1 Introduction

Model-driven engineering (MDE) promotes the usage of models throughout the complete software development life-cycle [1]. In this context, models are used to analyse, specify, test, simulate, execute, generate, and maintain the software to be built, to name just a few possibilities [2].

It is clear that high-quality models and meta-models are a must for the success of MDE projects. Meta-models capture the most important concepts of a domain and allow describing the features of systems using the vocabulary of highly specialized domains, such as manufacturing, logistics, and finance. Constructing a meta-model generally involves the following two roles: (i) a domain expert, who has in-depth knowledge of a particular domain, and (ii), a meta-modelling expert, who is experienced in object-oriented design, class-based modelling, and language engineering. However, often the meta-modelling expert is left alone in the construction of a meta-model in a domain that s/he may not be an expert in, and thus, needs to make uninformed decisions due to missing tacit domain knowledge or under-specified language requirements. This may lead to mistakes or omissions compromising the overall quality of the language under construction [3].

Most programming IDEs (e.g. Eclipse) provide assistants to facilitate code completion, code search [4, 5] and reuse. Modelling assistants are still not the norm within modelling environments (like the Eclipse Modelling Framework [6]), but they are recently gaining much attention by the MDE community [7]. For example, proposing reference architectures for intelligent modelling assistants [8], and assistants targeting different activities like model/meta-model completion [9,10,11,12,13,14,15], model/meta-model creation [16, 17], model finding and reuse [18,19,20,21], and model repair [22,23,24]. Assistants are being built using a variety of techniques, like constraint solving [24, 25], reinforcement learning [22], machine learning [13, 21], natural language processing techniques [12, 14] and information retrieval methods [9, 15, 18, 19, 23].

However, there is currently a lack of understanding of the strong and weak points of different types of assistants—built with different techniques and directed to help in different activities—from the user point of view. This understanding is important for developers of future modelling assistants, given the prominent role that they are expected to have within MDE tools [8, 26]. The work we report on this paper is a step to fill this gap.

In previous works, we created a modelling assistant called Extremo  [19, 20]. Extremo helps in reusing information from heterogeneous artefacts, like models, meta-models, ontologies, or XML documents. The approach is based on representing all these heterogeneous sources within a common data model, which then can be queried uniformly. Extremo is level-agnostic, i.e. it can be used to help creating models at any meta-level, and extensible, i.e. it supports the definition of new types of queries and provides support for new data formats. Extremo was designed to be integrable with external modelling tools within the Eclipse ecosystem, to achieve true information reuse. Our hypothesis when building Extremo was that such an assistant would be useful to obtain more accurate and complete (meta-)models, in a more efficient way.

The purpose of this paper is to test this hypothesis, analysing the benefits that a modelling assistant like Extremo can bring to the (meta-)modelling process. The research method is empirical and includes a controlled experiment in an academic environment using students and researchers as subjects, assuming the role of meta-modelling experts. The experiment investigates the effects of introducing our tool for the construction of a meta-model in the financial domain. We divided the experiment subjects in two groups (one was allowed to use Extremo, and the other was not), and we provided them with heterogeneous resources to enable domain exploration, along with the description of the language to be built.

The experiment results indicate that Extremo leads users to obtain more complete and correct meta-models, significantly improving their efficiency and effectiveness. A subjective evaluation—based on the System Usability Scale [27]—showed a good level of tool usability, and a general agreement about the usefulness of the assistant to perform the modelling task. The results of our work are relevant for creators of new modelling assistants, especially for those targeting finding and recommending (meta-)models or fragments [18], and those facilitating (meta-)model reuse [21]. More generally, this work also contributes to increase the body of knowledge about experimentation in MDE, as the lack of experimental evaluations has been frequently recognized as a limiting factor in MDE tools [28].

figure d

The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces related research, identifying gaps and providing motivation for our work. Section 3 gives an overview on our approach to modelling assistance and describes the capabilities of Extremo. Section 4 illustrates the use of the assistant to create a meta-model in the financial domain. Section 5 describes the plan, organization, and execution of the experiment. Section 6 describes the obtained results and their interpretation. Section 7 provides a discussion of the results, including implications for future modelling assistants. Section 8 analyses threats to the validity of our experiment. Finally, Sect. 9 draws conclusions and proposes lines for future work.

2 Related work

In this section, we revisit work proposing assistants for programming and modelling (Sect. 2.1), methods to aggregate and reuse heterogeneous information (Sect. 2.2), and on evaluation of modelling tools (Sect. 2.3).

2.1 Assistants for programming and modelling

Assistants are frequently used within programming IDEs [4, 29], helping in tasks like API usage, code completion or quick-fix applications. Several recent recommenders, like KiteFootnote 1 or CodotaFootnote 2, use machine learning and information retrieval techniques to propose sophisticated code completions, or find relevant code examples based on the current context. In most cases, higher productivity is the selling point.

In the modelling world, the use of assistants is not so widespread as in programming. However, we can find assistants to help creating (meta-)models from scratch, as well as to complete, repair, and reuse models.

Regarding creation, DSL-maps [16] is an approach to create an initial version of a meta-model given DSL requirements expressed as a mind-map. An assistant suggests the use and combination of meta-modelling patterns to create the initial meta-model draft, on the basis of the requirements and an encoding of the patterns in the form of an ontology. At the model level, UCcheck [17] helps in creating new UML use case diagrams using existing ones as templates.

Some assistants to help in model completion use constraint solving [25], for example using Alloy [30]. In this case, the assistant proposes several completions of a partial model to obtain a syntactically correct model, conforming to the meta-model. Other assistants can be used to obtain more semantical completions. In this case, the assistants extract the information from heterogeneous sources, like the case of Extremo  [19, 20], or from natural language documents, as in the case of DoMoRe [9] or [12]. In both cases, the assistant needs to access the information in a homogeneous way, either by using read adapters [9] or by importing the information into a uniform model [19]. There are also approaches based on graph neural networks (GNNs) [13], pre-trained language models [14], or classical recommendation methods [15]. In all these cases, the recommenders were trained with data-sets of (Ecore) meta-models. Other approaches to model completion employ similarity criteria to recommend similar items to the item being edited. This is the case of the assistant of Elkamel et al. [11], which recommends similar UML classes from a repository of UML class diagrams. SimVMA [21] recommends (Simulink) model completions based on the detection of near-miss model clones, in repositories of the organization, using machine learning techniques. Such near-clone models can also be recommended for reuse.

Other assistants recommend ways to repair faulty models. This has been approached using a variety of techniques [31], for example based on constraints [24, 32], graph transformations [23, 33] or reinforcement learning [22]. While some assistants propose purely syntactical fixes, ensuring correctness with respect to the meta-model [24, 32, 33], other approaches take into account previous ways to correct a model [22], or actions perform in previous model histories [23].

Some assistants are built for a specific language, like UML use cases [17], class diagrams [11], Ecore models [16], or Simulink models [21]. Instead, others are applicable to arbitrary modelling languages [19, 20, 22,23,24,25, 33].

Another important aspect is whether the assistant can be easily plugged into existing modelling tools. Most approaches are closed tools or extend particular tools [11, 21, 25]. Instead, assistant architectures enabling extensions of existing modelling tools would enable the reuse of the assistants themselves [8]. This is the principle followed by Extremo, and to some extent by Hermes [10, 34, 35]. The latter work proposes a generic, extensible architecture that supports plugging-in different recommender strategies. In contrast, the extensibility of Extremo comes from the possibility to be incorporated into existing (Eclipse) tools and to handle additional heterogeneous data sources, which are then uniformly represented to enable its querying.

2.2 Aggregation and querying of heterogeneous information

Extremo is based on querying and reusing heterogeneous information, once it has been represented uniformly and stored in a common data model. In the programming world, storing large code bases in a database, to enable their flexible query, has been proposed [36, 37], e.g. as a way to provide insights in an existing project, or retrieve interesting code based on similarity. While the approaches are similar, in our case the artefacts come from different heterogeneous sources (XML, Ontologies, CSV, XMI models, Ecore models), and hence, we need to transform them into the common data model.

In the modelling world, some researchers have proposed architectures to index and represent models uniformly for their reuse. In particular, in [38, 39] the authors apply this concept to SysML and Simulink models, which can be queried using model similarity or natural language. Other approaches, like Moogle [40], are also directed to search relevant models within a repository using Google-like queries, while MAR [41] uses query by example. In the three cases, the goal is finding complete relevant models, while our approach is more fine-grained—we aim at finding relevant fragments—and directed for information integration.

