The work in [11] explained how the 1D inverse transform block is designed as a unified architecture (as shown in Fig. 3) that supports all transform unit sizes (\(4\times 4\) to \(32\times 32\)). As the decomposition of different matrices is recursive, a selection phase will indicate weather if 32-point 1D or 16-point 1D transform is used. If the second condition is set, only the first 16 inputs will be considered and transferred to the even part of the 32-point architecture. The same control path is proceeded to select size 8 or 4. This process is provided by multiplexers according to a definite selection referring to the desired transform block size. Else, all the 32 inputs will be available and 32-point 1D transform is executed through even and odd parts. The 32-IICT Odd part’s architecture is shown in Fig. 4. As explained in [11], it consists in providing eight outputs as a first step and then, by inversing its inputs order and reusing the same hardware cost, the second group of outputs is provided. Indeed, the odd matrix constant coefficients is ensured by a designed bloc generating only one coefficient of the matrix row using only 3 adders, 4 multiplexers and 14 shifters according to a definite selection. Figure 5 illustrates the architecture of the associate block. Subsequently, this latter is used 16 times at once to provide the 16 row coefficients. As a result, this operation, repeated 8 times according to a determinate state-machine, provides the first 8 output results. Finally, by inversing the inputs order and reusing the same hardware shared architecture, all the outputs will be available. This process is secured by the control unit manged by a state machine dealing with the order inverse, start and done signals and the appropriate ouput assignments Finally, by inversing the inputs order and reusing the same hardware shared architecture, all the outputs will be available.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Unified architecture for the 32-point 1D-IICT

Fig. 4
figure 4

Architecture of the 32 point IICT Odd part -MT32 Odd

Fig. 5
figure 5

Architecture of one multiplication matrix coefficient generator

3.3 2D inverse transform process

According to a “mode” decision input (“00” referring to IICT4,“01” for IICT8, “10” for IICT16 and “11” for IICT32), the size of the transform is first chosen. After that, data which have been already stored in the input FIFO are read. The number of read clock cycles depends on the inverse transform size.

At each “\(start_0\)” signal given, the first dimension is calculated for each row of the IICT block of an appropriate size. Once the outputs are obtained, they will be stored in intermediate FIFOs whose number varies according to the size of the desired transform (32 memories in maximum for size 32).

Fig. 6
figure 6

State machine managing the unified IICT circuit

Next, to start the 2D processing, 1D outputs are read from the FIFOs while scanning the rows if the columns were first scanned and vice versa: that is to say the first inputs vector of the IICT will contain the first values of each FIFO and so on. Indeed the transposition of the values from the FIFOs is done by acting appropriately on the read signals of each FIFO.

Once the 2D-outputs are obtained and shifted, they are stored in the output FIFO 2 by 2 and finally, we proceed with the display. Figure 6 shows all possible states for processing IICT4, IICT8, IICT16 as well as IICT32. For the IICT block, either for the 1st dimension or the 2nd, the process is the same. The difference lies in the size of the transform.

4 Hardware resources and synthesis results of the proposed architecture

4.1 Hardware computational complexity

The hardware sharing of the same circuit (IICT block) used in 1D process[11] provided a complete 2D inverse transform implementation while preserving the same resources. Only memory blocks which are already available in the FPGA platform device are added to both ends to read and display data.

Table 1 Hardware cost of the proposed 2-D inverse core transform architecture at different transform modes

Table 1 shows the hardware complexity required (operations number) for the 2D Inverse Transform implementation. The operation count is the same as for 1D process due to the foalded architectural approach. A comparison with other related works is presented also in Table 2.

Table 2 Comparison of the proposed low resources contribution with other related works

This latter shows how the proposed work, by eliminating multiplications and reducing operations number, offers a considerable reduction in computational complexity with respect to the original designs neither multiplierless or not, especially benifitting from recursion property (* in Table 2refers to mutiplierless).

4.2 Functional and timing simulation

To test and evaluate our architecture, a functional simulation was performed using the ModelSim simulation tool based on a “testbench” file for each inverse transform size as presented in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Functional simulation of the unified 1D-circuit

Results are verified using output vectors extracted from HM15 reference [18]. The proposed architectures are implemented and synthesized through the software tool “Quartus II ” [19] to proceed the timing simulation that takes into account the real time constraints, delays and parasites.

The synthesis results of the unified 2D circuit under Stratix-III EP3SL150-F1152C2 FPGA device are shown in Table 3. It can be noticed that even if the target device does not offer high FPGA resource, the proposed design requires only 25% and 19% of ALUTS and Registers, respectively.

This can be justified by the combination of all the features used: hardware sharing, eliminating multiplications, FIFOs, separable 2D process and recursion.

Table 3 Unified IICT32-2D synthesis results

Figure 8 illustrates an example of timing simulation for the unified circuit operating as IICT8 (i.e the selected mode is “01”). The simulation reveals that the design processes at an operational frequency up to 266 MHz which corresponds to the period \(\hbox {T}= 3753\) ps as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Timing simulation of the unified 2D-IICT circuit

Finally, for further evaluation, the proposed 2D-design performce in terms of throughput and occupied area is presented in Table 4 and compared to other existing works.

Table 4 Comparison with other related works

Indeed, the hardware sharing used in the proposed design offered a significant optimization in terms of computaional complexity and area reduction. It requires about 2 and 3.5 times less hardware resources than works in [14] and [15] respectively. However, it comes with the cost of more additional execution time especially when computing \(32\times 32\) transform blocks. Although it can relatively decrease the achieavable throughput, the proposed implementation is still able to support real time 2K videos decoding at 30 frames per second with an operational frequency up to 266 MHz.

5 Conclusion

This paper proposes an efficient and unified architecture design for the 2D inverse transform used in H.265/HEVC. Hardware resource sharing and eliminating multiplication operations allow to significantly preserve the occupied area on the FPGA target device and optimize the computational complexity. The design methodology supports all the transform sizes from \(4\times 4\) to \(32\times 32\). FIFOs memory blocks are used as transposition buffer as well as storing and displaying data to further reduce the logic use. The design required only 33% of the offered hardware area and provided an operational frequency up to 266 MHz which allow the design to sustain real time 2K video decoding.