Additionally, approaches have been proposed for querying models of specific languages (e.g. process models) [42, 43]. While these approaches permit taking into account the language semantics in the search, our approach supports a more general search—because it is done over the common data model—which is independent of the modelling domain and the technical space.

Technically, instead of relying on a uniform, common data model, our design could have been based on adapters, adding a layer of indirection between the query language and the data source [9, 44]. This adapter layer enables uniform access to different technologies, without requiring transformation to a common representation. However, as the data sources will be queried heavily, the performance penalty incurred by this import will be amortized by faster queries.

2.3 Evaluating MDE tools

The lack of experimental evaluations has been frequently recognized as a limiting factor in MDE tools [28, 45]. One of the reasons is that participants require specialized skills, which are harder to find than, e.g. programming skills. Next, we revisit some representative experiments for evaluating modelling tools, in order to compare with the approach we follow in our experimental setting, motivating our choices.

Some researchers have used interviews, e.g. to investigate issues on MDE tool adoption in industry [46]. An interview-based approach is not possible in our case, since we want to measure the effects of bringing a novel assistant to the modelling process, and hence, we require modellers using the tool.

In [47], the authors presented a user evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of applications generated with MDE tools. For this purpose, eight participants were asked to complete two tasks with no time limit. Regarding satisfaction, the authors used the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS), an alternative to System Usability Scale (SUS) [27], which is more oriented to aspects of the application user interface. In our case, we opted for the SUS, for being more standard, focus on usability and having a larger body of reported results we can rely on.

FlexiSketch [48] is a flexible, collaborative modelling tool that enables engineers to create models informally, while developing a lightweight meta-model. For its evaluation, the authors designed an experiment consisting in creating a meta-model. They divided the participants (mostly undergraduate students) in two groups, one using FlexiSketch and the other using pen and paper. They compared the experiment results to a reference implementation to measure completeness and correctness. These metrics are appropriate for our goals, but in addition we aim to measure productivity and usability. They also presented another evaluation, consisting of more open-ended, free tasks, where the experiment was recorded, and interaction with the tool studied. This type of experiment is less appropriate in our context, since we want to observe and measure the advantages of using Extremo.

In [49], the authors evaluate three different UML modelling tools by means of a controlled experiment. The study was conducted with undergraduate and graduate students, and the main goal was to compare the productivity achieved when modelling with the given set of UML tools. For this, they measured completeness of the solutions and the effort required, learnability, as well as memory load. Interestingly, they did not measure correctness of the solutions. This is important in our case, since we want to measure whether an assistant improves this aspect. Another work on experimenting with UML modelling tools is presented in [50]. In particular, they compare different modelling tools by collecting the time and number of steps needed to achieve particular tasks as well as the subjective opinions of the participants.

In [51], two collaborative modelling tools (Creately and Socio [52]) were compared regarding efficiency, effectiveness, satisfaction and quality. For this purpose, an experiment based on students was designed using a within-subjects cross-over design of 2 sequences and 2 periods. The experiment involved measuring speed (time to completion), fluency (number of messages exchanged), completeness and precision and error rate of the created models (by comparison with respect to a “gold standard” model created by the researcher), and satisfaction (given by a SUS questionnaire). Our experiment design is similar, but we did not use cross-over to avoid learning effects. In addition, while time to completion is a measure of speed, it does not consider the quality of the output, and so in our experiments we propose metrics for productivity and performance.

Finally, a process to evaluate modelling tools as well as an example instantiation for a particular tool is presented in [53]. The main focus of this work is to determine the knowledge level needed to use a particular modelling tool.

The literature also reports some evaluations of industrial modelling approaches and tools [54,55,56,57,58]. Typically, these focus on productivity gains [55, 56, 58], but there are also interview-based studies on the use of MDE techniques and subjective usefulness [57]. In our case, productivity gain is a factor of interest, but we could not perform an experiment in an industrial setting. Instead, we used master and PhD students, similar to all mentioned experiments from academic researchers [47,48,49,50,51].

In addition to tool usability, another element subject to usability studies is the DSL itself. Such DSL usability evaluation can be done using frameworks like the cognitive dimension of notations [59], or the physics of notations [60]. Tools have been proposed to facilitate both the development of DSLs that are usable [61], and to evaluate their usability [62]. Sometimes, observations made using such theoretical frameworks are validated using user experiments. For example, in [63] the WebML notation was studied using the physics of notations, and some recommendations for improvement suggested. These improvements were then confirmed by a user study. In case of modelling assistants, a reference architecture for their design was proposed in [8]. However, there is currently no underlying theory or framework that can be used for the design of a user study for such assistants.

Regarding assistants, applicable recommendation and assistance methods are being actively researched by the MDE community, but we believe that it is equally important to understand the user acceptance of these methods, and to clarify their benefits from a user perspective. Some approaches mentioned in Sect. 2.1 provide no evaluation, or evaluations based on off-line experiments [22, 24] (i.e. with no users). Instead, others provide qualitative information only [9, 17], which is not enough to show the real benefits of the assistants, or do not consider the users subjective perception [11]. Hence, more work is needed in this respect, able to answer questions, like (for assistants based on information reuse) is the benefit to obtain more efficient (i.e. faster) modelling, to achieve more effectiveness (i.e. more complete and correct models), or both?. Would the same benefits be obtained by using different types of model completion assistants (i.e. more syntactical vs. more semantical)?. Would the users be willing to promote the use of those types of assistants for their modelling tasks?. This paper is a step in this direction. While we report on a set of experiments conducted over Extremo, the results can be useful for developers of modelling assistants, especially for those based on information reuse, as we discuss in Sect. 7.3.

3 Extremo: an assistant for modelling and meta-modelling

This section first revisits our approach for modelling assistance [19, 20] (Sect. 3.1) and then, summarizes the main functionality of Extremo, the tool implementing the approach (Sect. 3.2).

3.1 Approach and architecture

Modelling often requires checking information about a domain, which may be scattered in heterogeneous formats and locations. To alleviate this problem, we developed a modelling assistance approach directed to facilitate reuse of disperse, heterogeneous information [19]. Its scheme is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Our approach to reuse heterogeneous information for (meta-)modelling

The main idea of our approach is to gather heterogeneous information sources (label ➀ in Fig. 1) into a common data model (label ➁ in Fig. 1). Once the heterogeneous data are stored under a common representation, it can be queried and visualized uniformly, facilitating domain exploration. Moreover, the query results can be directly reused (copied) into the model being built (label ➂ in Fig. 1).

Our approach represents heterogeneous information as a model, conforming to the meta-model of Fig. 2. The meta-model organizes the different information resources (class Resource) into repositories (class Repository), representing uniformly both models and meta-models, classes and objects, and attributes and slots, leading to simplicity and generality [64]. In addition, the instantiation relation (describes/descriptors) is reified, so that the data model is not limited to a fixed number of meta-levels. This way, the approach becomes level agnostic and the data model can store information of both types and instances, which can then be reused to build models and meta-models.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The common data model (extracted from [19])

Please note that, in addition to the structural information, the data model can also store defined constraints (e.g. OCL in case the resource is an Ecore meta-model, or XML-specific constraints in case of XSD schemas), as well as format-specific information (e.g. whether an ObjectProperty represents a composition in an Ecore meta-model) using key-value pairs (class MetaData). We refer to [19] for more details on the approach.

3.2 Tool support

We have realized the previous approach in an Eclipse plugin called Extremo. The tool has an extensible architecture, which profits from Eclipse extension points. This way, new data formats, types of queries, persistence mechanisms for the data model, and connections with Eclipse (meta-)modelling tools can be externally defined. It must be stressed that Extremo is not an assistant for a specific modelling tool, but it can be connected with any modelling tool within the Eclipse ecosystem using extension points. Figure 3 shows the tool being used to create a meta-model in the financial domain, which will actually be used in the experiment we present in Sect. 4.1.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Extremo in action (extracted from [20])

Extremo offers three main views, labelled as ➀, ➁ and ➃ in Fig. 3. The repository view (label ➀) displays the information gathered from heterogeneous data sources into the common data model. In Fig. 3, the repository view shows the content of three repositories within the data model, indicating the original technological space of each contained resource (Ontologies, Ecore). The structural contents of each resource can be visualized in this view, and in addition, in the resource explorer (label ➁) using a graph-based representation.

Resources and repositories can be queried through a wizard (the dialog window with label ➂). Extremo offers a catalogue of predefined queries, and the wizard permits selecting a query, providing values for the required input parameters, and selecting additional services (e.g. inexact match or synonym search using WordNet [65]) to make the query more flexible.

The results view (label ➃) is responsible for displaying the query results. This view organizes the results by query types, supports browsing the results, and incorporating them into the (meta-)model being built. The latter action is done through a contextual menu, shown with label ➄. The three first items on the menu depict three integrations of Extremo: with a UML model editor,Footnote 3 with the standard Ecore editor, and with Exeed, an enhanced version of the EMF tree-based editor.Footnote 4 The menu further comprises commands to locate the query results in the repository and to navigate to the node type, resource type, and repository of a node. Figure 3 (label ➅) illustrates Extremo for creating a meta-model by using the standard Ecore tree-based editor. Extremo is available at http://angel539.github.io/extremo/ as open-source software.

4 Using Extremo in practice

We illustrate the use of Extremo to create a domain-specific language (DSL) from the point of view of a language engineer. For simplicity, we use as example the same task as used in the experiment.

In the following, Sect. 4.1 details the task to be performed in the experiment, Sect. 4.2 describes how the task would typically be performed by a language engineer without assistance and Sect. 4.3 explains how the task would be performed with the help of Extremo.

4.1 Task to perform: a DSL for plain vanilla swaps

Our DSL is inspired by a case study in the financial domain proposed by the EDM Council,Footnote 5 briefly introduced in [20]. We chose this case study for being representative of a complex, highly specialized domain, for which a meta-modelling expert may lack knowledge and need assistance in its creation. Since the lack of domain knowledge may impact the quality of meta-models created by non-specialists (leading commonly to higher levels of incompleteness or incorrectness), the purpose of our approach is not to substitute a domain-expert but to guide the meta-modelling expert in building models with higher quality in an alien domain.

This way, the scope of the DSL is the definition of Plain Vanilla Swaps, the simplest version of Interest Rate Swaps (IR Swaps) between companies. Swaps are often used when a company wants to borrow money at fixed interest rate, but the lender prefers to offer a floating-rate loan. In this case, the company borrows at the floating rate and makes a separate deal (with another bank, a facilitator firm or another company) to obtain the fixed rate. The parties involved in a swap trade over-the-counter (OTC), i.e. they operate outside the conditions offered by the trading markets. Hence, each party needs to specify its operating conditions, and to guarantee the operation safety, the swap process is executed over a blockchain-based ecosystem with an external entity acting as a validator.

The DSL should include elements showing the variety of financial entities involved, concepts from the financial domain and the information required to describe the exchange operation. The description of the task given to the participants is included in “Appendix A.3”.

4.2 Building the DSL without assistance

Figure 4 depicts two typical scenarios that may arise when building a meta-model for a DSL like the one we have just described in Sect. 4.1.

The left of the figure shows the ideal scenario. In this case, a client defines the problem requirements for building the DSL (label ➀), which might include her vision about the system, the goal of the DSL and what she wishes for the project. Thus, the description of the problem typically is defined in conformity with those requirements. Next, an engineer—probably with lack of knowledge in the financial domain—would work collaboratively with a domain expert to build the meta-model of the DSL (label ➁), while they both periodically validate the partial results with the client. In this step, the meta-modelling and domain experts exchange ideas about the description of the problem in order to understand deeply which concepts, primitives and vocabulary are more adequate for inclusion in the meta-model (label ➂). Once both roles agree upon a part of the meta-model, the engineer uses a tool, such as the Eclipse Ecore model editor, for its implementation. Finally, the process ends when the DSL is validated with the client, checking that it fulfils her expectations.

However, sometimes, this ideal situation is not encountered, but instead the workflow follows the scheme in the right part of the figure. In that situation, there is a lack of involvement of the domain-expert or the client (who may be expert in the domain as well). Hence, the meta-modelling expert (label ➃) has the burden to understand the description of the problem alone or following indications loosely described, making decisions about what concepts define better a domain that s/he might not understand well (label ➄). Thus, a meta-modelling expert follows a process of domain exploration (label ➅) checking relevant references and sources. This way, it is difficult for the engineer to guarantee that the meta-model under construction is complete and correct with respect to the description of the problem. Hence, this process may lead to mistakes or omissions in the meta-model under construction, and therefore result in disagreements with the client.

4.3 Building the DSL with assistance

Extremo was built to help developers in creating high-quality (meta-)models, by facilitating domain exploration and enabling information reuse. Its aim is not to substitute domain experts, but to help the engineer in the modelling process. This help is especially useful when scenarios like the one shown to the right of Fig. 4 arise.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Possible scenarios arising when building meta-models for specialized domains

Fig. 5
figure 5

Process for building a meta-model with Extremo

Figure 5 depicts the process of using Extremo to solve the problem described in Sect. 4.1. In a first step (label ➀), resources with relevant information about the domain are identified. For the example, we selected resources from the Finance Domain Task Force of the OMG,Footnote 6 specifically the FIBO collection, which includes information about the financial domain in OWL and RDF formats; Blondie, the Blockchain Ontology with Dynamic Extensibility,Footnote 7 which contains descriptions of the exchange operation; Ecore standard meta-models available in the OMG repository, like BMM, BPEL or BPMN; and finally, Ecore meta-models available in open repositories like GitHub and the ATL Ecore zooFootnote 8 with concepts from the banking domain.

Next, the available resources are imported into Extremo ’s common data model (label ➁). Once imported, they are accessible through Extremo ’s repository view and are ready to be explored, queried, and reused (labels ➂ and ➃). For example, the engineer might want to obtain a high-level view of the repository content, for which she can use a query like Nodes Splitter, to split the entities in the resources into inheritance hierarchies [20]. Additionally, the resource explorer can be used to visualize the resource contents as a graph, or search existing entities related to, e.g. Swaps using synonym-based search. The exploration of the domain, which may depend on the level of expertise of the user, should result in useful entities to reuse in the meta-model under construction (Fig. 3, labels ➂ to ➅). When a set of entities are added to the meta-model under construction, Extremo automatically takes care of the mapping between the common data model and the specific modelling tool (the Ecore Model Editor in the example). Please note that steps ➂ and ➃ in Fig. 5 are iterative.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Excerpt of the resulting Plain Vanilla Swap process meta-model (extracted from [20])

Figure 6 depicts a fragment of the meta-model which was mostly constructed by reusing information from the chosen resource collection. The meta-model has concepts like Swap or SwapLeg reused from the FIBO ontologies, elements such as Transaction or Account reused from different Ecore meta-models from the banking domain, elements taken from Ecore meta-models from the process modelling domain (CompoundTask and Task) and elements (such as EthereumAccount) from the Blondie ontology. Overall, about 90% of the meta-model classes were obtained by reuse, most generalization relationships were reused from the information chunks returned by the queries, and some of the associations by the combination of semantic nodes. The rest of the meta-model elements were added manually as usually done with modelling editors.

5 Experiment setup

We conducted a user study to evaluate our modelling assistant. The purpose of the experiment is to evaluate if the productivity of the engineer and the accuracy of the meta-models improve by using our tool. We also aim at gathering insights into what can be expected when a meta-modelling expert is left alone in the construction of a domain that s/he might not understand well. We will measure the usability of Extremo and determine what features are perceived by the participants as more useful or helpful. Moreover, we will evaluate the completeness and correctness of the artefacts produced with and without assistance, compared to an expected solution reached by consensus between the authors. Finally, we will evaluate if the productivity of the engineer (measured as the number of correct and complete meta-model elements created per minute) improve by using our tool.

Thus, in the rest of this section we detail the context of the experiment and the selection of the subjects in Sect. 5.1, the research questions in Sect. 5.2, the formulation of the hypothesis and experiment variables in Sect. 5.3, the experiment design and its execution in Sect. 5.4, and its replicability in Sect. 5.5.

5.1 Context and selection of the subjects

The context of the experiment is to build a meta-model for the problem described in Sect. 4.1. The setup of the experiment was controlled and instructed by the first author of this paper in an academic environment. The planning includes one independent variable with two conditions [66]: a control group (C) that uses an Eclipse general distribution to build the meta-model, and an experimental group (E) that uses the same distribution plus Extremo to solve the same task.

We invited 23 people with different backgrounds and ages to participate in the study. The control group consisted of 10 participants, students coming from two computer science master’s degrees of the Autónoma and Complutense Universities in Spain, and members of the Modelling & Software Engineering (MISO) research group in Madrid. The experimental group had 13 participants, students coming from two master’s degrees in business informatics and software engineering of TU Wien, and some members of the CDL-MINT research laboratory at TU Wien. The timing of the experiments avoided affecting the students’ normal course, being performed using extra hours from their respective lectures. During the study, in the experimental group, 3 subjects decided to withdraw making a total of 20 subjects involved.

Participants in both groups had comparable backgrounds, since all students had taken one course on MDE, which included concepts of meta-modelling, graphical and textual concrete syntaxes, model transformations, OCL and code generation, as well as technological platforms like Eclipse/EMF. As this is the platform used in the experiment, the participants were already familiar with it. We chose two different places (Madrid and Vienna) to perform the experiments with the control and the experimental groups to maintain the separation of interests and not to contaminate both groups among each other.

The use of students as subjects in controlled experiments is an ongoing discussion in the software engineering community [67,68,69,70]. This point will be discussed further in Sect. 8 (threats to validity), but we argue on their validity for our experiment, on the basis of the following reasons:

figure e

This way, we consider the subjects chosen as suitable to perform the experiment in the laboratory context used. The background and experience showed by the subjects of the experiment were appropriate in the specific circumstances of the experiment, showing relevant and recent experience for the purpose of the study and the technologies involved.

5.2 Research questions

By conducting this evaluation, we aim at answering the following research questions:


What problems typically faces a meta-modelling expert when s/he is left alone in the construction of a language for a new (unfamiliar) domain?


How useful is our approach for modelling assistance?


What is the impact of using Extremo on the completeness and correctness of the solutions developed?


Does Extremo improve productivity?

5.3 Variables and hypotheses

Variables The variables used in the study are summarized in Table 1. In our experiment, we measure the effects of using Extremo (and hence, this is the independent variable). Thus, we divided the participants into two groups: control (C) and experimental (E) group. The purpose of the experiment is to measure the quality of the artefacts built (MM), the general usability (U) and the specific usefulness (S) of Extremo ’s features. To assess the meta-models built, quality metrics (i.e. accuracy, error rate, precision, recall and F-measures) are computed. Finally, the time to completion (TTC) is measured in order to provide an indicator of modeller productivity (\(p_{\#MM}\)).

Table 1 Variables used in the experiment

Hypotheses When building Extremo, our hypothesis was that reusing heterogeneous knowledge helps in building more accurate models, in a more efficient way. Hence, the use of the assistant was expected to have a positive impact on the accuracy and quality of the solutions, lead to shorter completion times and be perceived as useful. A null hypothesis, \(H_{0}\), states that there are no real consequences of using Extremo when performing the experiment. Therefore, it is the hypothesis to reject with as high significance as possible [72]. The objective of our study is to empirically test the following hypotheses, each directed to answer the research questions presented in Sect. 5.2:

  • \(H_{0, MM}\). We will assume that our approach does not lead to models considered more complete and correct than those built in the control group.

  • \(H_{0, U}\). We will assume that our approach has a usability perceived as not acceptable [73] by the subjects, i.e. the scores given by the users are lower than 50 in a range from 1 to 100.

    • \(H_{1, U}\). We will assume that our approach has a usability perceived as marginal by the subjects, i.e. the scores are in a range from 50 to 70.

    • \(H_{2, U}\). We will assume that our approach has a usability perceived as acceptable by the subjects, i.e. the scores are in a range from 70 to 100.

  • \(H_{0, S}\). We will assume that the features of our tool have a specific usefulness perceived as not acceptable [73] by the subjects, i.e. the scores are lower than 50 in a range from 1 to 100.

    • \(H_{1, S}\). We will assume that the tool has a specific usefulness perceived as marginal by the subjects, i.e. the scores are in a range from 50 to 70.

    • \(H_{2, S}\). We will assume that the tool has a specific usefulness perceived as acceptable by the subjects, i.e. the scores are in a range from 70 to 100.

  • \(H_{0, TTC}\). In relation with variables MM and TTC, we will assume that our approach is less effective and less efficient for the same modelling task, i.e. the effectiveness and the efficiency for building the meta-model are worse in the experimental group than in the control group. For that purpose, we will compute the modeller productivity as the number of meta-model elements created per minute.

5.4 Experiment design and execution

To test these hypotheses and answer the stated research questions, we prepared a set of documents available at “Appendix A” and the project Wiki.Footnote 9 To assess the complexity of the task, the experiment design and to identify possible mistakes, we carried out a pilot experiment with 6 members of the CDL-MINT group (none of which participated in the real experiment). The questionnaires and the description of the task were corrected according to the feedback provided by the pilot participants. The material prepared for the evaluation includes the following five documents:

  • Informed Consent. The Informed Consent (cf. Section A.1 in “Appendix A”) had to be signed by all the participants in order to cover the basic ethical aspects [74, 75] considered by the project and authorize the data treatment. The subjects were not aware of the specific aspects to be studied, or the hypothesis we wanted to validate, but they were informed that the researchers wanted to study the outcomes obtained in both groups comparing the results. All participants were guaranteed anonymity, and they were informed about their right to withdraw from the experiment at any moment. The condition of the domain being outside of the subjects’ expertise was presented to the subjects as follows: “If you work or you know directly someone who works in the topic of the case study, please inform the research staff about this situation”. None of the subjects declared any issue with the domain chosen for the task.

  • Demographic Questionnaire. The Demographic Questionnaire (cf. Section A.2 in “Appendix A”) was distributed at the beginning of the experiment to both groups. It contained eleven questions about the background and experience of the participants. We used the collected data to characterize the participants’ profile.

  • Description of the task. The Description of the task (cf. Section A.3 in “Appendix A”) contained explanations of the meta-model domain, similar to the one presented in Sect. 4.1. Participants had 1 h maximum to perform the task, but they were allowed to finish when they would consider their solution was complete. The instructor was present during the execution of the experiment to solve possible tooling issues. Also, in the experimental group, the participants received a training session with Extremo focused on its capabilities during the introductory talk [19]. The training material used is available at the project Wiki.Footnote 10 Upon completion, participants submitted their solutions in “.ecore” format.

  • Control Group Questionnaire. To evaluate the problems presented during the construction of a language for a new domain, we asked all subjects in the control group to answer an Opinion Questionnaire (cf. Section A.4 in “Appendix A”). This questionnaire measured the opinion of the participants about the information and resources provided to perform the task, and the functionalities they considered an ideal modelling assistant should have.

  • Experimental Group Questionnaires. We asked all subjects in the experimental group to answer a General and a Specific Questionnaire (cf. Section A.5 in “Appendix A”). The former measured the usability of the tool using the System Usability Scale (SUS) [27]. The latter measured the usefulness of the specific tool features, and the participants general opinion.

We prepared two Eclipse distributions with EMF tooling, for the control and the experimental groups. In the former, we provided access to useful resources mentioned in Sect. 4.3 to build the meta-model (ontologies and ecore meta-models). In the latter, such resources were replaced by Extremo.

5.5 Replicability of the experiment

To allow easy replication and verification of our experiment, a complete replication package is publicly available to interested researchers. The replication package includes the data, code for analysis and artefacts collected. Also, it includes the material described above. The package has been made publicly available via the Open Science Framework and can be accessed at https://osf.io/r3cs5/. All the information left in that repository is under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

6 Experiment results

This section reports on the results of our user study. First, Sect. 6.1 presents an overview summary of the results, Sect. 6.2 summarizes the participants profile, and the following sections (6.36.6) describe the results obtained to answer the four research questions.

6.1 Summary

Overall, the experiment results in the control group indicate that language engineers would need assistance to create a meta-model in an unfamiliar domain. A lack of tools to search information uniformly, to facilitate the modelling process, may lead to (meta-)models with many omissions (Sect. 6.3). In contrast, the participants of the experimental group found our approach for modelling assistance useful, highlighting the usefulness of most Extremo ’s features (Sect. 6.4). Generally, reusing information can help to create models with higher level of precision or correctness and recall or completeness compared to a prototype solution (Sect. 6.5), yielding a higher ratio of classes per minute and a significant improvement in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of the modelling task (Sect. 6.6).

6.2 Participants profile

The experience and background of the participants was measured through a Demographic Questionnaire (Sect. A.2 in “Appendix A”). The average age of the participants was 29.83. Most participants (\(75\%\)) were Master’s students. In the control group, the distribution between Master’s and PhD students was more balanced than in the experimental group (\(60\%\)\(30\%\)). Overall, 16 out of 20 participants claimed that their English Level was at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Footnote 11\(60\%\) of the experimental group rated themselves as to be working in Industry, while in the control group, most of them were working in Academia. Regarding their technical background, most subjects had less than 4 years of experience in software development (for being master’s students), with some subjects having more than 6 years of experience (for being working already). Concerning modelling languages, most subjects (13, counting both groups) stated that they had less than 2 years of experience.

In general, while both groups are not homogeneous, the control group indicated a higher experience in modelling, containing also more members that were already Master’s students in the technologies involved. Conversely, in the experimental group, they manifested to be more experienced in software development practices (excluding modelling) and their working experience was predominantly in industrial environments. Hence, we can state that good results in the experimental group can not be attributed to higher experience as might be expected by other general questions such as the previous knowledge within software development environments. Further details can be found in the Project’s website.Footnote 12

Notation. In the rest of this section, we use the notation SubXX to refer to participant XX. Hence, Sub01 to Sub10 are the participants of the control group, while Sub11 to Sub23 are the participants of the experimental group. Subjects Sub11, Sub20 and Sub21 decided to withdraw from the experiment. Hence, they were discarded from the experiment results and the demographic profiling.

6.3 (RQ1) Meta-modelling problems reported by the control group

In order to collect the opinion from the control group and detect what problems a meta-modelling expert typically faces when building a DSL for a new domain, we prepared an opinion questionnaire [76] (cf. Section A.4 in “Appendix A”). This was handed out to the control group after the task was finished and included 5 yes–no questions and 1 open-ended question. In addition, for each yes–no question the subjects could provide a rationale for their answers.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Results obtained for the Opinion Questionnaire (cf. Section A.4 in “Appendix A”), with Dk/Na “Do not know, no answer”

Figure 7 shows the results obtained, and next, we extract the main findings.

Problem 1. Most participants would need assistance to perform the task. \(100\%\) of the participants stated that they think a tool to assist them during the meta-model construction phase would be useful (Q5). Most participants missed some tool to query the provided resources uniformly (\(60\%\) answered “Yes” to Q4). This lead to omissions in their solutions as it will be discussed in Sect. 6.5. Additionally, the questionnaire explicitly asked about the functionalities a modelling assistant could have (Q6). Some subjects suggested features for organizing the model repositories and improve domain understanding (Sub02, Sub08 and Sub09). Others proposed features for searching or grouping the information (Sub02 and Sub03).

Problem 2. The lack of uniform search tools increases the risk of not using the available resources. As seen in Fig. 7, only \(50\%\) of the participants checked the resources provided with the description of the task (Q1), even if they could have reused fragments from the resources provided. Actually, when they were asked if they thought that the list of resources provided was sufficient and accurate to perform the task, 6 of them answered that “Yes, it was sufficient” (Q2) while 5 indicated that the resources provided were accurate (Q3). We found some inconsistencies in the answers as, e.g. some subjects that did not check the resources, indicated they were accurate. Some rationales included for their answers included:

  • “Not enough time. I was focused on the problem, not minor details.” (collected from Sub03 in Q1)

  • “Too much information for the time we have. I spent a lot of time to find what I wanted.” (collected from Sub10 in Q1)

Thus, we can conclude that even though the resources provided were generally considered accurate and sufficient, the lack of a uniform search tool increases the risk of not using them. This may increase the uncertainty about the correctness of the solution built, as expressed by Sub01 in the rationale extracted from Q2: “Maybe it is enough. I am not sure if I did the Ecore right.” Additional details about the results obtained in the control group can be found in the Project’s website.Footnote 13

6.4 (RQ2) Usability and usefulness of Extremo ’s features

In the experimental group, participants used our approach for modelling assistance to build the meta-model for the problem described in the Sect. 4.1. Next, we present the usability of our approach and the usefulness of Extremo ’s features perceived by the subjects of this group. Figure 8 shows the results obtained for the SUS score (U variable, usability) and the Specific SUS (S variable, specific usability or usefulness of Extremo ’s features) collected through the General and Specific Questionnaires (cf. Section A.4 in “Appendix A”). Both variables were measured using a 5-item bipolar Likert scale [71] and computed as indicated by the cited authors [27].

Fig. 8
figure 8

a Box plots with the results obtained for the SUS score (U) and the Specific SUS (S). b Distribution per subject

The box plot shown in Fig. 8a shows the maximum, minimum, average (marked with an X), median (marked with a black line) and the first and third quartile for each variable. The scatter plot (b) displays the values obtained per subject and grouped by similarities found. Its horizontal axis represents the SUS score (U), while the vertical axis is the Specific SUS (S). As shown in the scatter plot, the subjects can be split in 4 groups: (➀) those who gave the assistant the lowest score for the U variable but gave the assistant an excellent score for the S variable, (➁) those who gave the assistant an excellent score in general above average, (➂) those who gave the assistant an average score in both categories and those (➃) who gave the assistant a very good score in general, but rated S below average.

Table 2 Scores obtained for the main features used during the experiment

In detail, Table 2 shows the scores (average and median) for the main functionalities of Extremo, where for all the questions posed to the participants with a positive tone in a 5-item Likert scale (from 1, meaning strongly disagree, to 5, meaning strongly agree), the assistant obtained a score between 4.50 and 5.00 for the importer, the query and the integration mechanisms, and for the general perceived utility. From all the questions posed with a negative tone (where 1 is good and 5 is bad), only the importer mechanism obtained a 2.60 in average, but in median it obtained a 2.00 out of 5, and the rest of the negatives questions were ranked between 1.00 and 2.00.

Table 3 Results obtained for the SUS Score (U) and the Specific SUS (S)

Table 3 summarizes the results obtained for the set of hypotheses presented in Sect. 5.3, where in average, the \(H_{2, U}\) and the \(H_{2, S}\) were accepted. In average for the U variable, the assistant obtained a score of 70 out of 100 (acceptable or good in terms of adjective ratings [73]) and for the S variable the assistant obtained a score of 82.9 out of 100 (acceptable or excellent in terms of adjective ratings).

In summary, the participants found our approach for modelling assistance useful, and usefulness of Extremo ’s features were positively perceived. Additional details about the results obtained in the experimental group can be found in the Project’s website.Footnote 14

6.5 (RQ3) Completeness and correctness of the artefacts collected

Next, we compare the artefacts collected from both groups (variable MM presented in Sect. 5.3) using various quality metrics, i.e. precision as an indicator of correctness, recall as an indicator of completeness, and F-measures [77]. Also, we indicate the overall accuracy and error rate achieved in both groups. To compute those metrics, we compared the meta-model contents with a reference solution that was reached by consensus between the authors (presented in Sect. 4.3 and denoted as Sub00). Our solution (Sub00) was composed of 68 elements in total, including among them 22 classes, 23 attributes and 8 references. This way, we classify an element in a participant meta-model as true positive (TP) if it also belongs to our reference meta-model. An element is classified as false positive (FP), if it belongs to the participant meta-model, but not to our reference meta-model. Finally, an element is a false negative (FN) if it is expected by the reference meta-model, but missing in a participant meta-model. No negatives conditions were established a priori, and so we do not have true negatives (TNs).

The accuracy (ACC) and the error rate (ERR) are computed following Eqs. 1 and 2.

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {ACC}= & {} \frac{\hbox {TP}+\hbox {TN}}{\hbox {TP}+\hbox {TN}+\hbox {FN}+\hbox {FP}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {ERR}= & {} \frac{\hbox {FP}+\hbox {FN}}{\hbox {TP}+\hbox {TN}+\hbox {FN}+\hbox {FP}} \end{aligned}$$

Precision (PREC) is calculated using Eq. 3 and gives the level of correctness, while recall (REC) is calculated using Eq. 4 and gives the level of completeness.

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \hbox {PREC} = \frac{\hbox {TP}}{\hbox {TP}+\hbox {FP}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \hbox {REC} = \frac{\hbox {TP}}{\hbox {TP}+\hbox {FN}} \end{aligned}$$

Finally, because a meta-model with high precision might have a bad recall and vice versa, usually the harmonic-mean (called \(F_{1}{-}Score\)) is computed following Eq. 5 with \(\beta =1\).

$$\begin{aligned} F_{\beta } = \frac{(\beta ^2+1)*\hbox {PREC}*\hbox {REC}}{(\beta ^2*\hbox {PREC})+\hbox {REC}}\;\hbox {where}\;(0\le \beta \le +\infty ) \end{aligned}$$

In particular, the matching method used to compare the meta-model contents presented on this paper is based on EMFCompare,Footnote 15 using names as identifiers and distinguishing meta-model elements by their type (i.e. we distinguished if elements were classes, attributes, references or other kind of meta-model element). We also explored other alternatives based on matching methods less strict. For example, comparing flattened collections of the classes obtained, or providing means for inexact matching based on the comparison of words using their lexical roots. For the sake of brevity, all the alternatives explored for meta-model comparison are available at the project’s repositoryFootnote 16 and the replication package.

Table 4 Metrics obtained in both groups compared to our reference solution (Sub00)

Table 4 shows the results obtained in both groups for the set of quality metrics described above. In average, the experimental group presented higher levels of precision (or correctness) and higher levels of recall (or completeness) compared to the control group. Also, the subjects in the experimental group committed less errors (measured with the error rate). In general, the number of TPs or elements found in a participant meta-model and belonging to our reference meta-model, are increased using our approach. Finally, subjects in the experimental group have a high \(F_{1}{-}Score\) (0.5114 in average), meaning high combined correctness and completeness.

Fig. 9
figure 9

PRC Space for the participant meta-models (a). \(F_{1}{-}Score\)s (b)

Graphically, Fig. 9a shows the Precision-Recall Curve (PRC) [78] of our experiment indicating the metrics obtained per subject. With thresholds situated in Q2 (or median) and Q3 for both values, we can determine that most meta-models of the control group fell below the median of recall (Q2 (REC) = 0.1176) and below the median of precision (Q2 (PREC) = 0.2750). This region is called “low accuracy” region (written low-ACC region in Figure). Only the meta-model provided by Sub01 is above the median of recall and precision in the control group.

Most meta-models of the experimental group are above the median of recall and precision, with four of them situated above the Q3 for both values (Q3 (REC) = 0.4118 and Q3 (PREC) = 0.6770), in a region called “high accuracy” (written high-ACC region in the figure). Only one meta-model from the experimental group (Sub23) fell in the region of low accuracy. The four meta-models of the experimental group that fell in the region of “high accuracy” are those built by Sub12, Sub13, Sub16 and Sub19.

Figure 9b represents the \(F1{-}Scores\) of each meta-model. It includes marks for Q1 (\(Q1 (F_{1}{-}Score)\) = 0.0661), Q2 (\(Q2 (F_{1}{-}Score)\) = 0.1625) and Q3 (\(Q3 (F_{1}{-}Score)\) = 0.5088). Half of the meta-models collected in the control group fell below the area marked by Q1 and four of them under Q2. Only the meta-model of Sub01 is above the median in the control group.

In summary, we can conclude that our approach led to more accurate meta-models, more complete and correct compared to the expected and reference solution. Hence, \(H_{0, MM}\) can be rejected. Additional details can be found in the Project’s website.Footnote 17

6.6 (RQ4) Time to completion, productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness

Next, we evaluate the time to completion (TTC) in both groups. The time allowed per subject to perform the task was 1 h, but the participants could finish earlier if they considered that their solutions were complete. Table 5 presents the results obtained as an indicator of modeller productivity and computed as the ratio between the number of elements per meta-model and the time needed to complete the task (\(p_{\#MM}=\#\,elements\,MM/TTC\)).

Table 5 Time to completion (TTC) to perform the modelling task and modeller productivity (\(p_{\#MM}\))

In the control group, the fastest subject was Sub01, spending 22 minutes in the task and had the highest modeller productivity (1.36 elements per minute). In contrast, Sub06 had the lowest modeller productivity with 0.37 elements per minute. In the experimental group, Sub18 produced the most elements per minute (1.56) and Sub14 had the lowest modeller productivity (0.322). In average, the experimental group had higher modeller productivity (\(avg(p_{E})=0.924\) against \(avg(p_{C})=0.729\)), even though the time required to produce their meta-models was higher.

In Sect. 6.5, we already discussed that the level of accuracy in the experimental group was higher than in the control group. Now, we will analyse the relation between the level of accuracy produced per group and the time to perform the task. For that purpose, we will use different values for \(\beta \) in Eq. 5. In practice, the origin of the \(F_{\beta }\) measures comes from the concept of effectiveness [79]. Depending on the value given to the parameter \(\beta \), it assigns \(\beta \) times as much importance to recall than to precision, by balancing them. The most common values for \(\beta \) are 0.5 (favouring precision), 1 (the harmonic-mean) and 2 (favouring recall). If \(F_{\beta =0} = PREC\) and if \(F_{\beta \rightarrow +\infty } = REC\).

Table 6 \(F_{\beta }\) scores obtained for both groups. Average and Geo. Mean (computed as the mean of all folds [80]) and Median

As seen in Table 6, in average the experimental group meta-models had 6.472 times a better \(F_{1}{-}Score\) than in the control group, and 5.673 times a better \(F_{2}{-}Score\), i.e. the meta-models had a significant higher level of recall or completeness. In terms of \(F_{0.5}{-}Score\), where the precision or correctness is more valued, the difference was slightly less significant (in average, 5.031 times better in the experimental group).

Graphically, the modeller performance can be represented as the relation between productivity (\(p_{\#MM}\), doing the meta-modelling task in a specific amount of time) and effectiveness (\(F_{\beta }\), doing the meta-modelling task in the right way). Hence, the scatter plot in Fig. 10 displays precision (\(F_{\beta =0}\)) and recall (\(F_{\beta \rightarrow +\infty }\)) in Cartesian coordinates with thresholds situated in Q2 (the median) to determine the region of “high effectiveness and high efficiency”.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Performance evaluation of the subjects: a Productivity (\(p_{\#MM}\)) versus PREC (precision, \(F_{\beta =0}\)) and b REC (recall, \(F_{\beta \rightarrow +\infty }\))

Figure 10a compares the productivity (\(p_{\#MM}\)) with precision (PREC or \(F_{\beta =0}\)) and Fig. 10b with recall (REC or \(F_{\beta \rightarrow +\infty }\)). Overall, five meta-models of the experimental group reached the region with the highest performance for both cases (Sub13, Sub16, Sub17, Sub18 and Sub19), while only one from the control group is included in that region (Sub01). In addition, the meta-models of the experimental group were more precise or more correct in general, as they were chiefly above Q2(PREC) with a higher distance from the threshold.

In summary, we can conclude that our approach may improve modeller performance significantly in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, and the \(H_{0, TTC}\) can be rejected. Additional details can be found in the Project’s website.Footnote 18

7 Discussion

Next, we present some points of discussion derived from the results presented in Sect. 6. Thus, we discuss on the factors that influenced the participants the most in the perceived usability (Sect. 7.1); on how large is the effect of using our modelling assistant in the effectiveness of the artefacts and the performance of the experimental group’s participants (Sect. 7.2); and on the implications of the results and our findings for future modelling assistants (Sect. 7.3).

Table 7 Psychometric evaluation of the SUS for the subjects in groups ➀ and ➂ in Fig. 8

7.1 Most influencing psychometric factors in usability

Looking back at our analysis of usability, the subjects grouped in label ➀ in Fig. 8b have a dissenting opinion from the rest in terms of usability (U), while the subjects in group ➂ make the average decrease. Thus, we will discuss a psychometric evaluation of the SUS for these subjects to analyse which factors influenced them the most in the actual usability perceived [81,82,83,84].

The scoring of the SUS implies two steps [27]: (\(step\;1\)) we subtract one point from the scores given to odd questions, and scores for even questions must be subtracted from 5; (\(step\;2\)) the result (up to 40) must be scaled to 100, multiplying the obtained score by 2.5. Hence, if we want to take a SUS’s partial score for a particular subject, we can follow the recommended guidelines [81] and change the factor of scale based on convenience depending on the number of questions involved in the partial SUS or \(step\;1\).

This way, Table 7 shows the results obtained in terms of psychometric factors along with the questions used to calculate the concrete factor (column Qs. involved).

As it can be noted by the scores in Table 7, the subjects have a dissenting opinion specially in terms of the Learnable factor as defined in [81] (involving questions Q4 and Q10 of the SUS) and [83] (questions Q4, Q6, Q8 and Q10).

Table 8 focusses in the questions involved in the Learnable factor [81, 83] (all of them have a negative tone, so a high value is bad). As it can be noted, Q4 has the strongest influence in this factor for all the subjects evaluated in Table 7. Overall, these subjects claimed that “I think that I would need assistance to be able to use this tool”. In contrast, as positive aspect, they stated that there was not too much inconsistency in the tool (Q6).

Next, we list some of the opinions of those subjects expressed in the open-ended questions of the Specific Questionnaire:

  • Positive aspects:

    • For Sub12: “(i) Import of resources, (ii) query and (iii) adding EClasses to my own ecore model.”

    • For Sub14: “Good for bootstrapping a model. Simple workflow (for basics)”

    • For Sub22: “(i) Easy to navigate, (ii) Easy to import, (iii) Easy to integrate with model.”

  • Negative aspects:

    • For Sub12: “I found the given task too complicated for the given time. A very simple task with very simple repositories would be better.”

    • For Sub17: “I am confused where to look for my results. Fix some bugs. Documentation!!!!”

    • For Sub22: “I would need more guidelines on how to use the tool.”

This way, for those subjects the tool was “Easy to use”, “Easy to navigate”, “Good for bootstrapping a model”, but the description of the task (belonging to the financial domain) biased the score provided by the Sub12, the documentation biased the score provided by the Sub17 and the guidelines provided biased the score provided by the Sub22. In contrast, when they were asked for their general opinion about the assistant (Q10, in a 5-item Likert scale [71]) in the Specific Questionnaire, they stated that they actually prefer to use the model editor with the assistant, as Table 9 shows.

Table 8 Learnable factor for the subjects grouped in groups ➀ and ➂ in Fig. 8
Table 9 Scorecard of Q10 in the Specific Questionnaire for the subjects in groups ➀ and ➂ in Fig. 8

Therefore, we can conclude that most of subjects were mainly influenced by the fact of having to learn a new tool in a limited time frame (1 h) while they also were performing the task.

7.2 Effect of using our approach in the artefacts collected

Next, we discuss the effect size of using our modelling assistant in the artefacts collected. For that purpose, we use Cohen’s d and Hedges’s g to compute the size of the effect. Both metrics are dependent between each other and range from 0 to \(+\infty \), where 0 means no effect at all and starting in 0.8 for Cohen’s d a large effect [85]. For small samples, it is common to refer also to Cohen’s \(d_{s}\) as an standardized mean difference between two groups of independent observations. In addition, Hedges’s \(g_{s}\) is considered to be an unbiased version of Cohen’s \(d_{s}\).

Table 10 shows the results of both groups in terms of effectiveness or \(F_{\beta }\) measures: the effect sizes (d and g) or difference between means, the confidence intervals (CI, a metric to quantify the uncertainty about our estimates) and the p-value or the possibility of accepting the \(H_{0}\) in the future [86, 87]. We chose the geometric mean as a general representation of the mean.

Table 10 Effect Size of using our modelling assistant in the artefacts collected: \(H_{0,MM}\) rejected with a power \(\approx 97\%\)

In the experimental group, the effectiveness was clearly higher (\(\bar{x}=0.4295\), \(SD=0.2655\)) compared to the control group (\(\bar{x}=0.0687\), \(SD=0.0482\)), \(t(18)=4.22\), \(p=.0005\), \(95\%\) CI [0.1815, 0.5401], Hedges’s \(g_{s}=1.8107\). The Common Language (CL) effect size [88] yields a probability of \(90.94\%\) that for a randomly selected pair of participants the effectiveness of the one of the experimental group is higher than the effectiveness of the one of the control group. In addition, by computing the power of our rejection [89] we can reject our \(H_{0,MM}\) with \(\approx 97\%\).

When the effectiveness tends to reach peak values for \(\beta \) or when we take into account the correctness (PREC) and the completeness (REC) in isolation, we also found that the effect size increased in case of precision (Hedges’s \(g_{s}(PREC)=2.0147\)) and decreased in case of recall (Hedges’s \(g_{s}(REC)=1.5267\)). This is because the meta-models of the experimental group are in general more precise and correct than those of the control group, as we already discussed in Sect. 6.6.

In Sect. 6.6, we measured performance as the relation between productivity (\(p_{\#MM}\), doing the meta-modelling task in a specific amount of time) and effectiveness (\(F_{\beta }\), doing the meta-modelling task in the right way) in order to reject \(H_{0,EFF}\). In that section, we said that the productivity did not increase so much from the experimental group to the control group. By performing the same evaluation as that one presented in Table 10, we detected that our modelling assistant has a low effect in the productivity for the same modelling task (\(g_{s}=0.4513\)). In contrast, when we established the relation between productivity and effectiveness by computing the ratio between both measures (\(performance=F_{1}{-}Score/p_{\#MM}\)) we detected that in the experimental group the general performance was again clearly higher compared with the control group (\(p=.0003\), \(g_{s}=1.8862\)). In that case, the CL effect size also indicated that the probability that for randomly selected pair of participants the performance detected for one subject from the experimental group is higher than the performance of a subject from the control group is \(91.81\%\).

Hence, we can conclude that introducing our modelling assistant during the modelling task has a large effect in the creation of the new meta-model.

7.3 Implications for future modelling assistants

Next, we discuss the implications of the results of our study for future modelling assistants.

  • Increased (meta-)model quality. The findings in Sect. 6.5 indicate that using Extremo may lead to more detailed and more accurate meta-models. The main feature of Extremo is the possibility to reuse information from heterogeneous sources. Hence, we may expect similar advantages from assistants targeting modelling completion, based on information reuse. Our experiment consisted in creating a meta-model, and we may expect similar results for other types of structural models, like class diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, or mind maps. Nonetheless, this type of assistants might have different results for other types of models, like behavioural ones. Please note that modelling assistants based on syntactical means (e.g. analysing the meta-model structure and integrity constraints, and proposing model completions) may not achieve the goal of increased level of model detail and accuracy, since they focus instead on linguistic correctness of the model being built.

  • Quality of data sources. An assistant can only be useful if the data sources the recommendations rely on have enough quality. In the case of our experiment, we manually selected and filtered appropriate data sources, from trusted origin (mostly from the OMG). The recent trend of using machine learning techniques in MDE [13, 90] is also triggering the development of techniques to facilitate the collection and cleaning of large datasets of models [91]. However, these techniques would need to be extended to heterogeneous sources (to serve assistants like Extremo) and include ways to deal with inconsistency and contradictions in the data.

  • Repeatability of modelling. Repeatability is a desired quality of engineering processes, and it would be valuable if assistants would increase repeatability in modelling. Assistants based on information reuse may offer assistance leading to more repeatable processes and increased quality models. However, this may not be applicable to assistance based on syntactical means, even though uniformity can be achieved here by recommending model completions based on quality criteria (e.g. modelling patterns).

  • General acceptance of assistance, but learnability is a strong factor on usability. Even though we found (in Sect. 6.4) that the participants found our approach for modelling assistance useful, we also found that learnability has a strong effect on the perceived usability (Sect. 7.1). This way, builders of future modelling assistants may pay special attention to designing an easy-to-learn tool, over adding more sophisticated features requiring more specialized knowledge from the users.

  • Increased productivity and performance. Our experiment (cf. Section 6.6) shows that our assistant may improve modeller productivity (elements/completion time), and performance (which also considers the quality of the output). We would expect other assistants based on information reuse to have similar effects on structural models. Faster coding is often the major selling point of coding assistants, like Kite or Github Copilot.Footnote 19 Interestingly, our approach did not lead to faster completion times. Instead, we may hypothesize that syntactical modelling assistants may actually help in obtaining faster completion times, but this would need to be assessed in user experiments.

  • Need for user studies of modelling assistants. According to a recent survey [7], most modelling assistants are either not evaluated, or evaluated off-line (i.e. with no users involved). We claim that user studies are needed to understand the benefits of modelling assistants for solving practical tasks.

  • Basis for future evaluations. As we provide all artefacts needed to execute the experiment and to analyse the results, we hope to provide a good basis for performing future evaluations of reuse-based modelling assistants. Currently, the only precondition to reuse the provided artefacts is to have EMF-based models. However, this dependency is only on the technical level and the general evaluation methodology applied should be also reusable for models coming from other technological spaces. To further facilitate the design and execution of evaluations of modelling assistants, we also propose the construction of tool support to automate the different experimental phases: experiment design, group formation, task allocation, artefact collection, evaluation, and data analysis and presentation.

8 Threats to validity

Next, we analyse the threats to the validity of our study. We report threats for four types of validity [92]: conclusion, internal, external and construct.

Conclusion validity is concerned with the conclusions about the relationship between the treatment and the outcome. This way, it concerns the data and statistical analysis performed to the results and the composition of subjects (how large is the sample size). The main threat detected was the final number of subjects we had in each group (10 subjects per group). In relation to this threat, several investigations have highlighted how a low number of subjects may lead to misinterpretation of the p-values and the power associated with the hypotheses rejection [93] or that the likelyhood of detecting a false alarm or Type I Error increases if the data set collected is not reliable enough [94]. For this reason, and under the premise that our sample size was chosen based on a feasibility criteria, i.e. we gathered all the subjects we could in a determined slot of time, we decided to perform a data analysis using information retrieval techniques to validate whether the introduction of our modelling assistant presented any kind of effect in the artefacts collected in both groups and, measure the size of that effect. In that sense, we think that by using standard metrics for measuring the correctness and the completeness of the artefacts collected we have empirically proven that effectively our assistant has a strong effect in the results obtained in the experimental group not only in the sense of the accuracy of those artefacts but also in the performance of the participants of that group. Also, we have analysed in different ways how effectiveness has been significantly improved in the experimental group compared to the control group (cf. Sections 6.6 and 7.2).

Internal validity concerns confounding factors which might affect the results of our study. Hence, the main threats may be related to the instrumentation and the selection of the subjects to guarantee a high level of reliability in the experiment set-up. Concerning the instruments used, we decided to rely on the SUS for being considered a simple and reliable tool for usability evaluations [95]. Additionally, the questionnaire for measuring the utility or S variable was prepared ad hoc, but to avoid any possible bias, it was based on a bipolar 5-item Likert scale in order to refute every question with a double check. Such questionnaire was refined using the pilot study described in Sect. 5.4. Moreover, by performing a Cronbach’s \(\alpha \) [96] statistical test we can determine that the answers provided by the participants in the Specific Questionnaire are highly correlated and the set of items defined in that questionnaire show to be an accurate estimate for its designed (Cronbach’s \(\alpha =0.8725\)).

For measuring accuracy (cf. Section 6.5), we compared the meta-models created by the subjects with a meta-model created by us. To ensure a reasonable baseline for comparison, this meta-model was built by consensus, based on solutions built by this paper’s authors using Extremo itself. Two of the authors of the paper have an academic background on business, and one of them also in finance, and was thus acting as a domain expert. Please note that similar approaches can be found in the literature to create comparison baselines for modelling experiments [51]. Finally, we assigned 1 h to the experiment. One may argue that having the same amount of time would be detrimental to the participants in the control group. However, since all subjects of the control group finished well before time (cf. Table 5), we can conclude that it did not have a meaningful effect.

Regarding the subjects of the experiment, there are two main threats. The first one is related to the level of expertise of both groups, more specifically on whether in the experimental group the subjects may present a higher experience level than in the control group. We asked all the subjects for their experience in the technologies involved (questions Q7 to Q11 of the Sect. A.2 in “Appendix A”) in different ways (with open-ended questions and rating themselves). Actually, in average the control group seemed to be more experienced for the main technologies involved in the experiment (EMF, modelling and meta-modelling) than the experimental group (cf. Section 6.2), while they presented worst results in the completeness of the artefacts collected and even worse results in their correctness (Sect. 6.5). In the sense of whether our results could be extrapolated to other environments, in the experimental group actually, \(60\%\) of the participants stated that they were working in Industry. Since all participants had a BSc degree, the sample could be representative of some teams in industry.

The second threat detected concerns whether having non-native English speakers as subjects could invalidate some of the answers, but in that sense no one expressed problems in understanding the documentation prepared for the experiment (Sect. 5.4). Also, most of the participants rated themselves to be at least at a B2 English level (Sect. 6.2). Finally, we avoided any kind of interaction between groups by separating both groups, experimental and control, even though we chose subjects with a similar background and experience (Sect. 5.1).

External validity refers to which extent the presented results can be generalized beyond the presented study. The main threat in that sense is having used mainly students of a Master’s degree as subjects of the experiment. The use of students is common in user studies within our field, as we have discussed in Sect. 2. Also, the use of students as subjects in controlled experiments is an ongoing discussion in the software engineering community [67,68,69,70]. In Sect. 5, we characterized the subjects of the experiment in terms of their attributes considering also that they should serve as proxies of professional modellers. In the laboratory context chosen, subjects presented relevant and recent experience for the purpose of the study and the technologies involved. In fact, most of the subjects of the experimental group were also working in Industry, while in the control group, most of them were also working in Academia. Hence, we consider that the subjects may be a reasonable sample for the purpose of our study. However, replicating the experiment in an industrial setting would help strengthening our conclusions.

Running more experiments consisting on building meta-models in other domains would possibly bring more confidence in the results obtained. Our rationale for the choice of a meta-model in the financial domain was to use a domain where subjects would have little or no experience, to avoid any bias that this experience could bring. Other settings—where subjects have more knowledge about the domain—are also worth studying to assess the advantages of an assistant in those cases. Our intuition is that the usefulness of the assistant would be higher the less knowledge the modeller has on that domain, and the higher the quality of the information sources used by the assistant (as mentioned in Sect. 7.3).

While the experiment consisted in the creation of a meta-model, we believe the results could be extrapolated to structural models. However, investigating generalization to behavioural models would require additional experiments. As discussed in Sect. 7.3, we believe the results and findings are applicable to other assistants based on information reuse, but for assistants based on syntactical completions, experiments would need to be performed.

Construct validity is concerned with the relationship between the theory of the experiment and what is observed. The major threat we found is whether the domain chosen for the description of the task (belonging to the financial domain) was too complicated for the purpose of the study. However, we chose a highly specialized field as being a representative of a foreign domain for an engineer, reflecting a typical situation with the design of DSLs. This allowed us to extract more results and reinterpret our data analysis by learning how participants used our tool (see Sect. 7.1). As mentioned in Sect. 4.1, in the informed consent (cf. Section A.1 in “Appendix A”) we assessed that the domain was actually outside of each subject’s experience.

9 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we have presented an empirical evaluation of Extremo, a (meta-)modelling assistant supporting information reuse from heterogeneous sources. The experiment was directed to check if reusing heterogeneous knowledge helps in building more complete and correct meta-models, in a more efficient way; and to understand the perceived usability and utility of the tool.

Table 11 Opinion Questionnaire
Table 12 General Questionnaire (based on the SUS Questionnaire [27])

The experiment results indicate that developers would need assistance to create a meta-model in a domain they are not expert in, and such lack of knowledge may result in a low-quality meta-model with omissions. A modelling assistant may help in obtaining more correct and complete meta-models, which can potentially be produced in more repeatable, standardized ways, by reusing existing information. Moreover, even though an assistant may not lead to faster completion times, overall engineer performance (the relation between productivity and effectiveness) is improved. Regarding usability, participants generally perceived Extremo as a useful tool and were willing to promote its use in new modelling projects. In terms of utility, the most common terms that appear in the participants’ opinions demonstrated that our approach was easy to use, highlighting the query mechanism. While the experiment was specific to Extremo, we discussed on the implications of our main findings for future modelling assistants.

Table 13 Specific Questionnaire

As future work, we would like to explore pro-active ways of assistance, where the system proposes content related to the model being created. For that purpose we may use information retrieval techniques. We would also like to incorporate support for the discovery of relevant information sources, which then can be selected, cleaned and incorporated into Extremo ’s common data model. We will also extend this common model with the possibility to annotate data sources with weights regarding their quality levels, to influence the recommendation. In addition, we are currently benefiting from the comments of the participants to improve the tool. Finally, while this paper has reported on the evaluation of Extremo, a challenge for the MDE community is the comparison—based on user studies—of the different recommenders currently proposed [9, 11,12,13, 13,14,15], to better understand the strong and weak points of each other and the complementarity of their techniques. In the future, we aim at establishing a forum enabling benchmarking and comparison of recommenders, especially focusing on user evaluations. In addition, the study presented here could serve as a basis for replication studies with other recommenders to compare results. To further facilitate the design and execution of evaluations of modelling assistants, we aim at developing tool support to automate the different experimental phases: experiment design, group formation, task allocation, artefact collection, evaluation, and result data analysis and presentation.